Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 279 Ma Xiaoling: I'm out fighting and killing, and you're here hugging your sister

Lin Ge used Yuling Chaihun to control the golden bronze sword and thrust it into the ground leading to the east wing, forming a passage to block the black insects on both sides.

Upon seeing this, Wanyan Bupo immediately rushed through the passage opened by Lin Ge and knocked open the wooden door of the east wing. As expected, he saw a woman in red curled up in the corner of the room.

"No tears!"

Wanyan Bupo rushed over and picked up Wanyan Wulei, stretched out his hand to explore her breath, and found that Wanyan Wulei's breath was very weak.

"Taoist Priest, please save my sister!" Wanyan Bupo rushed out of the room holding Wanyan Wulei in his arms, only to see Lin Ge casting spells to deal with the insects and blood gods in the sky.

After Wanyan Bupo left, the Blood God regarded Lin Ge as an "enemy" and launched an attack on him. Fortunately, under the blessing of Lin Ge's "Golden Light Curse", the Blood God couldn't get close to him at all.

Wanyan Bupo hugged Wanyan Wulei and rushed to Lin Ge's side. The blood gods immediately retreated into the sky, swooping down from time to time to snatch away the black insects on the ground.

"Do you think of me as a doctor? Sorry, I can only kill people, not save people." Lin Ge used the burning talisman to form a wall of fire leading to the sacred tree, and walked towards the sacred tree with the necklace given by Yue Yinping .

"Taoist Master!" Wanyan Bupo hugged Wanyan Wulei and chased after him. As a military general, he naturally didn't know how to save people. He could only hope that a "warlock" like Lin Ge could find a way.

"I said, I won't..." Lin Ge paused, then suddenly changed his tone: "Okay, I saved your sister, your life will be mine, how about that?"

"Okay! Taoist Priest, you can save my sister. As long as you don't let me commit treason and murder, my life, Wanyan Bupo, will be at your disposal, Taoist Priest, from now on!" Wanyan Bupo vowed. .

Lin Ge replied: "As a general, I believe you can make it difficult to follow up on your promise, so I won't make any contract with you. Put your sister down."

Wanyan Bupo quickly followed the instructions and put Wanyan Wutei on the ground.

Lin Ge put the Eternal Heart Lock on Wanyan Wulei, placed the heart-shaped pendant at the heart, and pretended to hold the magic formula and cast it.

"...I knew I should have asked Yue Yinping how to activate the heart lock." Lin Ge muttered in his heart.

In the original play, before Yue Yinping died, he left the eternal heart lock to Wanyan Bupo, and Wanyan Bupo successfully used the eternal heart lock to extend Wanyan Wu's life without tears.

Lin Ge originally didn't know how to use the eternal heart lock to repair the sacred tree. It was also his speculation to use the eternal heart lock instead of the astrolabe to repair the seal.


According to what Wanyan Bupo said before, Wanyan Wulei was able to break the Pangu seal because Yelvgui gave Wanyan Wulei the "Yao Chi Ancient Scroll" and the Sirius Dagger. Lin Ge didn't know what to do with the Eternal Heart Lock. It would be better to follow the direction of the original drama and save Wanyan Wulei with the Eternal Heart Lock, and then let Wanyan Wulei repair the Pangu seal.

Half a minute later, the heart-shaped pendant of the Eternal Heart Lock lit up with a burst of pink light, and then enveloped Wan Yan Wu Lei's entire body.

"No tears, no tears!" Wan Yan Bu Po squatted beside Wan Yan Wu Lai and called anxiously.

Wanyan Wulei's breathing gradually became steady, and then she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Wanyan Bupo, she said weakly: "Brother..."

"Wuli, you're awake, great!" Wanyan Bupo helped Wanyan Wulei to sit up, and then asked: "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else in your body?"

Wanyan without tears shook her head.

"Who hurt you?" Wan Yan Bu Po asked again.

Wanyan Wulei opened her mouth, but in the end no word came out. Lin Ge immediately understood that the injury was obviously caused by Wanyan Bupo.

Lin Ge knelt down, looked at Wanyan Wulei and said: "We will talk about other things later. The most important thing now is the issue of the seal, otherwise everyone will have to finish the game. Wanyan Wulei, have you read "The Ancient Scrolls of Yaochi" before? ", does it mention any method of repairing Pangu's seal?"

Wanyan shook her head without tears. Although she didn't know who the strangely dressed man in front of her was, but appearing with her brother, he should obviously be "one of her own."

