It was so quiet on the spacious winding mountain road that not a single car could be seen. It looked particularly eerie in the misty mountains, as if walking on this mountain road might be swallowed up by heavy fog at any time.

At this time, with a flash of white light, a girl wearing the standard fiber cotton blue and white school uniform of Datian Dynasty appeared on the side of the road.

The girl opened her eyes, hugged the worn video tape tightly in her arms, looked around alertly, and after confirming that she was the only reincarnation, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the reincarnator will have thirty minutes to prepare when he first enters, it is not absolutely safe.

For example, in the last reincarnation, after the girl entered, she was targeted by a trio of reincarnators, who tried to rob her of resources and raised her as a "meat pig".

But unfortunately, these three people were torn into pieces by the young lady in the video tape as soon as they started.

This "Video Tape Lady" is the famous "Sadako", and the girl holding the video tape is Lin Ge's temporary teammate in "The Grudge", the "Red Door Boss" - Chen Qing.

After the curse ended, Chen Qing returned to the main god space where she belonged. Although she looked soft and weak, with the red private space door, the reincarnators in the main god space thought that her "weakness" was just "fishing". , and no one dared to cause trouble for her. But the main god space is protected by the "red door". Who knows what color you are when you enter the world of reincarnation, so you will always encounter some unsighted reincarnators.

Because of this, Chen Qing often had conflicts with other reincarnations.

After "The Grudge" ended, Lin Ge experienced two reincarnations, while Chen Qing experienced one more than Lin Ge. According to her past experience, she basically relied on her "danger perception" to avoid danger and survive until the end of her survival time.

The previously encountered "Yimei Daochang" that required fighting relied on hugging Uncle Ying's thigh, while "The Grudge" relied on hugging Lin Ge's thigh.

After having "Sister Sadako", Chen Qing is no longer afraid of fighting, but in three reincarnations, Sister Sadako went crazy twice. The last time she reincarnated in "Ghost Call", she directly massacred the entire Sakura Kingdom.

This is great, Sister Sadako is killing her like crazy, Chen Qing's crime value is soaring, and it has even attracted the "gods" of Sakura Country.

Chen Qing, who was forced to have no choice but to use his trump card, used monkey hair to invite the Great Sage, knocked down the gods of Sakura Kingdom one by one, and passed the crisis. Therefore, he was marked as "cleared" by the Lord God and arranged for " "Hell" reincarnation——

silent Hill.

"Silent's a game or a movie. I've never played the game, and I fell asleep halfway through the movie...Ugh, I have to practice and catch up on the drama. Thirty days is enough, but three hundred days is almost enough."

"This bastard, Lord God, is a black-hearted capitalist!"

"Hell difficulty... wuwuwu, mom, remember to burn me a new school uniform today next year. If you want me, if I am still your daughter in the next life, I will definitely join the Taoism sincerely!"

"Brother, I probably won't live to meet you again. Next time you teach me spells, don't make it so difficult. The Lord God Space doesn't have time to learn at all..."

"Sister Sadako, run away as soon as I hang up, don't be captured by other reincarnations."


Chen Qing cried and muttered, and at the same time opened the reincarnation watch to check the mission.

[Current reincarnation world: "Silent Hill" (Hell)]

Hell: Welcome to Silent Hill!

(Your night is longer than theirs...Darkness duration, increasing by 1 hour each day. Current night duration: 1 hour.)

Main mission: Survive for 30 days and destroy all 100 reincarnators from the opposing camp. Every time a reincarnator is killed, the reincarnation point +1000 and the sin value +100.

Current sin value: 9999

(Note: At the settlement on the 30th day, if the number of reincarnations in the opposing camp is ≥1, extremely serious consequences will occur.)

Countdown to the start of reincarnation: 28 minutes and 33 seconds.

"100 reincarnations?"

"Master God, bastard, you might as well just kill me! Oh, I forgot that you don't have the ability to kill me. Hey, you know how to do these little tricks!"

