Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 248 Burning yellow paper with generals and worshiping the leader

Ma Xiaoling saw that Lin Ge hadn't followed, so she turned back to look at him and asked, "What are you doing standing there?"

Lin Ge looked back at Ma Xiaoling and replied: "I have calculated that today is not a good day to enter the castle. It is better to go back to the town to rest first and choose a lucky day to come back."

"Nervous." Ma Xiaoling gave Lin Ge a big eye roll, turned around and walked towards the castle.

Lin Ge didn't want to tell Ma Xiaoling that the generals of the Zombie King that your Ma family has been chasing for thousands of years are in the castle. He probably can't beat him or not, so he picked up the stick and went to have a fight first.

But this is the world of reincarnation, not a TV series. If the general doesn't want to be released into the sea and kills Ma Xiaoling with a slap, then the ending will be immediate.

Moreover, Lin Ge himself did not expect that the general would give such a big surprise, no, he was shocked, and he would come to the castle to drink in such a cheerful manner.

Under the leadership of the maid, Ma Xiaoling started the "tour" from the first floor of the castle. Lin Ge went directly to the balcony on the top floor, but saw that the general was still standing in his original position. He raised his glass to him and said with a smile:

"Kids, don't panic. Yesterday I noticed something was wrong with my friend's mood, so I came here to see him. From his description, I found out that it was because he met a very interesting kid that he became emotionally unstable. And I It's just out of curiosity and wanting to see who this magical kid is that I appear here."

Lin Ge: ...You are the child, and the whole family is a child.


He could only say this in his heart. After all, judging from the "age" of the generals and the Pangu clan, he was indeed considered a "kid".

However, after hearing the general's words, Lin Ge had some doubts in his heart.

Because according to his guess, Shiya's appearance and the introduction of him and Ma Xiaoling into the Elf Forest should be controlled by the general behind the scenes.

Judging from the words of the general, it seems that this is not the case. It is even possible that the information told by the elves was not done by the general.

what happened?

Was the general just teasing him, a "little friend", or did he have an ulterior motive?

"Come and sit. What would you like to drink? Red wine? Tea?" The general greeted Lin Ge warmly.

Since the generals had come to give surprises, Lin Ge simply stopped worrying and stepped forward to pick up the wine glass on the table and greeted the generals: "Sir, you are so majestic and magnificent. I don't know what to call him?"

"Jiang Zhenzu." The general smiled slightly and said, "What do you call your Excellency?"

Lin Ge replied: "I won't change my name when I'm down, and I won't change my surname when I'm sitting down. I fought all over Hong Kong at the age of eighteen, became the leader of Hongxing at the age of twenty, and retired from the world at the age of twenty-two. He is known as the Little White Dragon who conquers demons and slays demons. Jiang Home'Jiang Tiansheng'! Nice to meet you!"

The general always felt that what Lin Ge said sounded strange, but for a while he couldn't figure out what was so strange, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

The general smiled and said: "I heard from my friend that you seem to admire Qin Shihuang very much?"

Lin Ge said: "Worshipping Qin Shihuang is better than chasing stars, right?"

"Hahaha. Brother Jiang is very interesting. I am very curious. In your opinion, what is there about Qin Shihuang that is worthy of worship?" asked the general.

Lin Ge replied: "People always have infinite imagination and yearning for the 'first'. The first emperor in history to achieve 'unification' is worthy of admiration."

Lin Ge started talking eloquently again. After letting go, he chatted with the general.

After some testing, Lin Ge was surprised to find that the general at this time was still the general in the play who had forgotten his "identity" and "mission" of the Pangu tribe.

That is to say, the person behind the command of the elves to tell him the "truth" about his fate in the Elf Forest last night was not the general.

But if it wasn’t a general, who could it be?

The general had a very happy chat with Lin Ge, or he could have a very good chat with anyone. After all, his age was his greatest advantage. Having survived for thousands of years, his conversational skills and knowledge were unparalleled.

As Lin Ge chatted, he suddenly felt that he could no longer "fuck off" in front of the generals. After all, he only remembered some key information and famous scenes of the plot of "The Deadly Appointment", and he was not a fan of it every minute and every second. I can even memorize the lines, let alone discuss "historical" issues.

With nothing to talk about, Lin Ge simply threw the topic back to the general: "Mr. Jiang, I wonder if you have heard of the rumors about this town and the elves?"

"I've heard a little bit." The general smiled and nodded.

