The moment He Yingqiu met Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu, he finally understood that he had been "opening the door to the underworld" every now and then to recruit help from ghosts, making the door to the underworld just like his own door. He could open it however he wanted. Use these secret techniques. It's easier than using the Sky Eye... After doing it for a long time, it turns out that there is a "real person" below me.

Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu first looked at He Yingqiu with indifferent eyes and nodded. The former said first: "Junior brother, you have worked hard these years."

Yu Dachu nodded and said in a positive tone: "I have done a good job these years."

"Senior brother." He Yingqiu's eyes filled with tears. He was about to burst into tears like a flood, but he saw that his senior brother, whom he respected like a master, had already come to Lin Ge without even giving him a spare look.

"Uncle Master, are you looking for us?"

"Uncle Master, why did you ask us to come up?"

Ma Xiaoling's expression was a little subtle at this time. She looked at He Yingqiu, and then at He Yingqiu, who was once majestic and now acting like a fanboy, and suddenly sighed in her heart. Sure enough, it's not like a family doesn't want to enter the same house.

"What is it about this guy that deserves your admiration so much? Did he conquer the ghost king and the devil, or did he save the world?" Ma Xiaoling whispered.

Although the voice was small, it was still heard by Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu. They turned around and nodded in sync with a serious look on their faces: "Both."

Ma Xiaoling:......

Lin Ge originally just wanted to call some shady ghosts to come up and ask questions, but who knew that he called these two living treasures and asked in confusion: "Why did you come in person?"

"Oh, we are afraid that some unsighted guy will neglect our uncle again, and since we have been so busy these past few days, we also take the opportunity to rest for a while." Yu Dachu said.

Lin Ge said: "I'm afraid the last half of the sentence is the key point."

"Nothing, our respect for our uncle is like the endless stream of a river..."

"Stop, stop, you guys are very busy, how come you still have time to memorize movie lines?" Lin Ge teased, and then asked: "Speaking of which, what's going on with the underworld temporarily receiving souls?"

Yu Dachu said: "Back to Uncle Master, the source of the strange soul poison infection has not been found yet. The situation in the underworld is getting worse and worse. In order to prevent the infected soul from entering the reincarnation channel and being difficult to find it, the reincarnation channel has been temporarily closed, and Everyone in the underworld is making every effort to prepare for Uncle Shi's return to the Song Dynasty, so Shi... well, the Ksitigarbha agent ordered that the reception of souls be suspended for seven days to avoid the infection of new souls entering the underworld, and it will not be opened until Uncle Shi returns from the Song Dynasty."

"Going to the Song Dynasty?" Ma Xiaoling on the side heard the words and immediately came up: "What are you going to do in the Song Dynasty? The Song Dynasty you are talking about is not the Song Dynasty I thought, is it?"

Lin Ge briefly explained the situation of soul poison in the underworld in a few words. Before he could finish speaking, Ma Xiaoling said excitedly: "Take me with you. I have never played time travel in my whole life. Please show me how to experience it." Great uncle."

Lin Ge: you know how to call me uncle?


Sister, are you going on a trip?

"Nonsense! Xiaoling, didn't you see that your uncle is discussing business with your senior brothers? Why are you joining in the fun here? You're just having fun." He Yingqiu scolded.

Ma Xiaoling doesn't care whether you are your uncle or your senior brother. It is a rare opportunity to experience time travel. How could she just miss it and pester Lin Ge to take her with her?

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to come back?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling raised her head and said confidently: "Our Ma family has been fighting demons for three thousand years. Even if we go back to the Song Dynasty, I'm afraid we won't be able to find an organization?"

Lin Ge: ...It seems to make sense?

"Xiaoling, don't delay your uncle from doing his business. Hurry up..." He Yingqiu wanted to pull Ma Xiaoling aside to prevent her from affecting the conversation between Lin Ge and others.