Lin Ge's heart felt cold, and he was having a headache about how to deal with the sacred tree, but he heard Wanyan Wulei say: "But... I can try to repair the seal, but... I need... the Sirius Dagger, I lost control... …At that time, I only cared about escaping for my life. I don’t know where…the Sirius dagger…went.”

"If Yelv Ghost hadn't taken advantage of the chaos to take away the Sirius dagger, it should still be stuck in the center of the altar." After Wanyan Bupo finished speaking, he turned back to look at the altar not far away, and there was indeed a golden dagger stuck on it.

Wanyan Bupo was about to get up and retrieve the dagger when he heard a zombie roar from around the yard, followed by five or six red-eyed zombies rushing into the yard.

"...Your red-eyed zombies are really worthless. Watch your sister, I'll get the dagger." Lin Ge complained, stood up and took out the bronze sword.

Although these red-eyed zombies are of inferior quality, it is troublesome to deal with them in large numbers.

Lin Ge focused on a quick victory. He moved forward with the "Golden Light Curse" and used the "Soul Chasing Soul" to control the sword to clear the way. However, those red-eyed zombies were unconscious and only knew how to attack. They had no idea that Lin Ge's purpose was just to regain the dagger. , attacking with force against the golden bronze swords flying in the sky.

Lin Ge already knew that the black bugs controlling these red-eyed zombies were parasitic in their heads, and he struck at the heads of the red-eyed zombies with his sword.

While Lin Ge was blocking the red-eyed zombie's attack with his sword, he had already rushed to the altar, pulled out the dagger, and returned to the Wanyan brothers and sisters.

At this time, two red-eyed zombies took the opportunity to attack Wanyan Wulei. Wanyan Bupo knew that he could not hurt these red-eyed zombies with boxing alone, so he focused on grabbing, grabbing the red-eyed zombies and throwing them outside the courtyard wall.

Lin Ge handed the dagger to Wanyan Wulei and helped her up: "I got the dagger, what should I do next?"

Wanyan Wulei glanced at Wanyan Bupo who was fighting a red-eyed zombie, turned to Lin Ge and said, "Master, please help me to the sacred tree."

Although Wanyan Wulei was rescued by the Eternal Heart Lock, she was still very weak at this time, and it was difficult to even stand up. However, after she saw Wanyan Bupo being controlled by the insects in the sacred tree, she knew that the sacred tree It is not the "treasure" imagined by their golden people, but will bring a terrible disaster!

Lin Ge dispersed the "Golden Light Curse", stuffed two spirit-reviving pills into his mouth, and helped Wan Yan tearlessly towards the sacred tree.

At this time, I heard a sound of insects crawling on the ground around me, and then I saw dense black insects crawling from the direction of the sacred tree.

Lin Ge was about to cast a spell to resist, but saw Wanyan Wulei pull out the crystal flute from her waist with difficulty, put it to her mouth and blew. With the sound of the flute, the blood god hovering in the sky immediately swooped in front of them. Go, pick up the bugs on the ground, and tear them to pieces in an instant.

With the help of the Blood God, Lin Ge naturally saved his energy. When he helped Wanyan Wulei to the sacred tree, he saw that the other party picked up the Sirius dagger and tried to carve a formation mark on the sacred tree. However, her body was too weak and she couldn't even scratch the bark of the tree after several scratches.

Lin Ge took the dagger and sighed: "Let me do it. I am a small master of talisman and seal script. It is no problem to carve a formation seal. What kind of seal should I carve?"

Wanyan Wu Lei took out a parchment scroll from her arms and spread it out. On it was a complicated wolf totem: "Master, please follow the formation seals on it to carve it."

Lin Ge had an "Are you kidding me" expression on his face, but he couldn't swallow the bullshit he had blown away, so he could only pick up the Sirius dagger and try his best to carve it out.

Fortunately, with the help of a small-level seal script, it was not difficult for Lin Ge to engrave it. This wolf totem was complicated, but there were traces to follow.

On the other side, Wanyan Bupo also retreated not far away from the two of them, and joined forces with the Blood God to deal with the black bugs and red-eyed zombies. The "red eyes" of these zombies are just a feature. They are more like the level of Kuang Tianyou who has not sucked human blood for many years in the play. In addition, Jin Bing's own strength before turning into a zombie was not very strong, so the complete recovery of consciousness is With his own martial arts skills and zombie physique, Yan Bupo can easily deal with it.

