"Uncle Master, Xiaoling! The Xuanguang Mirror detected that Sadako's resentment has weakened, but there is a stronger resentment spreading in the building. As Uncle Master said, there are more terrifying things in the building, you must be careful !" At this time, He Yingqiu's anxious voice came from the earphones.

"Weaker? We didn't do anything, but Sadako's resentment became weaker? Is it because of the blow from me? No, your uncle used Zhang Pong's Evil Suppressing Talisman. How could he dispel the evil spirit? The evil spirit." Ma Xiaoling said puzzledly.

He Yingqiu scolded angrily: "What's 'your uncle'? That's Master Qi's uncle, big or small! However, I seem to have guessed why Sadako's resentment has weakened."

"Why?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

He Yingqiu leaned on the chair in front of the computer, took a puff of cigarette, picked up the microphone and said: "Only love can offset resentment. I think Sadako must have fallen in love with Zhengzhong. Originally, killing three thousand people could complete the bloody ten thousand words Curse, but instead of killing Zhengzhong, Sadako wants to take him away because she wants Zhengzhong to stay with her in the computer world for the rest of her life."

Ma Xiaoling recalled Kim Zhengzhong's usual slovenly appearance and unreliable personality, and said in disbelief: "Isn't it, so tasteless?"

He Yingqiu echoed: "I think so too. I've seen a lot of ghosts. This is the first time I've seen a ghost with such bad taste. It's not good to fall in love with anyone, but the right one."

Lin Ge: ...Jin Zhengzhong wants to ask you two if you are polite.

Normally, Lin Ge would definitely make a joke, but now he has a more important question to ask: "Martial nephew, I have something to ask you."

This was the first time He Yingqiu heard Lin Ge speak in such a serious tone. He immediately sat up straight, put out his cigarette, and said respectfully: "Uncle, please tell me."

"Have you ever heard of the 'Demon Infant'?" Lin Ge asked.

"Devil babies?" He Yingqiu thought for a while and asked in an uncertain tone: "Uncle Master, are you referring to those fetuses affected by evil spirits, or children born from demons and monsters?"

"No, sixty years ago, your master and I worked together to seal a baby who was killed by a bitch and died miserably. We sealed him in the Demon Sealing Altar and asked our senior brother to eliminate his resentment and send him to be reincarnated. I didn't remember If it's wrong, the jar will be sealed in the ancestral hall of Fuxi Hall," Lin Ge said.

"Devil baby? Jar... Fuxitang..." He Yingqiu kept slapping his forehead with his hands upon hearing this, as if he was trying to recall his childhood memories.

"Ah! I remember! When we went south, there was indeed such a jar!"

He Yingqiu recalled what happened after he "returned to heaven" to Lin Ge. After Mao Xiaofang died of illness, war broke out in the country not long after. In order to avoid the war, Ah Chu and Xiao Hai took He Yingqiu away from Fuxi Hall and headed south, and later moved to Hong Kong Island.

Although Ah Chu and Xiao Hai saved the suppressed ghosts in Fuxi Hall before leaving, their abilities were not enough to save the extremely resentful demon infant.

In order to prevent the Demon Infant from falling into the hands of others and causing an irreversible disaster, Ah Chu took the jar with him to take care of it, hoping to wait until he was strong enough to save the Demon Infant. Who knew that the jar was lost due to an accident. In order to retrieve the jar, Ah Chu broke into the mass grave. However, not only did he fail to retrieve the jar, but he also suffered from the root cause of his illness because of that battle.

Xiaohai brought Ah Chu and He Yingqiu, who were seriously injured, to Hong Kong Island. The issue of the magic baby also became Ah Chu's concern. Although Xiaohai also tried searching at Thomas's house, he did not find out the whereabouts of the magic baby until the two died of illness one after another.

Decades have passed, and this incident that happened in He Yingqiu's childhood has gradually been buried in the depths of his memory.

He Yingqiu didn't need to explain what happened next, Lin Ge could make a rough guess. After the demon baby disappeared, it was tossed around several times and somehow ended up in the hands of the crow.

In the play, Sadako's resentment weakened because she fell in love with Kim Jong-zhong. In order to avoid problems with the Big Blood Ten Thousand-Character, Wu Wu personally ran into the computer world and tried to kill Kim Jong-zhong, but was rescued by Sadako.

And Sadako here is obviously more powerful than in the play. Crow is worried about capsizing in the sewer of the computer world, so he specially found a "replacement", a demon baby with great resentment, and tried to seal Sadako in the building.