Lin Ge said: "Mr. Riley told me a story. He mentioned that only people with pure hearts can hear the elves speak, but one of his friends can communicate with the elves. Should this 'friend' Could it be you, Mr. Jiang? If Mr. Jiang doesn’t mind, could you also share the story of the elf with me?”

"Of course." The general smiled and told Lin Ge the story of the elves.

In his story, elves are the purest existences in the human soul. When a person dies, the soul representing sin will go to hell to be judged, and the purest part of the soul will turn into an elf and continue to wait for this person. piece of land until their mission is completed.

"Mission? What is the mission of the elf?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

The general replied: "Maybe it is to pass on the story of this land, or maybe it is to protect this forest from being destroyed by humans... I am afraid only the elves know the real mission."

"Mr. Jiang is indeed not an ordinary person. He even knows things about elves so clearly. It is an honor for me to be friends with Mr. Jiang." Lin Ge raised his wine glass and saluted the general.

The general returned the favor and glanced down, as if unintentionally, to Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong, who were walking around the castle garden under the guidance of the maid.

"Brother Jiang mentioned just now that after you retired to seclusion, you did a great job of subduing demons and slaying demons, and you also met the Ma clan of the exorcist dragon clan. I wonder which sect you are a disciple of?" asked the general.

Lin Ge said: "I have not joined the sect, but I had some exchanges with the descendants of Taoist Master Mao Xiaofang when I was young, and learned a little bit."

The general nodded when he heard the words: "It turns out that Brother Jiang has some connections with the Mao family in Southern Mao and Northern Ma. Speaking of which, when I was traveling around, I had an encounter with Taoist Master Mao Xiaofang. However, I was... Cough. It is a pity that we were not able to have in-depth exchanges due to the impact of the domestic situation."

Lin Ge guessed that the general wanted to say that he was being targeted by the Ma family at that time. However, with Mao Xiaofang's ability, it should not be difficult to identify the general's zombie. It was also a question whether he would communicate with him in depth.

"Everything is about fate. Maybe the fate between Mr. Jiang and Taoist Mao Xiaofang has not come yet. Speaking of fate, I feel that I have a special fate with Mr. Jiang. Especially today's conversation has benefited me a lot. I admire Mr. Jiang very much. Just like the surging river, it is endless, and like the Yellow River overflowing, it is out of control. I think since we are so destined, why not let us burn yellow paper, chop off the chicken heads, and become brothers with different surnames!" Lin Ge said, taking out a Folding yellow paper, he warmly stepped forward and put his arms around the general's shoulders, and walked to the open space aside.

The general had maintained a gentle smile on his face from the moment he appeared until just now. However, at this moment, the smile on his face froze.

Although the general's lifespan is much longer than a few thousand years, he actually "joins the world" for hundreds of years, which does not include the years he secretly observes human beings.

However, during these times, the general has dealt with all kinds of people. Some people were afraid of his momentum and chose to surrender, and some chose to follow him after knowing his strength... But he had never seen such a "natural" expression. He wanted to be with him. He burned yellow paper and cut off the chicken head, and he became his brother!

"Isn't this... not good?" Although the general was quite optimistic about the young man in front of him based on the previous chat, he was just "valuing", or it was okay to be a friend, and to be a brother...

Lin Ge turned his head and looked directly at the general, and said seriously: "Brother Jiang, don't worry, I never care about friendships with others. Even if Brother Jiang, you are just an ordinary person, it doesn't matter. Who told us to get along? In the future in Hong Kong Dao, I will protect you, anyone who bullies you will not give me Jiang Tiansheng face..."

The general looked at Lin Ge, who was talking long and irrational words in front of him, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, but for just a moment, a voice in his mind suddenly asked him to "agree".

The strange thing is that the moment this idea appeared, it was infinitely "amplified" in the general's mind. This strange "emotion" had only appeared once in thousands of years.

The last time was when she fell in love with Nuwa at first sight when she woke up after sleeping for tens of millions of years.

But this time, she felt that the young man in front of her was extremely pleasing to the eye, and she actually wanted to burn yellow paper, chop off chicken heads, and become brothers with him!

Absurd, ridiculous.

The general couldn't figure out why such a ridiculous idea would appear in his mind, and he nodded his head in a strange way.

The general nodded, not to mention the general himself, and even Lin Ge, the initiator who was excited for a moment, was also confused. But the general nodded, how could he miss such a good opportunity.

