Vice General Xu and others were not Yue Yinping. They only had hatred for Wanyan Bupa. Even if Yue Yinping stood in the way, the two sides would ignite at the drop of a hat and be ready for a fight at any time.

Naturally, Lin Ge could not let this dangerous atmosphere spread. After all, there was not much time left. If the Pangu seal could not be repaired before tomorrow night, then all the life forms in Zhuxian Town would be repaired by the Pangu seal as bugs.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for someone in Lucky 2 to try something like taking everyone into Sadako's ghost realm and betting on whether the Pangu seal will destroy the main chassis together.


Lin Ge stepped forward and said: "I don't care what grudges you have. If you want to die, die yourself and don't drag us down. The most important thing now is to repair the Pangu seal. When you leave Zhuxian Town, you will fight until the sky is dark. It’s up to you! I’ve finished my words, who is in favor and who is against?”

Vice General Xu and others looked at each other and recalled that the person who dared to "oppose" had now turned into a charred corpse. At this time, no one dared to say no.

Finally, it was decided that Vice General Xu would lead the Yue Family Army to stay at the gate of the city. Lin Ge, Ma Xiaoling, Yue Yinping and Wanyan Bupo hijacked Yelvgui and commanded the zombie troops to clear the way in front, fighting all the way to the courtyard where Pangu's seal was unlocked.

Wanyan Bupo was about to step into the courtyard when he was pulled back by Lin Ge. Then he raised his hand and drew a burning talisman and threw it into the courtyard.

With a "whoosh", the firelight illuminated the dim courtyard under the moonlight, and with a "swish", it seemed as if several palm-sized insects flashed past.

"It was those bugs that turned you into a zombie, right?" Lin Ge looked at Wanyan Bupo and asked.

Wanyan Bupo nodded and said, "Yes, those bugs are very fast, and not even my golden armor can stop them."

When Lin Ge came to the entrance of the courtyard, he smelled a pungent evil spirit. He thought it was these insects, but when he took a closer look, he found that there should be something else in the courtyard.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge pinched the Heavenly Eye Technique and wiped his eyes. After opening the Heavenly Eye, he looked into the yard and saw a thick...blood mist!

Blood mist?

Lin Ge raised his hand, twisted a Suppressing Talisman between his fingers, recited a spell and threw it into the courtyard. The Suppressing Talisman flew into the air in the courtyard, emitting a burst of golden light, and then heard a scream.

The sound sounded like a sharp bird call, but if you listened carefully, it was similar to a human scream. As soon as he heard the scream, Wan Yan Bu Po's expression suddenly changed.

"No, it's the Blood God's Forbidden Curse!"

Yue Yinping had obviously never heard of it and asked curiously: "What is the Blood God's Forbidden Curse?"

Wanyan Bupo explained: "The Blood God's forbidden curse is to cast spells on living people, kill the people who have been cursed, and use their souls as powerful spiritual weapons. But the Blood God will die soon, so this The spell is only effective if it destroys the enemy within a short period of time. The soul of the person cast will enter the endless hell and never be reincarnated."

"We have trained a group of dead warriors specifically for the purpose of casting the Blood God's Forbidden Curse in emergencies... However, only my sister can use this forbidden curse. Before that, I had given orders to the dead warriors before leaving Zhuxian. In front of the town, protect my sister’s safety at all costs.”

"These blood gods are still here, maybe my sister is still inside!"

After Wanyan Bupo finished speaking, he was about to rush into the yard. Yue Yinping quickly grabbed him: "Wait a minute, did you forget that there are other bugs in the yard?"

Wanyan Bupo said: "I'll go in first, you guys wait for me here. The bug already exists in my body, other bugs should not stare at me anymore."

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, you know "parasitism"!

I have to say that what Wanyan Bupo said makes sense, not to mention that he has now become a zombie. Even if he is parasitized again, there will be no other changes.

As for losing consciousness after being parasitized, Lin Ge was not worried at all. After all, Wanyan Bupo's combat effectiveness when he was unconscious was far inferior to when he was awake.

Naturally, Yue Yinping couldn't stop Wanyan Bupo from saving his sister, so he could only warn him: "Then... you should be more careful."

Wanyan Bupo nodded, jumped up and flew towards the courtyard.

"No tears!"

"No tears!"

"Where are you? No tears!"

Immaculate shouts came from the courtyard, followed immediately by bursts of screams from the Blood God, and a thirty centimeter-long red monster with a human body and bird wings flew up from a dark corner.