This could explain why the resentment that made Lin Ge feel so familiar enveloped the entire building and was gradually "devoured".


Lin Ge sighed in his heart. Unexpectedly, in the end, not only did he fail to dispel the demon baby's resentment and allow it to be reincarnated, but it was also used by the crow as a tool to activate the Great Blood Ten Thousand-Character Curse.

The demon infant's resentment is extremely strong. Before he reached the red level, he had a resentment comparable to that of a fierce god. Over the years, he might even surpass the ghost king.

If Crow really succeeds in using the Demonic Infant to activate the Great Blood Ten Thousand Words Curse, there will really be no way to save it!

"Uncle Master, could it be..." He Yingqiu asked tentatively.

Lin Ge replied: "Yes, I suspect that the resentment that blocked the building came from the Demon Infant. Although I don't know how the Demon Infant fell into the hands of the mastermind behind the scenes, the Demon Infant's resentment is extremely heavy, even far more than Sadako. If Let it successfully absorb three thousand resentful souls and activate the Great Blood Ten Thousand Character Curse, and I’m afraid no one can stop it.”

He Yingqiu stared at the computer screen with a solemn expression and said: "Judging from the Xuanguang mirror detection, the resentment shrouding the building has become heavier and is gradually getting stronger. Uncle Master, you must find Sadako and Zhengzhong as soon as possible and crack them from the root." Great Bloody Thousand-Character Curse."


Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling looked at You Zhijie who was repairing the computer behind the desk at the same time, and sighed in their hearts, whether we can be fast now does not depend on us, but on this programmer.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, You Zhijie's excited voice finally came: "Haha, I fixed the computer, Xiaoling, I said I can help you!"

"Thank you for your hard work." Ma Xiaoling said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Ge immediately came behind You Zhijie and saw that the computer started up again. However, when the screen entered the desktop system, there were no icons on the desktop. There was only a red dot in the center, and the background was the "三丿" charm on the crow mask.

"What...what should we do next?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge and asked.

"Let me try." Lin Ge took out a manifestation talisman and stepped forward, picked up the talisman, and applied the talisman to the black dot in the center of the screen.

Then he made a seal with his hands and pointed it toward the manifesting talisman attached to the screen. The talisman paper burned with a "whoosh" sound, and the computer screen suddenly turned into a rotating black hole, sucking the burning talisman paper directly into it.

Lin Ge took out the exorcism stick and poked it into the "black hole" formed by the computer monitor. He instantly felt a huge suction force pulling him into the black hole and quickly let go of the exorcism stick.

With a "whoosh" sound, the exorcism stick was sucked into the black hole and disappeared.

At this moment, Sadako's cry suddenly came from the black hole——


"Ma Xiaoling! Please save Jin Zhengzhong quickly, he is dying! It doesn't matter that I am in a state of disbelief. Please save him and take him out!"

"Ma Xiaoling!"

"Save Zhongzhong!"

Ma Xiaoling was obviously startled when she heard Sadako's sudden statement. She obviously didn't understand why the "big villain" at this time suddenly showed kindness and asked her to take away Jin Zhengzhong.

In the play, when Jin Zhengzhong was brought into the computer world by Sadako, Ma Xiaoling placed a mysterious light talisman on him and dispersed his resentment. This caused Kim Zhengzhong's love brain to return to normal after entering the computer world. He contacted Ma Xiaoling and others through the Xuanguang Talisman, and used a substitute technique to deceive Sadako, and his real body was rescued by Ma Xiaoling.

Sadako in the play didn't know that Jin Zhengzhong was a stand-in. When facing the attacks of Peacock and Ma Xiaoling, she blocked the damage for Jin Zhengzhong time and time again. As a result, she completely exploded after discovering that Jin Zhengzhong was just a stand-in, but in the end she was defeated by Jin Zhengzhong. After being "influenced", the Great Blood Ten Thousand Word Curse was stopped.

But the problem now is that due to a series of plot changes, Peacock is in the UK and does not appear here. And being able to "find" Jin Zhengzhong was thanks to Lin Ge's soul-chasing talisman, not because of Ma Xiaoling's mysterious light talisman. Moreover, since entering the Shikoku Building, the two have not made contact with Kim Jong-zhong.

The most important thing is that Sadako not only took the initiative to "ask for help" from Ma Xiaoling, but also said that Jin Zhengzhong was "seriously injured" at this time... And the only person in the play who can freely enter the computer world is Crow!

