Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 247 I have a saying mmp that I don’t know whether to say or not!

After hearing clearly what the elf said, Lin Ge's expression gradually became solemn. This was obviously not a "coincidence", but someone deliberately wanted to tell him something through the elves.

However, the problem is that the content told by the elf is a plot that will only appear in "Double Date 3", and we have just reached the beginning of "Double Date 2".

In the play, Ma Xiaoling and others leave the Elf Forest, and the general appears and takes away the elves in the forest. It can also be seen from the screen that the general can "normally communicate" with the elves.

This made it difficult for Lin Ge not to wonder whether the general wanted to tell him these clues through the elves. If so, the plot would be really confusing and difficult to grasp.

"Hey, hey." Ma Xiaoling waved her hand in front of Lin Ge and asked, "You can't really hear the elf telling stories, can you? Why can't I hear it? That's not fair. What did it say to you?"

"Shh." Lin Ge made a silent gesture and listened carefully to the information the elf told, for fear of missing key information.

"...from the creation to the destruction of the world, it is called a kalpa. This world has experienced hundreds of millions of kalpas. What governs the birth and destruction of each kalpa is the three original wonders of heaven, earth, and man that have existed since the beginning of chaos. Book."

"...The book from heaven is responsible for recording everything in the world, from beginning to end, and cannot be changed. This is destiny; the book from earth can change things in the world, but it cannot change destiny; the book from man, also known as 'opportunity', is the only An opportunity that may change your destiny.”

"...Although the power of the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth is powerful, they cannot control people's will and love. Unless the three books of heaven, earth and man are gathered together and combined into one, they become the only true god who can create destiny in all tribulations. Then all things in the world, destiny and emotions, and everything about people will be controlled by the 'True God'!"

"... Destiny wants to become a 'true god', and in order to fight against fate, the perfect man in the last tribulation created the Pangu tribe, which is not controlled by fate and is immortal to fight against it."

"...Fate did not want to be replaced by the perfect Pangu people, and once again launched the annihilation of the world. The people in the previous calamity almost died from natural disasters without warning. They will eventually create the Pangu technology and the secret of immortality, and die The human soul is stored in a place called the 'Eternal Kingdom'. Then the 'Eternal Kingdom' is sent to another time and space, a place that is not affected by fate."

"... When Destiny destroyed the world, the Pangu clan exhausted all their power, went to Pangu Holy Land, took on the role of 'gods', and created a new era after Destiny destroyed the world. Destiny cannot affect the Pangu clan, only I can calm down temporarily, look for new opportunities, and destroy the Pangu clan in one fell swoop.”

"...and now, destiny has found new opportunities."

"...You have been targeted by 'fate'."

Lin Ge: ...I have a saying mmp, I don’t know whether to say it or not!

...No, comrade veteran.

You are the ultimate boss of "Zero Date 2". What does it mean that you, a 2nd boss, want to induce me to deal with the 3rd ultimate boss?

Complaints are complaints. Judging from the clues given by the elf, this is a world where the plots of "Strange Date 2" and "Strange Date 3" are merged together.

But this is not the point. The point is that the commander behind the elves is most likely the general, and the general told him about the setting of "Dieless 3", which indicates two very dangerous "signs" -

First, the generals, or the Pangu clan, were in a similar situation to Huang Ni. They knew his identity as a reincarnation and wanted to "make a fuss" about this identity.

Second, the Pangu tribe does not know about reincarnation, just because this world of reincarnation is the fusion world of "Zombie 2" and "Zombie 3". The Pangu tribe discovered Lin Ge, a person who is also not at the mercy of fate, and wanted to bring Lin Ge into the world. He was used as a chess piece in a game with fate.

But no matter which one, it is not good news for Lin Ge.

"What's wrong? You don't look right." Ma Xiaoling asked.

Lin Ge replied: "It's okay. Maybe I heard something wrong. I always felt like someone was talking, but when I listened carefully, I didn't hear anything."

"I'm telling you, you don't look like a person with a pure heart." Ma Xiaoling complained, took out Luo Geng and examined it, and then said: "The mark of the talisman on Shiya's body is becoming more and more blurred. If you want to see it at night It might not be easy to find her in the forest."

Lin Ge had actually guessed that Shiya was probably sent by the general to deliberately lead them into the Elf Forest in order to tell him some information about "destiny" through the elves.

Then the general's goal has been achieved, and it is not surprising that he took action to erase the talisman marks on Shiya's body at this time.

"If it's not easy, then don't look for it. Use the simplest method - just wait and see." Lin Ge said.

When Lin Ge said this, Ma Xiaoling immediately understood what he meant. No matter how Shiya escapes, unless she gives up Riley, she will always return to the castle.

So in the middle of the night, it was better to guard the castle and wait for Shiya to come to the door.

