Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 232 Huang Ni wakes up, Qimei’s defense fails!

After Lin Ge asked the little girl to come back, he asked Mao Shanming to take Dabao and Xiaobao back to Yizhuang.

In fact, the whereabouts of the horse bandit leader are uncertain at this time. According to the plot in the movie, he will definitely come back to get those two accomplices. If Lin Ge leaves a ghost in the security team, the safety of this place can be guaranteed.

But in the movie, Mao Shanming asked Dabao and Xiaobao to go back to his hometown and wait for him. Dabao was captured by the bandit leader on the road and controlled Dabao with magic.

Although Lin Ge believed that no matter how powerful the horse bandit leader was, he would not be able to compete with the little girl or Qimei who could drive the ghost realm, but he should be careful about sailing the ten thousand year ship.

After all, things can happen to outsiders, but nothing can happen to your own people or ghosts.

This is Lin Ge's bottom line in saving people.

Back in Yizhuang, Uncle Jiu continued to suppress the corpse energy in the body for Taoist Qianhe, and the originally milky white rice water in the bathtub had now completely turned black.

"Wow, Master Dao, what are you doing with such a big battle?" Mao Shanming asked quietly, standing behind Lin Ge.

Lin Ge said: "My junior brother unfortunately suffered some injuries in the fight with Fei Zhan. At this time, he is suppressing the corpse poison in his body."

Mao Shanming took a look and found that there were things swimming one by one in the dark bathtub. He swallowed and said, "Snakes, there are snakes in the water."

"Fighting fire with poison, haven't you seen it? Who are you?" Taoist Master Simu asked suspiciously when he saw Mao Shanming.

Mao Shanming patted his chest and said, "I, Mao Shanming, am a righteous Taoist priest who firmly adheres to the principle of 'the confrontation between good and evil, and a lifelong struggle'!"

Mao Shanming spoke very powerfully, but Taoist Priest Simu said calmly: "Look here, who is not a Taoist?"

Mao Shanming was stunned for a moment and asked Lin Ge in a low voice: "Master Tao, is this all...?"

Before Lin Ge could answer, Taoist priest Simu said first: "Nonsense, we are all Maoshan orthodox here, which lineage are you from?"

Mao Shanming was choked immediately, smiled very awkwardly, and said: "It turns out that they are all Taoist friends. I am disrespectful. I heard that the Taoist friend was poisoned by corpse poison. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help?"

Taoist Priest Simu looked at Mao Shanming's reaction and immediately understood that this guy must be a wild Taoist priest. He did not continue to ask questions to embarrass the other party, but just waved his hand to express that he did not need help.

Lin Ge was not good at treatment and could not help if he stayed here, so he told Taoist Master Simu to go back to the house to deal with some things. If he needed help, he could call him at any time.

After all, if he delayed any longer, the fire sign on the back of his right hand would be pierced. After knowing the existence of the "Soul Healing Liquid", a certain boss had restrained himself by not letting him use it.

As soon as Lin Ge returned to the house and closed the door, Huang Shang's voice sounded: "Where are the things?"

"Don't worry." After Lin Ge sat down, he took out the blue and white porcelain bottle containing the "Soul Healing Liquid" and said, "There is only one drop of this thing. Is there any way to confirm whether it is useful? I can't and I don't care whether there are any side effects. , I’ll drop everything into your sister’s soul, right?”

"Bring the things here, I will make my own judgment." Huang Shang urged.

"How to give it to you? Just drop it into the fire sign?" Lin Ge took the blue and white porcelain vase and tapped the mark on the fire sign. As soon as he touched the mark, the blue and white porcelain vase disappeared from his hand.


"This is quite convenient."

"Can't it also be used as an 'inventory'?"

Huang Shang's current focus is on whether the "soul-healing liquid" can be effective on her sister, and how can she think about "joking" with Lin Ge.

A moment later, Huang Shang's surprised voice came from the fire sign mark: "This elixir is real, I can feel the spiritual energy contained in it, my sister is saved!"

"Oh oh oh. What do you need me to do?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Shang said: "Stay and don't move. It hurts a little, so bear with it."

Lin Ge:?

Before Lin Ge had time to ask why, he suddenly felt a bone-gnawing pain coming from the back of his right hand, as if an electric drill was drilling against the mark of the fire sign, penetrating his bones!

