Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 265 Tokyo is very hot, and Hyakki Night Walk is needed to cool down.

As soon as the young man in white finished speaking, two people walked out from behind, it was Lan Dali and Xu Fu.

The strange thing is that both of them are not in the right state. Lan Dali lowers his head, and his entire eyeballs have turned black. There are black evil lines at the corners of his eyes that are similar to those of evil spirits, extending along the corners of his eyes to the entire face.

Xu Fu has completely transformed into a zombie, but the green pupils of the second-generation zombie have now completely turned black like Lan Dali.

Moreover, Xu Fu's situation was even worse than Lan Dali's. His entire face was completely occupied by evil lines, which looked both terrifying and disgusting.

In the open space on the platform behind the two of them, a giant baby several meters high was sitting there. It seemed to be condensed from black evil energy. Its original appearance could no longer be seen, and it was more like a ball of smoke in the shape of a baby. .

"Play with him." The young man in white said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Dali and Xu Fu stepped forward, walked to the edge of the rooftop, and jumped directly from the rooftop of the Shiguo Building, turning into two black smoke and disappearing from sight.

On the other side, Lin Ge, Ma Xiaoling and You Zhijie appeared on the street in the downtown area. You Zhijie was holding a trash can and vomiting, and Ma Xiaoling was obviously still a little shaken.

"Let's not tell you what your strange ability is. I just want to ask you what are you doing like this? Are you being chased by a ghost?" Ma Xiaoling stroked her chest and gasped. It was Lin Ge. If it was someone else, she really wanted to hit him with a stick. .

What are you doing, really... rushing so fast, that kind of exaggerated speed, without considering whether ordinary people can bear it.


At this time, You Zhijie seemed to be echoing Ma Xiaoling, and he vomited at the right time.

Lin Ge didn't want to run away inexplicably like this, but judging from the intensity of the red light, it was at least a level above the Evil God.

Lin Ge had already had contact with Lan Dali, Xu Fu and Wu Wu before, but these three people did not give him such a sense of oppression. The general's impression of Lin Ge was also that of a gentle and gentle one. As long as the Lord God didn't fabricate a villain out of thin air, he could count on one hand the number of enemies who could create such a sense of oppression.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the Pangu people are not the "opposite". Otherwise, an entire ethnic group would not be able to count even their toes.

According to the settings in the play, the gods and Buddhas in the play are all transformed from the Pangu tribe. Therefore, the Pangu tribe, whether as a whole or individually, is the ceiling of this world.

As far as the Pangu clan is concerned, they are all existences that far exceed the level of evil gods. And this red light is exactly like this. Therefore, it is definitely not a rational choice to take action without knowing the identity of the opponent, so Lin Ge decisively chose to run away.

"I'm asking you, why are you so dazed?" Ma Xiaoling asked angrily.

Lin Ge had no intention of telling Ma Xiaoling the truth. Facing the top existence in this world, having one more person know would just be one more person to worry about.

Lin Ge said: "Aren't you curious about where the demon baby went? The masked man is by no means the only one behind the scenes. Since our goal has been achieved, there is no need to take risks."

Ma Xiaoling was stunned when she heard this. Apparently when she saw the black mist of the Demon Infant disappearing, she subconsciously thought that the crow had been solved, and the crisis of the Great Blood Ten Thousand Character Curse had also been resolved.

But according to Lin Ge, things seemed to be far from over.

"There are others? Then aren't they in danger?" As Jin Zhengzhong's master, Ma Xiaoling, although she did not agree with this "marriage," was still worried about Jin Zhengzhong's safety.

Lin Ge said: "You don't have to worry about this. As far as I know, Sadako's ghost domain belongs to the space ghost domain, which is the most difficult kind of ghost domain. Unless the other party is a big boss who can break open space at will, Sadako If they don’t open the ghost realm, they won’t be able to get in, and there’s nothing they can do about it.”

Lin Ge didn't say the next words, because in his opinion, the visitors should be these "big guys".

However, the red beam of light was not mixed with other grievances. Apparently after Sadako teleported them out, she also left the Shikoku Building with Kim Zhengzhong.