So, Kim Jung Jung and Sadako are fighting crows?

"What does she mean? Trap?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge and asked.

"Whether it's a trap or not, we have to go in to save Jin Zhengzhong." Rather than this being a trap set by Sadako, Lin Ge was more willing to believe that crows were attacking Sadako and Jin Zhengzhong.

"What should he do?" Ma Xiaoling looked at You Zhijie and asked.

Lin Ge said: "Let's go in together. It's more dangerous for him to stay outside. Don't forget that besides Sadako, there are even more powerful demon babies who are hidden somewhere."

You Zhijie quickly said: "Xiaoling, you don't have to worry about me, I can do it."

Ma Xiaoling wanted to say that I wasn't worried about you, I just didn't want to bring a bottle of oil. I was originally going to save people. If the person couldn't be saved and another person was brought in to pay for it, it would really be an unjust death. But seeing You Zhijie's hard work, he finally sighed and didn't say the heart-wrenching words. He just said, "Be careful."


After Lin Ge finished speaking, he grabbed You Zhijie's arm, and then reached out towards the vortex in the computer monitor. Pulled by a huge force, the three of them were brought into Sadako's ghost realm.

Lin Ge and the others felt their eyes blur, and then the world in front of them turned into a world composed of program codes, with green characters and codes fluttering in front of their eyes.

far away.

I saw a "giant" wearing Japanese sacrificial robes and a Tengu mask, at least six or seven meters tall, suspended in the air. His hair was dancing in the wind, his hands were stretched out, and black and white Onmyoji charms were floating behind him.

Below, Sadako, who was wearing a white kimono, had revealed her true appearance as a fierce god. With one hand, she supported Jin Zhengzhong, who was covered in blood, and with the other hand, she pointed the hand in the air, trying to control the code in the ghost realm to expel the "giant".

Most of the white shirt on Jin Zhengzhong's body was stained red by blood, and he looked like a bloody man. But even so, he still managed to hold on for a breath and raised his hand to point the Buddha's palm at the "giant" in the air.

And that "giant" is none other than the mastermind behind this bloody curse - Crow!

"Let's go, help!" After Lin Ge finished speaking, he took out a copper coin sword, bit off his finger and wiped blood on the sword. The copper coin sword suddenly glowed with golden light.

Upon seeing this, Ma Xiaoling immediately followed Lin Ge and asked as she ran, "Who is the giant in the sky? Are we taking advantage of the chaos to snatch Jin Zhengzhong back first?"

"Beat the big guy first! He is more dangerous." Lin Ge said.

"Oh! The Dragon God gave the order, and the Fire God Zhurong borrowed a method to kill evil spirits!" Ma Xiaoling knew that this was not the time to ask why, so she immediately made a "borrowed method" and cooperated with Lin Ge to attack the crow.

While the golden copper coin sword was shooting at Crow's face, Lin Ge took up the second technique and used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms: "The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law!"




When Crow Crow saw Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling breaking into Sadako's ghost realm, he was stunned at first, and then he was shocked when he saw Lin Ge's face clearly. As a result, before he could "reminisce about the past" and said a few words, Lin Ge started. A violent bombardment caught him off guard.

Crow immediately used magic to resist, but Lin Ge's attack was too fierce. He only blocked the first round of attacks, but ignored the incoming golden copper coin sword. With a "swish", his mask was cut off!

"You! Looking for death!" Crow looked at Lin Ge angrily, picked up the spell, and the black and white talismans behind him flew towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge threw out a large number of exorcism talismans, then changed the magic formula and used "Soul Controlling and Chasing Soul" to control these talismans infused with his own spiritual energy.


The yellow talismans flying all over the sky gathered together to form a talisman wall, blocking all the crow's talismans. Then, it turned into streaks of golden light and shot towards the crow.




The five- to six-meter-tall crow was like a living target. It was penetrated by dozens of golden lights in an instant. Golden light beams appeared on its body, and its body shrank accordingly.


The crow's pupils turned green, revealing the zombie's fangs, and turned into a second-generation zombie!

"Zombie!" Ma Xiaoling was stunned when she saw this. She was even more surprised when she saw the color of the crow's eyes. She didn't expect to meet the second-generation zombie here.

"Sadako, if you don't want Jin Zhengzhong to die, then find a way to control the crows with your ghost domain!" Lin Ge shouted to Sadako, and then attacked the crows again.

