Half an hour later.



Lin Ge was watching a ghost movie "starring" Ma Xiaoling in the living room. Suddenly he heard a cheer from the bedroom, and then Ma Xiaoling ran out with a roar.

"Come here, it's really coming!" Ma Xiaoling said excitedly.

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately understood that Ma Xiaoling had "scammed" Riley and the money had arrived, so he asked, "How much was remitted?"

"One million pounds! Another million pounds!" Ma Xiaoling said excitedly. It was no wonder she was making such a fuss. She had never seen so much money since she started a "cleaning company".

One million six hundred thousand pounds, the point is, you got it without doing anything!

"Wait a minute!" Ma Xiaoling said with serious eyes: "You said... I'll give you one or two million as long as you ask for it. Isn't Riley a money launderer?"

Lin Ge:......

Will Qin Shihuang be short of money?

"Or...does he like you? As soon as I told you that you wanted to pay me again, he immediately hit you...Do you have an ulterior relationship?" Ma Xiaoling approached Lin Ge and asked in a very gossipy tone.

Lin Ge said with a dull face, "You can return the money right away."

"I'm not stupid. After reaching my account, how can I return it... Hehehehe, I'm rich, hahaha! I'm going to put on some beautiful makeup and take Zhenzhen to go shopping!" Ma Xiaoling said loudly Laughing and running back to the room.

Lin Ge:......

"Hey, wait." Lin Ge called to Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Xiaoling turned around and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"After you collect the money, can you give me some yellow charms?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling ran back to the room without looking back: "In the drawer in the lower left corner of the TV cabinet, you can use yellow charms, paper money, and scented wax paper candles as you like, but don't touch the things in the cabinet on the right. Those are my exorcism tools. They are valuable." .”

"One million pounds isn't enough to buy you a few exorcism tools?" Lin Ge was speechless.

Ma Xiaoling thought about it, poked her head out of the bedroom, stretched out her hand and made a sign of "3": "Okay, I will be merciful and let you pick three items."

"Haha." Lin Ge was too lazy to pay attention to the iron cock. He walked to the TV cabinet and opened the cabinet to take a look. It was filled with a cabinet full of materials.

He took some yellow talismans and paper, ink, pen and inkstone. Since the "nightmare effect" of this world restricted the use of spells from other worlds, although the negative effect was just being targeted by fate, Lin Ge was not yet sure what would happen if he was targeted by fate. To be cautious, he decided to use the Ma family's spells and props first.

In addition to the Soul Sealing Technique, Lin Ge also knows the Ma Family's Vision Technique. To put it bluntly, it is a magical "monitoring". Although it may not be useful, it is always good to have a few.

Later, Lin Ge opened the drawer on the right, which was filled with magical objects such as "makeup mirror", "lipstick", "throwing stick", and "Buddha's palm".

Some of these makeup mirrors are a combination of makeup mirrors and Luo Geng, some are a combination of Bagua mirrors, and some are filled with ghost exorcism sprays and powders...

And those lipsticks are not ordinary. Some of them have mechanisms underneath, and the lucky stars inside can be ejected by pressing them. Some can release ghost-repelling sprays by twisting them...

All in all, the "cosmetics" in the drawer are all exorcism tools.

Lin Ge picked an "exorcism stick", a Bagua mirror and Luo Geng, then took the yellow talisman and walked to the coffee table to sit down and start drawing the talisman.

While Lin Ge was drawing the talisman, he chatted with Huang Ni about the generals and Ying Zheng.

"Although money is just a number to Qin Shihuang, he is a little too happy." Huang Ni's sigh came from the mark on the back of his right hand.

Lin Ge pondered: "Do you think he knows the identity of the general?"

"I don't know. If it's Riley, then he should 'hate' the generals, but if it's Qin Shihuang, it's hard to tell. After all, his personality has changed since the awakening of his buried personality. There have been earth-shaking changes." Huang Ni replied.