However, as time went by, more and more red-eyed zombies gathered towards the inner courtyard. Wanyanbupo was unable to defeat hundreds of hands with his fists. Seeing that he and the Blood God could no longer hold up, suddenly a familiar seal sounded at the door of the courtyard. Voice:

"Come, soldiers, fight, all, array, in front... punish evil!" Ma Xiaoling's curse seal was completed, a huge golden spell appeared in the sky, and with a roaring dragon's roar, the golden spell The Dragon God flew out of the yellow talisman, roared across the inner courtyard, and completely devoured the group of red-eyed zombies!

Ma Xiaoling and Yue Yinping picked up the remaining zombies and came to Lin Ge and others.

Seeing that Lin Ge was fine, Ma Xiaoling breathed a sigh of relief and said disdainfully: "Hey, I said there was no movement inside for a long time. I thought you were dead inside, but you still have the intention to draw here with a woman in your arms?"

"Don't talk nonsense. If you have the time, why not come and help me study the seal carvings." Lin Ge said angrily.

Ma Xiaoling came up to take a look: "Are you carving a formation seal? But you obviously made a mistake here. Can you do it? Alas, if you can't, let me do it."

Ma Xiaoling took the dagger and began to modify it according to the wolf totem on the parchment. Lin Ge had already carved it roughly, so she completed the wolf totem without much effort.

Lin Ge looked at Wanyan Bupo and Yue Yinping, who were looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes not far away, and sighed: "You two, if you two want to fall in love, wait until you leave here to talk about it, okay?"

When Yue Yinping heard this, his eyes turned red with embarrassment. He quickly avoided Wan Yan Bu Po and came to stand next to Ma Xiaoling. Lin Ge took the opportunity to say: "The life of my flawless sister was hanging by a thread just now. I used your Eternal Heart Lock to save her. Go back and find a replacement, and I will find a way to return the Eternal Heart Lock to you."

"No, it's okay." Yue Yinping replied.

Of course it doesn't matter, she is "sister-in-law" after all, right?

"It's done." At this time, Ma Xiaoling turned around and looked at Lin Ge triumphantly, as if she was saying, "Come and praise me."

Lin Ge took the dagger and sighed helplessly: "Please, I've already finished carving 80% of it. The most you can do is add a few charms to it. What's there to be proud of?"

Ma Xiaoling smiled slightly: "You are so straight, you should still be single, right?"


Lin Ge was in no mood to argue with Ma Xiaoling. He looked at Wanyan Wulei and asked, "What should we do next?"

"Let me try..." Wanyan Wulei took out the crystal flute and stood in front of the engraved wolf totem and blew the flute. As the rhythm of the flute sounded slowly and suddenly, the wolf totem lit up for a while. colored light.

The rustling sounds on the surrounding ground became louder and louder, and dense black bugs crawled from all directions. Even if dozens of blood gods swooped down to catch bugs at the same time, they could not stop these bugs at all.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

"The Dragon God gave the order, and the Fire God Zhu Rong borrowed his method to punish the evil!"

The borrowing duo took action again, using golden light palms and fire spells to sweep away the surrounding black bugs, and cooperated with the Blood God to buy time for Wan Yan Wu Tears.


There was a loud "bang" sound, and the wolf totem emitting blue light suddenly exploded with a strong energy wave. The people around obviously did not expect that something unexpected happened behind them. Five people, including Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling, were directly hit. This powerful energy flew out and fell to the ground.

Lin Ge reacted the fastest and quickly got up. While chanting the golden light spell, he pounced towards Ma Xiaoling. When he pounced in front of Ma Xiaoling, his body lit up with golden light, forcing back the incoming black insects.

Lin Ge hugged Ma Xiaoling and rolled back under the sacred tree. After lifting her up, he rushed in front of the others to stop the black bug.

Wanyan Bupo immediately went to check Wanyan Wulei's condition, and at the same time kicked and stamped to drive away the attacking black bugs. He had been parasitized by black bugs, and the other black bugs just ignored him at this time.

Although Yue Yinping had no one to help her, she was protected by the fairy silver armor and the cold electric silver gun, so she was not affected by the black bugs.

Lin Ge once again used the burning talisman to create a wall of fire to block the black insects and then returned to the sacred tree, only to see that the wolf totem on the sacred tree had cracks.

However, where the crack appeared, a huge gap was "exploded" in the sacred tree. It seemed that the sacred tree would fall down as long as it was pushed hard.

But according to Zai Jie, there is thousands of miles of loess beneath the sacred tree. Simply knocking down or cutting down the sacred tree will not help. Only by repairing the Pangu seal can the sacred tree be completely suppressed.

