Through Mao Xiaofang's explanation, Lin Ge finally understood that the underworld of this world is an institution independent of the "timeline". It is more like a "transit station" that receives souls from various time nodes and then sends them to each time node for processing. Reincarnation.

But when a soul enters another time and space and is reincarnated, there are still traces of his existence on the timeline of the original time and space, which is equivalent to the existence of a "clone".

This is also why in the finale of "Strange Date 2", Ma Ling'er can make a "guest appearance" and possess Ma Xiaoling's body.

The main soul at that time was Ma Xiaoling, and Ma Ling'er was just the "remnant consciousness" left in the Qin Dynasty timeline. At that moment, the residual soul occupied the body of the main soul.

Therefore, the underworld has the ability to send souls to various points in time, so it is not difficult to send a person to the Song Dynasty to find arrowheads, but the procedures are more troublesome.

After all, having such a method does not mean that it can be used at will. Otherwise, "Looking for Qin" would be staged on the other side of the mountain, and the underworld would not be able to do other things. The next day, it would become the Space-Time Management Bureau to correct the timeline.

In addition to "underworld", according to Mao Xiaofang's meaning, "heaven" is also a special territory independent of each time node.

Mao Xiaofang originally wanted to go to Heaven, but not to find an official position, but to find Lin Ge, his junior brother who had "returned to Heaven".

It was only that King Ksitigarbha kept him here, and that’s how he became the current Ksitigarbha agent.

However, according to Mao Xiaofang's explanation, Lin Ge always felt that this "heaven" was a bit weird. It sounded like gods from mythology existed, but in fact, even Mao Xiaofang had never seen it.

Given Mao Xiaofang's status at this time, it is unreasonable that he has never had the opportunity to go to the "Heaven" during the decades he has served as Ksitigarbha's agent.

Combined with the plot, Lin Ge further confirmed the conjecture that "Heaven" is the "Holy Land of Pangu", coupled with the facility of the underworld to cast souls to reincarnate at various points in time...

Isn’t this Pangu’s astrolabe?

In other words, "Heaven" and "Underworld" are two huge astrolabees, so they can be independent from the timeline?

Lin Ge felt that this world was too complicated. If he wanted to dig deeper, he didn't know how many "imaginative" settings he would have to dig out.

Finally, Lin Ge turned the topic to Arrow, and combined Mao Xiaofang's divination and understanding of the plot, started the nonsense mode.

Mao Xiaofang and Lin Ge discussed and decided that Lin Ge would go to the Song Dynasty to look for arrowheads. However, this matter required preparation, so the time was set for two days.

When Lin Ge came out of the office, he saw Xiao Hai and Ah Chu coming forward excitedly.

Ah Chu said excitedly: "Uncle, I didn't expect to see you again. We are so excited. Thanks to your teachings, we have achieved what we have today."

"Don't sound like I'm dead. It's you who are dying now, but I'm still living well." Lin Ge joked.

Ah Chu, Xiao Hai:...

Sure enough, it still felt like a familiar chat.

But there seems to be nothing wrong with this. If A Chu and Xiao Hai can "serve" in the underworld, they are naturally dead spirits, while Lin Ge is still a "big living person".

"Come on, let me see how much your magic has improved over the years." Lin Ge asked the two of them to take him to a place in the underworld where they could "discuss", preparing to test their skills and make sure that in the subsequent plot, there are There is no possibility of adding two more thugs.

A Chu and Xiao Hai followed Lin Ge's wishes and took him to a place where he practiced magic. Lin Ge asked the two to fight with their true skills.

Ah Chu and Xiao Hai looked at each other and nodded. Ah Chu turned his hand over, and a Gatling gun engraved with golden runes appeared in his hand; Xiao Hai turned his hand over, and a mortar gun engraved with dazzling golden spells appeared in his hand... …

"Uncle Master, please give me some advice!"

Lin Ge: ...Day.

Lin Ge tried his best to save his face as "uncle master" and beat A Chu and Xiao Hai to pieces even though he used the ghost realm.

According to Lin Ge's judgment, A Chu and Xiao Hai's strength has improved greatly. Even if they put aside those "black technology" magic weapons, their strength is far higher than that of Mao Xiaofang, and even far surpasses Ma Xiaoling and Ma Danna. You can easily fight against second-generation zombies.

After all, they are people who can teach what to ask for and what to ask for. Ah Chu and Xiao Hai have indeed made a lot of progress after Lin Ge left. They followed Mao Xiaofang's teachings and practiced day and night. Even after they died and went to the underworld, they did not leave behind their cultivation.

When Lin Ge returned to the underworld, it was already approaching early morning. Unexpectedly, when he came out of the underworld, he saw Ma Dalong looking furtively at the gate of the community.

"He's on horseback?" Lin Ge walked up behind Ma Dalong and patted him on the shoulder.

