After Uncle Jiu settled Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, he was about to enter the theater again to help Lin Ge, but he saw four eyes, Qian He, Jiale and other disciples rushing over.

"Senior brother."


"What happened?" Taoist Priest Four Eyes asked.

He and Jiale were patrolling the village at night to prevent stray ghosts from making trouble in the town instead of going to the theater. Suddenly they noticed something evil in the direction of the theater and hurriedly came to check.

Taoist priest Qianhe and his four disciples were setting up the Feng Shui bureau for Mr. Ren at his house. They also noticed the evil atmosphere in the direction of the theater, so they stopped what they were doing and rushed to the theater.

After all, the most important part of the Hungry Ghost Festival, which has been prepared for so long, is to sing a play for the ghosts in the theater and gather them to extradite them to the ghost town.

But no one knows whether it will attract only lonely ghosts or higher-level ghosts. For safety reasons, the safety of the theater is naturally the top priority.

After Uncle Jiu told a few people what happened in the theater, Taoist Master Simu said: "Since everyone in the theater troupe has been moved out, we will go directly in to help Brother Lin deal with those horse bandit ghosts. As long as these ghosts are dealt with, Let’s go back and deal with the lonely ghost slowly. What are you waiting for? Let’s go! It’s too late, Senior Brother Lin has already taken care of it, what else do you want us to do?”

"Wait!" Simu's words suddenly gave Uncle Jiu a sudden idea. It was not difficult to deal with those horse bandits and ghosts with Lin Ge's strength. What was difficult was how to capture the lonely ghosts who had been scared away.

If the little girl's ghost realm disappears, it will be too late for them to think of ways to catch the lonely ghosts. After all, there is a big difference between catching a nest of rats and catching a field of rats.

"With Junior Brother's ability, there is no need to worry about his safety. We must find a way to catch those fleeing ghosts, otherwise so many days of hard work will be in vain." Uncle Jiu said.

Simu and Qianhe thought about it. Taoist priest Qianhe thought for a while and said: "The theater does not occupy a large area. I think we can set up the innate Bagua formation. When Senior Brother Lin's ghosts lift the ghost realm, we Just activate the innate Bagua formation, trap the lonely ghost in the theater, and then open the door to the underworld to extradite him."

Uncle Jiu nodded and said: "Just do as Junior Brother Qianhe said, Simu, you and Qianhe will take the disciples to prepare for the Innate Bagua. I will go to the theater to inform Junior Brother Lin."

"Okay!" Four Eyes and Two responded.

Then, the two led a group of disciples back to Yizhuang to get the props for setting up the formation, and at the same time asked people to notify the residents of the village not to go out tonight.

This matter makes Simu and Qianzhe unable to do anything. Their reputation is greater than that of Uncle Jiu. Even Uncle Jiu's daily instructions are ignored by some villagers. It is better to let the village administration take action directly and jointly patrol the streets with the security team. Villagers were forcibly prohibited from going out.

Ever since Ah Wei experienced the horse bandit incident and witnessed Lin Ge's ruthlessness, although he was still a little heartless, he no longer dared to offend these people in Yizhuang.

After learning that another "big event" was happening tonight, I immediately volunteered to take up the responsibility of leading the night patrol security team, and arranged for the security team to work in pairs to set up defenses at each street entrance.

As for himself, he led a team of people to patrol the village. On the one hand, he checked whether the sentry posts were in good condition, and on the other hand, he worked with Qianhe's disciples Dong, Nan, Xi, and Bei to prevent other evil spirits from entering the village. Make chaos in the middle.

For a time, Awei had temporarily controlled the security issues in the village.

Lin Ge in the theater didn't know the plan of Uncle Jiu and others. After he saw the shadow of Shi Shaojian on the thief, he guessed that Shi Shaojian controlled the thief.

But Shi Shaojian obviously doesn't have that much ability. After all, this thief is also the big boss of "Mr. Fantasy". Now she has turned into a ghost after her death. With Shi Shaojian's half-full strength, it is impossible to control the thief.

It can only be Shi Jian!

After all, after Shi Shaojian died tragically in the movie, Shi Jian used corpse refining to resurrect him into a corpse demon. It can be seen that Shi Jian is also proficient in evil arts.

"Tsk. Isn't this similar to the forbidden techniques recorded in "The Secret of Maoshan"? The only difference is that if it is recorded in the secret book, it is a forbidden technique, and if it is not recorded, it is a black magic. In essence, it is still the same. I was not allowed to learn it before. Evil magic, sanctimonious old thing." Lin Ge sneered, and with a force of his hand, he killed the thief.

The thief had become a powerful ghost, so there was no use keeping her. After all, Lin Ge didn't know the legendary 'soul search' method. Anyway, he already knew that it was closely related to Shi Shaojian, so that was enough.

