The person behind the "elf whispers" that Lin Ge heard in the Elf Forest was not the generals, but the Book of Heaven, one of the three books of heaven, earth, and man, which existed at the beginning of chaos, that is - " destiny".

Destiny told Lin Ge through the elves what he knew about the "background" of the world of "The Deadline". However, in the process of telling it, Destiny also left some new clues.

And ended with the sentence "...and now, fate has discovered new have been targeted by 'destiny'".

Lin Ge initially thought that this was just echoing the "nightmare effect" of this world, but when he continued to compare the information he obtained with the plot of "Zombie 2+3" compiled by Huang Ni on his laptop, he discovered that there was a huge difference difference.

First of all, with the strength of a normal reincarnation, it is difficult to complete the two tasks of "killing the Pangu tribe" and "capturing the destiny". Therefore, the Lord God provided "artifacts" such as "God's Vessel" and "God's Cage" ".

Secondly, the "nightmare effect 'You have been targeted by fate'" logically starts to rise from 0%. Lin Ge only needs to control the increase in value so that he will not be targeted by fate before 100%.

But the truth is the opposite. He has been targeted by fate from the beginning, so this value and nightmare effect are intriguing.

In the end, fate left some "new clues" on Lan Dali, Wu Wu and Xu Fu until Lin Ge captured Tong Benjing under the guidance of fate. After gaining the power of dreams to open the dual realm, he found himself in Tong Benjing's world. , saw destiny for the first time.

Originally, it was abnormal for Sadako's domain and Domoto Shizu's dream world to be able to block the "nightmare effect", or to block the Lord God's monitoring.

At this time, Lin Ge realized that this was not a "special ability" at all. Sadako and Domoto Shizu were not that great. Instead, they had already completed the "three books in one" destiny of becoming a true god. With the power of the three books, Create space.

Fate told Lin Ge that he was not the "first" reincarnator to enter this world, nor was he the first reincarnator to open the "nightmare difficulty".

This "nightmare effect" is actually the Lord God's "monitoring" of reincarnations.

Then, fate told Lin Ge a story.

The story is very simple. The first half is "almost consistent" with what he knows, which is the beginning of chaos and the appearance of the three books of heaven, earth and man.

At that time, his destiny was full of ideals and he hoped to see a perfect world emerge. Even though the selfish desires of the world would always push the world to a self-destructive ending, he never changed his original intention.

Until one day, a huge "black box" descends and swallows the entire world.

After a brief period of darkness, Destiny discovered that the world had been "merged" into the huge black box and became a "small square" in the black box.

Also from this day on, a group of uninvited guests called "reincarnators" appeared in this world.

They are more selfish and greedy than the humans in this world. They wantonly destroy the rules of the world and plunder the world's resources.

They are like locusts, they come and go as quickly as they come. However, every time he leaves, he leaves behind a devastated world.

In the process of repairing the world, Destiny gradually came to understand the reincarnator, but after all, he is "a link" to the world.

The "rules" of the main god's space - when the plot characters know the existence of the "reincarnation" or have the idea of ​​​​getting out of the "box", they will be killed by the main god or the world will be restarted.

The so-called "nightmare effect" is just a "judgment value" obtained by the main nerve after countless "tests".

The Lord God believes that whenever reincarnators use abilities or items outside this world too much, fate will gradually notice their existence and "awaken" to restart their previous memories.

This is similar to Huang Ni, but different.

Huang Ni's situation is that no matter how many times the Lord God restarts, her "memory" of the reincarnation and the box still remains.

But destiny needs to come into contact with reincarnators and things outside this world to revive this memory.

Therefore, the so-called "nightmare effect", that is, when "being targeted by fate" reaches 100%, will indeed lead to fate's "revenge" on the reincarnation in order to protect the world, but it will also cause the reincarnation to die or leave. Later, the Lord God restarted the world.

Therefore, under the "correction" of the main god, the world evolved into "destiny, watching life and death, finally turning from despair to anger, and decided to rebel. As long as he predicts the ending of the world, the tragedy will repeat itself, He will do whatever it takes to destroy the world in advance”…

And all of this also made Destiny become the "scapegoat" and made the Pangu tribe think that he was the culprit who caused the destruction of the world and "life and destruction in one catastrophe".

The "story" continues like this, constantly "chaos begins", constantly "destiny destroys the world", constantly "captures destiny", constantly "restarts the world"...

Until a certain life that was restarted countless times, during the Qin Dynasty, a "special" reincarnation came.

This reincarnation had a "clear goal" when he came. Through Ma Ling'er, the "Ma family" of Destiny's bloodline, he found the place where Destiny was "hiding".