After understanding this, Ma Xiaoling simply didn't bother to look for it. Although she used people's money to eliminate disasters for others, she had to take Angel's Tears back with her employer's money.

But now that we know that "Angel Tears" originally belonged to Riley, the female zombie also wanted to get it back for Riley and give it to Shiya. With the "ultimate goal", it will be much easier to find it.

Therefore, Ma Xiaoling and Lin Ge no longer went deep into the Elf Forest, but went to the castle first, leaving a paper man at the gate, and then returned to the hotel to rest.

"Tomorrow, when I wake up, I will go to the castle to ask Riley about Shiya and Angel's Tears. Do you still want to go with me?" Before returning to the house, Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge who was opening the door and asked.

"Go." Although Lin Ge felt a little headache now that he was being targeted by the generals or the Pangu tribe, the plot still had to follow.

"Okay, remember to get up early tomorrow." After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she went back to the house and closed the door.

Lin Ge returned to the house, raised his hand and tapped the fire sign mark on the back of his right hand, and told Huang Ni the information he heard in the Elf Forest and his guess.

"Xiao Huang, what do you think?" Lin Ge asked.

As a heartbreaking pain came from the back of his hand, Huang Ni's voice sounded: "I think you want to die. However, I think your guess is not impossible. If the characters in the plot want to get rid of the 'box', the reincarnator is indeed The only 'opportunity'. However, if the Pangu tribe really wants to make a fuss about their identity as 'reincarnators', I think it is unlikely to be so 'blatant'."

"Remember that I once told you that the 'reincarnation world' is like a box. Whenever some conditions are 'satisfied', it will restart."

"In the world of "Two Eyes", after thousands of years of continuous trying, I have summed up three conditions for restarting. One is when I am about to break through to a higher level from the corpse corpse; the second is when my sister is corpse corpse, Whether it's success or failure; the third is when I try to tell the 'truth' to anyone in the box."

"My existence is like a program that has developed self-awareness. In other words, a 'virus'. The more power I use and the stronger I become, the box will start the 'antivirus program' and eliminate me..." However, I am also a 'bug'. No matter how many times the box is restarted, my memory cannot be erased. This gives me thousands of years to practice and find a way to crack it."

"In other words, if the generals or the Pangu tribe really know about the existence of the 'Reincarnation' and want to use the power of the Reincarnation to escape from the box, then the Lord God will detect this 'idea' when they come up, causing the box to be destroyed. 'Restart'. However, this world not only continues to this day, but also integrates the plots of 2 and 3. The setting of 'Destiny' and the three books appeared at the beginning of 2."

"So I think the possibility that the Pangu people know about the existence of the 'Reincarnation' is relatively low, but it is a 'plot change' due to your main mission."

"Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the perfect people in the above calamity surpassed the wisdom of the three books of heaven, earth and man, and that there are also 'bugs' like me among the Pangu clan. But no matter which case, your situation is very embarrassing. Either let fate deal with the Pangu tribe, or help the Pangu tribe deal with fate."

Lin Ge listened to Huang Ni's analysis and sighed helplessly: "Indeed, no matter which side you join, it is an epic level of difficulty, and the main and branch lines of this reincarnation are even more outrageous. They directly have to deal with the Pangu clan and Destiny. Give me It feels like there is a quarrel between the Lord God, the Pangu clan and Destiny.”

Huang Ni said: "Actually, your statement is not unreasonable. It is very likely that the Lord God has discovered that the world has deviated from the track. Before choosing whether to restart it, he threw you in as a final try. That's why he gave it to you." Test tube' and 'Rubik's Cube', although in terms of the 'main plot' and the 'branch plot', the main god may be more biased towards fate. But no matter which side you help, you can prevent the deterioration of the world and save the main god the effort to restart."

"In that case, the Lord God can just restart it and it will be over. Why bother with this?" Lin Ge didn't quite understand.

Huang Ni said: "Do you think the main god is a computer switch that restarts when you press it? As far as I know, 'restart' requires the consumption of original power. The stronger and more complex a world is, the more original power is needed to restart. . However, the main god will not use its own origin to restart the world, but will consume the original origin of the 'box'. This is why the origin you obtain will be different in different reincarnation worlds you experience."

"The world of "Twin Eyes" is constantly restarting because of my existence. What the Lord God consumes is the 'origin' belonging to my sister. However, when the origin was about to be exhausted, our world was merged with other worlds and became A 'synthetic world' where several worlds are pieced together."

"Leave aside the intensity of the world of "Stiff Covenant", but its complexity will definitely consume a lot of resources if it is 'restarted'. Therefore, it makes sense for the Lord God to throw you in to rescue you."

Lin Ge couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this: "The Lord God really knows how to save trouble."

