Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 287 Great Sage, lend me the Dinghaishen Needle!

In the past few days, Ma Ling'er had been spending time with Our Lady of Yaochi. Our Lady of Yaochi told Ma Ling'er a lot about the Ma family, including the fact that the Ma family was the bloodline of fate.

Although her body was controlled by Ma Ling'er, Ma Xiaoling's consciousness was still awake, and she also heard the shocking news that turned her world upside down.

As a bloodline of Destiny, the Ma family seems to be upholding justice, warding off evil, and hunting down zombies. However, they are just at the mercy of Destiny to eradicate the Pangu tribe for him.

The fusion of the blood of destiny and the blood of zombies produces the same effect as the fusion of destiny and God. The "purple-eyed zombie" born is the most powerful existence!

However, the "price" in exchange for power is that the person bitten will gradually be taken over by "fury", the "good" in his heart will be wiped out, and he will be completely dominated by "evil".

Of course, the "evil" here is not the "evil" of "evil", but an egoist. Everything is centered on oneself. For oneself, you can get rid of any obstruction!

The moment Ma Xiaoling transformed into a purple-eyed zombie, she suddenly felt that the spiritual energy in her body had increased a hundred or a thousand times. In addition, there seems to be a huge force spurting out!

Immediately afterwards, the purple color in her pupils spread rapidly, and for an instant both eyes were completely covered with purple energy.



Ma Xiaoling looked up to the sky and screamed, and the deafening roar of corpses instantly spread throughout the entire area. If the living people had not been transferred to the underworld, this corpse roar would probably frighten the courage of dozens or millions of people!

Ma Xiaoling felt as if her consciousness was about to dissipate at any time, leaving only endless anger and madness in her heart. The blood of fate merged with the blood of zombies. This almost crazy feeling dominated her consciousness in an instant!

Just when Ma Xiaoling's consciousness was about to completely dissipate, Ma Linger snorted coldly, and Ma Xiaoling's soul resisted the erosion of "madness" at the same time.

In the end, the souls of Ma Xiaoling and Ma Ling'er were slightly better and successfully suppressed the "madness" in their minds. The purple energy in the eyes that were originally completely covered with purple slowly shrank, leaving only the pupils still purple.




Ma Xiaoling breathed heavily, as if she had experienced a big battle, and stood up holding on to the railing on the edge of the rooftop. She looked at the battlefield in the distance with cold eyes, then glanced at the ruins being cleared not far away, trying to "dig" Lin Ge out. Master and apprentice Mao Xiaofang.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi on the side wanted to say something, but when she turned around, she found that Ma Xiaoling had disappeared from her side and appeared next to the ruins the next moment.

Ma Xiaoling raised her hand, and all the collapsed stone pillars and stones flew up, revealing a cloud of blood mist in the deep pit at the bottom. Apparently, at the last moment, Qimei gathered all her strength to "protect" Lin Ge.

"You're not dead, are you?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Xue Wu and said in a cold tone.

The blood mist dissipated, and Lin Ge was lying in the pit, forcing a smile on his face: "There is still breath."

"That's good."

"Who bit you?"

"Our Lady of Yaochi."


"Hmph, can I save you." After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she frowned, cold sweat dripped from her forehead, and she was obviously still trying her best to suppress the madness in her body.

At this time, she turned back to look at the three light spots that were constantly "colliding" in the sky in the distance. The red light spots were the generals, the golden light spots were Ksitigarbha, and the colorful light spots... were those fused with Nuwa. destiny.

Ma Xiaoling's figure flashed and turned into a purple light and rushed into the dark night sky. In the blink of an eye, the three light spots in the sky turned into four.




This is a battle between gods. With every collision between them, huge energy waves swing around, and countless high-rise buildings collapse instantly!

However, even with the addition of Ma Xiaoling, with three enemies against one, they could only barely make a draw with fate.

Mao Xiaofang helped Lin Ge and was about to leave the pit when he saw Our Lady of Yaochi standing by the pit, looking at them indifferently: "I didn't expect that I just made a small suggestion to her, but she was willing to save you. Turned into a zombie. Even though she knew that as a bloodline of destiny, she would completely lose control after absorbing the blood of zombies, she did not hesitate... Tsk, what a touching and enviable emotion."

