Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 235 I have been cultivating for three thousand years and I still can’t rest?

Shi Jian obviously didn't understand what a "laptop" was, so Lin Ge simply took out a spare one. The difference was that this one didn't download movies, while the laptop that Shi Jian destroyed had a full 1T TV series downloaded.

When everyone took a look, they didn't expect Lin Ge to have such a novel gadget. Shi Jian also recalled that when he tried to catch the female ghost before, he actually hacked one of these gadgets.

With Shi Jian's character and temper, he is obviously not someone who refuses to admit what he has done. He immediately recognized it. Just when Lin Ge thought he was going to pay for it or use a magic weapon to pay off the debt, the other party said "I owe it" and ran away. Got it!

This immediately left Lin Ge stunned. He thought about Shi Jian refusing to admit it, or simply leaving. Who knew that the other party would actually leave a "owe".

Good guy, you are really arrogant and charming, right?

You might as well call her Shi Fengjiao.

"Ah, then our TV series is gone. We only struck him with three bolts of lightning. What a loss." At this time, Huang Ni suddenly appeared behind Lin Ge and said as he looked at the leaving figures of Shi Jian and the others.

She suddenly appeared, startling her eyes.

The four eyes originally thought it was the elusive "sister-in-law" before, but they didn't expect it to be a female ghost in white that they had never met before. The strange thing was that this female ghost didn't have a trace of resentment on her body, but she had the illusion of seeing an immortal.

"Ha!" Mao Shanming ran in from outside, pointed at Huang Ni and said, "Let me just say, the Taoist monk I saw last time was clearly this Taoist!"


Mao Shanming was slapped by a hand that appeared out of thin air, and he was immediately dizzy. He covered his face and said in confusion: "What happened!"

Huang Ni looked at the disappearing blood mirror, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Hehe, your little girl is jealous. I went back. I can't beat her now."

After saying that, Huang Ni turned into a white smoke and flew back to Lin Ge's right hand.

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Ge in surprise, his expression seemed to say: Another new female ghost?

Lin Ge didn't know how to explain, so he could only change the subject and said, "Senior brother, I'm sorry for destroying your righteous village, but I will definitely find a way to rebuild it."

Uncle Jiu waved his hand and said, "Junior brother, you don't have to worry. In order to thank us for the gold bars that Master Ren gave us a few days ago, you gave me all the gold bars. It is more than enough to build a charity village. I will ask Qiu Shengwencai to find workers tomorrow."

When Uncle Jiu said this, Lin Ge no longer forced himself. After all, his original intention was just to change the topic.

However, after this battle, Shi Jian took Shi Shaojian to move to a hotel in the town, and Yizhuang returned to the peace it had before he came.

The next day, Master Ren heard about this and without saying a word, he sent workers to help renovate the village and built several new houses for Uncle Jiu.

A few days passed by. Lin Ge saw Shi Jian in the town these days, but there was no trace of Shi Shaojian. Obviously, the spiral ascension package that day had a big psychological impact on this guy.

The Ghost Festival is approaching, and the first thing Uncle Jiu has to prepare is to agree to the "extradition" of lonely ghosts from the ghost town. He cannot do this alone.

Lin Ge suggested asking Mr. Ren for help. After all, with his status in Renjia Village, he could discuss with the village chief that the villagers should stay at home on the Ghost Festival and not go out. Then they could build a theater at the entrance of the village and invite a theater troupe to sing. , can solve this matter perfectly.

Of course, the premise is that Qiu Shengwencai's two deceitful apprentices don't seek death.

However, during this time since Jiale came, these two guys have been compared. In addition, Chizuru's comparison with each other has also put some pressure on Qiu Shengwencai.

Especially after seeing how badly Jiale was bullied by Si Mu, he suddenly felt that he couldn't be too happy under the protection of Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu followed Lin Ge's suggestion and found Mr. Ren. After telling him about the matter, Mr. Ren immediately patted his chest and promised to handle the matter for Uncle Jiu.

According to the tradition of the Great Celestial Dynasty, July is the Ghost Month, and July 15th is the Ghost Festival. It is also the day when the gates of ghosts are opened, and those ownerless souls will wander around the world on this day.

