Ma Xiaoling booked tickets for herself and Lin Ge for the next morning. When they arrived at Sakura Country, when they came out of the airport, they saw a driver holding a "Welcome Ma Xiaoling" sign standing at the door.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly, wondering if the driver had arranged it for her uncle.

You can go on a "business trip" every time. I have never seen this kind of treatment. You can't think of Uncle Qiu becoming considerate just because Lin Ge is here, right?

"Are you looking for Ma Xiaoling?" Ma Xiaoling walked over and asked.

The driver immediately put on a standard service smile and asked Ma Xiaoling in Japanese: "Are you Miss Ma Xiaoling?"


"Mr. You asked me to pick you up," the driver said.

"You Zhijie?"


Lin Ge joked from the side: "Tsk tsk, I thought he gave up last night, but he ended up waiting here. It's not bad. He even arranged a car, which is considerate enough."

Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes at Lin Ge: "How about introducing him to you?"

"You're welcome, you can keep it."


The driver looked at Ma Xiaoling and asked, "Miss Ma, where do you need me to take you?"

Ma Xiaoling said: "Go to the nearest place where you can see the sea."


The driver led Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge to where he parked their car, and then followed Ma Xiaoling's instructions and drove the car all the way to the beach.

However, the driver thought that Ma Xiaoling was here for a trip and the first stop was to "see the sea", so he deliberately found a beach with good scenery.

But good scenery means more people. Looking at the crowded beach, Ma Xiaoling suddenly had a headache. She looked at the driver and asked, "Is there a place with less people?"

"There are many people at scenic spots like this," the driver replied.

Ma Xiaoling said: "There is no need for scenic spots, as long as there are few people."

"Okay, then I'll change places." The driver said and started the car again.

Lin Ge looked at Ma Xiaoling and smiled: "I can't tell, but you speak Japanese quite well."

"I run an international company. In addition to Japanese and English, I can also speak a few other languages. How about it, is it awesome?" Ma Xiaoling said proudly.

Lin Ge nodded: "You are indeed very powerful, and you can also speak languages ​​that most people cannot."

"What is it?"


Ma Xiaoling said angrily: "You only know nonsense."

"Ha, I'm not talented. I'm really good at talking nonsense." When Lin Ge was learning spells from Uncle Jiu, he picked up talking nonsense by the way, but he didn't want to try "eating mud" again.

"Only a ghost would believe you."

This time the driver drove the car next to a remote road. There were many rocks, complex terrain, and strong waves. There were really not many people here to enjoy the scenery.

Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge came to a deserted place on the beach, took out a yellow talisman and three sticks of incense, first lit the talisman paper, then used the talisman paper to light incense, and finally placed the half-burned talisman paper on the ground, and put the three incense sticks. Put a stick of incense on it.

"Is this enough?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling nodded: "It should be here soon. This is the incense that guides the way. The water ghost that Uncle asked me to find will send the things directly here."

Lin Ge sighed: "Why should we open a cleaning company? If we just open a courier company, I'm sure it will be closed tomorrow regardless of whether it's good or bad."

"It makes sense, but how are you going to explain the 'ghost' problem? Or directly announce to the world that there are actually ghosts in this world?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Just as he was talking, I saw a burst of green light on the sea in front, flying all the way to the position of the three sticks of incense, and then two ugly, naked water ghosts, as skinny as hungry ghosts, each carrying a large iron box. , walked out of the green light.

"Thank you." Ma Xiaoling took out a handful of paper money and lit it. The two water ghosts took the money, said thank you cheerfully, put down the box and went back to the sea.

Ma Xiaoling knelt down and opened two large waterproof iron boxes. Inside were the "bandit equipment" that she had selected at Uncle Qiu's house.

"So... your previous Batman tank was also delivered in this way?" Lin Ge suddenly thought of the modified car that Ma Xiaoling drove without a license plate. Although Ma Xiaoling used magic to change the license plate, Obviously, he couldn't hide it from Lin Ge's discernment.

"Yes, but this time the destination is the Shikoku Building, and I don't need to find anyone, so I'm too lazy to send it over. After all, it costs a lot of money to go back and forth." Ma Xiaoling said.

Lin Ge sighed: "Other than 'cow', I really can't find another word to describe your water ghost consignment. Please give me a copy of this spell later."

Ma Xiaoling took the gun out of the box and put it into her bag. She and Lin Ge returned to the roadside carrying a large travel bag. The two of them went out empty-handed and "returned with a full load." The driver looked confused and suspected that the two of them were It’s not like going to the beach to “steal” stones.

