Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 251 Is there no one speaking up for Kuang Tianyou?

"I did not predict the role of 'fate'. In fact, I mainly wanted to 'test' how far fate's influence, or interference, on the Pangu clan can be achieved."

"First of all, judging from the clues fed back by the generals, he was not the person behind the scenes who conveyed information related to fate through the elves in the Elf Forest that night."

"Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he deliberately acted out a show. But in this way, it refutes his personality. In the process of communicating with him, I am more willing to believe his words."

"Secondly, the Pangu tribe is an immortal being created by people in the last catastrophe with wisdom that transcends the three books of heaven, earth and man, and is not controlled by fate."

"Although the general is from the Pangu tribe, in "Zombie 2", he first drifted in the universe for thousands of years until this world appeared and he came to this world. His duty was originally to Nuwa He is the 'supervisor' who monitors Nuwa for the Pangu tribe. Once Nuwa makes a wrong decision or causes harm to the world, the generals must do their best to stop her, or even... kill Nuwa."

"However, as a general of the Pangu tribe, he not only forgot his mission, but also forgot his memory as a member of the Pangu tribe."

"If this is not fate, then it can only be said to be the biggest 'mistake' in the history of the Pangu tribe. But judging from the layout of capturing fate in "Zombie 3", it is obvious that the Pangu tribe will not make such low-level mistakes. There are errors. Therefore, I conclude that the reason why the general lost his memory is most likely due to the influence of fate."

"So I took the risk and tested it. Judging from the general's reaction, he should be 'seriously thinking about my intentions'. He agreed. Whether it was out of his subjective will or fate's 'interference', it was not related to me. It makes no difference.”

"With the character and behavior of a general, he will try his best to 'help' even the people he considers to be his 'friends' and keep his promise to his friends. So this will be very important for me to contact him in the future. There are advantages. Secondly, through contact with the generals, I can also confirm that the mastermind behind the Forest of Elves is not him, but other Pangu people...or, fate."

Huang Ni listened to Lin Ge's explanation and opinions, pondered for a while, and then asked another question: "Destiny deliberately tells you its existence and 'weakness'. This is not good news."

"That's right." Lin Ge knew that Huang Ni must have thought about it with him. Destiny, as the boss of 3, appeared in advance in 2. Whether this meant that the Lord God had changed the world of "Stiff Covenant" beyond recognition, or that Destiny has learned the "truth" of the world, and no matter which one, it is not "good news" for Lin Ge.

"What are you going to do?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge thought for a while and replied: "First of all, we have to figure out what the world has become and which key plot characters have disappeared. Secondly, we need to find the three key figures who deal with fate, the Human King Fuxi, the Holy Mother of Yaochi and Ksitigarbha. Wang Ma Xiaohu, first determine whether they have changed."

"In the original plot, Madonna went to Kuang Guohua for help, which led to Kuang Guohua turning into a zombie. Kuang Guohua, who later became a zombie, went to Sakura Country to find his old enemy Yamamoto Kazuo. After learning that Kuang Guohua had turned into a zombie, Yamamoto Kazuo committed suicide. Yamamoto Kazuo's grandson, Domoto Shizu, witnessed all this. Due to the cruel militaristic education of Yamamoto Kazuo in his childhood, his character was twisted and paranoid. He mistakenly believed that Kuang Guohua was a god and worshiped zombies extremely. Therefore, after learning that "Tears of Angels" is related to zombies Only then will Ma Xiaoling be hired to retrieve the Angel's Tears."

"But in this world, Ma Danna did not go to Xiaohe Village to ask Kuang Guohua for help, so Kuang Guohua and Yamamoto Kazuo did not become zombies. Kuang Guohua probably does not exist in this world, so... many of the characters that were created, such as Domoto Jing, should be There won’t be any plot about worshiping zombies.”

"But I asked Ma Xiaoling about her employer on the plane. Although she didn't say it explicitly, she did mention the Domoto Group."

"Starting an investigation from this group is undoubtedly the fastest way."

Domoto Shizu is the most critical link in "Zombie 2". Without Domoto Shizu, it means that without his son "Magic Star" El Niño, there will be no way to open Pangu's tomb and get Pangu's bow and arrows. The butterfly effect produced in this process is probably the main reason for the integration of the two worldviews of "Zombie 2" and "Zombie 3".

While Lin Ge and Huang Ni were still discussing how to launch an investigation, the sound of the door opening was heard in the living room, followed by Ma Xiaoling's voice.

"Hey, omnipotent Grandpa Lin, come out and help."

Just an unlucky guy, the 40th generation descendant of the Ma family of the dignified exorcist dragon clan couldn't do it? Wouldn't it ruin the Ma family's brand if this news spread?