"Junior brother."

At this time, Uncle Jiu rushed out of the fog.

Lin Ge did not give the little girl an order to stop Uncle Jiu and others, so Uncle Jiu's entry into the ghost realm this time was not blocked by various obstacles and amusement facilities like last time.

"Senior brother, are Qiu Shengwencai and the others okay?" Lin Ge said as he took out the soul-sealing talisman to seal the female ghost Xiaoli who was stepping on his feet.

"Thanks to your intervention, those two little bastards saved their lives." Uncle Jiu paused and then said: "I have asked Simu and Qianhe to lead their disciples to set up the innate Bagua formation outside the theater. Wait until you disperse. In the ghost realm, we will activate the innate Bagua array to lock these lonely ghosts in the theater, and then open the door to the underworld to extradite them."

"Okay." Lin Ge nodded, and then said: "Senior brother, it is not a coincidence that these horse bandits and ghosts appear here, but someone did it intentionally."

With that said, Lin Ge told the story about how he caught the thief and how he saw through the confusion with his eyes.

"Shi Shaojian!" Uncle Jiu was stunned for a moment and immediately said: "Junior brother, when I rescued Qiu Sheng just now, he also mentioned that when he was confused by the female ghost in purple, he saw Shi Shaojian in a trance!"

Lin Ge said: "Shi Shaojian shouldn't be that capable. I'm afraid there is a senior brother helping him behind the scenes."

"Eldest is this possible?" Uncle Jiu couldn't accept that the upright eldest brother was secretly a shameless person who secretly learned forbidden arts.

"They will understand later in the meeting. Let's deal with the lonely ghosts here first." Lin Ge said, discussing with Uncle Jiu how to use the innate Bagua array to catch ghosts.

After dealing with the troublesome horse bandits Li Gui and Xiao Li, Lin Ge had the energy to direct the little girl to use the facilities and ghost mist to control the lonely ghosts.

Of course, it would be easier to leave this kind of thing to Qimei. Unfortunately, Lin Ge has completely lost "control" of Qimei and cannot even pass through the "transit station" of the little girl.

On the other side, after Simu and others set up the innate Bagua formation, they came in to inform Lin Ge to lift the ghost realm.

The moment the ghost realm was lifted, the evil ghost controlled by the little girl immediately flew towards the sky. Since it was a spirit body, it easily passed through the ceiling.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they flew out of the theater, they saw a huge golden baguette suddenly appear in the dark sky, descending from the sky, and pushed these lonely ghosts back into the theater.

Four eyes, Qianhe, Jiale Qiusheng and other disciples entered from one door each.

Taoist Master Four Eyes held an ink fountain in each hand. The tail part was not wrapped around the ink fountain, but wrapped around his middle finger.

There is still black and red liquid dripping on the ink line. It has obviously been soaked in a special liquid for a long time.

"Junior brother!"

"Jia Le!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes called out, and pushed his palms in the direction of the two of them. The ink bucket immediately flew towards the two of them. While the two caught it, they threw the ink bucket in their hands back to Taoist Priest Four Eyes. Come on, the three parties pull up two lines of ink.

Finally, Qianhe threw the ink-dot line to Uncle Jiu who was standing on the stage. Jiale didn't have such good skills, so Qiu Sheng personally took the ink-dot and sent it to the stage.

Wencai and the five disciples from the southeast and northwest were "maintaining order" in the field to prevent some lonely ghosts from taking advantage of the loopholes during the formation.

Lin Ge was standing in the center of the field. The little girl was holding his feet in one hand and the ghost brown bear in the other. Not willing to take a step closer to them.

"Junior brother, start the formation!" Uncle Jiu shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately activated the spell with Qianhe and Four Eyes, and the two drawn ink lines instantly glowed with golden light.



With a burst of heart-rending ghostly howls, the lonely wild ghosts flying all over the room, including those evil ghosts with vicious dead appearances, were all sucked into the formation and crowded together.

"Junior brother Lin! It's time!" Uncle Jiu shouted.


Lin Ge took out a handful of money papers and threw them into the air, then asked the little girl to return to her travel bag and enter the extradition process, so that her evil aura would no longer be needed to suppress the ghosts.

After the little girl returned, Lin Ge took out the dark "Black Impermanent Envoy" token and held it in his hand, kneaded the formula, raised the seal, and stamped his left foot on the ground!

Then, Lin Ge sat cross-legged on the spot, put the token in front of him, pinched the first knuckle of the middle finger with the thumb of his left hand, passed the thumb of his right hand through it, pinched the root of the third knuckle of the ring finger of his left hand, and then wrapped it up Live, the two tigers' mouths intersect, and the hands hold the universe, which is exactly the shape of a Tai Chi diagram.

"Qian Luo Dana, Dong Gang Tai Xuan. Kills demons and binds evil, and saves thousands of people."


