Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 284: The life-saving grace is unforgettable, so why don’t we do it!

The top floor of the Domoto Group Building.

As the automatic door opened, Hong Chao, who was doing some work in the house, looked up and saw a general in white walking in from the outside.

But what was different from the past was that the originally pure white windbreaker had a lot of blood stains on it.

"True Ancestor, are you injured?" Hong Chao stepped forward and asked with concern.

The general raised his hand and shook it to show that he was fine. Then he walked to the sofa and sat down. With such a chic sitting posture, even Brother Ming had to move a small bench to sit next to him.

Hong Chao stood aside and asked respectfully: "True Ancestor, has something happened?"

The general shook his head. Since he did not want to say more on this matter, Hong Chao did not dare to continue questioning. Go to the desk and get a box.

"True Ancestor, early this morning, a man named He Yingqiu sent this box. He said that his uncle asked him to send this box." Hong Chao came to the general, dragging a man about seventy or eighty years old with both hands. Centimeter long box.

The general raised his hand to open the box, took a look at the contents inside, and said with a faint smile: "It's quite trustworthy. It's worth it that I personally find someone for him."

"Keep it in the cabinet." The general closed the box, glanced at the time, stood up and walked to the inner room: "I'm going to change clothes, and you go prepare for the awakening of Mother Earth."

"Mother of the Earth has awakened? But... isn't it that there is still some time before the day of awakening... Yes, Hong Chao knows." Before Hong Chao finished speaking, he was looked at with a faint look by the general, and he immediately took back the rest of his words. , and quickly followed the instructions to prepare for the day of awakening.

The general took off his bloody clothes and returned to the hall. Hong Chao had already arranged the hall according to the general's request. As the general entered the hall, the five-color magic circle was activated instantly.

The general pressed the "switch" on the wall behind his desk, and heard the unusual sound of gears turning from the ground in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. In the secret compartment originally used by Domoto Shizu to store "collections", a Gorgeous crystal coffin. Inside, a woman with gorgeous clothes and peerless beauty is closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

The general stepped forward, opened the crystal coffin, and raised his hand to caress the woman's cheek.

As the bell in the hall rang, the general placed a five-color sacred stone on the woman's chest. As a burst of dazzling five-color light emerged, the woman slowly opened her eyes.

"General." The woman opened her eyes and looked at the general. Although there was no change in expression on her face, her voice was extremely gentle.

"Long time no see. Really, it's been a long time." The general smiled gently, then helped the woman to sit up, and said with a smile: "I miss you very much, Nuwa."

"Me too." The woman smiled back.

The general said again: "I didn't expect that your soul would wake up early."

Nuwa frowned slightly and said: "Because... I suddenly felt uneasy. I thought I was going to die. This is the first time I have felt this way since the creation of chaos and everything grew in my hands. I feel that I I will die in this world created by my own hands."

The general supported her and comforted her: "It may be just a nightmare. Don't forget that this paradise on earth was created by yourself."

Nuwa asked: "Is it still a paradise? General, do you really think so?"

Hearing the words, the generals fell into silence. At this time, Hong Chao came five steps away from the crystal coffin, knelt down respectfully, and said: "Welcome the master to return."

"Messenger of Five Colors, why are you the only one here?" Nuwa asked.

Hongchao looked at the general, not knowing how to answer.

The general replied: "This is not important. What is important is that in order to welcome the day of your awakening, I have prepared a gift for you. See if you like it."

After the general finished speaking, Hong Chao immediately came forward with a book: "This is the gift prepared by the True Ancestor for the master...the last stripe of the Bible code."

"Bible code?" Nuwa's voice sounded slightly confused, obviously she had never heard of such a thing.

Crimson Tide explains: “The Bible code can accurately predict the rise and fall of mankind.”

"Isn't it up to me to decide the rise and fall of mankind?" Nuwa asked Hong Chao and the generals at the same time. Her tone was very calm, but it made people feel endless pressure. Hong Chao was almost out of breath. He lowered his head and silently endured Nuwa's "anger".

The general smiled slightly and said: "It used to be, but now... there is a small problem. Not only the rise and fall of mankind, but also our rise and fall are also controlled by others."

"Oh?" Nuwa simply replied with one word, but it could be seen that her interest had been aroused by the general, and she really wanted to know who could control her destiny.

The general did not rush to explain, but met Nuwa's eyes and asked: "Nuwa, do you still remember... the memory before the creation of Chaos?"

Nuwa thought for a moment and shook her head.

The general smiled and said: "I don't remember the memory before the creation of Chaos. I only remember that I was floating in the endless darkness, ups and downs, and I don't know how many years have passed. Until one day, a bright light pierced the sky and divided it into two parts. Three, and then the world appeared."

