Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 246 Ma’s exorcism car made Batman next door cry!

Black robe, blond hair, zombie, plus the fact that he dared to call Riley by his name when he appeared in the castle, the identity of the visitor was already revealed——

The heroine in Riley's story, Shiya.

"What did you do to Riley? Why doesn't he want to see me? Why!" Shiya glared at Lin Ge and asked in a bad tone.

Lin Ge put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth, stood up like a gentleman, and said with a slight smile: "We didn't do anything, we just reshaped his view of love."

"What do you mean?" Shiya was stunned for a moment, obviously not understanding the meaning of Lin Ge's words.

Lin Ge leaned on the chair and said in a teasing tone: "Do you think there is something wrong with you love brains? When Riley loved you, you were desperate to run away from home. Now he is starting to reflect on his love. You want to question his love for you again. To be honest, you are not being 'cute', but being 'stupid'."

"You! Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me in such a tone!" Shiya said angrily. As soon as she finished speaking, six men in black robes walked out from behind her.

The six people slowly raised their heads, revealing zombie fangs and black eyes. They stood quietly behind Shiya, as if waiting for the order from the "mistress".

"Red, green, blue, gray, white... black. The sixth generation zombie." Ma Xiaoling frowned. According to the message left by the ancestors of the Ma family, the farther back the zombies are, the less "humanity" they have left. When the pupils turn completely black, then It's a monster without a mind, without a soul, and only sucks blood.

Although the pupils of these zombies have completely turned black, they are standing quietly behind Shiya, waiting for her orders, which is obviously different from what was described in the "ancestral teachings".

"There's something wrong with these zombies, be careful." Ma Xiaoling reminded.

Lin Ge retreated behind Ma Xiaoling and said, "Okay. But for professional matters, let the professionals do it. Let's go, Pikachu!"

Ma Xiaoling:?


Ma Xiaoling sighed, took out a swing stick from her cosmetic bag, swung it out, and said helplessly: "Sure enough, even if you look good, they are of no use."

"Catch them!" Shiya shouted coldly, and the six black-eyed zombies immediately rushed forward.

Ma Xiaoling pressed the switch on the handle of the swinging stick, and with a "pop" sound, the swinging stick lit up with golden light like a laser sword, with the pattern of a spell flashing on it.


Ma Xiaoling struck down with a stick, and the face of the black-eyed zombie who rushed at the front was twisted, and it fell to the ground with a "dong" and became unresponsive.

Then, Ma Xiaoling performed a gorgeous side kick and swept her long legs, and another zombie was knocked down. Then she knocked out a zombie with a few "snaps" and a stick.

After knocking down all six zombies, Ma Xiaoling raised her hand, flew out six yellow talismans and stuck them on the chests of the six zombies, and pinched the magic formula: "Dragon God's order, Fire God Zhurong borrows the magic, burn!"




The six yellow talismans suddenly ignited into a raging fire, instantly devouring and burning the six zombies, turning them into charcoal almost in the blink of an eye.

People from the Ma family never hold back when dealing with zombies.

Seeing Ma Xiaoling's thunderous tactics, Shiya's expression changed, she turned around and ran towards the stairs. Ma Xiaoling immediately chased after her: "Stop, don't run!"

Lin Ge wanted to say that even if you didn't chase her, she would still come back the next day, but Ma Xiaoling had already chased her away, so he had no choice but to follow her.

Shiya was very fast and ran out of the castle in the blink of an eye. The two chased her out and saw her escaping towards the town, so they had no choice but to chase her back to the town.

Just as they were about to catch up with Shiya, a group of men in black robes suddenly appeared in the town. The leader was a woman with black hair and an Asian face. She shouted to Shiya: "Mistress, let's stop them, you go first."

Shiya fled toward the church, while the black-haired woman led a group of men in black robes to stop Lin Ge and the two. Ma Xiaoling was a little happy when she saw the woman's appearance.

"It's you!"

"Just in time, I won't have to go look for you. Hey, hand over the Angel's Tears!" Ma Xiaoling held the exorcism stick in her hand, pointed at the woman and cursed.

When Ma Xiaoling was in Hong Kong Island, she received a task to protect "Angel Tears" at a fashion show. This female zombie led people to steal "Angel Tears" at the fashion show and fled to the UK. So Ma Xiaoling seized the opportunity to "blackmail" her employer and chased him with Jin Zhengzhong.

I fought several female zombies along the way, but she escaped in the end. I didn’t expect to meet him at this time, so I couldn’t let her escape!

