Chapter 249 Xiaoling, call grandpa to listen...


What are you doing on the roof?

Doesn't this help you block the biggest "enemy" of your Ma family? Is it possible to go to the rooftop to admire the moon in broad daylight?

Ma Xiaoling stepped forward and noticed that there was an extraordinary middle-aged man standing behind Lin Ge. But strangely, with just one glance, this gentle-looking middle-aged man gave Ma Xiaoling an extremely dangerous feeling, even Give her the urge to summon the Dragon God.

This is the Ma family's special "perception" of generals, and it is also the reason why Ma Danna was able to chase generals all over the streets in the past few decades. It's not that the generals always like to hang out in front of the horse racing family when they have nothing to do, but this special perception of the generals always allows them to accurately capture the general's position.


There are exceptions to everything. For example, someone from the Ma family mistook this sense of danger for a dangerous love affair with a general...

However, Ma Xiaoling had never seen the general before, and she even encountered zombies for the first time after accepting the "Tears of Angels" mission, so at this time she only felt a sense of danger in the general.

"Who is this..." Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly and looked at Lin Ge and asked.

Lin Ge stepped forward and introduced the two of them: "This is the brother I just burned yellow paper with to worship, Jiang Zhenzu, Azu. This is the 40th generation descendant of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan, Exorcist Sailor Moon. Ma Xiaoling.”

Ma Xiaoling: ...burn the yellow paper and say goodbye?

Her eyes immediately glanced at the scented wax paper candles on the ground behind the two of them. The expression on her face suddenly became a little subtle, and she couldn't help but think...

Is there something wrong with this "friend" of my aunt?

Calculating the time, we haven't seen each other for only twenty or thirty minutes. Not only are we chatting with an unknown person who has the word "danger" in his body, but he even burns yellow paper to express his gratitude?

The general looked at Ma Xiaoling with a smile and said, "Miss Ma, nice to meet you. However, strictly speaking, Miss Ma should be the 40th generation descendant of the Ma family, right?"

Ma Xiaoling frowned: "What do you mean?"

The general said: "I once had a... dear friend. She once told me that she is the 40th generation of the Ma family. So according to the order, Miss Ma should be the 40th generation."

"That's nonsense. My great-aunt is the thirty-ninth generation, followed by me. I didn't know there were descendants of the Ma family before me." Ma Xiaoling snorted coldly, obviously thinking that the general was talking nonsense.

The general was not angry and said with a smile: "I'll tell you if I'm talking nonsense. Just go back and ask your aunt Ma Danna."

"You also know my aunt?" Ma Xiaoling looked at the general in surprise.

The general smiled and said, "Why do you say 'ye'?"

"Because he knows me too. But neither he nor you, judging from their age, are likely to be my aunt's friends. I believe my aunt is not interested in getting to know her year-end friend. Tsk, no wonder you can chat with each other, I'm afraid you are both Immortal monsters and zombies? That’s just right. If you give me money, I can save you by the way.” Ma Xiaoling said.

Lin Ge was speechless for a moment: "You kill me, and I still have to give you money?"

"Of course, killing zombies is laborious. Which spells and props are free of charge? Zombies that harm the common people should be eliminated, but women of our Ma family also need to eat, right?" Ma Xiaoling said matter-of-factly, but she actually Also kidding.

After all, a zombie that can perform "Ma's Soul Sealing Technique" is even more outrageous than telling her that the general has committed suicide.

The general glanced at Lin Ge. He originally believed Lin Ge's behavior of running away from home, but he chose to follow Lin Ge's wishes because he was influenced by the voice in his head.

But now judging from Ma Xiaoling's feedback, Lin Ge's words can be believed at least five points. The information that Ma Xiaoling can tell can confirm Lin Ge's identity as an "immortal" from the side.

After all, if you are of the same age as Madonna, you can indeed be considered a "longevity".

What made the general more concerned was whether there was any connection between Lin Ge and the voice in his mind. Is this a setup by the other party, or... a coincidence?

But if it was a "layout", then how should he explain the same reaction he had when he first met Nuwa thousands of years ago? Who can lay out the plan for tens of millions of years?