After all, it can be seen from the conversation between senior brother and senior uncle that the underworld seems to be encountering serious trouble. This is a major event that can easily affect the world!

"I can help, don't forget, I am the 40th generation descendant of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan... Hey, hey, please, uncle, don't drag me... Uncle Ma, Uncle Yu, save me... When I asked my uncle to teach me and Maoyou magic, he always punished me at every turn. He said this is how you trained him!"

Although Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu had been dead for a long time when Ma Xiaoling studied magic with He Ying, but after worshiping the portrait for so long and complaining to the portrait every day about He Yingqiu, Ma Xiaoling did not feel embarrassed at all when she filed a lawsuit at this time. The advantages of coquettishness are brought into full play.

Yu Dachu's face turned cold, he rolled up his sleeves and hummed: "How often do we punish you? Xiaoqiu, please tell me, how do we punish you?"

When He Yingqiu saw this, his expression suddenly changed: "Senior brother, don't listen to Xiaoling's nonsense, I don't mean that, I really don't mean that...Senior brother..."

Yu Dachu picked up He Yingqiu's back collar like a chicken, and lifted him up to his master's portrait for "punishment." It was ridiculous for He Yingqiu to be lectured like a child at such a young age.

Ma Xiaoling put her hands on Lin Ge's shoulders to support her body, laughing so hard that she had been trained by He Yingqiu for several years. Seeing He Yingqiu being trained for the first time made her feel happy to stand up and start singing!

Finally, under Ma Xiaoling's persuasion, Lin Ge finally agreed to take Ma Xiaoling back to the Song Dynasty to find the arrowhead. After all, in the original plot, it was Ma Xiaoling who took action to solve the matter.

As for the handling of Ruan Mengmeng's soul, Ma Xiaohai promised to send someone to extradite him together with the other souls stranded in the earth these days after the matter in the underworld was resolved. And this is also a good thing for Ruan Mengmeng, which is equivalent to giving Ma Xiaoling and others more time to retrieve Ruan Mengmeng's other souls.

No matter how you say it, being able to reincarnate with a complete soul is better than losing one soul and ending up with slow intellectual development in the next life.

After Ma Xiaohai and Yu Dachu left, Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge discussed that she and Wang Zhenzhen would continue to try to summon spirits on the rooftop of Jiajia Building, while Lin Ge would go to the place where Ruan Mengmeng's body was found to look for clues.

When the two were about to leave, they found He Yingqiu kneeling in front of the portrait of the ancestor in the living room. Ma Xiaoling laughed out loud when she saw this.

He Yingqiu immediately glared over. Ma Xiaoling coughed twice to demonstrate her embarrassment and said quickly: "Uncle Qiu, the two junior uncles have left. Please get up quickly."

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say such things. Isn't this all your fault?"

"Hehe, I just want to try."

Lin Ge saw that Ma Xiaoling had taken advantage of her and acted like a good boy. He shook his head helplessly and said, "Nephew, get up. I guess Ah Chu was punished too much by me back then, so he is looking for comfort from you."

Hearing Lin Ge's words, He Yingqiu "bounced" from the ground and came up to Lin Ge. He asked with a gossipy face: "Uncle, have you punished Senior Brother Yu like this?"

"When I first met Ah Chu, he was not as upbeat as he was later. He was even worse than you. I punished him even worse than you. I made him hold a tea cup on his head. If he spilled a drop of tea in it, he would kneel down one more time. hour.”

"Hahaha!" He Yingqiu burst out laughing when he heard this. He did not expect that Yu Dachu, who had always been serious and serious, would have such a dark history, and the depression of being punished immediately disappeared.

At this moment, He Yingqiu felt Ma Xiaoling's happiness just now.

Ma Xiaoling listened to the side and shook her head. After a long time, the punishment of kneeling was still the same. Suddenly, the look in Lin Ge's eyes became much fiercer and she muttered: "Damn it, it turns out that I have been punished with kneeling all these years because of this guy. Don't wait for me to seize the opportunity, otherwise I will take revenge, huh."

