Ten minutes later, there was still no new message in the chat box. The message Lin Ge sent fell into the sea and there was no audio.

Lin Ge pulled the keyboard closer, rubbed his hands, and turned on the output mode.

"Sister, your professional skills are not good. How can you win the hearts of many otakus with only a simple guessing game and photos?"

“To capture a man’s heart, you have to at least give him something sweet first. Even if you put a photo that covers half of your face, it’s better than a completely blank home page.”

"Now that there is nothing, you will let me play guessing games with you. It's not wild ball boxing. What idiot would be interested in an ordinary guessing game?"

"The total number of people who have entered your personal webpage is only more than 2,000, which is not unreasonable." Lin Ge crackled out and began to instill in Sadako the concept of Internet celebrity live broadcast in 2023.

Huang Ni felt the speed of Lin Ge's APM approaching 764 and the series of sexy operations. He was stunned and said, "I'm very curious about what's in your head!"

"It's not important... 'Sadako' in the play seems to be just a branch line, but in fact it involves more plot characters than Domoto Shizu's branch line. And Sadako went from focusing on a target to draining the target's yang energy. It will take seven days. I don't have that much time to keep an eye on her, so I can only find a way to lure her out," Lin Ge replied.

Huang Ni said: "But obviously your method doesn't work."

Lin Ge tried to send a few more messages, but nothing happened. Apparently Sadako had many "target customers" and didn't want to deal with him, a troublemaker.

"Sigh. It seems that the only way to deal with Sadako is from Jin Zhengzhong." Lin Ge sighed.

Behind Domoto Jing, there is the trio of Lan Dali + Xu Fu + Crow watching, and it is not easy to deal with it. In the "Sadako" line, there is only one Crow planning the "Big Blood Ten Thousand Characters Curse" behind him, so it takes a relatively long time to get alone. If Sadako can lure the crows out first and deal with them first, and there is one less person in the trio, it might be easier to deal with them.

Of course, Lin Ge has no direct conflict with Lan Dali's trio in either the main plot or the branch plot, but yesterday's Zuidun undoubtedly shot himself in the foot. If he continues to be watched by these three people, it will be very difficult for him in the future. Actions or plans are all a big resistance.

While Lin Ge was thinking about the next plan, he took the mouse and clicked on the guessing game in Sadako's "personal homepage", but unlike the picture that appeared when Kim Zhengzhong won, no matter how Lin Ge guessed, the final result must be " lose".


Seeing Lin Ge's deflated expression, Huang Ni couldn't help but laugh and said: "It turns out that you will never be able to pass the 'Lucky 2' hurdle in your life."


There was no progress on Sadako's side, so Lin Ge reluctantly turned off the computer and went back to bed to sit and practice.

Early the next morning, Jin Zhengzhong came to Ma Xiaoling's house sleepily with dark circles under his eyes, yawning, and started practicing his daily spells.

Lin Ge wanted to "steal from the master" and learn more of the Ma family's spells, so he sat aside and "observed" while Ma Xiaoling sat on the sofa and flipped through a fashion magazine.


Jin Zhengzhong yawned, looked at the two "supervisors" on the sofa, sighed, put a three-finger-sized talisman against his forehead, picked up the talisman, and stamped on the ground with one foot -

"The Dragon God gave the order, and the Wind God borrowed his magic to become invisible."

Jin Zhengzhong was tapping his feet lazily, as if he had not woken up. In addition, he had not made any progress after practicing all morning, and he had no motivation at all at this time.


Jin Zhengzhong walked up to Ma Xiaoling without any motivation and asked: "Master, can you still see me?"

Ma Xiaoling flipped through a fashion magazine and said without raising her head, "No, practice until five o'clock."

"Master, I have been practicing this invisibility spell for a long time. I am very tired. Let me take a rest." Jin Zhengzhong pulled off the spell from his forehead and said with a grimace.

"No, practice until five o'clock." Ma Xiaoling repeated.

"Master, I'm really sleepy, let me take a rest."

"No, practice until five o'clock."

Jin Zhengzhong glanced at the time on the wall. There were still two hours left. Seeing Ma Xiaoling's resolute attitude, he could only put on the charm again and start practicing.

Jin Zhengzhong repeated it over and over again, becoming more and more boring as he practiced. At this time, he raised his head and glanced at the time. The hands finally pointed to five o'clock, and he said excitedly: "Master, it's five o'clock!"

Ma Xiaoling slowly raised her head and said expressionlessly: "It's five o'clock, let's rest."

