"Xiaoling! How can you talk nonsense! When did I meet a handsome guy named Kuang?" Wang Zhenzhen pulled Ma Xiaoling aside and started to punch your chest with small fists while complaining.

Ma Xiaoling looked embarrassed. She always felt that Lin Ge was cheating her, but it didn't make any sense. A person can't be so boring, right?


Ma Xiaoling didn't know what to do for a moment, but then she heard Lin Ge say: "Last time Xiaoling and I were talking about fortune telling and fortune telling, she mentioned that she would also count her best friends. She may be interested in yours. I take it so seriously that I keep it in my mind all the time, even thinking about it in my dreams. As you know, Xiaoling has the habit of talking in her sleep."

"Yes, that's it!" Ma Xiaoling quickly agreed. It must be said that Lin Ge's words could not only restore her image, but also bring her and Zhenzhen closer. It could be said that it served multiple purposes.

Wang Zhenzhen nodded, obviously accepting this statement, but she felt something was wrong and subconsciously asked: "Xiaoling talks in her sleep...how do you know?"

"Oh, she sat next to me on the plane." Lin Ge replied calmly.

Wang Zhenzhen glanced at Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling. She always felt that things were not that simple. Just as she was about to say something, Ma Xiaoling stepped forward and took her arm and walked towards the dining table: "Let's talk about this later and eat quickly. I didn’t eat much on the plane, and it took so long to come back. Auntie, come on, come on.”

"Mr. Lin, please sit down, you're welcome." The Queen Mother asked Lin Ge to sit down. After Ma Xiaoling forcibly changed the subject, she started talking about the trip to the UK.

Lin Ge only listened on the sidelines at first, but as Ma Xiaoling and the others turned the conversation to gossip about the residents of Jiajia Building, he tried to ask some questions about neighborhood relations.

It looks like he is preparing to live in harmony with his neighbors in the future, but actually he wants to find out what the difference is between the residents of Jiajia Building and those in the drama.

In "Zombie Taoist Priest", due to the demon baby incident, Zhang Ma's body and spirit were destroyed and she will never be reincarnated. Therefore, regardless of whether this "Zombie Comprehensive World" contains a plot of 1, there is no "reincarnation of Zhang Ma" from beginning to end. "Ping Ma existed, and the "Hungry Shura Incident" did not occur in Jiajia Building.

The rest of the residents, except that there is no "Kuang Tianyou", are basically similar to the configuration in the play.

After learning that Lin Ge would live in Ma Xiaoling's house for a period of time, the Queen Mother enthusiastically expressed her enthusiasm and asked Lin Ge to visit Ma Xiaoling's house often. On weekdays, just the two of her and Wang Zhenzhen could cook a table full of rice and still not be able to finish it. Two more people meant two more pairs of chopsticks.

After dinner at Wang Zhenzhen's house, Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling returned upstairs. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they saw an old man wearing a gray suit and half-white hair guarding the door of Ma Xiaoling's house.

Ma Xiaoling saw the person coming clearly and felt a little surprised: "Uncle please? Why are you here?"

Uncle Qiu, whose full name is He Yingqiu, is Mao Xiaofang’s last apprentice. It's just that Mao Xiaofang was already seriously ill when he accepted He Yingqiu as a disciple. Therefore, He Yingqiu's skills were not so much taught by Mao Xiaofang as by his two "senior brothers" Xiao Hai and Ah Chu.

In the play, not long after Mao Xiaofang died of illness, Xiaohai and Ah Chu also passed away one after another. The only descendant of Mao Xiaofang's lineage was He Yingqiu.

But the world is different now. Mao Xiaofang has one more junior brother, and He Yingqiu has one more senior uncle. Moreover, because Lin Ge's ability shown in "Zombie Taoist Master" completely conquered Xiao Hai and Ah Chu, He Yingqiu's two "senior brothers" told him about his uncle's heroic deeds every now and then.

