Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 276 Borrowing the Power of Dreams to Pull the Red Line

However, before Lin Ge had time to implement his "test plan" and try the joy of fighting with a stereo and BGM, a silver figure had already rushed forward.

"Wanyan Bupo!" Yue Yinping jumped up and turned into a silver afterimage that struck Wanyan Bupo.

Silver light bloomed in mid-air, and the cold electric silver gun burst out with a strong spiritual energy, directly knocking Wanyan Bupo flying towards him.

Yue Yinping's figure was obviously stagnant, and he was very confused about why Wanyan Bupo's strength had dropped so much, and he couldn't even catch his own blow?

Lin Ge:? ? ?

Our Lady of Yaochi, your "hard work" has been watered down, right? The dignified general of the Jin Kingdom turned into a zombie and couldn't even catch a blow from Yue Yinping? Does turning into a zombie reduce your combat effectiveness?

Has this become lonely?

Lin Ge silently put away the main computer case. Obviously, with this level of flawless appearance, it was not his turn to use his "killer trump card" for the time being.

"When did she become your sister?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge and asked curiously. Apparently she took Lin Ge's words "the sisters are out to stretch their muscles" as Lin Ge was talking to her and Yue Yinping.

"Uh, just now?"

" time, don't treat me like your maid and call me around. If you want me to take action, okay, just give me money." Ma Xiaoling snorted.

Lin Ge asked back: "I didn't give you enough? Isn't that money equivalent to your previous year's salary?"

"Go away. My company's business for the year has been very good, okay!" Ma Xiaoling said harshly.

Lin Ge said: "What you are referring to is good... Do you mean two or three orders a year? Stop talking nonsense and go help. We can't find the arrow now, and we have no intention of staying here... Wait! "

Lin Ge suddenly thought that because the arrowhead was a "previous life person", the evil retribution of this life has been borne by the future life of "Kuang Tianyou", so he does not need to be bound by the rules. Like Ksitigarbha, he is a person without evil, no obstacles, and pure. Man, so he can clear hell.

Then you only need to find someone who is also a "person from the previous life" and who has borne the sins of this life in the future. How about someone who is "a person without sins, no obstacles, and a pure and unsullied person"?

"What's wrong?" Ma Xiaoling asked curiously when she saw Lin Ge was halfway speaking.

Lin Ge said: "It's okay. Let's go help first and find a way to trap the zombie... maybe it will be useful to us."

"What good can a zombie do?"

"How can such a weak red-eyed zombie deserve this opportunity if we don't capture it and study it? Think about it, if you can understand the zombie's weakness from the opponent, wouldn't it be much easier for your Ma family to deal with zombies in the future?"

Lin Ge casually said that his purpose was just to keep Wan Yan alive. After all, this will also be an important supporting role in the future. If he is solved by Ma Xiaoling now, who knows what changes will happen in the future!

After saying that, Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling rushed towards Yue Yinping at the same time. Just halfway through, Wanyan Bupo let out a deafening "corpse roar".

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of zombies suddenly poured out of the streets and buildings in the distance again.

At this time, Yue Yinping, who was fighting with Wanyan Bupo, had discovered that the opponent had completely lost consciousness after turning into a zombie. His superb martial arts skills were long gone, and he could only attack with zombie instinct.

But as the unshakable "zombie roar" attracts more and more zombies, these zombies are obviously smarter than the previous zombies and actually know how to organize attacks.

Yue Yinping chased Wanyan Bupo and flew up to the roof. As soon as Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling ran under the house, they were surrounded by a wave of corpses pouring out of the streets and houses.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

"The Dragon God gave the order, and the Fire God Zhu Rong borrowed his method to punish the evil!"

The two cast spells at the same time, golden light and flames blended together, exploding among the zombies. Blood and flesh flew everywhere for a while, and the streets were filled with broken limbs and broken arms.

However, even though they were blown away by the spell, their arms and legs were severed, and even their heads were lost, these zombies were still crawling on the ground, looking for new targets!

No matter how powerful Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling were, they only had two hands. The ability to block hundreds or even thousands of zombies was already their limit. More zombies are flocking to the Yuejia Army at the gate of Zhuxian Town. Although it is common for these Yuejia Army to fight with the Jin soldiers, today's Jin soldiers are all zombies!

However, what frightens the Yue Family Army is that among these zombies, in addition to golden soldiers, there are also Yue Family Army soldiers. These zombies are obviously the soldiers who were killed by zombies when they invaded Zhuxian Town before. In less than an hour, they have become the "companions" of these zombies!

For a moment, Yue Jiajun's zombies were extremely frightened, worried that they would suffer the same fate as those people, be killed by zombies, and become these unconscious monsters!