Ma Xiaoling recognized the female zombie, and Lin Ge also recognized the woman's voice. It was the voice of the woman he heard being attacked by the man in black robe before.

Obviously, these people deliberately put on a show to lure Ma Xiaoling out of the hotel.

"Can you help?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Lin Ge beside her and asked.

Lin Ge shook his head subconsciously.

"If you can't help, just stand aside. Standing here is getting in the way." Ma Xiaoling's tone was filled with disgust, and her disgusted eyes seemed to say, "Looking good is of no use at all."

Lin Ge silently stepped aside and made a "come on" gesture to Ma Xiaoling. After the other party rolled his eyes in response, he rushed into the zombies with a shining golden laser sword and a swing stick.

Ma Xiaoling is agile and nimbly shuttles among the zombies. Each step of her long legs is a sight to behold. With the laser sword, the zombies can't get close at all.

"Dragon God's decree, Lei Gongzhenzi borrows the method to punish the evil!"




Three bolts of lightning fell from the sky, chopping the three zombies who tried to rush towards Lin Ge into charcoal.

Ma Xiaoling slapped a zombie away with a stick, looked back at Lin Ge and said, "Stand away while watching the show. If you are bitten, I will also kill you with a stick."

The black-haired female zombie saw that Ma Xiaoling was distracted to protect the man next to her when she was dealing with zombies. She immediately thought that this man should be very important to Ma Xiaoling.

Suddenly, the woman grabbed the black cloak wrapped around her body with both hands and lifted it up. As if her whole body was integrated into the black cloak, she disappeared, leaving only a black cloak and speeding towards Lin Ge!

"Be careful!" Ma Xiaoling wanted to stop the black-haired female zombie, but the opponent turned into a cloak and was very fast. She hit the zombie in the air with one blow, and the opponent flew past her and pounced on Lin Ge.

When Ma Xiaoling saw Lin Ge still standing there stupidly, she was so anxious that she immediately shouted to him: "Run quickly, why are you standing there!"

The black robe suddenly rushed towards Lin Ge, but he saw Lin Ge raised his hand without changing his expression, reached forward, used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to "pinch" the black-haired female zombie back to its original shape, and strangled her neck , hit the ground!


The female zombie's face was on the ground, and she was knocked unconscious.

When Ma Xiaoling saw Lin Ge's technique, she was stunned on the spot and said in great surprise: "Ma family's soul-sealing technique? How do you know our Ma family's technique?"

At this time, a zombie rushed from behind Ma Xiaoling. Ma Xiaoling didn't even look back. She swung the stick with her backhand and whipped the zombie away. Her eyes never left Lin Ge.

The core magic of the Ma family is passed down from female to male. Even if there are a few male clansmen who know magic, they only have some superficial knowledge. What's more, Ma Xiaoling, a member of the Ma family, has seen it, and Lin Ge is obviously not one of them.

"I learned it when you used it just now." Lin Ge said nonsense.

Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes: "Do you think I'm stupid? When have I ever used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique? And I can know the Ma family's secret spells at a glance. How can I exorcise the Dragon Clan?"

"That makes sense. I'll give it another reason next time." Lin Ge picked up the black-haired female zombie, smashed it to the ground again, looked at her and asked, "Hurry up and hand over the Angel's Tears that Miss Ma wants."

"Stop...!" The black-haired female zombie looked at Lin Ge angrily. Before she could say the word "think", Lin Ge pressed her head and smashed it to the ground.

For more than ten times in a row, Lin Ge smashed the opponent to the ground like a stake. Even without using spells and equipment, with Lin Ge's current state, he could easily defeat the fifth-generation zombies in front of him just by relying on attribute suppression.

After Ma Xiaoling dealt with the dozen men in black robes, she chased after her with a swinging stick, and hit the female zombie on the head with a "snap", beating her to the point of dying: "Where's the Tears of the Angel?"

"Don't even think about it," the female zombie said through gritted teeth.

At this time, the roar of cars came from the direction of the church, and then a black car drove from behind the church and rushed towards Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling on the roadside at high speed.

Lin Gemou vigorously picked up the female zombie and pushed it in the direction of the car, then grabbed Ma Xiaoling and swerved to the side. However, the black car did not slow down at all, but when it hit the female zombie, it drifted sideways, and the co-pilot The door then opened and the female zombie was "knocked" in.