"If I can survive, sooner or later, like my brother, I will blow up your stinky lightbulb!"

There were still 28 minutes of preparation time. Chen Qing was murmuring, packing her schoolbag, and trying to analyze the task information in her mind.

A 1v100 battle was not enough for Chen Qing to scare her out of her mind. After all, she was protected by the fierce sister. The Zimen would also give away people's heads when they came, and the Jinmen had to look at the professional qualifications.

As for the “hell effect”…

Although Chen Qing has never played the game "Silent Hill" and has only a partial understanding of the plot of the movie, she is not too worried about the danger of this plot.

If the duration of the night is to "turn off the lights" and everyone is fighting in a dark space, or if other monsters appear and the reincarnators need to escape, it will be more professional for her.

Because she only needs to activate the exclusive ability "Danger Sense", which is like opening a map in a dark space with all lights on. As long as she avoids danger, she will survive until the reincarnation is over.

In the first few reincarnations, Chen Qing relied on this method of "abandoning" the main plot, relying on danger perception to survive until the end, and then paying the penalty reincarnation points.

After all, with a big killer like "Sister Sadako", reincarnation is not difficult at all. In addition, Chen Qing has the habit of saving coins, and will reserve 20,000 reincarnation points every time to prevent accidental deductions.

According to Chen Qing's "analysis", the final difficulty lies in the restriction that "on the 30th day of settlement, if there are ≥1 reincarnations in the opposite camp, extremely serious consequences will occur."


"The bastard God is turning me into a mouse crossing the street and being hunted by other reincarnations. At the same time, he also wants me, a mouse, to hunt cats."

"Wow, you really think highly of me."

[Reincarnation is about to begin——]




As the countdown ended and the protective shield shattered, Chen Qing took a long breath: "The only thing worth celebrating is that there are no other reincarnations around."

"First use your clairvoyance and danger perception to ensure safety."

Chen Qing kneaded the magic formula, wiped her eyes, and while opening her heavenly eyes, she also activated "danger perception" to explore the surrounding environment.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it... the whole world is shrouded in red mist. The difference is only the concentration and size. It can be seen that there are danger spots in all directions!

This is a situation that Chen Qing has never encountered since she realized the danger perception. In the past, it was "extremely difficult", "nightmare" and other difficulties, but at least she could still see a white light in the world of red mist.

But now, the whole map is glowing red.

"It's fatal."

Chen Qingzai looked at it carefully again, trying to find some hope in the red. As she looked over bit by bit, she really found a "little white dot" that was only the size of a thumb due to the north. ".



"Have the opportunity!"

Chen Qing no longer cares that this time there is only a small amount of "hope". She just wants to seize this hope quickly and survive for thirty days.

Chen Qing carried a travel bag that was heavier than her school bag, hugged the worn-out video tape, and ran towards the white dot in the distance as fast as flying.

Twenty minutes later, the panting Chen Qing stopped at a toll booth. The huge sign above read "Welcome to Silent Hill" in large characters.

However, the whole town was eerie and no one could be seen.

Chen Qing took out a spray from the [Inventory] and sprayed it in her mouth. She regained some strength and her fatigue disappeared.

This is the item she drew from the random item scroll. After "The Grudge" ended, Chen Qing remembered Lin Ge's warning and exchanged reincarnation points for the random scroll, or bartered for things, anyway, she tried to reduce the number of people holding the main god space in her body. thing. Sure enough, as soon as the reincarnation of hell opened this time, many items exchanged in the main god space disappeared out of thin air!


A gloomy cold wind blew by, and Chen Qing felt the hairs on her body stand up. She unconsciously hugged her arms and rubbed them.

Her cultivation during this period was not without progress. Although she only learned some minor spells, her improvement in cultivation also caused many changes in her "danger perception".

First of all, when it is normal, the range of perception is wider, and the danger of "passive" perception is more accurate; secondly, when a large amount of spiritual energy is consumed, it can also accurately locate targets that have murderous intention, hostility, or strong desire to attack oneself.