"The evil and filth dissipate, and the energy of Dao will always remain!"

As soon as the "Pure Heaven and Earth Curse" came out, the surrounding lonely ghosts completely "calmed down". Then, the golden light of the token Lin Ge placed in front of him appeared, and a crack slowly appeared on the ground in front of him, and a green light emerged.

"Get on the road!"

Suddenly, a low sound like coming from the Nine Nether Hell came from the cracks in the ground. Then, the lonely ghosts in the theater seemed to be bewitched by the sound. They lined up without any struggle and slowly walked towards the theater. Walk through the cracks in the ground.

Under the passage, hundreds of underworld ghosts dispatched by the ghost town have already been waiting. After these lonely ghosts go down, they will be "extradited" into the ghost town and become official "residents of the underworld."

The best thing about entering a ghost town is that you can go through the Department of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil to judge your actions in the previous life. When your "yin life" is over, you will enter reincarnation, without having to be like a lonely ghost in the world of the world, or a ghost in the world. Like the lonely ghosts wandering in the wilderness of the underworld, they still need "yin wealth" to be eligible for reincarnation.

Until the last lonely ghost entered the underworld passage, a voice came: "The extradition is completed, Mr. Lin, the envoy of Heiwu Chang, and Lin Jiu, the agent in the world of Tiandi Bank, thank you for your hard work, your merits have been recorded. Four Taoist Priest Mu, Taoist Qianhe, and all my disciples, you will also have your merits recorded."

The voice was very familiar, and when Lin Ge heard it, he remembered that this was the "Little King of Hell's henchman" who came to give him the trident before, the judge.

"Thank you, Lord Judge!" Lin Ge stood up and bowed towards the passage to the underworld.

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately bowed to the underworld passage like Lin Ge and said thank you: "Thank you, Lord Judge."

When the passage to the underworld closed and the green light disappeared completely, several cheers suddenly sounded in the venue. Qiu Sheng even jumped directly on Uncle Jiu's back, hugged his neck, and laughed: "Hahaha! Master, Master! Did you hear that? I also have merit, I also have merit!"

Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes angrily, and threw Qiu Sheng to the ground with a bang: "How old are you? You are so impatient, how do you teach me? If you had stopped playing around earlier and practiced seriously , do more good deeds, subjugate demons and eliminate demons, why are you still afraid of not having any merit?"

Qiu Sheng immediately responded with a smile: "Master said that from now on, I will be obedient, practice hard, and inherit your mantle, Master."

"Humph, I hope you will do what you say." Uncle Jiu turned around with a straight face and walked towards the bottom of the stage. The uncontrollable smile in the corner of his eyes revealed his mood at this time.

"Hehehe. Senior Brother Lin." As soon as Taoist Priest Simu arrived at the scene, he leaned towards Lin Ge and hugged his neck affectionately, with a "you understand" expression on his face.

This "senior brother" Lin Ge didn't dare to accept the move. If one day he met Master Qiu Hou to settle accounts, it wouldn't be worth it. But he also understood what Taoist Priest Four Eyes meant at this time, and said: "Don't worry, I have already communicated with the judge. With your current merits, it is no problem to get a job at Tiandi Bank. If you are not interested, there will be no trouble below." Your position will be reserved, and after two years of experience, you can be promoted to the role of Impermanent Envoy."

"Hahaha, I knew you wouldn't let me down, Senior Brother Lin." Taoist Priest Simu was extremely happy.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward and asked Lin Ge: "Junior brother Lin, should we go back to rest first, or should we go to the inn in the town to look for it..."

Although he didn’t say the next words, Lin Ge knew that Uncle Jiu was asking if he should go find “Shi Shaojian” now. After thinking about it, he said: “The nights are long and there are many dreams. To prevent this kid from coming up with any destructive tricks, it’s best to go there now. Let’s go to the inn. If senior brother you can’t come forward, just let me handle the matter.”

Lin Ge knew that Uncle Jiu was still thinking about his brotherhood with Shi Jian, but Shi Shaojian was able to control the horse bandit Li Gui and the female ghost Xiaoli, which was beyond Lin Ge's expectations.

Obviously, in the world of reincarnation, due to the intervention of reincarnators, plot deviations occur more and more often, and the difficulty is obviously changing.

These are the basic "rules of the game", and Lin Ge is already used to the main god's arrogant actions.

Although even if the commotion got bigger, it wouldn't have much impact on Lin Ge. When the time came, he couldn't find a place to hide, and when the time was up, he would just pat his butt and leave.

But first of all, Lin Ge's character couldn't do such a thing, and secondly, the origins of the royal family Fei Zhan and the horse bandit Po Po were obtained, and the only remaining villains were Shi Jian's.

Lin Ge has been thinking about how to get this job. Now that the other party has come to his door, how can he easily miss it?