If the incense paper candles burned for the ancestors are not claimed by the ancestors, or the ancestors have passed away, they will be enjoyed by these lonely ghosts.

In the past, under the "protection" of Uncle Jiu, Renjia Village would hold a ritual ceremony every year. This time, even if Uncle Jiu didn't say anything, the village chief would discuss it with Mr. Ren and spend money to ask Uncle Jiu to take action.

And since Uncle Jiu has spoken in person, Master Ren will fully support Uncle Jiu's work. The Ren family's shops, land, etc. are all in Renjia Village. Only when Renjia Village prospers, will the Ren family be rich.

After Master Ren agreed to help, Qianhe asked his four disciples Southeast and Northwest to lead the workers of the Ren family to build the theater.

Uncle Jiu and Qiu Shengwencai were responsible for seizing the time to print more paper money to prepare for the "consumption" on the Ghost Festival.

On the Ghost Festival, most places still have customs such as setting water lanterns, burning paper clothes, and placing water cloths. Everyone thought that since they had already done it, they might as well complete it.

Therefore, Simu and Jiale were responsible for preparing water lanterns and water cloths. Lin Ge used his paper-tying skills to help make some new paper clothes, and by the way, he also gave the little girl a new outfit.

Due to the huge demand for ghost currency paper money in the ghost town, Uncle Jiu was still working overtime to print ghost coins until the Ghost Festival.

In the past few days, Qiu Sheng has become proficient in cutting and sorting the printed coins. While cutting, he held a "five thousand taels" of Tiandi Bank coins and said, "Hey, give me these five thousand taels." You’ll get rich!”

Uncle Jiu continued to print the Ming coins and said without raising his head: "Then you can get some more to prepare. You're welcome. I'll burn them for you when I get the chance."

Qiu Sheng was speechless for a moment and could only change the subject and said: "Yes, Master, last year when we helped the village go to other towns to purchase ghost coins and paper money for the Ghost Festival, I remember that the banknotes we bought were all four thousand taels. How come it is our turn?" If you print it yourself, it becomes five thousand taels? As the manager of the Heaven and Earth Bank, can you still change the denomination size at will? Doesn't this mean that everyone in the ghost town has to look at your face, Master?"

Uncle Jiu replied: "Ghost City said that now the prices in the world are rising, and the prices below are also rising, so it is best to mention this denomination."

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately sighed in his heart. Because of this kind of operation, all the hells in the reincarnation world are experiencing inflation. Would you rather have paper money than hell coins?

"Bring me seven or forty-nine examples of Ming coins. When I finish writing this notice, you and Wen Cai will take it and burn it together for the following." Uncle Jiu said.

"Oh." Qiu Sheng responded, and ran to count forty-nine Ming coin samples.

After Uncle Jiu took it, he put the notice he wrote inside and gave it to Qiu Sheng and said, "Remember, burn this pile together, don't separate it."

"Oh." Qiu Sheng took it and walked downstairs, muttering as he walked: "It's such a big pile, why don't you burn it one by one? If it's not burned completely, wouldn't it mean that you won't be able to receive the complete ones from below? There's also a notice Single... Huh?"

Qiu Sheng walked to the top of the stairs and took out the notice and looked at it. His eyes suddenly lit up: "Haha! Master, no wonder you told me to burn it together and not to separate. It turned out that you were afraid that I would see the signature on the notice! It turns out that Master's real name is Lin Fengjiao, we always thought her name was Lin Jiu, haha, it sounds so nice, Gillian, Gillian!"

Qiu Sheng called extremely artificially, but he didn't know that Uncle Jiu had already come behind him, kicked him directly on the butt, and kicked him down the stairs.

"Ouch." Qiu Sheng lay on the ground, screaming in pain.

Wen Cai on the side quickly ran over to help Qiu Sheng up, and they went to the yard to burn paper money together. As they walked, they scolded Qiu Sheng: "You dare to make Master's jokes, aren't you afraid of death?"

"I never knew Master was so stingy." Qiu Sheng said, rubbing his waist.

"Master, hasn't he always been so stingy?" Wen Cai sighed.

Uncle Jiu poked his head out from upstairs and cursed: "What are you two talking about? If you keep talking nonsense, go to the ancestral hall to kneel down and copy the scripture a hundred times."