"Xiao Ling." Lin Ge suddenly thought of a way.

Ma Xiaoling stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

Lin Ge took out a Heavenly Master Suppressing Evil Talisman, looked at Ma Xiaoling and said, "Give me a few drops of blood and put it on the talisman. Zai Jie said that sacrificing the blood of your Ma family can calm the sacred tree, and now I have a tearless formation." If you hurt the sacred tree, maybe you don't need too much blood to suppress the sacred tree."

Ma Xiaoling took a look at herself and said helplessly: "I don't have any wounds on my body. Where can I find blood for you... Hey, I'm not a Taoist priest. Don't expect me to bite my fingers. It hurts when my fingers are connected to my heart!" I really admire you and Uncle Qiu, you bite your fingers every time you cast a spell..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Bring it here and I'll help you. Don't worry, I'm a professional when it comes to biting your hand. It won't hurt!" Ma Xiaoling was complaining when Lin Ge took her hand and bit her finger.


Ma Xiaoling screamed in pain and watched helplessly as Lin Ge bit her finger and dripped blood on the incantation in the center of the Tianshi Suppression Talisman.

"Hey, can you bring a needle or dagger with you next time?" Ma Xiaoling asked angrily.

Lin Ge wiped the blood dripping on the Tianshi Suppressing Talisman along the words "Edict" of the talisman, and at the same time replied: "I originally had a more convenient ability, but unfortunately, I was banned."

"What a mess."

Lin Ge did not explain any more, but folded the Tianshi Suppressing Talisman into a lucky star, then took out a Bagua mirror, bit off his finger and pointed the blood mark towards the center of the Bagua mirror, then put the lucky star into the center of the Bagua mirror, holding the Bagua mirror Put it into the bloody mouth where the sacred tree was blasted by the wolf totem.

"Original Anzhen, informing all spirits."

"Yuedu is a true official, and the land is only spiritual."


"Dharma Protector God King, protect the chanting."

"Convert to the great road, Yuan Henry Zhen."

As soon as the "Anti Land Spell" came out, the ground shook violently with the sacred tree as the center, and then the lucky star placed in the gap by Lin Ge burst out with a fierce red light, quickly spreading around the sacred tree.

The originally green leaves of the sacred tree began to wither and fall rapidly, turning into a bare "dead tree" in the blink of an eye.

The entire Zhuxian Town echoed with the corpse roars of zombies, and all the red-eyed zombies, including Wan Yan Bu Po, held their heads and roared in pain.



"Brother, brother! Are you okay, brother!" Wanyan Wulei was about to step forward to check Wanyan Bupo's condition, but his body was too weak, and Wanyan Bupo raised his hand to sweep him away, knocking him unconscious against the sacred tree. Die in the past.

Seeing this, Yue Yinping quickly stepped forward and tried to subdue Wanyan Bupo, but was also knocked away by Wanyan Bupo's palm.

And at this moment, Wanyan Wutear, who was lying next to the sacred tree, the eternal heart lock on his chest lit up with a burst of pink light, and his whole body flew into the air.

The pink light and the red light on the sacred tree reflected each other, and suddenly a strong wind blew up in the inner courtyard. A strong hurricane appeared around the sacred tree, and this hurricane seemed to have suction, trying to suck in all the surrounding creatures.

"not good!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately took out several bronze swords and thrust them into the ground, forming a circular sword formation. He then scooped up Ma Xiaoling with his backhand, picked her up and jumped into the sword formation. At the same time, he shouted to Yue Yinping not far away. Said: "Be careful, the Pangu seal has been repaired, don't be sucked into the seal!"

Upon hearing this, Yue Yinping immediately thrust the cold electric silver gun into the ground. The light of the eternal heart lock on Wanyan Wulei's chest disappeared in mid-air, and she flew towards the sacred tree.

Seeing this, Yue Yinping quickly grabbed the Lengdian Silver Gun with one hand and Wanyan Wutei with the other. However, the suction power of the sacred tree was too great, and she was about to lose her support.

"Wanyan Bupo, if you don't take action, your sister and the girl of your dreams will be gone!" Lin Ge shouted to Wanyan Bupo who was not far away. However, the other party couldn't make a move at this time. The darkness in his mind was The bugs seemed to be eating away at his brain, and the splitting headache almost made him faint.

According to the setting of "A Deadly Appointment", Wan Yan Wu Tears is Jin Future's "previous life", and Yue Yin Ping is Wang Zhenzhen's "previous life". No matter which one of these two people is the best candidate for the "Innocent Person" .