Many Yuejia troops suddenly wanted to retreat, but the gate of Zhuxian Town was blocked by Tianzhu again, and a sense of despair suddenly surged into their hearts.

After just one encounter with the zombies, they were defeated by the army of zombie golden soldiers and fled in all directions. Some fled into the surrounding buildings, but unexpectedly there were more zombies hidden in these dark rooms. Entering them was like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth; Fleeing to the streets, some tried to climb the city walls...

Each and every one of them panicked, only to die faster at the mouth of the zombies.

"Calm down! Calm down! Get in formation, don't panic!" Deputy Xu roared at the top of his voice, trying to call back the fleeing soldiers, but people were so frightened that they had no time to think and just wanted to escape from this hell as quickly as possible.



"Don't be chaotic, don't retreat. If you retreat, you won't be able to defend!"

On the other side, Meteor led some slightly stronger-willed Yue family troops to fight back. These zombies were inferior products of the "blood of the Holy Mother of Yaochi". Wanyan Bupo was unable to fully absorb the power of this drop of blood, resulting in the zombies bitten out by him in succession. It's not even green eyes, it's even lower than the lowest level black eyes.

But having said that, the Yue family army is just a "mortal". Except for Yue Yinping, whose combat power is explosive due to two immortal weapons, the rest are ordinary ordinary soldiers, and they can't stop the severed hands and feet at all. "Monster" zombies that can even attack without their heads.

Moreover, tens of thousands of golden soldiers were stationed in Zhuxian Town. Even if only more than half of the golden soldiers turned into zombies, this "number" would not be something that more than a thousand Yue family troops could withstand.

Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling were guarding a street alone, while Yue Yinping and Wanyan Bupo hit the house from the roof and instantly transformed into demolition officers, demolishing the wooden houses along the way.

Lin Ge fought all the way to Yue Yinping's side, swung the golden copper coin sword enchanted with the "Qiankun Borrowing Method", and forced Wanyan Bupo back with one strike.

Wanyan Bupo flew backwards and knocked down a wooden wall, but with a loud "clang", the pieces of wood were thrown away by him. He immediately climbed out of the ruins and rushed towards Yue Yinping.

Wanyan Bupo is very fast, but apart from speed, there is almost no skill at all. As soon as he rushed to Yue Yinping, he was shot away.

"Go on!" Lin Ge took out a roll of yellow cloth, threw the other end to Yue Yinping, and then pulled open the yellow cloth, with Bagua patterns painted on it and "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth" written on it.

"Wrap him!" Lin Ge ordered.

Yue Yinping put away the cold electric silver gun, inserted it into the belt behind his back, grabbed the yellow cloth with both hands and rushed towards Wanyan Bupo with Lin Ge.

Wanyan Bupo, however, was unconscious at this time and had no idea what Lin Ge and the others had intended. Instead, he rushed towards Yue Yinping, which was exactly what Lin Ge wanted.

Lin Ge was not surprised at all that Wanyan Bupo only had eyes for Yue Yinping. In the plot, the two of them were "feeling".

At this time, Wanyan Bupo only launched an attack on Yue Yinping. On the one hand, it made Lin Ge safer, and on the other hand, it also allowed him to find a better way to "catch" Wanyan Bupo.

Yue Yinping grabbed the yellow cloth and dodged to avoid Wan Yan Bu Po. At the same time, the yellow cloth was wrapped around him. Lin Ge on the other side responded, and the two of them "swish" a few times, and Wan Yan Bu Po was covered. Tied up tightly.

Wanyan Bupo roared and struggled, and the yellow cloth covered with runes emitted a dazzling golden light, burning Wanyan Bupo's body, but as he struggled violently, the yellow cloth made a "Zila Zila" sound. There was a sound, and cracks appeared in the innermost layer covering him.

"Ma Xiaoling, help!" Lin Ge shouted loudly.

"You should deal with these zombies!" Ma Xiaoling complained and borrowed a trick from "Water God Yin Ji" to turn water droplets into waves, wash away the zombies that rushed forward, and took the opportunity to run towards Lin Ge.

"How can I help?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge said: "Freeze him!"

Ma Xiaoling didn't hesitate at all, and immediately made a secret: "Dragon God's order, Water God Yin Ji borrowed the method, freeze!"

As she raised her hand and pinched her hand, a drop of water popped out towards Wan Yan Bu Po who was wrapped in yellow cloth. The moment the drop of water touched the yellow cloth, it made a sound of freezing water, directly turning Wan Yan Bu Po into an ice sculpture!

"Then what?" Ma Xiaoling asked again.

