Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 283 Ma Ling'er: Lin Ge, I'm going to kill you damn liar!

Lin Ge raised his hand and struck out with a few flying swords. Even if there are ordinary people around you watching, you, the king, don't care. What do I care about when I am leaving in a few dozen days?

The Human King obviously did not expect that Lin Ge would not only be alive and kicking after being hit by one of his attacks, but also dare to use magic to counterattack. He raised his hand and clamped a golden lightsaber between his two fingers.


The golden sword broke in response.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law!" Lin Ge waved his palms, and instantly launched dozens of golden light palms, bombarding the human king wildly.

Seeing this extremely gorgeous "special effect", everyone around was frightened.

However, Lin Ge's offensive looked good, but in fact the damage was no different from scraping. When the smoke and dust dissipated, the King of Humans still stood there without even moving.

Lin Ge also knew that the Human King was one of the pinnacle combat powers in the world, and it was basically impossible to defeat the opponent without worrying about the nightmare effect.


His move was just to interfere with the Human King's sight and give him a chance to get closer. As soon as he entered the scope of the activated domain, Lin Ge directly pulled the Human King into Sadako's ghost domain.

At this time, Ma Xiaoling, who also went to the hospital to visit Yue Yinping and Wan Yanwu Tear, happened to see Lin Ge disappearing with the King of Humans.

"Sister Xiaoling!" When El Nino saw Ma Xiaoling, he felt like he saw a savior and ran towards her quickly.

Ma Xiaoling asked anxiously: "What happened?"

El Nino quickly told Ma Xiaoling exactly what happened just now.

When Ma Xiaoling heard this, her expression changed. Although she didn't know the identity of the Human King, since Lin Ge had dragged him into the ghost realm, it was obviously difficult to deal with him.

At this time, Wanyan Bupo, who heard the commotion in the hospital, rushed out and asked about it, only to find out that the commotion was caused by Lin Ge.

"Let's go." Ma Xiaoling called El Nino, took away the black computer case, got into her Beetle, and drove all the way to the beach.

However, Wan's face remained intact and she stayed in the hospital to deal with the aftermath.

On the way, Ma Xiaoling called He Yingqiu and asked him to take everyone to the beach for "support."

When He Yingqiu heard about Lin Ge's accident, he almost emptied his warehouse and felt that it was not enough, so he even packed up the portrait of his ancestor.

Finally, He Yingqiu ran to his master Mao Xiaofang's shrine, lit three sticks of incense, and recited the "God-Inviting Mantra" in an attempt to contact the underworld.

Since the last time Ah Chu and Xiao Hai came to He Yingqiu's home for a "visit", He Yingqiu learned that his senior brothers were working in the underworld, so he contacted the underworld every now and then to "chat" with his senior brothers.

"Xiao Qiu, what's wrong with you?" A Chu's impatient voice came from the memorial tablet.

He Yingqiu said quickly: "Senior brother, it's not good. Xiaoling said that my uncle got into a fight with others and even used the ghost realm."

"Uncle Master, doesn't he beat people up every once in a while? The time you spend with Uncle Master is still too short, and you will get used to it gradually in the future." Ah Chu replied.

He Yingqiu added: "Xiao Ling said that my uncle seemed to call that man the 'King of Humans'."

"Fuck!" Ah Chu's voice rose eight hundred degrees: "Just wait, I'll tell Master right now. Just wait, don't leave in a hurry."

Two minutes later, He Yingqiu saw the tablets of Mao Xiaofang, A Chu, and Xiao Hai light up at the same time, and the three of them appeared at the same time. He Yingqiu looked happy and said excitedly: "Master!"

"Where is your uncle?" Mao Xiaofang asked.

He Yingqiu relayed what Ma Xiaoling said, and Mao Xiaofang immediately asked He Yingqiu to take them and a car of guys to the agreed beach.

At the beach, Ma Xiaoling set up an array, placed the black mainframe at the center of the array, and then squatted in the distance with El Nino and stared at each other.

At this moment, thick smoke billowed out from the black host, followed by a loud "bang" sound. The entire chassis exploded into pieces and scattered on the ground. Two figures also appeared in the magic room arranged by Ma Xiaoling as the chassis exploded. In the formation.

Although I don’t know the status of Lin Ge and the Human King’s battle in the Ghost Realm Space, the conditions of both of them are not very good at this time. Lin Ge’s left arm was “hanging” on his body in a twisted state, and he became a bloody man.