Lin Ge came out of the bedroom out of curiosity, only to see Ma Xiaoling rummaging around in front of the computer desk for something, and finally took out a bottle of "insecticide".

"found it."

Lin Ge stepped forward and asked, "What can I do for you?"

Ma Xiaoling replied: "No wonder Uncle Gu has been so unlucky recently. He originally bought the Mark Six Lottery every week, but this week he won more than 30 million without buying it."


"You still don't understand? You are still a Taoist priest." Ma Xiaoling said in a disdainful tone: "In this case, it is obvious that Uncle Gu has hit the evil spirit. But I walked too fast just now and did not take the ghost-repelling spray. I was afraid of being injured by other means. To Uncle Gu."

Lin Ge wondered: "Then just go there with your things. How can I help?"

"Oh, I'm afraid that after the unlucky ghost is driven out of Uncle Gu's body, he will run around in Jiajia Building and harm other residents, so I want to find someone who is not very lucky and lure him away. But before I After seeing your face, you are full of black energy. You are the kind of person who can buy instant noodles without any seasoning packets, so it is just right." Ma Xiaoling said.

Lin Ge: ...This knife penetrated deep.

"Let's go, we are all neighbors in the same building. This small thing is considered a good deed." Ma Xiaoling held the ghost-repelling spray in her hand and pulled Lin Ge out.

The two came to the lobby on the first floor. Uncle Gu was lying on the counter crying, feeling sorry for his 30 million bonus, while Wang Zhenzhen stood aside and comforted him.

Ma Xiaoling said to Lin Ge: "I will drive out the unlucky guy in a while. Where do you stand, he will be attracted by your bad luck... well, by your bad luck. When he possesses you, no matter it is Either he or you will definitely run away, and it will be much easier to deal with it when there is no one around, so that Zhenzhen and the others will not be frightened."

Lin Ge: ...Then you think too highly of this unlucky ghost. Not to mention a resentful spirit, even a fierce god may not be able to take possession of me.

Ma Xiaoling saw that Lin Ge was silent, and when he agreed tacitly, she comforted him: "Don't worry, with your physique, he won't be any threat to you for a minute or two, and I am absolutely sure to deal with him. Mainly Gu My uncle is getting older, and if he is stimulated by seeing ghosts, he is afraid that he will disappear as a human being."

"Really? I don't believe it."

Lin Ge wanted to say that he had no habit of being possessed by ghosts, but suddenly realized that saying so was a slap in the face, so he said: "I am deeply doubtful about your three-legged cat's ability to catch ghosts. Do you have a yellow talisman? Give me one." Zhang is just in case, otherwise you find someone else."

"Take it. I am the 40th generation descendant of the Ma family. If my exorcism skills are all three-legged cat kung fu, then there will be few people in this world who can catch ghosts." Ma Xiaoling snorted and took out a yellow card in dissatisfaction. The talisman was stuffed into Lin Singer.

Lin Ge said calmly: "I will convey this to your aunt and uncle Qiu later."

"Believe it or not, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you." Ma Xiaoling stepped forward and stood by the counter with Wang Zhenzhen to comfort Uncle Gu: "Uncle Gu, don't be sad, maybe you can win a bigger one next time. Just raise your head , I will take a look at your face, and then help you set up a Feng Shui array to change your fortune, and you can continue to fight it for a few more periods and your luck will turn around."

Uncle Gu cried heartbrokenly, but the situation could not be undone at this point. He could only choose to believe Ma Xiaoling, raise his head, and let the other party read his face for him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his head, Ma Xiaoling took a bottle of insecticide and sprayed it on his head. Uncle Gu subconsciously held his head and squatted down, but he did not notice that a black smoke flew out from above his head, and transformed into a man in a dress beside him. The big fat ghost of Bruce Lee's signature yellow fighting suit.

The unlucky man originally wanted to choose a target nearby, but he couldn't afford to offend Ma Xiaoling, and Wang Zhenzhen's luck was too strong. In addition, she was a woman. He didn't want to possess a woman, so he immediately rushed to Lin who was also exuding bad luck. Song.

Lin Ge stood motionless on the spot. The unfortunate guy thought he was frightened and was about to pounce on him. However, he saw Lin Ge slowly raised his hand and directly used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to pinch the unfortunate guy's neck and push him towards Huang. Press the talisman and quickly fold the yellow talisman into a lucky star, sealing the unlucky person.

"Ah? Xiaoling, did something run over just now... I seemed to see a translucent fat man with green light on his body?" Wang Zhenzhen saw a shadow in a trance the moment the unlucky ghost appeared, but she still Before he could take a closer look, Lin Ge sealed it.

Its speed was so fast that even Ma Xiaoling was ashamed.

"You're dazzled, Zhenzhen, take care of Uncle Gu." After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she walked towards Lin Ge. Although she knew that Lin Ge knew Ma's Soul Sealing Technique, the method of sealing the Yellow Talisman Lucky Star was exactly the same as hers.

