It's not important why the Horse Bandits appeared here. What's important is that they were obviously heading for the lonely ghosts in the theater.

When Uncle Jiu saw the group of horse thieves, he immediately said to Lin Ge: "Junior brother, these horse bandit ghosts obviously have bad intentions. When I fought with the thieves, I found that they used magic to heal their injuries. I'm afraid they are here to steal the soul! "

The most common evil technique used by ghost cultivators is to eat other resentful ghosts to increase their own resentment. Of course, the premise is that you have a certain level of strength and can "digest" the other party's grievances.

If you encounter some evil spirits or evil spirits that are too strong, if you cannot digest them, you will lose your mind and become an evil ghost who only knows how to kill and devour.

For example, two on a certain plate.

Obviously, Lin Ge is very aware of the hidden problem of ghost-eating ghosts, but no matter whether the evil skills of these horse bandit ghosts will cause the ghost-eating to get out of control, they cannot be allowed to bring trouble to the ghosts here.

"Then send them down before they eat up all the ghosts here!"

Lin Ge was about to go in, but Uncle Jiu pulled him and said, "With our skills, we will definitely scare away these ghosts once we enter, and then the villagers will be in trouble."

"It's okay, I've got it!" After Lin Ge finished speaking, he walked toward the theater, patting his travel bag and saying, "Girl, it's time to work."

"Hee hee hee--"

"Okay, okay!"

"Uncle, how do you want to play?"

Lin Ge said: "As long as no one is allowed to escape, you can play however you want!"


As soon as the little girl finished speaking, there was a "whoosh", and Lin Ge's travel bag seemed to be filled with a smoke bomb. The thick black mist quickly expanded and enveloped the entire theater.




The theater seemed to be pulled into a new space, with strange, dilapidated, and weird amusement facilities rising from the ground. The surrounding black mist surged and turned into hands, pulling away the scattered lonely souls. The ghost was captured and taken into the facility.

Thousands of lonely ghosts gathered in the theater. Although most of them were fish ghosts with little resistance and willing to be eaten by mermaids, there were also some resentful ghosts who died tragically and were full of resentment.

The first ones to escape were this wave of ghosts. They fled in different directions. They flew in all directions with a "swish". Some of them flew in front of the horse bandit's family and were caught and swallowed directly.

Just as Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu had guessed, these horse bandits and fierce ghosts came here for the lonely ghosts. They practiced evil arts during their lifetime, and after death they also practiced the art of swallowing ghosts to replenish their resentment with resentment. Those lonely ghosts who had no complaints saved their lives.

However, with the little girl's mind, she has always ignored the ghost domain once it opens, and will not control the operation of various amusement facilities, let alone use the characteristics of the "hell paradise" of the ghost domain to generate more hell facilities.

After all, to her, it was just a "toy", but to Lin Ge, he didn't have time to study the operation mode of "Hell Paradise" in depth, and he couldn't bear to use the little girl as a tool to hone and develop. More hell facilities. In his opinion, the little girl's ghost realm is at best a "control" skill.

But as soon as Lin Ge entered the theater, the pure spiritual energy on his body and the evil energy erupting from the little girl's ghost realm made all the ghosts except the horse bandits and other serious ghosts want to escape.

The little girl can control the evil spirit to transform her hands to catch a few, or dozens of them, but it would be very difficult to catch hundreds or thousands of them and put them on the amusement facilities.

However, Lin Ge’s original intention was to let the little girl hold back these lonely ghosts first. If not, he would trap them in the ghost realm and delay their escape. At least he should first deal with the horse bandit ghosts and prevent them from swallowing more. The souls became difficult to deal with, and only then did they have time to think about how to extradite these lonely ghosts.

In other words, Lin Ge actually didn't have high hopes for the little girl to control "all" the ghosts. Unexpectedly, the little girl "remembered" Lin Ge's words, telling her not to let go of the lonely ghost in the theater.

At this time, she saw so many escaping ghosts that she couldn't catch them. The little girl was not only anxious, but also a little angry. If Lin Ge hadn't said that these ghosts were to be extradited to the underworld, she would have gone crazy. Punch a kid.


