Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 266 If you believe it, it will work, if you don’t believe it, it won’t work

Lin Ge looked back at Lan Dali, who was chasing after him, and the monk from the Sakura Kingdom who had transformed into a zombie. If this dragged on any longer, the nightmare effect would continue to increase, and if the fight lasted for a while, "fate" would have to take action himself.

This group of good-for-nothing monks is really a waste. Not only did they give away a lot of people, but now they have become the most difficult existence to deal with. Ordinary people were transformed into zombies by Xu Fu, and at most they were unconscious black-eyed zombies. But after these guys were transformed, for some unknown reason, they became as powerful as fifth-generation zombies.

Although it is not impossible to deal with them, once they are entangled, Lan Dali and Xu Fu will take the opportunity to take action, and it will be difficult to get rid of them.

"There is no way to go on like this. Xu Fu is as if he is possessed by Brother A. Wherever he goes, a wave of zombies breaks out. In just a moment, most of the city is gone."

However, these zombies did not pose much of a threat to Lin Ge. Instead, they were Lan Dali and Xu Fu. Their speed was obviously faster than Ou Yongqi's ghost realm, but they only intercepted Lin Ge and did not try their best to deal with him. If the two of them were conscious, Lin Ge would still think that it was Lan Dali's arrogant character that was causing trouble, and that he was playing a trick on him.

But now both Lan Dali and Xu Fu are just "puppets" with no consciousness at all, so this kind of behavior is a bit intriguing.

What is the purpose of those who control them?

At this time, Huang Ni's voice came from the mark on the back of his right hand: "If you can't run from below, run from above. Go to the rooftop from the large shopping mall in front, and then go from the rooftop to other rooftops. Get rid of those zombies first, and then Find another opportunity to deal with Lan Dali and Xu Fu."

Having said that, it is not easy to deal with Lan Dali and Xu Fu. Previously, the Five Elements Bagua Pan was used to "replace the flowers and trees" to counter Xu Fu. Most people would have been dead long ago. Not only did Xu Fu not die, but he also sucked human blood and was alive and well. A large group of parkour zombies made Lin Ge look like he was filming "World War Z".

There is no better way at the moment. Lin Ge can only try to "divert the traffic" as Huang Ni said, to get rid of the entanglement of the small zombies, and then deal with the big zombies.

Lin Ge rushed into the large shopping mall and ran towards the rooftop. The zombies behind him were very fast and suddenly poured into the shopping mall like a wave.

Lan Dali and Xu Fu rushed to the front. As soon as they rushed up the escalator to the second floor, they heard a "beep, beep, beep" sound coming from their feet. When they lowered their heads, they saw that it was a long series of time bombs!




Explosions sounded one after another, and the entire second floor escalator was blown down. However, the zombies behind were still rushing forward, one after another, filling the collapsed holes in the blink of an eye, and the zombies behind stepped on them again. The body of the "companion" chased towards the third floor.

An explosion of this magnitude posed no threat to Lan Dali and Xu Fu. Even at the same time as the explosion, the two of them used their agility to rush out of the explosion range.

However, Lin Ge's purpose was only to "diversion". Seeing that there were fewer and fewer zombies chasing after him, he was also thinking about how to deal with these two "big guys".

After rushing to the rooftop, the only ones following were Lan Dali, Xu Fu and a few monk zombies. Some of the monks had half of their heads smashed by Lan Dali, which looked disgusting and scary.

Lin Ge looked back at Lan Dali and Xu Fu, holding a few yellow talismans from the Ksitigarbha Temple in his hands, wondering if he should give them a try.

At this moment, a burst of golden light appeared in the clouds in the sky, and then like a "sunrise", golden light spread from the clouds to the earth.

Wherever the golden light went, the mummy zombies were immediately wiped out. This scene reminded Lin Ge of the Patriarch's purification in "The First Commandment".

"Good guy, which boss took action?" Lin Ge looked up at the sky curiously: "You think... could it be that you succeeded in 'asking the gods'? Although it was late, Huang Tai Sin still took action. .”

