Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 280 Human King, you can die and go see Ksitigarbha

The Human King looked at Lin Ge carefully and said in a calm tone: "Although the hospital is the boundary between life and death, it is still a place in the world, and you don't look like a messenger here to seduce souls. In this case, don't stay here. If you are here, go back quickly so that you don't get in the way."

The human king controls the human world, which is strictly speaking the opposite of the underworld. He does not like people from the underworld, so he senses the aura of the underworld in Lin Ge and has a very tough attitude.

After Lin Ge's identity as "Black Impermanence Envoy" was "certified" by Ksitigarbha's agent Mao Xiaofang, it became an official identity in this world.

Therefore, as soon as the Human King saw him, he could sense the underworld aura on his body.

Lin Ge always respects me with a foot, and I respect others with a foot. When I meet someone I like, even generals can sit down and chat. In addition, he didn't have a good impression of the human king who could compete with Neptune for his name in the play. At this time, he was "threatened" by the other party, and his face suddenly turned cold.

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and asked in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Do you work at the street office? Where do I need to register with you when I show up?"

"Hmph, the position is not big, but the tone is not small." The King snorted coldly, and Lin Ge suddenly felt an invisible pressure shrouding him.

The powerful invisible force hit Lin Ge like a hurricane. Just when he was about to be thrown away, Lin Ge took a half step back, held his body, made a move, and shouted: "Break!"


Lin Ge's soaring spiritual energy collided with the coercion released by the Human King, and invisible shock waves swayed around. The surrounding medical staff and patients only felt a strong wind coming and were blown to the ground. Tables, chairs, benches, and instruments were blown around, and files and papers were flying all over the sky.

The Human King narrowed his eyes, stared at Lin Ge and snorted coldly: "You are quite capable of blocking my attack. It seems that you are not an ordinary messenger. Who is the ghost emperor's subordinate?"

In the conventional world, there are three major leaders in the underworld - Emperor Dongyue, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and Emperor Fengdu.

But these three big bosses are always in the spotlight, so the underworld is actually controlled by the five ghost emperors. However, although they are called "Five Directions Ghost Emperors", there are actually nine managers in total.

For example, the Eastern Ghost Emperor who ranks first is actually responsible for the two "Ghost Emperors" Cai Yulei and Shen Tu, who are the most well-known "left and right door gods" in the Chinese dynasty.

In the past, the door was a double door. During the New Year and festivals, the elderly would put up the left and right door gods and Spring Festival couplets, which meant that monsters and monsters would not invade and good luck would always come.

As for these two "ghost emperors", Shen Tu is in charge of Guimen Pass and Cai Yulei is in charge of Taoshang Mountain, and each has corresponding management areas.

However, to Lin Ge, the most "familiar" ghost emperor is "Zhang Heng", one of the northern ghost emperors. During his lifetime, this emperor was the second generation Celestial Master of the Zhengyi sect of Taoism and the son of Celestial Master Zhang Daoling.

One of the main "sources" for Taoist people to borrow power from the underworld is the Taoist people's backstage in the following major "cards". Because of this, in the area controlled by the Northern Ghost Emperor, almost all disciples of Sanshan Talisman are here. hold office.

If placed in the previous worlds, Lin Ge would have been a Yin Zai affiliated to the "Northern Jurisdiction", but it is different now. In the world of "Stiff Covenant", Ksitigarbha has become the "only" leader of the underworld and is in charge of the entire underworld. Although his subordinates There is still a "Five Directions Ghost Emperor", but there is no "Ten Palaces of Hell", but it is divided into multiple departments.

Lin Ge wanted to "confront" the human king, so he naturally had to raise his status, and if he wanted to avenge his name, he would report his name to the center of the underworld: "I am not a subordinate of any ghost emperor, but an agent of Ksitigarbha. Zhao Dezhu, who is your Excellency?"