This move scared Ma Dalong. He turned around and saw that it was Lin Ge. He said angrily: "Little brother, don't you know that people can scare people to death? Why are you here?"

Lin Ge replied: "I have a friend who lives in the neighborhood next door. I just came out of my friend's house and I saw you looking around here. What are you looking for?"

"Looking for bad luck."

"Unlucky guy?"

"Oh, you don't believe me. I have something to do today, so I won't chat with my little brother. If you come back to my stall, I will give you a 20% discount!" After saying that, Ma Dalong turned to leave.

"Wait a minute, just now you said it would be free next time when you had a midnight snack."


"The unlucky ghost you are talking this the thing?" Lin Ge took out the unlucky ghost he had caught before and released it from the lucky star.

As soon as he saw that scrawled grimace that looked like a primary school student's simple drawing, he immediately wanted to escape back to the community.

Lin Ge reached out and grabbed the ghost face again.

"Ma's Soul Sealing Technique? How do you know us... Well, I mean, how do you know Ma's magic?" Ma Dalong asked doubtfully.

Lin Ge said: "I'm a genius. I saw my boss use it a few times and I got it."

Ma Dalong's eyes glanced at Lin Ge with a look that said, "I believe you, you're even more ridiculous than me." He obviously didn't believe his words.

If you could really learn the Ma family's spells after just one or two glances, then you wouldn't have the status of the South and the North in the world of exorcism.

"This thing...can I nail it?" Ma Dalong took out the nails and hammer from the bag and approached Lin Ge and asked.

Lin Ge pulled the scrawled face of the unlucky man with both hands, stretched it, shortened it, stretched it, shortened it, and played with it like a rubber band: "It's so fun, wouldn't it be a pity to crucify it?"

Unlucky man: ...Are you polite?

Ma Dalong said earnestly: "You may not think that this guy looks funny, but he is the most difficult evil spirit to deal with. Once ordinary people are infected..., then..."

As Ma Dalong was talking, he saw Lin Ge stretching the unlucky guy for a while, kneading it into a ball, and playing with the unlucky guy like he was playing with plasticine. He suddenly realized that this person seemed to be no ordinary person.

Lin Ge picked up the unfortunate ghost in his hand and flicked it. The unfortunate ghost looked at Ma Dalong with a bitter look on his face, as if to say, "Please nail me to death"!

Ma Dalong saw that the unlucky guy that he had worked so hard to drive away was being played around by Lin Ge, and the expression on his face became a little weird: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, but you are thousands of people." Don’t let it escape, otherwise it will be troublesome if it comes out again and harms others.”

"Don't worry, you can't run away." Lin Ge took out another yellow talisman and sealed the unlucky man.

Ma Dalong was relieved when he saw Lin Ge sealing away the unlucky ghost, and proposed to treat Lin Ge to a late-night snack. Lin Ge not only ate it, but also took it with him. He packed two large boxes of crayfish and fried snails, which made Ma Dalong's meat hurt.

When saying goodbye to Ma Dalong, Lin Ge took out a soul-chasing talisman, held up the talisman and placed it on Ma Dalong to prevent him from finding Ma Xiaohu when he came back to look for him.

Then, Lin Ge carried the crayfish back to Ma Xiaoling's house. Ma Xiaoling was wearing pink pajamas, sitting on the sofa with a pillow and watching a movie.

What I was watching was... a ghost movie.

"Hey, where's my midnight snack?" Ma Xiaoling heard the door open, turned around and saw Lin Ge entering the room, and immediately asked about her midnight snack.

"Here, love from daddy." Lin Ge smiled and placed crayfish and fried snails on the coffee table.

Ma Xiaoling threw the pillow at Lin Ge angrily: "Get out!"

Lin Ge caught the pillow and put it on the sofa, and then walked towards the room. As he walked, he said, "It's really the love from dad. I won't let you down if you don't believe it."

"Hmph. For the sake of late night snacks, I won't argue with you." Ma Xiaoling was too lazy to pay attention to Lin Ge, and happily started to enjoy the food and movies.

Lin Ge returned to the bedroom, opened the panel and took a look. The "nightmare effect" had increased to 69%, and it was also confirmed through a trip to the underworld. Regardless of whether Lin Ge used it or not, even if he lent the Five Elements Bagua Disk to others, the nightmare effect would be the same. will rise.

Then, the nightmare effect of the Five Elements Bagua Disk or the medicine in the space did not change when fighting the crow. This must be because of Sadako's ghost domain.

"A ghost realm that can isolate the effects of nightmares..." If Lin Ge can make use of this effect, it will be of great help to the subsequent plot processing.

However, it is obviously impossible to completely control Sadako. In the end, we have to find a way from Jin Zhengzhong.

And "reality" is not a "television". In the original drama, Sadako finally chose to let go for love, freeing Kim Jong-zhong from the space and allowing him to transcend himself.