Then, he "awakened" destiny in advance by consuming the power of the source, and consumed the source to modify the "test value" of the main god, changing it from 100% to 60%.

In other words, whenever reincarnation appears in this world, when the so-called "nightmare effect" reaches 60%, fate will awaken the memory in advance.

However, in order to fundamentally solve the problem and completely save the world, he must put down his "hatred" for the reincarnators, continue to pretend to be in the state before awakening, and watch the reincarnators destroy the world again and again.

This reincarnator blocked the monitoring of the Lord God through the power of the source, helped Destiny obtain the Book of Earth and the Book of Man in advance, completed the three books into one, and became a true god.

His fate after becoming a true god was that although he became the most powerful being in the world, he still could not escape the control of the "box", and his experiences were almost exactly the same as Huang Ni's.

Therefore, he and the reincarnator used their supreme magic power to create fake books of earth and people to continue the "continuation" of the story.

Then, fate used the origin given by the reincarnator to merge with the origin of this world to create the "eternal kingdom", an existence that can block the monitoring of the Lord God.

However, it is impossible for the "story" to be staged by only one person, so fate has found its ultimate enemy, the Pangu tribe.

When he gave part of the world's origin to the Pangu tribe, these Pangu tribe members also saw the "truth" and gained the Pangu tribe's trust.

Finally, Destiny teamed up with the reincarnator and the Pangu tribe to formulate a plan to get out of the box!

First of all, Destiny needs time to improve the "eternal kingdom" and make it strong enough to break through the constraints of space.

Secondly, it is necessary to deceive the Lord God's surveillance and let the "eternal kingdom" break through the space.

Finally, he hid the "eternal kingdom" he created inside the so-called eternal kingdom created by the "perfect man" in the previous kalpa.

In the "Inner Eternal Kingdom" of destiny, there are some Pangu tribe who will leave the box with him, while in the "Outer Eternal Kingdom", there are people who stayed behind who were perfect in the last calamity and continue to help them perform "stories" Continuation.

However, completing the final step of "getting out of the box" requires a lot of origin.

The origin of this world is greatly consumed by the Lord God's continuous restart of the world, and the reincarnator has blocked the Lord God by consuming the origin during this period, and there is not much of the origin left.

Therefore, this is a "long-term" plan for Destiny and the Pangu clan. They can only continue to plunder reincarnations who may bring their origins into the world.

Before that, they need to perform a play to deceive the Lord God. The first thing they have to do is to maintain the operation of the world, so fate distributes the collected world origins to several "victims".

Generals, Nuwa, Human Kings, Our Lady of Yaochi... They are the "sacrifice" selected by the Pangu tribe, and they are also the "gods" who voluntarily gave their lives for this world.

When enough origins are accumulated, a "world-destroying war" will be staged to take away the origins from these "victims" and activate the eternal kingdom.

However, the reality is crueler than their fate imagined. They waited for a long time and saw reincarnations one after another. Among them were many powerful ones, some of whom could even fight against generals and human kings... Unfortunately, with There are only a handful of original ones.

Destiny and the Pangu clan in the "Li·Eternal Kingdom" can only watch the world being destroyed again and again and restarted again and again...

It was not until the "Republic of China Period" after this restart that the "sleeping" fate discovered an isolated area.

He was already used to this kind of isolation area. According to the reincarnator, it was an area cut out by the Lord God in the world for the reincarnated people. The reincarnated people would not come into contact with the strongest people in the world, thus achieving Control the difficulty of the situation.

For example, the difficulty of this world is "Nightmare", and the isolated area may be "Extremely Hard", "Hard", or even "Normal".

In this way, the reincarnators' wanton destruction in this space will not harm the foundation of the world, nor will it consume the origin of the world and "restart" it.

Destiny originally planned to check whether the reincarnator had the origin as usual, and if not, turn a blind eye and let him destroy it.

But when Destiny saw this reincarnator, he was surprised to find that this person was Lin Ge, his close friend who helped him become the "true god".

In order not to attract the attention of the Lord God, Destiny hid a trace of the origin in the "Dragon Ball" and tried to make Lin Ge wake up after coming into contact with the origin.

But he was surprised to find that not only did Lin Ge have no reaction to his origin, but his behavior also changed dramatically.

At the same time, Lin Ge was also marked by the Lord God. According to "him" at the beginning, this was the mark of the upper world, the "Red Gate".

Although Destiny didn't know what the "Red Gate" was, he knew that in order for Lin Ge to remember the origin, he must successfully "connect" with the upper world.

Therefore, fate polluted the dragon ball, turned it into an evil dragon, and awakened the blood demon in advance, making Lin Ge's original need to face only one boss, Lei Gang, become three times as happy.