However, these blood gods did not attack Wan Yan Bu Po. Instead, they lingered around him and screamed continuously.

Wan Yan Bu Po looked up at the Blood God and asked, "Where is my sister Wu Lei?"

The Blood God continued to hover in the air and did not respond to Wanyan Bupo's question.

At this moment, several black shadows jumped out from the ground, and the black bugs that emerged from the "Peach" pounced towards Wanyan Bupo.

Wanyan Bupo was about to move out of the way, but he saw the Blood God in the air turned into a red afterimage and directly hit the bugs. With a "pop", the Blood God instantly tore the black bugs to pieces.

Although they lost consciousness after becoming blood gods, these "Golden Soldiers" still remembered the master who protected them. Seeing this, Wanyan Bupo sighed, made a golden man's gesture, said thank you, and entered The inner courtyard continues to search for Wan Yan Wu Lei's whereabouts.

As we walked deeper into the courtyard, there were more and more black bugs, but there were also more and more blood gods entrenched in the courtyard. Apparently, after he was parasitized by bugs and turned into a zombie, Wan Yan Wu Lei took advantage of him to attack him. Yelu Gui and others escaped from the courtyard, and these dead soldiers were willing to turn into blood gods in order to protect Wan Yan Wu Tears.

"No tears!"

"No tears!"

Wanyan Bupo's calling voice became weaker and weaker, and he was obviously entering the depths of the courtyard.

Lin Ge didn't want to just wait at the entrance of the courtyard, so he looked at Yue Yinping and said, "Give me the Eternal Heart Lock. You guys wait here while I go in and take a look."

"Are you going in alone?" Ma Xiaoling asked worriedly.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Why, you're not used to it when I suddenly stop calling you?"

"Go away, go quickly, don't ask me for help then! Humph!" Ma Xiaoling snorted.

Yue Yinping took off the eternal heart lock and handed it to Lin Ge. Lin Ge took the necklace and walked towards the courtyard. Ma Xiaoling shouted from behind: "Hey, be careful, don't really die. Just shout before you die and I will call you Dragon God." Let me see you off."

Lin Ge sighed. If this sharp-tongued person could be more restrained, he wouldn't be like a hedgehog, causing his disciples to avoid him.

Lin Ge took up the magic formula as he walked towards the yard.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

In an instant, Lin Ge's body was covered with a layer of golden light, completely shrouding it. Under the blessing of the "golden light curse", evil could not be invaded. Even if these black bugs were made from the "blood" of the Holy Mother of Yaochi mixed with water, they would not be able to get through easily. Enter Lin Ge's body and turn him into a zombie.

"Dog-headed strategist, what do you think of the current 'plot'?" Lin Ge, while inspecting the surrounding ground to prevent sneak attacks by black insects, raised his right hand and asked towards the fire sign mark.

Huang Ni scolded angrily: "You are a dog-headed military advisor. But the current plot is indeed wrong. The disappearance of 'Kuang Tianyou' can be explained by the fact that you changed the plot in "Zombie Taoist Master", which caused deviations in this derivative world. , so there is no plot of Kuang Tianyou turning into a zombie. But...the arrow, as Kuang Tianyou's previous life, appeared in the Song Dynasty, so there is no reason for it to 'not exist'."

Lin Ge raised his hand and played a burning talisman, burning the two black bugs that crawled over to death. He continued to walk towards the inner courtyard and said at the same time: "This is exactly what I can't understand. According to Yue Yinping, , there is no such person as Arrow in the Yue Family Army, and there is no one with a similar experience to him. Even if I really change the plot of "Zombie Taoist Priest", there will be no problems with Kuang Tianyou's previous life."

Huang Ni said in a deep voice: "Unless... there is a problem with the 'source' of Kuang Tianyou's soul, that is, Kuang Zhongtang during the Qin Dynasty, then Kuang Zhongtang's reincarnation will no longer exist. In this way, the arrow , Kuang Guohua, Kuang Tianyou and other 'characters' are missing, it makes sense."

Lin Ge replied: "I have also thought about this speculation, but don't forget that the 'Ma family's curse' exists. If the Ma family's curse exists, Kuang Zhongtang must exist."

During the Qin Dynasty, General Kuang Zhongtang was ordered to protect Ma Ling'er and subdue the dragon. The two fell in love on the road. However, after Qin Shihuang turned into a zombie, he was worried that Ma Ling'er, who could kill the zombie, would be detrimental to him, so he used Kuang Zhongtang's family of twelve Threaten him to kill Ma Ling'er.

