Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 288 The plan started from the Qin Dynasty, the goal is the stars and the sea!


The golden monkey hair turned into a golden hurricane in Singer Lin and swept towards Destiny, and then a golden light in the sky split the thick black clouds!

With destiny fused with Nuwa's strength, it was not difficult to dodge this blow. But just when he wanted to move, Ksitigarbha, whose heart he had penetrated before his eyes, was covered with a layer of dazzling golden light!

"Everything legal!"

"Lin Ge! Go on!"

"This is your last chance!"

A ball of golden light flew out of Ksitigarbha's chest. Destiny's expression changed when he saw this. He reached out to grab it, but missed it. He watched helplessly as the golden light flew into Lin Ge's chest!

Book of people!

"No!" Destiny roared crazily.

Immediately afterwards, Ksitigarbha's body was like a melted candle, turning into a field of golden water. He gave his life in exchange for Lin Ge's chance of this attack!

Destiny was bound in place by Ksitigarbha, and he watched helplessly as the hurricane swept him in. The golden light falling from the sky turned into a wishful golden hoop as big as a "Tianzhu"!

Lin Ge was at the bottom of Destiny at this time. As his body grew in size, Qimei's condensed blood mirror also grew in size, becoming almost the size of a basketball court.

And this is undoubtedly a burden for Qimei. The evil spirit is constantly dissipating, and the resentment is also weakening rapidly. But as long as Lin Ge didn't let her retreat, she would hold on until she exhausted all her evil energy!

Lin Ge was not feeling well at this time. After his Taoism was damaged, using the trident and the fire stick at the same time was undoubtedly a huge burden on his body. What's more, this time he directly "asked God" to borrow power and gather the divine power into his body. .

For that life-saving monkey hair, it would undoubtedly be the safest way to directly invite the Great Sage.

After all, no matter how powerful Destiny is, he is just a "god" in the small world. If he invites the divine consciousness of the Great Sage, he has at least a 98% chance of dealing with it!


Lin Ge lost his Taoism and had no spiritual energy to support him. His body could possess two generals at the same time, which was the limit. Therefore, he did not choose to ask the Great Sage to come, but resorted to the next best thing and borrowed the Dinghaishen Needle!

Borrowing things is naturally less expensive and less burdensome than borrowing money.

But this does not mean that the nightmare effect will not be triggered. With Lin Ge's series of operations, the nightmare effect has soared from more than 70% to 93%.

Lin Ge didn't know 100% that something terrible would happen, but in this situation, he didn't have the ability or dare to try!

The sea-fixing needle fell from the sky, and this time, it was "destiny"!

Lin Ge was directly under his destiny at this time. Seeing that the hurricane transformed from monkey hair and the golden body of Ksitigarbha successfully controlled his destiny, he raised the fire stick and recited the mantra. A red light flashed at the tip of the fire stick, and then quickly Spreading around, turning into endless hell flames, covering the entire sky!

Master and disciple Mao Xiaofang, who was beside the ruins below, looked at the flames of hell spreading in the sky. While they were amazed, they felt extremely disappointed in their hearts.

It was amazing that Lin Ge could summon the flames of hell with just General Zeng's magical weapon;

The disappointment was that facing such a level of battle, facing Lin Ge who was struggling to support him, they could only stand below and silently pray for Lin Ge, without being able to do anything to help.

After merging with Nuwa, the destiny has become the world's top combat power, no one else.

The army of the underworld looks "spectacular", but in fact, in the first round, except for them, the "facades" of the underworld, the other judges, Yinzai, and the God of Death... couldn't even survive the fateful move!

This feeling is like a small human being facing a giant!

Helpless, hopeless.

Now everyone's hope is placed on Lin Ge, praying that his devastating blow can defeat fate in one fell swoop!

After Lin Ge used the fire lotus to summon the flames of hell, he continued to chant the spell and strode forward. When he was about to throw the trident, all the flames of hell turned into a tornado and gathered at the tip of the trident!


This was combined with Lin Ge's full blow. The trident, with its scorching waves of fire, turned into a red light from below and shot towards Destiny's chest!

There is a "Tianzhu" needle on the top, and a "Hell Flame" trident on the bottom!