Huang Ni smiled and said: "My sister said that it is definitely none of her business. If it is her clone, she will definitely wait for you to be beaten up by Lan Dali before taking action."

"Thank her for me."

"She said 'get out'."

As they spoke, golden light fell on Lan Dali and Xu Fu who rushed up to the rooftop. A thick black air flew out of the two people, slowly flying into the sky and gradually dissipating.



With two muffled sounds, Lan Dali and Xu Fu fell to the ground. The monks behind them were originally killed by Lan Dali and then transformed into zombies by Xu Fu. Therefore, after the black energy dissipated, they turned into fly ash and dissipated like those zombies. .

Adhering to the principle of "Kill you while you are sick", Lin Ge directly took out the Five Elements Bagua disc and stepped forward, hitting Lan Dali's head with a golden light bomb!


Lan Dali, who was unprepared, had his head shattered by the blow.

Then, Lin Ge aimed at Xu Fu again, only to see the unconscious Xu Fu suddenly bounce up from the ground, opened his mouth and let out a "corpse roar", and immediately distanced himself from Lin Ge.

"Hey, you've been chasing me all the way, and now you want to run away? Give me a great mercy and thunderbolt palm!" Lin Ge stepped forward and used the Lightning Thunder Fist to greet him.

Xu Fu was a little confused at this time. Originally, he and Lan Dali were watching the crow "performance" on the roof of the Siguo Building. Who knew that after being in a trance, he appeared here and saw Lan Dali being killed!

Lan Dali, one of Nuwa's five-color messengers, was shot in the head without any resistance. This was even more unacceptable than telling Xu Fu that Crow was shot in the head.

After Xu Fu saw the person who attacked him and Lan Dali, he became even more surprised. He didn't expect that it was Lin Ge who he had met before!

The memory of Lin Ge deceiving them and then running away was still fresh in his mind. Unexpectedly, just a few days later, this man would be so strong that he could kill Lan Dali without anyone noticing!

"Wait a minute, aren't you the general's secret history? They are all doing things for the general, why bother to kill them all!" Xu Fu knew that he was defeated by Lin Ge, so he thought of moving out the generals to suppress the opponent.

While Lin Ge was attacking, he said, "Why didn't you guys stop when I signed up for my number?"

"The one who did it was Lan Dali!"

"So he died."

Xu Fu:......

"Then you still take action?"

"Kill them all, let's all do it together." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he took out a handful of evil-suppressing talismans and threw them into the sky, and used the Yuling Soul Chasing Control Yellow Talisman to block Xu Fu's retreat.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe is borrowed!" Lin Ge's moves kept switching between the golden light palm and the lightning thunder fist, and combined with the yellow talisman, Xu Fu, who had no fighting spirit in the first place, was in a hurry.

Xu Fu wanted to escape with his extraordinary speed as a zombie, but Lin Ge directly asked Ou Yongqi to launch a ghost pursuit. In less than ten minutes, the situation between the two of them had already been reversed.

Lin Ge chased back to the street. After the baptism of Jin Guangyu, the street was "clean" and there were basically no pedestrians or "living bodies" in sight.

Lin Ge's figure was hidden in the red mist. Now it was his turn to pursue Xu Fu and continue to bombard him with spells. Xu Fu relied on his zombification to withstand the damage. What surprised him was that the damage felt "not high". How could he blow off Lan Dali's head with one blow?

Although he was confused, Xu Fu did not dare to joke with his own life.

At this moment, Xu Fu was rushing through an interface at a very fast speed. He saw a white car coming from the opposite direction at high speed. It hit Xu Fu with a "bang". The front of the car was partially dented, but there was a flash of light on the hood. A burst of golden light erupted, sending Xu Fu flying away!

"Ah, my car!" Ma Xiaoling's distressed scream came from inside the car.

Lin Ge stopped in front of the car, looked at the familiar "Ma's Batmobile", and asked curiously: "Why are you back? Where did this car... come from?"

Ma Xiaoling got out of the car and said angrily: "Because I'm afraid that something might happen to you, I asked Uncle Qiu to spend a lot of money to send the car over to pick you up. Who was the one who was knocked out just now? Is it the monster who is targeting us?"