The human king's condition was not much better. He was covered with blood all over his body, and there was a blood hole the size of a fist in the center of his bare upper body. Most of his body was burnt, and even his hair was burned away, leaving him bald. In comparison, the Human King's situation was even worse than Lin Ge's.


Lin Ge spat out the blood from his mouth, looked at the Human King and sneered: "Tsk, tsk, the strongest combat power created by the Pangu clan is nothing more than this."

The Human King snorted coldly: "As a man, you hide behind several women during the battle. What right do you have to question my strength?"

"Ha! If you have the ability, you can also find a few women who are willing to fight for you! I think the few women you can find will be pretty good if they don't help beat you up." Lin Ge was not ashamed, but proud.

"Bah, you are a freeloader." The Human King said disdainfully.

"Soft rice tastes good, why eat hard rice that will make you scratch your teeth." Lin Ge wiped the blood on his face and stared at the Human King with a begging smile, as if to say, "If you don't accept it, hit me." .

While Lin Ge was quarreling with the King of Humans, Ma Xiaoling saw the right opportunity and picked up the magic formula: "The Dragon God ordered, earth, fire, sky and wind borrowed the magic to kill the evil!"

The formation below the Human King suddenly blew up a hurricane and swept him in. Normally, the Human King would have dispersed this hurricane spell with just a sneeze. However, he had just fought against the strongest person in another world. , his physical strength and spiritual energy were already exhausted, and his body was covered with bruises. This "little hurricane" almost blew him off the sky.

The human king's anger was completely ignited. The guy in front of him pulled himself into a strange space, combined with the weird creation skills, and pulled in a strong man from another world.

Now that he's out, there's a "woman" helping him!

It's amazing to rely on your face to make a living, right?

At this time, the human king's eyes turned blood red, and the zombie's fangs were exposed, and he roared to the sky. As the deafening zombie roar sounded, a coercive attack like a sonic boom directly centered on him and spread out in all directions.

Lin Ge, who was closest to the Human King, suffered first and was knocked out and fell into the sea. Then came Ma Xiaoling and El Nino. Ma Xiaoling rushed in front of El Nino and wanted to cast a spell to block the shock wave for him. However, her movements were still a little slow and she was directly thrown away and hit a boulder. She vomited blood at the mouth.

The Human King dodged and appeared directly in front of Ma Xiaoling. He raised his hand and grabbed her in the air. Ma Xiaoling immediately flew up and was picked up by his neck.

The Human King looked at Lin Ge who rushed out of the sea, and sneered: "I want you to see your woman die with your own eyes, then you will realize how insignificant you are!"

"Let go of Sister Xiaoling!" When El Nino shouted these words, a golden spell flashed on the back of his head, and then his body instantly disappeared from the place, and he actually used the same ability as the Human King to appear in the blink of an eye. In front of the Human King, he punched his lower abdomen with a "bang" punch, knocking the Human King away.

El Nino dodged again and appeared next to the Human King who flew backwards. He immediately added another punch, followed by a second punch, a third punch, a fourth punch...

While El Nino was beating up the King of Human Beings, Lin Ge had already rushed to Ma Xiaoling, knelt down and helped her up. While wiping the blood stains on her face, he took out a Nine-flower Jade Dew Pill and fed it to her, and kept calling her. Said: "Xiaoling! Xiaoling! Wake up!"

Ma Xiaoling slowly woke up and resisted the King's full blow. Her face was distorted by the pain. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Lin Ge, her eyes seemed a little confused: "Lin...Ge?"

"It's me, are you okay? I'll carry you..."


Lin Ge felt a huge pain in his chest mid-sentence. Ma Xiaoling hit his chest with a palm, and powerful spiritual energy burst out in an instant, knocking him away.

Poor Lin Ge just ran back from the sea and was instantly shocked back into the sea!

Lin Ge emerged from the sea with a confused look on his face, spitting out a mouthful of blood. The injury from this palm was more serious than the injury caused by the Human King.

Because Lin Ge never thought that Ma Xiaoling would make a sneak attack!

"Are you crazy?" Lin Ge looked at Ma Xiaoling who was not far away, and cursed angrily: "I'm going to carry you to the car, and you're going to get a slap?"

Ma Xiaoling stood up, glared at Lin Ge, and said coldly: "Lin Ge, I'm going to kill you damn liar! Go to hell!"