Lin Ge said: "You and Yue Yinping will stop those zombies for me. Don't let them cause trouble. I'll find a way to seal Wan Yan's indestructibility first!"

"Okay!" Yue Yinping immediately drew out the cold electric silver gun he carried on his back and swept the gun across the direction, sweeping away the zombies and the house.

Lin Ge:......

"Take it easy, don't bury me."

The two women rushed out of the wooden house, one on the left and the other on the right, to block the zombie attack for Lin Ge.

Lin Ge took out a table, placed a special cinnabar blood ink on it, dipped it in with a brush, and at the same time put his hand on the head of the flawless head that had turned into an ice sculpture.

"Qian Luo Dana, Dong Gang Tai Xuan. Kills demons and binds evil, and saves thousands of people."


"The evil and filth dissipate, and the energy of Dao will always remain!"

Lin Ge used cinnabar and blood ink to write the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth" on the ice sculpture's intact body, and then took out a special yellow cloth with eight diagrams painted on it and covered it.

Click, click.

Click, click.

But with a sound like ice cubes breaking, the ice that had frozen the entire face began to break.

Lin Ge sighed in his heart. It seems that although this artificial generation of zombies is not as good as the real generation of zombies, it cannot be dealt with by "triple seals".

"Yue Yinping!" Lin Ge suddenly shouted.

"Young Master Xiang, what are your orders?"

In the blink of an eye, a silver figure rushed into the dilapidated wooden house. Since his master told him to listen to Lin Ge's instructions in the robbery, Yue Yinping naturally had to obey his orders.

"Wanyan Bupo was controlled by the sacred tree and turned into a zombie. His corpse energy was so strong that even Ma Xiaoling and I couldn't suppress it. The only way was to enter his heart and awaken his will," Lin Ge said.


Yue Yinping obviously didn't understand what Lin Ge meant. You could let her fight and kill, but it was obviously impossible for her to understand "spells".

At this time, Lin Ge obviously didn't have the energy to explain to Yue Yinping in detail, so he said straight to the point: "I'll do the math and know that you two have been fighting against each other for many years. You two have already become heroes and cherish heroes. The bastard looked at Mung Bean and saw the right thing. This That’s why after he turned into a zombie, he just stared at you and beat you alone.”

Yue Yinping:......

"There is no time to explain now. I have a way to pull you and Wanyan Bupo into a dream. Whether you can wake him up depends on your ability!" Lin Ge said.

Yue Yinping hesitated and said, "Do we have to do this?"

"Oh, there is an easier way. I'll chop off his head with a knife, and then find a chance to dispose of his body so that his soul will be gone and he will never be reincarnated." Lin Ge said lightly.

Yue Yinping hurriedly said: "Then I'd better try to wake him up!"

Singer Lin lifted it up, took out the black computer case and placed it on the table.

And this computer case was the address of the computer that he asked Yu Zhijie to pay someone to retrieve Sadako from the Shikoku Building. The program that Yu Zhijie created was based on the program that Sadako had developed using his extraordinary wisdom. subsequent products.

To put it simply, Lin Ge transferred Sadako's "ghost world" computer world to this host, so he can take it with him and enter the ghost world at any time.

And in the ghost realm, another important plot character is "imprisoned" - Domoto Shizu.

Lin Ge pinched the magic formula, activated the seal on the computer, covered Wanyan Bupo's body with one hand, and grabbed Yue Yinping with the other. But Yue Yinping only felt that his eyes were blurry, and the surroundings had turned into colorful and incomprehensible symbols.

Immediately afterwards, she and Lin Ge appeared in a wide courtyard with "a bunch" of things covered in yellow cloth. Cherry blossoms were planted in the courtyard, and a cross stood in the corner, with a man in strange clothes tied to it.

Just as Yue Yinping was wondering, he saw Jin Zhengzhong and Zhenzi coming out of the main room at the same time. When Jin Zhengzhong saw Lin Ge, he respectfully asked, "Uncle Master, why are you here again?"

"With your word 'again', it's obvious that you don't welcome me..." Lin Ge said.

Jin Zhengzhong sighed: "Uncle Master, to be honest, whether you or Master come here often as guests... or even live here, Sadako and I are very welcome. But you... inserting a zombie in, this is a little bit... ...Isn’t it appropriate? Now, don’t you want to put a woman in and hide the beauty in the golden house? Aren’t you afraid that my master will go crazy? "

Lin Ge's mouth twitched, and he was speechless: "First of all, the zombie is just a 'temporary'. Besides, he is the one who made your cousin's belly bigger. Doesn't this give you a chance to avenge your relatives? Secondly, I This time I’m not here to stop people, let alone some hidden beauty in a golden house! I have something urgent and I need to use the power of the zombie..."