"Why do you know how to seal my soul?" Ma Xiaoling asked curiously.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "I have a relatively high level of understanding, and I can master it after just one look."

Ma Xiaoling nodded, thinking that this reason was reasonable, but she immediately felt something was wrong. She had never used the Soul Sealing Technique since she met Lin Ge!

"No! When did I use the Soul Sealing Technique?"

"On the plane, when you're dreaming."

"Do you think I look like a fool?"



Ma Xiaoling was so angry at Lin Ge that she snatched the lucky star from his hand and returned to the counter to comfort Uncle Gu with Wang Zhenzhen, too lazy to pay attention to Lin Ge anymore.

"Uncle Gu, I have sprayed you with my exclusive secret transportation spray. The bad luck on your body has been sprayed away. I will help you set up a Feng Shui formation later. Don't be sad." Ma Xiaoling comforted you.

Uncle Gu cried and said: "Hey, Xiaoling, we agreed, don't come back. Also, you said this time it will be free and there will be no charge."

Ma Xiaoling:......

"Okay, no charge."

Upon hearing this, Uncle Gu immediately put a smile on his face and asked excitedly: "How do you want to set up the Feng Shui array? Do you need me to prepare any materials? Or do you have all the materials?"

Ma Xiaoling:......

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

If it hadn't been for the millions he had just received, if Uncle Gu hadn't been an old man from Jiajia Building... I'm afraid Ma Xiaoling would have been unable to suppress her violent temper at this time, and would have simply walked away.

After solving Uncle Gu's problem, Ma Xiaoling went home first and put the lucky star that sealed the unlucky ghost into the ghost bottle. Then she accepted Wang Zhenzhen's invitation and went to her house to "have a meal".

As Ma Xiaoling's "friend", Lin Ge naturally became an invitee.

When they arrived at Wang Zhenzhen's house, the three of them saw a slender middle-aged woman busy at the dining table as soon as they entered the house. When they heard the door open, they said, "You're here? Xiaoling, listen to Zhenzhen. You are coming over for dinner, so I specially prepared some of your favorite dishes...You too, why did you come back early from a business trip without saying a word? If I had known, I would have prepared more for you..."

This person was Wang Zhenzhen's mother. As she was talking, she turned around and saw that there was a handsome young man. She was stunned: "Who is this?"

"This is Xiaoling's..." Wang Zhenzhen originally wanted to help introduce her, but she couldn't say the word "grandpa". Otherwise, with Xiaoling's temper, she would probably have to blackmail herself for a few more meals by "breaking up the relationship."

Wang Zhenzhen said half of her words. Those who knew the situation knew that she didn't know how to introduce Lin Ge's "seniority", but those who didn't know... these words were obviously easily misunderstood.

For example, the Queen Mother.

When she heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said as if she suddenly understood: "Oh, I understand, I understand, Xiaoling's..."

"Hey, auntie, don't get me wrong. She is just a distant relative of mine who came to Hong Kong Island to do business and was just 'borrowing'. Zhenzhen felt sorry for him, so she invited him to dinner." Ma Xiaoling quickly stopped the Queen Mother from deepening the misunderstanding.

Unexpectedly, when Ma Xiaoling said this, the Queen Mother not only did not feel regretful, but her eyes lit up: "Oh? Xiaoling's distant relative? Young man, how old are you? Do you have a girlfriend? Look at my daughter..."

"Mom!" Wang Zhenzhen quickly pulled her mother aside and complained: "What are you talking about? He is Xiaoling's... uh, relative."

"So what, he is Xiaoling's relative, not yours. Besides, you don't have a boyfriend at your age, so you don't feel embarrassed. Do you know that when I go out to chat with those friends, they How old is your grandson!" The Queen Mother complained.

Wang Zhenzhen:......

Lin Ge smiled and said: "I heard Xiaoling mention that doesn't Miss Wang have a boyfriend?"

"When did I say that?" Ma Xiaoling said with confusion.

Lin Ge said seriously: "On the plane, you were half asleep and talking to me about your bestie. You said that Miss Wang had found a boyfriend named 'Kang', who was quite handsome, and you were quite envious of her. "

"Is there such a thing?" Ma Xiaoling asked in surprise.

The Queen Mother also looked at Wang Zhenzhen in surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

"No!" Wang Zhenzhen denied immediately.

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, the love triangle has been interrupted. Is no one speaking up for Kuang Tianyou?

Then, Lin Ge needs to "determine" whether the plot character has changed. The most critical link - the "male protagonist", has been confirmed to not exist.

If the Kuang family line does not exist, then the "Yamamoto" line still needs to be confirmed.

Domoto Jing, Jin Mirai.

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