After merging with the ghost realm, Sadako is the ghost realm, and the ghost realm is Sadako. Her body has become a computer space, so even if someone comes to find her body, there is nothing they can do to her.

Because of this, Lin Ge doubted that Sadako's ghost realm could isolate the Lord God, or isolate the nightmare effect. After all, not to mention the recovery medicines, if even the Five Elements Bagua Pan did not trigger the nightmare effect, then the nightmare effect was in vain. , makes no sense anymore.

However, if Sadako's ghost realm can really isolate the effects of nightmares... it would be of great use. It is precisely because of this that Lin Ge will do his best to save Jin Zhengzhong without hesitation.

Of course, this is all Lin Ge's guess and inference. If the person coming is strong enough to cover up other people's auras, or even avoid their eyes, then there is nothing that can be done.

But to achieve this level, apart from the ultimate boss Destiny, Lin Ge felt that there would be no other person who could ignore the effect of double pupils.

...You can't be so unlucky and just run into fate, right?

"Then what should we do now?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

"What should we do? Now that Zhongzhong has his own place, of course we can go back to where we came from..." After saying that, Lin Ge walked to the trash can, patted You Zhijie who was vomiting, and said, "Hey , have you vomited enough? If so, come back with us and ask for your help if I need anything."

"Don't be blind?" You Zhijie was so dizzy from vomiting that he couldn't even speak clearly.

Lin Ge helped him to the side of the road and stopped a car: "Go back and talk slowly."

Just when Lin Ge was about to help You Zhijie, who was dizzy from vomiting, into the car, he suddenly smelled a pungent resentment. This resentment was even heavier than the demon baby, and it was rushing towards him!

Lin Ge suddenly felt something bad. As expected, he must have been targeted by the red light. He thought that instead of running away with Ma Xiaoling and You Zhijie, it would be better to send them away first, and then find a way to escape. After all, with Ou Yongqi's ghost realm, it shouldn't be difficult to get rid of the opponent, but it may not be possible with two people.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge stuffed You Zhijie into the car, pulled Ma Xiaoling over, and warned: "We are being targeted. You take You Zhijie away first, and I will meet them at the airport. Remember, go directly Go to the airport and don’t look back no matter what happens here!”

"You..." Ma Xiaoling wanted to say something else, but Lin Ge pushed her into the car.

"Hey, I'll stay and help you." Ma Xiaoling said and wanted to get out of the car.

Lin Ge held the car door and said, "Have you forgotten my special ability? With you two burdens, I will run even slower. You go first. If I can't beat you, you can run away at any time."

Although she was called a "burden", Ma Xiaoling knew that Lin Ge didn't want them to be in danger, so she hummed: "Hey, you are the burden. Then be careful. If something goes wrong, run away quickly. Don't hold on."

"Don't worry, I'm the best at running away."

"I can tell."

After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she didn't waste any more time. After telling Lin Ge to be careful again, she asked the driver to drive to the airport.

Lin Ge looked around, looking at the crowded streets and business districts, wondering whether to find a place with few people to test the other party's strength first, or to directly lead him to a place with the most people, make the matter bigger, and bring the local forces of Sakura Country to the bottom. Lead out.

For example, the monks in Ligaoye, after all, this is the doorstep of their home. There is no reason for monsters to appear and they don't come out to take a look.

However, Lin Ge obviously underestimated the speed of the coming person. In the blink of an eye, the other person was only a few hundred meters away from him.

Lin Ge glanced at the nightmare effect——

[You are targeted by “destiny”: 32%]

"It's increased by 12%. I don't know how much of the ghost realm is occupied by Shuangpu and Qimei." Seeing this, Lin Ge opened his eyes again without hesitation, using Huang Ni's eyes to observe the intensity of the visitor. There was no doubt that it was The most direct way.

Lin Ge kneaded the secret and wiped his eyes. When he looked again, his double pupils appeared, and he immediately saw two red light pillars soaring into the sky in the distance, rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed.

However, although these two light beams are bright red, they are not thick. They are only about the size of an adult. However, the picture of them shooting straight into the sky is a bit spectacular.


At this time, Huang Ni's voice sounded from the mark on the back of Lin Ge's right hand.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an afterimage coming towards him. The opponent's speed was so fast that if Lin Ge had not opened his eyes, he would not have been able to detect the opponent's movements.

