Lin Ge put away the table and computer host and immediately rushed to the street to find Ma Xiaoling: "We haven't seen each other for a few minutes. Are you having a big time?"

"How about you try it?" Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

Lin Ge looked at the burning streets and houses, and thought to himself that this would be a good chance for me to take action... Most of the zombies in the street have turned into burning people.

But Lin Ge was surprised to find that a small group of zombies were organizing an organized attack on the Yue Family Army at the gate of the city. What was even more surprising was that these zombies actually knew how to use weapons.

Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling immediately rushed to the city gate. Through observation, they found that some of the zombies were attacking, while others were gathering outside a building.

"Let's go!" Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately called Ma Xiaoling and rushed towards the building.

Lin Ge took out a Heavenly Master Suppression Talisman and put it on his palm, then clasped his hands together, changed the magic formula, and struck forward several times: "The world is infinite, the universe borrows the magic!"




A burst of violent bombings broke out a bloody path among the zombies. Ma Xiaoling borrowed a trick from the "Water God Yinji" to push away the zombies coming from both sides of the street with water waves.

"I said you two can form a 'borrowing' combination. Your strength depends entirely on borrowing. You can never repay a 'borrow'..." Huang Ni's teasing voice came from the mark on the back of Lin Ge's right hand, and then said: " The evil spirit in this house is very strong, even more than that of Wanyan Bupa, the 'pseudo generation', so you'd better be careful."

"Do you think it's Wan Yan Wu Tears or the treacherous minister zombie inside?" Lin Ge asked.

In the original drama, Yelu Ghost retained consciousness after being bitten into a zombie by Wan Yan Bu Po, and could even command those zombies to fight.

In the plot, Wan Yan Wu Lei is not missing, and the current situation in Zhuxian Town is much more complicated than in the play. Not to mention that the number of zombies has increased hundreds of times, and based on the "smartness" of these zombies, they can even use cold weapons to kill zombies. It's very different to perform martial arts like a zombie.

But think about it, the battlefields in the play are like fighting at the entrance of a village. This is real history, so naturally they cannot be compared together.

"Who are you talking to?" Ma Xiaoling happened to hear Lin Ge's words when she fought off the zombies and caught up.

Lin Ge did not answer, but looked at the zombie blocking the door in front of him and said, "Xiao Ling, break the door!"

"Once again, I'm not your maid! Next time, I'll burn you too! The Dragon God ordered, the Fire God Zhurong borrowed the magic to kill the evil!" Ma Xiaoling stepped forward, pinched the magic formula and created a wave of fire, instantly blocking the front. The zombies at the door were all devoured, and the house and corpses were set on fire.

There was a loud noise, and the moment the wooden house collapsed, a group of zombies rushed out, and the leader of the zombies was the first Yelu ghost who was bitten into a zombie by Wan Yan Bu Po.

"The one who bites is unconscious, but the one who is bitten is conscious. Isn't this really a bug?" Lin Ge complained, raising his hand to "swish" a few evil-suppressing charms to prevent the Yelu ghost from escaping.

"What do you mean?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge replied: "I said that after Wanyan Bupo bit these people, his 'generation' became brainless zombies who only chased Yue Yinping all over the street. On the contrary, these zombies are intelligent, don't you think it's strange? ?”

"How can you be sure that they were all bitten by Wan Yan Bu Po?" Ma Xiaoling asked curiously.

Obviously Lin Ge forgot that Ma Xiaoling was a plot character and didn't know the plot, but he still replied calmly: "Have you forgotten that I can 'calculate with my fingers'?"

"Then what's the probability of us getting out alive?" Ma Xiaoling asked after waving the exorcism stick and knocking away the two zombies that rushed forward.

Lin Ge stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the clothes on Yelvgui's chest and smashed it to the ground. He looked up at Ma Xiaoling and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm 98% sure."

"It's already 98%, why not... 100%!" Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge were back-to-back, each of them killing the zombies in one direction.

For the two of them, a roomful of zombies was not enough to kill.