The corners of the human king's eyes twitched, as if he was saying "God damn Ksitigarbha's agent". It's outrageous enough for Ksitigarbha to set up an agent, but "the agent's agent" is simply outrageous!

"Nonsense... Where is Ksitigarbha? Ask Ksitigarbha to come up to me! I want to see if he allows people to act recklessly and talk nonsense in his name in the world, and he doesn't control them. Fan!" the Human King said coldly.

Lin Ge said: "I said you are sick. I was just passing by here. Which of your eyes saw me doing anything wrong? Don't think that because you look like a Causeway Bay man, you are irresponsible in what you say!"

"Seeking death!" The Human King was angered by Lin Ge's words and was about to take action when he heard a low shout.


Immediately afterwards, a green light flashed at the door of the hospital, a crack appeared on the ground, and an elevator rose. Mao Xiaofang took A Chu and Xiao Hai out of the elevator and came to Lin Ge.

"Senior brother, why did you come up here?" Lin Ge asked.

Mao Xiaofang replied: "Originally, I wanted to discuss the matter of the 'Pure One' with you, but I sensed the aura of the Human King Fuxi, so I came up to 'visit' the Human King to see what advice he had for our senior brothers. "

Mao Xiaofang's words were clearly intended to support Lin Ge. Hearing this, the Human King's face suddenly turned cold and asked, "Are you the Ksitigarbha agent?"

"This is Mao Xiaofang, the agent of Ksitigarbha."

"Where's Ksitigarbha?"


"Tell him to come see me."

"You can go down and see him after you die." Mao Xiaofang said lightly.

Lin Ge on the side couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Although it is said that "those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black", he would never admit that this was the sequelae of Mao Xiaofang and himself being involved too much.

"Bold! Since you know who I am, you still dare to speak to me in such a tone. Don't you want to be the Ksitigarbha agent?" the Human King shouted coldly.

Mao Xiaofang's momentum was not inferior to that of the Human King, and he said calmly: "Whether I, the Ksitigarbha agent, can do it or not is naturally decided by Ksitigarbha, and it is not your turn to decide, Your Excellency, the Human King. What's more, the hospital is the boundary between life and death. In this land, it is normal for people from my underworld to appear here, so you have to ask about it? Can I think that your wife is hospitalized here, and the presence of people from the underworld violates your taboo, so you are deliberately making things difficult? "

Mao Xiaofang originally sensed something was wrong with Yue Yinping's soul and was about to contact Lin Ge to discuss it. However, he saw him having a conflict with the Human King in the hospital, and the other party was obviously deliberately looking for trouble.

Mao Xiaofang has been the Ksitigarbha agent for so many years, and although he still has a good temper, that is only for his own people. At this time, seeing someone bullying his junior brother, it doesn't matter whether you are the king of others or not.

What's more, this human king already has problems. As the king of the world, he should be in charge of mankind and prevent some tragedies from happening. But this human king is good. He "sleeps" every now and then. He sleeps for hundreds of years. Not to mention the neglect of management in the world. When he wakes up, he leads his troops to fight and conquers here and there. The people of the world are in dire straits, and the death toll soars to the limit. Ghosts in the underworld The oral drama has increased, and even if the underworld works overtime 24 hours a day, it will not be busy enough.

Furthermore, besides fighting, the King of Humans only knows how to fall in love. If he messes around and gets into trouble, he will let the underworld wipe his ass. For example, if a woman with the blood of the Ma family was bitten by the King of Humans, the guy would just slap her butt and leave. In the end, Ksitigarbha had to finish it off.

Therefore, not only Mao Xiaofang, who is Ksitigarbha's agent, but also those who sincerely follow Ksitigarbha in the underworld have no favorable impressions of the human king.

The Human King said coldly: "Do you believe it or not, I will prevent you from the underworld from entering the human world!"