"Two senior brothers, what kind of riddle are you trying to solve?" Simu and Qianzhe asked in confusion.

Uncle Jiu sighed, and after thinking for a while, he told the situation that Lin Ge and Qiu Sheng had encountered. When they heard this, they were obviously shocked. They never thought that Shi Shaojian was behind this.

Guessing is not as good as evidence, and there will be no results if we continue to stay here. Everyone gathered together and rushed directly to the inn where Shi Jian was staying.

Uncle Jiu was concerned about the friendship between everyone and Shi Jian's brothers and did not want to break up directly, so he asked the innkeeper to go upstairs and invite Shi Jian out.

"Heh. Junior brothers, you are so interested in coming to see me in the middle of the night?" Shi Jian walked down the stairs alone, his voice sounded very disdainful, but there was no sign of Shi Shaojian.

Shi Jian walked to the table and sat down. He glanced at everyone with cold eyes: "I heard that you are planning for the Hungry Ghost Festival? Why, another problem has arisen, and you want me, the senior brother, to deal with it for you?"

There was a sense of arrogance in Shi Jian's words. The thoughts of Uncle Jiu and others seemed to go back to their days in the mountains. Often when they couldn't solve something, they would turn to this senior brother for help.

Uncle Jiu glanced at Lin Ge, and finally decided to tell the story himself. After all, in his opinion, Lin Ge was the kind of person who said, "Everyone respects me an inch, and I respect others an inch." He talked to him in a friendly manner. Discuss and talk about everything. If you start with a condescending and condescending attitude, then there will be almost no discussion at all.

Unfortunately, Shi Jian's bad temper destined him not to have a chance to chat with Lin Ge.

After Uncle Jiu told Shi Jian what happened in the theater one by one, the other person's face suddenly turned cold, and he slapped his palm on the table: "Lin Fengjiao! I'm giving you face, right? Just because of your apprentice, and this The 'junior brother' who came out of nowhere made up nonsense and threw the mess you caused on my apprentice? If you can't come up with a substantial drama, I will ask you to crawl out of the inn one by one today!"

Uncle Jiu was shouted out by Shi Jian by his real name in public. Seeing that the other party did not care about the friendship between brothers, he also became angry: "Yes or no, just ask your apprentice to come out and confront him."

Shi Jian snorted coldly, and finally said: "I asked Shaojian to go back to the door to help me get my things. He is not here now. Even if there is a confrontation, you must produce evidence!"

"Oh! No one is here, so of course you can say so! Maybe he ran out to cause trouble at this time, and you were just covering him up!" Qiu Sheng said sarcastically.

"Do you have the right to speak here?" Shi Jian shouted coldly, raised his hand, and directly used the secret technique to shoot a bolt of lightning towards Qiu Sheng. Qiu Sheng did not expect that the other party would do it as soon as he said it, and his expression suddenly changed.

Lin Ge reached out and grabbed the lightning in his hand, snapped his fingers, and with a snap, the lightning was led to the ceiling by him, blowing out a big hole.

"Even if he doesn't have the authority to speak, his master still teaches and scolds him. For using such a vicious killing move against the disciples below, senior brother, have you forgotten the rules of our sect?" Lin Ge said lightly.

Shi Jian snorted coldly: "You know a little bit of thunder magic, but you really treat yourself as a character? Why did I let Shi Shaojian come back? It was to confirm your identity as a 'disciple of Nanmao Gezu'. I'm afraid there are some I don’t know where I learned some magic skills, and I’m pretending to be Maoshan and cheating.”

Lin Ge looked at Shi Jian with a surprised expression. He was not surprised that the other party thought of investigating his identity, but that the majestic Maoshan senior brother would actually start a quarrel with him?

Lin Ge slammed the Hei Wuchang Envoy token on the table: "Identity? Do you want me to ask a few senior brothers from Nanmao in the underworld to come up and verify my identity? With your character, how can you return it to your senior brother? I Don’t do it considering your senior brother’s position, let me do it!”

The scene was full of gunpowder, as if a fight could break out at any time.

But the moment he saw the "Hei Wuchang Envoy Token", Shi Jian's face suddenly became ugly. After all, it is rare for a living person to take up a post in the underworld. On the one hand, it shows that this person has extraordinary talents and is favored by the underworld. On the other hand, It also proves that his identity cannot be a swindler.

"So what, even if you prove your identity, it doesn't mean that this matter is related to my apprentice." Shi Jian always believed that Shi Shaojian came back to do things for him, rather than doing evil outside.

"Okay, you want evidence, then I'll give you the evidence!" Lin Ge snorted coldly, took out the lucky star made of the soul-sealing talisman, rubbed it with two fingers, and broke the seal!

Next Chapter Around 10 o'clock... I have to go out for a meal.

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