Wanyan Bupo followed Lin Ge to the hospital and saw the red lights on both sides of the emergency room, feeling very complicated.

After hundreds of years of loneliness, until Lin Ge "returns" hundreds of years later and finds Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wutear, this is the belief that supports him to live.

But now, both "beliefs" are red.

While waiting for Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei to undergo surgery, Lin Ge, Ma Xiaoling and Wanyan Bupo casually chatted about his eight hundred years of experience.

After Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling left, Wanyan Bupo did not intervene in the battle between Yue Jiajun and Jin Bing. Instead, he hunted the hiding zombies in Zhuxian Town.

As Lin Ge left, Yelvgui broke free and tried to turn Jin Bing and Yue Jiajun into his zombie army, but unexpectedly ran into Wanyan Bupo.

After killing the Yelu ghost, Wanyan Bupo felt a splitting headache again. He fainted from the pain and fell into the ruins.

It has been a long time since I woke up. The battle between the Yuejia Army and the Jin Bing for Zhuxian Town has long ended. Even the Jin Bing has left Zhuxian Town and marched towards the capital of the Song Dynasty.

Wanyan Bupo found Jin Jun, but found that his position as general had been replaced by others, so he simply left and found a deserted land, living alone for decades.

Later, when dynasties changed, Wan Yan Bu Po hid his identity and moved around the country with refugees. In modern times, they even went abroad.

Seeing that the time agreed with Lin Ge was getting closer and closer, Wanyan Bupo knew that he could no longer be so decadent, so he gradually started to run his own business, and became famous in the antique world with his research on Song and Jin culture.

After returning, Wanyanbupo moved back to Hong Kong Island, but the strange thing was... no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall where Lin Ge told him where he was going in 2000 when he left.

Until tonight, when Wanyan Bupo was playing with Yue Yinping's cold electric silver gun, the words "Jiajia Building" suddenly flashed in his mind.

And what Lin Ge said when he took Yue Yinping away became increasingly clear in his mind. Wanyan Bupo didn't have time to think too much and hurriedly drove to Jiajia Building.

After asking for Lin Ge's house number from Uncle Gu, the security guard, Wan Yan Bu Po excitedly knocked on Ma Xiaoling's door. Unexpectedly, the noise was too loud and attracted Wang Zhenzhen downstairs.

The moment he saw Wang Zhenzhen, Wanyan Bupo was so excited that he rushed forward and hugged Wang Zhenzhen.


The dignified General of the Kingdom of Jin, the red-eyed zombie, the most famous antique scholar in Hong Kong Island, the General Wanyan who can sweep an entire army with his martial arts alone... was regarded as a pervert by Wang Zhenzhen and was slapped into confusion.

After learning that Wanyan Bupo came to see Lin Ge, Wang Zhenzhen quickly called Ma Xiaoling and took this "pervert" to the hospital.

After Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling's explanations, Wanyan Bupo also realized that Wang Zhenzhen was just the reincarnation of Yue Yinping. His sweetheart, who he had been waiting for for more than 800 years, was being rescued in the emergency room.

The long wait made Wanyan Bupo worried. Finally, the red light in the emergency room went out, but the doctor told Lin Ge and the others that neither Yue Yinping nor Wanyan Bupo had passed the critical period. Especially for Yue Yinping, whose heart was penetrated by a sharp weapon and who didn't die immediately, it was enough to be taken to the Academy of Sciences for study. It was simply a miracle among miracles.

After sending the two girls to the intensive care unit, Wanyanbupo paid for a dedicated nurse to protect them 24 hours a day, and then went to the corridor with Lin Ge.

"You said before that Yin Ping only had twelve hours to live. Did you mean the injuries on his body? What if...I, in the end...turned her into...?" Although Wanyan Bupo didn't say it explicitly, Apparently he wanted to bite Yue Yinping into a zombie before she died.

"...If you want to do this, I won't stop you, but her name has already been recorded in the Book of Life and Death. It's unclear whether she will be captured by the underworld." Lin Ge deliberately concealed the fact that he asked Mao Xiaofang to replace Yue Yin. Regarding the bottle extending life for seven days, he frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Is there really no other way? Taoist priest, please...save Yin Ping." Wanyan Bupo once again placed his hope on Lin Ge.

Lin Ge sighed: "Oh, I can only try my best. Originally, by bringing her back to modern times, I have violated God's will and will suffer huge backlash."

"Taoist Master, I leave the silver bottle to you. I, Wan Yan Bu Po, swear to heaven that from now on I will be whatever Taoist Master Lin orders me to do. If I disobey, I will die!" Wan Yan Bu Po vowed.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character's "perfect appearance" rises rapidly. 】

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, the long-lost "speed".

"That's all, we as Taoist monks should help the world and the people... You are destined to me, alas. I will spend my life first to extend the life of Yue Yinping for a week, and then I will find another way." Lin Ge seemed to be under the influence of something terrible. determination, shook his head and sighed.

"Thank you, Taoist priest. Taoist priest is a great kindness. Bupo will definitely remember it in his heart."