But here, the two of them are living together in a ghostly space.

Lin Ge was thinking about how to trick the "human-ghost love" couple of Jin Zhengzhong and Sadako into his Galaxy Battleship, when Huang Ni said: "Lin Ge, don't you think the 'underworld' setting of this world is a bit strange? Is it reasonable? Although according to Mao Xiaofang, the main soul and clones can also be justified... But if you think about it carefully, you will find that there are many problems involved. Just how many spaces and clones can be created at a simple point in time? , can the underworld really run with just tens of thousands of people?"

Lin Ge also thought about this problem at the beginning, so he also thought of the underworld as a place similar to the "Time Management Bureau". However, thinking about it now, if the underworld can really go to various spaces at will, then this world would have been If things get messed up, there will be big problems at least in the line between the Pangu clan and destiny.

"I think so too. Another point is that as the Ksitigarbha agent, Mao Xiaofang has had contact with managers in other areas of the underworld, and has even met gods and Buddhas from other countries... But the strange thing is that he has no idea about the 'Heaven' The gods are very clear, but I have never seen any of them, which is obviously unreasonable." Lin Ge said.

Huang Ni said: "When you went to Wong Tai Sin Temple, my sister tried to sense whether there was any spiritual consciousness left in the temple, but there was no response. She thought it was 'her' between different worlds who was possessed by the origin. Isolated, and then the golden light appeared later, she still thought it was like this. But now it seems that maybe this world does not have her consciousness at all, and all it has is the Pangu clan, and all the gods are transformed from the Pangu clan. .”

Lin Ge nodded and said: "This is indeed the statement that is closest to the setting in the play. After all, the setting of "Zombie 3" mentioned many times that it was the 'human' who created the previous calamity and the 'god' who created this calamity. . Just to fight against fate, I had to hide in Pangu Holy Land and play a big game of chess."

Huang Ni said in a deep voice: "But the structure of the world of reincarnation lies in the origin. Kuang Tianyou no longer exists, and Ma Xiaoling has no origin. This is somewhat unreasonable."

This is what Lin Ge has always wondered about. The world of reincarnation always has two or more origins, at least one of which is in the opposite direction and one in the positive direction.

Ma Xiaoling, as the core character of "A Deadly Appointment", cannot be justified without her origin.

It's a pity that when I first entered the world of reincarnation, I was cautious about the "nightmare effect", so I didn't dare to take a look at the generals when I saw them.

If it had been determined at that time whether the general had the origin, the clue would not have been lost now.

An idea flashed in Lin Ge's mind and he suddenly said: "Do you think there is a possibility? Maybe there are not so many points in time in this world at all. People in the underworld think that they have sent their souls to various points in time. This is just them. That’s all I thought... From the beginning to the end, there was only one timeline in this world, and it was the Pangu clan who used a certain ability to make them have this idea."

"And the reason why the Pangu clan in this world is so powerful is because they have mastered the 'origin'. In other words, the positive side of this world is not Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou, and the negative side is not the generals. But... the Pangu clan and destiny, The rest of the plot characters are just 'chess pieces' in the game between the two parties."

Lin Ge came to this most "possible" conclusion based on the plot. Only in this way can we explain why Ma Xiaoling has no origin.

When Huang Ni heard this, he immediately started thinking: "If you say so, I doubt that the so-called 'eternal kingdom', which is the 'flying saucer' that appears at the end of the play, can transcend space and not even be caught by fate. ...Perhaps this thing is the 'origin'. In other words, the Pangu Holy Land in the play is the 'Heaven' here, which is the so-called 'eternal kingdom'! In this way, it can explain why Mao Xiaofang's status has so far I didn’t have the chance to meet a god, and I didn’t get to go to heaven. Because he went there, it means that fate can find ‘heaven’!”

Of course, this is just Huang Ni's conjecture. After all, according to the destiny in the play, the Yaochi Madonna Group destroyed the Pangu clan, and it shouldn't be that difficult for destiny to find the Pangu Holy Land.

Lin Ge mused: "Now the plots of 2 and 3 are mixed together, and to be honest, it is not good for us. Although fate cannot directly control the Pangu clan, there are many ways to control it indirectly. Now just controlling Lan Dali and Xu Fu is enough It can hinder us. If we let the generals deal with us for Nuwa, or even control the plot characters who are not from the Pangu tribe by controlling Lan Dali and Xu Fu, it will be very difficult."

"What do you think?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge thought for a while and had a preliminary idea in his mind: "Perhaps, we can only start from the fact that fate cannot directly control the Pangu clan, combined with the characteristics of Sadako Ghost Domain that can isolate the effects of nightmares. Of course, these are not urgent. , first wake up the 'plug-in' that can kill destiny, that is Ksitigarbha!"

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