Fate, who was unable to move a step, actually had "fear" in his eyes at this time. The power of this blow even made him feel that it was far more powerful than the divine arrow!

At this moment, a white light rushed in, and the general stepped behind Destiny, opened his arms, and raised Nuwa (Destiny)'s hands with a smile on his face, as if he wanted to "embrace" the future with her!

He knows that Destiny is likely to be killed by this blow. He can watch Destiny die, and even wishes to tear Destiny to pieces with his own hands, but he cannot watch his beloved woman being penetrated through the heart!

If this is unavoidable, then he will choose to face it with her!


The trident passed through the golden hurricane, piercing the heart of fate, and also the hearts of the generals behind him!

"General!" Lin Ge shouted.

At this time, the Dinghai Divine Needle fell, smashing fate and generals to the ground. The entire Hong Kong Island was directly "sinked" by this blow and sank into the sea!

Huge waves rolled, waves surged, and the entire water surface seemed to have set off a huge storm that could not calm down for a long time.

it's over.

Lin Ge looked at Master and Disciple Mao Xiaofang floating above the sea in the distance. Countless people had sacrificed their lives in exchange for this extremely difficult victory.

Just when he was about to dissipate his possession, suddenly, huge waves rose on the sea surface, and then with a "click, click" sound, cracks appeared on the Dinghai Shen Needle!

Just when the Dinghai Divine Needle was about to shatter, the stick shone with dazzling golden light, and the cracks completely disappeared. But at this time, it seemed as if someone was holding up this "Heaven Pillar" and slowly rising from the sea!


The sea surface suddenly exploded, and the sea water surged in all directions. However, under this blow, the Poseidon Needle flew directly back into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.




In the whirlpool at the bottom of the sea, Destiny's crazy laughter sounded: "It's only to this extent that you still want to kill me? Ridiculous, ridiculous!"


As a colorful ray of light shot out from the bottom of the sea, Lin Ge felt a huge force coming at the same time he saw the flash.

Then with a crackling sound, General Zeng's armor was directly shattered by a blow of fate. Lin Ge flew backwards, his huge body shrinking in the air.

"Junior brother!"

"Uncle Master!"

Master Mao Xiaofang and his apprentice flew towards Lin Ge and tried their best to block him.

Lin Ge didn't even have the strength to stand at this time, so he relied on Mao Xiaofang and A Chu, each of whom put one hand on his shoulder to support his body.

At this time, the entire Hong Kong Island was silent, and the sea below was churning, and there was no place to stay.

Destiny flew out from the bottom of the sea, hovering directly in front of Lin Ge and the others. He raised his hand, and what he held in his palm was the Divine Cage that Lin Ge had tried to capture him before!

At this time, what is imprisoned in the Cage of God is Ma Xiaoling's soul!

"Insignificant humans, trying to challenge the majesty of God!"


"I want you to know how small and helpless you are in front of God!" Destiny sneered and crushed the Cage of God in his hand.

Lin Ge's eyes were filled with anger and he took a deep breath. The Book of Earth and the Book of People were still in his hands. He still had one last chance to fight!

"Brother, there is one last chance." Lin Ge said, holding a somewhat damaged hard drive in his left hand and the laptop of Our Lady of Yaochi in his right hand.

"Send me there!"

Lin Ge whispered something to Mao Xiaofang. When the other party heard the words, his eyes were shocked at first, and finally relieved. He knew that this was the only chance in this world!

Mao Xiaofang squeezed the secret, stamped the ground three times with his left foot, and shouted: "Master, help me!"

Immediately afterwards, Mao Xiaofang's body was shrouded in a layer of golden light. He supported Lin Ge with one hand and put the other hand on his vest. Then the two of them turned into a ball of golden light and flew towards their destiny at high speed!


When Lin Ge was only a dozen meters away from Destiny, he borrowed the spiritual energy from Mao Xiaofang and used the magic formula to pull Destiny into Sadako's realm.

After the ghost realm, there is Domoto Shizu's dream world. The two overlapping realms are just for the "few seconds" to rush to the eternal kingdom!

Do you want the three books of heaven, earth and man to be integrated into one?

You want an eternal kingdom, right?

"Master Dao, I will satisfy you!"