As a reincarnation of his own, Lin Ge had never experienced such pain that he almost fainted, even if he was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

It was as if what Huang Shang was repairing was not Huang Ni's remnant soul, but his soul.

The severe bone-eroding pain lasted for nearly a stick of incense. Lin Ge's forehead was soaked in cold sweat, and the clothes on his back were soaked with sweat.

Finally, Huang Shang shouted in surprise from the back of her right hand: "Sister!"

"younger sister."

Although the twins Huang Ni and Huang Shang have similar timbres, Huang Shang's voice is more cold, while Huang Ni's is much softer.

As soon as he heard it, he knew that the voice was indeed from Huang Ni.

Lin Ge grinned in pain, endured the pain, and said, "Hey, long time no see."

"Lin Ge." Huang Ni called, and then asked: "How long have I been asleep? How many worlds? Has the plan been successful?"

Lin Ge replied: "This is the third world after "A Chinese Ghost Story". Although the first two are all stewed, it doesn't matter... How about it? After the soul is repaired, does it feel like you are in another world?"

"No, it feels like yesterday when I see you are still as strong as you are." Huang Ni said seriously.

Lin Ge: ...Very good, it’s still the familiar Huang Ni.

"Sister! Your cultivation!" At this time, Huang Shang's exclamation came from the back of his right hand.

Lin Ge frowned slightly and had a bad premonition: "What happened?"

After a while, Huang Ni's voice came from the back of his right hand: "Oh, it's not a big deal. It's just that this elixir repaired my soul, but my cultivation level is gone. Now I have become an ordinary lonely soul." Wild ghost."

Lin Ge wanted to comfort Huang Ni, but found that her tone was too calm. Then he thought of Huang Ni's experience and said with a smile: "It's just a re-repair, it's not a big deal. Anyway, it's been re-repaired thousands of times, and it's not bad this time. And it's not bad." If you understand the cultivation of the corpse-resolving immortal, you will not be marked by the main god, and you can sit in front of the TV and watch TV next time."

"Haha, yes, it's just a re-repair. It's not bad this time. However, thank you for your comfort." Huang Ni did not seem very disappointed. After all, when she was struck by lightning and her soul was knocked to pieces, she thought it was completely over this time. But she didn't expect that Huang Shang tried his best to save the remnant of her soul.

It was very difficult to repair that little bit of soul. It was all thanks to Huang Shang's supply of spiritual energy day and night that he could barely breathe.

Lin Ge got the "Soul Healing Liquid" by chance. It is very rare to be able to repair the soul. If you are not cultivated, it is not that important.

After all, with two pupils and thousands of years of experience, it is only a matter of time before he can return to the realm of corpse-disciplining immortal. No matter how slow it is, it will not be much slower than that of a certain three worlds, but his cultivation is still at the level of Jiujiu Yuke.

The sisters Huang Ni and Huang Shang were deeply in love, and one day was like three autumns apart without seeing each other. Lin Ge, an "outsider", stopped disturbing them and allowed the two to slowly warm up.

Back in the living room, Uncle Jiu continued to work, but what surprised Lin Ge was that Mao Shanming actually chatted with Taoist Master Simu, and the conversation was quite lively, and it felt like they had met at a late date.

Lin Ge: ...So what did I miss during this time of burning incense?

Uncle Jiu was so tired that he was sweating profusely. He staggered and almost fell down. However, Qiu Sheng, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, held him up: "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just that the consumption is a bit heavy. East, south, west, and north, help your master to the bed to rest. If he wakes up soon, feed him some glutinous rice. If he is still unconscious, use a three-inch big red crown. Dot the chicken blood on his forehead, and then sprinkle glutinous rice on the bed." Uncle Jiu ordered.

The four people immediately responded: "Yes, uncle."

When several people helped Taoist Master Qianhe up from the bathtub, they found that the black nails on his hands had receded, scabs had formed on the scratches on his hands, and some blood had returned to his face.

Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh when he saw this. Sure enough, Uncle Jiu had the most experience in dealing with zombies and treating corpse poison.

Southeast and northwest helped Taoist Qianhe into the house, while Qiu Shengwencai helped Uncle Jiu to rest. Taoist Simu and Mao Shanming had a good chat, so they simply asked Jiale to fry two side dishes, and invited Lin Ge to go to the yard to slow down. Chat slowly.

Lin Ge declined. With this "free time", he might as well go back to the house to practice, to avoid being ridiculed by some lonely ghost again for his unchanged cultivation.