Lin Ge looked at Our Lady of Yaochi with cold eyes and said coldly: "Do you think it's not chaotic enough now? What on earth do you want to do? Our Lady of Yaochi!"

"do what?"

The Holy Mother of Yaochi smiled coldly, looking at Lin Ge with a hint of envy and resentment, and then said slowly: "Originally... this is a story that originated from the previous calamity and has been carried out since the beginning of Pangu. The plan is called capturing destiny. But because of your appearance, all plans were disrupted."

"In order to achieve its own goals, destiny creates its own eternal kingdom, constantly creating and destroying the world, causing many disasters in the world and stifling the evolution of many civilizations."

"And ever since the civilization of the last catastrophe created the Pangu tribe, which is not at the mercy of fate, fate has been hiding in the human world and refusing to show its face."

"In order to lure him out, the Pangu tribe created the first perfect goddess, Nuwa. At the same time, they sent a human king to the world and asked Nuwa to create humans in the form of a human king."

"But destiny has countless identities, and it is almost impossible to capture him completely. So the Pangu tribe sent me down to earth. And I am the container created by the Pangu tribe to capture destiny."

What happens next is consistent with the plot in the original drama. Our Lady of Yaochi is almost perfect in both strength and appearance, and will definitely be able to attract destiny.

And the human king naturally fell in love with the Holy Mother of Yaochi, creating the first love in this world.

According to Pangu's plan, the Human King and the Holy Mother should first fall in love, and then a third person would appear, and then their love would turn into hatred, starting a world-destroying war.

When the Virgin is most vulnerable, fate has the opportunity to get close to her, and then she can surrender to fate. However, if you want to completely control the Virgin, you must become one with the Virgin.

The Virgin is a cage that captures fate. Once fate enters, it cannot come out. If you kill the Virgin, you will completely kill fate.

However, despite all their calculations, the Pangu people could not calculate the impermanence of love.

The Human King and the Holy Mother fell in love, and they also hated each other because of love. However, because the opposite of extreme love was extreme hatred, they even forgot their mission and truly started a war to destroy the world.

The Pangu tribe had to intervene and sealed the Virgin, which also led to the first "stop" of the plan.

"Human King Fuxi and I were created by Pangu to capture destiny. We must sacrifice everything to kill destiny and return freedom to the world."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, I fell in love with the King of Humans, and because of the breakdown of our relationship, we almost destroyed the world. This was all a play to draw fate into the game."

"Then let the Pangu tribe seal me. When I escape from the seal in this world, I will massacre the Pangu tribe with the red snow storm and completely gain the trust of fate, and then I can renew my relationship with the human king. For this reason, I specially buried Wanyan with my own efforts. If I don’t break this seed, I try to get him to destroy the repayment ceremony, thereby triggering a second war between me and the Human King. According to the plan, I will be defeated and seriously injured by the Human King, and fate will enter my body and merge with me.”

"Once destiny enters my body, don't even think about escaping. But you, on the other hand, directly drove the King of Humans crazy, causing all plans to fail."

"However, the funny thing is that fate cannot escape the arrangement of 'fate', and it accidentally entered the body of another spare container. Although Nuwa did not know the existence of this plan, she was unable to 'cooperate' , However, once fate merges with her, it will also be trapped in Nuwa’s body.”

"So, I will continue to cooperate with you in your 'acting', make mistakes, awaken the King of Humans, turn Ma Xiaoling into a purple-eyed zombie, and try to kill Nuwa!"

As soon as Madam Yaochi finished speaking, a person was seen walking out of the other end of the pit. It was Wang Fuxi, the person who had been "driven crazy" by Lin Ge before!

I saw the human king holding the three divine arrows "gifted" by Lin Ge to the generals in his hands. He looked at Lin Ge with cold eyes. As a "god" in the world, Lin Ge "humiliated" him again and again. He wanted to kill him. Lin Ge's body was broken into pieces.

But now, the most important thing is to solve the biggest trouble "destiny" first.

"Since you have already decided on a backup plan to attack Nuwa, why do you want to turn Ma Xiaoling into a zombie?" Lin Ge asked.

Our Lady of Yaochi snorted coldly: "This is punishment for your disrespect to the human king and God... Furthermore, I also want to see if I can defeat the madness of 'destiny' in the face of extreme emotions. The blood of destiny, Born to be incompatible with zombies, don’t you want to see how far Ma Xiaoling can persist?”

