Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 258: Blackening like an explosive seed, the strength triples first!

Evil god?

Lin Ge had just dealt with a "Wraith Soul" here, and before he had time to lament that the "Nightmare Difficulty" did not improve the ability of these branch enemies, the Lord God backhanded him and sent him a Fierce God to ask him if he was surprised or not!

Although for Lin Ge, as long as the other party's ghost domain is not a particularly troublesome type, it usually does not pose a threat to his life.

But unfortunately, the ability shown by Sadako in the play is indeed "tricky".

Lin Ge was about to ask He Yingqiu about the specific situation there when a busy signal came from the phone.

"What happened?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge said with a solemn expression: "Yingqiu called, something happened to Kim Zhengzhong, and there is a fierce spirit in his house. After Yingqiu said this, the phone was disconnected."

"Then let's go back quickly!" Ma Xiaoling hurriedly walked out.

Lin Ge looked at the fainted You Zhijie and asked, "What should I do with this guy?"

"Take him with you. It's not you who caused the trouble. If you leave him here, what if there are other ghosts?" Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

The two of them could only take You Zhijie with them and return to Jiajia Building all the way.

When I arrived at the door of Jin Zhengzhong's house, I saw He Yingqiu sneaking in at the door. The door of Jin Zhengzhong's house was open and the lights were turned off, but it didn't look like there was anyone there.

Lin Ge put You Zhijie in front and helped He Yingqiu up: "Yingqiu, wake up."

"Uncle please, uncle please!" Ma Xiaoling first stretched out her hand to detect He Yingqiu's breathing, and found that he had just fainted, then she kept patting his face and called out.

Lin Ge: ...your slap has some personal grudges in it.

But He Yingqiu was really slapped awake by Ma Xiaoling. He subconsciously picked up the magic formula and jumped up: "Monster, He Yingqiu is here, don't let me... be so arrogant. Uncle Master, Xiaoling!"

"Uncle please, what happened?" Ma Xiaoling asked urgently.

He Yingqiu yelled "Oops", turned around and rushed into the door of Jin Zhengzhong's house. Seeing the empty and messy living room, he ran to the bedroom to check.

"Please, Uncle! I'm talking to you." Ma Xiaoling chased after her, extremely anxious.

He Yingqiu said with a solemn expression: "I originally wanted to come here today to ask my uncle about some spells. When I came, there was no one at your house, so I stopped by Zhengzhong's house to sit there. But as soon as I arrived at the door, I felt a strong smell in Zhengzhong's house. Strong evil aura. When I opened the door, I felt like I had a 'hateful face'. At this moment, a white shadow flew out of the computer he placed in the living room, and it turned out to be a female ghost!"

"I fought with the female ghost, but I didn't expect it to be a vicious god! The vicious god wanted to kill me, but stopped her in the middle, then picked up the computer and ran away. I quickly dialed my uncle's phone number, but he didn't Before I could elaborate, I felt someone knocking me from behind..."

"It's strange. It was obviously the back of the head. Why does my face hurt so much?" He Yingqiu said strangely, touching his face.

"Maybe you hit your face when you fainted." Ma Xiaoling said with uncertain eyes.

He Yingqiu knew that it was not a matter of having trouble with his face now. Jin Zhengzhong had disappeared with a fierce god, and even he could not deal with this fierce god, let alone Jin Zhengzhong.

"Uncle Master, what should we do now?"

Lin Ge thought for a while, picked up the magic formula and used the visualization technique.

He had placed development charms around Jiajia Building before. As soon as the spell was cast, countless "screens" appeared in front of him like a control room.

When Ma Xiaoling saw this, she was surprised and said: "Ma's imaging technique? You can actually use so many at one time?"

He Yingqiu sneered from the side and said, "Will this trouble my uncle? Your aunt asked you to follow him because she wants you to learn from him."

Ma Xiaoling muttered: "I didn't learn anything. He did learn a lot of Ma family's spells from me. I don't know if he was a spy sent by the other family."

"What did you say?" He Yingqiu's face turned cold.