Huang Shang recounted what happened after Huang Ni lost consciousness in the mark. He breathed a sigh of relief after learning that the plan was successful and that he was completely free of the Lord God's mark.

"Hey. I didn't expect that you are someone else's thick thigh now." Huang Ni's slightly teasing voice came from the mark on the back of his hand.

"I'll just assume you're complimenting me." Lin Ge replied.

Although Huang Shang has been following Lin Ge, he is either practicing in the mark or protecting Huang Ni's soul. Therefore, it is naturally better to ask Lin Ge directly about the details of his experiences in the first two worlds.

The two chatted for a while. Lin Ge talked about his current status as the "Emperor of Black Impermanence" and mentioned that he would send ghost sisters and little girls to be reincarnated, but they were both rejected.

But at that time, he did not ask Huang Shang if he was willing to take Huang Ni's remnant soul to be reincarnated. First, Huang Ni was still in the state of remnant soul. No one knew whether there would be problems after reincarnation. What if he became a "fool"? Huang Shang probably had the intention to kill him; and the second reason was also the most important reason.

Huang Ni worked hard and risked everything on Lin Ge, trying to get out of the box. If he chooses to reincarnate now, it will undoubtedly be jumping from one box to another, which makes no sense.

Therefore, the best choice for Huang Ni sisters is to continue to follow Lin Ge and bet that he can grow up to be able to completely get rid of the main god dimension.

But now it seems that based on the clues revealed by Master Lin Ge and Grandmaster Lin Ge, the burden on him is still a bit heavy, but it also shows that Huang Ni did make the right bet.

Lin Ge could defeat the Lord God once, and he might be able to defeat him a second time.


According to the current progress of strength, this goal is indeed somewhat long-term.

"Do you think... is it possible that Sanmao fished for this ray of your spiritual consciousness... and also fished for a remnant soul, resulting in your poor qualifications and no breakthrough after practicing for a long time?" Huang Ni analyzed.

Lin Ge said: "Please, no matter how qualified I am, you have to give me time to practice. Why don't you discuss with the Lord God this time when you go back and extend the thirty-day rest period to thirty years?"

"You can consider it." Huang Ni said seriously.

Lin Ge said helplessly: "Are you serious? After finally getting rid of the Lord God's mark, you want to go back and dance in front of the Lord God?"

"No, I mean that the option of extending the time can be considered." Huang Ni pondered.

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

"The key lies in your substitute demon umbrella and the Taoist soul card..." Huang Ni said the method she thought of. It was roughly like the substitute in "A Chinese Ghost Story". The difference is that this time it cooperates with the black The enchanting effect of the umbrella can be substituted into the body of the plot character, thereby achieving a long-term stay in the world of reincarnation.

However, this method has a fatal flaw, that is, it is very likely that Lin Ge's situation will become like that of Huang Ni who was trapped in the world of "Two Eyes".

Moreover, once targeted by the Lord God, he will be constantly "restarted" like Huang Ni. We have time, but it is obviously not worth the gain to rely on the reincarnators to decide whether they can escape from the world of reincarnation.

Unless this is a reincarnation that Lin Ge can trust. After taking him out of the world of reincarnation, he can also "form a team" in the same space.

This plan is indispensable because of "the right time, the right place and the right people". It is useless to think about it now.

The two chatted for a while, and Huang Ni ran to have a close relationship with sister Huang Shang. After being quiet for a while, Huang Ni suddenly called out: "Hello."

Lin Ge:?

"Go on." As soon as Huang Ni finished speaking, the blue and white porcelain emerged from the fire sign mark on the back of his right hand.

Just as Lin Ge picked up the blue and white porcelain vase, he heard Huang Ni say again: "Place the vase in the center of the table, and then set up a spirit-guiding array or a spirit-gathering array."

Lin Ge placed the blue and white porcelain vase in the center of the table and asked, "How to place it?"

"you will not?"

"Why do you think I would?"

Huang Ni apologized as expected: "Oh, I'm sorry, I overestimated you."

Lin Ge: ...You might as well not apologize.

"It's very simple. You find a few spiritual stones... Oh, there's no such thing here. Then just find a few magic weapons. Just have a little spiritual energy." Huang Ni said.

Lin Ge followed Huang Ni's instructions and took out several enchanted items such as copper coin swords, peach wood swords, bronze swords, and Bagua mirrors, and placed a "Spirit Gathering Array" on the table.