"They all ran away!"

"I'm so angry! I'm so angry!"

"Get 'em!"

Seeing that some resentful souls were about to escape from the theater, the little girl stamped her feet anxiously and shouted: "Big sister, big sister, help me, help me, help me catch them!"




In an instant, thick blood-red mist burst out from the black mist, blended together, spread to the entire theater, and enveloped the entire theater in the blink of an eye.

In one second, thousands of blood-red mirrors condensed to form a mirror space that enveloped the entire theater. Then, pale and slender arms stretched out from inside, pinched the resentful souls who were trying to fly out of the theater, and threw them all back to the theater. Not only did they do an alley-oop, they were pressed into the amusement equipment, and the little girl Play.

Qimei, who had been "out of order" these days, had no response no matter how many times Lin Ge called her. Unexpectedly, when the little girl asked for help, she went into full fire!

Obviously, the little girl's face is much easier to use than Lin Ge's.

Lin Ge was also helpless about this. Qimei couldn't communicate at all, and it felt like he was reacting like this subconsciously.

Anyway, as soon as he comes into contact with Huang Ni, Qimei will "go out of control".

It even made Lin Ge wonder if Huang Ni and Qimei were having some trouble, but recalling that ever since Huang Ni acquired the mark, Qimei, who was in a zombie state, even watched TV with her for several months.

Why is Qimei so resistant after Huang Ni's "resurrection"?

Obviously, this was not the time to dwell on such trivial matters. Those horse bandit ghosts accelerated their devouring speed, causing chaos in the theater.

Lin Ge pinched the magic formula and recited the "Thunder Curse". He raised his hand, and lightning flashed in his palm, instantly forming a circle of thunder rings around his arm.

This was a new idea he came up with when he was fighting against Shi Jian. He used to simplify the complex things, but now that the little girl is buying time, he followed a set of procedures "step by step".

The thunder ring that enveloped Lin Ge's arms quickly expanded to his whole body and spread around, but when the electric ring passed through the travel bag, there was a scream.

"Yeah yeah yeah!"

"So hot, so hot!"

"Uncle, you shocked me!"

Lin Ge:......

Damn it, why doesn’t the spell have an option to offend friendly damage?


Lin Ge clapped his hands and gathered the lightning that spread around his body between his palms. However, the lightning gathered this time was thicker and longer than the seven lightning bolts from the "Seven Continuous Whips of Lightning" that he used to slap together. , and it even has a thunderstorm momentum that destroys the world!

"Drink!" Lin Ge shouted in a low voice and thrust forward with both palms. He was like a thunderstorm cloud, sending lightning towards the horse bandits and ghosts ahead.




A series of explosions and the crackling sound of lightning were mixed together. The two ferocious horse bandits standing in the front were instantly smashed to ashes!

Lin Ge looked at his palms in surprise. He did not expect that just one encounter with a real lightning master would lead to a "small success" in his lightning breakthrough that had been stuck for a long time!

Lin Ge was immediately excited. He kneaded the secrets again, chanted the mantra, and called for thunder.

However, he made some changes this time. In order to avoid electrocuting his own people again, when the thunder ring spread to his shoulders, he clapped his hands to attract the thunder and gathered the lightning in his palms.

Although the power has been reduced a lot, at least it won't shock the little girl.

At this moment, two figures rushed towards Lin Ge. He subconsciously drew out his thunder palms, only to see that those who rushed towards him turned out to be Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai!

Lin Ge grabbed the lightning with both hands, took the lightning back into his palm, and struck it at the ghost next to him. Then he turned to one side to avoid Qiu Shengwencai's attack, reached out and grabbed the two people's back collars, and pressed them to the ground. .

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai tilted their heads with ferocious expressions on their faces, as if what they saw in front of them was not their uncle Lin Ge, but the enemy who killed their father, baring their teeth and showing a fierce look in their eyes!

"Kill you!"

"Kill you!"