However, when Lin Ge saw the person clearly, he was extremely shocked!

Lan Dali!

Xu Fu!


In the blink of an eye, Xu Fu had arrived in front of Lin Ge and punched him in the chest. However, when Xu Fu's fist hit Lin Ge's "chest", a golden light burst out and knocked him away!

The five elements and eight trigrams plate, replace the flowers and trees!

Xu Fu crashed directly into a shop on the street. The huge force accompanied by golden light directly knocked the shop down, and he was buried in the ruins.

Although Xu Fu was knocked away, there was still Lan Dali. Although the opponent was not as fast as Xu Fu, his energy was several times stronger. Just when his fist was about to hit Lin Ge's face, he quickly hit Lin Ge thirty centimeters away. A thick blood-red fog gathered and forcefully received Lan Dali's punch.


After a breath, the blood mist was shattered by Lan Dali, but this breath was enough for Lin Ge to take action and directly took out a bottle of exorcism spray and sprayed it on Lan Dali's eyes.


The exorcism spray collided with Lan Dali's resentment, and suddenly made a burning sound and thick black smoke.

But the exorcism spray had no effect on Lan Dali's level, and it couldn't even dispel the evil spirit around his body. However, Lin Ge didn't expect the exorcism spray to be effective. His formula was a 3.0 version that combined the three exorcism formulas of Chen Zhazhi, Li Ang and Ma Xiaoling, and extracted the essence!


Lin Ge took out a burning talisman and put it against Lan Dali's forehead, pinched the spell to activate the burning talisman, and then dozens of blood mist appeared out of thin air behind him. A slender hand stretched out from each blood mist and grabbed his hand respectively. The shoulders, lower back, and clothes quickly took him away from where he was.

It looked like Lin Ge was using a retreat step. Half a second later, he was several meters away from Lan Dali. Lan Dali continued to punch forward with punch after punch. Unfortunately, these attacks seemed extremely fierce, but they were all blocked by the blood mist.

In fact, Ou Yongqi's blood mist could not completely resolve Lan Dali's offensive, but it was not important, because she only needed to slow down the opponent's offensive and give Lin Ge time to take the next step.

Even though Lin Ge, Lan Dali, and Xu Fu were incredibly fast, the sound and air wave of the collision caused everyone around them to flip over, and even the car was knocked off their feet by the air wave emitted by Lan Dali's punch on the blood mist. Several vehicles flew.

In front of the bookstore on the street, several students were holding a pile of comic books, holding their glasses in disbelief, looking at the chaotic fight between the two people in front of them, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Damn it, is the Lion God coming?"

"Go quickly, it's too dangerous!"

"Let's go? There's no way to watch such exciting scenes when watching anime. Ohmu, didn't you buy a new DVD to prepare for filming? You don't want to film scenes like this?"

"You're still shooting, why don't you run for your life... Damn! The car is flying over!"


Several students watching the play were instantly knocked back into the bookstore by a car that was knocked off and rolled like a bowling ball.

Because of the fight between Lin Ge and the three of them, countless pedestrians were affected. In just a few minutes, the downtown area turned into a disaster scene.

Lin Ge relied on Qimei's blood mist to neutralize Lan Dali's attacks several times, but at this time he also saw that something was wrong with Lan Dali's state.

Different from the usually arrogant and domineering Lan Dali, Lan Dali was like a puppet at this time. Except for attacking with killing moves in every blow, he was completely different from the previous Lan Dali.

On the other side, Xu Fu was hit by a "replacement". After suffering double damage from his rebound power and the Five Elements Bagua Pan, he walked out of the collapsed building. At this time, his entire face was burned beyond recognition by the golden light, leaving only darkness. pupils and those creepy zombie teeth.

A big hole was opened in the chest, and a beating heart could be seen. The left hand was broken off, and the flesh of the right hand was burned black.


"Ah!!! Monster!!!"


The people who were watching the excitement in front of the ruins saw Xu Fu walking out of the ruins, and immediately screamed and ran away. Xu Fu raised his hand, and the escaping woman seemed to be dragged by an invisible force, and her whole body moved towards Xu Fu. Flying over, he grabbed the woman's neck and bit her down.