"Master, we were wrong!" Qiu Shengwencai hurriedly ran to burn paper money.

Uncle Jiu urged: "Go quickly, come back after burning and continue printing."


Lin Ge completed the last piece of paper clothing in his hand. Seeing that there were still a lot of raw materials, he tapped the back of his right hand and said, "Little girl, you already have a new outfit. Do you want to get a new set for you too?"

"No need." Huang Shang refused coldly.

"Okay." Huang Ni responded cheerfully.

Lin Ge asked: "What style do you want?"

After Huang Ni came out, he asked Lin Ge to take out his laptop and rummaged through it. Lin Ge didn't know what the TV Five liked before, so he downloaded different things on each computer. He didn't even look at some of them and just moved them from website to website.

Normally Lin Ge didn't have time to do this, but Huang Ni has lost her cultivation now and is living a free and comfortable life. She is either binge-watching TV shows or playing on the computer every day. She has a lot of fun even if there is no Internet. She looks like an Internet-addicted girl. appearance.

Huang Ni found a few pictures of everyday outfits, pointed at the pictures on the computer and said, "That's it!"

"that's it?"

Lin Ge looked at the dozens of pictures of various styles of outfits opened on the computer, even in campus style, and couldn't help but ask: "Do you think too highly of me? I only know a little bit about paper-tying, right?" What a fashion designer! Besides, Miss, you are just reshaping your soul, not transcending the world and letting yourself go. Don’t you practice computer science every day?"

"I've been cultivating for three thousand years, but I still can't take a break?" Huang Ni said with a raised eyebrow.

Before Lin Ge could speak, Huang Shang spoke first: "Of course. Sister, you can rest peacefully and leave small things like cultivation to me."

Lin Ge:......


What a mouthful I have.

These materials are reserved for the little girl to make a backpack, toys, etc. Isn't it simple? Now it's great, she is going to be a guest fashion designer.

"Hee hee hee--"


"Me and me."

The little girl suddenly stuck out half of her head from her travel bag. Although the scene was a bit scary, Lin Ge was used to it. He sighed and asked, "Tell me what you want."

"I want an airship."

Lin Ge directly pushed the little girl back into her backpack: "I'll give you a Kirov!"

From the travel bag, the little girl's joyful (shen) laughter came: "Okay, okay."

Lin Ge:......

I won't talk too much anymore.

When Lin Ge guest-starred as a costume designer and designed the Kirov airship, Qiu Sheng came up from downstairs humming a ditty and said to Uncle Jiu: "Master, the burning is over."

"After the burning is over, why don't you come over and continue printing...wait, where did the literary talent go to be lazy again?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Qiu Sheng walked to the paper printing machine and said while printing the Ming coins: "Oh, Southeast and Northwest came back just now and said that the theater booth was set up. Wencai knew that he was short, so he went to reserve a seat to watch the theater first."

Uncle Jiu scolded angrily: "What position do you occupy? Tonight's play is for ghosts, why is he going to join in the fun!"

Lin Ge on the side heard this and suddenly thought of a key question.

In the movie, when the opera is set up in a tent, the ghost escorts the ghosts to the earthly world, and while listening to the opera, they receive alms from the earth. As a result, Qiu Sheng and Wencai are seduced by the female ghost Xiaoli, and run to immobilize the ghost before letting them go. A lonely ghost.


Now the situation is very different. The ghost town is short of ghosts. Uncle Jiu is asked to help set up a tent and sing opera to attract the lonely ghosts around and extradite them to the ghost town.

There won't be a "let go" plot at all, right?

However, it is no longer important whether this plot will appear or not. After all, because the lonely ghosts were let go, Uncle Jiu interceded with the ghosts in order to save Qiu Shengwen and agreed to capture these ghosts. Then he cast a spell and invited the ghosts including Shi Jian. Among the brothers and sisters from all walks of life, not only Shi Jian and his disciples are in the village now, but also Simu, Qianhe and others are also there.

Lin Ge was a little curious about what kind of plot would happen next.

"Qiu Sheng, are only Southeast and Northwest back? Where are they? Where is Qianzhe?" Lin Ge asked.

Qiu Sheng replied: "Southeast and Northwestern just came back to pick up things, and they went out again. Master Qianhe... seems to be helping them with Feng Shui at Ren's house."

