Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 286 Ma Xiaoling, you can save him by turning into a zombie!

The only people who can talk to "destiny" in such a contemptuous tone are the generals who are members of the Pangu tribe.

In fact, although the Pangu people are not at the mercy of fate and seem to be "unafraid" of fate, they also have nothing to do with fate.

Whether the strength of Destiny is high or low is not the point. The point is that this guy can "transfer". Even if you kill his "body", he can still transfer to the next target.

This is why the Pangu tribe in the play worked so hard to create what is known as the most perfect goddess - "Our Lady of Yaochi".

The Holy Mother of Yaochi is actually the "container" that captures fate. She staged a "triangular sadomasochism" with the King of Humans, and even slaughtered the entire Pangu tribe with a red snow storm just to let fate into the game.

When Destiny felt the complete despair and anger of Our Lady of Yaochi, he transferred into the body of Our Lady of Yaochi, but he didn't expect that this was just the Pangu tribe's plan to capture him!

"Hahaha! General, it doesn't matter that you are a member of the Pangu tribe, can you kill me?" Fate obviously did not take the general into consideration, and there was disdain in his tone.

"Then let's give it a try." The general smiled faintly, raised his hand, and a pair of demon wings sprouted from behind him.

With a flash of devil's wings, the general turned into an afterimage and rushed towards his destiny.

While the general dealt with his fate, Lin Ge relied on recovery potions to recover from his injuries, but his moral conduct was ruined by the human king and he was unable to use magic.

But this is not a problem, after all, you can still practice cybernetics.

Lin Ge rushed to the parking lot, took out the black leather suitcase and the exorcism equipment He Yingqiu had prepared for him from the trunk of the red Beetle, went to the corner of the rooftop, and set up the AX388.

His goal is not destiny, but the human king on the other side of the battlefield.

Ma Ling'er returned from strength to strength, but was still a step behind compared to the Human King. The fight lasted only a few minutes. The Human King was not injured at all, but Ma Ling'er was covered in bruises.

Ma Ling'er formed a seal and recited the nine-character mantra to summon the Dragon God. At the moment of the dragon's roar, Lin Ge pulled the trigger. The gunshot was hidden under the dragon's roar. The King of Humans did not even notice that someone behind him fired a sneak attack.

This special bullet was the "first gift" Lin Ge asked He Yingqiu to prepare for the Human King. It was developed by extracting a strange disease that can cause living people and souls to lose their emotions.

When Lin Ge saw the Human King in the hospital for the first time, he knew that this was the source of the strange disease. Therefore, Mao Xiaofang's appearance and the blockade of the hospital were just a show by them to join forces to force the Human King out.

In the previous battle with the Human King, the Human King ran away in the end. Lin Ge was about to die and was rescued by Ma Dalong.

The first thing Lin Ge did after waking up was to contact Wanyan Bupo to ask him to confirm whether Renwang had transferred his wife to another hospital.

However, the King of Human Beings was arrogant and thought that the arrow killed Lin Ge, so he did not transfer his wife to another hospital.

So Lin Ge waited until Yue Yinping regained consciousness and was able to take her away and send her to hell, then asked Mao Xiaofang to seal off a "battlefield" centered on the hospital to deal with the Human King.

At the same time, he uses destiny to attract generals to join him. The generals will be more or less injured in a battle with destiny. He will then find an opportunity to collect a tube of Pangu blood to complete the main mission.

Once the main plot is completed, Lin Ge will be in an "invincible position". No matter which side wins the final victory, he will be able to escape smoothly.

Therefore, if you want to bring the generals into the game, you must first bring fate into the game. If you want to bring fate into the game, the battle with the human king is inevitable.

Because the greatest pleasure of fate is to see the Pangu tribe and the gods they created "suffer". The worse the human king is, the happier fate is.

Especially after learning that the Human King was so angry that he used the last divine arrow in his hand to kill Lin Ge, he thought that the Pangu tribe had nothing left to kill him, so he let the strange disease break out completely, and he wanted to cleanse the world again !

At this time, Lin Ge only had to wait for the generals and fate to fight to the death, and then find an opportunity to steal a tube of Pangu's blood and leave.

But seeing Ma Ling'er's (not) bruised appearance in trying to save him, and considering that this was Ma Xiaoling's body, I couldn't bear it, and finally decided to use the special bullet developed by the strange disease to get rid of this trouble.

In the original play, Our Lady of Yaochi did not hesitate to test the poison herself in order to study this inexplicable strange disease, and the strange disease had a great impact on her, which is enough to show that even gods are not immune to this strange disease.