"If you are in the mood to complain, why not think about how to deal with the generals? Don't take out the 'test tube' and be killed by the other party in a confrontation." Huang Ni joked.

An idea flashed through Lin Ge's mind, and he said with a smile: "What would happen if I took the test tube to find the general and surrendered, and directly showed my promise?"

Huang Ni said: "Then when you wake up tomorrow morning, you should be able to see the "Huangji Jingshi" folded into a pile on the bedside and placed next to the pillow."

"Isn't that great?"

"Who says it isn't?"

The two men spoke in a relaxed tone, as if they didn't care about the generals and their fate at all. But based on Huang Ni's familiarity with Lin Ge, she knew that Lin Ge was not joking, but had already had a preliminary idea.

After all, among other things, Lin Ge was already familiar with "bugs".

Lin Ge and Huang Ni chatted for a while about "The Deadly Appointment", and finally talked about the box and then about cultivation, and they didn't fall asleep until midnight.

Lin Ge got up early the next day, only to find that Ma Xiaoling didn't move at all. When he met Jin Zhengzhong in the restaurant, he learned that Ma Xiaoling would not be seen until noon.

Lin Ge was speechless. How dare he ask others to "get up early"?

Fortunately, Lin Ge was not in a hurry. In fact, after the Elf Forest last night, he didn't even want to contact the generals so early.

As for the "promotion" of the plot, take it as slowly as possible. In this way, he would have enough time to prepare and avoid being used as a spearman by the generals or the Pangu clan.

After resting in the hotel until eleven o'clock, Ma Xiaoling came out of the room sleepily. When she met Lin Ge who was returning to the room, she stretched, yawned and said, "Good morning."

Lin Ge said with a smile: "It's indeed quite early. It's not even twelve o'clock yet, so it's still morning."

"Please, it was already midnight when you came back last night, okay? What's wrong with sleeping in? Don't you know that lack of sleep is very harmful to women?" Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

"Then you want me to 'get up early'?"

"I just said it casually, who knew you would take it seriously."


At this time, Jin Zhengzhong came up from downstairs: "Hey, Master, are you up, so early? Don't you usually sleep after noon?"

"Nonsense, when will I get up at noon?" Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

Jin Zhengzhong said calmly: "Every day."



Jin Zhengzhong was about to "go back" to his room, but was stopped by Ma Xiaoling: "Stop, pack your things, let's go out."

Jin Zhengzhong immediately came up to him with a smile: "Master, where are we going to play?"

Ma Xiaoling slapped him on the head and scolded him angrily: "You only know how to play in one day and forget about work. When will you make some progress?"

Seeing Ma Xiaoling reprimanding Jin Zhengzhong, Lin Ge suddenly realized... Whether it was the Mao family, the Ma family, or the Maoshan F4 next door, training apprentices seemed to have become a daily routine.

The three of them packed up their things and came to the castle again. Ma Xiaoling came to the gate, but instead of ringing the doorbell, she went to the corner and picked up the paper figurine that was placed here last night.

Ma Xiaoling held the paper figure in one hand, raised her other hand to flick the paper figure's head, and asked, "How was last night? Did the female zombie come back again?"

The paper man shook his head.

Ma Xiaoling immediately put the paper man away, looked back at Lin Ge and said, "It seems that your plan to wait and see did not work out."

"It's not a big problem. After Riley refused to see Shiya yesterday, based on my understanding of women, she will definitely come back again." Lin Ge said as he stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

Ma Xiaoling hummed: "You sound like you understand women very well."

"I don't understand women, but I know a lot about female ghosts and female zombies." Lin Ge said with a smile.

"Nervous." Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes at him, obviously taking Lin Ge's words as a joke.

At this time, the door slowly opened to both sides, and there were two maids standing in the courtyard. One of them was the housekeeper who received Lin Ge and his wife yesterday.

The housekeeper stepped forward and said: "Two guests, the master is not feeling well today and it is not convenient to entertain them. However, you two are distinguished guests. The master has said that you can treat this place as your own home and visit at will. If you need anything, please feel free to come." You can always ask the maid to do it.”

"Oh, thank you. We just wanted to visit the castle. After all, I have never lived in an castle before." Ma Xiaoling said and walked into the castle unceremoniously.

Jin Zhengzhong followed Ma Xiaoling with his luggage, looking around and said, "Wow, Master, how did you find such a gorgeous castle?"

"Stop talking nonsense and keep up." Ma Xiaoling scolded.

Lin Ge was walking at the back. After taking just two steps, he suddenly stopped and looked up to the upper right at the open-air balcony on the top floor of the castle. He saw a middle-aged man wearing a mink coat on the balcony, holding a glass of "red wine." , looked at him with a smile on his face, and when he met Lin Ge's eyes, he raised the wine glass in his hand to signal.

Lin Ge: ...Day.

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