Ma Xiaoling smiled like a fake boy and said, "I said 'Grandpa Lin' is awesome!"

"Found it." After some investigation, Lin Ge found that one of the developing talismans saw Jin Zhengzhong leaving Jiajia Building 20 minutes ago with a laptop in his arms and heading towards North Street.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaoling said: "But we can only see Zhongzhong walking towards North Street with his computer, and I don't know where he is now."

In the play, after spending a few days with Sadako, Kim Jong-joong's "relationship warmed up", so he spent a lot of money to buy a laptop, first took her to eat butter pineapple buns, and then took her to his favorite place to watch the stars. .

Lin Ge thought of this plot and asked, "Is there any place that Zheng Zhong often goes to, or a place where he goes to relax when he's not in a good mood?"

"Relax?" Ma Xiaoling and He Yingqiu looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Ah! Yes! I know a place. Every time I scold him, Kim Zhengzhong likes to go there and howl at the stars in the sky." Ma Xiaoling said.

He Yingqiu said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go. Let's go now."

Jin Zhengzhong is indeed just like in the play, he is so fascinated by Sadako that he even ignores the order Ma Xiaoling took and only thinks about "dating" with Sadako.

In order to make it easier for him to be with Sadako, Jin Zhengzhong took out his savings and spent a huge amount of money to buy the latest "laptop". He was about to take Sadako shopping when he met Uncle Qiu.

As the 41st generation descendant of the Ma family, Jin Zhengzhong can still identify Sadako's identity even though he has no great abilities. It's just that he is "disliked" by others every day. It's rare for someone (a ghost) to care about him so much and stay with him day and night. He doesn't care whether the other person is a human or a ghost. He is very satisfied when his lonely heart is comforted.

So, Jin Zhengzhong took Sadako (notebook) to his favorite breakfast restaurant to eat butter pineapple buns, went shopping to buy clothes, and finally came to the grass by the river, lying on the ground and watching the stars.

Seeing the stars in the sky, Sadako on the screen also showed a look of surprise and sighed: "It's so beautiful. I haven't seen the stars in a long time."

Jin Zhengzhong asked curiously: "Where do you live? Why can't you see the stars?"

Sadako seemed a little hesitant, but finally said: "...It's none of your business, and soon you won't be able to see the stars."

"Why do you guess my thoughts every time? I really came here to say goodbye to them. In the past, when I was unhappy, I would come here and yell at the stars to vent my dissatisfaction. After I yelled, I would It will be much more comfortable. But I won’t need it in the future. If I’m not happy in the future, I’ll have you to make me happy.”

With that said, Jin Zhengzhong stood up and waved to the stars in the sky: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone, thank you for your hard work. You can rest now. Goodbye! I don't need you anymore. Someone cares about me now. I finally have someone who cares about me." Yes! Thank you, thank you for your continued care."

Kim Jung-jung seems to be very free and easy, but in fact he expresses the sadness of being extremely lonely.

After his parents moved abroad, he was alone here.

Although she has Ma Xiaoling as her master, she almost always stays with Wang Zhenzhen. Now that Lin Ge is here, he seems even more lonely.

Fortunately, I met Sadako and finally had someone to accompany me.

Sadako looked at Jin Zhengzhong who waved goodbye to the stars and said, "You have such a sweet mouth, and you are as good at coaxing girls as any other man."

"If only I could really coax girls, I wouldn't be scolded so badly by my master every day. I actually don't understand this, but you seem to know better than me. Have you had many boyfriends before?" Jin Zhengzhong asked.

"Two thousand nine hundred and sixty-two."

"You're talking about the ones you met online, right? Those are not real people. Have you noticed that they all say they are tall, mighty, and handsome?"

"Yes, it's all lies. Deceiving girls and deceiving their feelings." Sadako's eyes turned cold when she said this.

Jin Zhengzhong said: "I don't think everyone is like this, maybe it's just a small part. In fact, everyone is very lonely and wants to find someone to care about themselves and find comfort online."