Yelv Ghost got up and wanted to run away, but Lin Ge knocked him down again, stepped on his throat and asked, "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

Yelugui let out a zombie roar and tried to call the surrounding zombies to save him. As a result, before the zombies even got close, Ma Xiaoling turned them all into burning people.

"If you don't understand, then kill him." Lin Ge said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Yelugui quickly roared, his panic expression obviously trying to tell Lin Ge that he could communicate. At this time, the surrounding zombies stopped moving forward.

"Can you control them?" Lin Ge asked.

Yelvgui nodded quickly.

Lin Ge said: "Gather all the zombies to the open space at the gate of the city."

Yelugui shook his head again, raised his hand and pointed at the zombies around him, nodded, then pointed at the dark street in the distance, and shook his head.

"You can only control the zombies here, but not those far away?" Lin Ge asked.

Yelvgui nodded.

"Okay, gather all the zombies you can control at the city gate."

Yelvgui followed Lin Ge's instructions and used the "zombie roar" to gather all the zombies he could control at the city gate. A rough calculation showed that there were more than two thousand.

This battle frightened the Yue Family Army at the city gate. It was not until Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling returned to the city gate with Yelvgui that Vice General Xu, Liu Xing and others relaxed.

Liuxing noticed Yelugui being carried by Lin Ge, and rushed up with a big knife: "Yelügui!"

"Don't get excited. He has turned into a zombie. Even if you chop off his head, he will only lose his vision." Lin Ge's words are not nonsense. After all, the zombies here can still be revived after their heads are chopped off. After jumping around for a while, it would be better to just kill him and let him control the zombies.

"But... this guy has tricked and killed many of our brothers, we can't let him go!" Meteor said excitedly.

Lin Ge was too lazy to talk to him and said directly: "Learn more from your father, Vice General Xu. You are all going to be the gods of death in the future. Don't be carried away by anger. If you kill him now, it will be like letting him die." Those two thousand zombies are out of control, and whether hundreds of your brothers will still be alive is a question in Chengdu."

"...Master, I was impulsive." Thinking of the lives of hundreds of brothers, Meteor instantly calmed down: "Wait...Master, how did you know that Vice General Xu is my...father?"

"Don't ask such boring questions again in the future. I am a master, so I can naturally 'calculate with my fingers.'" Lin Ge replied pretending to be profound.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Master, I was abrupt." Meteor quickly apologized.

Lin Ge carried Yelv Ghost to the zombie group and asked him to direct the zombies to find Wan Yan Wu Lei in the town. At this time, Ma Xiaoling stepped forward and asked: "Is your 'Pinch and Count' so powerful?"

"It is ok."

"Then you go back and calculate how much the next Mark Six Lottery will be. It's more than 60 million. If you win, we will be rich!" Ma Xiaoling said excitedly.

Lin Ge was about to complain when he suddenly heard Jin Zhengzhong's voice coming from the communicator in his travel bag.

"Uncle Master, your 'temporary' woman is awake."

Lin Ge: ...As expected, it is not that one family does not enter the same house. The brain circuits of these two masters and apprentices are indeed beyond the control of ordinary people.

"Zhongzhong?" Ma Xiaoling also heard Jin Zhengzhong's voice and was a little surprised.

Lin Ge raised his hand, took out the black mainframe case and put it on the ground, then "swish, swish, swish" and hit out more than a dozen evil-suppressing charms to suppress the Yelu ghost, and then said to Ma Xiaoling: "Help me guard the case, I'll go Let’s deal with the problem of Wan Yan’s unbreakable appearance, and if we can successfully wake him up, then the situation at hand will be much easier.”

"Where are you going..." Before Ma Xiaoling could finish her words, she saw Lin Ge holding up the magic formula and pointing it at the black computer case, and then the whole person disappeared with a "whoosh".

Lin Ge entered the ghost realm in the black computer case and saw that Yue Yinping had sat up from the ground, but the flawless figure not far away still maintained the appearance of an ice sculpture.

"How's it going?" Lin Ge stepped forward and asked.