Wanyan Bupo stayed in the hospital to take care of Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei, while Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling left the hospital and returned to Jiajia Building.

Along the way, Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge with very subtle eyes, making him feel uncomfortable: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't hold yourself back."

Ma Xiaoling said in a very disdainful tone: "You? Help the world for the people? What about bluffing? You have such a heart to help the world for the people, it is as ridiculous as I, Ma Xiaoling, do not love money!"

"Huh? Are you quite self-aware?"

"That's not the point. The point is that you still said to Wan Yan Bu Po that 'you and I are destined'... Please, are you really bluffing like other people are idiots?"

Lin Ge replied: "Originally, I wasn't that easy to bluff, but by some strange combination of circumstances in Zhuxian Town, I saved Wanyan Wulei, and Wanyan Bupo mistook me for an immortal. What can I do?"

"Hey, you're a big liar."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"I didn't praise you!"

The two of them noisily returned to Jiajia Building. Seeing that it was still early, they planned to go to Wang Zhenzhen's home to see Jin Weiwei and Nino and have lunch.

Ma Xiaoling rang the doorbell and saw Wang Zhenzhen opening the door. She immediately smiled and gave her a hug: "Zhenzhen! I'm here to help you!"

Lin Ge: ...You are not polite at all.

After Wang Zhenzhen responded with a smile, she invited Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge into the room and said, "You guys came just in time. I was about to call you. Your friend came and said he was stopping by to visit Nino. But Nino and I went shopping early in the morning..."

our friends?

Visiting Nino?

Lin Ge didn't expect for a moment who his and Ma Xiaoling's "common" friend would be. If it was Riley, he couldn't come to visit Nino, right?

As soon as he entered the door, when Lin Ge saw the handsome man in white sitting on the sofa, he felt bad. He stayed there for a long time. When the man looked at him, he quickly put on a smile as if seeing an old friend——

"Azu, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming so that I could pick you up? You came just in time. We brothers must have a good time together!"

The person who came was none other than the Zombie King and the general.

Lin Ge stepped forward "excited", but Ma Xiaoling's expression was very subtle.

She had previously thought that Lin Ge's burning yellow paper to worship a strange man when they first met was a trick. But after getting along with Lin Ge during this period of time, she found that his current appearance was definitely "deceiving".

For example, a certain general was grateful to Lin Ge from the bottom of his heart even after being sold.

"You guys chat, I'll get you tea." Wang Zhenzhen said to Lin Ge and the generals, and then went to the kitchen to make tea and cut fruit for them.

"Miss Ma, long time no see. Mr. Jiang... Well, or should I say, Mr. Lin?" the general said with a slight smile.

Lin Ge patted the general on the shoulder familiarly and said, "Oh, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we are like this. We are brothers who worship each other, and calling you big brother will not hurt you. The name is just a code name, you know brother I'm running around in the world, so it's not surprising that I have more names."

The general smiled and said: "I heard a few of my subordinates mentioned you, but...there was no news about these people afterwards. Mr. Lin is really good at getting rid of them without anyone noticing."

Facing the "questioning" of the general, Lin Geyun smiled lightly and said: "Oh, Azu, don't blame me for being troublesome, the main reason is that your subordinates want to replace you. But... they are not He died by my hands, but was controlled by a mysterious person."

"Mysterious man?" the general asked.

Lin Ge lowered his voice and asked, "Azu, do you believe me?"


Not to mention the generals, even Ma Xiaoling on the side was speechless for a while, and almost blurted out "I believe you are a ghost".

You wish you could pull Lin Ge's ears and ask him to stop this "natural familiarity" problem. What's more, the other party is obviously alienated from you. Can't you feel it?

And "Do you believe me?"

When asked this question, Ma Xiaoling was so embarrassed that she almost dug her toes out of the three bedrooms and one living room.

The general didn't know how to answer the question for a moment. Before he could think of a reply, Lin Ge patted him on the shoulder familiarly and said, "It doesn't matter. As brothers, in my heart, I understand even if you don't say it. Since you believe Me, then I will tell you a huge secret! However, this is not the place to talk, you come with me..."

With that said, Lin Ge took out the black computer case and put it on the coffee table, picked up the magic formula, and led the generals into Sadako's ghost domain.

At this time, there was a sound of glass breaking at the door of the kitchen. Wang Zhenzhen was coming out of the kitchen with a fruit plate. She saw Lin Ge transformed into a living person. He and the general disappeared with a "whoosh". She was so surprised that she was speechless. Come.

"Little, little, little, little Xiaoling, Lin Linge, Lin Ge, he...what, what." Wang Zhenzhen swallowed in surprise, not knowing how to describe the wonderful scene in front of her.

"Alas." Ma Xiaoling sighed and could only start to "complete the lies" for Lin Ge.

Half an hour later, Lin Ge and Jiang Chen came out of the ghost realm. Ma Xiaoling didn't know what they talked about in the ghost realm. She only knew that Jiang Chen was no longer "estranged" from Lin Ge at the beginning.