Lin Ge entered the dual realm with the Book of the Earth, and also pulled his destiny into it. Mao Xiaofang saw the right opportunity and grabbed the hard drive that Lin Ge had dropped when he was a child, and flew towards the eternal kingdom at high speed!

"Junior brother!"

Mao Xiaofang shouted loudly and used all his strength to throw the hard drive into the golden light falling from the eternal kingdom. The hard drive was instantly sucked into the eternal kingdom!

Lin Ge wants to activate the human book left by Ksitigarbha at this last moment to detonate the earth book, betting that the power of the explosion of these two books will be destroyed together with the heavenly book of destiny and the eternal kingdom!

This is the "last chance" left by Ksitigarbha to Lin Ge. Only Lin Ge, who has accepted Ksitigarbha's consciousness, knows that the words Ksitigarbha shouted before did not mean that he burned his life and bound his destiny to accept it. Lin Ge's all-out attack was his last chance, but he was referring to——

Book of people!

In the original drama, King Ksitigarbha turned into the last divine arrow, allowing King Renren to pierce her heart with an arrow when he hugged the Virgin of Yaochi who was possessed by fate with his perfect face!

And now, Ksitigarbha has given Lin Ge the method of destroying the Book of Man, so that he can combine the power of the Book of Man and the Book of Earth at the last moment to destroy the destiny of the Book of Heaven and the eternal kingdom!

"Destiny! Die!"


When Eternal Kingdom sucked the hard drive inside, two seconds later, the entire flying saucer shook violently, followed by golden cracks.


The eternal kingdom exploded, and the huge power made the whole world tremble! The debris after the explosion fell into the sea, and the dazzling golden light burst out, completely illuminating the night!

The dazzling golden light lasted for a full hour before gradually dissipating, the sea surface returned to calm, and the thick clouds in the night sky gradually dispersed, as if everything had returned to calm.

Mao Xiaofang looked at the dark night sky in trance, and finally called out:

"Junior brother."

Lin Ge once again returned to the main god space in a near-death state. Looking at the huge light bulb floating in front of him and the settlement information ringing in his mind, he sighed.

"It should...succeed, right?"

[Settlement: The Reincarnation World "Stiff Covenant" has an exploration degree of 94% and an overall rating of "S". The current clearance rate in the world of reincarnation is 4%, with additional rewards of reincarnation points x5000 and "F-D level random equipment scrolls" x3. 】

[Complete the main mission "Collect a bottle of Pangu's blood" and be rewarded with 5,000 reincarnation points. 】

[Side mission 1: Ma Xiaoling survived for 90 days without dying and turning into a zombie. Failed. 】

[Side mission 2: Kill a Pangu tribesman, failed. 】

[Side mission 3: Capture destiny, failed. 】

[Nightmare effect: You are targeted by fate. (Every time you use a spell or equipment item not obtained from this world, your destiny will be closer to you.)]

[When fate completely locks you in, you will become a member of this world and be bound by the rules of the world. 】

[You are targeted by “destiny”: 93%]


[Start detecting the reincarnation status of "No. 89757"——]

[Testing completed. 】

1. Repair physical damage. Price: 4327

2. Repair soul damage. Price: 3458

3. Purchase longevity. Price: 10,000/year.

4. Clear the curse….


As the Lord God dropped a white light and enveloped Lin Ge, his injuries were rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Feeling this extremely comfortable feeling, Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the treatment of the official employees of the Lord God Space was indeed good. At least you can get a brand new "body" by spending some money.

[Reincarnation Number 89757: Zhao Dezhu]

Lin Ge had lost all his cultivation. What he saw on the panel was the information about "Zhao Dezhu" and he couldn't see his own situation. He simply turned off the panel and chose to return directly.

[Reincarnator "No. 89757" please be prepared. You will be transported to "Lord God Space No. 369" in 10 seconds. 】




When the countdown ended, Lin Ge just returned to the Main God Platform.

This time, the platform was empty. It was a rare sight. Lin Ge was not in a happy mood after the reincarnation. Instead, he walked into the purple door with a heavy heart and a wooden face.

Back in the bedroom, Lin Ge fell on the bed.

One minute.

ten minutes.

One hour.

Just lying there motionless.


Lin Ge took a long breath, as if he wanted to dispel the depression and unwillingness in his heart, and finally sat up and slapped his face with both hands: "No, I want to cheer up! I want to cheer up!"

