Ma Xiaoling snatched the Soul Chasing Talisman from Singer Lin and patted his shoulder with a smile: "Haha, you are still useful in critical moments! When did you put it on?"

"I just put it there casually." Lin Ge was too embarrassed to say that he had put it two days ago, otherwise the other party would definitely think that he had some special fetish for Kim Zhengzhong and actually cast the soul-chasing charm on a grown man.

But at that time, he thought "Sadako" was just a small branch line that could be solved easily, but he didn't expect to pull out a murderous god.

Although the intensity of the fierce god is not high for him now, according to the ability shown by Sadako in the play, he can establish his own space in the Internet. How to enter Sadako's space is difficult for Lin Ge.

Ma Xiaoling was about to praise Lin Ge a few more words, but when she saw He Yingqiu slap her on the head, she cursed angrily: "No matter how big or small, this is your great-uncle!"

Ma Xiaoling: ...Please, I can't even scream, but I can't.

"However, the female ghost pulled me into the computer... Even with the soul-chasing talisman, can we enter the online world?" Ma Xiaoling did not want to dwell on the topic of "Master-uncle" and quickly changed the subject.

The soul-chasing talisman has certain regional restrictions, and it is difficult to track it if it goes too far. However, Lin Ge just pretended. After all, if he knew the plot, he knew that Sadako's "base camp" was in the Shikoku Building in Sakura Country.

Lin Ge was thinking about how to come up with a reason to deceive the explanation and positioning, when he heard He Yingqiu say: "I have new equipment that your aunt just sent, and it contains a scanner for spells. Come on, go to my place and talk about it."

"Scanning spells? My computer can also do it." Ma Xiaoling said.

He Yingqiu added: "The one I have is the latest model, but it has a lot of functions. I haven't figured it out for a while. Your aunt said that yours is an old model and should have been eliminated long ago."

Ma Xiaoling:......

"Then...what about me?" At this time, You Zhijie's voice floated next to him. He still seemed a little confused at this time, obviously he had not recovered from such a hot topic as "catching ghosts".

Ma Xiaoling then remembered that there was another "boss" who was innocently implicated, and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry for involving you. As you can see, in fact, my cleaning company... specializes in cleaning this kind of dirt. It's something. I usually take orders like this myself, but you are my old classmate, and I'm afraid...cough. You know. That's why I asked my friend to borrow this order."

"But the guy who was dragged into the computer by the female ghost today is my apprentice, and I have to go to Sakura Country to save him. In fact, I know what you mean after these two days of chatting together. But unfortunately, you and I are not from the same world. People. When we do our job, there is no tomorrow."

"I'm sorry. I'll treat you to dinner later to apologize."

You Zhijie was stunned for a moment, then said: " I understand what you mean, but so what? If I can persist for five years, I will not be broken by a simple career. Moreover, I am very capable You don’t have to worry about me, I can help you too.”

Lin Ge looked at the affectionate confession of "five years", and his mind automatically filtered out the hot memes "Five years, do you know how I spent these five years?", and wanted to say something, your ability is really not enough in front of Ma Xiaoling of.

Before she could say anything, Ma Xiaoling stepped forward, grabbed You Zhijie, threw him over her shoulder and threw him onto the sofa, and then said: "I got my black belt when I was 16 years old. Even so, I don't dare to say that every time. If you can live to see the sun the next day through your work, why should you, an ordinary person, get involved in our world?"

After saying that, Ma Xiaoling walked outside without looking back.

When He Yingqiu passed by You Zhijie, he sighed and patted him on the shoulder. He felt like he was in the same boat and sighed: "It's not easy to chase women from the Ma family. You've only waited for five years, and I've waited for fifty." It’s been several years, and I’m still waiting. If you don’t have perseverance, you’d better give up as soon as possible.”

You Zhijie looked at He Yingqiu blankly, not knowing whether he was knocked unconscious by Ma Xiaoling or whether he was wondering about the meaning of He Yingqiu's words.