In the previous reincarnation of "Creepy Silk", Chen Qing relied on "accurate perception" to avoid the pursuit of the ghost mother all over the city, while other reincarnations were affected by the battle between Sadako and the ghost mother and were wiped out, and the entire Taiwan Island was also destroyed. How many people are left alive?


Chen Qing cheered herself up in her heart, then took out a pill and swallowed it, raising her spiritual energy to the maximum, closing her eyes -

In Chen Qing's panel, the spiritual energy was like a time bomb counting down, rapidly falling at a rate of several beats per second. At the same time, with her as the center of the circle, targets that might pose a threat to her within a radius of twenty miles were falling. She was marked with black, red, dark red, light red, etc., from dark to light.

Chen Qing knew that her aura was only enough to activate "Accurate Perception" for about twenty seconds, so she had to seize the time to write down the "map" and the locations of those marked.

Chen Qing discovered that there was a group of "red dots" gathered on the mountain near her "birth point", about a dozen in number, heading towards her "birth point".

There are also many red dots deep in the woods below the "birth point", and they are also heading towards her birth point. Needless to say, these must be reincarnations.

Except near the "spawn point", there are more red dots in the town, densely packed together. It is not known whether they are reincarnations or monsters in Silent Hill.


After 20 seconds passed, Chen Qing felt that she was about to collapse. She quickly stuffed a large amount of recovery medicine into her mouth and stood up holding on to the railing of the toll station.

Chen Qing panted heavily and glanced at the quiet town ahead. Finally, based on the enemy distribution map in her mind, she found a road with the fewest red dots.

"Judging from those reincarnations heading towards the place where I appeared, they should have some way of knowing my location. Fortunately, there is a little delay... otherwise it would be over."

Chen Qing muttered something and ran into the alley at the corner of the street.

At this moment, Chen Qing discovered that fog was gradually forming in the town. In just two minutes, the entire town was filled with heavy fog and turned into what it looked like after heavy snow. All the buildings and streets were covered with a layer of fog. Thick snow.

"How is this going?"

Chen Qing raised her hand and looked into the air, spreading it out as if catching snowflakes. It turned out that the "snow" falling all over the sky was not real snow, but "ashes" after the fire burned.

The scene in front of him was so strange. Chen Qing just felt dazed for a while, and the surrounding environment changed drastically.

She decided to find a place to hide first and get a feel for the surrounding situation.

Chen Qing ran into a shopping mall, stuffed the video tape into her jacket, then took out a "gramophone" from her schoolbag, held it in her arms, and put an old disc on it.

After two massacres of Sister Sadako, Chen Qing has developed the habit of never asking Sister Sadako to take action until the situation is desperate. Otherwise, Sister Sadako will kill her, and she will create a desperate situation even if there is no desperate situation.

The best way now is to wait for all 100 reincarnations to gather, and then use monkey hair to invite the Great Sage to beat them to death with a stick. This may be the most likely opportunity to complete the main plot!

After bypassing a row of areas selling clothes, Chen Qing walked to the food area. At this moment, the "danger perception" warning made her hair stand on end.

The danger came from the kitchen of a pizza shop ahead. Chen Qing was about to leave with the gramophone in her arms when she heard a "pop, pop" sound, like the sound of boots filled with sticky material stepping on the ground.

At the same time, Chen Qing "perceived" that a large group of monsters appeared out of thin air from all directions, gathering in her direction.

Chen Qing didn't have time to think about it, and immediately ran forward. Not far away, she heard a loud "bang". The door and counter of the pizza shop's kitchen were "bombed" open, and a fat "sarcoma" ", still wearing a chef's apron and a chef's hat, holding a rusty and blood-stained kitchen knife in his hand, walking out step by step.

At the end of the corridor in front of Chen Qing, there were two lower bodies similar to humans, and the upper body looked like a monster completely wrapped in a piece of skin. It let out a weird monster roar, twisted its body and walked out of the corner.