Ma Xiaoling looked at the general and asked, "Do you think your best friend is a member of our Ma family, or the fortieth generation of the Ma family? Who is she?"

"Jingle bell."

"Have not heard."

"Just go back and ask Ma Danna." The general still said the same thing, obviously not planning to talk more about Ma Dingdang with Ma Xiaoling.

"I hate people who talk half-talk. A grown man talks in a garrulous manner, hiding his head and tail. It's really boring." Ma Xiaoling muttered.

The general smiled and said, "You and Ma Dingdang have very similar tempers."

"I don't know Ma Dingdang. Don't just say that you are from our family when you meet someone with the surname Ma. You look quite smart. Could it be that you were defrauded of money?" Ma Xiaoling teased.

The general smiled and did not answer.

The three of them chatted for a while on the roof. After learning that the general knew a lot about elves, Ma Xiaoling also became interested and asked about the topic of elves.

Not long after, Jin Zhengzhong and the maids came up.

The maid informed Lin Ge and others that Riley had prepared a rich lunch for them and was waiting in the restaurant to invite them down.

"Master, hurry up, I'm starving to death." Jin Zhengzhong came to Ma Xiaoling's side and urged.

Ma Xiaoling glanced at him and asked, "Didn't you eat something in the morning? And because the hotel had unlimited supply, you almost died from eating."

"Hey, wasn't that morning? It's almost one o'clock now." Jin Zhengzhong smiled awkwardly.

Ma Xiaoling shook her head angrily: "I know how to eat all day long. I am most active in eating. When will I put this thought into cultivation?"

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, your apprentice is really carved out of the same mold.

The general looked at Lin Ge and said, "You go ahead, I won't go... I had a great time chatting with you two today, and I hope I will have such an opportunity next time."

Lin Ge stepped forward, put his arms around the general's neck, and said in the tone of a big brother talking about life to a good brother: "Azu, I have to talk about you. You are not active in eating and have a problem with your style. The world is big and the earth is big. A full stomach is the biggest thing. Nothing compares to eating. Besides, we just burned yellow paper and became brothers, and we haven’t even had a chance to drink a few drinks yet. Let’s go and have a few drinks!”

The general smiled and distanced himself from Lin Ge, retreated to the edge of the castle, and said, "Next time, there will be a chance. I have some things to do today, so I'll say goodbye."

With that said, the general stood by the balcony. Lin Ge and others felt their eyes blurred, and the general disappeared from their eyes.

"Holy shit? Transformed into a living person?" Jin Zhengzhong said in shock.

Ma Xiaoling frowned as she looked at the place where the general disappeared. If the other party was really a zombie, then with this method, she would be dead.

"Oops!" Lin Ge suddenly said, startling Ma Xiaoling who was lost in thought.

Ma Xiaoling glared at him: "Why are you so surprised!"

"I forgot to ask Azu for a phone number..."

"Nervous." Ma Xiaoling was speechless. She thought the two of them were joking, but she didn't expect this guy to take it seriously?

After saying that, Ma Xiaoling ignored Lin Ge who was feeling regretful and went directly to the restaurant with the maid.

However, when Lin Ge, Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong followed the maid's guidance to the restaurant, Riley was already sitting at the front seat, waiting for several people to arrive.

But the strange thing is that at this time, Riley no longer gives people the feeling of a gentle gentleman as before. Although he is sitting in the main seat without any expression on his face, he gives people a sense of oppression like meeting an emperor. .

"Tsk tsk. You really have multiple personalities, right?" Lin Ge sighed in a low voice. Even though he felt the domineering attitude in Riley that made people want to surrender unconsciously, he didn't hesitate at all and went straight towards Riley. He walked over and sat on the seat to his left.

"Mr. Riley, you look good. It seems that your body has almost recovered?" Lin Ge chatted with Riley familiarly.

Riley smiled faintly: "After chatting with Mr. Zhao yesterday, I gained a lot of insights. Looking back on the silence of these years, I feel quite regretful. However, instead of dwelling on the sadness of the past, it is better to look to the future. After all, for me, who has a long life, There is still a lot that needs to be done.”

"Haha, it's best if you can figure it out." Lin Ge said with a smile. Although he said this, he knew that it was not as simple as "thinking it through". It is very likely that they would never see the gentleman-like Lai again. Li, all he will see is Ying Zheng, who was so powerful back then.