"Although the world was born, I seemed to be accustomed to sleeping until I met you. It was also from that time that I had 'memories'."

"And now, someone told me...this 'world' has actually existed for thousands of generations. From creation to destruction, it is called a kalpa. This world has also experienced hundreds of millions of kalpas. Master each kalpa. What is born and destroyed is the three strange books of heaven, earth, and man that have existed since the beginning of chaos.”

"That's the bright light that split into three when I was sleeping."

"...The book from heaven is responsible for recording everything in the world, from beginning to end, and cannot be changed. This is destiny; the book from earth can change things in the world, but it cannot change destiny; the book from man, also known as 'opportunity', is the only An opportunity that may change your destiny.”

"...Although the power of the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth is powerful, they cannot control people's will and love. Unless the three books of heaven, earth and man are gathered together and combined into one, the three books become the only true god who can create destiny in all tribulations. Then all things in the world, destiny and emotions, and everything about people will be controlled by the 'True God'!"

Hearing this, Nuwa frowned even deeper, and then asked: "So you want to tell me that our destiny is actually dominated by 'fate'?"

The general nodded: "Yes. Destiny wants to become a 'true god', and in order to fight against fate, the perfect man in the last calamity created the Pangu clan, which is not controlled by fate and is immortal to fight against it."

"You are one of the two most perfect goddesses created by Pangu. You are in charge of 'life', and the other goddess is in charge of 'death'. And I am a member of the Pangu tribe, originally responsible for 'supervision' You created humans to prevent you from doing the irreversible, accident happened."

"Accident?" Nuwa obviously didn't understand what "accident" happened between her and the general that could affect the survival of the world.

The general smiled and said: "Yes, an accident that no one in the Pangu tribe expected...I fell in love with you."


Although this was true, she didn't know how to take it for a moment.

The general continued to tell Nuwa one by one the "truth" that Lin Ge told him in the ghost realm. After the fate of the world was destroyed, the people in the previous life stored the technology that created the Pangu clan and the secret of immortality, as well as the souls of the dead, in a place called the 'Eternal Kingdom'.

Then fate continues to influence their decisions through the "Book of Heaven", affecting human beings, filling the world with "desire", and instigating the human king to fight with another goddess in charge of "death".

"...And now, fate has found a new opportunity. He is trying to influence your decision-making and destroy the world through your hands."

After the general finished speaking, he stood quietly aside, as if waiting for Nuwa to digest the shocking news.

"That person told you this? Do you believe it just based on these words?" Nuwa pondered for a while and finally asked.

The general shook his head: "He just told me some clues, and I went to check these clues myself. And yesterday, I saw two people."


"A woman named Mingyue, and...destiny."

"Mingyue? Destiny?"

The general smiled and helped Nuwa out of the crystal coffin, walked to the sofa not far away, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will tell you slowly. Mingyue, she is also a member of the Pangu tribe..."

"Right away, look at how injured he is. Why don't you send him to the hospital? Don't kill him..." Ma Xiaohu couldn't bear to watch Ma Dalong, who was busy in front of and behind him, "healing" the unconscious Lin Ge. Just complain.

Ma Dalong said angrily: "I have treated you so many times in so many years, have you been killed? How can you talk...remember, if you believe it, it will work, if you don't believe it, it won't work!"

Ma Xiaohu muttered: "You didn't kill me, but you treated me to a high fever because of a small cold, and I was sent to the emergency room."

Ma Dalong said angrily: "That's not to blame for your lack of firm belief!"

"Yes, yes, then how do we save him?"

"Treat his wounds first." Ma Dalong said, taking out a hammer and nails and gesturing in the air, which made Ma Xiaohu's scalp numb.

"Wait a minute, horse man, he has enough bloody holes on his body, how many more do you want to nail?" Ma Xiaohu said in surprise.

Ma Dalong cursed: "What do you know? I feel that there is a strong evil spirit lingering in his body. I want to use magic weapons to drive away the evil spirits for him."

"I still think calling 999 is more reliable..."

"Don't talk nonsense, just watch from the sidelines."

After Ma Dalong finished speaking, he swung the hammer, making a "ding-ding" sound, and stepped closer to Lin Ge. At this moment, he caught the position of Lin Ge's chest, and a vague blood mist appeared. He immediately waved He pierced the nail and shouted: "Monster, let me see where you are going!"


A pale hand stretched out from the blood mist and slapped the hammer off Ma Dalong's hand. Immediately afterwards, blood mist condensed behind the sofa. Ou Yongqi walked out of the blood mist and looked at Ma Dalong and Ma Xiaohu with cold eyes.

