The erratic combat power of each character in "Stick Covenant" has always been the most criticized aspect. It is mentioned many times that it is difficult to kill zombies of more than four generations, but the feeling shown in the play is "very simple".

It has even been shown many times in the play that if two heirs of the Ma family can use the legendary "Double Dragons to Come Out of the Cave" and summon the Dragon God at the same time, even the zombie king generals can be eliminated!

It's a pity that the "Double Dragons Leaving the Cave", which is the most likely to kill the general, was missed because Ma Xiaoling's aunt Ma Dingdang fell in love with the general and stopped at the critical moment. A chance to kill a general. Of course, this is a love drama disguised as a fantasy drama after all, so we can’t ask for too much.

Lin Ge wanted to kill the crow completely, so naturally he would not put all his hopes on Ma Xiaoling and the Dragon God. He took out a silver needle and pricked the five fingers of his right hand. At the risk of the nightmare effect increasing, he took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk and put the bloody Press the five fingers toward the center to twist the Bagua disk in the center!

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

The Five Elements Bagua Disk shoots out a golden beam of light and flies towards the crow together with the dragon.

Seeing the appearance of the Dragon God, Crow already felt something bad. Now he saw a golden beam of light flying towards him. Together with the Dragon God, it was like "two dragons coming out of the cave". He suddenly felt an unprecedented crisis!

But at this time, Wu Wu was trapped in the ghost realm. Here he fought against the fierce god Sadako. He relied on hundreds of years of skills to overcome him. Seeing that he had the upper hand and wanted to kill the opponent, Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling came out to kill him!

After getting acquainted with Kim Jung-jung, Sadako was moved by his sincerity, and her love offset her resentment. She also realized that the crow was just using her to launch a bloody curse to harm the entire world. She can ignore the whole world, but she can't let Jin Zhengzhong die!

Sadako mobilized all her resentment and integrated herself into the ghost realm. Huge green codes quickly gathered from all around, wrapping the crows in it!


With a loud dragon roar, the golden light of the Dragon God and the Bagua Disk passed through the spherical codes at the same time, instantly penetrating the crow's body!


"Sadako! Don't think you can get rid of my control like this! If you want me to die, then bury me with you!" The crow roared angrily, and then erupted with rich black energy, which quickly spread to the surroundings. Wrap the green spherical code that surrounds him!

"Xiaoling, release the Dragon God again!" Lin Ge shouted to Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Xiaoling replied angrily: "Do you think the Dragon God will just invite you if he says please? You said it easily. I just drew a magic talisman to invite you. How can I invite you?"

Lin Ge:? ? ?

You are ready to release the Dragon God to kill insects. Now you are telling me that it is not easy to invite the Dragon God?

Who believes this?

"Stinky girl, you're trying to trick me into asking for a magic talisman again. Wait, I'll send it to you right away!" At this time, He Yingqiu's voice came from the earphones.

He put a lucky star yellow talisman into the printer nearby, and then a golden light flashed through the Xuanguang Mirror in Ma Xiaoling's hand, projecting a golden yellow talisman in mid-air!

"Those who are facing the battle should all line up in front! Punish the evil spirits!" Ma Xiaoling once again formed a nine-character mantra to summon the Dragon God.

If you want to kill the crow at this time, you can only kill Sadako together.


Dragon roar sounded.

"do not move!"

Suddenly, a figure rushed over from the side, blocking the "spherical object" where the green code and black mist blended. It turned out to be Jin Zhengzhong, who was seriously injured.

"Zhengzhong, what are you doing!" Ma Xiaoling scolded. She was really afraid that the Dragon God wouldn't be able to withdraw his power in time and would kill Jin Zhengzhong as well. Fortunately, the Dragon God stopped in the air for the sake of Jin Zhengzhong's heir to the Ma family.

"Don't worry!" Jin Zhengzhong shouted.

Then, he raised his head and shouted to the Dragon God hovering in the air: "I, Jin Zhengzhong, as the 41st descendant of the Ma family's exorcist dragon clan, order you to go back!"

He was already seriously injured, but he was so excited that he spurted out a mouthful of blood. But he still endured the pain and stood up straight, looking at the Dragon God with firm eyes to prevent it from giving the crow the final blow.

It doesn't matter if the crow dies ten thousand times, but now the crow has trapped Sadako, and he undoubtedly wants Sadako to bear this blow with him.

Sadako fell in love with Kim Jung-jung, and Kim Jung-jung also fell in love with Sadako.

"Zhongzhong, are you crazy?" Ma Xiaoling shouted angrily when she saw this. At the same time, she pinched the magic formula again and gave the order to the Dragon God: "Exterminate the evil!"


With a loud dragon roar, the Dragon God flew towards Crow and Sadako again.

"Don't move!" Jin Zhengzhong shouted at the Dragon God again.