Jin Zhengzhong was so tired that he almost collapsed and fell to the ground. He saw a burst of white smoke slowly rising from Ma Xiaoling's body, and then turned into a yellow human-shaped paper mantra.

"Are you kidding me?"

Jin Zhengzhong picked up the paper figure that was pressed down by the fashion magazine. It said "No, practice until five o'clock" on it, and the position of the head said "It's five o'clock, take a rest." Obviously, Ma Xiaoling used paper People are "supervising the work."

"Using an external incarnation to be 'lazy'..." Jin Zhengzhong looked at Lin Ge who was drawing a talisman on the side with tears in his eyes: "Hey, did you know this a long time ago? So when did my master escape?"

Lin Ge said without raising his head: "It was probably when you first started practicing invisibility."

"Then you won't tell?"

"You didn't ask."

"..." Jin Zhengzhong walked towards the door angrily, looked back at Lin Ge who was still drawing talismans and said, "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, I'm going back to play on the computer."

Lin Ge looked up at Jin Zhengzhong and said with a smile: "I just bought a computer yesterday, and I'm addicted today. It seems that your Internet harvest is not bad?"

"Hehe, of course, I know a girl from Sakura Country, she's so beautiful." Jin Zhengzhong said proudly.

Lin Ge said: "Then you must cherish it."

"You don't need to tell me."

Jin Zhengzhong left Ma Xiaoling's house, returned home without stopping, and sat in front of the computer. As soon as he opened the chat software, the message popped up immediately.

"Welcome back, 2929."

Jin Zhengzhong looked at the screen and complained dissatisfiedly, and then sent a message: "It's so unpleasant, I have a name, okay? Did you forget that my name is Jin Weilong?"

"Jin Weilong, I'm so happy to see you again. Do you know that I've been waiting for you all night?"

Jin Zhengzhong smiled proudly and said: "Hahaha, of course you have to wait for me. I, Jin Zhengzhong, am a prodigal in love and be killed by thousands of people. Who doesn't like that?"

With that said, he sent back a message: "I only saw your eyes the night before, but I must see your face tonight! Come on!"

"I also want you to succeed. I also want you to see me. I want you to miss me every night from now on."

Encouraged by Sadako, Jin Zhengzhong started the "rock-paper-scissors" battle, and his luck was obviously much better than Lin Ge's, and he won the last level by beating all the opponents.

"Haha, I win...ahhhhh!" Before Jin Zhengzhong had time to be happy, he felt like he had a splitting headache again, holding his head and wailing.

At this time, the picture on the screen also changed. The webpage, which originally had only a heart background and a guessing game interface, slowly opened to both sides. A woman holding a pink fan and wearing a pink kimono appeared on the screen. In a Japanese-style room decorated in pink.

"You're so empty, please give me some advice."

Jin Zhengzhong had never seen such a beautiful beauty, and he felt that his head ached no longer. He stared at the screen and slowly moved closer to the screen.

Sadako smiled slightly and asked, "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Beautiful, so beautiful." Jin Zhengzhong repeated Sadako's words blankly.

"Do you want to continue seeing me?"

"Yes, I really want to see you every day." Jin Zhengzhong's expression became a little crazy, and he couldn't look away from the screen.

"Then we have to keep playing. On the seventh day of our acquaintance, you will be with me forever." Sadako said.


"You're so obedient, I love you so much too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Zhengzhong felt a headache that was about to split open, his vision went dark, and he fell down on the keyboard again. The printer on the side started automatically and slowly printed out a photo of Sadako.

However, the strange thing is that Sadako's face in the photo is twisted into a whirlpool, and the specific appearance cannot be seen at all.

On the other side, since Wang Zhenzhen had something to go out in the evening, Ma Xiaoling could only reluctantly invite Lin Ge to have dinner with her, and generously took him to a high-end restaurant to experience it.

The two came out of the restaurant and just got into Ma Xiaoling's red Beetle car. Before they could start the car, they heard a "bang" and were rear-ended.

"Is there any mistake?"

Ma Xiaoling got out of the car angrily. When she saw the scratched rear end of the car, she looked at the convertible behind and cursed: "You don't know how to drive home. You can't even see such a big car parked in front of you."

At this time, a handsome young man in the car behind stuck his head out and said with a smile: "Sorry, I just came back from the United States and I'm not used to driving on the right."

Ma Xiaoling was about to say something when she suddenly felt that the handsome guy looked familiar.