As a result, although He Yingqiu had never met Lin Ge, Lin Ge was already on the same level as his master Mao Xiaofang in his mind. Therefore, when he received a call from Ma Danna saying that his uncle had "come down to earth" again, he was shocked at first, then ecstatic, and then he rushed to Ma Xiaoling's house non-stop to pay homage to this immortal uncle.

The moment Lin Ge walked out of the elevator, He Yingqiu immediately compared Lin Ge's appearance with the portrait of his uncle at home...

Casual clothes, travel bag, plus that handsome face...it's Uncle Master, that's right!

"Uncle!" He Yingqiu called out excitedly, and knelt down in front of Lin Ge with a bang. Ma Xiaoling jumped to the side in fright, and looked at He Yingqiu in horror.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "He Yingqiu" increases rapidly. 】

Lin Ge:? ? ?

This is the first time we met, and our goodwill has started to soar "rapidly"?

"Uncle please, are you possessed?" Ma Xiaoling asked tentatively.

Lin Ge naturally recognized Uncle Qiu at a glance. Just as he was thinking about how to establish a relationship with this future Ksitigarbha agent, he was confused when he called him "Uncle Master".

When watching the TV series, he originally thought that He Yingqiu was just the descendant of Mao Xiaofang, and should be Xiaohai Achu's apprentice, or even his apprentice's apprentice, but he never thought that He Yingqiu was directly Mao Xiaofang's apprentice.

Lin Ge estimated He Yingqiu's age to be about sixty or seventy years old, so by extrapolation, how old he should be when he started.

"Get up quickly. I'm a more casual person, so I don't need to talk about these etiquettes." Lin Ge stepped forward, held He Yingqiu up with both hands, and helped him up.

He Yingqiu said excitedly: "Uncle, I never thought that I would be able to meet you in my lifetime. This has fulfilled my lifelong dream."

Ma Xiaoling said quietly from the side: "Isn't it that exaggerated..."

He Yingqiu turned around and glared at Ma Xiaoling, scolding: "What do you know? Back then, when my uncle fought against evil sorcerers, evil dragons, and great demons and blood demons to save the world, his skills as an old man are not what you, a little girl..."

"Please... uh, please. A hero doesn't mention his bravery in the past. There is no need to mention the past. What's more, that battle was not my own. Your master and Ma Danna were also present at the time. It was a bloody battle between the three of us. The Great Demon God won miserably in the end." Lin Ge corrected.

"Uncle Master actually knows me?" He Yingqiu was surprised and surprised when he heard Lin Ge call out his name.

After all, according to the timeline, he was the disciple Mao Xiaofang accepted after Lin Ge "went to heaven". Lin Ge should have never heard of him and didn't know about his existence.

"Ahem. You are Senior Brother's formal disciple. You have worshiped the Patriarch, and it will naturally be recorded on it. Do more good deeds and accumulate more merits, and you will have a place on it in the future." Lin Ge said.

"Yes, I will definitely work hard to cultivate my merits, and I will definitely not disappoint my master and uncle." He Yingqiu said and was about to bow down again, but Lin Ge quickly supported him.

"As I said, these etiquettes can be avoided in the future if possible."

Ma Xiaoling on the side looked at the two people who had a deep love for master and apprentice, and the expression on her face became extremely strange. After all, she was sent to He Yingqiu by Ma Danna more than ten years ago, and received He Yingqiu's magic guidance together with the descendants of the Mao family. He Yingqiu was half of her master.

If He Yingqiu was half her master, then who was Lin Ge? Is she half a master's uncle?

Ma Xiaoling: ...Suddenly I felt that calling "Grandpa" was not unacceptable.

"How about... let's go in and talk?" Ma Xiaoling took out the key and opened the door. She really couldn't stand the fact that her seniority was being lowered again and again.

The three of them entered the room. As soon as Lin Ge sat down, He Yingqiu immediately went to bring the teapot, poured tea for Lin Ge, and then stood aside.

Lin Ge:......

"Sit down and talk to me about your situation. After all, I only know your name... When did senior brother accept you as a disciple?" Lin Ge asked He Yingqiu about Mao Xiaofang and Fu Xitang.

