Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 257 The Bodhisattva ghost who deserves to enjoy the Ancestral Temple

In the play, You Zhijie only works with the protagonist as a high-end tool man and has no contact with crows at all.

The appearance of this "curse seal" seems intriguing.

Was You Zhijie "marked" by a crow?


You Zhijie didn't notice that Lin Ge's eyes stayed on his back collar. Instead, he looked at Ma Xiaoling and said, "I showed up immediately as promised. Can we have lunch together?"

Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge in embarrassment: "This..."

Lin Ge waved his hand politely: "Don't mind me, I can eat anything... But if possible, try not to choose Western food."

Ma Xiaoling: ...Do you think that’s what I mean?

Seeing that Ma Xiaoling was about to go crazy, You Zhijie quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay. I'll make a reservation now. What do you want to eat?"

"You make up your mind." Ma Xiaoling said.

ten minutes later.

The three of them came to a high-end restaurant. After entering the member's private room under the guidance of the waiter, You Zhijie asked the waiter to bring him the red wine he had reserved and pour it.

You Zhijie raised the red wine towards Ma Xiaoling and said, "Try the HOUSE WINE here. This restaurant itself brews it in a factory in France. You can't drink it elsewhere."

"Really?" Ma Xiaoling didn't notice You Zhijie handing over the glass for clinking. She picked up the glass and took a sip: "Is it okay? Is the price expensive?"


Lin Ge raised his glass and touched it with You Zhijie. When he saw the other person was stunned, he said with a smile: "Oh, I'm afraid of embarrassment, so I'll help you relax."

You Zhijie: ...Brother, you can easily kill yourself by chatting like this, okay?

You Zhijie couldn't answer Lin Ge's words, so he could only change the subject and said, "I didn't expect that we haven't seen you for so long. You opened a cleaning company."

"If you don't think of it, I can't help it." Ma Xiaoling replied while drinking.

Lin Ge: ...Look, this guy can’t chat better than me, okay?

"Is business good?" You Zhijie asked.

Ma Xiaoling replied: "It's not bad. The customers are all introduced by regular customers. After all, you know that my kind of 'cleaning company' has a very small circle."

You Zhijie raised his eyebrows and immediately took over the conversation and said: "Recently, my company is looking for a 'cleaning company'... Forget it, I'd better stop saying it, so as not to scare you."

"It seems that you are questioning my professionalism? Tell me, if you really need to 'clean', I will give you a 20% discount because of my acquaintance." Ma Xiaoling said.

You Zhijie then said: "I heard from the office staff that when the previous company rented an office building, an employee once died suddenly from overwork. After that, when the employees of that company worked overtime every night, suddenly there would be The man said in their ears, "Come off work. Why do you work so hard? Come off work"... In the end, no one dared to work overtime. Even several people from the cleaning company were scared away! You think it's not scary? ?”

Before Ma Xiaoling could speak, Lin Ge said lightly: "I don't know if it's scary, but this ghost deserves to be treated like an Ancestral Temple. He's a Bodhisattva ghost."

When You Zhijie heard this, his expression suddenly froze, and he didn't know how to answer the question for a moment. The terrifying atmosphere he had finally created was destroyed by Lin Ge.

"You can't say that. After all, if you don't work hard when you are young, you can't wait until you are old to fight again, right? People must have dreams." You Zhijie said.

Lin Ge looked at You Zhijie seriously: "My dream is not to go to work. If I didn't work overtime, I wouldn't even sit here talking to you."

You Zhijie:?

Ma Xiaoling said quickly: "Don't listen to his nonsense, let's get down to business. Have you ever thought about finding someone to take that thing away?"

You Zhijie originally just wanted to create a scary atmosphere through ghost stories. After all, women are afraid of these things. If he shows his extraordinary intelligence, I believe he can gain a lot of points with Ma Xiaoling.

Who knew that even if a light bulb instantly ruined the atmosphere, Ma Xiaoling would still take it seriously?

Obviously, the "cleaning company" that You Zhijie understood and the "cleaning company" that he imagined Ma Xiaoling opened were not the same thing.

"Haha, did I hear it wrong? When you were in middle school, you would sneer every time you heard a ghost story, then turn around and leave. I don't know how cool it is. Otherwise, how could you charm so many boys? How come it has been so many years? , do you still believe in these gods and ghosts?" You Zhijie said with a smile.

Lin Ge: ...Is it possible that Ma Xiaoling is so "cool" because she can really be "cool" enough to deal with those ghosts by herself?

"Is there any? Why didn't I know?" Ma Xiaoling said.

You Zhijie came closer and said, "I won't tell you now."

Ma Xiaoling stepped back and was about to speak when she saw Lin Ge took a sip from the wine glass and said, "Should I be under the car and not here?"

The atmosphere created by You Zhijie was instantly destroyed.

"Actually, I think all your staff say this. You should really find someone to take a look. Whether it's true or false. After someone takes a look, your staff will have no excuse to be lazy in the future. You Say so?"

"It makes sense. However, I don't know much about this aspect. Is there anyone you can introduce?" You Zhijie asked.

