"Uncle Master, Xiaoling! The Xuanguang Mirror has detected the presence of spirits, and there are many of them. Be careful! There are hundreds, no, thousands of them! I don't know where they come from. You are everywhere!" A message suddenly came from the earphones. Lai He Yingqiu's anxious voice interrupted Lin Ge's thoughts.

After hearing this, Ma Xiaoling stood up and looked around alertly, but she saw nothing except the debris piled up in the dim stairwell.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound, and then directly in front and at the ends of the corridors on the left and right, a dark unknown object surged towards Lin Ge and the two of them.

If you look closely, you will see that countless bugs and mice have gathered together to form a "bug tide". They are so densely packed that it can make one's scalp tingle.

If you have trypophobia, you may faint directly.

"Bugs! Rats!" Ma Xiaoling was so frightened that she jumped towards Lin Ge. When she saw the dense scene, her hands were suddenly covered with goosebumps and her hair stood on end.

"No, you are the 40th generation descendant of the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan. Are you even afraid of bugs and mice?" Lin Ge was speechless.

"I exorcise demons but not insects!!!" Ma Xiaoling hung on Lin Ge and shouted.

Lin Ge sighed: "If you continue to hang sausages here, you will end up like those monks on the ground. In the end, only a brand-name skirt will be left on the ground."

"What to do, what to do! Help!" Ma Xiaoling shouted.

Lin Ge said: "What do you mean, borrowing magic from the God of Fire? Aren't they afraid of fire, whether it's bugs or mice? If you cast a spell, why should you be afraid of these bugs?"

"Yes, I know magic!" Ma Xiaoling was stunned for a moment as she hung on Lin Ge. Suddenly, she was so panicked by so many bugs that she almost forgot that she was an exorcist.

"Cough, cough."

Ma Xiaoling got off Lin Ge, coughed twice to hide her embarrassment, stepped forward and pinched the magic formula: "Dragon, Dragon God's order, Fire, God, Zhu Rong borrows the magic to kill evil!"

Those bugs had a great impact on Ma Xiaoling, making her even stutter when reciting the incantation. Fortunately, the spell was successfully completed, and a ball of flame gathered in Ma Xiaoling's palm.


The flames in Ma Xiaoling's palm exploded instantly, bypassing her and Lin Ge, and surged in all directions like a wave. The corridor was illuminated in an instant, and bursts of crackling and burning sounds were heard at the same time.

However, as the fire wave burned, the bugs and rats gathered together and formed a huge ball rolling towards Lin Ge and Lin Ge from the corridor.

The wall of fire directly in front was instantly dispersed by the "worm ball".

Ma Xiaoling would rather face fierce ghosts than these bugs. She was immediately frightened and panicked, and at the same time she had a tendency to attack Lin Ge.

"Quick, quick, come on, come on!"

"Stand behind." Lin Ge stepped forward and blocked Ma Xiaoling from behind. At this time, Ma Xiaoling's combat effectiveness was not even as good as a grenade.

However, we are not watching a TV series now. The protagonist can find Sadako's true identity no matter how he runs. Lin Ge needs to find it layer by layer.

Although there are many grenades in the "goods" supplied by He Yingqiu, if these grenades explode, the bugs will be gone and the corridor will most likely collapse.

To be on the safe side, Lin Ge decided to use magic to try to block these bugs first. He took out a yellow talisman and stuck it in his palm, then pinched the magic talisman and pushed forward with a palm!

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

Lin Ge shot out golden light palms towards the corridors on three sides, just like using the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.




Streams of golden light flew out and exploded violently when they hit the bugs. Although the physical explosion was not as good as a grenade, the explosion of golden light had an excellent effect on the bugs formed by resentment!

In an instant, the entire corridor was covered with bugs, most of which were "purified" by Lin Ge. When Ma Xiaoling saw this, she suddenly became happy: "Quick! Quick! Quick! Blow them up, blow them up!"

"Hey, eldest sister, you can also do this kind of magic!" Lin Ge said angrily.

"Yes! I can do it too!" Ma Xiaoling suddenly realized, hiding behind Lin Ge and started casting spells again——

"The Dragon God gave the order, and the Water God Yinji borrowed the method to punish the evil!"

"The Dragon God's decree, the earth, fire, sky and wind use their methods to kill the evil!"

"Dragon God's decree, Lei Gongzhenzi borrows the method to punish the evil!"


"Dragon God's Order!"

Lin Ge: ...Your Dragon God is very busy. He has been busy running around to help you "borrow the law" all day long. For a long time, your Ma family has been practicing "face-saving".

"Lin, soldiers, fights, and those are all——" Ma Xiaoling began to form the nine-character mantra.

Seeing this, Lin Ge quickly covered Ma Xiaoling's mouth and interrupted the casting: "No, no, insect killing the dragon god, you are no longer the chicken killing the knife, it is insecticidal throwing a nuclear bomb!"


