After the female ghost Xiaoli was released by Lin Ge, she stood up and wanted to fly away. However, when she saw the people around her clearly and felt the aura and oppression on their bodies, she knelt down obediently.

"It's her! It's her!" Qiu Sheng pointed at Xiaoli, looked at Lin Ge and said, "Uncle Master, when I entered the theater and wanted to leave even though I called Shang Wencai, it was she who used magic to confuse my eyes. I, I I also saw Shi Shaojian, his smile was so mean and lewd, it blended in with her face!"

Qiu Sheng heard from Uncle Jiu before that after he was possessed by a ghost, he not only attacked Uncle Jiu, but also his uncle. He was guilty of the two major crimes of being disrespectful to his elders and killing fellow sect members, and he was thrown into the Punishment Hall vertically. How could he dare to be vague about what happened when he entered and exited sideways? When he saw the culprit, even his words became incoherent.

Lin Ge: ...This silly boy, at least save some face for your uncle. Although the current performance is not as stupid as in the original film, it is not much better.


Sure enough, Qiu Sheng's words immediately angered Shi Jian. He slapped his hand on the table and shouted angrily: "Nonsense, don't you want this mouth?"


Lin Ge also slapped the table, directly attracting everyone's attention, but he looked at Shi Jian and said with a smile: "You continue."

He had an infuriating smile, as if he was saying, I'll do it if you do it, and Shi Jian immediately suppressed the curse that was on his lips.

Taoist Master Qianhe stepped forward, pulled out the bronze sword on his back and placed it on Xiaoli's neck. He said in a cold voice: "Who sent you here? Tell me! If you don't tell the truth, I will make your soul fly away and never be reincarnated!"

"Master Tao, have mercy on me, Master Tao, have mercy on me!"

Xiaoli kept kowtowing and said: "The little girl is originally a ghost in a lonely grave in the western suburbs. She has a few years to go before her life is over, and she is ready to be reincarnated. A few days ago, a young man in white suddenly came to the western suburbs. He I know some magic, but I am no match for him. After I was...played by him..., he asked me to do something for him, and then let me reincarnate. In order to reincarnate, I had to do what he said, in On the Ghost Festival, go to the troupe to bewitch the living people for him."

"I didn't know that the people he confused me were disciples of the Taoist masters. If I knew, I wouldn't dare to do it. Taoist master, please have mercy on me. Taoist master, please have mercy on me."

"He also gave me a piece of blood jade, saying that it can enhance the power of my charm technique. As long as the living people in the theater kill each other, the task will be completed."

Xiaoli said, taking out a piece of blood jade and placing it on the table next to her.

Everyone looked at the blood jade, but they didn't see any clues. However, Shi Jian's expression changed when he saw it clearly, and he naturally recognized that these were the protective magical weapons he had prepared for Shi Shaojian before.

This blood jade was obtained by Shi Jian by killing a tree demon who was good at the charm technique. It does have the effect of enhancing the power of the charm technique. The reason why it was given to Shi Shaojian was because he was low in cultivation and would use it when he encountered a master who could not beat him. The blood jade confuses the opponent and then takes the opportunity to escape.

Unexpectedly, this boy actually gave the blood jade to a lonely ghost and asked it to confuse Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, causing such a big thing as fratricide!

Although thinking of Shi Shaojian's abnormal behavior in the past few days, Shi Jian also vaguely felt that something was wrong, but even if it was really Shi Shaojian's fault, even if it broke the sky, he would still have to help with it!

Shi Jian said coldly: "I don't know where I caught a female ghost, and I asked my disciple to be a witness. I've already told you. Since you don't take me as a senior brother in your eyes, what else is there to say?" explain!"

Shi Jian slapped his hand on the table, and with a bang, a crack suddenly appeared on the thickened solid wood table, which showed that he was already angry.

Lin Ge stood up with a smile, clasped his hands on the table, and sneered: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it!"

With a "clang", Lin Ge lifted the table.

The table flew towards Shi Jian. Shi Jian raised his hand, lightning flashed in his palm, and struck the center of the table with his palm, shaking the thick solid wood square table into pieces.

For a time, tensions were rising in the inn. As long as anyone made the slightest move, it would surely become the trigger and cause fratricide among fellow sects.

Because of this, no one dares to act rashly.