Therefore, Lin Ge asked Ah Chu to send samples of the strange disease to He Yingqiu a few days ago, and asked He Yingqiu to extract the strange disease and make special bullets.

This shot was hidden under the dragon's roar. The human king's attention was attracted by the dragon god, and he didn't even notice the bullet coming. With a "pop", a splash of blood splashed on his vest, and the specially made bullet penetrated into his body.


Second shot!


The third shot!

The fourth shot!

Rao Shiren Wang was alert after he was shot for the first time, but he couldn't resist Lin Ge's use of the sniper rifle as a rifle, and was shot several more times after that.

At the same time, the Dragon God rushed forward. The angry Human King grabbed the Dragon God's open mouth with both hands, grabbed its upper and lower jaws, and let out an angry corpse roar!



Before the strange disease bullet took effect, the Human King exhausted all his strength and directly tore the Dragon God into pieces, tearing him into golden fragments and disappearing!

"I'm going to kill you, kill you all!"

The Human King was overwhelmed by anger, summoned the Fuxi Bow, and fired it at the sky. The "arrows of consciousness" turned into a rain of arrows and fell from the sky.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately asked Ou Yongqi to use blood mist to bring him into the battlefield, and took the opportunity to take away the seriously injured Ma Ling'er.

"Lin... Ge... I... will definitely... kill you..." Ma Ling'er said weakly.

Lin Ge was speechless for a while: "I don't even know you. You scream and kill all day long. Are you sick? Go to the doctor if you are sick. Don't cause trouble for me!"

"Ha. Very good... very good. All men in the world are indeed the same, even if they come from another world..." Ma Ling'er couldn't hold on in the end and closed her eyes. His eyes got wet and he fainted.

The Human King was already going crazy, but Lin Ge didn't give him a chance and used Qimei's special ability to escape with Ma Ling'er through the blood mist.

On the other side, the battle between the generals and Destiny became more and more fierce, and half of the sealed venue was reduced to ruins. Destiny was strong in controlling people's "destiny" behind his back, rather than his own combat power.

Relying on He Youqiu's magical skills, he was no match for the general. In just a few minutes, his limbs were cut off and turned into pigeons.

"Ha, ha. You can't kill me." At this time, fate was still smiling. Because he can transfer it at any time if he wants.

The general walked up to Destiny, looked down at him, and said with a smile: "As far as I know, your transfer... can only be transferred to a living person, right?"

"So what?" Destiny sneered.

The general smiled and said, "Can you still feel the presence of living people here?"

Destiny didn't understand what the general meant at first, but upon closer inspection, he was surprised to find that there wasn't even a single living person in the entire Hong Kong Island!

"No, it's impossible! You, you, massacred all living people on Hong Kong Island?" Destiny said in surprise.

The general smiled and said: "No, we are not as cruel as you, and we have no interest in 'destroying the world'. It's just that my friend used his connections to let the Yin soldiers transfer all the living people on Hong Kong Island to the underworld. In other words, Now there are only Yin ghosts and Yin soldiers left on Hong Kong Island."

"So what, you don't think I can only transfer to Hong Kong Island..." Destiny was trying to transfer to a living person outside Hong Kong Island, but found that "I couldn't get out"!

The entire Hong Kong Island is shrouded in a gloomy air, as if it is isolated from the rest of the world!

"This is impossible!" Destiny roared in disbelief.

"Nothing is Impossible."

Lin Ge walked from the side with a smile and came to the general's side. While holding a test tube and squeezing out the blood on his clothes, he said: "If hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha. And hell cannot be emptied no matter how hard it is, so why not make peace with him?" Exchange the world. After all, as the saying goes, hell is empty and evil spirits are in the world, right?"

Although Yue Yinping is also a "pure person", compared to the determined "Arrow", she has no "will" at all.

As a result, he couldn't hold on any longer as soon as he entered hell. Wanyan Bupo, who was accompanying him, saw this and simply jumped into hell to suffer with Yue Yinping.

It turned out that his artificial zombie body was the most evil existence transformed by Our Lady of Yaochi through the sacred tree. This immediately aroused the ferocity of the evil spirits in hell and made the situation out of control.

When Lin Ge was settling Ma Ling'er, Ah Chu quickly came up to report the matter. Lin Ge thought for a while and simply made up his mind and asked Mao Xiaofang to help Wan Yan Bu Po release all the evil ghosts from hell into the human world.

Finally, hell is empty.

