Boom, boom, boom!

Early the next morning, Lin Ge was awakened by a rapid knock on the door, but when he came to the living room, Ma Xiaoling was already walking towards the door sleepily.

"Ha - who is it? It's so early. Are you so annoyed... Zhenzhen?" Ma Xiaoling was complaining. When she opened the door, she saw Wang Zhenzhen standing outside the door with an anxious look on her face.

"Xiaoling, it's not good! Something happened to Mengmeng!" Wang Zhenzhen said anxiously with tears in her eyes.

When Ma Xiaoling heard this, she suddenly woke up from her nap and asked, "What happened to Mengmeng?"

Wang Zhenzhen cried and said: "The police station called me just now and said that they could not contact Mengmeng's parents, so they called me based on the contact number on the phone... They... they asked me, let me, go, go Identify the body!”

"Ah?" Ma Xiaoling looked surprised and didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

"Xiaoling, do you think Mengmeng is, really, really already...she is still so young, and Meng's mother still has geriatric disease, what should we do?" Wang Zhenzhen cried.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to change clothes, and I'll accompany you to the police station!" After saying that, Ma Xiaoling hurried back to the room, changed clothes and came out.

"I'll go with you." Lin Ge came out of the room and said.

Ma Xiaoling thought that Lin Ge and Mengmeng also knew each other and had helped each other fix the TV several times, so they could be considered friends, so she nodded.

The three came to the police station and learned from the police that sanitation workers near the group building reported the case this morning and found Mengmeng's body. When the body was found, he was kneeling in the woods with his head lowered in a praying posture. There were two bloody holes in his neck, and the cause of death was massive blood loss.

Except that Ma Xiaoling did not discover the body, the details are almost exactly the same as in the play.

Lin Ge originally thought that after the Sadako incident, the plot would stop without the trio of Lan Dali to cause trouble for Domoto Jing, but he didn't expect that Ruan Mengmeng would still die at the hands of Domoto Jing.


Lin Ge suddenly remembered that when he changed the soul-chasing talisman from Ruan Mengmeng to Ma Dalong last night, he also specifically checked the location of Ruan Mengmeng. She was clearly in Jiajia Building at that time, so how could she appear in the Tangben Group in the middle of the night?

Although Lin Ge thought about getting rid of Domoto Jing through Ruan Mengmeng before the Sadako incident happened, so he placed a soul-chasing charm on her body to prevent the other party from killing Ruan Mengmeng without his knowledge. But nothing happened for so many days in a row, and something happened right after the Soul Chasing Talisman was cast, it was a bit too coincidental!

The most important thing is that Lin Ge can't figure out why Ruan Mengmeng went to Tangben Group in the middle of the night.

After Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen completed the formalities, the three returned to Jiajia Building and went to Ruan Mengmeng's home to visit Ruan's mother, who had geriatric disease.

As soon as the three of them entered the house, they saw Ruan's mother sitting on the sofa, watching TV happily, while Ruan Mengmeng's translucent soul was standing behind the sofa, looking at Ruan's mother with dull eyes.

Wang Zhenzhen was about to call Ruan Mengmeng, but Ma Xiaoling covered her mouth.


"That's Mengmeng's soul. After she died, she couldn't let go of Ruan's mother, so she returned to the place where she had the deepest obsession. I think there's something wrong with her soul. Keep your voice down, don't scare her soul away." Ma Xiaoling whispered. said.

After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she picked up a magic formula and stepped forward and called: "Mengmeng, Mengmeng?"

But after she called several times, Ruan Mengmeng stood blankly behind the sofa, looking at Ruan's mother with dull eyes, without any reaction.

"Something's wrong."

Ma Xiaoling stepped forward and found a spot on Ruan Mengmeng's forehead. Her expression suddenly changed and she said, "Remnant soul? Mengmeng's soul is incomplete!"

Lin Ge stepped forward after hearing the words, took the Heavenly Eye Technique and wiped his eyes to take a look, and sure enough he found that Ruan Mengmeng's soul was incomplete. However, in the original play, it was because Jin Zhengzhong was reckless and scared away Ruan Mengmeng's soul that the other party's soul was incomplete. Now Jin Zhengzhong is still living the life of Ning Caichen in the computer world, and it is obviously impossible to come here to cause trouble.

Lin Ge looked at Ma Xiaoling and asked, "Is there a way to recall Mengmeng's lost soul? If the soul can be restored, maybe we can find out who killed her."

"Yes, just..." Ma Xiaoling suddenly froze for a moment and looked at Lin Ge in confusion: "Aren't you 'Master-uncle'? You can't even summon spirits?"