Lin Ge, Ma Xiaoling and He Yingqiu went to the parking lot to pick up the car, and then all the way to the door of He Yingqiu's house. As soon as they parked the car, they saw a convertible sports car parked behind. You Zhijie got out of the car and came to Ma Xiaoling.

"Today you either throw me to death or take me with you to the Cherry Blossom Country. Now that I know your work, I can't let you go into danger alone." You Zhijie said seriously.

Lin Ge: ...Brother Licking, do you think I am air?

Ma Xiaoling said: "I'm really busy now and don't have time to explain to you. Please, uncle, ignore him. Let's go check the soul talisman first."

Although he was rejected by Ma Xiaoling again, You Zhijie followed him to He Yingqiu's home and watched several people working around a latest computer and printer.

"Uncle Qiu, aren't you? It's been half a month since you got this machine, and you still haven't figured out the most basic functions?" Ma Xiaoling said angrily as she looked at He Yingqiu who was in a hurry.

He Yingqiu flipped through the manual and said helplessly: "After all, this is something that came out of your aunt's laboratory. I can understand the principles of the magic in it, but in terms of technology... Do you think I look like I went to college?"

Lin Ge sighed and said, "Let me do it."

For Lin Ge, the 2004 computer was naturally not a problem for him. He put the soul-chasing talisman into the scanner according to the operating instructions in the manual.

Soon, a map appeared on the computer, locked at a place in Sakura Country.

"Sakura Country, Shikoku Building." He Yingqiu put on his reading glasses, approached the computer screen, and read out the address shown on the map.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go! Go to the Siguo Building immediately!" Ma Xiaoling said.

"Wait!" He Yingqiu stopped Ma Xiaoling who was about to leave, and said to Lin Ge: "Uncle, is there a way to find out the location information of all the deceased people suspected to be related to Sadako's webpage, centered on the Shikoku Building? I always feel that There is something fishy about this matter.”

Lin Ge: ...Nephew, you think highly of me.

He knows computers, but asking him to do technical work is obviously a bit "over the top." Although he could let Huang Ni try, he didn't want to expose Huang Ni's existence, nor did he want to explain.

However, in addition to Huang Ni, there was also a professional "IT man" at the scene, so You Zhijie was once again used as a tool and pressed in front of the computer.

"Uh, what do you need me to do?" You Zhijie asked.

He Yingqiu said: "Recently, there have been many incidents on the Internet about people who died because of logging into Sadako's website. Can you mark the locations of these deceased people on the map so that I can take a look."

"Let me try."

After You Zhijie finished speaking, he began to operate on the computer. After waiting for almost half an hour, he finally raised his head excitedly and looked at Ma Xiaoling aside: "Success!"

As he finished speaking, black dots slowly appeared on the map with the Shikoku Building as the center on the computer screen, eventually forming a "ten thousand" character.

"It's bad this time!" He Yingqiu's face suddenly changed when he saw the talisman, and he said, "This is - the Big Blood Ten Thousand-Character Curse!"

"Big Blood Ten Thousand Character Curse?" Ma Xiaoling looked at He Yingqiu without knowing why.

He Yingqiu explained: "About four hundred years ago, there was a traitor named Crow from the Kono magic monk in Japan. He was proficient in ancient magic and took refuge in a feudal lord who wanted to cause rebellion. Later, Tokugawa Ieyasu sent troops to attack and named the leader. Kill this crow. Seeing that the situation is over, the crow activates the Bloody Ten Thousand-Character Curse and dies together."

"If that's the case, then this person is really not simple. Because in fact, the blood curse has great limitations. First, you need to find a resentful soul with overwhelming resentment to be the soul seducer, and then use her to collect the resentment and souls of three thousand men before you can cast the spell. And it has to be completed within two months."

Ma Xiaoling heard this and said: "To collect so many souls in such a short period of time is simply impossible in today's world unless we use a computer network."

Lin Ge nodded: "So Sadako is the soul seducer. She absorbs all the men's yang energy and kills them. While making them resentful, she also seduces their souls."