Kuang Zhongtang stabbed Ma Ling'er to death with a sword and then died for love, but Ma Ling'er was not completely dead. Seeing Kuang Zhongtang dying for love, he asked the women of the Ma family not to shed a tear for the man, otherwise they would lose their magic power forever, and Let the Ma family hunt down zombies for generations.

What Lin Ge can confirm through getting along with Ma Xiaoling during this period is that the "curse" of the Ma family still exists, so there must be a plot between Ma Ling'er and Kuang Zhongtang, otherwise the existence of this "curse" would be unreasonable.

So since Kuang Zhongtang exists, what about his soul? You can't kill yourself with a sword and you'll never be reincarnated, right?

"Since the underworld technology allows you to travel to the Song Dynasty, why don't you go back and ask your senior brother to send you to the Qin Dynasty to ask Ma Ling'er?" Huang Ni said with a smile.

Lin Ge said helplessly: "Do you really think time travel is tourism?"

"What's wrong..."

Before Huang Ni finished speaking, he heard a loud noise from the front, and then a figure crashed into the wall of the inner courtyard and flew out, falling to the outer courtyard.

"Wanyan Bupo, the way you appear is a bit unique. You are a red-eyed zombie after all, and you are also the pinnacle of martial arts in this era. Isn't this too embarrassing?" Lin Ge took a closer look, but saw Wanyan Bupo lying on his back. Among the rubble, he couldn't help but joke.

Wanyan Bupo pushed aside the gravel and climbed up. Just as he was about to speak, he saw two figures flying out of the inner courtyard and rushing towards Lin Ge and Wanyan Bupo at the same time.

Golden soldiers, red eyes!

Obviously, these two people, like Wanyan Bupo, are "red-eyed zombies" controlled by black bugs. Although this red-eyed zombie is "unauthentic", it is also very difficult to deal with.

Lin Ge leaned back and fell to the ground, and the zombie flew directly above him. However, Lin Ge propped himself on the ground and kicked the zombie's chest. At the same time, he put a Suppressing Talisman on the zombie's chest and immediately picked up the magic spell: "Urgent like a law! Break!" "


The evil-suppressing talisman exploded with a golden light, which turned into a huge impact and directly blew the zombies into the sky.

Then Lin Singer raised his hand, and with a few "swish, swish, swish" strokes, he summoned a row of bronze swords and stuck them on the ground. He bit his fingers and dabbed blood on the bottom of the hilt of each bronze sword.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

Lin Ge has developed two methods of borrowing the universe. One is to borrow the power of a talisman to "borrow" the aura of heaven and earth on the talisman. Like Yan Chixia in "A Chinese Ghost Story", she uses the Ten Dragon Subduing Ten The eight golden light palm method is used to release the power; the other is the authentic Taoist method, which uses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enchant the weapon and coat it with a layer of golden light that subdues demons.

Both methods have their own advantages. The former is fast and requires almost no preparation; the latter can maximize the power of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. When combined with "Yingling Soul Chasing" to perform a sword-controlling technique, the power is several times that of the former.

To deal with the minions zombies, naturally the former can be used, but to deal with the red-eyed zombies, Lin Ge didn't dare to be overly aggressive and could only use the safest way to deal with them.


Lin Ge pinched his fingers, and the seven golden bronze swords stuck on the ground flew up with a "swish", and flew towards the red-eyed zombie in the air.




In an instant, the red-eyed zombie was pierced into a cactus and fell to the ground, but immediately got up again and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge was still in the state of "Golden Light Spell" at this time, and he immediately pointed his hand forward: "Scout!"

The golden bronze swords flew out of the red-eyed zombie's body in unison, and then inserted back in an instant. The huge impact prevented him from moving forward.

On the other side, Wanyan Bupo fights with another red-eyed zombie. Although they are both red-eyed zombies, the opponent is obviously a level worse than Wanyan Bupo.

After all, even a being with such strength as Wan Yan Bu Po would have a sharp decline in combat effectiveness after turning into a red-eyed zombie and losing consciousness, not to mention that these red-eyed zombies were just ordinary golden soldiers before they were controlled by bugs.

The reason why Wanyan Bupo was attacked by surprise was that his attention was focused on looking for Wanyan Wulei and he did not notice the zombies hiding in the dark. On the other hand, Wanyan Bupo thought that the Blood God was still on guard around him, and even bugs that attacked him would be stopped by the Blood God, so he relaxed his vigilance.