Lin Ge became angry immediately and yelled: "I want to see your uncle! The problem that could have been solved tens of thousands of years ago is because you two are not reliable in love and have caused so much trouble! Now it's because of selfishness You have caused such trouble, do you think you deserve to be called a 'god'? Bah!"

"Arrogant! You were hit by my magic arrow, and even if you lose all your moral integrity, I can't shut you up? In this case, I still have three arrows in my hand, and I only need one to deal with fate. Do you still want to taste the power of the magic arrow?" Wang said angrily.

Lin Singing flipped it over, and a mechanical bow specially made by He Yingqiu appeared in his hand, as well as three arrows exactly the same as those in the human king's hand: "Idiot, how can you be sure that what I gave to the general are the 'real arrows' taken from Pangu's tomb? Since you said this divine arrow can kill the goddess, that’s just right, I’ll send you back to the west!”

Lin Ge's mechanical bow is equipped with two divine arrows at the same time. This is He Yingqiu's specially made mechanical bow. Even if Lin Ge's archery skills are not high, such a short distance can still give him the effect of piercing a tree with a hundred steps.

Our Lady of Yaochi's face suddenly changed when she saw Lin Ge taking out two divine arrows. Although she wanted to find a way back for her beloved, she never forgot her mission to eliminate Destiny. Otherwise, she would not have objected to the Human King's proposal to kill her directly in the first place. Lin Ge and his group instead changed to "small punishments as punishments."

"No!" Our Lady of Yaochi shouted and rushed towards the Human King.

But at the same time as her voice sounded, Lin Singer's three divine arrows turned into white light and shot towards the Human King.




Three divine arrows passed through the bodies of the Human King and the Holy Mother of Yaochi at the same time, shattering their hearts. Their eyes changed from shock to hollow, and they fell down embracing each other.

Lin Ge immediately rushed into the pit and picked up the laptop next to Our Lady of Yaochi. This is not an ordinary laptop, but the "Book of the Earth" from the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man.

At this moment, Destiny's crazy laughter sounded in the air: "Hahaha! Hahaha! Human beings are so naive and can easily get carried away by hatred!"


Destiny raised his hand, and the huge air shock wave directly knocked away the general, Ksitigarbha and Ma Xiaoling who rushed up.

Destiny continued: "Would I not know the existence of Pangu Tomb? Would I not know that there are three divine arrows in the tomb? If you want me to fall into your trap, I will fall into your trap. You think that my eyes will only be on Our Lady of Yaochi, But they ignored that there is a 'perfect goddess' in this world!"

"Now, I have also obtained the body of a goddess and become the ruler of this world. As long as I kill Ksitigarbha, get the human book, and the earth book in your hand, I can combine the three books into one and become a real god!"

"Now that there is no Fuxi arrow from the Human King and the divine arrow from Pangu's tomb, even if I am imprisoned in this body, so what, do you still have the means to kill me?"

"The eternal kingdom will always belong to me!"

The three Ksitigarbhas flew back again, hovered in the air, looked at Destiny and said, "You have known for a long time that the Pangu tribe wanted to arrest you."

Destiny laughed and said: "They came to the door by themselves, I have no reason to stop them. What's more, there are people from other worlds interfering now. He thinks he is accelerating the Pangu clan's plan, but in fact it is just me borrowing his hand. , completely disrupting this world."

"Don't think that you have won a big victory, we are not dead yet." Ma Xiaoling suppressed the feeling of a splitting headache and shouted coldly.

Destiny looked at Ma Xiaoling and said: "Ma Xiaoling, you traitor, don't think that it's great that you can escape your fate a few times. As my bloodline, you can never escape my control! However, I am no longer interested in you. The only thing I want now is the eternal kingdom!"

As he said that, Destiny raised his hand, and what he held in his hand was the eternal heart lock that should be on Wanyan Wulei at this time. Outside the hospital, Lin Ge's attention was completely controlled by the King of Humans, giving fate an opportunity to take away the eternal heart lock that maintained a tearless life in the ward.

The eternal heart lock is the "key" to the eternal kingdom!

Destiny raised her hands, as if "embracing" the sky, and said in an almost crazy voice: "In the eternal kingdom, as Nuwa, I command you to come immediately!"

As he spoke, he crushed the eternal heart lock in his hand.

"You will be witnesses of the coming of the eternal kingdom!"