"I can only send souls physically." Lin Ge said lightly.

Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes at him and continued: "It is not difficult to recall Mengmeng's remnant soul. You only need to use the power of the deceased's relatives to summon the soul. But what is difficult is to fuse the remnant souls together, which requires certain professional skills."

Lin Ge was about to say that he was not good at summoning souls, but soul-melting was not a problem for him. Whether it was Chen Zhazhi's notes or the "Soul Fusion Technique", they could solve this problem.

But before she opened her mouth, Ma Xiaoling said: "I have never studied the soul-melting technique, so I guess I can only ask Uncle Qiu for help."

Lin Ge thought that He Yingqiu was asked to help fuse Ruan Mengmeng's soul in the play. In this case, it would be better to let a professional take action, not to mention that He Yingqiu had just learned the "Soul Fusion Technique" and took the opportunity to test the results.

"Okay, you think of a way to summon the spirit of Mengmeng, and I'll contact my nephew." Lin Ge said.

Ma Xiaoling nodded, sat next to Mengmeng's mother, and first said to Wang Zhenzhen beside her: "Zhenzhen, go find a piece of Mengmeng's clothes."

"Oh." Wang Zhenzhen nodded quickly, and then went to the bedroom to find clothes.

Ma Xiaoling continued to say to Meng's mother: "Meng's mother, something happened to Mengmeng, and now there is something wrong with her soul. If you want her to be reincarnated, you must listen to me later and help recall Mengmeng's soul."

Mengma didn't react at all to Ma Xiaoling's words. She stared blankly at the TV with a smile on her face and murmured: "Water, I want to drink water."

Lin Ge poured a glass of water from the kettle, handed it to Mengma, and said, "Mengma, let's buy you a big color TV. You play a game with us first, okay?"

"TV? A big TV? Okay, okay!" Meng's mother reacted immediately.

Ma Xiaoling:......

Although I knew that Meng's mother was suffering from a geriatric disease, I still felt uncomfortable when I saw that Meng's mother had no reaction to her daughter's affairs and only reacted to the TV.

"Xiaoling, do you think this dress is okay?" Wang Zhenzhen came out holding a white dress by Ruan Mengmeng.

Ma Xiaoling nodded, took the skirt, went to the balcony to get a clothes drying pole, took out scissors and cut a few times on the cuffs and skirt corners, put the skirt on the clothes drying pole, pasted a yellow charm on the collar, and I took out my lipstick, wrote a few spells on the skirt, and a simple "soul-calling flag" was ready.

At night, Ma Xiaoling, Lin Ge and Wang Zhenzhen took Mengma to the street outside Jiajia Building. As they walked, they waved the soul-calling flags and shouted Mengmeng's name.

"Mengmeng...come back..." Wang Zhenzhen shouted Ruan Mengmeng's name, but no matter how hard she tried, it had no effect.

Ma Xiaoling supported Mengma and said seriously: "Mengma, do you remember how I taught you how to scream?"

Seeing that Meng's mother didn't respond, Wang Zhenzhen said: "Xiaoling, if she can't understand, let me shout for her. I can do it."

Ma Xiaoling said: "Zhenzhen, I know you want to help Mengmeng and Meng's mother, but if I could have helped, I would have done so. Only close relatives can call back the souls of those who died unjustly."

Although I don't know why Ruan Mengmeng went to the Tang Ben Group in the middle of the night, as long as it is not a cause-and-effect death like "vendetta", being killed by a man can be regarded as an unjust death. The souls of those who died unjustly are most likely to disappear and become wandering ghosts. They can only hear the voices of their loved ones. This is obviously the case with Ruan Mengmeng.

"Meng Meng, you must try, because only by recovering Meng Meng's soul can she be reincarnated, otherwise she will just be a wandering ghost!" Ma Xiaoling said anxiously.

"Tell me, Mengmeng, come back from the streets."

Meng Ma stared at Ma Xiaoling blankly without any response.

"Mengma, did you hear what I said? Come back from the streets." Ma Xiaoling saw that it was almost past 12 o'clock, and she became more and more anxious.

Wang Zhenzhen advised: "Don't be like this, Xiaoling, Mengma has a geriatric disease and she can't hear you... How about we think of another way?"

Ma Xiaoling was also helpless. Recalling the soul was not difficult in the first place. As long as Meng's mother cooperated and guided her with magic, she could recall Mengmeng's soul.

But now the simplest link has become the most difficult one because of Meng's mother's old age disease. Once twelve o'clock passes, the possibility of recovering Mengmeng's soul is very low.