After He Yingqiu's narration, Lin Ge learned that a few years had passed since he left the world of "Zombie Taoist Master". Mao Xiaofang had accepted He Yingqiu's brothers as his disciples. However, less than a year later, he went out to catch ghosts and was infected with a curse. He became seriously ill and was bedridden all year round.

Fortunately, after Lin Ge's "training", Mao Xiaofang's two apprentices, Xiaohai and Ah Chu, have grown a lot. They not only shouldered the heavy burden of Fuxi Hall, but also taught He Yingqiu such a "promising" "apprentice".

In fact, He Yingqiu's younger brother "He Youqiu" is extremely talented and a prodigy in Taoism. He is also Mao Xiaofang's most promising disciple.

It's a pity that he accidentally got a strange book and went crazy while on a business trip. In the end, he ended up missing. As a result, Mao Xiaofang's condition worsened and he passed away.

Lin Ge didn't expect that there was such a relationship between Mao Xiaofang and the two brothers He Yingqiu and He Youqiu. In the play, it is only mentioned that He Yingqiu is the successor of Mao Xiaofang, but whether he is his apprentice or his grandson is not clearly stated.

Moreover, there is very little background description of He Yingqiu's younger brother He Youqiu in "Strange Date 3", and most of it can only be guessed and inferred by the audience.

And the "wonderful book" in He Youqiu's hand is the incarnation of the fate of the heavenly book - "The Book of the Emperor". The so-called "obsession" must have been affected by fate and became a pawn of fate step by step. , until the second half of the deadlock plot was completely occupied by fate.

He Yingqiu talked for a whole afternoon. In addition to Lin Ge, the audience also included Ma Xiaoling, who listened with gusto. She really didn't expect that Lin Ge had such a "status" in the Mao family that He Yingqiu could recount the two senior brothers' feelings for Lin Ge. Admiration will show an expression like talking about an expert in the world.

"Uncle, why don't you move to my place? On the first floor of my three-story building is my 'ghost clinic'. The second and third floors are all empty. You can live wherever you want. Occasionally I will When you go on a business trip to Dana's research institute, you're basically not at home. You can live comfortably alone, and I can take care of your daily life when I'm here." He Yingqiu suggested.

Lin Ge: ...don’t tell me, I look like I’m seventy or eighty years old. I can’t move around on my own, okay?

"No, it's good for me to live here, and I've paid the rent. It's not worth living any longer." Lin Ge had no interest in He Yingqiu's ghost clinic at all. He might even have to help when he went there, but he wouldn't feel at ease here.

When He Yingqiu heard this, he immediately looked at Ma Xiaoling with anger on his face: "Xiaoling! How dare you collect rent from your uncle? It's your blessing that your uncle lives here, so why don't you get out quickly!"

"Hey, love can't last, who cares?" Ma Xiaoling wrinkled her nose, got up and ran back to the bedroom, closing the door.

Money back?

Go ahead and dream!

"Xiao Ling!" He Yingqiu said angrily.

Lin Ge quickly stopped him and said that the "rent" was a greeting gift to the junior, and then said: "Speaking of which, look at this first meeting, you came unexpectedly, and I didn't prepare a greeting gift. Some gadgets It’s a magic weapon, that’s what you do yourself.”

"No, no, it's because this disciple is eager to meet his uncle, so he came empty-handed..." Only then did He Yingqiu realize that he didn't buy any gifts when he came to pay homage to his elders.

Lin Ge obviously didn't take this matter to heart. Instead, he was still thinking of giving something to He Yingqiu: "Oh, by the way, didn't you open a ghost clinic? I snatched these two books from a ghost. That guy has been studying the "Soul Melting Technique" and "Corpse Control Technique" for hundreds of years. I studied it and it's a bit interesting. Can you see if it can be used?"

With that said, Lin Ge gave He Yingqiu the two secret books "Soul Melting Technique" and "Corpse Control Technique" he had obtained from Gui Cha. He studied these two books roughly during his thirty-day break.

Due to his status as a reincarnator, he can choose to use the two books directly as skill books, but the skill level is fixed.