"Think about it, if you were not lonely and lived a fulfilling life in reality, why would you go online every night? In fact, it is very interesting to say that it connects a group of people who do not know each other, and everyone cares for and supports each other online, so that people who are originally lonely can People are no longer lonely. Just like me and you, we don’t have to face each other after going online. We can do things that we can’t do in real life... For example, weak people become brave, and ugly people become handsome. Shy people suddenly become funny and bold. Just like me, you don’t think I talk too much, but I’m actually very shy.”

Jin Zhengzhong kept telling Sadako what he was thinking, and for the first time in front of others, he showed his lonely side that longed for care.

"Are you shy too?" Sadako asked with a smile.

Jin Zhengzhong smiled and said: "Yeah, you didn't expect it, right? I won't tell you that you don't know. In fact, I have never dated a girlfriend. But for some reason, after meeting you, I seem to have become bolder. Even 'I like you' The same kind of words can be said easily."

"When did you say that?"

"Didn't I just say that?" Jin Zhengzhong smiled, lay down next to his notebook, looked at the stars in the sky and said: "Actually... I have known that you are a ghost for a long time. Isn't it funny? I have never found someone who understands me in my whole life. A person like me, when found, turns out to be a ghost. For a person like me, it can be said to be a failure."

"But it doesn't matter if you think about it. At least one ghost understands me. Many people don't even have this opportunity. If possible, I really don't mind being with a ghost for the rest of my life. In fact, it's quite romantic when you think about it. , after a girl dies, her soul remains in the computer.”

"Not long after, she met a boy on the Internet, a guy who always did wrong things and had no future, but the girl didn't care at all, and often supported him, encouraged him, and cared about him, making the boy feel... Warmth, in the end, she and this boy grew old together, living together in two places, don’t you think it’s great?”

Jin Zhengzhong said to himself, with a smile on his face, as if he was also imagining the beauty of growing old together with Sadako.

Sadako's eyes also softened and asked: "Are you really willing to be with me for the rest of your life? Even if I am a ghost? Aren't you afraid?"

Jin Zhengzhong sat up, looked at Sadako on the screen, and said with a smile: "I am the 41st descendant of the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan. I am the kind who specializes in catching ghosts. Aren't you afraid? Haha... But, Maybe it won’t be the case in the future. It doesn’t matter, I have nothing to do in the future anyway… I agreed.”

"You knew I was a ghost and you still promised me?" Sadako asked again.

"You stayed with me for so long even though you knew I was lying?" Jin Zhengzhong asked rhetorically. After a pause, he added: "Actually, I've been very happy these days. They are the happiest days I've had in the past few years. I don't have to endure the pain every day. No matter how much I scold him, there are still people who accompany me and care about me every day. I have never been so happy in my life, and I am willing to die."

"I'm so sleepy. If I fall asleep, will you leave me?" Jin Zhengzhong looked at the stars in the sky and asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I feel like I'm in a dream these days, and I'm afraid I'll never see you again when I wake up."

"Me too, I seem to be dreaming too. Aren't you afraid that after you fall asleep, I will reach out and kill you?"

"If you want my life, take it. I'm really tired and sleepy, and I really want to take a rest." Jin Zhengzhong said, his voice getting lower and lower, and finally he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Sadako looked at Jin Zhengzhong outside the screen, slowly raised her hand, and then hesitated again and took her hand back. But as her soft gaze gradually turned cold, she raised her hand again, and when she was about to touch the screen, she suddenly heard a call from the distance.


Ma Xiaoling, Lin Ge and He Yingqiu ran down the slope. He Yingqiu immediately helped Jin Zhengzhong up. After discovering that he just fell asleep, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "He just fell asleep."

Seeing Jin Zhengzhong's dark and angry face, Ma Xiaoling suddenly felt angry and slapped him on the face: "Still sleeping! If you don't get up soon, do you know that we are worried about you!" "

Ma Xiaoling didn't know what was wrong. At this moment, she just felt that Jin Zhengzhong seemed hateful, and she wished she could slap him ten or eight times to get rid of the anger in her heart.