"Zombie, second generation." Lin Ge replied.

Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly and complained with a strange expression: "I've heard of the rich second generation and the negative second generation, but I didn't expect that there are still the stupid second generation now."

"Okay, now my complaints are getting better and better."

"Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are dark. How can I not make progress if I hang out with you every day?" Ma Xiaoling smiled slightly and patted the trunk of the car with her hand.

The back compartment was opened and the familiar black leather suitcase was taken out.

Ma Xiaoling opened the box and took out the AX338 sniper rifle, holding it up and aiming at Xu Fu who rushed out of the ruins in the distance and wanted to escape.


A gunshot!

The muzzle of the sniper rifle shot out a golden light, flew towards Xu Fu rapidly, accurately hit Xu Fu's back, and exploded into a ball of gorgeous golden flowers!

Xu Fu was knocked out and hit the ground.

"The second-generation zombies should not be killed by you with one shot." Lin Ge reminded.

Ma Xiaoling put the gun away, picked up the magic formula and said: "You don't need to remind me, this is a specially made suppressing bullet to prevent him from escaping. All those who are facing the enemy should be arrayed in front! Kill the evil!"

The lucky star yellow talisman popped up and turned into a huge yellow talisman in the air.


With a loud dragon roar, the dragon god flew out of the yellow talisman, roared and flew towards Xu Fu, passing through his body. His colleagues took him into the air and smashed him to the ground.

Although Xu Fu was severely injured, he was still breathing.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ge took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk and directed a golden light bombardment at his forehead!


[Kill Xu Fu and you will be rewarded with 10,000 reincarnation points and a C-level item exchange coupon x1. 】

Lin Ge put away the Five Elements Bagua tray, clapped his hands, looked at Ma Xiaoling aside, and said with a smile: "Done, call it a day, get off work."

"Does this mean you tell us to run away as if we've seen ghosts, and then act like we're being generous?" Ma Xiaoling couldn't help but ask.

"So are you moved?"


Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes at Lin Ge, looked at the deserted street, and asked strangely: "When I left by car before, there was a huge flow of people here, but now there are no pedestrians on the road... Those cars on the street, too. I didn’t see the driver, I just parked on the road, what happened here?”

Lin Ge then talked about what happened before. Ma Xiaoling was dumbfounded and said in surprise: "So, it may not be us who killed the second-generation zombies, but the golden rain from before."

"This is just my guess. After all, I can't be sure. I really invited Wong Tai Sin. In any case, I still have to go back to Hong Kong Island to fulfill my wish." Lin Ge said.

"That's true." Ma Xiaoling nodded in agreement, and then said: "But no matter what, I asked Uncle Qiu to send the car over just to help you."


"You pay for the repairs."


Shortly after the two left, a black mist gathered around Lan Dali's body and gradually transformed into a human form. It was the young man in white who had appeared on the roof of the Shikoku Building before.

He looked up to the sky, then raised his hand and blew Lan Dali's body to pieces.

Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge went to the beach, used "Little Ghost Express" to send the exorcism car back by "shipping", and then took a taxi to the airport.

The two met with You Zhijie at the airport. You Zhijie had already taken care of everything, and the three of them took the plane and returned directly to Hong Kong Island.

Back on Hong Kong Island, You Zhijie arranged for pick-up personnel for Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling, and sent a car to take them back to Jia Jia Building.

In the car, Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge and asked curiously: "What were you and You Zhijie whispering about on the plane?"

"Doesn't he understand computers? I asked him to help design a software." Lin Ge replied.

"He agreed?"


"What conditions do you offer so that the vice president of ITM can personally help you design it?"

"I said that if he can help me design the software according to my requirements, I will ask my nephew to accept him as his apprentice, so that he will be your little junior brother."


Lin Ge saw Ma Xiaoling's furious look and immediately laughed: "Just kidding, don't worry about it. It's actually nothing. I'll let him study the 'space' developed by Sadako in depth. It's best to get in touch with Sadako, so If you hit the mark, you can still send a message, right?"

