At noon the next day, Lin Ge received a call from Wanyan Bupo, telling him that Yue Yinping was awake.

Lin Ge was not surprised. After all, Mao Xiaofang personally renewed Yue Yinping's life for a week. Although it was not as good as Ksitigarbha's one-year renewal, it was a genuine "one-week lifespan". Except for Mao Xiaofang stamping the reincarnation seal on the "Book of Life and Death", even if the judge comes, there is no way to take Yue Yinping away.

However, after Yue Yinping woke up, he learned that the Song Dynasty was dead. In the end, his father failed to escape the trap of the traitor and died of torture. He could not bear the blow and suffered a mental breakdown.

When Lin Ge rushed to the hospital, Yue Yinping was lying on the hospital bed, his eyes empty, as if he had lost his soul. No matter what Wan Yan Bu Po said to her, there was no response.

Lin Ge asked Wanyan Bupo to go out first, saying that he and Yue Yinping would have a few words alone. Although Wanyan Bupo was confused, he tried to communicate with Yue Yinping for most of the day but there was no response, so he could only place his hope on Yue Yinping again. On Lin Ge.

Wanyan Bupo stood at the door and waited anxiously. Half an hour later, Lin Ge came out of the ward. Wanyan Bupo asked anxiously: "Taoist Master, how is Yin Ping... how is she?"

"Consciousness has recovered, but I also told her about hell. You don't have much time to spend with her, so cherish these two days." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he patted Wanyan Bupo's shoulder and left. .

Wan Yan Bu Po entered the ward, and as expected, Yue Yin Ping reacted. She turned her head slightly to look at him, tried her best to squeeze out a smile, and called his name.

"You..." Wan Yan Bu Po hesitated to speak.

Yue Yinping said: "I know what you want to say, but this is my own choice. Maybe if I go down and see my father, he will recognize me as his daughter again."

"Yin Ping, hundreds of years have passed, you don't have to..." Wanyan Bupo advised.

Yue Yinping shook his head: "For you, it is hundreds of years, but for me... I have been separated from my father for only a few days, but things have changed. General Bupo, you said... if it had been If we choose to leave and find the eternal kingdom that Master said, will the outcome be different?"

"You want to find the eternal kingdom, I will accompany you to find it now!" Wanyan Bupo said urgently.

Yue Yinping shook his head again: "It's over. General Bupo, you just thought I was not sober at that time, that's why you said such words. Your knife also made me understand that in a confrontational situation, family hatred and country hatred, Children's personal relationships...these are just tricks of fate. I have decided to contribute to this world before I die."

"Silver bottle..."

As soon as Lin Ge walked to the hospital gate, he was surprised to see Mao Xiaofang, two apprentices, and a group of black-clad Death Gods guarding the gate.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Mao Xiaofang said sternly: "Junior brother, do you still remember the strange disease I told you before that can make people and souls lose their emotions at the same time? We have found the source, which is in this hospital. To avoid spreading, I have asked Death troops sealed off the hospital to prevent souls from entering or exiting."

When Lin Ge met the Human King in the hospital, he already knew that this was the place where the underworld would be purified with the Purifying Flame in the play, so he was not surprised to hear this.

"I can only purify, is there no other way?" Lin Ge asked.

Mao Xiaofang shook his head: "No. We have tried various methods to suppress this strange disease, but two judges, including the Good Reward Division and the Chacha Division, have all contracted this strange disease. And your friend, just now Hu Bufan, who was promoted to captain of the Death God and was responsible for investigating the strange disease incident, was also infected by the strange disease. More and more underworld infections have been caused by ghosts and ghosts, which has paralyzed many important positions. We have no other choice but to start from Start rectifying the source.”

"How can we be sure that the source is in this hospital?" Lin Ge asked.

According to the plot, fate should have played a role in Chang'e's body, causing Chang'e to start sucking human blood. This strange disease began to spread through the people who were bitten to death by Chang'e, whether they were living people or souls, just by looking at each other, He will be infected with strange diseases, gradually lose his emotions, and become a walking zombie.