He Yingqiu sighed: "Yes, Crow could have succeeded four hundred years ago. He used sorcery to make the feudal lord sacrifice his daughter as a messenger, but Yingyue was sent to die in vain by his father. It is inevitable that the resentment will rise, and these three The grievances and souls of thousands of men are the feudal lord's personal soldiers. Fortunately, Tokugawa Ieyasu had already killed the crow before the blood curse could exert its power. I didn't expect that there would be people today who can combine ancient and modern times. One can only imagine how many manipulators are behind the scenes. horrible!"

Ma Xiaoling said in a deep voice: "Who is so boring and plays such a trick for no reason?"

He Yingqiu said: "In short, the resentment on Zhongzhong's body is not optimistic now. We must rush to the Shikoku Building to save him as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late."

"What will happen if the blood curse succeeds?" Although Lin Ge knew the explanation of the Blood Curse in the play, he wanted to see if there was any difference in the Blood Curse here.

He Yingqiu shook his head and said: "This... I actually don't know what the effect will be after the Great Blood Ten Thousand Words Curse is successful, because no one has succeeded. But it is said that the yang will be exhausted and the yin will be long, and then there will be no difference between the yang world and the underworld. .”

At this time, You Zhijie suddenly said: "Uncle Qiu, you said that three thousand people need to be killed to seize the soul, but judging from the records from various places, it does not count that Kim Zhengzhong... Sadako has killed enough three thousand people, including Jin Zhengzhong There are three thousand and one people in the middle. Then why did she take Zhongzhong away?"

"No matter what she does, she will fly to Sakura Country to rescue Zhengzhong now," Ma Xiaoling said.

He Yingqiu said: "Before arriving at Sakura Country, we have to find a way to trap Sadako in the Shikoku Building to prevent her from escaping again. If she is allowed to wander around the Internet world, it will be very difficult for us to find her. Difficult."

"But the Shikoku Building is in Japan, what can we do?" Ma Xiaoling pondered.

"I'm thinking of someone..." Lin Ge thought that Riley was about to return to China, so Peacock, who was responsible for "guarding" him, would soon be unemployed.

Even if Peacock can't return home immediately, as a magic monk in Ura Takano, it shouldn't be difficult for him to find someone to deal with the problem of Shikoku Building.

What's more, this is an incident that happened in Sakura Country, so there is no reason for Takano Magic Monk to just sit back and watch.

"Peacock?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge and immediately thought of him.

Lin Ge nodded: "Riley is preparing to return to China. It is estimated that Peacock is not far away from leaving the UK. Give Riley a call and maybe you can find Peacock."

"Why don't you fight?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge was embarrassed to say that he was afraid that Riley would invite him to rob the tomb again, so he made up a random reason.

Ma Xiaoling could only call Riley herself. After explaining her intention, Riley cooperated very well and sent someone to find Peacock and handed him the phone.

When Peacock heard the call from Ma Xiaoling, her expression suddenly became a little weird, and she couldn't figure out what the exorcist with whom they had no relationship wanted to do with her.

"Hello? Ma Xiaoling?" Peacock answered the phone. After listening to Ma Xiaoling's explanation of her purpose, her face suddenly changed: "What! The Bloody Ten Thousand-Character Curse has returned to the world?"

"Yes, the place where the spell was cast is at the Shikoku Building in Sakura Country. We are rushing there to deal with it now, but I hope that before we arrive, you can find someone to go over and seal the entire building with a barrier to prevent the female ghost inside from leaving. However, You tell them not to go in, and I will rush over to join them as soon as possible," Ma Xiaoling said.

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then Peacock's voice rang out: "If the Bloody Thousand-Character Curse reappears in the world, we, Takano, will not sit idly by and do nothing. I will call them right away and send someone to deal with it."

"Thank you." Ma Xiaoling thanked her and hung up the phone.

On the other side, He Yingqiu has prepared a table full of "modern exorcism equipment," ranging from submachine guns and rifles to grenades and bombs.

You Zhijie stood by and looked dumbfounded, and said in surprise: "Are you going to fight...?"

He Yingqiu said seriously: "You are right, we are really going to fight. Saving Zhengzhong is important, but the success of preventing the Great Blood Ten Thousand Character Curse is even more important. I made these bullets with magic talismans, and the shells are all engraved Talismans are very lethal against spirits."