Lin Ge pointed forward and said, "There are no more bugs. Let's leave quickly."

"My, my legs are weak." Ma Xiaoling said with a grimace.


Although Ma Xiaoling's reaction to these bugs in the play was extremely strong, Lin Ge did not expect that reality could be so strong that she could not walk. Seeing that the bugs in the other corridors were about to pass through the fire waves, Lin Ge didn't have time to think too much, he picked up Ma Xiaoling and rushed towards the room at the end.

After rushing into the room, Lin Ge looked around and found no bugs in the room. He was relieved and put Ma Xiaoling down and urged: "Put up a barrier to block those bugs!"

"Bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu." Ma Xiaoling was shocked, rubbing the goosebumps on her arms and shouted, "Those bugs are so disgusting!"

Lin Ge said calmly: "Then prepare to enjoy a feast of bugs. They will burrow into your skin and burrow in your flesh, and then the mice will crawl all over your body and eat only one part of you. With bones!"

"Bu, I can't do it!" Ma Xiaoling quickly took out a makeup mirror, opened it, stood in front of the door, pinched the magic formula and cast it.

"The Dragon God ordered, the Wind God borrowed a method to become invisible!"

I saw the door in front of me slowly disappearing and turning into a wall. There were still sounds of insects and mice crawling outside the door, but the sounds were getting farther and farther away, and it was obvious that they were deceived by Ma Xiaoling's barrier.

Hearing the noise outside getting smaller and smaller, Ma Xiaoling finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's go. Those bugs are finally gone. It's so scary."

Lin Ge was too lazy to pay attention to the exorcist who was afraid of insects, and asked He Yingqiu, "Did you see anything over there?"

"There is no movement outside for now, but I found some information about Sadako." He Yingqiu said, reading out the information he found related to Sadako.

"Sadako's full name is Fujiwara Sadako. She suffered from autism after her parents died. Her IQ is as high as 138. By the time she was eighteen, she was already an excellent programmer."

"But six months ago, Sadako's personality suddenly changed and she became very afraid of men. The psychiatrist suspected that she had been violated by a man, so she developed an extreme phobia. After that, Sadako disappeared. So how did she become the seducer of the blood curse? , there is no way to check it.”

"Maybe Sadako wanted to use the power of the blood curse to take revenge on the man. The monster that attacked you just now should have been transformed by the resentment of the murdered man."

"No, the Xuanguang Mirror shows that Sadako is outside your house!"

As soon as He Yingqiu finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" sound. The "Wind God Invisibility Barrier" set up by Ma Xiaoling seemed to be cracked, and the door appeared again.

And the metal on the door seemed to have melted, forming a ferocious human face, roaring at Lin Ge and the other two, trying to "squeeze" into the house.

Gradually, a human figure formed on the door, trying to rush in with all its teeth and claws. At first glance, the figure was somewhat similar to Sadako.




With Sadako's scream and a loud bang, the metal door flew towards Lin Ge in the room. Lin Ge raised his palms, took the blow forcefully, and knocked the metal door away.

There was no trace of Sadako outside the door, but green beetles like cockroaches and black rats were densely packed and overwhelming.

They filled the entire corridor and formed a wall, blocking the doorway.

"Ah!!!" Ma Xiaoling screamed in fright when she saw this, and the harsh sound almost made Lin Ge mistakenly think that Sadako had teleported behind her.

Seeing that the insects outside the door were trying to swarm into the room, Lin Ge quickly grabbed Ma Xiaoling's arm and pulled her in front of him. At the same time, he grabbed her arms with both hands and blocked her towards the door.

"Lin Ge! You bastard! Do you still have humanity!" Ma Xiaoling was so frightened that she closed her eyes and shouted. Her cautious rationality made her decide to curse before she died.

"Be quiet. Open your eyes and see for yourself. Are the insects outside moving?" Lin Ge sighed.

Ma Xiaoling opened her eyes carefully, and sure enough she saw that there was no movement in the "insect wall" outside the door. The insect wall even moved back a little because of her leaning forward.

"How could this happen?" Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

Lin Ge said: "Didn't you just listen to what my nephew said? These bugs and rats were transformed by the resentment of the man killed by Sadako. As an exorcist, you should know that an ordinary person is killed by a vicious god, even if it turns into resentment Even evil spirits are instinctively afraid of the evil spirit that kills them. These bugs and mice are afraid of Sadako. Sadako is a woman, and you are also a woman."

Ma Xiaoling suddenly realized, then turned around, stepped on Lin Ge's foot, pushed it away a few times, and cursed: "So what! This is not the reason for you to push me out, you are still not a man, no matter what If your guess is wrong, wouldn’t I just feed the worms?”