But within a few days of Lin Ge's return to the Song Dynasty, he specifically asked He Yingqiu to help investigate matters about Chang'e, but he did not discover the existence of Chang'e.

Secondly, Lin Ge was seriously injured in the battle with the Human King and was rescued by Ma Dalong and his son, but Chang'e's existence was not discovered. Because in the original drama, Chang'e came down from the moon and was taken home by Ma Xiaohu.

At this time, it is still the year 2000 in "Dragon 2", and there are still 4 years before the plot of "Dragon 3" takes place.

Lin Ge originally thought that due to the timeline, the plot of Chang'e coming down from the moon had not happened yet, but the strange disease had already spread, and it was obvious that the plot was going on quietly without his knowledge.

"This is because Hu Bufan investigated..." Mao Xiaofang was about to explain when he suddenly heard a cold voice coming from the corridor behind.

"Is it possible that you can close the hospital if you want?" The Ren King was standing at the door of the first ward in the corridor when he spoke, but as soon as he finished speaking, he had already drifted to Lin Ge and Mao Xiaofang.

The originally cool way to appear, in Lin Ge's opinion, always had a ghostly feeling of "He's coming, he's coming, the King of Humans is coming over on a skateboard."

"Hey, isn't this the Human King Fuxi? He didn't feel comfortable being beaten by our brothers before. It's only been two days and the scar has healed and the pain has forgotten?" Lin Ge challenged.

The Human King sneered: "Although your female fairy seriously injured me, my arrow also pierced my soul. My Fuxi arrow, even if it was just an arrow of consciousness, is not something that ordinary people can withstand. What's more, your female fairy is still a corpse." Disintegrate the physical body and use the soul to enter the immortal world. The real body is the soul, and she has withstood my arrows of consciousness. I don’t believe she can still help you today!"

"You will know if you can make a move or not!" Lin Ge took out the hard drive and threw it in his hand. Obviously, as long as the Human King makes the next move, he will immediately pull the opponent into the ghost realm.

"Bluff!" The Human King was obviously not "threatened" by Lin Ge and reached out to grab his heart.

Lin Ge pinched the magic formula and once again pulled the Human King into Sadako's ghost realm. Before leaving, he shouted to Mao Xiaofang: "Brother, take Yue Yinping to clear the hell!"

"Junior brother!"

Upon seeing this, Mao Xiaofang immediately took people to Yue Yinping's ward. When Wanyan Bupo heard that the underworld was going to take Yue Yinping to empty the hell, he immediately said anxiously: "Didn't you say in two days?"

After Mao Xiaofang told Wanyan Bupo and Yue Yinping that the hospital was the source of strange disease infection and had been sealed off, the two knew that the matter was urgent. After placing Wanyan Wulei in place, they went to the underworld with Mao Xiaofang.

As soon as the group of people returned to the underworld, they saw a judge running up to Mao Xiaofang and saying: "Di Di Di Di Di Zang Agent, something is wrong, something serious is going to happen!"

Ah Chu frowned and snorted coldly: "As a judge, how can you behave in such a panic!"

The judge swallowed, pointed in the direction of the ghost gate and said urgently: "Outside, outside...outside, coming, there are many ghosts coming!"

"I said you are stupid for being a judge, right? We are here in the underworld, and ghosts are allowed to pass through the gates of hell. If there are no ghosts, how can there be a living person?" Ah Chu said disdainfully.

Mao Xiaofang saw the judge's frightened look, and something was obviously wrong, so he asked: "Lonely souls and wild ghosts? How many are there? Didn't I order to suspend the reception of reincarnated souls?"

"No, they are not reincarnated ghosts. Yes, they are Yin soldiers. Millions of Yin soldiers. Among them are those famous generals who have been refusing to be reincarnated, waiting for their king to return."

"Famous general?"

"Wang Jian, Wang Ben, Meng Tian...etc."

Mao Xiaofang frowned and said in confusion: "How come they...came back? Who can summon these generals and millions of underworld soldiers at the same time?"

"Yes, me."

At this time, a deep voice came.

When everyone turned around, they saw that in the direction of the Ghost Gate, escorted by a group of mighty and domineering generals, Riley, or rather Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, had put on the attire of the First Emperor.