"I know, I don't want to be like this. I don't want to see Mengmeng happily yesterday and go to the police station to identify the body today. If Mengmeng's soul cannot be found now, after midnight, Mengmeng will be dead." Mengmeng can only be a wandering ghost forever! He will never be reincarnated again! Mengmeng is a good person and will definitely be able to enjoy happiness in the next life. You also want Mengmeng to be happy in the next life." Ma Xiaoling said anxiously.

Wang Zhenzhen nodded: "I understand, I'm sorry."

"Let me try." After saying that, Lin Ge took out a laptop from the [Inventory], opened it, brought it to Meng's mother and said: "Meng's mother, if you do what I said and it's done, this new computer will be ready." How about I give you my own TV? This is much easier to use than the TV you have at home."

Meng’s mother still didn’t respond at first, so Lin Ge changed his words a few times and directly turned into a “computer salesperson”. After all, he finally “sold” the computer. Mengma finally reacted, and followed Ma Xiaoling's way, waving the soul-calling flag to call out the soul.

"Mengmeng, in the streets and alleys... come back..." Meng's mother began to repeat Lin Ge's words blankly, but as she shouted, she seemed to have become sober from her illness. She shouted more and more soberly, as if she was also aware of the dream. Meng has been killed, and the white-haired person sends the black-haired person away, and the shouts become more and more sad.

"Mengmeng, on the streets...come back..."

Wang Zhenzhen secretly wiped away tears while Ma Xiaoling suppressed her sadness, took up the Soul-Calling Skill, punched out a yellow lucky star and pasted it on the Soul-Calling Banner.

After a while, the cloth ribbon cut out by Ma Xiaoling on the soul-calling flag was seen flying in one direction. When everyone looked back, they saw a translucent soul standing next to a sculpture.

"Mengmeng!" Wang Zhenzhen said excitedly.

"Be careful, don't scare her away." Ma Xiaoling was warning, but it was still a little late. Meng's mother, who was briefly awake, saw Ruan Mengmeng's soul, shouted Mengmeng's name excitedly, and rushed over.

This move immediately frightened Ruan Mengmeng's unconscious soul and made her want to float towards the woods nearby.

Seeing this, Lin Ge rushed forward and directly used Ma's soul-sealing technique to capture Ruan Mengmeng, and then sealed her into the soul-sealing talisman and stacked it into a lucky star. The set of moves was done smoothly and in one go, leaving Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen dumbfounded. , while sighing, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, that's Mengmeng's soul, aren't you afraid of getting hurt?" Ma Xiaoling said.

Lin Ge said: "Don't worry, if you practice regularly, it won't hurt."

"Practice often? How can there be so many ghosts for you to catch?" Ma Xiaoling asked curiously.

Lin Ge sighed: "Not much, just a naughty kid who makes trouble all day long. When I can't control him, I can only catch him with this hand."

Ma Xiaoling:? ? ?

Ma Xiaoling obviously didn't understand what Lin Ge meant, but now that she has found Yi Mengmeng's soul, it will be much easier next time. She only needs to use the soul-calling technique and use Mengmeng's two souls as guides to lead out other "lost" souls, or bring them to other souls.

However, after struggling for several hours, only two of Mengmeng's souls were found. At this time, it was already past 11 o'clock, and there was only one hour left. Time was running out, so Ma Xiaoling asked Wang Zhenzhen to send Mengma back, while she and Lin Ge rushed to He Yingqiu's home.

"Uncle Qiu, we brought Meng Meng's soul here." Ma Xiaoling said to He Yingqiu who had put on a yellow robe and a Taoist crown as soon as she entered the door.

He Yingqiu poked his head and looked behind Ma Xiaoling, but did not see Ruan Mengmeng's soul. He suddenly asked in confusion: "Where is the soul?"

"Here it is." Ma Xiaoling took out a handful of lucky stars and said.

He Yingqiu's expression suddenly became a little subtle: "Didn't you say that Mengmeng is your good friend? Is this how you treat your friends?"

"Don't look at me, this is your uncle's masterpiece." Ma Xiaoling sighed.

He Yingqiu slapped Ma Xiaoling on the head and said angrily: "What 'your uncle' is? That's your 'uncle', big or small!"

When Ma Xiaoling and the heirs of the Mao family were learning spells from He Yingqiu, she was often scolded by He Yingqiu, and she was already used to it: "Yes, yes, uncle. Okay, uncle, it's almost 12 o'clock, hurry up and repair your dream." The soul of the dream, send her to be reincarnated!"

"Okay!" He Yingqiu responded, took the lucky star from Ma Xiaoling's hand, put it on the incense burner at the altar in front of him, picked up the peach wood sword on the table, pinched the magic formula, and twisted a piece of magic on the table with two fingers of his other hand. He opened the yellow talisman, chanting a spell in his mouth, and thrust the yellow talisman towards the tip of the mahogany sword.