Dragon God hovered in the air, looked at Ma Xiaoling, and then at Jin Zhengzhong, obviously hesitating which heir of the Ma family he should listen to.

"Master, let me say a few words, okay?" Jin Zhengzhong looked at Ma Xiaoling and said.

Ma Xiaoling scolded: "It's right!"

"It won't hinder you for too long." Jin Zhengzhong said.

"Dragon God must be thinking, why don't you two discuss it first?" Lin Ge teased from the side.

Ma Xiaoling turned back and glared at him, and whispered: "Are you still joking at this time? You were so stunned by the female ghost in the middle that you dared to risk blocking the dragon!"

Lin Ge saw that Wu Wu and Sadako were in a state of anxiety. In addition, Wu Wu was at the end of his strength after being hit by a combined blow, so he said, "You might as well listen to what he means first."

After Jin Zhengzhong was brought into the computer world by Sadako, he actually saw what happened to her during her lifetime through Sadako's exclusive computer.

Sadako suffered from autism after the death of her parents, but in order to survive, she finally entered a company with her high IQ. The manager took great care of her and often cared about her. Sadako also thought she had met a "good senior" who was dedicated and responsible. .

As the two became more and more familiar, one day, the manager proposed to take Sadako home, but he violated her in the woods halfway. Sadako, who was alone, didn't know who to tell the incident. She was timid and did not choose to call the police. Since then, she has become more and more afraid of men.

The manager used this matter as a talking point, which made more and more people in the company know about Sadako, and also falsely accused Sadako of seducing him.

Sadako was so desperate that she wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the sea, but she met a crow on the beach. Under the bewitchment of the crow, he agreed to become the soul seducer.

Back at the company, Sadako used her talent and combined it with the crow's magic to create a computer world that only she could control. However, she was contaminated with too much magic and eventually turned into a vicious god.

Sadako's ghost world merged with the computer world she created. Sadako gained extremely strong power. The first thing she did was kill all the men in the company.

After that, he followed the crow's orders and killed people all over the world.

After Jin Zhengzhong learned of Sadako's tragic past, he felt nothing but sympathy and sadness. He hated his inability to change everything, and vowed to protect Sadako and be with her forever.

However, after expressing her thoughts, Ma Xiaoling said: "Zhongzhong, this is not your personal problem now. The Bloody Ten Thousand-Character Curse cannot be stopped without getting rid of Sadako. There is a more difficult evil god waiting outside. Once it happens, The blood curse is activated, turning the world into a purgatory!"

Kim Zhengzhong took out a pineapple bread from his bag and held it in his hand: "If I tell you, this pineapple bread is a murderous female ghost. Because I was afraid that I, Kim Zhengzhong, would be hungry, I worked tirelessly to search for it all over the world, took it back and put it away. If it comes to me, I don’t think you will believe it..."

"I know you don't believe that I can get a pure and true love from a woman. Even if I die, I will die with Sadako."

After Jin Zhengzhong finished speaking, he walked towards the green and black spherical object, opened his hands, and died generously.


At this time, Sadako's scream came from the green and black spherical object, and then the whole space shook violently, and green codes flew quickly.


Sections of characters burst out from the center of the sphere, completely dispersing the black mist surrounding the outside. Sadako's figure appeared in the middle of the erratic codes, and it looked like the codes condensed into her face.

"Ma Xiaoling! Do it!"

Below is the crow who is bound by the code. Just one more blow will definitely kill him!

"Zhu Xie!" Ma Xiaoling pinched the magic formula without any hesitation. The Dragon God let out a loud dragon roar, pounced on the crow, and swallowed him in one gulp!

The crow let out a heartbreaking scream, trying to use its last strength to turn the evil magic into black mist and escape. However, after Sadako and the ghost realm merged into one, she could clearly feel the resentment that did not belong here, and the crow still Before he could escape, he was completely swallowed up by the space code of the ghost realm!

[Assist "Sadako" to kill the crow, and you will be rewarded with 5,000 reincarnation points and a C-level item exchange coupon x1. 】

Good guy, Sadako actually had his head taken away in the end?

But Lin Ge didn't care. After all, the reward for assists was not low, and being able to kill second-generation zombies so easily was an unexpected surprise.

Seeing that the Dragon God did not hurt Sadako in the end, Jin Zhengzhong finally breathed a sigh of relief and fell down.


Sadako's figure emerged from the code, held Jin Zhengzhong in his arms, and looked up at Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling: "Save Zhengzhong, even if I die, please save Zhengzhong!"

Lin Ge and the others stepped forward. Ma Xiaoling checked Jin Zhengzhong's injuries and frowned. Zhengzhong's injuries were too severe. It was a miracle that he could hold up his body to stop the Dragon God.