Between the dragon and the tiger, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

If Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling were here, they would find that "Riley" at this time is completely different from the Riley they saw in England. The aura of the emperor that is invisibly exuding makes people involuntarily kneel down and worship. The urge to surrender.

Apart from "that man", there is obviously no other person who can command Qin's famous generals and millions of dark soldiers, let alone calling himself "I".

At this time, Mao Xiaofang and others realized Ying Zheng's identity, but they never dreamed that Ying Zheng, whose soul disappeared from the "Book of Life and Death", would actually appear in the underworld.

"I wonder why the First Emperor appeared in the underworld and ordered millions of Yin soldiers to cross the gate of hell?" Mao Xiaofang stepped forward and asked in a polite tone.

Ying Zheng replied: "Your junior brother asked me to lead troops to Hong Kong Island to help. We want to bring the Yin soldiers to Hong Kong Island from Xi'an. The fastest way is from the underworld."


When Ah Chu Xiaohai heard this, he was so shocked that he was speechless. He thought to himself, "Uncle Master is Uncle Master. How big is this game? Just invite millions of Yin soldiers to help."

Although the reputation of the First Emperor was not enough to do something as low as "lying and deceiving", Mao Xiaofang was cautious and asked: "What specifically does my junior brother ask you to do for him?"

Ying Zheng did not answer, but took out his flip phone and ran towards Mao Xiaofang. Mao Xiaofang opened it and saw that there was only a text message sent by the name "Zhao Dezhu".

The text message is also very simple, only seven words——

Find out your destiny, "what else can you ask for".

Mao Xiaofang stared at the phone, shocked and speechless. A Chu and Xiao Hai raised their heads in confusion and looked at the screen of the phone.


Mao Xiaofang handed the phone back to Ying Zheng and said to Xiaohai: "Xiaohai, take them to the Gate of Hell and send them directly to Hong Kong Island."

"Yes, Master...Ksitigarbha agent."

Ying Zheng looked at Mao Xiaofang, nodded slightly, said nothing, and turned towards the gate of hell.

Night, 23 o'clock, midnight.

Many busy Hong Kong Islanders were on their way home. Suddenly, on the streets, shopping malls, beaches, residential buildings... the entire Hong Kong Island, neatly arrayed "sinisters" could be seen everywhere, and they were conducting a "big search" on the entire Hong Kong Island. , just to find a man named "He Youqiu".

In just half an hour, through the spread of the Internet and media, the entire Hong Kong Island was plunged into panic. Citizens hid in their homes and did not dare to go out. Even the special police officers were at a loss.

But that’s normal. For them, it’s okay to catch thieves and fight gangs, but that doesn’t mean they can catch ghosts! For a time, the entire Hong Kong Island fell into chaos, and all departments were almost "paralyzed."

Although this also attracted many "outside the world experts", they took advantage of this opportunity to try to build their own reputation. Among them, Zhong Fabai, who shouted that "all the ghosts within a radius of 800 miles were beaten to emigrate", killed hundreds of Yin soldiers with one person, and was then killed by Wang Jian himself.

When Ying Zheng personally led millions of underworld soldiers to search for He Youqiu in the city, the battle between Lin Ge and the King of Humans had already moved from the "hard drive" to the "reality".

This time, Lin Ge's injuries were much more serious than that of the Human King. One hand was completely twisted and deformed, the other hand had all five fingers broken, and his left foot was bloody and bloody. He relied entirely on his right foot to support his body.

Except for some bloody wounds on the Human King's body, he was basically not seriously injured. He wiped a handful of blood on his face, stared at Lin Ge and coldly snorted: "You can only rely on the strength of others, and you are destined to always be weak. . Once you lose the protection of the strong, you will be an ant at the mercy of others!"

"Really? Ahem... but, I... am still alive." Lin Ge's face was covered with blood, and he sneered, giving people a crazy feeling and making people shudder.

"It would be too easy for me to kill you!" The King of Humans stepped in front of Lin Ge and raised his hand to pinch his neck.