Ma Xiaoling sat across from Lin Ge, looked at Riley and said curiously: "Mr. Riley, you give people a completely different feeling. Listening to what you just said, it seems that you don't intend to ask me for help...'Supersave' the character in your story The master?"

"Yes. Instead of escaping from the mistakes he made, I believe he is more willing to make up for it on his own. I will deal with Shiya's matter. I hope Miss Ma will give me face and let the matter of Angel's Tears be over." Riley said calmly, seemingly discussing with Ma Xiaoling, but in fact he used an unquestionable tone.

In this regard, Riley at this time is very different from the Riley of yesterday.

However, what Lin Ge found funny was how the dignified First Emperor also became a person with the power of face fruit, and even said the words "give me face".

Ma Xiaoling was immediately dissatisfied with Riley's condescending attitude. She frowned and said coldly: "Mr. Riley, Shiya has harmed many people and is hopeless. If I just let her go, what will happen to her?" How to face the ancestors of the Ma family?"

"Shiya will be punished accordingly. Miss Ma doesn't need to worry about this. Of course, I will personally take charge of this matter, so there is no need for Miss Ma to worry about it." Riley said calmly.

Ma Xiaoling snorted: "You said you can? Why should I believe..."


Lin Ge coughed lightly, interrupted Ma Xiaoling, and said with a smile: "Mr. Riley's face must be given to me. I believe that Mr. Riley will never do such things as condoning adultery or bending the law for personal gain..."

Lin Ge put a hat on Riley's head and winked at Ma Xiaoling.

At this time, Riley raised her hand, and the maid behind him took out two black leather suitcases, opened them in front of Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling, and placed a box full of banknotes inside.

"Here is one million pounds. The price promised to Miss Ma was previously agreed. Although the commission needs to be interrupted due to some special reasons, the money that should be given will still be given." Riley said.

"Wow!" Jin Zhengzhong's eyes widened when he saw it. One million pounds, nearly 10 million Hong Kong dollars, and he could get a reward of 10 million Hong Kong dollars for doing nothing. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Ma Xiaoling did not expect that the other party would take her "joke" before. It was obviously impossible to say that she would not be tempted by the one million pounds.

Ma Xiaoling pushed the box forward and said expressionlessly: "No reward for no merit. Since the commission has not been completed, I am not qualified to receive the money."

There was still no expression on Riley's face, and he still said in that condescending tone: "Miss Ma, don't worry, from now on, you will not see or hear any information related to Shiya again. If Miss Ma feels that it is not enough , I can give this thing to you and let you go back to do business, just as a friend."

As he spoke, Riley raised his hand, and the maid waiting on the side immediately stepped forward and took out a small box and placed it in front of Ma Xiaoling. In the box, there was a golden gem necklace——

Tears of an angel.

Ma Xiaoling squinted her eyes, and Angel Tears returned to Riley's hand. It was obvious that Shiya had also been in contact with Riley.

To put it bluntly, Riley is determined to protect Shiya.

Riley said solemnly: "I said that Miss Ma will never see or hear any information about Shiya again, including... now."

These words obviously made it clear to Ma Xiaoling that even if Ma Xiaoling still wants to "eliminate demons and protect the Tao" and deal with Shiya who is causing harm to the town, she will definitely not be able to find anyone.

"Huh. Let's try it." Ma Xiaoling has always been soft-spoken, not to mention that Riley is still a zombie. As a member of the Ma family, how can he be threatened by zombies?

After saying that, he stood up and walked outside.

After taking two steps, he turned back, grabbed the "Angel's Tears" in the box on the table, and walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

"Zhongzhong, let's go."

Jin Zhengzhong stood up quickly, looked at the cash box on the table reluctantly, swallowed, and wanted to say something, but seeing that Ma Xiaoling didn't hesitate at all, he finally said nothing, picked up the things and followed.