Just because Ma Xiaoling was helpless didn't mean that Lin Ge couldn't do anything. He had a lot of medical props on him, but using spells and items from outside this world would trigger nightmare effects. But compared to the nightmare effect, Lin Ge still chose to treat Jin Zhengzhong. On the one hand, it was for the sake of his "disciple", and on the other hand, Jin Zhengzhong and Sadako might be able to help in the subsequent plot. .

Lin Ge stuffed a "Jiuhua Jade Dew Pill" into Jin Zhengzhong's mouth, then took out the healing spray and sprayed it on him. Jin Zhengzhong's wounds immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This magical effect made You Zhijie and Ma Xiaoling's eyes widen, and Sadako kept thanking Lin Ge.

"Sadako. Master." Jin Zhengzhong looked up at Sadako who was holding him, and Ma Xiaoling beside him, as if he was still a little confused about the situation.

"It was your great uncle who saved you." Ma Xiaoling said with a cold face.

Jin Zhengzhong looked at Lin Ge gratefully and thanked: "Thank you, uncle, for saving your life."

Lin Ge waved his hand to say you're welcome, and Ma Xiaoling snorted: "You brat, do you know how much I spent to save you this time? Go back and get your salary and pay it back slowly!"

In the past, Jin Zhengzhong would only respond with a smile to this situation, but today he changed from his normal state, smiled, shook his head and said: "No, Master, I won't go back. As for the money I owe you... there is it in my room. It’s a piggy bank with all the money I’ve saved over the years. I’ll give it to you.”

"What are you going to do?" Ma Xiaoling asked anxiously.

Jin Zhengzhong stood up holding Sadako's hand, took her hand in his, looked at Sadako and said affectionately: "I said I would stay with her forever."

"No, Zhengzhong, don't be so stupid! How can you be with a female ghost! How can I explain to your mother?" Ma Xiaoling said anxiously.

"Let him go, Xiaoling." At this time, You Zhijie stepped forward and said, "Men are really rare. If you can find your own butter pineapple bun, you will die without regrets."

Then, You Zhijie looked at Ma Xiaoling and said, "If I could have a butter pineapple bun, I would do it even if I choked to death after eating it."

"Shut up!" Ma Xiaoling was already upset when she heard that Jin Zhengzhong was leaving with Sadako, but You Zhijie came to join in the fun, which immediately made her furious.

Lin Ge: ...If you choose this time to confess your love, you deserve to be single.

Ma Xiaoling stepped forward, stared at Jin Zhengzhong and said, "I only have you as my apprentice, and you are still a descendant of the Ma family. Do you really want to leave?"

"I only have you as my master. I always listen to you. Can you listen to me this time? I found my most beloved woman. Aren't you happy for me?" Jin Zhengzhong asked with a smile, and then he held his hand. Looking at Sadako, he nodded towards Lin Ge and others, turned around and walked towards the beating code ahead.

"Exactly..." Ma Xiaoling wanted to say something else, but in the end she couldn't.

Jin Zhengzhong turned around, looked at Ma Xiaoling and said with a smile: "Let me save the world by the way. Goodbye, master. Goodbye, master-uncle."

Looking at the retreating figures of Jin Zhengzhong and Sadako, Ma Xiaoling complained to Lin Ge: "He is also your disciple after all, and you just watch him obsess over it? Why don't you say something?"

"Say? What did you say? Cough, cough -" Lin Ge cleared his throat and sang: "Forgive me for not knowing how to cherish that day. I only knew willful and bad things. I only hope that you can listen to your heart in the void at this moment - "

Ma Xiaoling: ...Brother, are you sick?

"Alas." Ma Xiaoling let out a long sigh and glanced at Lin Ge with a strange look on her face. She wondered if there was something wrong with this "great uncle"'s mind. Did he think this was an Ah San movie and start singing whenever he disagreed?

Could it be a mental illness?

As Jin Zhengzhong and Sadako completely disappeared into the flowing codes, the green codes flying in the sky gradually turned pink, and the entire ghost realm also turned pink.

"This ghost land is quite romantic." Lin Ge sighed as he looked up at the pink sky.

Ma Xiaoling glared at him and hummed: "You are not the one who lost your apprentice, and you are the only one who feels romantic."

"It's a blessing in disguise. How do you know that Zheng Zhong's choice is wrong? Besides, this place is not suitable for human survival. Maybe Sadako will send Zheng Zhong back the next day." Lin Ge said.

After all, in the play, although Sadako left with Kim Zhengzhong, she did not want him to spend the rest of his life in the computer world, so she sent him back to the human world and entrusted He Yingqiu to save her.

He Yingqiu finally sent Chaodu Sadako's computer to Kim Zhengzhong and asked him to make his own decision. Jin Zhengzhong was finally persuaded by Sadako, and after saying goodbye, he completed the salvation for Sadako.