When Lin Ge was "asking for God" in despair, fate used the power of the true God to quietly open a gap, allowing Lin Ge to successfully get in touch with the upper world.

However, this gap was quickly repaired by the Lord God, which caused Lin Ge to fail to ask the gods from the upper world when facing three bosses.

In desperation, fate could only allow a Pangu tribe member from the "Li Eternal Kingdom" to risk being killed by the main god and come in the form of "Zhong Kui", leaving behind a clue that "it should be easy for Lin Ge to ask the god". Inducing Lin Ge to constantly contact the upper world and learn about the existence of the origin.

Fate left a trace of origin in Lin Ge. When Lin Ge obtains more origin, he will be pulled back to this world.

Destiny is at stake, and it's a big gamble.

He was betting that Lin Ge would still be the same Lin Ge, the Lin Ge who could help Ma Xiaoling catch the Dragon God like a loach, beat the Human King like a child, and yell to burn the Book of Heaven anytime and anywhere!

He was betting that Lin Ge could save the day, return to this world with his origin, and fight against the box with him!

Fortunately, the bet on fate paid off.

Lin Ge is back, bringing nearly a thousand origins with him.

After listening to this story, Lin Ge first sent "mmp" to Destiny, and then asked him to stretch his head over to add a buff.

"Being your friend is such a bad luck for eight lifetimes!"

Although Lin Ge did not completely trust fate, at this time he finally understood why he could not find the "origin" in the protagonist Ma Xiaoling, why everything seemed weird in this reincarnation, and why fate was "targeting him" from the beginning. "... Each question was answered one after another.

In the end, fate took out "Pangu Blood" to ensure that Lin Ge could leave at any time after completing the main mission, and then gave Lin Ge the reincarnation watch that "Lin Ge" left behind and integrated with the "Dummy Book" , and left the positioning of "Li·Eternal Kingdom" on the watch.

After these years of joint transformation with the Pangu tribe, whether it is to enter other reincarnation worlds, replace reincarnations and get rid of the mark of the main god, or erase the marks of items and props in the main god's space, these are the abilities Lin Ge needs most in his current "predicament".

Therefore, under the premise of ensuring his own safety, Lin Ge agreed to cooperate with fate and perform this play.

However, acting is not that easy. First of all, except for fate and the Pangu clan in "Li Eternal Kingdom", the other "plot characters" do not know the "truth". In other words, the generals and kings knew the truth "back then", but In order to deceive the Lord God, the relevant memories had to be erased.

In all this, fate cannot help, and Lin Ge can only try to introduce these "amnesia" plot characters one by one into the game, "arrange" their death, and "recover" their origins.

The formal implementation of the plan was much more difficult than Lin Ge imagined, and there were many variables involved.

For example, the King of Humans, or "Ma Ling'er" who jumped out halfway.

It is not difficult to deal with the King of Humans. Every time he is pulled into the overlapping space, fate will awaken the opponent's memory, and then let the opponent erase this memory when he leaves.

Therefore, it seems that Lin Ge and the Human King fought several times, but in fact they were all "drinking tea" in space...

Generals, Ksitigarbha... and other gods who chose to "sacrifice" were also pulled into the overlapping space by Lin Ge, awakening their memories to communicate with them, discussing plans, and then revising and erasing their memories.

However, when he learned that he and Nuwa were about to die, the general and Ksitigarbha remained calm and smiling. Even though he knew the fate of leaving the world with the Pangu clan, he could only seek the opportunity to "destroy the box", and Even though they may not be able to save the world, they still have no hesitation.

It is better to have a glimmer of "life" than to stay here and let the main god "restart" and be wantonly slaughtered by the reincarnators as NPCs.

What's more, if the fate of leaving and the Pangu tribe find a way to break the box, the world will be completely "reborn".

The generals and Ksitigarbha were very "open-minded", but the Human King was very narrow-minded and seized the opportunity to beat up Lin Ge, euphemistically calling it "revenge for thousands of years ago".

In comparison, what is more troublesome is the second "variable", Ma Ling'er.

Lin Ge is "very selfish". In his opinion, everyone in this world who has nothing to do with him can be sacrificed, but only "friends" such as Master Mao Xiaofang and Ma Ling'er cannot be sacrificed.

He didn't want to drag Ma Xiaoling into the game, but Ma Ling'er jumped into the "game" again and again. As a last resort, Lin Ge could only "kill" Ma Xiaoling himself and bring her soul into the "game". ·Eternal Kingdom" for "resurrection".

Therefore, Ma Xiaoling did not die. Instead, she escaped from the box and entered the main world in the "Eternal Kingdom" with the Pangu tribe. (End of chapter)

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