"What are you muttering over there?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling hurriedly said: "Oh, I said that finding Mengmeng's soul is very important. Let's go back and call the soul as soon as possible. Go quickly, go quickly."

Ma Xiaoling dragged Lin Ge to say goodbye to He Yingqiu and returned to Jiajia Building. Lin Ge wanted to find out why Ruan Mengmeng went to Tangben Group in the middle of the night, so he planned to go there at night to investigate.

Ma Xiaoling found Wang Zhenzhen to take care of Meng's mother, and then set up an altar on the rooftop to try to recover Ruan Mengmeng's other lost souls.

After setting up the altar, the two went to Ruan Mengmeng's home to seek help from Meng's mother. But Meng Ma regained some consciousness when she screamed, but in that short time, not long after returning to Jiajia Building, the old man's disease relapsed. She hugged the TV and watched happily, letting Wang Zhenzhen and Ma Xiaoling aside. No matter what I say, there is no response. Obviously it was impossible to expect her to help summon spirits, so Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen could only go back to the rooftop to work.

On the other side, Lin Ge took a taxi and came outside the Tangben Group Building. For some reason, when he came to the Tangben Group Building this time, looking at the dark building, he felt a lot more eerie.

Lin Ge picked up the remaining developing talisman before triggering the developing talisman. Since most of them had been used as blinders to deal with Lan Dali's trio, there were only a few left.

Lin Ge was equivalent to "calling up surveillance" at this moment, but unfortunately, Ruan Mengmeng was not seen in these "playback" pictures.

After canceling the developing charm, Lin Ge did not rush into the Domoto Group Building. Instead, he walked around the building, placed new developing charms at each entrance, and then broke the window of the bathroom on the first floor to enter the building.

When Lin Ge walked around the front desk, he discovered that there were no security guards keeping vigil here, and even the monitoring system was not turned on. But think about it, Domoto Shizu regards this place as his base camp, so it is naturally impossible for him to be stupid enough to record evidence of his crime.

Lin Ge walked to the elevator, walked into the elevator, and pressed the button for the top floor. The elevator starts and goes all the way up. To his surprise, no "accidents" happened until he reached the top floor.

"Tsk, tsk. This is the first time I didn't encounter any surprises in the elevator in the enemy's base camp." Lin Ge walked out of the elevator and walked into Domoto Shizu's office.

However, as soon as he entered the door, Lin Ge heard a sound of "um um ah ah", which was very inappropriate for children, coming from the innermost room.

Listening to the voice, it seems that there is more than one.

Lin Ge pinched the magic formula and applied it to his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked into the gorgeously decorated office. There was nothing in the lobby, not even a hint of evil.

"Good guy, Domoto Shizu is also a fan of multi-player sports?" Lin Ge held a copper coin sword in his left hand and a Suppression Talisman in his right hand, walking towards the room where the sound came from.

Lin Ge carefully opened the door and saw a spacious inner room with dim lights, a luxurious bed in the middle, and a sofa as large as a double bed against the wall.

At this time, whether on the bed or on the sofa, there were several women wearing gorgeous dresses lying on each side.

They seemed to be asleep, with their hands folded on their chests, and their mouths making sounds that were easy to imagine, as if they were dreaming of some kind of colorful dream.

But the strange thing is that all seven people in the room are women, and there is no trace of Domoto Shizu.

"...Could it be that it's too late? Domoto Jing was bitten by a crow long ago and turned into a zombie. In the play, his ability to become a zombie is to control dreams." At this time, the mark on the back of Lin Ge's right hand Huang Ni's voice came from the middle.

"It's very possible." Lin Ge felt something was wrong from the moment he entered the house. It felt like he was in Yong Qi Ou's ghost land.

But judging from the reactions of these women, what Huang Ni said is the most likely scenario.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge suddenly felt uneasy in his heart. He didn't care about other issues. He directly picked up the magic formula, opened his eyes and looked around.