Lin Ge said: "I feel... I seem to have released a huge 'monster', the infinite-life Qin Shihuang... Tsk, he doesn't really want to rule the world, does he?"

"Haha, that's not right. Qin Shihuang launched a war, and you just jumped out of control to join the army of destiny." Huang Ni joked.

"That makes sense."

Lin Ge drew the talisman paper for a full two hours. Ma Xiaoling finally put on makeup and came out of the bedroom. Seeing Lin Ge drawing the talisman, she came over to take a look and said in surprise: "Eh? You actually still have the seal of our Ma family." Soul Talisman, Appearance Talisman? Tsk tsk, how many things did my aunt teach you?"

"Not much, just the Soul Sealing Technique and the Appearance Technique." Lin Ge answered truthfully.


"How about you teach me a few more tricks?"

"what do you want to learn?"

After Ma Xiaoling received another one million pounds, her attitude towards Lin Ge also changed 180 degrees, as if she regarded him as the God of Wealth.

"Just teach me some spells you can teach." Lin Ge said.

Ma Xiaoling nodded: "No problem, but you're not in a rush for the whole day, right? Let's go to Zhenzhen's house for dinner first, and I'll teach you tomorrow."

"You are so awesome if you can take it so naturally." Lin Ge sighed.

Ma Xiaoling said nonchalantly: "I also have to buy groceries, okay?"

“How many times a year do you buy?”

"...I want you to take care of it."

The two of them came to Wang Zhenzhen's house in mutual displeasure. The Wang family's mother and daughter warmly entertained them. After dinner, Lin Ge declined Ma Xiaoling's invitation to go shopping and planned to walk around alone and check out the surrounding environment.

In fact, the "quieter it got" in the past two days, the more uneasy he felt. The world of "Stiff Covenant" is still a nightmare.

Coupled with the "disappearance" of many key plot characters, this is not a good sign.

This is why he prepared a stack of developing talismans to control the area around Jiajia Building as much as possible to prevent emergencies.

Lin Ge, Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen came out of the elevator and met a woman with a mushroom head, black-rimmed glasses and a suspender skirt walking over.

"Mengmeng!" Wang Zhenzhen took the lead in greeting the woman.

"Zhenzhen, Xiaoling!" The short-haired girl came over excitedly, grabbed Ma Xiaoling's hand, and said excitedly: "Xiaoling, aren't you on a business trip?"

"You're back today. What about you? Just got off work?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

The short-haired girl is named Ruan Mengmeng. She lives with her mother who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. She is optimistic and motivated. She is a common friend of Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen.

The three girls chatted for a while. Ruan Mengmeng noticed Lin Ge standing next to Ma Xiaoling and asked curiously: "Huh? Is this... is he?"

As she said that, her eyes drifted towards Ma Xiaoling, and Ma Xiaoling said quickly: "This is my distant relative 'Lin Ge', who is staying with me temporarily."

"Oh - hello, my name is Ruan Mengmeng!" Ruan Mengmeng extended his hand enthusiastically.

Lin Ge stretched out his hand, shook it, and nodded, "Hello."

In the play, Ruan Mengmeng's mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, watches TV every day. No matter what Ruan Mengmeng says to her, there is no response. Ruan Mengmeng then thinks about participating in a TV talent show and appearing on TV so that her mother can see it. Dementia helps.

Who knows that Domoto Jing, who has imagined that he is a zombie, has been hunting women and sucking their blood, and Ruan Mengmeng has also become a victim.

"Mengmeng, will you go shopping with us?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

Ruan Mengmeng shook her head: "No, I want to go home and cook for my mother. After I finish...well, I have to work at night, so you can go ahead."

"Oh well."

The three women chatted for a few more words, and then Ruan Mengmeng walked into the elevator.

Looking at Ruan Mengmeng's leaving figure, Lin Ge thought that Ma Xiaoling had caught the "unlucky guy". Ruan Mengmeng shouldn't be so unlucky to run into Domoto Jing again, right?