Regardless of whether the evil spirits are purified or released in the end, hell is "empty" in the end anyway.

When a reincarnated boss opened his eyes and saw the mess in the underworld, he almost became so angry that he wiped his neck with a knife and was reincarnated again.

Mao Xiaofang told Lin Ge's plan to the awakened Ksitigarbha. Now that the underworld and the human world were in chaos, he had to agree even if he didn't agree. He could only transfer the eighteenth level of hell to the human world as planned and capture the evil ghosts again.

The underworld and millions of underworld soldiers worked together to transfer the living people from Hong Kong Island to the underworld. The good news is that the whole process went smoothly. After all, not many people dared to disobey the underworld. The bad news is that hundreds of thousands of people were scared to death, adding more people to the underworld. Many ghost mouths.

But in any case, despite many twists and turns, according to Lin Ge's "wishes", Hong Kong Island was successfully isolated from the world and trapped in its destiny.

"What do you mean?" Destiny asked.

"Oh, I asked my third brother to switch hell and human world, and cover Hong Kong Island with eighteen levels of hell. In other words, if you want to find a living person, you must first climb out of the eighteen levels of hell!" Lin Ge smiled, Then he looked at the general: "Azu, I forgot to tell you that Ksitigarbha is our third brother. I will introduce him to you later."


"You remind me of a TV show."

"What?" Lin Ge asked curiously. In the original drama, the general was a drama fan. He not only followed the drama himself, but also followed the drama with Hong Tide.

"Dragon Babu."

"Huh? Then isn't my eldest brother Qiao Feng?" Lin Ge looked excited.

The general said calmly: "But he died in the end."

Lin Ge:......

"That's enough!" Destiny was completely irritated when he saw that the two people in front of him didn't take him seriously at all and were still talking about TV series.

Destiny was cut into a human pig, unable to stand up, so he could only raise his head and say: "You are great, you can think of such a method, but...who said I can only be transferred into a living person? Weak god... You can also be controlled by me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Destiny's head hit the cold ground with a "thud", and he lost his breath.

Obviously, fate... has changed!

"Not good!" Lin Ge's face changed drastically. Although the plot at this time did not proceed according to "Zero Date 3", Our Lady of Yaochi did not test the poison, did not fall into weakness, and fate could not take advantage of it.


Hong Kong Island now has another goddess!

Nuwa, who has just woken up, is not much weaker than the Our Lady of Yaochi who was infected with a strange disease in the play!

The general also realized that the target of fate was Nuwa. His face hardened, he raised his hand and grabbed the air, directly breaking the seal under Mao Xiaofang's cloth. The devil's wings behind him flapped and disappeared into an afterimage.

Lin Ge immediately asked Qimei to take her to the Domoto Group building. However, as soon as she arrived near the building, she heard a loud "boom" and a figure fell from the air and fell into the ground.


Half of his demon wings were broken off, and the other half was also twisted. The next moment, an afterimage swept down from the sky and hit the general with a "bang".

When the smoke and dust dissipated, "Nuwa" sneered and stepped on the general's chest, looked down at him and said, "What? If it were the person you loved, wouldn't you be able to do it?"

"Destiny!" The general tried to prop himself up, but Nuwa, who was controlled by fate, punched him back.

Destiny can bring out the greatest potential of the body it controls. If he controls He Youqiu, he can fully unleash He Youqiu's potential and strength. Now that he controls Nuwa, he can unleash Nuwa's strongest strength.

Nuwa was originally one of the most perfect goddesses created by the Pangu tribe. At this time, she merged with fate and became the strongest existence.

In the original drama, after destiny took control of Our Lady of Yaochi, she directly singled out all the characters in Zhengfang with the power of one person, which shows how powerful she is!

Therefore, let alone keeping the generals in their hands now, even if they are taken seriously, they may not be able to defeat them.

This was only ten minutes after the general cut his fate into a pig. Ten minutes later, the situation changed drastically. Now the general became the abused party.

At this moment, several seams of green light appeared on the ground behind Lin Ge, and then several underworld elevators rose at the same time. Ksitigarbha King Ma Xiaohu, Ksitigarbha agent Mao Xiaofang, as well as the highest combat power of the underworld, the Judge and the Envoy of Impermanence , bull-headed horse-faced beasts, and the God of Death, all came to the underworld.

"Junior brother, are you okay?" Mao Xiaofang immediately stepped forward to ask.

Lin Ge shook his head and said solemnly: "Now we are in big trouble. We have forgotten the key part of Nuwa and have been taken advantage of by fate. Now that fate has merged with Nuwa, her combat power has soared. Even as a member of the Pangu tribe, None of the generals are his match, so we must find a way to control him."