If the plot develops normally, it should be like this.

However, let alone the fact that the plot of "The Deadline" has changed drastically this time, it is just the "identity" of Sadako's evil god, and the line of transcendence is not feasible.

At this time, the pink world turned into flowing codes, and finally turned into strings of characters that dissipated, and the ghost realm was lifted. Lin Ge, Ma Xiaoling, and You Zhijie found themselves on the street outside the Shikoku Building.

"Is this... Sadako sending us out? This is amazing!" You Zhijie looked around, looking at the deserted streets, and couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Ge looked at the Shikoku Building in the distance. Strangely, the Demon Infant's resentment disappeared. Although the entire Shikoku Building still looked eerie, it no longer looked like it was shrouded in black mist.

"Is this... running away?" Lin Ge squinted his eyes, somewhat confused by Lan Dali's operation. He originally thought that after coming out of the ghost realm, he would face a "fierce battle" with Lan Dali and Xu Fu, but he didn't expect that the other parties would "run away" and take away the biggest troublesome demon baby with them.

This bizarre operation is really surprising.

Ma Xiaoling looked at the Siguo Building. Although there was no expression on her face, You Zhijie, who was standing next to her, suddenly felt that the air was a bit colder and couldn't help but ask: "Xiaoling, are you okay?"

"It's not me who's in trouble. I really don't know what you men are thinking about all day long." Ma Xiaoling finished speaking angrily and walked in the opposite direction of the Shikoku Building.

"Xiaoling, wait for me!" You Zhijie immediately chased after her.

Lin Ge always felt that something was fishy. He wanted to open his double-pupil sky eyes and check the Shiguo Building to see if Lan Dali and Xu Fu had really left with the magic baby, but he didn't want to continue to trigger the nightmare effect.

Lin Ge originally wanted to open the panel to see how much the nightmare effect would be increased by using the Five Elements Bagua Tray once, but he was surprised to find that the nightmare effect was still 20%!

"How can this be!"

Lin Ge thought that even if using the Five Elements Bagua Pan did not increase the nightmare effect, then the medicine and first aid spray given to Jin Zhengzhong should still trigger the nightmare effect.

Could it be... is it because of Sadako's ghost realm?

Impossible, Sadako is just a fierce god. No matter how powerful he is, he is not strong enough to be able to isolate the rules of the reincarnation world... Lin Ge quickly rejected this speculation.

He couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. He picked up the magic formula, wiped his eyes, opened his eyes and looked towards the Shikoku Building.

I saw that the Shikoku Building in my field of vision was shrouded by a red pillar soaring into the sky. The red light was so wide that it seemed to be approaching, and it shot straight into the sky!

Lin Ge felt bad all over. The last time he saw a red beam of light of this magnitude was in Taigui, when he used Huang Ni's pupils to lock onto the Evil God Big Black Buddha Mother for the first time.

But this time, the red beam of light was not only wider in scope, extending into the distance with no visible edge, but also a hundred times more intense!

"What the hell is this? Even if the general comes, it's not so exaggerated, right?" Lin Ge knew very well the principle that curiosity killed the cat. No matter who was in the Shikoku Building, he didn't want to run into him now.

Thirty-six strategies, escape!

Lin Ge immediately chased after Ma Xiaoling who was not far away, but at this time he had not released his double-pupil sky eyes. The moment he saw Ma Xiaoling, he was surprised to find——

There is no origin in Ma Xiaoling!

In the world of "Stiff Appointment" where the plot has been changed and there is no male protagonist, Ma Xiaoling, as the first protagonist, has no origin. This in itself is an unreasonable thing!

At this moment, Lin Ge felt a terrifying sense of oppression coming from the direction of the Shikoku Building. It felt like being stared at by a terrifying beast, as if he would be killed in the claws of the beast in the next moment!


Lin Ge rushed forward, grabbed Ma Xiaoling with one hand and You Zhijie with the other, and shouted at the same time: "Qimei! Send us away as quickly as possible!"

"Who are you talking to..." Before Ma Xiaoling could finish asking the last "word", she felt a huge pulling force pulling herself forward.




As the rich red mist exploded, red mirrors appeared, dragging Lin Ge and the others into the red mirror, and then teleported to a distance.

Lin Ge couldn't care about anything at this time and just wanted to leave the place of right and wrong as quickly as possible, so he merged his spiritual power with Ou Yongqi's evil spirit to increase the movement speed of the red mirror to the maximum!

In a few breaths, at the cost of a lot of spiritual energy, Lin Ge and the others were sent out of this neighborhood, but even so, he could still feel the terrifying pressure!

However, not long after Lin Ge "escaped", on the rooftop of the Shikoku Building, a young man in a white suit stood on the edge, holding a crow's Tengu mask and patting his palms gently, with a look of concern on his face. smile.

"finally come."

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