"Miss Ma, where are we going next?" The driver knew that it was not his turn as a part-time worker to ask, so he asked Ma Xiaoling about her next destination.

"Shikoku Building."

"Shikoku Building?" The driver looked a little surprised when he heard the name.

Ma Xiaoling saw the change in the driver's expression in the rearview mirror and asked deliberately: "Is there something wrong with the Siguo Building?"

"Uh..." The driver hesitated, but finally said truthfully: "I heard that since last year... there have been rumors that the Shikoku Building is haunted. Later, the people there moved out one after another, and the whole building also It was empty. There were several young people making adventure videos who went in but didn’t come out. The police blocked it, Miss Ma, do you really want to go to the Shikoku Building?"

"If you are afraid, just send us nearby." Ma Xiaoling said.

"Oh well."

The driver drove the car all the way to the Shikoku Building, but seemed to be very resistant to it. He stopped the car across the street, and then helped Ma Xiaoling carry her luggage out of the car.

"Ms. Ma, the Shikoku Building is ahead. Excuse me, is there anything else you need me to do?" the driver asked.

Ma Xiaoling shook her head: "There is nothing left for you to do. You can go back."

"Understood." The driver was eager to leave this gloomy place quickly. Even though it was still a block away from the Shikoku Building, he could feel the gloomy wind.

I really don’t know what these two people are doing all the way here. Could it be that they are also exploring? The driver didn't have time to think about it and just drove away.

Lin Ge looked at the "Shikoku Building" in the distance, where the entire building was shrouded in thick black fog, and couldn't help but sigh: "The resentment is really overwhelming."

"What do you think of the big blood ten thousand character curse that sacrificed three thousand souls?" Ma Xiaoling said: "Don't waste time here, let's go see if the person Peacock is looking for is reliable."

The two came to the Shikoku Building, but there was no one around.

"It's really not reliable... Did you agree to find someone to deal with it? There is no one! If Sadako escapes, it will be difficult to find." Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

Lin Ge looked up into the fog. The strong resentment made his nose feel a little uncomfortable, but strangely, he always felt that the resentment had a "déjà vu" feeling.

Sadako had appeared once before in Kim Zhengzhong's home, and Lin Ge remembered Sadako's grievances when he came into contact with her. At this time, he could tell that part of the thick black mist in front of him was Sadako's grievances, but that was just It's a very small part. The black mist and resentment that enveloped the entire building did not come from Sadako.

The strangest thing was that Lin Ge always felt that he had come into contact with this resentment somewhere, but he thought about it for a long time, and even tapped the back of his right hand lightly to ask Huang Ni to help him judge, but he still had no clue.

"Do you think there is a possibility... that they went in?" Lin Ge said.

Ma Xiaoling was stunned. She saw that there was no one around, and she subconsciously thought that the other party had not sent anyone to deal with it. After Lin Ge said this, she realized that it was possible that the monks in Li Gaoye did not listen to her advice and went in.

Ma Xiaoling took out the Xuanguang mirror set presented by Uncle Qiu, took out the headset and put it on: "Uncle Qiu, we have arrived at the Shiguo Building, can you hear us?"

"I can hear it, very clearly." Soon, He Yingqiu's voice came from the headset.

Ma Xiaoling said: "Uncle please, I will start setting up the barrier now."

"You and Uncle Master go in different directions and walk around the building. I can use the Xuanguang Mirror to scan the size and location of the barrier you need to arrange." He Yingqiu said.


The two of them followed He Yingqiu's request and walked around the Shikoku Building with the Xuanguang Mirror. He Yingqiu quickly responded: "The range scan has ended. You can probably complete the barrier with a box of Xuanguang powder. "


Ma Xiaoling responded, and at the same time took out a cosmetic mirror, opened it, and blew it towards the building in front of her. She saw the gold powder in the mirror box flying out, flying towards the building like a small insect, covering the building.

Then, the gold powder turned into a golden light, and the black fog covering the building immediately dissipated a lot. Directly in front of the two of them, the black mist dispersed, revealing the main entrance of the building.

"Tsk, you really get what you pay for. This time the barrier-breaking Xuanguang powder is much easier to use." Seeing this, Ma Xiaoling couldn't help laughing.

He Yingqiu replied: "Of course, this is the recipe improved by your aunt herself."

"Then it's so expensive if you sell my aunt's improved formula to me!" Ma Xiaoling snorted.

He Yingqiu smiled and said: "It sounds like you are asking your aunt to get things for free... Don't forget that your aunt keeps saying that she has no research funds every day, so she tells you to work hard!"

"Ah!" Ma Xiaoling suddenly had a headache after hearing this, and quickly interrupted He Yingqiu's next words.