"Those who are approaching, fighting, and fighting are all arrayed in front... to punish evil!"

Ma Xiaoling formed the seal twice as fast, and she used her ultimate move to summon a huge golden talisman. With a dragon roar, the Dragon God flew out of the golden talisman and roared towards Lin Ge!


Lin Ge is feeling bad. I just tricked you into buying beef noodles for 20 yuan yesterday. As for summoning the Dragon God to take revenge?

The Dragon God had already "killed" him, and Lin Ge didn't care so much. He could only take out the Five Elements and Bagua and use "Moving Flowers and Trees" to block the Dragon God back.

The Five Elements Bagua plate was filled with golden light, and Ma Xiaoling who was chasing after him obviously didn't expect Lin Ge to be able to block the dragon back. She couldn't avoid it and was directly knocked away.

At the same time, a van parked by the beach, and three figures flew out and rushed towards the beach at high speed. Then He Yingqiu also rushed out of the driver's seat.

"Junior brother!"

"Uncle Master!"

One person and three ghosts rushed into the beach. They originally thought that Lin Ge was fighting with the Human King, but they did not expect that the Human King was fighting with a ten-year-old child, and Lin Ge was fighting with Ma Xiaoling!

What's going on?

Although it was not clear what happened, Lin Ge was covered in injuries at this time, and Mao Xiaofang and others naturally could not let him continue to fight.

"Xiaoling, stop!" He Yingqiu was the first to rush forward when he saw this. Unexpectedly, as soon as Ma Xiaoling raised her hand, he felt a huge spiritual energy rushing toward him, and his whole body was immediately thrown away.


"Little beg!"

"Junior brother!"


He Yingqiu dove into the sand and fell backwards.

Ma Xiaoling turned around, glanced at Mao Xiaofang and others, and snorted: "It seems that you are all accomplices of this damn liar, so let's die together!"

After saying that, Ma Xiaoling took the lead in attacking Mao Xiaofang. As her hands continued to change the spells, fire god, water god, thunder god...etc., the spells were used one after another, without any need to "borrow" spells.

Moreover, Lin Ge and others were surprised to find that Ma Xiaoling held different magic formulas in each hand. The left hand was the Fire God Seal, and the right hand was the Water God Seal!

You must know that "water and fire are incompatible" since ancient times. To cast fire and water spells at the same time, it requires extremely high Taoism to do it!

At least, it is absolutely impossible for Ma Xiaoling to do it.

While Master Mao Xiaofang was dealing with Ma Xiaoling, Lin Ge immediately took out the recovery spray and sprayed it on his arm while taking a handful of recovery medicine.

Lin Ge looked at El Niño and the Human King who were fighting inextricably in the distance. The Human King was seriously injured at this time, even though El Niño, who was still in the growth stage, could fight with him.

Because of El Nino's "strength", he is able to learn the target's moves in an instant and even return them with several times the power.

At this time, the Human King was seriously injured. With his flexible skills and his anger at the Human King for hurting Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling, El Nino cleverly avoided the Human King's attack and immediately "returned" to the Human King!

Copy Ninja, Magic Star El Nino?

Lin Ge felt that there were a lot of flaws, but he didn't know where to start, so he could only withdraw his attention. El Niño didn't need help for the time being, so it would be better to deal with the rampaging Ma Xiaoling first.

Looking at Ma Xiaoling, who was fighting one against three and even overpowering Mao Xiaofang, Lin Ge sighed helplessly: "The blackness really doubled the strength, right?"

"The ultimate move has no cooldown, it's water and fire dual cultivation, and there's no casting time yet... Wait, could it be..." Lin Ge suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Lin Ge rushed forward and suddenly shouted to the people who were fighting inextricably: "Ma Ling'er!"

Ma Ling'er froze when she heard Lin Ge's voice. It was precisely because of this hesitation that A Chu hit her with a magic spell, knocking her away.

"Sure enough, it's Ma Ling'er!" Lin Ge didn't understand how Ma Xiaoling got hit by the Human King and turned into Ma Ling'er directly, but he couldn't help thinking about it at this time. The most important thing was to stop Ma Ling'er from going crazy.

"What the hell, I don't even know you. You screamed and killed when you came up. Even if you are trying to find a place for Ma Xiaoling, you don't have to be so cruel, right?" After Lin Ge dealt with the wounds on his body, he also joined the fight.