The entire inner room, or the entire luxury office area on the top floor was filled with a white mist.

Apparently from the moment he got out of the elevator, Lin Ge was pulled into the dream world by Domoto Jing.




With three rounds of applause, Domoto Shizu's figure "walked" in from the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at Lin Ge and said with a half-smile, "You are very good, you can see through the dream I created so quickly."

Domoto Shizu was wearing a black suit, wearing a cape like a vampire count, and turned up the collar of the cape. The inside was red, making him look very vampire-like.

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding white mist slowly dispersed. After the white mist completely dissipated, Lin Ge found himself on the sunny beach. The clothes of the women had also changed into bikinis, lying on the lounge chairs. on the bed, basking in the sun with eyes closed.

Feeling the dazzling sunshine, Lin Ge found that this feeling was very real, so real that he even felt that he had really arrived at the beach.

There was no change in Domoto Jing. He stood in front and looked at Lin Ge with a half-smile, and said slowly: "Isn't it amazing? Here, like the Creator, I can make this world whatever I want. You can also bring others into my world, where I dominate everything!"

Lin Ge bit his finger and smeared the blood on the copper coin sword. The copper coin sword was instantly enveloped in a golden light. Then, he cast a spell and used Yuling Soul Chasing to control the copper coin sword and stab it towards Tang Benjing's forehead!

Tang Benjing raised his hand slightly, and an invisible wall seemed to appear in the air. The copper coin sword was blocked by the wall, hovering in the air and vibrating continuously.

"Don't you understand what I mean? Here, I am a god, and you want to hurt me with just a small copper coin sword? It's really ridiculous." Domoto Jing said disdainfully.

Lin Ge opened the panel, glanced at it, put a smile on his lips, and said lightly: "The last time I heard such arrogant words was when someone said, 'You can beat me with seventeen cards'..."

"It seems that you still don't understand the gap between us. Only stinky Taoist priests like you are still using swords." As soon as Domoto Shizuki finished speaking, dozens of various firearms appeared suspended around his body. For a moment, Lin Ge even thought that the disguised geek had gone to the wrong set.




All the firearms were loaded at the same time and aimed at Lin Ge.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "That's right, but unfortunately, your dream has been deciphered by me... I also have the abilities you have. What? Don't believe me? Then you shoot and try..."




Domoto Shizu is obviously the kind of person who is willing to talk nonsense but is unwilling to listen to the other person's nonsense. Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he controlled all the guns and pulled the triggers.

However, at the moment of shooting, Domoto Jing found that the "sand" under Lin Ge's feet quickly condensed, forming a sand wall in front of him, blocking the bullet.

But this is the dream world created by Domoto Shizu after all. As he said, he can control everything here, so the moment he saw the sand wall, Domoto Shizu immediately controlled the dream to make the sand wall dissipate.

However, there was a white wall behind the sand wall. It was hard to tell what material it was made of, but it successfully blocked the bullet.

"How is this possible!" Domoto Jing looked at the white wall in surprise.

As the gunfire stopped, the white wall suddenly turned into stones and scattered on the ground, and then turned into white sand, spreading on the beach.

"Nothing is impossible. As I said, your dream has been deciphered by me. Now, like you, I am the creator of this place." Lin Ge said, raising his hand, a two-handed giant hammer appeared in his hand.

Lin Ge tried to dance the two-handed giant hammer "whooshing" for a few times, and said with a satisfied smile: "As expected, the sledgehammer is more comfortable to use."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Ge kicked off his feet and rushed towards Domoto Jing who was not far away at a very fast speed. He sneered and said, "Do you think your gun or my hammer is faster within seven steps?"

Domoto Jing had not recovered from the surprise that Lin Ge could "create objects", but when he saw that Lin Ge was only a few steps away from him, he immediately controlled the gun and fired.