The other party seemed to recognize her and asked excitedly: "Are you Ma Xiaoling?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm You Zhijie, the former class monitor of Form 5, do you still remember?"

"Shorty Zijie?" Ma Xiaoling couldn't help but recall that when You Zhijie was a head shorter than her in the fifth grade, she confessed her love to him with flowers, but she blocked him by saying, "Come back to me in five years and you will be five inches taller."

"What a coincidence." You Zhijie got out of the car excitedly and came to Ma Xiaoling. At this time, he not only grew "5 inches" taller, he was even half a head taller than Ma Xiaoling.

But just when You Zhijie was about to speak, he saw Lin Ge get off Ma Xiaoling's car, come to Ma Xiaoling, and ask with a smile: "Your friend?"

"My middle school classmate."

You Zhijie was about to ask "your boyfriend" when he saw Lin Ge politely stretched out his hand to him and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Ma Xiaoling's grandfather."

You Zhijie:? ? ?

Brother, you don’t even look at your age. What you say is more outrageous than saying that you are Ma Xiaoling’s father, aren’t you?

For a moment, You Zhijie couldn't tell whether Lin Ge was joking or teasing him. But, are you afraid that Ma Xiaoling will be angry when you make such a joke?

When You Zhijie looked at Ma Xiaoling, he immediately saw that the other person's face had turned dark, and he heard her say in a cold voice: "It's just his seniority, you don't care about him."

"Oh. Oh." You Zhijie didn't know what expression to use to face the situation at hand. He quickly changed the subject and said: "I'm sorry, I have an appointment with a client to have dinner. This is my business card. How much did it cost to repair your car? Remember to call me and I’ll treat you to dinner later.”

"I will definitely do it. This is my business card." Ma Xiaoling handed her business card to You Zhijie.

You Zhijie took the business card and smiled slightly: "That's it, see you later."

"See you later."

Lin Ge looked at You Zhijie driving away and squinted his eyes, seeming to be thinking about something. Seeing that he hadn't gotten into the car for a long time, Ma Xiaoling stuck her head out and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, let's go." With that said, Lin Ge got into the passenger seat.

However, Lin Ge's heart was not as calm as it seemed at this time, and an invisible sense of danger surged into his heart.

Due to his series of operations in "Zombie Taoist Master", the plot line of the Ma family changed drastically. Kuang Guohua, the male protagonist with the aura of the protagonist, disappeared, and many plots and plot characters related to him also disappeared.


The key character in the plot, "Domoto Shizu", is still a character in the play, which is extremely unreasonable. At first, Lin Ge thought that it was Tang Benjing, Lan Dali and others who had contacted in advance, or that Lan Dali had tampered with it, but if he thought about it carefully, this still seemed unreasonable.

After all, if Kuang Guohua had not gone to Japan to find Kazuo Yamamoto after turning into a zombie, Domoto Shizuo would not have been "rescued" from the hellish training of his grandfather, Yamamoto Kazuo, and there would be no possibility that Domoto Shizuo regarded the zombie Kuang Guohua as a god and "faith" plot.

Without this kind of spiritual "salvation", Domoto Shizu's idea and plot of blindly wanting to become a zombie would seem unreasonable.

Secondly, You Zhijie is a key supporting role in the "Sadako" branch. However, the environment at this time is not at all like the place and situation when the two met in the play. It is more like being "forcibly" arranged to meet.

After all, Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling randomly chose a high-end restaurant, and it was almost ten o'clock. It was too "fateful" for them to run into You Zhijie, who had "made an appointment with a client for dinner."

Lin Ge was curious whether the main god was forcibly correcting the plot, or... destiny was secretly controlling everything. If it's the former, Lin Ge will only face the danger brought by the plot change at most. If it's the latter, combined with the situation in the Elf Forest, it means that he has been "in control" of his destiny since he entered the world of reincarnation. .

After returning to Ma Xiaoling's house, Lin Ge went straight back to the house and told Huang Ni his conjecture. The other person had the same idea as him, thinking that the possibility of fate's manipulation was much greater than that of the Lord God correcting the plot.

Because according to the past changes in the plot in the world of reincarnation, Lin Ge has eliminated all the male protagonists, so it will not be surprising to have an unprecedented decisive battle with the generals at the beginning. But the strange thing is that the plot is still developing step by step. Even except for Lan Dali, Lin Ge did not encounter the danger corresponding to the "nightmare difficulty".

This is completely the two extremes from the previous "nightmare" experiences!


Everything was so peaceful.