"Fuck. Are you kidding me? Is this a dead date or "The Fast and the Furious"?" Lin Ge watched a racing scene as soon as he entered the reincarnation world. He didn't expect to be lucky enough to see such an outrageous plot at night. .

The black car made a gorgeous flick, speeding up again and crashing into Lin Ge and the two of them. Ma Xiaoling didn't care to think about whether Lin Ge was hiding his strength, she subconsciously pushed him away, picked up the magic formula and headed towards the black car. One finger: "The Dragon God gave the order, and the Water God Yin Ji borrowed the method to punish the evil!"

A few drops of water flew out from Ma Xiaoling's fingertips, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a wall of water blocking her in front of her. The black car hit the wall of water and slowed down.

Ma Xiaoling stepped sideways and came to the driver's side. Sitting in the driver's seat was Shiya. Ma Xiaoling pulled the door and at the same time swung the stick against the window with her backhand.

With a "clang" sound, the glass was hit with a stick and cracked.

Shiya hit the accelerator, broke through the wall of water, and drove quickly towards the distance.

"Chase!" Ma Xiaoling said and prepared to chase the black car.

Lin Ge was shocked and quickly grabbed Ma Xiaoling: "Chasing? You run on two legs and four wheels. In addition to exorcism, your Ma family also guest-starred in The Flash?"

"Nonsense, let's chase her with a car. The hotel is ahead of us. I chased her all the way to England, but I can't let them snatch Angel's Tears away like this." After Ma Xiaoling said that, she ran towards the hotel.

Lin Ge then remembered that Ma Xiaoling drove here, and the hotel was not far from the church, just one street away. The two ran back to get the car and chased in the direction where the black car left.

Lin Ge sat in the passenger seat and looked at the dark street ahead. He couldn't even see the taillights of the black car. He subconsciously asked: "Can we still chase?"

"Of course I can chase you." After Ma Xiaoling finished speaking, she pressed a button on the side of the steering wheel and heard a "beep" sound. The display screen lit up, and a map appeared like a navigation system.

There are two dots on the map, one green and one red.

"What is this? A tracker?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling hit the accelerator, increased the speed, and chased the red dot according to the navigation instructions: "The female zombie was hit by my exorcist stick, leaving a mark of runes. All spells can be traced, you can't even do this Do not know at all?"

Lin Ge:?

He originally wanted to complain, "How the hell did I know that the talisman can be so advanced in positioning and tracking?" But then he thought about it, isn't this the technological version of the "Soul Chasing Talisman"?

It's not unacceptable.

Ma Xiaoling pressed the steering wheel again and heard a mechanical female voice coming from the display screen: "Detection is one kilometer ahead. There are no other vehicles except the target vehicle. You can use the acceleration device."

"Sit tight." Ma Xiaoling held the shift lever and twisted it slightly. The "cover" above the shift lever opened, revealing a red button.

Seeing this red button, Lin Ge suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.

"Hey, hey, you didn't borrow this car from MIB, right?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Lin Ge and said with a smile: "Have you seen that movie too? The guy in the middle liked it so much that he even made an amnesia stick imitating the movie. However, my acceleration device is different from theirs. Theirs That's technology, I'm using magic to drive it..."

After saying that, Ma Xiaoling pressed the red button and heard a "噌噌噌噌" sound. The runes "front wing" and "tail wing" made of yellow cloth appeared on the front and rear of the car, and then the golden light of the rune flashed.

"The Dragon God ordered, Feng Bo Fei Lian borrowed the method, and it was so fast!"


There was a strong wind around the white car, and the pointer on the car's dashboard suddenly jumped to 300+. It didn't stop going up, but the largest number on the dashboard was "300".


Before Lin Ge could say the word "fuck", he was pressed against the passenger seat by a gust of wind. He subconsciously raised his hand to grab the passenger armrest to steady himself.

In the blink of an eye, the green dot on the map on the display screen was close to the red dot, the speed of the car also slowed down, and the black car driven by Shiya also appeared in the field of vision.

"Let's see how you run!" Ma Xiaoling pressed the steering wheel again, and saw the hood opened to both sides, and a golden mechanical crossbow rose.

The crossbow arrows are all engraved with charms, and on both sides of the crossbow arrows, there are a row of bronze swords, a row of copper coin swords and a row of peach wood swords.




With a burst of sound piercing the air, crossbow arrows, bronze swords, copper coin swords, peach wood swords... turned into streaks of golden light and shot towards the black car in front of them quickly, smashing the black car into sieves in the blink of an eye.