At this moment, Lin Ge pushed Ma Xiaoling away: "Be careful!"

I saw a pale hand slowly stretching out from the laptop screen on the side, followed by a head, a head with long black hair hanging loose.

Sadako once again performed her extremely penetrating appearance. Ma Xiaoling was about to cast a spell to stop her, but she saw Lin Ge stepping forward and kicking the notebook into the river.

"Let's go!"

With a "plop", Sadako, who had just stretched out half of her head from the laptop, flew over the guardrail with the computer and fell into the river.

"Done!" Lin Ge clapped his hands and couldn't help but smile: "I have wanted to do this for a long time. I didn't seize the opportunity last time. I didn't expect to get what I wanted this time."

Ma Xiaoling:......

At this time, He Yingqiu said urgently: "Zhengzhong's condition is not quite right. He seems to have had evil energy enter his body, eroding his Yang energy. Let's go back quickly."

Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling hurriedly stepped forward to help, carried Jin Zhengzhong to the car, and rushed all the way back to Jiajia Building.

However, as soon as the few people left, they saw a whirlpool rising from the originally calm river surface. Then the river water turned black, and the rapid flow started to roll like waves.

Back at Jiajia Building, Wang Zhenzhen guarded the fainted You Zhijie at the door of Jin Zhengzhong's house. When she saw a few people coming back, Wang Zhenzhen hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Xiaoling, your friend hasn't woken up yet... Zhengzhong? What's wrong with him?"

Several people went out to look for Jin Zhengzhong, but they couldn't just throw You Zhijie at the door, so Ma Xiaoling went to find Wang Zhenzhen and asked her to help keep an eye on You Zhijie first.

"Let's carry it in together and then talk." He Yingqiu said.

Several people carried Jin Zhengzhong and You Zhijie to the sofa in the living room. Ma Xiaoling didn't want Wang Zhenzhen to come into contact with these mysterious things, so she said: "Zhenzhen, um... we have been busy looking for Zhengzhong and haven't eaten yet. Can you please help us make some food? When Zhengzhong wakes up, we will go there together."

Wang Zhenzhen didn't think much about it, so she followed Ma Xiaoling's request and went back to her home to prepare food.

As soon as she left, He Yingqiu stood in front of Jin Zhengzhong, held up the magic formula, and pointed it at Jin Zhengzhong's forehead, and saw a black air flying out from the center of his eyebrows.

"Uncle please, how is the situation in the middle?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

He Yingqiu shook his head and sighed: "The situation is not good. The invasion of evil energy is very serious. Now his yang energy is damaged and it will be difficult to wake up for a while. People with sufficient yang energy are very repulsive to resentment, and they will be affected by the evil spirit." He was influenced by him and possessed by resentment, so when we saw him, we all felt disgusting."

"What happened to Zhengzhong? How could he be possessed? Is it related to the laptop just now?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

He Yingqiu looked at Ma Xiaoling and asked, "Have you ever heard of... Sadako's website?"

Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

"There is a rumor recently that many men go online and browse the 'Sadako Web Page', and they will die smiling in front of the computer after seven days."

Ma Xiaoling was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

"That's what the rumor is, but I don't know much about computers. Even if I want to find that web page to crack, I don't know where to start for a while." He Yingqiu said.


Ma Xiaoling then looked at You Zhijie who was lying aside: "He is in IT and is the vice president of the company's Asia region. He should know a lot about computers!"

After saying that, Ma Xiaoling rushed to You Zhijie, dropped a few big-eared melon seeds, and said hurriedly: "Hey, You Zhijie, wake up quickly, you just saw a ghost, how long will you continue to faint!"

You Zhijie sat up in a daze, stared at Ma Xiaoling for three seconds, then suddenly jumped up and screamed: "Ghost, ghost, Xiaoling, there is a ghost!"

Lin Ge grabbed the collar of You Zhijie who was about to run out of the house and pulled him back: "Calm down, it's just a ghost, it's not like there are mice."

You Zhijie:? ? ?