"Haha, small problem, small problem..." Lin Ge smiled and stood up to smooth things over. As he spoke, he closed the two cash boxes, held them in his hands, and said to Riley: "I'll go talk to Miss Ma, Riley Don't worry, sir, we won't interfere with Shiya's matter anymore. I believe you will handle it. Oh, by the way, your friend... Jiang Zhenzu is my brother who I admire. He left in a bit of a hurry today. As for me, maybe He won't be in the UK for long, if you see him, tell him to go to Jiajia Building on Hong Kong Island if you want to find me."

Riley's face froze when he heard Lin Ge say that Jiang Zhenzu was his brother, but in the end he didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Mr. Zhao, you are one of my few 'friends'. If you need my help in the future, you can always come to me," Riley said.

Lin Ge didn't care whether the other party was being polite or really thought so. Hearing this, his face suddenly lit up and he stepped forward and said, "Really? Then leave a phone number. Oh no, I don't have a phone number yet. Since we are all friends... Mr. Riley, why not give me a mobile phone with your phone number on it.”



Riley raised his hand to wave, and a maid immediately went to get a brand new mobile phone. Riley took the mobile phone and stored a phone number on it.

Lin Ge took the flip phone handed over by Riley and said with a smile: "Then call me if you have any questions. I'll do some ideological work for Miss Ma first."

Lin Ge said goodbye to Riley and chased Ma Xiaoling with the money box. As soon as he left the castle, he saw Ma Xiaoling standing under the tree opposite, holding her hands and staring at her.

"Take it." Lin Ge handed over the cash box.

Ma Xiaoling took it decisively.

The two of them walked forward with a cash box each. Jin Zhengzhong originally thought that Ma Xiaoling would reject the cash box handed over by Lin Ge, or would accuse Lin Ge righteously, but he did not expect that everything would be so "harmonious" ".

Jin Zhengzhong followed him with a confused look on his face and asked puzzledly: "Master, you..."

"I know what you want to ask. It's very simple. We are descendants of the Ma family and cannot be threatened by zombies. However, based on the situation of those maids and Shiya, it is inferred that Riley is at least a fourth-generation zombie. If you want to kill four Replacing zombies is not as easy as imagined. The best way is to complete our original goal first and bring back the Angel's Tears, and the rest... we will make a decision after discussing it with my aunt," Ma Xiaoling said.

Jin Zhengzhong suddenly realized: "Oh - so, you two colluded from the beginning?"

"It's not considered collusion. I just think that with his personality, it would be impossible for him to just give up those two boxes of money." Ma Xiaoling said.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean, I can sue you for defamation as a person, okay?" Lin Ge said.

Ma Xiaoling said: "I brought up the one million, and you just helped me get the cash box and you took away the half million. Are you embarrassed?"

"No need to be embarrassed, I deserve this."

"Look, isn't this the way you behave?"

"Go back and prepare to receive my lawyer's letter."

"Oh, you also know the lawyer's letter, so I'm even more sure that you and my aunt are definitely not 'friends'. I don't know where I heard my aunt's name, and I started to cheat."

"Haha, I hope you won't be embarrassed when your aunt asks you to call me Grandpa Lin."

"Haha, now your surname is Lin again. Three surnames appeared in one day. People who don't know may think you have some connection with Lu Bu."

"Haha, the little girl has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. She is quite eloquent."

"Thank you for the compliment."


The two of them started fighting with each other, and Jin Zhengzhong on the side became more and more frightened as he listened. Not to mention that based on his knowledge, he could count on one hand the number of people who dared to talk to his master like this, so he said Lin The words in the song reveal that Ma Dannuo seems to be his "junior". Is this guy still his ancestor?

Anyone who picks up a lost person on the road is his ancestor. Who would believe it?

Liar, this person must be a liar!

The three of them returned to the hotel, packed their luggage and prepared to leave. When checking out, Ma Xiaoling looked at Peacock who was going through the check-out procedure and asked: "Master Peacock, you came all the way to a small town and stayed there for several years... shouldn't you? Yes, are you here to guard those zombies?"

Master Peacock did not answer. He raised his head and handed the things to Ma Xiaoling: "The formalities have been completed. I suggest you leave this town as soon as possible."

Ma Xiaoling smiled, picked up her things and walked towards the door. When she went out, she looked back at the peacock behind the counter and said, "Master Peacock, those zombies are not easy to deal with. I admire you for your awareness, but I still suggest you not to act rashly. Wait until I go back to bring in reinforcements."