Lin Ge opened his mouth and found that except for the word "awesome", he could not find any words to describe the outrageousness of the scene in front of him!

It’s really outrageous to open the door for outrageous motherfuckers, it’s so outrageous!

"Hey, you don't have an immortal zombie in your family who spends his whole life doing scientific research to come up with these weird exorcism equipment, right?" Lin Ge couldn't help complaining.

Ma Xiaoling said: "Zombies are the only ones in your family. Our exorcist dragon clan, the Ma family, has been at odds with zombies since ancient times. How could we do such a dirty thing as raising zombies? These things were all made by my aunt and her research team. There are even more powerful ones, I’ll let you see them later.”

"Then your aunt is really amazing. If she hadn't died young, she might have been able to get a Gundam!" Lin Ge sighed in shock.

He originally thought that the box of arms he left to Ma Danna would at most make Ma Danna feel that he had the strength to deal with the generals, so that he would not go to Xiaohe Village to seek help from Kuang Guohua, which would change the plot of Kuang Guohua turning into a zombie, and then the male protagonist Kuang Tianyou would be gone. plot.

Who knew that the gunpowder powder in that box of munitions was much more powerful than the "powder of fluttering butterfly wings", but a research team of "exorcism equipment" was directly created!

Ma Xiaoling's face turned cold and she glared at Lin Ge: "Are you sick? My aunt is living well, why are you cursing her to death?"

"What!" Lin Ge was completely shocked and looked at Ma Xiaoling in disbelief: "Your aunt is still alive? Ma Danna is still alive?"

"Nonsense, you... wait, how do you know my aunt's name? Do you know my aunt?" This time it was Ma Xiaoling's turn to look surprised.

Lin Ge raised his hand and rubbed his temples. He found that this derivative world of "Zombie Taoist Master" seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes due to his own efforts.

"Where is Taoist Master Mao Xiaofang? Are his disciples Yu Dachu, Ma Xiaohai and the others still alive?" Lin Ge thought for a while and asked again.

Ma Xiaoling controlled the magic weapon on the car to attack the black car in front of her, and said: "Oh, no wonder you know the 'Ma Family Soul Sealing Technique'. I didn't expect you know a lot of people? Hey, hey, you tried your best to save the zombies before. The behavior is convenient, so you are also an old monster, right?"

"Don't worry, I'm the real careful!" Lin Ge was saying, when he saw the black car in front of him drifting sideways, slowing down and running alongside the white car. While avoiding the attack of the magic weapon, it crashed towards the white car.

"Sit tight!"

Ma Xiaoling didn't care whether the other party would knock over the white car, she turned the steering wheel and hit the black car. While hitting the black car, she pressed the button on the steering wheel.

There was a "chichichi" sound of gears turning, and two rows of high-speed rotating blades popped out from the right wheel of the white car, cutting towards the tires of the black car.

Lin Ge saw this scene in the rearview mirror and immediately didn't know how to complain. This "Ma's Exorcist Car" was so outrageous that even Batman next door cried...

Technology is perfectly combined with magic. Isn’t the Batmobile shameless?



As the sound of two tire bursts sounded, the front and rear wheels on the left side of the black car were directly punctured by blades. The car suddenly lost control and crashed into the green belt beside it.

After the black car crashed into the green belt, Shiya and the black-haired female zombie got out of the car. Shiya was about to help the female zombie. The female zombie pushed Shiya hard and shouted: "Mistress, leave quickly, I'll do it." Stop them!"

"No! Let's go together!" Shiya shouted.

The female zombie shook her head: "Mistress, I don't have much time left to live. Back then, Angel's Tears was snatched away by a group of bandits, and the owner has always wanted to get it back. Because it belongs to you. It belongs to you. Yours, Mistress. Mistress, I know you still remember what happened back then. I hope you go to a place to see before blaming the master... The master locked himself in the cellar for three months in order to marry you. Not a drop of blood was taken..."


With a sudden braking sound, Ma's exorcism truck stopped on the side of the road, and Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling chased it towards the green belt.

The female zombie pushed Shiya away and shouted: "Mistress, leave quickly, I... you must go to the cellar to take a look, leave quickly, don't let my death be of any value!"

After saying that, the female zombie rushed towards Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling. She suddenly grew in size and turned into a "liquid giant" four to five meters tall with a flowing body. She raised her hand and clenched her fist to hit Lin Ge and Ma Xiaoling.

Seeing this, Shiya could only grit her teeth and turn into a hurricane, flying towards the distance.