"After all, you can't rebuild your cultivation base if it's gone!"

"Come on Lin Ge, you can do it!"

Lin Ge kept cheering himself up like the progressive young people, then he sat up suddenly, sat cross-legged, put his hands on his knees, and kneaded the magic formula.

At this moment, a mass of blood mist emerged from behind, wrapping Lin Ge in it. Outside the blood mist, blood mirrors condensed, blocking Lin Ge inside as if imitating it.

Lin Ge, who was in the blood mist, raised his left hand. However, if you look closely, you can find that the "Reincarnation Watch" on his left wrist is slightly different from the previous watch.

There were three more buttons on the right side of the dial that looked like the "time adjustment handle" of an ordinary watch. Lin Ge raised his hand to press the first one, and saw a ball of golden light slowly flying from the watch body, and then slowly expanded, Lin Ge's whole body was wrapped inside.

Lin Ge's eyes blurred. When his vision recovered, his soul had been dragged into another space.

Sun, beach, beauties in swimsuits.

On the beach, Huang Ni was wearing a light blue swimsuit, sunglasses, and a beach hat. She was lying on a lounge chair, enjoying the sunshine and flipping through a fashion magazine.

Next to her, Huang Shang, who was wearing a white dress, was sitting cross-legged on the beach mat, making magic tricks with her hands and practicing hard.

In the distance, a little girl wearing a red children's swimsuit is holding a ghost brown bear, using it as a swimming ring, swimming around in the sea.

On the beach not far from her, Qimei in a red swimsuit sat quietly with a Five Elements Bagua tray beside her, as if she was "basking in the sun" with the ghost sisters inside.

Lin Ge stretched and walked towards Huang Ni's position, complaining dissatisfiedly: "Master Dao is working hard outside, but you are enjoying it here! Hey, how about it, Master Dao's acting skills are good, right?"

Huang Ni flipped through the magazine and said without raising her head: "Well, not bad. Being able to get Xiaosi's S-card, especially the phrase 'Come on Lu Xiaokui', is the finishing touch."

At this time, Huang Shang on the side didn't even open his eyes and said calmly: "Next time you say something like this, remember to wear a wristband to block your watch to prevent us from getting goosebumps."

"Tsk, yes, it's so embarrassing."

"Sister is right."

Lin Ge:......

"Just complain, no personal attacks. Do you think you are the Internet's mouthpiece?" Lin Ge lay down on the recliner next to Huang Ni with a helpless expression, and continued: "But I didn't expect Qimei's ability to do this. After swallowing Domoto Shizu's dream power, he derived the dream power himself."

Huang Ni replied: "What's so strange about this? Don't forget that her blood mirror ability only appeared after swallowing the mirror ghost's ability."

"That's true." Lin Ge responded. Although he was curious about Qimei's special abilities, he couldn't communicate with her normally.

Huang Ni put away the magazine and put it aside, sat up from the beach chair, looked at Lin Ge and said, "Let me see what the 'astrolabe' developed by the Pangu people together with Destiny is like."

"Strictly speaking, this is not 'development', but the Pangu tribe teamed up with Destiny to transform the 'Reincarnation Watch'. In fact, it is just a 'dummy book' created by Destiny."

Lin Ge raised his hand to untie the strap of the "Reincarnation Watch". After the dark "watch" was taken off, it turned into a crystal-clear, round mechanical roulette wheel the size of three fingers in his hand.

Huang Ni took the astrolabe and played with it. Lin Ge closed his eyes and enjoyed the sunshine. At the same time, he explained: "The first button can connect to the fused 'dummy book', consume the 'origin', and query 'opportunity' and 'vitality'." ’, according to Destiny, Renshu is not so much about controlling opportunities as it is about finding opportunities, but whether you can seize the opportunities can only depend on the user himself."

"Qimei has integrated the 'dummy book' made by Destiny. Although her current consciousness cannot express complex information, she can use this ability to connect to the dream space she created. If nothing else, I will provide you with a private Being a resort is also a good feature.”

Huang Ni smiled and said: "We are not disappointed because of 'incomplete function', but instead create an area full of spiritual energy for us. Then shouldn't we be very touched?"