Yue Yinping glanced at Lin Ge and said nothing, but his ears were red. It can be imagined that his cheeks under the mask must also be blushing.

"Okay, no need to say anything. I'll know just by looking at your reaction. So, can I release Wanyan Bupa now?" Lin Ge asked.

Yue Yinping lowered his head and nodded slightly.

Lin Ge tore off the indestructible yellow cloth, picked up the magic formula, threw a burning talisman to light the ice, and then removed the second seal.

Wanyan Bupa groaned in pain, half-knelt on the ground, raised his head and looked at Lin Ge: "Who...are you?"

"Your benefactor. Without further ado, now because you have unlocked Pangu's seal without authorization, the entire Zhuxian Town has turned into a hell with zombies everywhere. Zhuxian Town has been blocked by Pangu's Tianzhu and is isolated from the world. If you are in If the seal is not repaired by tomorrow night, this place will be completely purified.”

"I need you to take us to the location of the seal now. Only by repairing the seal can we leave Zhuxian Town. Do you understand?" Lin Ge asked.

Wanyan Bupo rubbed his painful head and asked with difficulty: "Pangu seal... Zhuxian Town... where is the silver bottle? Where is the silver bottle? Where is my sister Wu Lei? You... how do you know that we..."

"I'm an immortal, I can count with my fingers, okay? Stop talking nonsense. If we want to find your sister, take us to the location of Pangu's seal first."

After Lin Ge briefly explained the situation in Zhuxian Town to Wanyan Bupo, the other party was shocked after hearing this: "I... I have tens of thousands of disciples, unexpectedly... Wu Lei, no, I must find Wu Lei! I ...Ah, my head hurts so much. Where is this?"

"Because you were controlled by the bugs in the peach tree planted by Our Lady of Yaochi, I took you into the fairyland, and then sent the Yue Yin Ping into your dream to wake you up." Lin Ge's implication is that you can have that beautiful dream. It's all with my help.

"I'll take you to... the seal... place for sacrifice." Wanyan Bupo said.

Lin Ge nodded, clasped Wanyan Bupo's shoulder with one hand, and grabbed Yue Yinping with the other hand. Then he looked at Sadako and said, "Please send us out!"

Sadako nodded, stepped forward and cast a spell to send Lin Ge and the others out.

Jin Zhengzhong muttered from behind: "Uncle Shi is really good at deceiving people. He directly described the ghost world as a fairyland. The point is that the man obviously believed it."

Sadako smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that your great uncle will come in and beat you if you speak ill of him behind his back?"

"It's okay, he can't hear me."

" seems like you didn't turn off the communicator."

Kim Jung Jung:…

Ma Xiaoling was still wondering where Lin Ge had gone, but she saw a flash of light in front of her eyes. Lin Ge and three people appeared in front of her with a "whoosh", making her jump back in fright.


At this time, Yue Yinping was supporting Wanyan Bupo. Not far away, Lieutenant General Xu, Meteor, and a group of Yue family soldiers suddenly rushed forward with weapons in hand, regardless of the terror of the zombies around them.

"Wanyanbupo, I'm going to kill you!"

"Wan Yan Bu Po, you thief, you will die!"

"Kill! Kill the dog thief and his face will remain intact!"


Before Lin Ge could stop him, Yue Yinping subconsciously blocked Deputy General Xu and others for Wanyan Bupo. This scene stunned everyone in the Yue Family Army.

"Yaksha Pioneer, what do you mean by this? Have you forgotten how many of our brothers the thief Wan Yan Bu Po killed and how he slaughtered us Song people?"

"Yes, my lifelong wish is to kill Wanyan Bupo. Get out of the way. Even if the King of Heaven comes today, I will kill Wanyan Bupo too!"

"Kill Wanyan Bupo! Kill Wanyan Bupo!"


"Everyone, please calm down first and listen to me...I...I..." Yue Yinping said "I, I, I". I didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

She forgot that this was reality, not a dream.

In her dream, she and Wanyan Bupo were in love, but in reality...she and Wanyan Bupo, one was the vanguard of the Yue Family Army, and the other was the general of the Jin Kingdom. They were incompatible with each other and were incompatible with each other.