Lin Ge knew that he had to take action even at the risk of being targeted by fate, otherwise this trip to the Song Dynasty would be in vain. "If you have many fleas, you won't be itching, and if you have many debts, you won't have to worry about it." Anyway, it's already 69%, which is not even the slightest bit worse!

Lin Ge hugged Ma Xiaoling, pulled out a bronze sword, kneaded his secrets and rubbed it on the sword, using Qiankun Borrowing Technique to coat it with a layer of golden light, and then used Yu Ling Chai Soul to control the golden bronze sword to fly towards Yue Yin Ping and Wan Yan Wu Lei. At the same time, Tanshou kneaded the secret to release spiritual energy, and used "Spiritual Embodiment" to turn into a large net connected to the golden bronze sword.

The golden bronze sword flew around Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei under the control of "Yu Ling Chai Soul", and the "Spiritual Net" took advantage of the situation to cover the two of them.

Lin Ge put the spiritual rope on his arm and pulled on the rope with all his strength. However, the huge suction force of Pangu's seal pulled, and the rope pulled Lin Ge's flesh and blood.

What's more, Lin Ge was holding one in his arms and holding two in his hands. Even though the attributes of the reincarnation made his physique far superior to ordinary people, he was still a little unable to withstand it at this time.


With a zombie roar, Wanyan Bupo's eyes glowed red. Having fully awakened the power of the zombies, he stepped forward, grabbed the rope with both hands, and pulled Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei back.

Although Wan Yan Bu Po's attack greatly reduced Lin Ge's pressure, he still did not dare to let go. Who knew when Wan Yan Bu Po would have a seizure again? He had to try to save these two women.

After the Pangu seal was repaired, the sacred tree slowly descended into the ground, the powerful hurricane gradually dissipated, and everything returned to calm.

Lin Ge was so exhausted that he simply fell to the ground, reached out and patted Ma Xiaoling hanging on his body, and said angrily: "Are you a koala reincarnated? Let go, you are about to strangle me."

Ma Xiaoling raised her head and realized that the sacred tree had disappeared, leaving only a white strange talisman mark on the ground. The surrounding area had also returned to calm, but faint corpse roars could still be heard.

Ma Xiaoling was about to sit up with her body propped up when she touched a puddle of wet stuff on her hands. When she lowered her head, she realized that her hands were full of blood.

"Are you injured?" Ma Xiaoling asked nervously.

Lin Ge raised his bloody arm. Seeing this, Ma Xiaoling quickly pulled off the cloth belt from his clothes and bandaged Lin Ge's wound. Although the effect of using hemostatic spray was better, Lin Ge still decided that it would be better to wait until he entered Sadako's Ghost Domain before using it. After all, the "being targeted" value had now risen to 73%.

Wanyan Bupo picked up the unconscious Wanyan Wutear, and looked at each other speechlessly with Yue Yinping. The two seemed to have millions of words to say, but they didn't know where to start with their opposing positions.

"Taoist Priest, thank you for saving Wu Lei... Can you help me see Wu Lei's injury?" Wan Yan Bu Po once again carried Wan Yan Wu Lei to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge: ...Do you really think of me as a miracle doctor?

However, Ma Xiaoling raised her hand to grab Wanyan Wulei's hand and felt for her pulse. Then she frowned and asked Wanyan Bupa to place her on the ground. After a while of inspection, she said, "She was seriously injured. Her internal organs are..." If it is damaged, it is very difficult to save it based on the medical skills of this era. If it is sent to the future, it may be possible to save it."

"The future?" Wanyan Bupo was about to ask, but he heard a sound of trumpets in the distance.

"It's the trumpet of the Jin soldiers. The Jin people's reinforcements have arrived... No, Vice General Xu and the others are in danger!" Yue Yinping was stunned, and immediately picked up the cold electric silver gun and rushed out.

Seeing this, Wanyan Bupo quickly said to Lin Ge: "Taoist Master, please take care of my sister for me. I have to stop Yin Ping, otherwise... ugh."

Before he finished speaking, Wanyan Bupo also chased away, leaving Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling staring at each other.

Wanyan Bupo chased out of the courtyard but Yue Yinping was nowhere to be seen. He could only chase in the direction of the trumpet sound, but saw a group of golden armored cavalry entering the city from the west gate.

"General Wanyan?" When the leader saw Wanyan Bupo, he immediately asked: "We are the reinforcements who came to support, but the outside of the city was blocked by an invisible wall before, and we couldn't enter Zhuxian Town... etc. , why are you the only one, general, and your own soldiers, general?"