Lin Ge used the Yuling Soul Chasing Soul to control the yellow talismans in the sky to block the crow's attack. At the same time, he shouted to Ma Xiaoling on the side: "Hey, throw a nuclear bomb!"

"Nuclear bomb? What a mess..." Ma Xiaoling was about to complain when she suddenly recalled what the two of them said when they were dealing with bugs in the corridor.

On the other side, Sadako looked at the dying Jin Zhengzhong and decided to cooperate with Lin Ge. So he laid Jin Zhengzhong down and cast spells with both hands to control the area.

I saw the green code characters in the space gathered into two hands, one on the left and one on the right grabbing the crow. At the same time, the "space" around the crow quickly gathered, as if there were countless invisible walls squeezing towards him.

The "most interesting" thing in "Zombie", and also the most attractive to the audience, is the setting of zombies. The zombies here are different from the zombies in Uncle Ying's movies who can only jump around and strengthen their bodies. After they become zombies In addition to having to suck human blood and causing diarrhea when eating ordinary food, it actually has many advantages.

Such as eternal life, and...superpowers.

This "strengthening" will not disappear until five generations later, turning into a walking zombie that "died in the light". But five generations ago, they were not so much "monsters" as "Avengers".

Especially the second and third generations of zombies, they all have unique "superpowers", or strengthened abilities in a certain aspect. For example, the male protagonist "Kang Tianyou", as a second-generation zombie, his super power is "speed", and he is famous for being fast. It can even turn into an afterimage during battle, making the enemy dazzled and confused.

It's a pity that Kuang Tianyou in the play is just like a certain superhero who is famous for his speed. He is the fastest man in the play, but every rival is faster than him!

Such as crows.

Although the enhanced ability obtained by the crow after becoming a second-generation zombie is "spell", the strength of the zombie body itself is high enough. In addition, unlike Kuang Tianyou who makes a living by stealing expired blood from the hospital, the crow sucks all the blood. It is the blood of a living person. Over the past few hundred years, the strength of the zombie body has increased several levels.

At the moment, Crow wanted to rely on his zombie physique to take down Lin Ge with speed, but he was surprised to find that Lin Ge was more difficult to deal with than he thought. He seemed to have known his abilities well, and used a spell to block his body as soon as he made a move. offensive line. At the same time, Sadako on the side was still controlling the ghost realm. For a while, the crow was completely controlled by one person and one ghost!

"Hahaha! How can you, a dignified exorcist, join forces with a murderous god? How can you have the face to meet your ancestors and your master!" Crow kept casting spells to resist Sadako's oppression from the ghost realm. He relied on his body skills to dodge Lin Ge's golden sword and yellow talisman.

Lin Ge:? ? ?

Sure enough, as the saying goes, "Don't be afraid of bad people talking nonsense, just be afraid of bad people telling the truth." If this bad guy talks sense, his angle will be extremely tricky!

"You actually still have the energy to talk? Sadako, he is provoking you. This is your ghostland. This guy can still 'chat' in a couple. Are you trying to catch a fish? Or is he really strong enough to ignore it? Your ghost realm? I definitely can't bear it. Even if I exhaust the power of the ghost realm, I will trap him and prove myself!" Lin Ge said to Sadako.

Although Sadako was not so easily "provoked" by Lin Ge, she had to admit that Lin Ge was telling the truth, not to mention that she was able to become a fierce god with the help of the power of crow magic. She knew the power of crows better than anyone else. with terror. Now that she has the opportunity to get rid of the crow completely, she will naturally not let this opportunity go!


Sadako screamed, the corners of her kimono fluttered, and her black hair spread out, as if a strong wind was gathering around her. Then, the entire code world shook violently and seemed to be shrinking rapidly. Especially around Crow, those green codes and invisible walls were like shackles, completely trapping him.

When Lin Ge saw this, he immediately shouted to Ma Xiaoling: "Now!"

Now that he saw the crow here, Lin Ge was determined to take this opportunity to dismantle a piece of the iron triangle of the "Lan Dali Trio". He must not let the crow escape alive!

When Ma Xiaoling heard the words, she immediately formed a seal and recited the nine-character mantra: "Those who are approaching, fighting, and fighting are all arrayed in front! Punish the evil!"

Following a golden light, an enlarged version of the yellow talisman at least several meters long condensed behind Ma Xiaoling, followed by a loud dragon roar, the golden dragon flew out from the center of the yellow talisman, roaring and flying towards the crow!

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