Her current behavior is simply "treason."


Perhaps it was because Yue Yinping was being made things difficult for everyone, Wanyan Bupo was so angry that he suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a corpse roar. Seeing his blood-red eyes and the zombie's fangs, the surrounding Yue Family Army instinctively stepped back.

Wanyan Bupo endured the severe pain in his head and stood up straight. He glanced at the Yue Family Army and said in a cold voice: "If you want to fight or kill yourself, just come to me! But now we are all trapped in Zhuxian Town. , if you want to get out, just wait until the seal, and then fight again after getting out!"

The surrounding Yuejiajun obviously did not expect that the always strong Wanyan Bupo could now "calmly" reason with them and even temporarily "seek peace."

Some people, blinded by anger, suddenly launched a sneak attack and wanted to cut off the heads of Wanyan Bupo. However, Wanyan Bupo let out a "zombie roar" and raised his hand, knocking those people away.

Wan Yan Bu Po who had lost consciousness and Wan Yan Bu Po who had regained consciousness were two extremes in terms of combat prowess. They were not something that these ordinary soldiers could compete with.

When Deputy General Xu saw his men being knocked out, he immediately slashed at Wanyan Bupo with his sword. Wanyan Bupo raised his hand, grabbed the sword, and slashed at Deputy General Xu.

"No!" Yue Yinping stood directly in front of Deputy General Xu. Wanyan Bupo was shocked and quickly sheathed the knife, but the sword energy hit Yue Yinping's mask.

The mask broke into two pieces and fell to the ground. On Yue Yinping's forehead, blood flowed down between his eyebrows.

"Silver bottle!"

"Yaksha Pioneer!"

Vice General Xu and Wanyan Bupo quickly stepped forward to check on Yue Yinping's injuries. It was the first time that the surrounding Yue family soldiers saw Yue Yinping's appearance under his mask, and they suddenly looked surprised.

Also surprised was Ma Xiaoling. She was stunned for a long time and then murmured a name: "Zhenzhen?"

That's right.

The appearance under Yue Yinping's mask is exactly the same as Wang Zhenzhen's. According to the setting in the play, Yue Yinping is Wang Zhenzhen's "previous life".

Lin Ge wanted to find another person who was also a "person from the past life", and the sins of this life will be borne by the future generations. "A person who has no sins, no obstacles, and is pure and untainted" is Yue Yinping!

However, although the idea is good, it is not easy to implement it.

First of all, Yue Yinping is the daughter of Yue Fei. Even if she is trying to block Wanyan Bupo's sword because of her love, she will still try her best to block Wanyan Bupo when the two armies actually fight.

In the play, after the Zhuxian Town incident, the two armies fought, but in the end they were not ruthless enough to kill Wanyan Bupo, and instead he was killed by Wanyan Bupo with a single sword.

Therefore, if Yue Yinping learns that her father will die due to Qin Hui's plan, then no matter what Lin Ge says, the other party may not follow him back to the future.

Secondly, "emptying hell" is not an easy task. Although Yue Yinping is strong, it is still unknown whether her will will be enough to support the pain of the flames of hell burning her soul.

at last.

In the original play, Wanyan Bupo and Wanyan Bupo were "incompatible" with Arrow. After Arrow entered hell, Wanyan Bupo ran to "assist" him. If it were Yue Yinping, then he wouldn't be able to overthrow the underworld?

We must know that Wan Yan Bu Po in the Song Dynasty and Wan Yan Bu Po in modern times have spent hundreds of years studying martial arts, integrating the power of zombies, and improving his combat power by several levels.


Looking at the tense Yue Jiajun and Wanyan Bupo, Lin Ge suddenly felt a headache. If the arrow hadn't disappeared out of thin air, the problem wouldn't be so complicated.

The main god is obviously causing trouble. If you have the ability, you can also destroy Kuang Tianyou's first life "Kang Zhongtang" hundreds of years ago. Let me see if your plot can be rounded off!

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