In an instant, the woman was not only drained of blood, but even her whole body was sucked into a mummy. As the woman's blood and vitality were sucked, Xu Fu's injuries were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, I saw the mummy that was thrown on the ground like garbage, slowly got up, turned into a black-eyed zombie, and stood motionless behind Xu Fu, as if waiting for his order.


Xu Fu looked up to the sky and roared, and the rich black energy erupted from his body and spread to the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, those who were watching the show, those running away, and those hiding in the store... As long as they were "living people", no one was spared, and they were all wrapped up in the black energy. He was instantly sucked into a mummy and became Xu Fu's "nutrient".

Xu Fu instantly returned to the state before the injury, and also created an army of thousands of mummies to surround Lin Ge and Lan Dali.

Lin Ge and Lan Dali were already at their wits end in the fight. Now, with the addition of Xu Fu and thousands of mummy troops, the pressure suddenly doubled. Even with Qimei protecting him, he still received several punches in a row.

Lin Ge's left arm was cut off directly from Lan Dali's punch, hanging on his body in an extremely twisted position, making it difficult to even move his fingers.

Qimei tried to lead Lin Ge to break out, but Lan Dali was very fast and could always break up the blood mist before it condensed. If the blood mist could not be gathered, the blood mirror would not be able to condense and lead Lin Ge away.

At the moment when Qimei blocked Lan Dali's attack again and trapped Xu Fu with blood mist, Lin Ge quickly pulled away and used a lightning thunder fist to explode the hundreds of mummies behind him until their flesh and blood flew everywhere. He took out a handful of Yellow talismans sprinkle into the sky!

If Lan Dali is not dealt with, it is obviously impossible to use Qimei's blood mist to escape from the battlefield, so he can only give it a try and use his trump card——

Please God!

What Lin Ge sprinkled out was the yellow talisman he had obtained from Wong Tai Sin Temple when he took the time to worship gods in various places on Hong Kong Island a few days ago. However, according to the settings of this world, if the gods and Buddhas are all "doppelgangers" created by Pangu's illusion, then there is a high probability that the inviter will be the Pangu clan, and there will be no "rules" or "alarm" involved.

After scattering the yellow talisman and burning three sticks of incense, Lin Ge held the incense and bowed to the sky: "Wong Tai Sin, please give my Wong Tai Sin some face and come out to save the day!"

Huang Ni, Huang Shang:......

You can just skip the tedious steps of asking God. You can also treat it as an emergency and you don’t have time to get up. But even the incantation and techniques for invoking the gods were omitted, so it was somewhat worth a beating.

Sure enough, yellow symbols were flying all over the sky, but there was no movement in the sky.

"Wong Tai Sin, your face doesn't matter." Lin Ge held the incense in one hand and said slightly dissatisfiedly to the mark on the back of his hand.


If Huang Shang hadn't been worried about being targeted by the Lord God and putting his sister in danger, Huang Shang would have really wanted to go out and defeat the enemies around him by himself, and then suppress Lin Ge at the same time.

Praying to God doesn't work, Lin Ge has another plan.

I saw him taking out the black umbrella from his travel bag and opening it, directly releasing all the seriously injured monsters and monsters that the black umbrella had devoured during the Hundred Ghosts' Night Walk in "The Grudge".

It’s so hot in Tokyo, so it’s time to cool off with some ghosts!

However, Lin Ge obviously did not expect that Black Umbrella had "sneakly" swallowed so many ghosts at that time. Only after releasing it did he realize that it was almost enough for half a hundred ghosts' night banquet.

But after letting it go, it wasn't that easy to take it back, and Lin Ge simply didn't bother to worry about it.

For a time, the scene became extremely chaotic, with various monsters and monsters fighting with the mummies. These monsters and monsters regarded the mummies as "food", and the other party also regarded them as food.

But obviously their devouring speed could not keep up with Xu Fu's transformation speed of zombies. In the blink of an eye, the entire downtown area was densely packed with zombies!


Lin Ge used the Five Elements Bagua disc to block Lan Dali's blow, and couldn't help but curse: "You damn fat guy is really haunting. Are you branding me? There are so many demons and monsters around that you can't fight them? Just keep an eye on me." Are you holding on to me?"

