Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 282 The day Nuwa wakes up, the eve of the decisive battle

Domoto Group Building.

In the spacious top-floor office area, all the things that originally belonged to Domoto Shizu were evacuated, and there was only an arm-thick iron chain in the empty room.

Following the chain to the corner, I found a dark lizard tied to the chain, curled up in a doghouse in the corner.

At this time, as the automatic door of the hall opened, a general in pure white clothes walked into the room, followed behind him were two women in different clothes, one red and one black.

The whole face of the woman in red is blurred, and she looks like she has no face. Plus, she is dressed in red. If she appeared in the middle of the night, she would scare people half to death.

The woman in black dress covered her face with a gauze scarf, and her face could not be seen clearly.

The two women followed the general to the lizard. When the general raised his hand, it seemed as if an invisible force was holding the lizard up and flying.

The black lizard raised its head and let out a soft roar, then spread a pair of wings on its back. This thing was not a "lizard", but a real... "dragon"!

The "lizard" flew into the air, and the general reached out to grab it. A colorful ray of light flew out from the heart of the "lizard" and fell into the general's hand.

"I won't kill you, which is a thank you for your dragon energy. However, now is no different than before. Your era has passed. If you go out like this, you will be sent to be cut into pieces for study in a few days. If you don't want to die, just be obedient. Stay here." After the general finished speaking, he walked towards the center of the office.

"After absorbing the dragon energy, the spirit of Mother Earth will soon awaken. Three days will be the return period. As the messengers of five colors, you must be prepared to welcome it." The general ordered the two women behind him.

The woman in red is named "Red Tide", which corresponds to the "red" among the five colors and represents the "confusion" in human emotions.

The woman in the black dress is named "Black Rain", which corresponds to the "black" among the five colors and represents the "resentment" in human emotions.

"Yes, True Ancestor!" the two women responded.

At this time, Heiyu asked: "True Ancestor, since you have found out who killed Lan Dali and the other three, you just let him go and will not be held accountable?"

"Lan Dali acted privately and wanted to change... Forget it, you just need to remember that Lan Dali brought the blame on himself. I didn't punish him before. I just thought that he was the messenger of five colors. Since I hit the muzzle of the gun, I can only say It's unfortunate. I don't want you to follow Lan Dali's footsteps, do you understand what I mean?" the general asked.

The two of them responded, and Hei Yu asked again: "True Ancestor, I want to ask you a question, is that okay?"


"I remember the True Ancestor once said that it is up to God to decide whether the Demon Star should be born, but he has always threatened Lady Nuwa. Since we have gone through so much trouble to find him, why not..." Hei Yu didn't finish his words, But the meaning is very obvious. He is obviously "questioning" the generals about why they didn't kill the demon star.

The general smiled and said: "Because I found a very interesting person. He told me some very interesting things and answered my many years of doubts. Moreover, he made a promise that he would give me a satisfactory answer within a week. reply."

"Do you believe his promise? True Ancestor, if Demon Star really becomes the enemy of Mother Earth, he is the tombkeeper of Pangu's Tomb... If we really let them get the artifact that can kill Mother Earth, what should we do? How to deal with it?" Hei Yu asked excitedly.

Jiangchen glanced at Heiyu meaningfully, and the plain look in his eyes made Heiyu's hair stand on end. She felt an invisible pressure that made her almost breathless.

Just when Heiyu was about to suffocate, the general smiled and said: "Of course I have a way to deal with it. The so-called Demon Star is just a poor child. Are there any other problems?"

"True Ancestor... do you... do you agree that Mother Earth will be reborn after her destruction?" Heiyu finally asked the question he was most concerned about.

"I know you have wanted to ask this question for a long time." The general smiled.

Heiyu bravely replied: "Yes, I think there seems to be some contradiction between what you have done, Zhenzu, and what Mother Earth thinks. If you really want to help Mother Earth, you should not clear the way for her. ?"

"There is only one person who can decide the decision-making of Mother Earth, and that is herself. Neither I nor you can shake the decision-making of Mother Earth. And... I know what you really think in your heart, and you don't have to keep asking. Test. If you don't want to follow Lan Dali's footsteps, you must understand who gave you life." The general did not speak too clearly, but Hei Yu's heart was already filled with huge waves.

Black rain represents resentment, and its ability is divination, which can predict the future.

Although he is one of the five-color messengers, Heiyu actually has more "resentment" for Mother Earth than anyone else. In the original show, she was also the first person to betray Mother Earth.

The reason why she chose to stand on the side of humans and help humans deal with Mother Earth was not because she liked humans, but simply because Mother Earth had asked her to collect human resentment for thousands of years, which caused her heart to be filled with resentment and hatred towards Mother Earth. There is only resentment left.

But Heiyu didn't expect that the general had already seen through her thoughts.