With one against four, Ma Ling'er gradually fell into a disadvantage. He swiped the exorcism stick with his hand, forcing the four of them back, and then jumped onto the street.

"Lin Ge, just wait, sooner or later I will come and take your life!"

Lin Ge shouted towards Ma Ling'er's leaving figure: "Did my dog ​​offend you?"

Mao Xiaofang:......

"Junior brother, please stop your cold jokes at this time..." Mao Xiaofang sighed and looked at the Human King in the distance: "Why did you start fighting with him?"

"I wonder if this guy is sick, but he comes to trouble me every now and then! Come on, help beat him up!" After saying that, Lin Ge rushed to the battlefield in the distance.

No matter how powerful Ma Ling'er is, she still uses Ma Xiaoling's body. Ma Xiaoling was seriously injured by the Human King's blow, and her soul was even damaged. Only then did Ma Ling'er have the opportunity to take over her body.


Ma Ling'er spurted out a mouthful of blood, immediately raised her hand to knead the secrets, tapped her body a few times, and used spiritual energy to seal the wound to prevent the injury from getting worse.

Her injuries were basically internal injuries caused by the Human King's blow. On the contrary, she was not injured much in the subsequent battle with Mao Xiaofang and others.

After all, in the eyes of Mao Xiaofang and others, she was Lin Ge's companion. Although she didn't know why, she couldn't be beaten like a mortal enemy.

"Need help?" At this time, a gentle female voice sounded behind Ma Linger.

Ma Ling'er turned around alertly and saw a woman in a fashionable dress standing behind her, looking at her with a smile.

With Ma Ling'er's perception, ordinary people would be noticed within five steps of her, let alone appearing silently behind her.

"Who are you?" Ma Ling'er asked.

The woman smiled and said, "My name is Yao Qiong, and I am a novelist."

"I don't know you." After Ma Ling'er said that, she was about to leave.

Yao Qiong smiled and said: "I know you. Ma Xiaoling...or, Ma Ling'er. I am very interested in your story. Are you interested in sitting down and chatting?"

Ma Ling'er didn't expect that the other party "recognized" her, and she also knew that the person currently controlling this body was not Ma Xiaoling, but her, Ma Ling'er.


She wanted to see who this woman was.


There was a loud noise from the direction of the beach!

At this time, the Human King was obviously no match for the combined efforts of Lin Ge and the six of them, not to mention that there was a demon star and a Ksitigarbha agent inside. In just over a hundred moves, even half of the zombie's teeth were broken.

The one who was beaten the hardest among them was Mao Xiaofang. Only after he took over the position of Ksitigarbha's agent did he realize how much of a mess the Human King, who was completely indifferent to the human world, had left to the underworld.

Even Mao Xiaofang, who had received the power of Ksitigarbha, had not had any time to rest or practice in these years. He was all thanking the substitute king for taking care of the aftermath.

At this time, the Human King was seriously injured. In addition, Mao Xiaofang had completely integrated the power of Ksitigarbha over the years, and his strength had greatly increased. Together with Lin Ge and others, the Human King was almost unable to fight back.

Seeing that he was outnumbered, the Human King immediately struck with all his strength, knocking El Nino away. Then he summoned the divine bow and aimed at several people to release the "arrow of consciousness".

Using powerful mental power to cause conscious attacks on targets, they feel like they have shot an extremely powerful arrow, but in reality it is just an "illusion."

Facing the attack of the artifact, Mao Xiaofang was okay and could easily block it. But Ah Chu and the others had to use all their strength to resist.


The one with the lowest consciousness among them is El Niño, not because his mental power is not strong, but because he was born more than ten days ago, and his soul and spirit are in a very weak state.

This blow caused Nino to vomit blood and fall to the ground.

Lin Ge quickly stepped forward to help Nino up and fed him the elixir. When the Human King saw this, he immediately seized the opportunity and fled away into the distance.

Lin Ge pushed El Nino into Mao Xiaofang's arms: "Brother, help me take care of Nino, I'll go after that guy!"

"Junior brother!"

"Don't worry about me. I can beat him seriously once, and I can beat him a second time!" Lin Ge rushed past the blown-up host, removed the hard drive, and continued to chase the King of Humans.


As soon as Lin Ge called out, a cloud of blood mist immediately gathered around him, pulling him into the mist.

"74%, try to achieve a quick victory within 6% of the nightmare effect!" Lin Ge thought to himself. Now that it has reached this point, let alone let the king run away.