Ou Yongqi's resentment and evil spirit were simply unbearable to ordinary people, but even though Ma Dalong and Ma Xiaohu managed to hold on to their inner fears, they were so frightened that they fell to the ground.

"Ghost, ghost, ghost..." Ma Xiaohu stammered, "But, this ghost... is so beautiful."

Ma Dalong slapped Ma Xiaohu on the head and said angrily: "The appearance of a ghost is just a superficial appearance. No matter how good-looking it is, it may be an illusion. It may scare you to death if the true face is revealed!"

After saying that, Ma Dalong quickly bowed to Ou Yongqi: "Don't blame me! Don't blame me! I just want to save an old friend. Oh, I don't know him very well. If you don't let me save him, I won't save him... ...Please retreat quickly! Retreat quickly!"

"Cough. Cough." Lin Ge coughed a few times and said in a very weak voice: "Masha, I was... quite touched, and wanted to give you... a red envelope... to show my gratitude... now Well, save it. Don’t be afraid, this is my family’s ghost.”

Ma Dalong immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, stood up from the ground and said, "You told me earlier. Alas, do you know how much effort we put into saving you? We don't know how you were injured, and we don't dare to call the police." . Xiaohu could only carry you up the stairs, which almost cost him half his life."

Lin Geqiang sat up from the sofa and looked at Ma Xiaohu aside. The other person scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "It's not as exaggerated as the people on the horse said. I just tried my best."

Lin Ge held Ma Xiaohu's hand with both hands, looked at him sincerely, and said, "The grace of saving my life will never be forgotten, so why don't we do it!"



Ma Dalong and Ma Xiaohu looked at Lin Ge in confusion.

Lin Ge sighed: "Alas, the reason why I was so seriously injured is because I was walking on the beach yesterday and found a thousand-year-old monster that has caused trouble to the world. He did not hesitate to fight for world peace. It's a pity that in the end, I let that monster The thousand-year-old demon has escaped. But don’t worry, after I recover from my injury, I will fight him for another 300 rounds!"

Ma Xiaohu has had a superhero dream since he was a child. In the original drama, he often got sick and fantasized about being a superhero fighting crime, which made him feel so good!

Lin Ge's words at this time undoubtedly spoke to his heart, and he suddenly felt as if he had met at a late date. He excitedly shook Lin Ge's hands and said sincerely: "I didn't expect that brother, you are also a hero who cares about the people. I, Ma Xiaohu, am truly lucky to have met you!"

"Then let's burn the yellow paper!"

"Burn the yellow paper!"

"become sworn brothers!"

"become sworn brothers!"

The two hit it off immediately and immediately decided to burn yellow paper and become brothers with different surnames.

Ma Dalong on the side had his mouth wide open, and it was clear that his head had not turned around yet. He didn't know how to accept the fact that "his friend suddenly became his son".

Ma Dalong couldn't stand the "touching scene" of Lin Ge and Ma Xiaohu meeting each other so late and having similar feelings for each other. He ran to the kitchen to make breakfast for the two of them and wash his eyes at the same time.

Ma Xiaohu, on the other hand, chased after Lin Ge and asked about the battle with the demons last night. Lin Ge beautified and polished the battle between him and the Human King, which made Ma Xiaohu enjoy it.

At this moment, Lin Ge's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was He Yingqiu's call.


"Uncle Master! Are you okay? I called all morning and no one answered. I'm worried that something happened to you. Master and senior brothers are also worried about you, and they are all still at my house now."

"Tell my senior brother that I'm fine."

"Okay. Uncle Master, I have already done what you asked me to do."

"Thank you for your hard work. Is Nino okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that he is absorbing moonlight and growing faster and faster. Maybe it was because he absorbed too much moonlight on the beach last night. Today he has grown to fifteen or sixteen years old."

"Have you found Xiaoling?" Lin Ge asked again.

He Yingqiu replied: "Not yet."

"Okay, you should get the things I asked you to make as soon as possible. Maybe we will need them soon." Lin Ge warned.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm already working overtime."

Lin Ge and He Yingqiu chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

As soon as I hung up the phone, I heard a beep and received a text message.

"I've seen destiny."

"Nuwa is awake."

"I agree with your plan."

Lin Ge read the text message, and a relieved smile appeared on his face. The most critical part had been solved, and there were two more things to do next.

One is to wake up the "Ksitigarbha" Ma Xiaohu in front of him, and the other...

Lin Ge flipped through his address book and found a phone number to dial——

Riley. (End of chapter)

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