"It's all your fault for ruining our show!"

"It's all your fault!"

Lin Ge let go of his hand, and Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai immediately pushed themselves up to get up, but unexpectedly they felt a hand pressing on the back of their heads.



Two muffled sounds.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were held down and their heads were smashed to the ground. They suddenly saw stars and nosebleeds. Lin Ge's blow obviously had no intention of retaining any force.

"You deserve it if you don't study hard and can't resist the temptation of a dementor." Lin Ge cursed, stood up and looked at the female ghost Xiaoli who was hiding among the ghosts behind him.

Although it is obvious when watching the movie that the female ghost Xiaoli confuses Qiu Sheng, the main reason is that Qiu Sheng in "Zombie Supreme" is so stupid that it makes people laugh. Coupled with Xiaoli's good looks, the audience subconsciously Ignoring that it was Xiaoli who caused trouble, Qiu Sheng ignored Uncle Jiu's instructions and pulled off the red rope.

And what worried Lin Ge the most was that as soon as Xiaoli arrived, Ma Bandit Li Gui came to kill her, and it was obviously unjustifiable for Ma Bandi Li Gui to let Xiaoli go after those resentful souls without giving up such a big piece of fat.

When Xiaoli saw Lin Ge's eyes glancing towards him, she froze and immediately turned around and flew into the air. Lin Ge quickly chased after him and directly used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to catch him!

"I want to leave. Can I let you go?"

He directly grabbed Xiaoli's dress and smashed it to the ground with his backhand, without showing any pity for her, as if what he threw was a big sandbag.

"Sir, I'm just a poor lonely ghost. I've never harmed anyone. Please let me go." After Xiaoli was thrown, she immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Ge.

In Lin Ge's view, Xiaoli may be a good breakthrough point to investigate whether Xiaoli is related to Ma Bandit Li Gui, or even why Ma Bandit Li Gui suddenly appeared here. Therefore, he does not plan to kill the opponent now. Take him back and interrogate him slowly.

Unexpectedly, the moment Xiaoli kowtowed for mercy, several horse bandits and fierce ghosts, led by the old witch and thief woman, gave up chasing the other resentful spirits and rushed towards Lin Ge.

"Haha. It's hard for you to convince me that you and them are not the same group." Lin Ge snorted coldly, stepped on the back of Xiaoli's neck while she was kowtowing, recited the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth", and directly pulled Xiaoli away. Li "suppressed" it on the ground, and then picked up a holding charm to immobilize it.

On the other side, Uncle Jiu entered the theater with Lin Ge, but when Lin Ge went to deal with the horse bandit Li Gui, Uncle Jiu first thought of saving people, so he moved the troupe members out of the theater where the little girl was frightened. When the two apprentices were knocked unconscious and useless, they had no choice but to move the apprentices first.

After all, Lin Ge's "Lightning Thunder Fist" instantly destroyed two fierce ghosts and a bunch of resentful souls. Its power was not much worse than that of the senior brother, and it was not Uncle Jiu's turn to worry about.

In order to rush back as soon as possible to help Lin Ge, Uncle Jiu dragged Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai out of the theater while holding one foot in each hand. As a result, when he exited the door, he turned a corner and Qiu Sheng's head hit the door frame directly, causing him to wake up.


"Kill you!"

Qiu Sheng sat up suddenly and pinched Uncle Jiu's neck.

Uncle Jiu only wanted to move the two of them out as soon as possible. He never thought that the two unconscious people would "pretend to be corpses", and that was all, Qiu Sheng actually dared to attack him!

"Little bastard, what are you doing!" Uncle Jiu stretched out his hand to block Qiu Sheng's hand.

Qiu Sheng bared his teeth, and there seemed to be a black energy lingering in his eyes. Uncle Jiu knew at a glance that Qiu Sheng was evil and had been seduced by the female ghost.

Uncle Jiu took back one hand, bit his finger, and immediately touched Qiu Sheng's forehead while reciting the mantra: "Scout!"