Heiyu lowered his head and said respectfully: "Heiyu doesn't dare. Heiyu is just worried that unknown factors will affect the awakening of Mother Earth... To be honest with the True Ancestor, Heiyu has secretly used the power of divination to predict the end of mankind. At the end, the conclusion reached is very vague. I am afraid that only the legendary Bible code can predict the true ending of the end of the world."

"Bible code?" At this time, Hong Chao, who had been silent all the time, said: "The things recorded in the Bible code will definitely happen. What can I do if I know it? Can it be changed?"

"Throughout the ages, no one has ever changed the records of the Bible code... All of this is an arrangement of fate, and no one can go against fate." Heiyu said.

The general smiled and said: "The future of mankind is controlled by fate. If fate tells them to die, they will die... Everyone believes that fate is unavoidable. If fate can be changed, wouldn't it be interesting?"

With that said, the general walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the dark sky. Even he felt an invisible and powerful oppressive force.

Fighting against fate is... fighting against the sky!

Two days later.


The largest amusement park on Hong Kong Island.

Lin Ge took Nino and a playful girl to play in the amusement park in the dead of night. In just two days, Nino has grown from seven or eight years old to eleven or twelve years old, taller than the little girl.

However, although his age and body are growing rapidly, Nino's mind has not changed much, and he is having a lot of fun with the little girl.

But in order to be "targeted", the little girl spent most of the time possessed by chocolate, and Nino took the chocolate to play on the rides.

This was obviously not enough fun, so Lin Ge thought of a way to take Nino into Sadako's ghost land, let Domoto Shizu open the dream world, and create an amusement park for the little girl and Nino to play.

Naturally, Domoto Shizu would not be dissatisfied with Nino's request.

After playing all night, Lin Ge left the Ghost Realm with Nino and the little girl who were still unfinished, planning to go to the hospital to check on Yue Yinping and Wan Yan Wu Lei before returning to Jiajia Building.

When they arrived at the hospital, Nino sat in the corner of the hall, holding chocolates in his hand and chatting with the little girl about the amusement park. Lin Ge went to the ward to visit Yue Yinping and the two girls.

In the past few days, Wanyan Bupo has been keeping an eye on the two girls. Although he spent a lot of money to hire professional caregivers, he still does many things by himself and takes care of the two girls meticulously.

Lin Ge asked about Yue Yinping's situation and told him to return to the Song Dynasty to look for arrowheads. However, he brought Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei's true purpose back to Wanyan Bupo.

Obviously, Wanyan Bupo would rather go to hell himself than Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei suffer this. However, he has the blood of the Holy Mother of Yaochi in his body, and now he is a zombie. After all, is he empty when he goes to hell? Whether hell, or letting hell become overflowing with evil spirits, is unknown.

Lin Ge seemed to have left the decision-making power in Wanyan Bupo's hands, but in fact, he didn't have many choices left.

If you want to save them, then one of them, Yue Yinping or Wan Yan Wu Lei, will enter hell and take up the responsibility of the "Innocent Person".

If not saved, Yue Yinping still has four days to live.

In fact, Lin Ge had already discussed an alternative plan with Mao Xiaofang, but he needed this "opportunity" to test Wanyan's "loyalty".

If Wan Yan Bu Po cannot fulfill his promise of "loyalty", then Lin Ge will give up on him. Because now we are fighting against fate for time, and there is no room for error.

After coming out of the ward, Lin Ge walked to the hospital lobby, only to find the Human King standing in front of El Nino. The two seemed to have a dispute.

"Boy, the thing in your hand is very dangerous, give it to me." The Human King said coldly.

El Nino hugged the chocolate tightly and said displeasedly: "No! In my opinion, uncle, you are more dangerous! Go away, I don't want to talk to you!"

"I'm warning you again, give me your stuff!"


El Nino was about to refuse when he heard a careless voice coming from the side: "Hey, isn't this the King of People? He doesn't care about business all day long, and he comes to bully children? What? Now he even wants to snatch chocolates? Can't he buy it? If you want sweets, come on, I'll sponsor you two hundred yuan!"

Lin Ge said, took out two hundred yuan from his wallet and threw it on the ground: "Here, take it, no guest..."


As soon as the Human King raised his hand, Lin Ge flew backwards, crashed through the glass of the hall, and landed in the green belt, bringing up a burst of mud and smoke, and was buried under the green plants.

Upon seeing this, El Nino immediately chased out of the broken floor-to-ceiling window with the chocolate in his arms, ran to the pile of green plants and shouted: "Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin! Are you okay?"

"Something's wrong!"


The green plants that were pressing on Lin Ge were blown away. Lin Ge stood up from the dirt pit, patted the dust on his body, and cursed: "Damn, this bastard unexpectedly attacked! If I don't beat others today, I will become a human being." If I die, my surname is not Lin!" (End of Chapter)

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