Ma Xiaohu stepped forward and said, "It is said that you have asked He Yingqiu to use the power of El Niño to open the Pangu Tomb. Where are the three divine arrows in the tomb?"

Lin Ge said: "In order to attract the general to join the group, I gave him the three magic arrows as 'sincerity'. I think he should keep them on the top floor of this building."

Mao Xiaofang immediately said to Ah Chu and Xiao Hai beside him: "You two immediately go to the roof to look for the magic arrow. Let's find a way to contain fate first."

After saying that, he looked at Lin Ge and said, "Junior brother, your path has been destroyed now. Find a safe place to hide. Leave this place to us."

"Okay." Lin Ge nodded.

When Ma Xiaohu passed by Lin Ge, his eyes looked at him helplessly, as if to say, "Thank you for the awakening gift package you prepared for me."

Lin Ge smiled and patted Ma Xiaohu on the shoulder: "Come on brother, you can do it."

Ma Xiaohu sighed. If it weren't for the support of the Buddha's heart, he might not be able to help but curse.

The fighting power of the underworld swarmed forward and joined forces with the generals to try to subdue Destiny. However, the fighting power of Destiny merged with Nuwa at this time was simply not comparable to the previous one.

When they meet each other, the face of the impermanence and the ox-headed horse will be completely destroyed.

When they met again, all the judges were gone.

Lin Ge in the distance suddenly had a headache. The biggest trump card in his hand now was only "a hair", and he didn't know whether he would be invited or not.

However, just when he was debating whether to send reinforcements or not, his eyes flashed, and Nuwa, who was controlled by fate, had already flashed in front of him.

Destiny sneered: "You don't think you can escape, do you?"


Destiny's palm knocked Lin Ge away. The blood mist behind him didn't even have time to condense before he was sent flying out, collapsing more than a dozen buildings and being buried under the rubble.

This was not a level contest at all. Lin Ge deeply felt the disparity in strength. He felt powerless like a kindergarten kid competing against a combat athlete.

Destiny stood above the ruins, stepping on the air, walking towards the ruins step by step, and sneered: "I originally wanted to continue playing with you, but now you can't calm down and want to overturn the chessboard. In this case , let you see what despair means. In the face of absolute strength, all your calculations are ridiculous child's play."

Jiang Chen, Ma Xiaohu, Mao Xiaofang and others once again attacked from a distance. However, except for Jiang Chen and Ksitigarbha, the others could not withstand the fateful move and were knocked away as soon as they met.

Just when Jiang Chen and Ma Xiaohu were trying their best to deal with fate and buy time for Mao Xiaofang to rescue Lin Ge, they saw two figures appearing on the top of the building opposite.

Yao Qiong, a female writer in a luxurious dress, is holding a laptop in one hand and typing a line of words on the computer with the other hand - "Human Delusion Challenges Destiny".

And the person next to her was the frail Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Ling'er was severely injured after the battle with the Human King, and Ma Xiaoling took the opportunity to regain control of her body. After waking up in his car, he was about to contact Lin Ge when the Holy Mother of Yaochi, who transformed into the female writer Yao Qiong, found him.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi brought Ma Xiaoling to the battlefield here. Seeing that everyone was defeated by Nuwa who was fused by fate, Ma Xiaoling didn't know what to do.

However, Jiang Chen, Ma Xiaohu and other people who had nothing to do with Ma Xiaoling saw that they were defeated one by one. Ma Xiaoling was not too touched until Lin Ge was knocked away by a palm and buried under the rubble.

Ma Xiaoling realized that Lin Ge was the "culprit" of this battle. Once the generals and others fell, Lin Ge would never be spared.

If you want to save Lin Ge, you have to conquer fate.

"How... can... help him." Ma Xiaoling said weakly. She was already at the end of her strength, but even if she allowed Ma Ling'er to control her body, her combat power would be second only to the Human King. Not much help to fate at all.

Our Lady of Yaochi looked at Ma Xiaoling and said with a smile: "Want to help him? It's very simple. As long as you become a zombie, you can save him!"

After saying that, the eyes of Our Lady of Yaochi became red and the fangs of the zombie were exposed!

"Okay!" Ma Xiaoling responded in a deep voice.

The Holy Mother of Yaochi opened her mouth and bit Ma Xiaoling's neck.

Ma Xiaoling clearly felt her blood boiling, and then, her pupils slowly changed from black... to purple!

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