Lin Ge was walking when he suddenly stopped and raised his foot. There was a little red sticky substance on the toe of his shoe. He took out an exorcism charm, lit it and put it on the red sticky substance. He saw a faint black smoke. fly out.

Lin Ge immediately used the Soul Sealing Technique to grab it with his hand and seal the black smoke into the yellow talisman. I saw him holding the yellow talisman and frowning.

"What's wrong?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge said: "It seems that Sadako is not the only evil god here. This evil spirit is also a god-level evil spirit, including the black mist that envelopes the building. They all come from the same evil god, but it is definitely not Sadako."

"How do you know?" Ma Xiaoling asked curiously.

Before Lin Ge had time to explain, He Yingqiu's voice came from the earphones of the two of them: "Nonsense, it's not easy for Uncle Master to tell which ghost the resentment belongs to?"

"Yes, yes, your uncle is invincible." Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes and said angrily.

The two continued to walk forward. After taking a few steps, they saw several pieces of white clothes on the ground at the corner, and under each piece of white clothes, there was a pool of red goo.

"This... seems to be the robe of Monk Li Gaoye." Ma Xiaoling picked up a piece of clothing with the submachine gun in her hand and looked at it before saying.

Lin Ge looked at the middle of the clothes: "Look, these clothes have not taken off their belts, and only part of them are stained with red liquid... However, the whole clothes are wet, and there are a lot of unknown sticky substances."

"How can you take off your clothes without untying your belt?" Ma Xiaoling asked confused.

Lin Ge thought for a moment and said, "Do you think...does it look like being eaten by something, and then...vomiting out the clothes like 'shells'?"

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Lin Ge with a strange expression: "You have such a rich imagination, why don't you write a novel? Tell me, what can eat a person and spit out a complete piece of clothing?"

"Maybe... they will know." Lin Ge pointed to the corridor in front of him and said.

Ma Xiaoling looked in the direction Lin Ge pointed and saw that the corridor in front was also filled with white clothes. The difference was that there were also things like bamboo hats, staffs, and cymbals.

Lin Ge took out an exorcism stick and walked forward, picking up a piece of clothing. He saw half of a corpse underneath that had not been "digested", and a cloud of black smoke shrouded the short limbs, which was constantly "eroding" Corpses and entrails.

What's weird is that the corroded internal organs in the corpse are squirming as if they are still alive, giving people the feeling that a living person is being "gnawed".

"Ugh. What the hell is this?" Ma Xiaoling was used to seeing people in big scenes, but she still couldn't help but feel her stomach churn when she saw this scene.

Lin Ge was relatively calm: "Now you know it's not that my imagination is too rich, but that your imagination is not rich enough, right?"

"Thank you, I would rather not have such imagination." Ma Xiaoling glared at Lin Ge and said.

Lin Ge took out a evil-suppressing talisman, picked up the talisman and threw it at the corpse: "The world is infinite, the universe borrows dharma!"

The evil-suppressing talisman turned into a golden light and flew towards the black smoke at the broken joints of the corpse. With a "whoosh", a golden fire was ignited. However, what was surprising was that as the golden light spread, the black smoke seemed to be stimulated. It also burned like a raging fire and swallowed up half of the corpse in an instant.

Lin Ge was shocked: "Damn it, is it afraid that I will steal the food, so it hurriedly wolfed down the food before the power of the evil-suppressing talisman was exerted?"

"Stop talking, I'm really going to vomit. This is not 'food', this is a person!" Ma Xiaoling was really convinced. Who is this person? You can even make fun of her?

Lin Ge used a swing stick to lift open the clothes. The black smoke entangled under the clothes and ate the body. It seemed to have lost its target and stayed in place blankly.

Lin Ge took out the yellow talisman and used the Soul Sealing Technique to seal it.

"Be careful. I believe Sadako's taste is not that strong. Maybe there is a bigger guy here. After all, if you can cast the bloody 10,000-word curse, you are definitely not an ordinary person." Lin Ge thought in his mind about the character of the Shikoku Building in the play. There is only Sadako as a "big boss", and those monsters like zombies and zombies are just miscellaneous soldiers.

But now it seems that there is something more dangerous here!

But this is not what makes Lin Ge confused, but that he seems to have been "in contact" with these grievances, and the smell always gives him a familiar feeling.

However, since entering "Zero Date", I can count the enemies I have encountered on one hand, and it is not difficult to find the target by comparing them one by one.

If it's not the enemy in "Zombie Appointment", is it an opponent in "Zombie Taoist Master"?

Who has such strong taste?

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