Besides, there is no zombie like Kuang Guohua in this world for Domoto Jing to admire, so Domoto Jing should not imagine that he is a zombie.

But Domoto Shizu hired Ma Xiaoling to find Angel Tears, and there was obviously a "conflict" in the plot...

"You really don't want to go shopping with us?" Ma Xiaoling's question pulled Lin Ge out of his thoughts.

Lin Ge shook his head: "I just got here and I'm going to familiarize myself with the surrounding environment first. You go ahead and I'll go shopping with you next time."

"Hey, who wants you to accompany me? Zhenzhen, let's go." Ma Xiaoling took Wang Zhenzhen away from Jiajia Building and went to the street to stop a car.

Lin Ge walked out of Jiajia Building, walked around the building first, and placed the "developing charms" stacked into lucky stars at some key locations.

Later, Lin Ge stopped a taxi.

"Go to the Domoto Group."

On the way, Lin Ge habitually asked the taxi driver about the news about the Domoto Group. The taxi driver's talkativeness was uniform across the country. Lin Ge just started, and the driver, Master Hua, began to tell him what he knew about the Domoto Group. The gossip was told one by one.

After Master Hua's narration, Lin Ge learned that our group's business in Hong Kong Island was quite large, covering many fields. Recently, in order to promote the group's products, it has cooperated with Hong Kong Island Television to launch a talent show, which is second only to the Hong Kong Sister Election in popularity.

"...Young man, let me tell you, don't look at the popularity of that talent show. In fact, it is very evil. I heard that several girls who participated in the talent show disappeared. It's just that this matter is related to the Domoto Group and Hong Kong The island TV station was suppressed by the higher ups, yes, don’t say it was me who said it..." Master Hua lowered his voice and said to Lin Ge as if he was telling a ghost story. While speaking, he turned his head to look. Lin Ge's reaction was that he was afraid that he wouldn't believe it.

"Master, your information is quite good." Lin Ge sighed.

Master Hua smiled and said: "Oh, I have to drive all day long, and chat with other colleagues when I have nothing to do. One of my colleagues hooked up with a girl from the talent show. The girl said that she would rent the car for a day, so she paid for it. As a result, ...I went to the Domoto Group building and never came out. Later, the driver called the police. After questioning for a long time, the police came and said that the girl left through another door. But who would believe it? If you pay for a day's charter, Just to make people wait in vain? Do you think..."

"Also... Last time, a colleague answered the call from the dispatch desk and said that someone was calling for a taxi. It turned out that it was the Domoto Group Building. They also waited for a long time..." Master Hua kept telling the story about the relationship between their taxi drivers. The exchanges only became more and more mysterious, and the driver even saw a "bat" as big as a human.

Just as Master Hua was talking enthusiastically, the Domoto Group building arrived: "Huh? You're here so quickly. Young man, how about I take you around the building twice for free? It's rare that someone is willing to listen to my story without being too noisy. ... As the saying goes, a thousand pieces of gold are easy to come by, but a true friend is hard to find. How about I chat with you again?"

Lin Ge:......

"Next time, definitely next time." Lin Ge paid the money and hurriedly prepared to get out of the car and leave. But as soon as he opened the car door, he sat back and took out some money and handed it to Master Hua: "Master, I also think it's the same with you. It's quite a chat, why don't you wait here, I'll go up to do some errands, and then come down and continue to listen to your chat."

"Okay, then you go and get busy. I'll be waiting at the waiting point in front." Master Hua's eyes suddenly turned into lines of laughter when he saw a stack of banknotes.

Lin Ge left Master Hua's phone number and walked towards the Domoto Group building with his travel bag on his back.

It was just after eight o'clock. Except for the signal light on the top floor of the Domoto Group building, the whole building was dark and looked a bit eerie.