But Lin Ge felt that this was more like the calm before the storm, which made him wary. After all, once he fell into the "trap" of fate, it would not be so easy to escape.

Early the next morning, Jin Zhengzhong came to Ma Xiaoling's house again for a day of practice. He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt, with the hood covering his head, his head lowered, and a pair of dark circles under his eyes that were comparable to smoky makeup.

However, he sat there motionless throughout the morning's practice.

This time, Ma Xiaoling was no longer an "incarnation". Seeing that Jin Zhengzhong was not serious, she immediately reprimanded: "Hey, can you learn the magic just by sitting there?"

However, Jin Zhengzhong didn't react at all and kept sitting there blankly.

Ma Xiaoling walked towards Jin Zhengzhong angrily and slapped the table in front of him: "I'm talking to you, what are you doing there, can't you hear me?"

Jin Zhengzhong was startled. He quickly grabbed the talisman on the table and put it on his head. He pinched the magic formula and muttered: "Endure, endure, endure, endure..."

Ma Xiaoling cursed angrily: "I asked you to practice the invisibility spell, not the immobilization spell. What were you dreaming about there so early in the morning?"

Jin Zhengzhong raised his head, with a look of exhaustion and sleepiness on his face: "Master, I am not dreaming, I am just thinking about her."

"Miss her? Who? Woman?"

"Yes, we met online."

Ma Xiaoling said angrily: "Okay, I don't need to practice anymore. I don't want to waste my efforts."

"Master, I may be a little uncomfortable..." Jin Zhengzhong stood up quickly and said.

Ma Xiaoling walked to the computer and sat down without looking back, and said in a cold voice: "Don't call me master again, I am not as useless a disciple as you."

Jin Zhengzhong looked at Ma Xiaoling blankly, not knowing what to say.

Ma Xiaoling met Jin Zhengzhong's gaze and saw that he looked exhausted and tired. She suddenly became angry and said, "What's wrong with you? You're like a ghost!"


"Not yet? I want to hit you when I see you. Do you want to make me mad? Go and wash your face quickly. If any guests come, they will be scared away by you when they see you like this!" Ma Xiaoling cursed.

"You don't want to see me anyway, I just have to leave!" Jin Zhengzhong was so angry that he opened the door and ran away.

"Hey! Hey!" Ma Xiaoling didn't expect to curse, and Jin Zhengzhong got angry, and she was very angry.

Lin Ge heard the noise outside, stopped practicing, came out of the bedroom and asked, "What's wrong?"

"So what's wrong with me? I want to accept a bad apprentice to make myself angry. If I don't practice seriously, I can't even curse a few words?" Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

Lin Ge: ...calm down, our apprentices here are even more deceptive to their master, your Ma family is already pretty good.

"You usually scold Zhengzhong a lot, but I haven't seen such a big reaction." Lin Ge said.

Ma Xiaoling replied: "Yeah, I don't know what happened today. I get angry when I see him. What's even more annoying is that after scolding him a few times, he ran away in anger. Hey, I scolded him because he didn't practice seriously. . He also said that he 'missed her' and met a shady person online, but he didn't even do any serious business."

Ma Xiaoling was complaining when the phone rang. You Zhijie's voice came on the phone, asking her how much it cost to repair the car.

"Forget it, it's not a big problem. I'm unlucky...not to mention my classmates. There's no need to worry about this little money with you."

You Zhijie said: "No, it's my fault and I have to take responsibility. Why don't we have lunch together. Let me apologize to you."

"No, I still have a lot of work. Let's talk about it next time." Ma Xiaoling refused.

"You don't think I'm chasing you, do you? I still remember what you said before. You asked me to come back to you in five years. I'm more than five inches taller now."

"No, I have something to go out later. Unless you arrive now, you can still find time to have a meal." Ma Xiaoling said casually.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the doorbell ringing at the door.

Lin Ge, who was relatively close to the door, opened the door smoothly. You Zhijie outside the door said "surprise" the moment he opened the door, and then he was stunned on the spot.

"Uh, you live here too?" You Zhijie was shocked.

Lin Ge smiled and replied, "I'm just here to have some food."


Ma Xiaoling stepped forward and said, "Why are you really here? Come in and sit down."

You Zhijie nodded politely to Lin Ge and walked into the room. At this time, Lin Ge noticed a strange spell mark on You Zhijie's back collar.

He had seen this mark before. It was the red mark on the "between the eyebrows" of the strange mask worn by Crow when he met Lan Dali and the others before!

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