Dozens of guns spit out tongues of fire at the same time, firing with random "bang bang bang" sounds. All the bullets hit Lin Ge, instantly beating him into a bloody man.

Lin Ge half-knelt on the ground with his hands hammered: "Sure enough... seven steps away, the gun is fast. Within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast..."

Domoto Shizu:? ? ?

You use your own flesh and blood to rush forward desperately just to verify such a sentence?

However, before Domoto Jing could complain, he saw the blood on Lin Ge's body turned into red mist and dispersed, instantly filling the entire beach and spreading towards the coast.

Tang Benjing was in a trance for a while, but when he looked at Lin Ge again, he found that there was someone else in front of him. The seriously injured person who was half kneeling on the ground had disappeared out of thin air at some point.

"Are you looking for me?" Suddenly, a voice came from beside Domoto.

He looked back and saw Lin Ge standing aside with a faint smile.

With a "pop", Domoto Jing appeared more than ten meters away from Lin Ge in the blink of an eye, as if he had activated a flash, and looked at him warily: "How did you do that?"

Lin Ge spread his hands and said helplessly: "You are really weird. I tell you the truth and you don't believe a word of it. Now you ask me how I did it. I told you, do you believe it?" ?”

In fact, it was not difficult to achieve this step for Lin Ge, who discovered that Domoto Shizu's dream world and Sadako's ghost world can isolate the main god from detection.

He only needs to use the "Black Impermanence Token" to recruit a kid as a stand-in, and then combine it with Ou Yongqi's magical ability to open a ghost realm in the ghost realm, and finally cooperate with the spirit to appear in order to deceive others.

From the moment Lin Ge found out that he was pulled into the dream world, he thought of using this method to first make Domoto Shizu doubt his ability and psychologically defeat him.

The "Spirit Embodiment" has undoubtedly become the most basic structural card, allowing him to hide behind the white wall of embodiment, use the "Black Impermanence Token" to recruit the imp, and then let Ou Yongqi use the red mirror to send him away.

As for the two-handed giant hammer, it was not a physical object, but a piece of equipment that Lin Ge, who was hiding behind, burned to the kid with a paper technique.

After this series of operations, it became a "substitute technique".

This is of little use to others, but for the confident and even arrogant Domoto Shizu, he is the only creator here. Suddenly, a person who can also use the "creation" ability and is not afraid of life and death suddenly appears. It was enough to shake his heart.

However, Lin Ge was also confused at this time. Why is the "space ability" in this world strong enough to isolate the Lord God?

Is this a bit outrageous?

Unless... this world has escaped the control of the Lord God, so that the space here has begun to collapse, trying to escape from the reincarnation space.

"Could it be that... because this world has gradually escaped the control of the Lord God, the main mission is to obtain a bottle of Pangu's blood. The Lord God wants to use the blood of the 'god' in this world to try to repair the space?" Lin Ge's hypothesis He is becoming more and more bold, and the reason why he has this idea is because of the dead zone in "Sweet Home".

When a reincarnation world is completely destroyed and there is no possibility of repair, it will become a "dead zone" in the reincarnation space.

And now, the world of "Zombie" is also developing towards the death realm, but the Lord God is not ready to give up so soon, so this nightmare reincarnation has happened.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge found that many doubts in his heart were solved. Although there were bigger mysteries, at least it made him no longer passive.

"Wong Tai Sin, do you want to slap someone?" Lin Ge asked.

"Huh?" Although Huang Shang only replied with a nasal sound, he obviously understood the meaning of Lin Ge's words, and then asked: "Are you crazy? Aren't you afraid of being targeted by the Lord God again? If you are targeted again, will you still be so? Good luck, someone is willing to accompany you to play the game, but you can't tell. If you want to die, don't take my sister and me with you."

Before Lin Ge spoke, it was Huang Ni who spoke first: "Seek death? Not really. At best, he is just bold. Make bold assumptions, boldly seek proof... Tsk, tsk, you are indeed crazy."