With a sound of "chi", the blood on Qiu Sheng's forehead started to emit white smoke. Seeing this, Uncle Jiu reached back, took out the Bagua Mirror from the cloth bag, and continued to press it towards Qiu Sheng's forehead.


Uncle Jiu did not hold back his strength at all. The blow directly caused Qiu Sheng to fall backwards, and the back of his head hit the ground. However, the black energy in his eyes was sucked away by the Bagua Mirror.

Qiu Sheng rolled his head on the ground, opened his eyes suddenly, looked at Uncle Jiu and said innocently: "Oh, what are you doing? Master?"

Uncle Jiu scolded angrily: "Little bastard, you still know that I am your master? What did I tell you when you came in, and what did you do?"

Qiu Sheng rubbed his head and said aggrievedly: "I followed your instructions and turned a blind eye to those resentful ghosts, but when I was about to take Wen Cai away, I suddenly... saw... in a daze..."

"What did you see?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Qiu Sheng said with an expression as if he had eaten a fly: "I was in a daze... I seemed to see Shi Shaojian smiling at me."

Uncle Jiu slapped Qiu Sheng's head angrily: "I think you are possessed by a ghost!"

Qiu Sheng rubbed his head and said, "I think so too, otherwise why would I see that bastard Shi Shaojian? He even stole my limelight in the Ren family before."

Uncle Jiu sighed: "You know how to steal the limelight if you fight for it. When you can make progress like Jiale and the others, I will be satisfied."

Qiu Sheng has been having a headache when he heard the name "Jia Le" recently. Fortunately, this guy is not his biological brother. Otherwise, if he is compared with him every day, how can he survive this life?

Qiu Sheng immediately wanted to change the subject. When he turned around, he saw the dark clouds and lightning in the theater. He was surprised and said, "Wow, what is this? Is there a dark cloud falling from the sky?"

While using the same method to dispel the evil spirit in Wencai's body, Uncle Jiu said: "That's your uncle's spell, and it's not just to go in and save you!"


In the fog.

Lin Ge wiped out the horse bandit and Li Gui in the blink of an eye, leaving only a thief woman. He thought that the thief woman would be able to run away no matter what in this situation, but he did not expect that the other party actually rushed forward with claws and teeth.

"Lin Ge, something is wrong with this ghost. Try using your eyes to see. Although my cultivation is gone, my eyes can still help you." At this time, Huang Ni's voice came from his right hand.

When Lin Ge heard this, he remembered that with Huang Ni's "resurrection", he could again use his eyes to "see thousands of miles by day and spy on ghosts and gods at night".

Lin Ge immediately squeezed his fingers and wiped his eyes, and took a closer look. Although he never saw the spectacular scene of "perspective" + "marking" on the whole map like before, he saw a black aura on the thief woman's body, like a thread. , connected to the outside of the theater, and the thief was controlled like a puppet on strings.

Sure enough, there is someone behind the scenes.

Lin Ge followed the black line and looked outside. Unexpectedly, after Huang Ni lost his cultivation, his "pupil technique" was still more or less affected. He couldn't even see through the little girl's ghost realm, so he couldn't. See what's going on outside the theater.

But think about it, the little girl is now the top red ghost. If Lin Ge hadn't been controlling her evil spirit, she would have become a fierce god long ago. It's not surprising that Huang Ni, a pure soul body, can't see through it. .

At this time, the thief woman opened her teeth and claws and rushed towards Lin Ge, spitting out a large ball of black air from her mouth, wrapping around him like an octopus monster's tentacles.

Lin Ge did not dodge or dodge, he directly kneaded the secret as fast as possible, grabbed it with one hand, and used the Soul Sealing Technique to grab the thief's neck. He originally wanted to smash it to the ground, but then used two consecutive thunder spells to make her rise to the sky. , but after a brief thought, he immediately dispersed his pupils, and then pinched the Heavenly Eye Technique again to open Huang Shang's Heavenly Eye!

Break the barrier!

Lin Ge saw through the confusion on the thief woman's body at a glance, and saw a face that surprised him——

Shi Shaojian!

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