"Haha!" Lin Ge suddenly laughed and said: "That's great, we just have a vacation, and then I will ask you, King of Humans, not only to take charge of humans, but also to help take care of lonely souls and wild ghosts. When will you If you are willing to let the evil spirit come up, we will seduce you again."


"What are you doing? It's you who said that we wouldn't be able to enter the human world because of your evil deeds. You are the biggest in the world. Naturally, you have the final say. We can only compromise and fish in the three-acre land in the underworld."


"What am I? You are the human king, the king of the human world. We don't dare to disobey you. We can only do what you say. Senior brother, let's break up. We will rarely come to the human world in the future. Lonely souls and wild ghosts, reincarnation matters , let’s leave everything to the management of the human king, he is very capable and can handle it.”

After Lin Ge finished speaking, he and Mao Xiaofang, master and apprentice, walked towards the gate.

"Wait a minute, I take back what I said before." The Human King frowned and stopped Lin Ge and the others, his tone suddenly no longer as tough as before.

Lin Ge looked back at the King of Humans and said, "What you say is like a fart. Do you want to suck it back in after you fart?"


Lin Ge was famous for not being good at chatting. When he saw that Mao Xiaofang didn't want to see the King of Human Beings, he immediately lost patience with him, and his words were extremely explosive.

Of course, Lin Ge was not so boring that he deliberately angered the King of Humans, he must have a fight with him. But everyone who has watched "Zhengyue 3" knows that the King of Humans has a temper that will be manipulated by him if you follow him. It is better to confront him from the beginning and stop him from interfering in the management of the underworld, so as to avoid this guy at a critical moment in the future. He abandoned his job and left, causing a lot of trouble.

As expected, Renwang Xunsi and Lin Ge continued to quarrel, and he was always at fault. If the underworld really doesn't care about ghosts in the world, then the world will be in chaos.

Therefore, the Human King simply stopped talking, snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards the corridor from which he came.

"Hey, let's go now. Let's chat for another five minutes..."

Seeing this, Mao Xiaofang shook his head and advised: "Junior brother, just let it go. He is the king of the world after all. If there is a stalemate, it will not be good for anyone."

"Hehe, senior brother, I didn't expect that you could actually say, 'You can go down to see him after you die'... We haven't seen you for decades, you are good at humor." Lin Ge joked.

Mao Xiaofang sighed: "Junior brother, you don't know something. Although the King of Humans is the king of the human world, he has extremely selfish desires. He often ignores the sufferings of the human world and sleeps for hundreds of years. This causes chaos and strife in the human world, and our underworld also suffers. Moreover. , he did bad things with good intentions before, and left a time bomb in the underworld..."

"Time bomb? What is it?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Ma Xiaoling's mother, "Tang Jinbao," died unexpectedly. Ma Dalong's persistence moved Ksitigarbha and allowed her to live for another year, giving the couple the opportunity to give birth to siblings Ma Xiaoling and Ma Xiaohu.

When Tang Jinbao's one year old life expired, the helpful Renwang wanted to turn him into a zombie to extend his life, but he forgot that Tang Jinbao, who had just given birth to twins for the Ma family, also had the blood of the Ma family, and the Ma family's blood and zombies When blood meets, it is destined to cause great trouble.

The Human King bit Tang Jinbao and left. King Ksitigarbha had no choice but to place him at Naihe Bridge first and let him become a Meng Po.

Although the zombie blood in Tang Jinbao's body is suppressed by Ksitigarbha's supreme magic power, it will break out at some point. Once it breaks out, the blood of the Ma family and the blood of the zombies will merge and become a power born second only to the "Red Eye" of the Pangu clan. ——

Purple-eyed zombie!

Even if Mao Xiaofang has the ability to deal with the purple-eyed zombies, no one knows when Tang Jinbao will break out, and he can't keep an eye on the opponent 24 hours a day.

As time goes by, this "ticking time bomb" becomes more and more dangerous.