"All the disciples of the Wanyan family have died for the country." Wanyan Bupo said coldly.

The man did not react at all to the sacrifice of the soldiers of the Wanyan family, but continued: "Now the emperor gives you a chance to atone for your sins, Wanyan Bupo obeys the order!"

Wanyan Bupo didn't want to talk to this man at first, but when he saw the golden dagger in his hand and thought of his family far away in the capital, he had no choice but to kneel down and accept the order.

"The army of the Kingdom of Jin has gathered eighty miles away from Zhuxian Town. We are the vanguard. Your Majesty orders you to immediately lead troops to occupy Zhuxian Town and use it as a stronghold to capture the capital of Song Kingdom within three months!"

Wanyan Bupo replied: "Wanyan Bupo is a defeated general of the Yue family army. How can he still have the dignity to lead troops to attack the Song Dynasty? I hope you will report back to the emperor and look for other talented people."

The man smiled and said: "The Yue Family Army has already defeated itself. This is the message I intercepted from the Yue Family Army's flying pigeon. You will know after reading it yourself."

After saying that, the man threw a roll of paper the size of his thumb to Wanyan Bupo.

Wanyan Bupo took it apart and took a look, his face hardened, he immediately got on his horse, looked at the official and said, "Take your people to garrison outside the city. You are not allowed to enter the city without my order."

Then, Wan Yan Bu Po rode towards the east gate.

"General Wanyan, where are you going!"

However, Wanyan Bupo ignored the official's call and galloped all the way to the east gate. At this time, the three thousand Yue family troops who had originally attacked the city gathered at the city gate after the seal disappeared.

When Vice General Xu and others saw Wanyan Bupo coming to the east city gate one by one, they immediately called on the soldiers to capture him in one fell swoop.

"Vice General Xu, before that, please let me have a few words with him alone." Yue Yinping stopped Vice General Xu, got on his horse, and rode forward to stop Wanyan Bupo.

"follow me."

Yue Yinping called Wanyan Bupo to the alley far away, looked at Wanyan Bupo and said: "Wanyan Bupo... let's go find Kunlun together!"

"Kunlun?" Wanyan Bupo asked doubtfully.

"Yes, my master said that Kunlun is an eternal paradise without war. As long as you agree, we will go to Kunlun immediately." Yue Yinping said excitedly.

Wanyan Bupo asked, "Set off immediately? Ignore the battle between Song and Jin?"

"Yeah." Yue Yinping nodded.

Wanyan Bupo sighed: "It's a pity... our dream has ended long ago."

"Do you really want to be on the battlefield with me, deciding the outcome by life and death?" Yue Yinping asked.

Wanyan Bupo shook his head: "You have already lost this battle."

"It's impossible... Under the leadership of my father, you are about to be expelled from the Central Plains. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not long after, the Kingdom of Jin will be defeated. When you return to the Kingdom of Jin, you will be a sinner. Why don't you come with me to find Kunlun and leave this place of right and wrong!" Yue Yinping said anxiously.

Wanyan Bupo sighed and handed the intercepted Yue family's flying pigeon to Yue Yinping.

After reading the contents of the letter, Yue Yinping's face suddenly turned pale: "No... no, this, how could this be possible? My dad, how could my dad do it, how could it be possible!"

Wanyan Bupo wanted to say something else, but he heard the golden soldiers' trumpets sound again. Apparently, those people did not obey his orders to station outside the city, but led the leading troops directly into Zhuxian Town.

The Jin soldiers broke into the East City Gate and immediately fought with the Yue Family Army stationed at the East City Gate.

Yue Yinping was already devastated by the flying pigeon message in his hand. At this time, he could not think about other things. He held a cold electric silver gun and rode towards the city gate.

Although Wanyan Bupo didn't want to fight Yue Yinping, as a golden man, and with the emperor's new order at this time, he had no choice but to join the battlefield.

Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling waited in the sealed place but did not see Yue Yinping and Wanyan Bupo come back. Coupled with the constant sound of trumpets, they guessed that something big was going on.

After some thought, Lin Ge sent Wan Yan Wu Tears to Sadako Ghost Domain, and then went to the East City Gate with Ma Xiaoling.

At this time, the east city gate was already littered with corpses and blood flowed into rivers. The scene was even more tragic than the previous collection of zombies. As for Wanyan Bupo and Yue Yinping, they hit from the city gate to the city wall, and from the city wall to the roofs of the surrounding buildings. The combat power of the two of them was incompatible with ordinary Jin soldiers and the Yue family army.