In addition, they are all Taoist spells, which are not difficult to learn. Lin Ge studies them as "proficient", but spends most of his time on "spiritual cultivation methods" and "mantra". Both spells are I only learned the "getting started" and didn't study any more.

"Uncle Master, this..."

"You can just take it if I ask you to, so much nonsense. Your two senior brothers, especially A Chu, are eager to get some pieces of equipment from me."

He Yingqiu took the book excitedly, his hands were shaking a little, and he hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you, Uncle Master."

"Do you think it's useful? If not, I have something else here." Lin Ge asked.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "He Yingqiu" increases rapidly. 】

He Yingqiu naturally knew that what Lin Ge gave him was definitely not an ordinary thing. He flipped through the "Soul Melting Technique" and suddenly felt that it was extremely mysterious.

As expected of his uncle, he dared to snatch the treasure from the ghost.

"Oh, by the way, these two things conflict with the effect of my token. It's useless to keep them. Take them both." After saying that, Lin Ge put the "Ghost-killing and Exorcism Order" and the "Devil-Suppressing Flag" together. He Yingqiu was given.

"Uncle, why are you so embarrassed..." He Yingqiu said, reaching out to pick up the things.

Lin Ge:......

It wasn't that He Yingqiu was not reserved, it was that the things Lin Ge gave him were too precious, and even He Yingqiu, an expert in making magical instruments, was not immune to the vulgarity.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "He Yingqiu" increases rapidly. When the favorability is full, the hidden plot with the two brothers "He Yingqiu" and "He Youqiu" begins. 】

Lin Ge just considered that He Yingqiu was the descendant of Mao Xiaofang, and since the other party respected him so much, it was not a big deal to give him some equipment that he could not use.

But didn't expect that a hidden plot would be triggered?

"Thank you, Uncle Master!"

He Yingqiu looked at the two ghost magic weapons in his hands and was so excited that he prostrated himself directly to Lin Ge. Lin Ge patted his shoulder and said sincerely: "Master nephew, you will be so successful in the future, don't forget it. Your uncle."

After hearing this, He Yingqiu hurriedly expressed his loyalty, saying that even if he had a hundred courages, he would not dare to forget his uncle. He was about to swear a blood oath, but was stopped by Lin Ge.

Just then, a scream suddenly came from the room.



"Lin Ge! You bastard! You cheated me out of my money!" Ma Xiaoling was lying happily on the bed, ready to count money, but when she opened the cash box Lin Ge gave her, she suddenly found that the amount of money inside was wrong.

It used to be a full box, but now it's less than one-fifth full.

Obviously, Lin Ge did not give her all the money in the cash box, but transferred a large part of it. Although even one hundred thousand pounds is a lot, this "gap" will inevitably affect my mood.

But after saying this, Ma Xiaoling regretted it.

Sure enough, a second later, I heard the roar of a certain "nephew" coming from outside: "Ma Xiaoling! Your wings have grown hard, right? You are neither big nor small, and you have no respect for your elders. Come out and kneel down for me!"

He Yingqiu was really angry.

Seeing that He Yingqiu was angry, Lin Ge quickly advised: "When Xiaoling and I met, she didn't know my identity. Thanks to her for taking care of me in the UK. She treats me as a friend. Young people nowadays don't need to care too much." . Let’s talk about our own affairs. You call me Uncle Master. You are her half-master. I talk to her about being friends..."


Lin Ge tried hard to persuade He Yingqiu to come down.

But although He Yingqiu was persuaded by Lin Ge, he still stood outside Ma Xiaoling's bedroom door and scolded him for a full half an hour before leaving dryly.

He Ying returned to the sofa and sat down, drinking half a pot of tea to calm down the anger in his heart.

"Uncle Master, I was just reading "Soul Melting Technique" and it suddenly occurred to me that I had a lonely soul patient before. Due to an accident, he absorbed the resentment and evil spirit of the red ghost. The only way I could think of was to separate him and be contaminated by the evil spirit. The soul, but there is no way to separate the resentment. I wonder, uncle, what good advice do you have?" He Yingqiu humbly asked for advice.