Of course, Lin Ge couldn't say "That's how it was played on TV", so he could only brazenly lie: "Don't worry, I am 98% sure to ensure your safety, and even if you are dragged away by a bug, I am still 100% sure. I will find a way to save you. Just be at ease!"

Ma Xiaoling: ...I believe you.

"Uncle please, even if these bugs are afraid of women, we can't get out because they're blocked outside. Don't ask me to scare them away, then I'd rather not get out!" Ma Xiaoling said into the headset.

He Yingqiu replied: "There should be a ventilation slot in the corner."

"Really?" Ma Xiaoling ran to the corner of the room and took a look. Sure enough, there was a ventilation slot on the roof. She turned back and shouted to Lin Ge: "Let's get out of here quickly."

As soon as Ma Xiaoling left, the bugs and mice at the door were about to move. Lin Ge raised his hand and threw out a Suppression Talisman. He squeezed the talisman to temporarily calm the bugs at the door. He stepped forward and said, "Then you have to think clearly. If these bugs and mice chase after them, In the narrow ventilation duct, you won’t be able to escape even if you want to.”

"What should I do? I don't want to go out and deal with those bugs." Ma Xiaoling said.

Lin Ge said: "I don't have the habit of leaving hidden dangers for myself. The best way is to get rid of all these bugs before leaving."

"Ah... there are so many bugs, even if we have to kill them, when will they be killed?" When Ma Xiaoling heard that she was asked to kill the bugs, goosebumps suddenly appeared on her arms.


Lin Ge actually didn't have a good idea on how to deal with these bugs at once. But he suddenly thought that since these bugs were formed from the resentment of being killed by Sadako, they were still "ghosts" in nature.


Lin Ge took out a pesticide sprayer from the [Inventory]. It was one of a lot of sundries he bought online with the "commission" given by Riley.

Ma Xiaoling watched in surprise as Lin Ge poured medicine into the pesticide sprayer, but what surprised him was not the pesticide sprayer. After all, he had seen a lot of express delivery at home before, including this pesticide sprayer. At that time, she asked curiously Lin Ge asked what she wanted to buy, but the other party replied "Collect", and she immediately didn't want to answer the phone.

What surprised Ma Xiaoling at this time was where Lin Ge had hidden such a big thing along the way, and how could it suddenly "change"!


Lin Ge thought Ma Xiaoling was asking him what he put into the pesticide sprayer, so he answered truthfully: "Oh, this is the ghost-repelling spray you put in the drawer in the living room. I took a dozen bottles and mixed them with water, so there are so many. "

"I'm not talking about whether to mix it with water or not. It's about where you put this thing before... Wait! You took more than a dozen bottles of ghost-repelling spray from the drawer in the living room? But isn't there a total of more than a dozen bottles?"

"Yes, I took them all. You said you can use the talismans and props casually."

"Then you are too casual! Do you know how much it costs? Eight thousand yuan for a bottle, nearly 150,000 yuan, and you spent all of it?"

Lin Ge looked at the "insect wall" outside the door and said calmly: "Then how about you find a way to deal with these insects."

"Oh, I made a fortune in the UK anyway, not much more than a hundred thousand." Ma Xiaoling said seriously.

Lin Ge poured buckets of ghost-repelling water mixed with water into the pesticide sprayer, then carried it on his back, holding the switch and sprayer, and turned to Ma Xiaoling and said, "Follow closely."

"Do you really want to go out?" Ma Xiaoling asked with a grimace. She really didn't want to go out and face those bugs.

"Then you stay here."

After Lin Ge finished speaking, he walked to the door and pressed the switch. The sprayer sprayed the "ghost-repelling" pesticide outwards. As soon as the bugs and mice were touched by the pesticide, they let out a man's miserable howl, and then transformed. A black mist formed and slowly dissipated.

In just an instant, a big hole was sprayed out of the "worm wall" at the door. Seeing that the potion was effective, Lin Ge immediately caught the remaining bugs and sprayed them randomly.

"Wait for me!" Seeing Lin Ge destroy the insect wall in the blink of an eye, Ma Xiaoling immediately chased after him.

Lin Ge sprayed the spray in front, and Ma Xiaoling followed him to "deter" the bugs around, and soon the bugs in the corridor were cleaned up.


The remaining bugs seemed to know the horror of "pesticide". With the explosion of black mist, bugs and mice all transformed into their original shapes. A large group of resentful ghosts crowded the corridor, all of them men.

Ma Xiaoling saw the ghosts and ghosts crowding the entire corridor in front of her, and her eyes no longer had the "fear" of seeing the bugs before. She raised her hand, took out the exorcism stick from her makeup bag and flicked it.

"Ha. Are you finally willing to show your true colors? Then let's all die, Dragon God orders!" Ma Xiaoling shouted coldly.

Lin Ge: ...Your Dragon God is really busy.

This is from yesterday. I just realized that I forgot to time it. There are two more chapters tonight. I’m really sorry.

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