"at last!"

"Even if I, the Cangjiao of the Golden House, have nothing to do with your master, why is he so angry?" Lin Ge said seriously.

Jin Zhengzhong raised his eyebrows: "Don't you and my master have a relationship like that?"

"Stop your dangerous thoughts. Your master is still outside blocking thousands of zombies by himself. If I tell her this, I guarantee that she will give up dealing with zombies and beat you up first!" Lin Ge said .

Jin Zhengzhong quickly put a smile on his face: "Master, please go to work first. Sadako and I won't disturb you. If you need help, just ask! Bye!"

After Jin Zhengzhong finished speaking, he quickly took Sadako and ran away.

Lin Ge was too lazy to pay attention to him. He brought Yue Yinping to "Jesus" and said, "Tang Benjing, I need your help now."

"Hmm. (Say)" Tang Benjing still had a Heavenly Master Suppression Talisman affixed to his mouth. He could only reply to Lin Ge with his nose and nodded at the same time.

He and Lin Ge had reached an "agreement" before. Lin Ge would "temporarily" take care of Jin Weiwei and El Niño for him, ensuring that they would not be "harassed" by Lan Dali and others. In exchange, Domoto Jing gave his "dream" power Lend it to Lin Ge for three months.

Three months later, Lin Ge released Dou Benjing and reunited him with Jin Weiwei's mother and son. During these three months, Lin Ge had to have Jin Weiwei and El Niño video chat with Domoto Jing every week.

Domoto Jing was completely "fooled" by Lin Ge, because he didn't know that the Lan Dali trio had been taken care of by Lin Ge. Not only that, Lin Ge deliberately "leaked" the identity of El Niño "Magic Star" to Do Benjing. , and why Lan Dali and others want to help Tong Benjing become a zombie "purpose".

Of course, there is no basis for what he says, and Lin Ge doesn’t have any evidence. But the problem was that at that time, Lin Ge had all the power of life and death in Domoto Jing. Coupled with Jin Weiwei and El Niño, Domoto Jing was completely manipulated by Lin Ge, and he could not help but "disbelieve" him.

Lin Ge picked up the magic formula and unlocked one of the "triple seals" on Domoto Jing's body, allowing him to use his "dream-making" ability.

Lin Ge then ordered: "Let her enter the same dream as the ice sculpture zombie over there, and try to make the environment in the dream as beautiful as possible...just like when you were in Jinfu, do you understand?"

Tang Benjing nodded, and before Yue Yinping could express his opinion, he used his own ability to drag her and Wanyan Bupo into a dream.

In the original plot, Ma Xiaoling and Wanyan Wulei also used similar methods to make Yue Yinping enter Wanyan Bupo's dream in an attempt to wake him up.

Unexpectedly, Yue Yinping entered Wanyan Bupo's dream, and the two of them fought each other, and the more they fought, the more emotional they became. Yue Yinping even returned to her daughter's body, and she and Wanyan Bupo stayed together in the dream.

If Lin Ge wanted to keep his face intact and try to restore the other party's consciousness, he could only use this method again.

But at this time, Wan Yan Wu Lei's whereabouts were unknown, and Ma Xiaoling was busy dealing with zombies and had no time to clone herself, so she could only borrow Domoto Shizu's dream-making power.

"I don't have much time. Use your power to speed up the time process in the dream. It's best to let their feelings heat up quickly." Lin Ge suggested.

Tang Benjing glared at Lin Ge, his eyes seeming to say: "How about you come?"

"Exactly right!" Lin Ge shouted towards the main room.

Jin Zhengzhong immediately ran out: "Uncle Master, what are your orders?"

"I have to go out and help your master deal with zombies. You and Sadako will watch over Domoto Shizu for me. Before I come back, you must not 'sleep' to prevent this guy from causing trouble. Also, help me take care of my friend. She is now Entering the dream to awaken the consciousness of the red-eyed zombie." Lin Ge briefly explained the situation to Jin Zhengzhong.

"Red, red-eyed zombie?" Jin Zhengzhong was completely shocked. He didn't expect that the great uncle in front of him was so capable that he could actually get a red-eyed zombie.

Lin Ge didn't have time to explain to him, so he gave a few simple instructions, immediately made up the magic formula, and asked Sadako to help him get out of the "ghost realm".

At this time, because Ma Xiaoling was tired of dealing with the huge number of zombies, she simply lit Zhuxian Town on fire.

In this regard, Lin Ge could only give a thumbs up——

"As expected of you!" (End of Chapter)

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