Ma Xiaoling pulled You Zhijie over, pushed him back onto the sofa, looked at him and asked seriously: "Zhijie, do you know anything about computers?"

You Zhijie nodded subconsciously.

"That's just right, do us a favor."

You Zhijie was pinned down in front of the computer by Ma Xiaoling in a daze. It seemed that he had not recovered from the shock of seeing the ghost just now, but when faced with Ma Xiaoling's request, he could not say no at all.

"What do you need me to do?" You Zhijie asked.

He Yingqiu replied: "Help us check which web pages Kim Jong-zhong has browsed and see if we can find something called 'Zhenzi's web page'. It would be better if we could find out the address and find Zhenzi's location. .”

"Let me try." You Zhijie said and started to operate the computer.

At this time, Lin Ge, who was standing aside, suddenly smelled the growing resentment in the room. When he looked at Jin Zhengzhong again, he saw a thick layer of black energy covering his entire face.

"As requested, something is wrong in Zhongzhong." Lin Ge said.

He Yingqiu heard the words and immediately came over to check on Jin Zhengzhong. Seeing the black aura on his face, he frowned immediately, took out a piece of three black paper figures connected together, and pinched the magic formula: "Open the door of the underworld, call in The kid saved me right in the middle! Hurry up like the law!"

Three black paper figures turned into three little ghosts wearing shrouds and guarded Jin Zhengzhong. They opened their mouths and inhaled, and the black air on Jin Zhengzhong's face was immediately sucked into their stomachs.

Suddenly, Jin Zhengzhong opened his eyes suddenly, sat up from the sofa, and hit He Yingqiu on the shoulder with a "slap", knocking him back. He stood up hurriedly and looked around nervously, and said hurriedly: "Zhenzi, Sadako! Where are you, Sadako? You promised not to leave me, Sadako!"

"It's you, it must be you. Give me Zhenzi back!" Jin Zhengzhong roared angrily, took out the Buddha's palm from his waist and swung it like a stick. The three little ghosts in front of him swept them sideways and returned them to their original shapes.

Ma Xiaoling supported He Yingqiu and scolded: "Jin Zhengzhong, what are you going to do!"

"Master, I want to ask you what you are going to do! Where is Zhenzi? Return Zhenzi to me quickly! Give it back to me!" Jin Zhengzhong roared with a ferocious face.

Ma Xiaoling said angrily: "Jin Zhengzhong! You have been deceived by a ghost, haven't you? Look at what you are doing. If you persist in your obsession, I will expel you from the school!"

"Master, are you really so heartless?" Jin Zhengzhong shouted.

"I'm not heartless, I'm disappointed! You have always been stupid, everyone knows it, but you are still willing to learn and do it. This is the reason why I accepted you. In the past two days, you have become more and more embarrassing, and you have no energy in practicing. , I’m not serious, you don’t take any orders now. You spend every day in front of the computer, entangled with a female ghost! You are a descendant of the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan. It is your duty to eliminate demons and protect the Tao, and you become a prostitute by hanging out with female ghosts. How unbecoming!”

"Now I suddenly feel that agreeing to your mother to accept you as my disciple was the biggest mistake I made in my life!" Ma Xiaoling was so angry that she said cruel words.

"I'm sorry, Master." Jin Zhengzhong's expression became calmer and he said in a deep voice.

Ma Xiaoling thought that Jin Zhengzhong had sobered up a little, so she said: "You are not sorry for me, you are only sorry for yourself. If you want to achieve nothing in your life, just continue like this, I will not stop you."

Unexpectedly, Jin Zhengzhong went on to say: "If that's the case, then don't force me, just expel me from the school! I, Jin Zhengzhong, am no longer the 41st descendant of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan today!"


Suddenly, You Zhijie, who was playing with the computer on the other side of the living room, suddenly screamed: "Ghost, ghost! There is a ghost! Xiaoling, there is a ghost in the computer!"

With a "clang", You Zhijie rolled directly to the ground. A twisted grimace appeared on the computer screen, and then wires protruded from the screen, tying him up and lifting him into the air!