Following Destiny's crazy laughter, lightning flashed and thundered in the dark sky, and then a beam of golden light suddenly appeared in the thick clouds!

The thick clouds seemed to be swung away by a huge object. When they dissipated, a huge "flying saucer" slowly emerged from the clouds.

Even in such a tense situation, seeing a UFO covering the sky is still enough to shake people's outlook. Among them, Ah Chu was the first to lose his composure and sighed with his mouth wide open: "Xiaohai, I'm not dazzled, right?" ?UFO? The Eternal Kingdom is actually a UFO?"

"I, I saw it too."

Don't talk about them, everyone present at this time was a ghost. Except for Lin Ge, who had already watched the TV series, the outsider who saw the true appearance of the Eternal Kingdom knew that the Eternal Kingdom was a flying saucer. The others were shocked and speechless.

"Eternal Kingdom!" Destiny shouted excitedly.

In order to allow the Pangu tribe, which was not controlled by fate, to contend with fate, the people in the previous calamity allowed the tribesmen to enter the eternal kingdom with the secrets of creating the Pangu tribe and immortality.

As long as Destiny seizes the eternal kingdom, uses it as his stronghold, and takes the opportunity to integrate the three books of heaven, earth, and man, then he can become a true god!

When everyone's attention was attracted to the eternal kingdom in the sky, Destiny deliberately shouted the name of the eternal kingdom in an almost crazy voice, making people feel that his attention was also on the eternal kingdom. However, at the same time as he spoke, he turned into an afterimage and flew towards Ksitigarbha at high speed.

The distance between the two was only a dozen meters, and it only took a breath for Destiny to get close to him. When the local king came to his senses, Destiny's hand had already penetrated his heart.

"Ren Shu!"


At the moment Ksitigarbha was attacked, Lin Ge called out Qimei and asked her to use her power to send him to his destiny. Now, there is another chance to turn things around!

Cage of God!

[Cage of God: You can use it to imprison "destiny". 】

This is the "mission prop" that Lin Ge brought into the world, the only chance left to capture his destiny!

Since the main god has given such a mission prop, the function of "God's Cage" should be the same as that of Our Lady of Yaochi, or even more "advanced"!

Therefore, since the Lord God has given mission props that can capture destiny, then this piece of equipment must be able to capture destiny. After all, Lin Ge's identity at this time is an "official reincarnation person" and not a "Red Gate Marker".

Just when Lin Singer was rushing toward destiny with the "Cage of God" shining with dazzling white light, he was less than two meters away when a purple light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes...

Ma Xiaoling involuntarily stood in front of Lin Ge, and the "Cage of God" had already penetrated her heart, and then blew up a purple and white hurricane, sucking Ma Xiaoling in completely!

"Ma Xiaoling!" Before Lin Ge could recover from the shock, he received a heavy blow in the chest and flew backwards towards the ground.

Destiny sneered: "As a member of my bloodline, how could I give her a chance to betray her!"

"Destiny! I want your life!" Lin Ge roared and rushed into the air again, and the blood mist condensed into blood mirrors at his feet.

At this time, Lin Ge no longer cared about nightmare effects or reincarnation... He just wanted to tear his fate into pieces and beat him so that he would never be reincarnated!

Without his Taoist skills, it was naturally impossible for Lin Ge to fight with fate. He made the secrets with both hands, and the back of his left hand and the back of his right hand lit up for a burst of golden light at the same time!


Fire sign!

Lin Ge held a trident in his left hand and a fire stick in his right hand, raising it above his head. At the same time, he looked up at the sky and shouted loudly: "Please show the power of ghosts and gods, slay evil spirits and monsters and shock all directions!"

"Commander, take off!"

Lin Ge's body was immediately enveloped in a golden light, and then quickly grew in size, transforming into the mighty General Zeng, who was dressed in military armor.

The trident in his left hand has also become the size commensurate with the "Gundam"!

However, the Ksitigarbha in this world is no match for fate, and Lin Ge naturally does not fully expect that the two generals from another world can turn the situation around!

Lin Ge raised his hand, and a golden monkey hair appeared in his palm, and he blew it at Destiny!

"Great Sage, please lend me the Dinghaishen Needle!"

Bosses, please do me a favor. For the sake of my initial daily income of 10,000 yuan, I will reward you with some monthly tickets! Kneel down and thank orz!

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