Lin Ge looked at the female giant attacking him and sighed: "Look, all five generations of zombies have 'superpowers'. Apart from being unable to eat and only sucking blood, what is the difference between zombies in this world and 'supermen'?" Sigh, I suddenly miss the old-fashioned zombies next door who can only jump."

Ma Xiaoling held the exorcism stick tightly with both hands, and struck hard at the giant zombie. A golden light flashed, blocking the female zombie's giant fist back, and even hit her back, causing her to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

Then, Ma Xiaoling put away the exorcism stick and began to form seals: "Come, soldiers, fight, all, array, in front, punish evil!"

The lucky star in her hand turned into a huge yellow talisman behind her. A mighty and domineering golden dragon flew out from the center of the talisman. With a dragon roar, it flew towards the giant female zombie and swept away the four to five-meter-tall female zombie in one bite. Zombies swallow!

Lin Ge was a little surprised when he saw the female zombie being swallowed by the Dragon God. He looked at Ma Xiaoling and asked, "Aren't you still looking for Angel's Tears? How can you find anything after killing her?"

Ma Xiaoling took out the makeup mirror from her makeup bag and opened it. She glanced at Luo Geng inside, raised her head and said, "Angel Tears is no longer on her body. If she runs away again, there will only be more victims. What's more, Now we have a new target, the woman named Shiya is the mastermind behind these black-robed zombies."

"Then go back to the castle now?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling stared at Luo Geng for a while and said, "Shiya didn't go to the castle. She went to the direction of the Elf Forest. Let's catch her first."


"You'd better tell me honestly on the way as to why you know my aunt and why you know the Ma family's soul-sealing technique. I don't know that there is a man like you in the Ma family who knows the secret technique," Ma Xiaoling said.

"Secret Technique? When Ma Danna taught me the Soul Sealing Technique and the Appearance Technique, didn't she say that it was just a normal spell? Why did it become a secret technique?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Ma Xiaoling was surprised and said: "Did my aunt teach you?"

"Your aunt and I are old friends." Now that we have reached this point, and Ma Danna has not turned into Piao like in the original plot, Lin Ge thinks there is no need to hide it anymore.

Ma Xiaoling frowned and looked at Lin Ge: "But your appearance and age really don't look like my aunt's 'old friend'."

"It's a long story. I think we can wait until we find Shiya and find an opportunity to talk slowly. What do you think?" Lin Ge said.

"That's fine."

The two got into Ma's exorcism car and drove all the way to the Forest of Elves. Ma Xiaoling took out Luo Geng and inspected it for a while, then said: "The mark of the spell on Shiya's body has faded. We must hurry up and find her. When the spell disappears completely, It will be difficult to find her again.”

After saying that, the two followed Luo Geng's instructions and chased all the way into the Elf Forest.

Lin Ge took out a flashlight that was as bright as a searchlight, illuminated it, and went deep into the forest. As I walked, I heard some strange noises.

"Did you hear anything?" Lin Ge asked.

Ma Xiaoling shook her head: "I heard nothing except the sound of wind and leaves. Did you hear any strange sounds?"

"It's like... someone is whispering in my ear." Lin Ge frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

Ma Xiaoling was stunned and said in surprise: "Could it be the 'elf' that Riley said? But doesn't it require a person with a pure heart to hear it? You don't look like a person with a pure heart."

Lin Ge: ...Why am I not pure in heart?

Lin Ge wanted to complain, but he found that the "whispering" voice beside his ear became more and more clear, like a child's voice, telling him something.

Lin Ge simply stopped and listened carefully to what the voice said.

"...In the beginning, Destiny was full of ideals and hoped to see a perfect world appear. Unfortunately, the selfish desires of the world will always push the world to the end of self-destruction. Destiny watched one calamity of life and one calamity, and finally turned from despair to Angry, he decided to rebel. As long as he predicts the ending of the human world, tragedy will repeat itself, and he will do whatever it takes to destroy the world in advance."

"... When people begin to realize that they are at the mercy of fate, everything is irreparable. Countless kalpas in the past have been destroyed by fate in this way."

"... In the last catastrophe, nearly perfect humans finally appeared. They are the ancestors of the Pangu tribe. They were born from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and possess extremely high wisdom. The purpose of their existence is to create an immortal and absolutely peaceful world. The eternal kingdom. Finally, with their wisdom that transcends the three books of heaven, earth, and man, they created the Pangu people who are immortal and not even controlled by fate, that is... zombies."

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