However, from the beginning of the battle to the present, neither Lan Dali nor Xu Fu said a word, which once again confirmed Lin Ge's suspicion that they had become puppets.




Suddenly, more than a dozen golden thunders fell from the sky, one of which struck Lan Dali and Xu Fu, and the rest blew the surrounding zombies into ashes.

Lin Ge was surprised when he saw this and said, "Huh? Wong Tai Sin has appeared?"

As a result, before he could finish his words, a bolt of golden lightning struck towards him. Lin Ge quickly used the Five Elements Bagua Pan to perform "Move Flowers and Trees" to blast the lightning towards Lan Dali, who had been chasing after him!


Lan Dali, who had just gotten up from the ground after receiving a bolt of lightning, was immediately struck down by the lightning again.

At this time, the sky was filled with the monk's low voice of Buddha. Affected by the Buddha's voice, the mummy in the distance fell to the ground and was instantly destroyed.

A group of monks dressed in white came from a distance.

I don’t know if it was luck or coincidence, but these eminent monks from Enryaku Temple on Mount Hiei were spreading Buddhism near Tokyo. Unexpectedly, a very strong evil spirit appeared, so they rushed over immediately.

Because he couldn't tell who was the enemy and who was one of his own in the chaotic battlefield, he pointed the Buddhist thunderbolt at the place where the resentment gathered and blasted it.

Although Lan Dali and Xu Fu had a lot of strange resentment, Ou Yongqi's resentment was also high, so she became a target.

Lin Ge couldn't tell whether these monks were eminent monks from Li Gaoye, but thinking that they were so far away, even if they knew, they wouldn't rush over so quickly.

It doesn't matter if it's a monk around or not, as long as it's here to help, that's fine.

"Tsk, tsk. The 'eminent monk' is here. The situation should have changed now!" Lin Ge took out a Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill and ate it. He sprayed recovery spray on the wounds on his body and ran towards the eminent monk.

Those eminent monks had obviously targeted Lan Dali and Xu Fu, who were the most resentful, and chanted incantations while gathering towards them.

Lan Dali's figure flashed and turned into a blue afterimage. The next moment, he was in front of the eminent monk at the front. He raised his hand and with a "pop", the eminent monk's head exploded like half of a watermelon!

The surrounding monks suddenly looked at Lan Dali with horrified expressions. Lin Ge was equally surprised, and he was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

The eminent monk of Sakura Country, that’s it?




I don't know if Lan Dali has a "quirk". Every blow hits the monk's head, and he doesn't need any fancy magic to help. He just punches a monk. And against the golden light thunder summoned by these monks, the seemingly terrifying thunder struck him like a tickle. Apart from smashing Lan Dali's blue suit into pieces, it didn't hurt a hair on his head!

"The monks from Sakura Country are really unreliable!" Lin Ge no longer wanted to complain about these monks' "Chen Jinnan-style appearance", and immediately lamented that he still had to rely on himself to save his life.

However, the monk attracted Lan Dali's attention for him, and Lin Ge immediately seized the opportunity to ask Qimei to open the ghost domain and take him away from the battlefield. But it was as if Lin Ge was really branded. Whichever direction he ran away from, Lan Dali and Xu Fu, who was leading the zombie army, chased him in that direction.

The most troublesome thing is that Xu Fu is like a mobile zombie-making machine. Wherever he goes, the evil spirit on his body spreads, and many people suddenly turn into zombies.

And Lin Ge was like a god of plague, spreading wherever he went, affecting half the city. Zombies were everywhere, and those who didn't know thought he was involved in "Resident Evil".

Lan Dali's speed was faster than Qimei's Ghost Domain. If Lin Ge didn't have many treasures on his body that could contain the opponent, the Ghost Domain alone would not be able to deal with Lan Dali.

But Lin Ge also needs to face a cruel reality——

[You have been targeted by “destiny”: 59%]

In the evening, I saw the notice that the unblocking failed, and I reviewed it again for 48 hours... If I delete or modify it, I can only send a new one first, and then replace it... The original text does not have this group of funny monks, and the protagonist's battle royale group destroyed the entire Tokyo...

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