Lin Ge took out one of Ma Xiaoling's swinging sticks and swung it. At the same time, he picked up the "Yingling Soul Chasing Soul" technique and applied it to the swinging stick, which instantly cast a golden light.

Then he threw the stick and cut off the wires extending from the monitor with a "swish".

"Sadako! Sadako!" Jin Zhengzhong ignored Ma Xiaoling's obstruction, pushed her away, rushed to the computer, hugged the monitor and looked inside.

On the screen, Sadako was wearing a white kimono, with three rippled curse marks on her forehead. Her originally beautiful big eyes had now turned pure black, and her face was covered with black lines like blood vessels.

However, when Jin Zhengzhong saw Sadako's terrifying face, not only was he not afraid, but he showed an expression of surprise: "Sadako, great, I finally found you! We agreed to be together forever, and you can't go back!"

"Zhongzhong." Sadako asked, "Are you...really willing to be with me forever?"


"Then I will take you to come to me, are you willing?"

"Yes! Take me away quickly. I am willing to stay by your side forever! We will be together forever, and no one will leave the other!" Jin Zhengzhong shouted excitedly.

Ma Xiaoling shouted: "Jin Zhengzhong, are you crazy? That's a ghost!"

Jin Zhengzhong looked at Ma Xiaoling and others and shouted: "So what if it's a ghost? Who says people can't be with ghosts? At least she understands me, she knows what I need! And you, you! None of you look down on me, never You care about my feelings, you are even worse than a ghost! Even if I can’t be with Sadako alive, then I will die! If I die, I can be with her forever!”

While Jin Zhengzhong was speaking, Sadako reached out from the monitor and grabbed his hand, trying to pull him into the computer. Seeing this, He Yingqiu immediately threw out several black paper figures holding hands, held up the magic formula, and once again summoned the imp behind Jin Zhengzhong. The imp held hands, and the one at the front held Jin Zhengzhong's clothes to prevent him from being dragged in. computer.

"Why Yingqiu! It's none of your business!" Jin Zhengzhong roared angrily.

Then, I saw him taking out a green talisman from his pocket, holding up the magic spell and shouting: "The Dragon God ordered, the Wind God borrowed the magic, strong wind!"


A hurricane blew up around Jin Zhengzhong's body, blowing away the surrounding furniture and appliances, and at the same time blowing up and tearing up the few imps.

"No one can stop us!" Jin Zhengzhong shouted.

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows its magic!" Upon seeing this, Lin Ge threw out a handful of exorcism talismans, kneaded the talisman and recited a spell.

This is an improved version of the Mao family's spell. As soon as the spell was released, the yellow symbols flying in the sky turned into streaks of golden light and flew towards Jin Zhengzhong and the monitor.

"No one can stop us!"

"No one can stop us!"

"No one can stop us!"

Jin Zhengzhong roared and waved the golden Buddha palm in his hand, knocking away all the talismans that Lin Ge hit. At the same time, he borrowed a spell from the God of Wind to blow away the yellow talismans around the computer.

"Good guy, you've become as black as an explosive seed, and your strength has tripled, right?" Lin Ge was a little surprised when he saw that his "Qiankun Borrowing Technique" was cracked by Jin Zhengzhong.

At this time, Sadako had completely opened the "channel" between the computer and Jin Zhengzhong's home, stretched out half of her body from the computer, hugged Jin Zhengzhong, and pulled him into the monitor.

"Catch it!" Ma Xiaoling hurriedly chased after him, but the monitor screen was already black.

He Yingqiu said in a deep voice: "Zhengzhong was taken away by the evil god. I'm will be difficult to find him again."

He wanted to say "It's more bad than good", but seeing Xiaoling's nervous and worried look, he finally couldn't say it, but changed his words.

"That's not necessarily the case." Lin Ge stepped forward and took out a yellow talisman.

Ma Xiaoling and He Yingqiu looked at his hand and said in surprise: "Soul Chasing Talisman!"

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