Lin Ge:......

Even your master can't handle this kind of professional problem, you ask me?

Lin Ge wanted to reply, "Don't ask, just ask for physical salvation." However, he recalled that when he was learning "Soul Melting Technique", there were some techniques for dividing souls in it, so he suggested that He Yingqiu could find the answer from the book first.

He Yingqiu heard this and immediately started reading "Soul Melting Technique". While reading, he asked Lin Ge some questions about the spells in the book.

Lin Ge's "Soul Melting Technique" is only "entry-level". It was very easy to answer He Yingqiu's question at first, but as it went on, the questions became more and more tricky.

In less than two hours, He Yingqiu broke through the "Introduction" to the "Basics", which surprised Lin Ge. It can be seen that He Yingqiu's understanding is really not low.

"Tsk, these two brothers of the He family... He Yingqiu, who has average qualifications, has this kind of understanding. How terrifying must it be for He Youqiu, who is regarded as a genius?"

"No wonder he is targeted by 'fate'."

Lin Ge sighed in his heart, and He Yingqiu asked a new question. This time the question was completely beyond Lin Ge's knowledge. If he had known that he had such a capable nephew, he would have spent a few more hours in the reincarnation space. It’s time to practice the "Soul Melting Technique".

"Martial nephew, don't be too hasty in practicing the secrets. Your progress has been very rapid. You are the most qualified disciple I have ever seen. I suggest you take the secrets back and study them slowly. I believe you will be able to find a solution." Lin Ge road.

He Yingqiu immediately stood up and bowed: "Uncle Master said that the disciple acted too hastily. I must follow Uncle Master's teachings, step by step, solidify the foundation, and then seek breakthroughs. It's just that this operation has troubled the disciple for a long time, and now I have Uncle Master." After reading the reward secret book, I suddenly became enlightened, and I have many ideas in my mind that I want to put into practice. Master uncle, you see..."

"Go quickly, go quickly. If you have an idea, you should put it into practice immediately. This kind of realization is hard-won, so we can't delay it." Lin Ge waved his hands in disgust and wanted to drive He Yingqiu away quickly. If he didn't leave, his "Uncle Master" "The shelf will be unbearable and the secret will be exposed.

Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Next time he teaches a disciple, he must teach what he is good at. Otherwise, if he is accidentally questioned by a disciple, it will be embarrassing.

Lin Ge decided to learn the thunder method next time. Whether it was palm thunder, chain lightning, or ball lightning, he had a lot of experience after the battle with Shi Jian, which was enough for him to talk about for a whole day.

Originally, He Yingqiu wanted to invite Lin Ge to dinner and leave before leaving. However, Lin Ge declined because he had already made an appointment with Xiaoling to go to Zhenzhen's house for dinner, so he kicked He Yingqiu out and closed the door to thank the guests.

"Phew. It's finally quiet. You're so old, why are you so verbose?" Lin Ge picked up the teacup, took a few sips, and couldn't help complaining.

At this time, Ma Xiaoling stuck her head out from the room: "Right? I think so too. One is my uncle and the other is my aunt. When they come together, they are really a pair of swords. You will be so verbose that your head will explode!"

"Then you quickly come up with a reason to lure your aunt back, otherwise you will explode several times a day when they meet." Lin Ge joked.

Ma Xiaoling angrily rushed to the seat opposite Lin Ge and sat down, hugging the pillow and complaining: "Your big Buddha is here, and my aunt can't come to pay her respects. How about you think of a way to let her go back?"

"I am a Taoist and do not believe in Buddhism." Lin Ge said.

"Hey. That's right!" Ma Xiaoling suddenly remembered something and stretched out her hand towards Lin Ge: "To pay back the money, it's clearly five hundred thousand per box. You're writing a bad check!"

"Who said 500,000? I only have 100,000 in the box. Riley must be cheating. Come on, I have his phone number. You can call him and scold him." Lin Ge took out his flip phone and handed it to Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Xiaoling:......