"Hey. There is a lot of evil in this building." At this time, a voice came from the mark on Lin Ge's right hand. To Lin Ge's surprise, it was Huang Shang who reminded him.

"Hey, sister, are you awake?" Lin Ge teased.

"Who is your sister!" Huang Shang snorted: "And I was practicing. Who is like you and only knows how to sleep all day long?"

"It's more reliable for you to tell your sister this."

"You are not allowed to talk about my sister. My sister sleeps as much as she likes. If I were not afraid that you would bring my sister into danger, I would not bother to remind you..." Huang Shang said displeased.

Huang Ni coughed lightly and reminded: "Sister, be polite to the landlord."


Lin Ge stood in front of the Domoto Group building and looked up at the dark building. If Huang Shang could remind him that there was a lot of evil here, then it would be really serious.

If it were placed in the past world, even if the general had moved his headquarters to the top floor of the Domoto Group building like in the play, he would still have to make a breakthrough.

But he can't use spells outside this world for the time being, which makes him have to be careful. After all, in terms of nightmare difficulty, it is too calm at the moment.

Afraid that this was the calm before the storm, for safety reasons, Lin Ge avoided the surveillance outside the Domoto Group building and placed the lucky star "appearance charm" in some key locations.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw a man dressed like a vampire count coming out of the side door of the building and walking towards the forest path in the distance.

Domoto Shizu!

Lin Ge recognized at a glance that this person was Tang Benjing. He didn't care about why there was no Kuang Guohua. Tang Benjing was still a zombie fan. He decided to follow this guy to see what he was going to do.

Lin Ge followed Domoto Jing all the way into the woods. Just as he was about to go deeper, Huang Shang stopped Lin Ge again: "Be careful, there are three evil spirits in the woods. They are very powerful, at least above the level of the Ghost King."

Three shares?

Above the Ghost King?

Lin Ge immediately stopped, took out a lipstick that he had taken from Ma Xiaoling's drawer, opened the lid, put the Lucky Star Development Talisman inside, and fired it at Domoto Jing who was walking in the distance.

I saw a thumb-sized golden light fly out from the tip of the lipstick, and accurately hit the sole of Domoto Shizuo's left foot while he was running, but he didn't notice anything and continued running into the woods.

Lin Ge exited the grove and came to a corner. He held up the magic formula and drew it on the wall. A square screen appeared, showing a scene from Domoto Shizu's perspective.

Domoto Jing came to the center of the grove, and before waiting for a while, two men in black robes came to Dom Benjing carrying a huge black bag and threw the black bag in front of him.

Domoto Benjing squatted down and opened the bag, and there was an unconscious young woman lying inside.

Domoto Jing raised his head, looked at the two men in black robes and asked: "Hey, this is already the ninth time. How many women's blood do I need to suck before I can turn into a zombie?"

The man in black robe on the left said: "Don't worry, the master said, as long as you follow his instructions, you can become a zombie as you wish."

"Hmph, if you dare to lie to me, I will definitely make you pay the price!" After Domoto Jing finished speaking, he leaned down and moved the woman's head to expose her neck.

Domoto opened his mouth, exposed the zombie's fangs, and bit the woman's neck.

Looking at Domoto Shizu's actions in the picture, Lin Ge frowned: "Sure enough, a madman is a madman. He is obviously not a zombie, but he wants to imitate zombies to suck blood. Wong Tai Sin, the evil you are talking about refers to the two men in black robes and That woman? But if that woman had that strength, she wouldn’t be lying on the ground and having her blood sucked by Domoto Shizu, right?"

At this moment, Huang Shang was suddenly heard saying urgently: "Be careful, that aura is behind you!"

Lin Ge immediately turned around and saw three people standing behind him, a bald middle-aged man in a blue suit, a trendy man with white cropped hair, and another wearing a strange mask.

The bald middle-aged man in a blue suit played with the ring on his hand, stared at Lin Ge maliciously, and sneered: "Friend, your spell is interesting!"

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