However, he saw a mass of blood mist condensed behind Lin Ge, wrapping him in it. Then a pale hand stretched out from the blood mist and struck a palm with the Human King.

Ou Yongqi only exchanged a palm with the Human King, and her entire arm was shaken into blood mist. Even if she gathered a dozen hands again, she could not resist the Human King in the slightest.

The Human King pinched Lin Ge's neck and lifted him up: "I said, I want to kill you, it's too easy..."

"His life is mine!" At this time, a cold shout came from the side, and then I saw a water dragon condensed in the air, roaring and biting at the Human King.

The King of Humans raised his hand to resist the water dragon's attack, while Ou Yongqi took the opportunity to condense the blood mist and wrap it around Lin Ge, taking him a dozen meters away.

Ma Ling'er held the exorcism stick and looked at the Human King on the rooftop of the third floor of the hospital building with cold eyes. She said in a cold tone: "I don't care who you are, Lin Ge. I can only kill you!"

"Speaking wild words!" The Human King raised his hand, summoned the Fuxi Bow, opened the bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an "Arrow of Consciousness" towards Ma Ling'er.

"The Dragon God ordered, the Fire God Zhurong borrowed the method, the Fire Dragon God!"


Suddenly a strong wind blew up behind Ma Xiaoling, and then as the temperature rose sharply, three fire dragons more than ten meters long gathered in the air, let out a loud dragon roar, and rushed towards the Human King.

Ma Ling'er doesn't need to "borrow" a spell. Once he borrows a spell, it will be a spell that is ten times or a hundred times more powerful!

The Fire Dragon God and the Arrow of Consciousness collided, creating a huge shock wave that directly collapsed most of the hospital. The Human King glanced nervously at the hospital, and after making sure that it had not affected his fiancée's ward, he quickly flew away and tried to Move the battlefield.

Although Ma Ling'er shouted, "Only she can kill Lin Ge," she didn't pay attention to Lin Ge, who was seizing the time to take medicine to heal his injuries. Instead, she chased after the Human King.

Lin Ge emptied out almost all the recovery medicine in his grocery store, but even so, the recovery from his injuries was very slow. However, these are not the injuries caused by the battle with the Human King this time, but more the injuries caused by the "Fuxi Arrow" from the Human King.

In fact, that arrow almost "destroyed" Lin Ge's Taoism at the junior level. Not to mention the "Eight Forbidden Spells", "Qiankun Borrowing Spell" and "Thunder Spell" that he was good at, even the Exorcism Spell and the Royal Spell. There is no need to use the soul to chase the soul.

After entering Sadako's ghost domain, it was almost entirely thanks to the cooperation of Huang Shang, Ou Yongqi, Xiao Yatou, Sadako, and Domoto Shizu, to barely block the human king's half-stick incense.




At this time, with a burst of applause, He Youqiu, who was wearing a white suit, walked out of the green belt on the side, looked at Lin Ge who was lying beside the green belt recovering from his injuries, and said with a smile: "Millions of Yin soldiers, tsk tsk, no To think that in order to force me out, you actually asked Qin Shihuang to mobilize millions of underworld soldiers for you."

"Destiny!" Lin Ge narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

He Youqiu smiled and said: "It seems that you really know my true identity. However, you surprised me. Not only were you able to invite Qin Shihuang, but you were also able to get the generals who were from the Pangu tribe to find me. I am very curious, how did you do it? Did it?"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "It's very simple, tell them... what happened to them is just your conspiracy. I believe that no one wants to be manipulated by others at will."

"Do you think they believe it?"

"That's right, they believe it when I say it."


"With... this, is it enough?" Lin Ge said, taking out a Bible.

Seeing this, He Youqiu smiled disdainfully and said: "Bible code? Hahaha, this is just a copy of the "Huangji Jingshi Book" I made. You actually used what I made to deceive the Pangu people?"

"Of course it's more than that, we also need...your cooperation!" After Lin Ge finished speaking, he suddenly fell back and disappeared into the blood mist behind him.

He Youqiu was about to catch up when he heard a voice behind him: "Your opponent is me!" (End of Chapter)

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