Chen Qing resisted the urge to call Sister Sadako, took a deep breath, shook the handle of the gramophone in her arms, and the record started spinning, and the melodious singing slowly sounded——

Child, child, why are you so bad?

Bullying, deception, why did you do it!

Learn to be good children and love each other.

Care is in the heart, full of color.

"My dear, come back arms will always be open for you! My dear, you must truly repent. You will always be my favorite child!"

When the music just started, the monster in front of him, who was hugged by skin, slowly stopped and stood there, still letting out the monster's roar.

The sarcoma butcher continued to approach Chen Qing, but when Chen Qing sang the lyrics to the music, the sarcoma butcher also stopped.

Chen Qing hurriedly walked forward along the corridor while rocking the gramophone and singing. She carefully walked around the skinned monster, entered the escalator, and ran upstairs.

After getting rid of the monster's pursuit, Chen Qing leaned against the wall and gasped. At the same time, she stuffed the elixir into her mouth to restore her spiritual energy. She muttered: "At this consumption rate, let alone 30 days, the recovery medicine prepared is Whether you can survive the week or not is a question. Monster brothers of Silent Hill, don’t just focus on me, you must be exposed to both rain and dew, and let other reincarnations feel your terror!”




As soon as Chen Qing finished speaking, she heard a loud noise in the distance, which sounded like artillery shells and bombs, and the faint sound of machine guns could also be heard.

"That's right, everyone is reincarnated, and monster brothers should treat them equally, and everyone should be affected by rain and dew. My little sister is here to wish everyone a happy time!"

"You're welcome, and there's no need to keep them for me. It's best to kill them all 100 of them!"

Chen Qing muttered to herself while holding the gramophone and running towards the roof of the building. When we arrived at the door of the rooftop, the door was locked by a large iron chain and iron lock.

Chen Qing held the gramophone with one hand and took out a crumpled yellow talisman from her trouser pocket with the other hand, pasted it on the lock, pinched the talisman and recited the spell: "Urgent like a law, burn!"


The yellow talisman ignited in response, instantly burning the large iron chains and iron locks red and melting.

Chen Qing quickly pulled down the chain and opened the rooftop door. I saw a rooftop full of pipes, reservoirs and other things. It was so foggy that I couldn't see anything clearly.

More and more "ashes" fell from the sky, but strangely, when these ashes fell to the ground, they completely disappeared.

Chen Qing put the phonograph at her feet, opened her schoolbag, and took out a green "auspicious suit" made of grass and leaves.

Chen Qing immediately put on the one-piece ghillie suit, then picked up the gramophone and walked out of the rooftop.

However, when she stepped one foot onto the rooftop covered with "snow", the green grass-leaf foot immediately turned into the same color as the snow.

When Chen Qing walked into the rooftop, she "integrated" with the rooftop, and as she moved around, her "auspicious suit" would continue to change, allowing her to remain hidden in the environment.

Chen Qing did not take it lightly because of the auspicious suit. She still carefully guarded her surroundings, focusing all her attention on danger perception.

Although this kind of feeling of danger at any time, keeping one's phobia hormone in a state of soaring makes people almost go crazy.

But since practicing the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" provided by Lin Ge, Chen Qing gradually felt that the mental fear caused by "danger perception" was not so serious, and she felt more energetic.

Apart from becoming "talkative", he didn't seem to have changed much, and luckily, he didn't think out of the blue like Lin Ge, but remained in a very stable state.

Chen Qing was sure that she was not mentally ill and was very healthy. For this reason, when she was in the reincarnation space, she sat in front of the mirror and chatted with herself in the mirror for several hours, took a mental illness test, and found that she was very healthy!

More and more ashes fell in the sky. Chen Qing unconsciously looked up at the sky, reached out to catch some, and rubbed it in her hands.

"The Tomb-Sweeping Day is coming soon, has God started burning money paper?"