This is a "secret" to outsiders, or to Ma Xiaoling, but to Lin Ge, at this time he is assisting the underworld to retrieve the reincarnated Ksitigarbha, so this is no secret.

Mao Xiaocong told Lin Ge one by one about the Ma family and Tang Jinbao.

"So that's it, this human king is really not very reliable." Lin Ge came to the conclusion again, and then said: "By the way, senior brother, you just said that you should discuss with me about the 'Innocent Man', what exactly is it? ?”

Mao Xiaofang said: "Yue Yinping's name appears in the book of life and death. Once the name appears, it means that she will die soon."

"How much longer?"

"12 hours."

Lin Ge frowned when he heard this. He didn't expect Yue Yinping's injury to be so serious, and then asked: " it okay to send her to the purification hell after she dies?"

Mao Xiaofang shook his head: "No. If you enter hell as a soul, you will probably be aroused by the evil ghosts in hell with evil thoughts in your heart. Unless Yue Yinping is an absolutely good person and has no evil thoughts or selfish desires in his heart, otherwise the soul posture Once you enter hell, you will be assimilated."

"So, you need to enter hell as a living person?" Lin Ge asked.

Mao Xiaofang nodded: "That's why you proposed the idea of ​​the 'Innocent Man'. I will let you go to the Song Dynasty to bring back Arrowhead, not to take away his soul. If the soul can clear hell like Ksitigarbha, , then we won’t have such a headache, there isn’t much else in the underworld, and we can grab a lot of souls.”

"That's true." Lin Ge lowered his head and thought for a while, then asked: "Is there any way to extend the life of Yue Yinping?"

"Yes, but it can only be extended for seven days at most." Mao Xiaofang replied.

Lin Ge thought for a while and said: "Seven days will do, it's better than dying after 12 hours. Senior brother, please take care of this matter. I'll go talk to an old zombie. Maybe there's a way to convince Yue Yinping." Sacrifice yourself to clear hell for us.”


Mao Xiaofang took his two apprentices to the emergency room to deal with Yue Yinping's lifespan issue, while Lin Ge left the hospital and took a taxi back to Jiajia Building.

In the hall, Wanyan Bupo was chatting wordlessly with Wang Zhenzhen. When they saw Lin Ge coming back, both of them were happy.

"Lin Ge!"

Wang Zhenzhen was happy that she was finally free. After all, it didn't feel good to chat with someone who always called her by the wrong name.

Wanyan Bupo was overjoyed that she finally found the guy who took away his sweetheart and sister in just one "swish".

Lin Ge stepped forward and raised his hand to stop Wanyan Bupo from talking: "I know what you want to say, just wait for me next to you. Zhenzhen, this is my friend. He just came out of the hospital and is not very bright. Xiaoling and I I forgot to tell you. Please go ahead and do your work."

"Oh, okay, if you need my help, come to me at any time." Wang Zhenzhen said.

Lin Ge asked: "Are Jin Weiwei and Nino okay? Are they still used to living together?"

"Well, we get along very well, and Nino is very cute."

"Then please take more care of their mother and son."


Lin Ge thought to himself that it was a good thing that Wanyan Bupo didn't let Wanyan Bupo see Jin Weilai. Otherwise, he would have misunderstood Jin Weilai as Wanyan Wulei and abducted Jin Weilai and Wang Zhenzhen directly.

After Wang Zhenzhen left, Lin Ge looked at Wanyan Bupo and said, "I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that for you, hundreds of years have passed, but for Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wupo, As far as tears are concerned, it has only been an hour since the Song Dynasty, so they have never experienced your loneliness and helplessness. Their feelings for you are still the same as they were hundreds of years ago... You can even meet Yue Yinping again. Continue the frontier.”

Wan Yan Bu Po looked happy when he heard this, and then asked: "Where's the bad news?"

"The bad news is... I guess you can only extend the relationship for 12 hours, because she was hit by your knife and is about to die now." Lin Ge said.

Perfect appearance:? ? ?

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