"Me." Ma Xiaoling replied subconsciously.

You Zhijie's expression became a little subtle: "You?"

"I mean, I'll introduce you, but it's a bit expensive."

"money is not a problem."

When Ma Xiaoling heard this, she clapped her hands and said excitedly: "If money is no problem, then there will be no problems at all. Happy cooperation, cheers!"

Ma Xiaoling and You Zhijie made an appointment to take people to his company to catch ghosts at 8 o'clock in the evening. When they returned to Jiajia Building, Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge came to the door of Jin Zhengzhong's house and banged on the door "dong dong dong".

"Zhongzhong, come out quickly, there is business!" Ma Xiaoling shouted.

After knocking for a long time, there was no response from the room. Ma Xiaoling muttered: "Isn't it just a few curses? Are you showing off your temper? Are you really bringing back an ancestor?"

Lin Ge said: "Maybe he's not at home."

"Then what should I do? I've taken all the orders, so I have to do it, right?" Ma Xiaoling said.

Lin Ge asked curiously: "Aren't you a human? Why, the level of the ghost is too low and you don't want to catch it? Now you are just a zombie Taoist priest?"

"That's not true. After all, we are old classmates, so we still have to take our image into consideration. What if word spreads and no old classmates dare to contact me in the future?" Ma Xiaoling said.

Lin Ge shrugged: "Then there's nothing we can do, just take the money and run away!"

Ma Xiaoling originally wanted to give Jin Zhengzhong a simple job and let him practice for a while, but she couldn't find anyone. When she was thinking about how to tell You Zhijie, she glanced at Lin Ge who was studying his flip phone.


Ma Xiaoling excitedly slapped Lin Ge on the back and said with a smile: "Grandpa Lin, if I remember correctly, you are a Taoist priest who takes it as his own duty to conquer demons and eliminate demons and to help the world?"

Lin Ge:......

Ma Xiaoling didn't give Lin Ge a chance to refuse. She dragged him back home, took a box of exorcism equipment, and forcibly took him to You Zhijie's company.

When You Zhijie saw Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge, he asked curiously: "Huh? Where is the 'exorcist master' you said you wanted to introduce?"

"Well, this is... let me introduce to you. This is a well-known demon-subduing master in the mainland and a direct disciple of the head of the Maoshan Sect." Ma Xiaoling said nonsensically.

The corners of You Zhijie's eyes twitched, feeling like he had been "cheated".

Ma Xiaoling saw You Zhijie's expression and instantly understood what he was thinking, and said: "Don't worry, if there is something dirty here as you said, he will definitely be able to handle it. If not... cough. I'll give you my money back, okay?"

Ma Xiaoling originally wanted to say that if it was decided, I would do it, but in the end she swallowed the second half of her sentence. After all, she still had to maintain her image in front of her old classmates.

"Then... okay. Do you need me to do anything?" You Zhijie asked.

Ma Xiaoling looked at the locked office door in front of her: "Open the door, then chat with me outside for a while, and just leave it to him."

"Okay!" You Zhijie's eyes lit up. He didn't expect such an "unexpected surprise". He immediately felt that even if he was deceived, the money was well spent.

Lin Ge was pushed into the dark office with a speechless expression, and then watched the unscrupulous boss and his enemy walk outside the corridor to chat.

"Alas." Lin Ge sighed.

At this time, Huang Ni's laughter came from the mark on the back of his right hand: "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be like this. It's rare to see you being used as a tool by a plot character."

While Lin Ge was chatting with Huang Ni, he walked to the center of the office, took out Ma Xiaoling's special "Hell Spray", sprayed it on his face, and then looked around.

However, nothing was seen. Obviously, this thing was not as useful as Lin Ge's nose. Before he could see the ghost, he first smelled a smell of resentment coming from the manager's office in the corner.

"Get off work."

"Get off work."

"Why did you work so hard? In the end, you died suddenly. You gave the money you earned to your wife and ran away with someone else."

"Get off work."

Lin Ge heard this and joked: "What a good guy, he's just a miserable ghost."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flash of green light at the door of the manager's office, and a middle-aged man in a suit with a green face appeared out of thin air.

It can be seen from his terrifying face that is greener than a green vegetable that he is just a resentful spirit full of resentment, not even an evil ghost.

"Get off work."

The green-faced ghost raised his hand and saw the office chairs around Lin Ge moving on their own and moving towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Ge took out "Itch", a miniature version of "Buddha's Palm" from the travel bag behind his back, and swept it around. With a "boom", all the chairs flew out.

"I'm doing this for your own good. Let's get off work." The green-faced ghost looked ferocious as he rushed towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge slapped him away with his backhand, and said calmly: "To be honest, I like your ideas very much, otherwise I would slap you to death."

"I don't need your pity, I want everyone who works overtime here to have a bad end!" the green-faced ghost shouted.

Lin Ge asked back: "Wouldn't it be better for you to find the person who made the overtime rules?"


"You didn't think about it at all, did you?"