The Human King and Lin Ge shuttled between cities at extremely fast speeds. The difference was that one relied on his own speed and the other relied on the blood mist to move.

Two afterimages, one white and one red, jumped from the street to the building, and then rushed from the building to the rooftop.

Every collision was a series of blows, but the human king had no intention of fighting anymore. He basically forced Lin Ge back and continued to run away. Lin Ge also had no intention of letting him go. If you run away, I will chase him!

On the rooftop of a building, the Human King was caught up by Lin Ge again.

The Human King knew that if he didn't kill Lin Ge today, he would have no chance of getting rid of him, so he took out the artifact Fuxi Bow again. This magical bow and arrow was originally a "set" with ten arrows in one bow. However, in the battle with Our Lady of Yaochi, nine arrows were used to shoot down nine suns. Now there is only one divine arrow left!

And this arrow is used to deal with the Pangu clan's greatest enemy, destiny!

The Human King did not choose to use up the last divine arrow, but instead used the "arrow of consciousness" to attack Lin Ge.

However, Lin Ge was not good at any spell in his body, but his "mental power" was ridiculously strong. Of course, this is all thanks to the "spiritual practice method".

The Human King stepped forward, opened his bow, and shot out an "Arrow of Consciousness". A sharp arrow roared into a white light and shot towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge released all his spiritual energy, and at the same time condensed a ball of blood mist on his hands, forcefully caught the "arrow of consciousness", and shattered the "arrow" with his strong mental power.


"Is this your strongest blow as a human king?"

"That's all."

Lin Ge made provocations many times and beat himself into such a mess. The King of Humans was so angry that he could not remember his mission and responsibilities. He could throw away even the responsibilities of being the King of Humans for thousands of years, let alone deal with fate.

Now that Lin Ge had touched his bottom line, he no longer hesitated, raised his hand, held it in the air, grabbed the divine arrow that appeared, and loaded the bow with the arrow——

call out--

With a sound piercing the air, the divine arrow instantly pierced Lin Ge's body at a speed that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, taking his entire body flying out and smashing into a small alley.

The Human King stood on the rooftop and glanced at the alley in the distance. After confirming that Lin Ge was silent, he looked away, jumped up, and disappeared into the night.

Half an hour later.

A fat man with a round figure and a thin young man passed by the alley.

As the fat man walked away, he was still teaching the young man: "You have to believe me. If you believe me, everything will be fine. If you don't believe me, something will happen. After all these years, you still don't believe I can save you?"

"I believe it. If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't give you the money every month."

"Then what are you still struggling with? Come on, give me all the money you have."

"Again? I just gave it a few days ago. I don't have much money now."


The fat man was about to speak, but the young man interrupted him and said, "Wait a minute, we'll talk about the money later. Immediately, look at that garbage heap, is there... a person lying there?"

"There are always drunk people, why do you care so much?"

"As the saying goes, 'Do a good deed a day.' If you see it, you must help." After the young man finished speaking, he immediately ran towards the garbage dump.

"Right away, please come and take a look. This man is seriously injured. Do we need to call the police?"

The man immediately chased me and took a look. He was about to say why he was meddling in such nosy business, but suddenly he felt that the man looked familiar, and he said in surprise: "Lin Ge! Come on, come and help me!"

"Send to hospital?"

The man on the horse took off Lin Ge's clothes and took a look, only to find that the wounds on his body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye: "No, take him to your house first. I know him."

In the presidential suite on the top floor of the Sea View Hotel, a young man in a white suit stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a red wine glass in his hand and staring at the beach in the distance.

"Human beings are indeed animals that are easily dominated by emotions, even the 'King of Humanity' is no exception. I just used some small tricks, but you actually started fighting among yourself... Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."


"A person whose name is not found in the Book of Heaven can actually influence the fate of others. It's interesting. I want to see if you can escape from the "Emperor's Classic of Worlds"!"

"Fight, fight!"

"Let me watch you kill each other!"


"How can you fight with me now that the Fuxi Arrow is gone!"

At this moment, a gentle male voice came from the door, asking with a slight smile: "Are you the so-called...destiny?"

The young man in the white suit turned around in shock. After seeing the person clearly, he looked in disbelief: " did you find this place?"

"My friend told me that you would definitely come to join in the fun."

"Your friend?"

The visitor looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows into the endless darkness outside. (End of chapter)

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