Ma Xiaoling hummed: "That's pretty much it."

"Wait! Master, please pull over." Lin Ge suddenly stopped the driver.

Ma Xiaoling asked: "What do you want to do again?"

"Oh, I'm running out of daily necessities. There happens to be a supermarket there. I'm going to go shopping. You go back first. I'll be back after shopping." Lin Ge said.

Ma Xiaoling gave him a confused look: "Isn't there a supermarket near Jiajia Building?"

"There's nothing I want."

"what do you want?"

"You really want to know?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows.


"Buy some personal items, such as underwear..."

Ma Xiaoling said with a dull face: "Goodbye."

"See you later." Lin Ge got out of the car with a smile, waved to Ma Xiaoling, and then walked towards the large shopping mall in the distance.

Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge's leaving figure and muttered: "Mysterious...Master, let's go to Jiajia Building, thank you."

Lin Ge looked back at the car that was driving away, stopped, and walked in the opposite direction of the mall, finally arriving at the night market across the street.

There are many stalls on the roadside, some selling snacks, some selling clothes, accessories... There are all kinds of stalls, even "fortune-telling stalls".

"Come to my stall for a fortune teller... I don't believe that I can't do business today. If you believe in me, you will be saved. If you don't believe me, you won't be saved. A fortune of fifty is very cheap. It's so cheap that you want to have a fortune teller."

"Come to my booth for a photoshoot..."

"Come to my booth for a photoshoot..."

At this time, in front of a fortune teller's booth with a red cloth sign that read "Fortune Telling and Luck Change by People on Horseback", a fat fortune teller in a floral shirt held his head with one hand and shouted lazily, giving the impression that he was not awake. The feeling of dozing off.

Lin Ge stepped forward, sat opposite the man on the horse, and asked with a smile, "Is your fortune telling accurate?"

As soon as the man on horseback saw the guest, he immediately cheered up, sat up straight, and said with a smile: "If you believe me, it's OK, if you don't believe it, it's not allowed. Then do you believe it or not? Pay the prime minister first, and you won't believe it even if you don't believe it." .”

Lin Ge handed over the money, and someone immediately took it and said with a smile, "What do you want to ask?"

"When will the world end?"

The man on the horse opened his mouth wide and looked at Lin Ge in disbelief. Seeing that he was not joking, the corners of his eyes twitched, and finally said: "The destruction of the world can be today or tomorrow, but it will never happen. Yesterday. If you believe it will be destroyed, it will one day be destroyed. If you believe it will not be destroyed, then it will not be destroyed."

Lin Ge:......

"Do you have any other questions?" the man on the horse asked.

"What will be my fate?" Lin Ge asked his second question.

The man on the horse asked, "What do you think?"

Lin Ge was delighted: "Uncle, am I spending money to tell my fortune?"

The man immediately replied: "Your destiny is in your own hands. You have to believe in yourself. If you believe, you will succeed. If you don't believe, you will not succeed. Do you have any other questions? I am ready to close the stall."

"Do you know how long it was last time I was so speechless?" Lin Ge smiled.

The person immediately replied: "It must have been the last time you were so speechless. Okay, after finishing the fifty-yuan session, I'll call it a day and go home. See you next time."

Lin Ge: worthy of being the originator of nonsense literature. What he said is as if he didn’t say it.

However, it was not that Lin Ge came here to have fun with nothing to do, but that the fat fortune teller in front of him had "a lot of background".

The real name of Ma Dalong is "Ma Dalong". Despite his unreliable appearance, his "horse" is exactly the "horse" of the Ma clan of the exorcist dragon clan.

It's just that unlike the Ma family women's mission, the Ma family men's mission is to carry on the Ma family's family lineage. And Ma Dalong's "carrying on the family line" is so incredible that he directly revealed the two core characters of "The Deadline".

One of them is Ma Xiaoling, the first heroine in the "Default" trilogy.

That's right, the extremely unreliable fortune teller in front of you is Ma Xiaoling's father - Ma Dalong, the earliest user of λ-Driver!

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