Chen Qing originally thought that there was a volcanic eruption around the town and that these were volcanic ash, but after rubbing it with her hands and studying it carefully, she found that it was more like wood ash and paper ash.

After Chen Qing used danger perception to confirm that there was no danger on the rooftop, she first put away the gramophone and then took out two special edition dumbbells from China.

The dumbbells were made of plastic, and as she shook them in her hands, they made a rustling sound, as if they were filled with rice grains.

Chen Qing walked to the corner of the rooftop, climbed over the railing, lay down on the edge of the outer balcony, and then placed two dumbbells on the left and right beside her. Then, a wave of energy appeared on the dumbbells, and then the two dumbbells reflected each other, forming an invisible cover, covering Chen Qing inside.

The protective shield matched the ghillie suit. At this time, Chen Qing was completely invisible. She seemed to be integrated with the outer balcony in the corner of the shopping mall rooftop.

Chen Qing was lying on the balcony observing the movements around the street. The fog was too heavy at this time, but her range was very limited. She could only judge the enemy's direction by sound.

Originally, in a situation like this when being chased, keeping "moving" and dealing with the enemy was undoubtedly the safest option. But Chen Qing discovered that ever since the town became filled with fog and ashes fell from the sky, danger warnings became more and more frequent, as if the entire town was surrounded by enemies on all sides!

Chen Qing would run into enemies no matter which direction she walked, so she decided to find a place to hide first. Anyway, she specialized in "living a living", and whether it was spells or equipment, they all developed in this direction.

Bang, bang bang!

At this time, the gunfire was getting closer and closer, and it seemed to be coming from the street directly in front. At the same time, Chen Qing sensed that a group of people had also entered the mall from the entrance direction where she entered the mall.

"Sure enough, it was able to locate me."

"Hmph, it just so happens that the monster brothers haven't had enough fun yet, so I want you to play with them!"

Chen Qing took out a wrinkled yellow talisman from her pocket, smoothed it out, put saliva on the back of the talisman, put it against her forehead, and changed from lying down to "lying on her back".

Then, Chen Qing pulled out a white tubular instrument about 20 centimeters long - a recorder - from the side of the schoolbag where the water cup was placed.

"Cough, cough."

Chen Qing cleared her throat and put the recorder to her mouth.

"Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo!"

A... twisty and twisted "Titanic" theme song that could almost send people away sounded, and the "gloomy" music slowly spread into the store and surrounding streets.




The surrounding monsters seemed to be going crazy, roaring in anger, and then even the foreskin monsters, which didn't have such a strong desire to attack, all became irritable!

boom! boom!

The fleshy butcher on the lower floor waved the kitchen knife in his hand and chopped down all the tables, chairs and benches around him. Then, following the sound of gunshots, he rushed towards the reincarnation.

Several reincarnations who entered the shopping mall originally saw a twisted foreskin monster at the front desk. The reincarnations who were traveling with them and were specialized in firearms subconsciously took out their assault rifles and fired. When they were on the street, they came all the way like this. Who knew that before a monster was killed, more and more monsters around them rushed towards them.

"Damn, is this Silent Hill or Road to Survival? How come the sound of gunshots can attract monsters?" One person in the team complained while firing.

The leader, a man wearing a mage robe and a pointed mage hat, said: "No, did you hear a slight noise just now? It was after that sound that the monsters went crazy collectively!"

"It seems like... recorder, Titanic, I learned it when I was a kid!" said a reincarnator.

The mage asked with a strange look: "What is this?"

"Haven't you ever learned the recorder?"


The reincarnator said: "Anyway, the noise you heard was made by such a thing. I believe there is no such thing in Silent Hill. It is most likely the reincarnator."

"Could he be the target person?" someone asked.

The mage said: "It's very possible. This bounty has an opportunity to accurately locate it every day. The previously located place should be the target's birth point. Lao Liu's dog guided us all the way here based on the smell. The target mission is very likely Right here..."


Before the mage could finish speaking, the fleshy butcher broke through the walls and rushed to the front lobby.


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