Jin Zhengzhong on the side said in surprise: "Ah? Master, are we coming back?"

"Don't forget the ancestral teachings of the Ma family." After saying that, he left the hotel.

Master Peacock looked at the backs of Ma Xiaoling and the others as they left, and sighed... Master, the task you gave me may not be that easy to complete!

Jiajia Building.

Ma Xiaoling stood at the door of her home holding the key and glanced at the man following behind her. Her mood was subtle and her expression was slightly strange.

She really didn't expect that Lin Ge would really dare to follow her back to "prove his identity." After all, in her eyes, Lin Ge was more likely to be a liar.

"Do you really want to go back with me? You have already taken half a million pounds. For an ordinary person, it will be more than you can spend in a lifetime... Wait, are you trying to steal my box of money?" Ma Xiaoling asked road.

Lin Ge said: "I am a person who needs to be verified and I didn't say anything. Why did you, a person who examines people, get scared first? Don't worry, everything will be clear when I see your aunt. Just in time, I also want to meet this old friend. '."

"Let's see how you act in a while!" Ma Xiaoling opened the door and walked into the room. She wanted to see how a young man in his twenties could act like an "old friend" to an eighty-year-old man.

After Ma Xiaoling put her luggage and cash box into her bedroom, she went to the living room and turned on the computer in front of her desk, and connected to Ma Danna's video.

Soon, the video was connected. In the picture, a white-haired old man was sitting in a wheelchair and staring at the screen and asked: "Xiaoling, didn't you go to the UK on a business trip? Why are you back so soon?"

"Auntie, do you still remember the zombies I told you about the zombies I saw at the fashion show? I chased them all the way to England, but I didn't expect... an old castle full of zombies." Ma Xiaoling said.

The white-haired old man in the picture was surprised: "What? A castle full of zombies? Then you are not injured, are you?"

"No. However, when I met a young man who claimed to be your 'old friend', I originally thought he was a liar, but... he knew the soul-sealing technique of our Ma family and said that you taught him." Ma Xiaoling said.

Ma Danna frowned: "Old friend? Young man? Xiaoling, what on earth are you talking about."

At this time, Ma Danna noticed a man walking into the picture, leaned down, smiled and waved to the camera: "Miss Ma, long time no see, I hope you are well."

Ma Danna looked at Lin Ge, doubts in her eyes at first, then replaced by shock: " is this possible, Master Lin?"

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you would still remember my old friend." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Ma Danna said in surprise: "Taoist Lin, how could you... I remember that Taoist Mao said you were not, no... no."

"Senior brother, what did you say happened to me?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Danna said: "Taoist Master Mao said that you... returned to heaven. I thought you died in the battle with the Blood Demon. Taoist Mao was too sad... Could it be that you died."

"That's right, I returned to Heaven. Did Senior Brother tell you why I came down?"

Ma Danna thought for a while. Although more than sixty years had passed and her memory was a little distant, the battle with the Blood Demon was the most thrilling battle in her life. She would always recall it unconsciously. Therefore, even Mao Xiaofang's words back then, She also remembered it clearly.

"Taoist Master Mao said, you calculated that he was going to suffer a calamity, so you came down to earth to help him overcome the calamity... After you have overcome the calamity, you will return to heaven first."

Lin Ge heard the words and nodded: "That's right. And I came down this time because I expected that your Ma family would be in great catastrophe. I thought that when we fought side by side and fought against the blood demon and the evil dragon, it was already a disaster. My dear friend who has been through life and death, how could I ignore the misfortune of the Ma family, so I resolutely descended to earth again."

"Disaster? Director Lin, do you think our Ma family is in danger of a disaster?" Ma Danna asked anxiously.

Lin Ge nodded solemnly: "Yes, it is a disaster that affects the survival of the Ma family and even the survival of the world. But it doesn't matter, I will take action."

Ma Danna asked: "Taoist Master Lin, could it be that the disaster you mentioned is related to Xiaoling?"

"Oh, I can't hide it from you. Xiaoling, call grandpa to listen... Don't worry, grandpa is here, your disaster will be easily resolved." Lin Ge said seriously.

However, Ma Xiaoling's face turned green at this moment.


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