"Then what?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni replied: "You step back...knead the Soul Gathering Jue with your right hand. Oh, sorry, forget that you don't know how to do it. I will teach you now. After you knead the hand, I will let my sister try to give you a fairy energy."

Lin Ge followed the method taught by Huang Ni and kneaded the secrets to attract spirits. He saw a faint blue smoke floating in the blue and white porcelain vase, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What is that?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni explained: "That's my aura. I want to test whether the soul can really get rid of the mark of the Lord God after reshaping it. After all, be careful to sail the ship for thousands of years. After working hard for so long, now Wouldn’t it be too cost-effective to be targeted by the Lord God again?”

"What's the result?" Lin Ge asked.

"You continue to squeeze the spirit secret."

Lin Ge followed Huang Ni's instructions and pinched Yin Lingjue again. A faint line of gray smoke floated out from the mark of the fire sign on the back of his right hand. The next moment, it condensed into the appearance of Huang Ni in front of Lin Ge.

Long hair, white skirt, bare feet, gentle smile.

Huang Ni is still the same Huang Ni, but there is no trace of immortality in him, and he has become an ordinary soul. She stretched and said with a smile: "It feels so good to be free again. Here's the TV. Here, put it on. Which episode did we catch up on last time? I remember it was a fairy tale drama, but why? In the fairy tale dramas you film, the gods are either falling in love, or they are on the road to falling in love..."

Before Huang Ni could finish her words, suddenly, a thick red mist from the side condensed into a mirror of blood, from which a slender pale hand stretched out and pinched her neck.

Although Huang Ni had lost her cultivation, she still had eyes and a keen sense of danger. Therefore, the moment the blood mirror appeared, she sensed the danger and turned into gray smoke and flew back to Lin Ge's right hand. middle.

"Stop! Don't do anything to me!" Lin Ge shouted the moment he saw Qimei attacking Huang Ni, but Huang Ni's reaction was obviously faster than him and he had already escaped.

"What's wrong with your little girl ghost? You bullied me into losing your cultivation, right? In the past, I could crush ten red-clothed ghosts to death with one finger." Huang Ni's voice came from the back of his right hand.

Although there is no "anger", there is quite a sense of loneliness like a tiger being bullied by a dog.

Then, Huang Shang's cold voice sounded: "Hey, take care of your female ghost. If she dares to offend my sister again, she will risk being mastered... Uh-huh."

Huang Ni smiled and said: "Haha, children are ignorant, don't mind."

"Is it too long since I last saw you that I didn't recognize you?" Lin Ge said uncertainly. After all, when Qimei was still a zombie, she got along very well with the TV fivesome.

But now he and the little girl are still getting along very well, and there is no reason to be hostile only to Huang Ni.

"Try using the Spirit-Inducing Technique again." Huang Ni said.

Lin Ge performed another squeeze and released Huang Ni. The two waited for a minute, but they did not see Qimei attack Huang Ni again with the blood mirror.

Lin Ge put a notebook with good movies on the table, and let the little girl watch the movie with Huang Ni. He also put the Five Elements Bagua tray on the table, letting the movie "edify" it, trying to awaken the ghost sisters' consciousness.

Lin Ge originally planned to release Qimei, but after calling "Po" several times, there was no response. He thought that the other party had entered the cultivation mode like Huang Shang, so he didn't force it.

Lin Ge sat back on the bed and continued practicing. Before starting, he said to the fire sign mark on the back of his right hand: "Want me to raise my hand and let you review it too?"

"No need." Huang Shang said lightly.

In her opinion, now that her sister has lost her cultivation, she must practice harder and improve her strength. If this unreliable man falls behind, at least she will be able to protect her sister.

Lin Ge glanced at the two heads, one big and one small, in front of the computer, closed his eyes, and began to practice using the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" combined with the "True Sutra".

late at night.

A burst of gunfire rang out. Lin Ge stopped practicing and immediately stood up and walked towards the door. He happened to run into Mao Shanming and Jiale who also heard the gunfire.

"Master Dao, there are gunshots." Mao Shan said clearly.

Jiale said: "Uncle, it seems to be coming from the direction of the security team. Do you think it is the leader of the horse bandits who went to rob the prison?"

"Go and have a look." Lin Ge took out "Po" and wanted to borrow Qimei's ghost domain to travel, but after calling for a while, there was no response.

what happened?