Immediately place the incense burner, the copper basin, the yellow paper... After the incense wax paper candles were ready, he knelt down first with a "thud", then raised his head and looked at the general expectantly.


"Where did you get all these things... from?"

"It's a small trick, it's not worth mentioning. If you don't have any skills, I'm so sorry to ask you, Brother Jiang." Lin Ge looked at the general with sincere eyes, as if urging him with his eyes, I have already set up this posture, why don't you act? .

Perhaps because he felt that Lin Ge's "sincere" gaze was too difficult to refuse, or perhaps because of the strange voice in his mind that kept urging him, the general knelt down, kneeling side by side with Lin Ge, burning the yellow paper, and bowing!

The general frowned slightly. Although tens of millions of years have passed, he still remembered that he felt "blurred" in that moment before he existed in this world, when the chaos first opened, and he was floating and sleeping in the vast universe. A similar feeling, but it was after this "blurred consciousness" that he woke up.

It's just that the general lost all his memory at that time, or he didn't know whether he had lost his memory at all, or he was originally a "new individual" created with the beginning of chaos, a blank slate without any memory.

It was also at that time that the general heard a gentle voice, a prayer asking God to allow her to create mankind.


The last "blurred consciousness" caused the general to have "love", and this time the "blurred consciousness" suddenly led to "friendship".

No matter how stupid you are, you will realize that something is wrong, let alone a general.

The general's gaze was focused, and the coldness in his eyes flashed away, and the next moment, the gentle smile on his face returned to before.

"Since we are so close to Brother Jiang, I will rely on you being older to call Brother Jiang 'big brother', and we..."

As the general was speaking, he saw Lin Ge scratching his head and saying to him with an embarrassed look: "True Ancestor, actually I didn't tell you the truth because I was afraid of scaring you."

"Huh?" Hearing this strange title, the expression on the general's face was obviously unnatural, but he still forced himself to ask: "What do you mean by this?"



"I am immortal."

Lin Ge sighed and began his wonderful life in the tone of a storyteller: "I am actually an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. What I said before is not true because I have some connection with the descendants of Taoist Mao Xiaofang. Because , I am Mao Xiaofang's junior brother, the 99th generation true disciple of Maoshan. I just chatted too much with you, True Ancestor, for fear that you would dislike my identity as an old monster... We have already burned the yellow paper and paid homage, but you can Don't dislike me. Don't worry, from now on, big brother, I will protect you. If you don't walk around the world, at least no one will dare to bully you."


He suddenly understood why Riley's mood was so unstable. Anyone with an unstable mind would probably suffer a cerebral hemorrhage.

I heard that there is a place called "Mental Hospital" in the human world. Could this little brother come from that kind of place?

"What? You don't believe it?"


As Lin Ge spoke, he took out a dagger and wiped it across his neck with a "swish". Blood spattered for a moment. This magical operation immediately stunned the generals.

Then, Lin Ge took out the hemostatic spray and sprayed it on the bleeding hole on his neck. The bleeding hole immediately healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Ge stuffed a few blood-restoring pills into his mouth, and while chewing them, he touched his neck, which had recovered as good as before, and said, "How's it going? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"This..." The general didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Lin Ge was surprised: "Ah? You still don't believe it?"


Almost at the same time as he spoke, Lin Singer pressed his palm to the ground, took the dagger, and stabbed it through the back of his hand, making a hole in his palm, and blood spurted out.

Lin Ge retracted the dagger with an expressionless face and used the hemostatic spray to heal the wound. He looked so calm, as if the hand he pricked was not his own.

"Azu, I treat you as my own brother, so I dare to tell you this secret. You must never tell it to anyone else. Especially the people of the Ma family. I use a new identity to communicate with them every few decades. Contact is also to prevent them from treating me as a zombie," Lin Ge said.


Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, zombies. Although I have no feelings for zombies, I even suspect that I am one of them. But the Ma family is different. Their ancestor Ma Ling'er was killed by zombies. This Ma Ling'er He is also a ruthless person who directly placed a thousand-year curse on future generations, making them hunt zombies for generations. Alas, they are all pitiful people."

Hearing this, the general had a strange idea in his mind about the strange "blurred consciousness". Could it be that the young man in front of him was really the "same kind" as himself, so at that moment, he agreed to the other party's ridiculous request for help. ?

At this moment, Ma Xiaoling's voice suddenly came from the direction of the stairs.

"Hey, what are you doing here on the roof?"

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