The peach wood sword swept across the red candle on the altar, and with a "whoosh", the yellow talisman burned instantly. He Yingqiu turned back and looked at Ma Xiaoling: "Information on the deceased."

Ma Xiaoling immediately said: "Ruan Mengmeng was born at the time of Jiawu on Bingzi day of Xinmao month of Si year, and died at Maozi time on Bingshen day of Maoyin month of Gengchen year. On the same day, his soul disappeared. The cause of death was killing, and the five elements belong to fire."

He Yingqiu heard this and said: "When she was alive, she was ill and the disaster star was her destiny. When she died, the evil gods and three evil spirits came to her door. You were able to find her two souls and three souls, thanks to the master's ability. She was lucky to be saved. She was saved." It's God's will, so let's do our best. Open the door to the underworld and call in the devil to save Mengmeng!"

He Yingqiu danced his peach wood sword, and the yellow lucky star placed on the incense burner exploded with a bang. Meng Meng's soul flew out from it and stood in a row in front of the altar.

He Yingqiu kept casting spells to stabilize Ruan Mengmeng's soul, but somehow, the method of fusing souls and summoning souls, which was not originally difficult, had been done hundreds and thousands of times before, but this time no matter how hard he tried, Ruan Mengmeng's remaining one soul and four... There is no sign of the soul returning to the main body.

Seeing that the time was getting closer and closer to midnight, He Yingqiu could only do the next best thing and first melt the two souls and three souls in front of him.

If it were before that the spirit body with an incomplete soul could fuse with the soul, even He Yingqi would not be able to do it, but now he has received the "Soul Fusion Technique" given by Lin Ge. After studying these days, he has gained new insights about the fusion of residual souls. , I also have some ideas, and now is a good opportunity to try.

Thinking of this, He Yingqiu began to use the "Soul Fusion Technique" to fuse Ruan Mengmeng's two souls and three souls together. Although Ruan Mengmeng was still unconscious after the fusion, at least there was the possibility of reincarnation. It's just that one soul is missing in the next life, and the intellectual development may be slower than that of ordinary people, but this is better than being a wandering ghost forever.

After merging Ruan Mengmeng's remnant soul, He Yingqiu took up the magic formula and stamped the ground with one foot: "Please come here to pick up the soul. Maoshan disciple He Yingqiu is here to thank you. You are as urgent as the law!"


Suddenly, there was a gloomy wind in the house, and a crack of green light appeared in the open space in front of the altar. However, after waiting for a while, no evil spirits came to extradite him, and the door to the underworld was closed again.

He Yingqiu was stunned: "What's going on?"

Seeing that the time was getting closer and closer, He Yingqiu did not dare to hesitate and cast a spell again to ask the underworld ghosts below to come up to pick him up, but several attempts in a row failed.

For the last time, a gloomy voice came from the crack, telling He Yingqiu that the underworld had recently stopped accepting souls, let alone residual souls.

He Yingqiu and Ma Xiaoling were confused by these words. The underworld would not accept souls? Not to mention the wandering ghosts all over the world, those who die every day, where will they go if they don't go to the underworld?




At this time, the clock in He Yingqiu's home rang the midnight bell. Ruan Mengmeng saw that the soul that had become darker after being fused gradually faded and was about to turn into a wandering ghost.

When Lin Ge saw this, he spread his hands and grabbed it, and used the Soul Sealing Technique again to seal Ruan Mengmeng's soul into the talisman.

When Ma Xiaoling saw that time had passed, she was extremely anxious: "What is going on in the underworld? It doesn't even accept souls?"

"Did something happen in the underworld?" He Yingqiu said uncertainly.

"What could happen in the underworld?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge said: "Just find someone to come up and ask."

Ma Xiaoling smiled bitterly and said: "Your local government opened it at your home. If you ask someone to come up, just ask someone to come up. You see, Uncle Qiu has spent so much effort, but in the end he only heard the sound but no one was seen."

Lin Ge smiled and said: "You are right, the underworld is really run by my family."

After saying that, Lin Ge took out the "Hei Wuchang Envoy Token", picked up the magic formula, stamped one foot on the ground, and shouted: "The evil spirits are coming quickly, as urgent as the law!"


A plume of green smoke exploded in the open space in front of Lin Ge, and then a green crack in the ground opened, and two figures appeared from the crack in the ground.

He Yingqiu saw the two figures clearly and was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He stood there blankly. For a long time, his face was filled with tears, and he called excitedly: "Senior brother!" (End of this chapter)

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