Lin Ge doubtfully injected spiritual energy and found that the "po" was intact, and Qimei's evil spirit had not changed at all. It was obviously not due to any sequelae caused by excessive evil energy swallowing before.

"Is there another breakthrough?"

Lin Ge was just wondering when he heard the sound of "Hey, hey, hey, what are you pushing me for" from the room where he lived. He saw Huang Ni being pushed out of the room by a pair of hands stretched out from the blood mirror. He came out and pushed him in front of Lin Ge.

? ? ?

Lin Ge was confused, and Huang Ni was also confused.

Huang Ni blinked and asked strangely: "What's going on now...?"

Before Lin Ge could say anything, Mao Shanming on the side sighed: "Oh, it's the same as raising ghosts. Master Tao raises fairies, and I raise two living treasures. Sigh. It's so irritating that humans are so much more powerful than humans."

Lin Ge and Huang Ni looked at each other, obviously not understanding what Qimei meant by this move.

But now is obviously not the time to dwell on these issues. After all, those miscellaneous fish in the security team are obviously no match for the horse bandits.

Lin Ge asked Jiale to stay and tell Taoist Simu and others about the security team, and he and Mao Shanming went to the security team to have a look first, but Qimei refused to help, so Lin Ge could only ride a bicycle.

When the security team arrived, the whole building was in flames, and Ah Wei and a group of his men escaped in embarrassment.

"Master Lin, Master Lin, help me, Master Lin!" Ah Wei and the others rushed over as if they saw a savior when they saw Lin Ge.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ge immediately asked, "Where are the horse bandits?"

"Inside, the woman rescued her companions and set fire to the security team building." Awei's whole body was burned black, his face felt like it had been buried in coal, and he cried with snot and tears. Apparently he had forgotten that Lin Ge was still his "love rival".

Just as he was talking, I saw three figures, one woman, two men, appearing in front of the main entrance of the blazing security team building. The leader's daughter was wearing some jewelry similar to that of a savage, wearing an animal skin cape, and holding a large steel knife in her left hand. , holding a one-foot-long harpoon in his right hand.

Seeing Lin Ge, the woman seemed to be aware of the danger, her expression became ferocious, and then she took a step forward and threw the steel fork in her hand towards Lin Ge.

Ever since Qimei awakened from the Ghost Realm, the blood mist has been like a certain Wansha's absolute defense. Not to mention cold weapons, even bullets have a hard time getting close to Lin Ge's body.

After all, before this, Qimei had used her evil energy to condense the blood mirror to block the attack of the old Black Mountain demon.

Therefore, when he saw the old witch throwing a harpoon, he didn't take it to heart at all. But until the harpoon flew within five meters of him, he didn't see the blood mist condense.

Thinking of Qimei's abnormality tonight, Lin Ge immediately released his spiritual energy, and then formed a "wall" in front of him to block the harpoon.




There was a sound of stones being smashed, and most of the harpoon pierced the one-meter-thick wall exposed by Lin Ge's weapon, which showed how powerful it was.

However, Qimei's abnormality today really surprised Lin Ge.

Could it be that something went wrong in cultivation?

Or did the female ghost feel uncomfortable for a few days?

But the most important thing right now is to get rid of this old witch first.

"You like to stab people, don't you?" Lin Ge took a step forward, strode forward, a golden light appeared on the back of his left hand, and the trident appeared in his hand, and he threw it towards the old witch.

call out--

The trident turned into a golden light and pierced the old witch's chest, flying her out and directly into the burning security building.

When the two companions rescued by the old demon girl saw their boss being thrown away, they became furious and rushed forward with big steel knives.

"Shoot, shoot!" Ah Wei shouted.

He and the members of the security team immediately raised their bolt-action rifles and beat the two men.




The bullets hitting those two people made a clanging sound like hitting a steel plate.

The two horse bandits, who were as strong as wild men, kicked away the security guards who were blocking the way and fired, cut their muskets in half with a knife, and shouted: "With these firecrackers, how dare you call them guns?"

Seeing the bravery of the two men, Mao Shanming swallowed his saliva and backed away nervously: "Master Tao, the enemy is invulnerable. It's too evil. Why don't you retreat first?"

"Where is the promise of 'good versus evil, a lifelong struggle'? Are you going to withdraw now?" Lin Ge asked.

The two horse bandits charged so fiercely that they beat Ah Wei and his security team away in the blink of an eye.