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

"Just hit me, I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Ma Xiaoling snatched the phone and glanced at the note with "Xiao Zhengzi" written on it: "Is this Riley?"

"You'll know if you call him," Lin Ge said.

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Lin Ge suspiciously and pressed the dial button. After a few rings, Riley's voice came from the phone.

"Mr. Zhao, what do you want from me?"

Lin Ge: ...Qin Shihuang used a mobile phone, which is really a long time to see.

"Riley?" Ma Xiaoling asked tentatively, mainly because although it was Riley's voice on the other side, the condescending tone and weird self-proclaimed voice made her a little suspicious for a moment.

"Miss Ma? It turns out that you and Mr. Zhao are together. I wonder if you have something to do with me, or Mr. Zhao has something with me?" Riley asked.

Ma Xiaoling coughed lightly to cover up her embarrassment, and then said: "Oh, Zhao Dezhu has something to do with you. He said that you cheated him and gave him only one hundred thousand pounds in the money box."

"Oh? Really? What are Mr. Zhao's plans?" Riley said lightly, with such a calm tone that Ma Xiaoling couldn't tell what the other party meant.

Four hundred thousand pounds, four million Hong Kong dollars.

If you are "unjustly accused", you have to defend yourself no matter what, right? If not, then you should hang up the phone in embarrassment and refuse directly.

Ma Xiaoling thought for a while and replied: "Oh, he said he would let you make up for it."

"What's the account? I'll ask the general manager to remit it." Riley said calmly, as if what he remitted was not hundreds of thousands of pounds, but a few dollars thrown away.

"Really or not?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge with a strange expression. She obviously thought that the two people were colluding to play with her, so she simply reported an account: "Just this account, please transfer it over."

"I'll tell the steward to do it later," Riley replied.

Ma Xiaoling:......

"Miss Ma, is there anything else?"

"there is none left."


A busy signal of hang up came directly from the other side.

"He didn't even say 'goodbye'. It's a shame I treated him as a gentleman before." Ma Xiaoling snorted and threw the phone back to Lin Ge: "I want to see how long you can continue to act. I won't accompany you. Let’s play, I’m going to put on beautiful makeup and go shopping with Zhenzhen in the evening.”

After saying that, Ma Xiaoling returned to the room.

Lin Ge turned on the TV and found a few videos taken by Ma Xiaoling next to the video recorder... Well, they were ghost-catching videos of her at work.

Some horror scenes are scarier than the special effects in ghost movies.

"Tsk, look, if the Taoist priest has no ghosts or zombies to catch, he can go and make a movie and blend in. How come my unlucky master has become a fried rice master." Lin Ge put his right hand on the back of the sofa and complained. , naturally also for a certain otaku who likes to watch dramas.

Huang Ni smiled and replied: "You have suppressed your master so much, aren't you afraid that he will reward you with a few thunders from the sky? Oh yes, you are used to being struck by lightning."

Lin Ge:......

Huang Ni added: "I have to say that Ma Xiaoling's ability to catch ghosts is quite good. She is the type of person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, with a sharp mouth and a soft heart. If you see her catching ghosts, innocent citizens will be fired. This It’s much more reliable than this disaster star like you. Please, learn from others.”

"Wait, something's not right." Lin Ge stared at the TV. On the screen, Ma Xiaoling used the "Nine-Character Mantra" to invite the Dragon God to destroy a red-clothed ghost trapped by her formation.

Huang Ni also discovered the problem and said in a deep voice: "Ma Xiaoling's dragon god in "Zombie 2" was not powerful because she lost the dragon ball. In this world, Ma Danna did not go to Kuang Guohua to help deal with the zombies, so she did not lose the dragon ball. The plot of two cats eating..."

Lin Ge sighed: "It seems that the cat demon is gone too."

"The cat demon is gone, maybe it saves some trouble... I'm just curious, will El Niño be born? If not, let me see how you open the Pangu Tomb." Huang Ni said.

Lin Ge said: "Do you think it's still too late for me to call the general and surrender?"

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