"Ma Dan, I finally understand why I like to play the BGM of 'Forgive me for not cherishing that day, only doing willful and bad things' every critical moment. These people are really sick. If they don't watch for a while, they will start fighting. Got it!"

As a modern person, Lin Ge naturally cannot relate to the positions of the Song and Jin parties, but in his view, the world is about to be destroyed, and they are still fighting fiercely for one-third of an acre, which is really sick.

Especially Wanyan Bupo and Yue Yinping, these two guys flirt with each other when no one is around, and fight to the death as soon as they arrive on the battlefield. They really are "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", right?

"What should I do?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge said angrily: "What should we do, stop them. If Yue Yinping is really dead, where can we find an 'innocent person'?"

And just when Lin Ge was about to intervene to stop the Song and Jin couple who only knew "bad things", something unexpected happened in the scene. With a roaring sound in the air, a golden light flew from the city gate to Yue Yinping, who was fighting in the air. And the perfect appearance is not broken.

Yue Yinping's attention was all on her flawless body, and she didn't pay attention to the sneak attack behind her. The golden light penetrated her body from the vest and flew into the distance against the flawless forehead in front of her. , inserted on a wooden pillar in the distance, was actually a golden dagger!

Wanyan Bupo also focused all his attention on Yue Yinping. The strength of the two was almost the same, and Yue Yinping, who had two immortal weapons on his body, was even better. Even if Wanyan Bupo used the power of zombies, he would only be tied with Yue Yinping at this time.

Wanyan Bupo, who was going all out, never thought that Yue Yinping would be attacked by a sneak attack. After the opponent was hit, there was no way he could block his full blow. At this time, it was too late for Wanyan Bupo to put away his sword, and he cut off Yue Yinping's immortal armor with one strike, seriously injuring him.

"Silver bottle!"

Yue Yinping fell weakly into Wanyan Bupo's arms and tried his best to say: "Why...don't you want to go to Kunlun with me?"


"Are you...heartbroken?"

Wan Yan Bu Po remained silent.

"Although I lost this war, I won you."

At this time, in this harmonious scene, a disharmonious voice came: "I really admire you love brains. I spent so much effort to rescue you from the out-of-control Pangu seal and let you go Saving the world is not for you to get crazy in love here!"

"Go away!" Lin Ge kicked Wanyan Bupo away angrily, snatched the Yue Yin Ping from Wanyan Bupo's arms, and cursed: "Although we will be a family eight hundred years later, you are so in love now. Is your behavior called treason? Are you trying to impress yourself here? Apart from yourself, who else can be impressed?"

"If you want to die, you should wait until I empty out hell!" Lin Ge picked up Yue Yinping, looked at Wanyan Bupo and said, "Your sister's internal organs are damaged and this world cannot save her. She is about to die now. I really don’t know if you are destined to commit the crime of the evil star, and no one around you will end well!"

"Now I will take them both eight hundred years into the future. You are a zombie and have an endless lifespan. If you still want to see them, wait until the year 2000 and find me in a place called Jiajia Building on Hong Kong Island!"

Lin Ge found that Yue Yinping's aura was getting weaker and weaker. He also expected the other party to clear the hell, so naturally he couldn't let Yue Yinping die.

Call Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge directly contact the underworld.

"Taoist!" Wanyan Bupo wanted to say something else, but he didn't want to. After repairing the Pangu seal, Lin Ge easily contacted the underworld.

As a green crack appeared on the ground, Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling were taken back to the underworld.

Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling were taken back to the teleportation platform by Underworld Technology. Mao Xiaofang, A Chu, Xiao Hai, Hu Bufan and others had been waiting for a long time.


Ah Chu saw the Yue Yin Ping held in Lin Ge's arms and said curiously: "Uncle, the 'arrow' you are talking about is actually a woman?"

Lin Ge said: "Things have changed. No arrow was found, but this person's situation is similar to that of the arrow. He is also a 'pure and innocent person'. Besides her, I have another one in my pocket. But this one You’re going to kill yourself, senior brother, you’re the biggest in the underworld now, can you please stop collecting this person’s soul?”

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and sighed: "Junior brother, you don't know something. Although my name as Ksitigarbha agent sounds good, I am actually a high-level Yin agent. Here, no matter which department, Yin agent, ghost agent, or death agent, his own job is Even 'seducing the soul' can only seduce the soul. Because all souls are in the 'Book of Life and Death', their whereabouts have already been determined. Even if I prevent Yin Zha from seducing her soul, she will only end up as a lonely ghost in the end. The end. Over time, the soul will dissipate and be pulled into endless reincarnation. At that time, it will be in the 'book of life and death', and it may fall outside the six paths."