"Then do you want to go crazy with me?" Lin Ge asked with a smile.

Huang Ni replied: "There is no other way, right?"

"It's not that direct."

"Then let's try it."

Huang Shang said dissatisfied: "Hey, what are you talking about? Sister, why are you helping him and going crazy with him? I don't want to see you in a state of confusion again!"

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Huang Ni said.

Huang Shang wanted to say something else, but he saw Lin Ge pinching the magic formula, closing his eyes and holding his breath to concentrate. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had turned into double pupils, and at the same time, a rich red mist burst out from his body!


Suddenly, Domoto Jing, who was not far away, raised his head to the sky and let out a zombie roar, showing his zombie fangs, and said in a cold voice: "You keep talking to yourself, and you don't even take me seriously. I want to kill you." You become a 'specimen' like those people and hang it up in the hall for display!"

"Thank you, but your exhibition hall is full of women. It's not suitable for me as a man." Lin Ge replied.

Domoto Jing's eyes flashed fiercely, and when he raised his hand, not only countless firearms appeared behind him, but also aircraft and cannons, all of which were pointed at Lin Ge.

"Why are you staring? It's just a third-generation zombie, and your contact lenses are not as good-looking as mine." Lin Ge obviously didn't pay attention to the aircraft cannon created by Domoto Shizu, and teased in a casual tone.

These words completely angered Domoto Jing. He roared again and controlled all the armed equipment behind him to fire at Lin Ge!

Lin Ge slowly raised his hand, exactly the same as Domoto Jing's previous action, and then an invisible wall seemed to appear in front of his eyes, blocking all the bullets and shells.

"Tsk, tsk, as expected, in terms of 'pretending', the Matrix is ​​a grandmaster-level existence."

That's right, Lin Ge was like Keanu Reeves' classic "Stop the Bullet" scene in The Matrix, releasing his spiritual energy to block all the bullets and shells and freeze them in the air.

Then, Lin Ge pushed hard again, and the bullets and shells immediately flew back toward Domoto Jing!


Domoto Shizu roared, and the bullets and shells he created instantly turned into white smoke and disappeared out of thin air, and even the aircraft and cannons behind him disappeared.

Although Domoto Shizu's "creation" and Lin Ge's "embodiment" are both created objects, unlike Lin Ge who can only manifest objects with simple structures, Domoto Shizu can create various other intuitive objects in his dream world. Objects of understanding.

The difference is that Lin Ge's "embodiment" is a "real object", which is the true transformation of spiritual energy into an object. The objects created by Domoto Shizu are equivalent to "illusions", objects that only exist in the dream world, so he can control the appearance and disappearance of these things at any time through his thoughts.

Since it is an illusion, for the target, the lower the target's mental power, the greater the impact; conversely, the higher the target's mental power, the lower the impact.

Unfortunately, Lin Ge, who had practiced the "Spiritual Cultivation Method", had already exceeded three digits in mental power, and even reached the point where he could "self-awaken" with his mental power and escape from Domoto Jing's dream world.

For Domoto Jing, Lin Ge is the "Tianke" of his existence.

Not only that, Lin Ge now turned on his twin pupils and borrowed spiritual energy from Huang Shang. For him, he now had corpse-level immortal spiritual energy for him to squander.

No matter how powerful Domoto Shizu's "superpower" is, he is just a third-generation zombie, helpless against Lin Singer.

Lin Ge didn't waste any time. He rushed forward and slapped Domoto Jing a few times until he was dizzy. Then he grabbed his collar and smashed him to the ground. He stepped on his head and said, "You should be very good." Fortunately, your ability to create dreams is very unique, otherwise you would disappear from this world forever like Lan Dali, Xu Fu, and Wu Wu!"

Lin Ge wanted to use Domoto Jing's power and decided to keep him first. Just as he was thinking about how to make him use him, a childish voice suddenly came from behind.

"Let go of my father!" (End of Chapter)

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