A few people chatted wordlessly. Most of the time, Lin Ge was chattering while the others listened. To say that Lin Ge is "talkative", most of what he says is difficult to answer; to say that he is not "talkative", he can talk for more than an hour without stopping. It wasn't until Jin Weilai came back from outside with El Nino that the "awkward" chat was broken.

"Uncle Lin, Sister Xiaoling." When Nino saw Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling coming, he immediately ran up to them excitedly and said hello.

The two of them and El Nino had not seen each other for a few days. The cute two-year-old baby had now grown into a child of seven or eight years old.

If it weren't for the phrase "Sister Xiaoling," Ma Xiaoling wouldn't have even recognized that this child was the previous two-year-old cute baby, El Nino.

"Nino, what are you..." Ma Xiaoling hesitated, not knowing whether she should ask such an incredible question in front of an outsider like the general.

El Niño obviously knew what Ma Xiaoling wanted to ask, and replied with a smile: "I don't know why, but every time I shine in the moonlight, I grow a little bit... I keep shining on it, and I grow so tall!"

Lin Ge said from the side: "Compared with how you grew up so fast, I want to know more about Ma Xiaoling, who has only known you for two days. How did she convince you to call her sister instead of my uncle?"

"Uncle Lin, if you think about it, I only knew you a few hours earlier than I met Sister Xiaoling." El Nino said seriously.

Therefore, the most difficult thing to defeat is "sincerity". When faced with El Niño, Lin Ge, who is famous for being "good at chatting", also experienced the feeling of not being able to answer the conversation for a while.

At this time, the general on the side looked at El Nino and said with a smile: "Are you El Nino?"

"Yes, uncle, you are..."

"I am your Uncle Lin's friend, my name is Jiang Zhenzu."

"Hello Uncle Jiang."

The general touched El Niño's head, then looked at Lin Ge and said, "He was born without enough blood. Malnourished children have a greater chance of dying after birth, even Demon Star is no exception. If you don't want him to die early, If it’s too late, we have to find a solution as soon as possible.”

With that said, the general stood up and walked towards the door: "Since you said you can solve this matter perfectly, then I will give you seven days. If I still can't see what I want after seven days, then I will have to do it myself. .This is my commitment and I have to fulfill it.”

"Of course." Lin Ge smiled and said, "You really don't want to stay for a meal?"

"No need, I believe you know my situation better than anyone else."

"I thought you were different from ordinary... well, you are different."

"It's different, but it's not necessary. There are more ways to obtain energy, and you don't necessarily have to eat." The general replied.

Lin Ge shook his head: "Then you have missed too many beautiful things. I decided to let you see what delicious food is. When my siblings wake up, I will take you to have some hot pot!"

Hearing the word "brother and sister", the expressions of the generals became a little subtle. From ancient times to the present, except for Lin Ge, probably no one dared to call Nuwa "brother and sister".

"Everyone, farewell." After the general said, he left Wang Zhenzhen's house.

Ma Xiaoling looked at the general's leaving figure and asked doubtfully: "He just left like that? So... what on earth is he here for?"

"Originally, he came here to kill people and steal goods. Although the killing is not guaranteed, the goods will definitely be taken away by him. However, I think this 'goods' may have other uses, so I asked him to keep it for me first." Lin Ge replied .

Ma Xiaoling frowned: "What riddle are you trying to solve?"

Lin Ge raised his hand and touched El Nino's head, and winked at Ma Xiaoling. Thinking of what the general had just said, Ma Xiaoling immediately understood and stopped asking any more questions.

Jin Mirai was already very nervous, and the plot had already changed at this time. She was not bitten into a zombie by Domoto Shizu, and she did not take the general's words seriously for a while.

Lin Ge took the opportunity to change the topic, looked at Wang Zhenzhen and said, "Zhenzhen, look at so many of us coming to your house for dinner, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, you like to eat what I cook, and I'm not happy enough. Just wait, I'll bring out the food." With that, Wang Zhenzhen entered the kitchen.

"Zhenzhen, let me help you."

Ma Xiaoling and Jin Weilai followed into the kitchen, leaving Lin Ge and El Nino in the living room. Lin Ge turned on the TV and was about to find a cartoon to watch with Nino, but when he switched to a news channel, he originally planned to switch away. When I saw the picture on the TV, I was so shocked that the remote control panel fell to the ground.

"According to... the latest report, Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum was stolen, and the heads of tens of thousands of terracotta warriors and horses were damaged, causing incalculable losses. A huge deep pit appeared at the main mausoleum. After the investigators went down, they found that underneath it was originally A 'secret room', but I don't know if it was originally empty or if it was emptied out overnight."

"Some citizens said that they were afraid that Qin Shi Huang had to move mountains, unload ridges, hair hills, and touch the lair of Jin Laojiumen, so that people could evacuate their 'nests' overnight."

"But no matter what, this incident must have been carried out by professionals, otherwise it would be impossible to steal Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum without anyone noticing. Not only did it not alert the security guards outside, but even the surveillance did not capture any footage. However, The police have launched an investigation and this station will continue to report the latest results."

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, Riley finally took action. It's just that...Qin Shihuang led people to dig his own tomb. Who would believe it if he said it? (End of chapter)

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