Lin Ge also had a headache when he heard this, and could only say: "Senior brother, please send us back to the earth. We can only hope that the current medical science can save her."

"Okay! Meteor, send your junior brother up immediately." Mao Xiaofang ordered.

"Yes, Agent Ksitigarbha." Meteor responded, and immediately called the elevator to the underworld, and entered the elevator with Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling.

In the elevator, Liu Xing kept staring at Lin Ge. In a trance, he suddenly felt a little confused, and then said in surprise: "Taoist Priest! It turns out to be you!"

"Huh?" Lin Ge obviously didn't understand why Meteor was so angry.

Ma Xiaoling on the side reminded: "Have you forgotten? You also met him in the Song Dynasty. He is the son of Deputy General Xu, a soldier who was deceived by you with "Journey to the West"."

"Oh, right." Lin Ge was given a headache by the Song and Jin couple who wanted to commit suicide. He didn't realize the meaning of Meteor's words for a moment, but...

Why didn't he react like this when he first saw the shooting star? Instead, he didn't realize he had seen him until he came back from the Song Dynasty?

Could it be that the subsequent history will not change until you go back and influence history?

"Tsk, where's the promised closed-loop effect?" Lin Ge complained. Ma Xiaoling was about to ask him what he was mumbling about, but she heard a "beep" sound and the elevator arrived in the underworld.

Meteor knew that Lin Ge was going to take Yue Yinping to the hospital, so he thoughtfully arranged the exit outside the largest hospital in Hong Kong Island.

Lin Ge asked Meteor to return to the underworld first, and asked Ma Xiaoling to hold Yue Yinping, then took out the main computer case and brought Wanyan Bupo out of Sadako's space.

Anyway, rescuing one is a rescue, and rescuing two is also a rescue.

Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling sent Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei to the hospital in the names of Wang Zhenzhen and Jin Future, telling the doctor that they were injured during filming.

After Yue Yinping and Wanyan Wulei were pushed into the operating room, Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling were waiting outside the operation, casually chatting about the Song Dynasty and the "butterfly effect".

At this time, Ma Xiaoling's phone rang.

Ma Xiaoling took out her cell phone and saw "Wang Zhenzhen" on the caller ID.

"Zhenzhen?" As soon as she came back and sent "Wang Zhenzhen" to the emergency room, she received a call from another Wang Zhenzhen. Ma Xiaoling felt a little weird for a moment.

Wang Zhenzhen's soft voice came from the phone, as if she was whispering: "Xiao Ling, there is a man named Wanyan Bupo who comes to see you and Lin Ge... It's just that there seems to be something wrong with his spirit. He keeps shouting What a 'silver bottle' I am, and then I say that I am the general of the Kingdom of Jin with perfect appearance!"

"Xiaoling, am I going crazy? Do you think... should I call the police? But he can name you and Lin Ge. He feels... crazy, but not completely crazy." Wang Zhenzhen whispered.

"Zhenzhen, don't worry, we know that person."

Ma Xiaoling then turned to look at Lin Ge and said, "...You were right. Wan Yan Bu Po only now has memories related to you. Now he has gone to Jiajia Building to find us."

Lin Ge thought for a while and then said: "Then you wait here, these two people are very important to us and to Wanyan Bupa. If you need anything, call me. I will go back to see Wanyan first." It’s not broken. After all, taking someone else’s sweetheart and sister away at once is only half an hour for us, but it takes hundreds of years for him.”

"Okay." Ma Xiaoling nodded.

Lin Ge walked towards the outside of the hospital. When he reached the lobby, he happened to meet a middle-aged man walking out of the corridor on the other side. Both of them noticed each other.

When the man saw Lin Ge, he frowned first, then his eyes narrowed, and he walked towards Lin Ge. After Lin Ge saw the man's appearance clearly, his heart felt complicated.

"Tsk, should I lament that the world is so small, or is Hong Kong Island too small? There are no other hospitals on Hong Kong Island, right? You can touch this... wait! If he appears here, doesn't that mean... this is a drama? The hospital where corpse poison broke out?"

The person who came was none other than the man who clamored "There can only be one Haonan in Causeway Bay". He was also one of the top combat powers in "The Deadline"——

The king of men, Fuxi! (End of chapter)

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