Lin Ge said: "In that case, senior brother, why don't we go to the theater to have a look? Anyway, after the lonely ghosts gather, you and I will need to contact the ghost police for extradition."

"That's good, just to prevent Wen Cai from getting into trouble." Uncle Jiu nodded.

Several people came to the theater. Qiu Sheng stood outside and opened the door curtain and looked inside. He saw gongs and drums beating on the stage, which was very lively.

But the strange thing is that there is great excitement and excitement on the stage, but in the huge venue below the stage, only Wencai is holding a section of sugar cane, gnawing on it and watching with gusto.

Qiu Sheng looked back at Uncle Jiu and said, "Master, look at how happy Wen Cai is watching alone. He is singing for ghosts, and there is not even a trace of ghosts."

Uncle Jiu slapped Qiu Sheng on the head and cursed: "The people here are all lonely ghosts, not resentful ghosts. There is no resentment. How can you see without opening your eyes? I usually tell you to practice your magic well, but you don't listen." , now you have to use props to even open your eyes and look at other disciples like Jiale, Southeast and Northwest, can you make some progress?"

Uncle Jiu said as he prepared to take the eye-opening prop from the bag, but was stopped by Lin Ge: "Brother, no need, I have something more convenient here."

As he spoke, Lin Ge took out a bottle of "Jiangui brand" spray and sprayed it into Qiu Sheng's eyes.

"Wow." Qiu Sheng rubbed his eyes and asked, "Uncle, what is this?"

"Something that can make you see ghosts." Lin Ge said.

Qiu Sheng rubbed his eyes, lifted the door curtain again and looked inside. His eyes suddenly widened and he quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from screaming.

I saw that the originally empty theater was now crowded with ghosts. They were dressed in different costumes, from almost every dynasty.

The most exaggerated thing is that in the open space in the front row, there is a "ghost seller" with a box hanging on his body and selling various snacks to the ghost.

Next to Wencai, there was a hanged man standing on the left, with his neck crooked and his tongue sticking out. His tongue was almost pulled to his chest, and it was still dripping blood.

The one on the right is a ghost who fell to death, with half of his head missing. You can see the white brain and the eyes hanging on the face.

The appearance of a ghost depends on its appearance before death. It is said that the more terrifying the death, the more ferocious it will be after becoming a ghost.

When Qiu Sheng saw hundreds of ghosts, he suddenly became frightened. He shrank back and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Master, can I stop looking?"

Uncle Jiu pressed his head and turned back to the theater: "It looks so good, why don't you watch it?"

At this moment, he saw an ugly-looking female ghost with a sausage mouth slowly approaching Wencai. Qiu Sheng suddenly became anxious: "Master, what does that ghost want to do to Wencai!"

"That female ghost wants to find the boss!" Uncle Jiu said.

Qiu Sheng asked anxiously: "What should we do?"

Uncle Jiu said: "Don't alarm other ghosts. There are so many lonely ghosts here. If they are all scared away, Renjia Village will be doomed. Give me your hand."

Uncle Jiu tied a red rope to Qiu Sheng's wrist and said, "If Wen Cai is dragged away by a lonely ghost, there will be no way to save him. I will tie you with a red rope, and you go and bring Wen Cai back."

Qiu Sheng looked at Uncle Jiu awkwardly, and then at Lin Ge who was watching the show silently: "Master, uncle, you are so high-minded, why don't you go in?"

Uncle Jiu replied: "It's just because we have high moral standards that we scared them all away as soon as we entered. It will be even more troublesome later."

Lin Ge raised his hand and patted Qiu Sheng's shoulder, and said with a smile: "There must be some opportunities to train you young people. However, if a person stumbles on a stupid thing, he can still find some excuse to fool him, but in the same thing If you stumble twice on a stupid thing, you are short-sighted. Do you understand?"

Qiu Sheng blinked and asked in confusion: "What? Uncle Master, what do you mean, I didn't understand."

Lin Ge looked into the theater and said, "See for yourself."

Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng looked into the theater at the same time, and saw a female ghost in fluttering purple clothes falling from the sky. They drove the ugly ghost away for Wencai, and then used magic to let Wencai see her and the people around her, and start chatting.