"It seems that you have a lot of research on these things." Lin Ge picked up the submachine gun and rifle on the table and looked through them. Not only were the Celestial Master Suppression Talisman engraved on them, but also a variety of functional talismans.

Such as the development talisman, the evil-repelling talisman, etc.

He Yingqiu smiled and said: "Haha, this is all the credit of my uncle. The concepts and methods you taught the brothers were passed on to me. Over the years, I have added some of my own ideas, modified some, and modified them without authorization. Research, please forgive me, uncle."

"Since you like to tinker with these things, then take these two secret books and study them." Lin Ge said, took out Chen Zhazhi and Li Ang's notes and handed them over, and said: "Remember to return them after reading them." I, oh, better make a copy by hand and return the original to me."

"Thank you, uncle! Thank you, uncle!" He Yingqiu said excitedly.

Ma Xiaoling came over and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you have so many good things. Master, uncle, ancestor, do you have my share?"

"No." Lin Ge refused decisively. After all, he was shuffling equipment in Ma Xiaoling's drawer at home, so there was nothing left for her.

Ma Xiaoling snorted, turned to look at He Yingqiu and said, "Thirty percent off."

"Twenty percent off."

"Zhengzhong can be regarded as half of your disciple, and why do you charge so much?"

"That's why I charge you a 20% discount. I got a 40% discount on the price, not to mention the money for modification materials and charms. Why should I have a 10% discount on the hard work fee?"

Lin Ge joked: "Just because you can get these weapons on Hong Kong Island, I think it's worth the price."

"Right, Xiaoling saw that her uncle said so."

"Nonsense, he wasn't the one who gave me the money. I fell in love with this brat. I'll settle the accounts with you slowly when I get back. You won't want your salary for the next ten years!" Ma Xiaoling complained.

After saying that, Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge again: "Hey, come with me to the Cherry Blossom Country."

"Yes, with Uncle Master accompanying you, you will be able to successfully rescue Zhongzhong and solve the problem of the Big Blood Ten Thousand Character Curse. But..." After saying that, He Yingqiu gave Ma Xiaoling another blow on the head: "What are you doing? Call me Uncle Master. No matter how big or small, what does it look like!"

Lin Ge smiled and said, "I will go if you issue the ticket."

"You care about this too?"

"You took all the money from anyone."

"whispering sound."

At this time, He Yingqiu took out two cosmetic mirrors from the box on the side: "Here are two Xuanguang mirror sets. With them, I can know your every move. You can also keep in touch with me through the Xuanguang mirror. This is considered a friendly gift from me, and I don’t charge any money. These things I have are more powerful than today’s electronic technology.”

"I really want to ask, how do you get on the plane with such a huge pile of things that will go to jail if found out?" You Zhijie asked curiously.

"Don't worry, if you buy anything from me, it will be delivered. A-Bian, come out." He Yingqiu said and shouted to the cabinet on the side.

As soon as he finished speaking, a ghost wearing ancient clothes, slightly fat, and glowing with green light appeared in the medicine cabinet.

"Uncle please, what's the matter?" asked the ghost.

He Yingqiu said in a serious tone: "Help me find two water ghosts and transport these things from the waterway to the Sakura Country Shikoku Building."

"I know." The ghost nodded and flew back into the cabinet.

You Zhijie:! ! !

Is this okay? ? ? ? ? ?

He Yingqiu ignored the shocked and petrified You Zhijie, but looked at Ma Xiaoling and said: "You remember, you must find Sadako's true body as soon as possible when you go to the Shikoku Building. She is the key to breaking the bloody ten thousand-character curse, otherwise you will be saved." It can't hit the target, and it can't stop the blood curse from being activated."

Ma Xiaoling asked: "As long as we find Sadako's true body and destroy it, can we break the bloody 10,000-word curse?"

He Yingqiu shook his head with a solemn expression: "Well, actually I don't know. I can only wait for you to go there first and find her true identity before we can think of a solution."

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