Huang Shang on the side snorted coldly: "Hey. You don't want us to improve our strength so that we can go out and help when he shakes people. It was like this before, not to mention that we have lost our cultivation now."

Lin Ge said: "Shut up, you, as the strongest combat force here, you will be the one who takes advantage of this reincarnation. Are you embarrassed? If you keep talking nonsense, I will collect the rent!"

Huang Shang said dissatisfied: "Is it because I don't want to help? You have the ability to let me out, as long as you are not afraid of being targeted by the Lord God again! Besides, when the Human King entered the space, was it you who hit him?"

"You just cooperate in a play, does that count as your contribution?"

"It's better than your acting skills anyway."

"Then should I give you a thumbs up?"


Huang Ni looked at the two people bickering like children, shook his head helplessly, pointed to the second button and asked, "What about the second button?"

Lin Ge replied: "The second button is an 'opportunity' to activate the 'Book of Dummies'. It means that when I am marked by the Lord God, I consume about 100 of my origin and make a jump to the 'Reincarnation World', 'Into the Chaotic World' 'The world of other reincarnators. If I can kill the reincarnator who is undergoing reincarnation when these 100 sources are exhausted, I can replace his number and return to the main god space. In layman's terms, next time we are exposed, There is no need to go to great lengths to prepare a series of 'substitute' plans, you just need to wander into other worlds and find a substitute."

"That's really convenient. What about the third one?" Huang Ni asked again.

Lin Ge said: "The third one...According to fate's conjecture, all the equipment and props in the main god space are 'fake' copied from the 'main world', and these fakes are marked. So this is why, In the world of "A Chinese Ghost Story", the main god was able to erase my ability and props to talk in the main god's space. The Pangu people have worked hard for thousands of years and developed the ability to consume the origin and cut off the connection with the main god through the 'dummy book' created by fate."

"In other words, the abilities and props I exchanged and obtained in the main god space can be turned into items in the 'main world' by consuming the source, just like the equipment and props drawn from random scrolls. I don't have to worry about it in the future. If you attract the attention of the Lord God, he may take away your things at any time, making it useless for reincarnation."

Huang Ni stared at the huge number "0" in the center of the astrolabe and said, "If... I guessed correctly, this number is your current origin?"




"Isn't it almost a thousand before? Where's the source? No matter how powerful your astrolabe is, it's useless without the source." Huang Ni said with a strange expression.

Lin Ge let out a long sigh: "What can I do? I'm in despair too. Thousands of sources are needed to activate that piece of shit in the Eternal Kingdom. Destiny and the Pangu clan's goal is the stars and the sea, so we must activate the spaceship. Let's fight eastward." Xigiao only managed to collect one thousand... This is after counting the sacrifices of the generals, Nuwa, the King of Humans, and Fuxi in exchange for their origins. Alas, maybe this is the biggest difference between a 'human' like me and a 'god' like them. The difference is, at least, I can't make a 'sacrifice' without hesitation, just to summon an... opportunity."

"Oh, okay." Huang Ni sighed. Since this thing can be collected, it can only be collected slowly in the future world.

After a pause, Huang Ni asked again: "But... although the final result is indeed what they said, is the 'you' they are talking about really 'you'?"

"Yes, but no." Lin Ge replied: "Maybe... that 'I' should be the 'I' who entered the main god's space in the previous life and defeated the main god. At least, it is not the me now. After all, I I have no memory of this, and I am willing to cooperate with fate just because he gave me a 'gold medal to avoid death'."

The "death-free gold medal" given by fate was very simple. It directly gave Lin Ge a bottle of "Pangu's Blood" so that he could put the blood into the "God's Vessel" at any time to complete the main mission and escape from this world.

Under the condition of absolute safety, Lin Ge cooperated with Destiny and the Pangu clan to stage a drama. A drama that had been planned since the Qin Dynasty thousands of years ago to allow Destiny and the Pangu clan to leave this world and enter the "main world"!

This chapter was supposed to end after the war...but I felt like I was going to be scolded the two chapters were combined into one and posted together...Hey guys, I still have more than 100 monthly votes left. I will work hard to add more updates. Please support me with your monthly votes. It will expire if you don’t vote! Kneel down and thank you! orz!

[ps: This volume is over, the next volume is a team battle to save the girl! 】

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