When Qiu Sheng saw the pretty good-looking female ghost, he immediately thought of the female ghost he had a romantic relationship with before, and felt embarrassed on his face.

Uncle Jiu warned: "Remember, people don't offend ghosts, and ghosts don't offend people. You must pretend that you can't hear or see. If you catch Wencai, I will pull the red rope to lead you out. The red rope must not be used." Break."

Lin Ge added: "Humans and ghosts have different paths. No matter how beautiful a female ghost is, she is still a female ghost, not to mention average-looking. Don't fall down twice in the same pit. Do you understand?"

"Oh." Qiu Sheng nodded quickly.

Uncle Jiu muttered: "Why are these words coming from you, junior brother, so unconvincing?"

Lin Ge:......

After Qiu Sheng walked into the theater, he followed Uncle Jiu's instructions and turned a blind eye to the ghosts along the way. However, the ghosts looked so terrifying that he felt scared even walking more than ten meters away.

"Wencai. Master asked us to go back and help." As soon as Qiu Sheng passed by, he ignored the female ghost in purple and said to Wencai.

Wen Cai bit the sugar cane and introduced, "This is my new friend, her name is Xiaoli. Isn't she pretty?"

Qiu Sheng kept in mind the instructions of his master and uncle, and deliberately looked in the direction of the female ghost Xiaoli, as if he didn't see anything, and said with a puzzled expression: "Wen Cai, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand? Come on, follow me." I'm going back, you know Master is stingy, if you know we are lazy, we will definitely be punished."

Xiaoli gave Qiu Sheng a wink, and then she saw that Qiu Sheng seemed to be possessed by a ghost. After a chill, his eyes suddenly became different.

"Wow. Miss, you are so beautiful. I have never seen a woman as beautiful as you. My surname is Liu and my name is Qiu Sheng." Qiu Sheng said with a smile.

"Mr. Liu."

"Just call me Qiusheng."

When Uncle Jiu outside saw this, his expression suddenly changed and he slowly closed the red rope. However, no matter how he shook Qiu Sheng's hand, the other party turned a blind eye.

Uncle Jiu's pull was too large. Qiu Sheng stood there and waved his arms, which greatly affected the communication between him and Xiaoli. Qiu Sheng simply turned around, pulled off the red rope on his arm, glared at Uncle Jiu, threw the red rope away, then turned around and continued chatting with Xiaoli with a smile.

"Smelly boy." Uncle Jiu wanted to go up and beat Qiu Sheng.

But Lin Ge on the side frowned. In his opinion, although Qiu Sheng was naughty, he was not hopeless. Just like A Chu in "Zombie Taoist Priest", he could still be used after some "training" of.

What's more, this is Qiu Sheng in "Mr. Zombie", not the hopelessly stupid Qiu Sheng in "Zombie Supreme".

If there is any difference, it can only be said that the "screenwriters" are different, which also makes the characters of the two very different. In "Mr. Zombie", Qiu Sheng is still Uncle Jiu's right-hand man, and can even challenge Mr. Ren who has turned into a zombie. However, in "Zombie Supreme", he has become a man who knows everything and is not good at anything. waste.

Although Lin Ge had casually reminded him before, if Qiu Sheng remembered, he wouldn't mind giving him a hand. If he was still stubborn, he wouldn't mind persuading Uncle Jiu to give up these two cheating apprentices.


Judging from Qiu Sheng's behavior when he first entered, he indeed took Uncle Jiu's and his own words to heart. It was obvious that the female ghost was using magic to cause trouble.

The female ghost's usual method, three words, is breathtaking.

Just when Lin Ge was thinking about how to take Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai out from under the nose of the female ghost Xiaoli without disturbing the other ghosts, he saw the curtain in the other direction of the theater being blown by a gust of wind, and several people dressed in strange clothes The ghost walked slowly in from outside the theater.

However, when they saw the appearance of those ghosts clearly, both Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu's expressions changed!

Old witch, horse bandit!

The few ghosts who came were none other than the one female and six male horse bandits who were killed by Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu before. The strange thing is that these horse bandits were all evildoers during their lifetimes, and they should have gone down to the 18th floor after their death. hell!

Therefore, it should be the Bull-headed Horse-faced one who seduces the soul, and there is no reason to let them run away!

But why does it appear here?

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