The green-faced ghost was completely irritated by Lin Ge. He howled angrily and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Lin Ge. Lin Ge raised his palm, and a golden light flew out from the special bronze vessel shaped like the tip of his palm. With a "snap", the green-faced ghost flew towards Lin Ge. The masked ghost hit Lin Ge's feet.

"Hey, want to chat? If you don't get off work, I will have to work overtime." Lin Ge said.

The green-faced ghost was slapped down by Lin Ge several times. He suddenly realized that he had encountered a tough situation and wanted to run away. However, before he could fly, he was slapped to the ground by Lin Ge again.

"I haven't finished talking yet. Why are you running?"


"I'm talking to you!"


"Why don't you answer!"


"Not answering!"


"Not answering!"

Lin Ge slapped his forehand and backhand, and the golden light flashed on the Buddha's palm, which made the green-faced ghost howl miserably. Just when he was about to slap his head again, the green-faced ghost held his head and begged for mercy: "Stop, stop, stop! I Say, can’t I say it’s not okay?”


The green-faced ghost received another slap.

Lin Ge was stunned and said awkwardly: "Sorry, sorry, the beating went smoothly. Okay, just tell me, I promise not to hit you again."

"What did you say?" the green-faced ghost asked with a bitter look on his face. Lin Ge didn't ask any questions at all, so he had no questions to answer.

"Oh. I said if you don't want to reincarnate, what's the point of scaring people here every day? You don't really think that you can gain merit by scaring away a few overtime workers, right?" Lin Ge said.

The green-faced ghost said helplessly: "I don't want to either. I died suddenly after working overtime. I originally wanted to be reincarnated, but when I saw my wife taking my savings and running away with the pretty boy, my resentment grew and turned into a resentful spirit. With resentment, If you want to be reincarnated, you have to wait for the resentment to dissipate."

"As a result, I met a weirdo wearing a mask. He could see me and told me that if I wanted to reincarnate as soon as possible and have a good pregnancy, I would help him scare a few people to death in this office and make sure they died. In front of the computer. At first, I wanted to listen to that person, find a few scapegoats, and then reincarnate as soon as possible."

"But... in the end, I didn't have the heart to scare people to death, so I had to kick those who wanted to work overtime out of the office, just to do something good before reincarnation."

Lin Ge frowned slightly and grasped the key information in the green-faced ghost's story - "weird man wearing a mask".

"Is the masked weirdo you're talking about wearing the costumes of the Sakura Kingdom and the Tengu mask?" Lin Ge briefly described the crow's appearance to the green-faced ghost.

The green-faced ghost replied: "I don't know what a Tengu mask is, but... the clothes that man wears are very similar to the kimono of the Sakura nation."

Lin Ge picked up the paper and pen on his desk, drew a mark of the "三丿" talisman on the crow's mask and asked, "Is there this talisman on his mask?"

"Yes, that's right, do you know that person?" the green-faced ghost asked.

Lin Ge said: "That's a sorcerer. Fortunately, you didn't listen to his instructions to kill people. Once the resentful soul touches human life, it will be difficult to reincarnate."

"Then what should I do now?" the green-faced ghost asked.

Lin Ge said: "I will seal you into the talisman first. After you get out, I will find a professional to help you resolve your grievances and send you to reincarnation."

"Thank you, Master!" the green-faced ghost said gratefully.

Lin Ge took out a soul-sealing talisman, used Ma's Soul-Sealing Technique to seal the green-faced ghost into it, then folded it into a lucky star and walked out of the office.

Ma Xiaoling and You Zhijie were standing in the game area having an awkward chat. The reason why it was called an "awkward chat" was because You Zhijie was talking excitedly about his experiences abroad over the years, but Ma Xiaoling was obviously not in a good mood and kept looking in the direction of the office area. Gone with the wind, seemed to be worried that Lin Ge couldn't figure out the ghost inside.

Seeing Lin Ge come out, Ma Xiaoling looked happy and asked with a smile: "Did you catch him?"

Lin Ge showed the lucky star in his palm. You Zhijie came over to take a look and asked curiously: "What is this? You don't want to say that that thing is locked inside, do you?"

Lin Ge gently pinched the lucky star open and said, "Hey, show me to the boss, otherwise others will think I'm just a charlatan who cheats money."

Just when You Zhijie was curious about who Lin Ge was talking to, he saw a faint black smoke floating out of the lucky star, condensing into the appearance of a green-faced man.

When You Zhijie saw this, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled, then rolled his eyes, said, "This special effect is so realistic" and fainted.

Ma Xiaoling glanced at You Zhijie, who was unconscious on the ground, and looked at Lin Ge angrily: "Hey, the most basic thing in our business is not to let the boss see dirty things."

"How did he know I was doing something without seeing him?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and asked.

Ma Xiaoling: ...It makes so much sense that I can’t refute it.

The two of them worked together to move You Zhijie to a rest chair nearby. Ma Xiaoling patted his face, but You Zhijie had no reaction: "Look at the good things you have done, what should we do now?"

Lin Ge was about to complain when his cell phone rang in his pocket. When he picked it up, He Yingqiu's voice came from the phone: "Uncle Master! Something happened in Zhongzhong. There is a vicious god in his house!"

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