"Hey, General, can you do it?" Lin Ge controlled seven golden bronze swords and inserted them into the head of the red-eyed zombie at the same time, directly cutting the whole head into pieces. He looked back at Wanyan Bupo, who was anxious about the battle, and teased again. road.

Wanyan Bupo's combat power is much stronger than that of the golden soldier and red-eyed zombie, but he has no weapons in his hands and can only attack with his hands. No matter how powerful it is, the red-eyed zombie will still get up after being knocked down. Therefore, over and over again, it seemed as if his attack had no real damage.

"You have time to make sarcastic remarks, why don't you come and help!" Wanyan Bupa said angrily, knocking the red-eyed zombie away with one palm.

Lin Ge stepped forward with a smile: "You should have said it earlier. If you wanted to ask me for help, you should have said it earlier. How would I know you wanted me to help you if you didn't tell me? It's only after you said it that I knew you wanted me to help you."

As he finished speaking, Lin Singer held the bronze sword and thrust it into the black bug that crawled out of his head after he chopped it into pieces.

Perfect appearance:...

"Remember, you owe me three times!" Lin Ge pointed with his backhand, and the golden bronze swords stuck on the ground not far away flew up again, attacking the red-eyed zombie that was knocked away by Wan Yan Bu Po.

Wanyan Bupo asked in confusion: "Why three times?"

"I controlled you in the zombie state and didn't kill you. This is the first time. It's a favor for not killing you. The second time, I sent Yue Yinping into your dream to warm up your relationship. The third time... That's now." As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, he used all his spells and killed the red-eyed zombie instantly.

Wanyan Bupo was speechless for a moment when he heard the words. He might say that what Lin Ge said was wrong, but that was the fact. But even if he said that, he was right... but he still felt that something was wrong!

Lin Ge stabbed the second insect that crawled out of the zombie's head to death with a backhand sword. He raised his sword, looked at the insect stuck on the tip of the sword and said, "I believe that you, the great general, should not be able to do anything unknown." Isn’t this the kind of thing you should repay a favor for?”

"...Okay, I promise to do three things for you in the future, but you can't ask me to betray the Jin Dynasty and join the Song Dynasty. You can't ask me to hurt my tribe and family. You can't..." Wanyan Bupo was talking, but he was beaten by Lin Ge. break.

"Stop it, stop it, don't make so many rules, you are not Zhang Wuji. Besides, your Kingdom of Jin will be gone in a while, and I am not interested in your family. You can keep these three things and come back in eight hundred years. Report it!" Lin Ge said.

"Okay." Wanyan Bupo agreed readily.

Lin Ge picked up the half of the black bug in front of Wanyan Bupo and asked, "The bug is still in your body, do you feel awkward?"

"Does Taoist Master have a way to remove this insect for me?" Wanyan Bupo asked.

Lin Ge said: "At present, it seems that this bug is parasitic in the brain, and it is not easy to take it out. I will look back and think of a way...find your sister first."

Wanyan Bupo nodded and followed Lin Ge into the inner courtyard.

Entering the inner courtyard, Lin Ge saw a towering tree in the center of the courtyard, with dozens of blood-red fruits on its lush branches and leaves.

There were dozens of blood gods hanging around the big tree, attacking insects falling on the ground from time to time.

"No tears!"

Wanyan Bupo called a few more times, and the sound attracted the attention of the black insects in the inner courtyard, which immediately crawled toward him and Lin Ge in dense numbers.

Lin Ge stood forward with the "Golden Light Curse", throwing talismans to block it, and reciting the "Purifying Heaven and Earth Curse". With the blessing of the double eight divine curses, the black insects were blocked by the wall of fire formed by the burning talisman. forward.

"Wan Yan Bu Po, look at all those blood gods gathered in the air outside the east wing. I guess your sister should be inside." Lin Ge reminded.

"Thank you." Wanyan Bupo heard this and immediately thanked Lin Ge. Then he wanted to go to the east wing, but there were too many bugs on the ground and he was blocked back.

"Taoist Priest, please help me go to the east wing!"

"Then you owe me four things."

Wanyan Bupo choked for a long time and uttered one word: "...Okay."

I'm going on a business trip for a week, so I may not be able to reply to everyone's comments for the time being... The updates for these seven days have been scheduled (in fact, I have already set off this afternoon), with one chapter every night at 11:59 pm and one chapter every day at 11:59 noon. , each chapter is about 5,000 words, and 10,000 words are updated every day... See you in a week~

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