With Shi Jian's arrogance, normally he would have taken action directly to deal with these "junior brothers" first. But now that Lin Ge, whose strength is unfathomable, is present, Shi Jian thinks that he must be more cautious, and at least first find out what his apprentice wants to do by doing these things.

After all, although Shi Shaojian was a bit arrogant on weekdays, he was not a criminal or a treacherous person, and he would not do things like bewitching lonely ghosts to harm his fellow disciples.

Shi Jian looked at Lin Ge and asked in a cold tone: "A female ghost caught somewhere, one of your own, can this be used as evidence? Oh, you talk too much, right? You said it's me What the apprentice does is what my apprentice does?”


Lin Ge smashed the Five Elements Bagua plate on the table next to him and sneered: "Yes, I said yes. It depends on whether you believe me or not, Master."

"Should we call the Patriarch out for a confrontation?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and asked confidently. His confident look made Shi Jian's heart pounding, wondering whether the other party had really fabricated some substantial evidence, otherwise he wouldn't be so confident, confident enough to confront the patriarch without fear.

Of course, Lin Ge currently doesn't have the ability to call out the Patriarch, and even if he could, he wouldn't dare to bet on whether the Lord God is blind or not. But at this time, the comparison is obviously about momentum. Against a big guy like Shi Jian who has his own aura, if he backs off his aura even a little, he will be completely defeated.

Lin Ge directly brought the topic to the level of the Patriarch, which obviously calmed Shi Jian, and the situation became cold for a while. Uncle Jiu had no choice but to stand up and smooth things over: "Elder brother, 'good versus evil, fight for life' is my sect. Purpose, if Shao Jian has really done these things, he will be handed over to the punishment hall for decision. If he can sincerely change his ways, there is still room for change. But if you continue to indulge him in his misbehavior, it will be too late."

"Lin Fengjiao, after all these years of not seeing each other, have you become brave? You actually taught me a lesson? I'm my own apprentice, I can teach it myself, you don't need to worry about it. As for such a random wild ghost, it's not worthy of being used as evidence!" Shi Jian raised his hand and struck Xiaoli with a bolt of lightning.

Brother Lin had long expected that with Shi Jian's character, he would definitely make a move to kill ghosts and silence people. He had always been on guard against him and never let go of the Thunder Jue in his right hand.

The moment he saw Shi Jian's lightning strike, Lin Ge gathered thunder in his palm, and the same lightning struck him. The two lightning bolts touched together and blew Xiaoli away with a "bang".

Although Xiaoli was not instantly killed by Shi Jian, she was hit hard by the two thunder spells. Her soul became much lighter, as if it was about to dissipate at any time.

"Don't let the female ghost die." Lin Ge stood between Shi Jian and Xiaoli, turned around and said to Qianhe and others.

Uncle Jiu and Qianhe immediately cast spells together to protect Xiaoli's soul.

Shi Jian stared at Lin Ge and narrowed his eyes: "Boy, I haven't seen you for a few days, and the thunder method has improved a lot."

"This is all something I need senior brother's guidance on," Lin Ge said with a smile.

Shi Jian snorted coldly and suddenly rushed towards Lin Ge: "Humph, in that case, then I will give you some pointers and let you see the real thunder method!"

Shi Jian reached out and grabbed Lin Ge's throat like a claw.

Just when the eagle claws flashing with electric light were about to pinch Lin Ge's throat, a thick blood-red mist suddenly appeared around his throat, blocking Shi Jian's attack.

After Qimei's "malfunction", Lin Ge had only a handful of defensive methods. After all, he usually used offense instead of defense, or control instead of defense.

But when dealing with targets with negative attributes such as monsters and monsters, he can also let a little girl with negative attributes control him for him. But the opponent is Shi Jian, so letting the little girl come out at this time will undoubtedly become a living target.

Therefore, Lin Ge finally chose the most dangerous way - attacking with attack, exchanging injury with injury. When Shi Jian attacked his throat, he attacked Shi Jian's heart.

Unexpectedly, Qimei lost her temper, but she didn't lose her temper at the critical moment. With the consumption of blood mist, Shi Jian's blow was blocked.

However, Shi Jian had no one or ghost to defend him, so he took the palm forcefully and was so shocked that he took two steps back, and his hair and beard stood on end due to the electricity.

Lin Ge would not give Shi Jian a chance to react. He squeezed the Thunder Jue, recited the Thunder Curse, attached thunder rings to his arms, and attacked Shi Jian!

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