Upon seeing this, Mao Shanming said: "Since we have to fight for life, it must be more cost-effective to stay alive longer and fight for longer, right? Master Dao, do you want to withdraw? If you don't, I will."

After Mao Shanming finished speaking, he planned to run back.

"Since they look down on 'muskets,' then I will play with them."

Singer Lin flipped through the inventory and took out a shotgun with a talisman engraved on the barrel. He loaded the gun with two "clicks" and fired at the horse bandit who rushed up.


Regardless of whether this shot killed the horse bandit, it was a shot that sent him flying, and a cloud of blood exploded from his left shoulder to his chest!

Mao Shanming was stunned and said: "Wow! This musket is so powerful! If you let me get one, I can really fight for life!"

The horse bandit who was not shot glanced at his companion who was shot and flew away. He raised his knife and pointed it at Lin Ge and cursed: "Aren't you a Taoist priest? You actually use a gun?"

"How can you become a grandmaster if you don't have a gun?" Lin Ge said calmly, "click" twice, loaded the gun again and shot at the man.

"Iron-walled, right?"

"Iron bones, right?"

"Invulnerable, right?"

After a violent bombardment, the two horse bandits fell directly under the shotgun with the Tianshi Suppression Talisman engraved on the gun body and bullets. Lin Ge looked at the two bloody corpses, put away the gun, and lifted one corpse with one hand. , threw it into the burning security team building, and set it on fire to prevent the "pretend corpse" from coming out to cause trouble later.

As for the old witch who was thrust into the sea of ​​​​fire by the trident, it was probably a disaster. After all, if she could still say it under such circumstances, it would really be "I, Madara, would like to call you the strongest."

After solving the horse bandits, Awei immediately asked people to ring the warning bell in the village, gathering all the villagers to help put out the fire.

The security team building is gone, and he no longer has to work as the security captain.

After the fire was completely extinguished, Lin Ge saw a burnt corpse with a trident stuck on the wall of the hall on the first floor.

As soon as Lin Ge raised his hand, the trident turned into a golden light and disappeared, and the charred corpse fell to the ground. Then, Lin Ge stepped forward with a stick and turned the body over. Although the body was burned beyond recognition, it could be seen from some of the bone ornaments on the body that it was indeed the old witch.

Lin Ge reached out and took away the negative origin of the old witch as "Mr. Fantasy". But like the royal flying general, there are not many, only 50, but it is better than nothing.

[Complete the side story "Mr. Fantasy" and kill the final boss "Witch Sorcerer" to be rewarded with 3000 reincarnation points and equipment exchange coupon (D level) x1. 】

The difficulty of "Zombie World" is "difficult". The previous flying zombies changed from hairy zombies to flying zombies because of stacking a bunch of debuffs.

And this old witch "witch wizard" was directly killed by Lin Ge with a fork. She failed to trick the corpse into a ghost zombie. The difficulty dropped a bit, and the natural reward was much lower than that of Fei Zombie.

However, based on the weird ability of the bandits in "Mr. Fantasy" to deceive corpses, Lin Ge thought it was safe to dispose of the corpses to avoid further trouble.

Lin Ge called Awei and told him about the "horror" of these horse bandits, and emphasized that to prevent them from turning into ghosts and coming back for revenge, the bodies must be burned completely.

Ah Wei had been tortured so much tonight that he still dared to disobey Lin Ge and immediately ordered people to prepare to burn the body. However, Lin Ge was not too worried about Ah Wei's ability to do things. He watched them set up firewood, threw the bodies of the three horse bandits on top and burned them, and then left with Mao Shanming.

Mao Shanming followed Lin Ge, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

"Want a gun?" Lin Ge asked.

Mao Shanming immediately nodded: "My abilities are not as good as yours, Master Dao, but if I have this magical weapon, I will be able to go further in the future on the road of 'fighting against good and evil for life'. Hehe, Master Dao, you are capable." It’s so big, it doesn’t make any difference if you have this gun or not, right?”

Lin Ge said: "If you want a gun, no problem. But... I'm very interested in your oil-paper umbrella that can 'contain' ghosts. This shouldn't be a secret, right?"

Mao Shanming immediately understood and took out a crumpled parchment from his pocket: "I accidentally got a fragment of a secret technique, but the content recorded on it is obscure and difficult to understand. After studying it for these years, I have learned a little bit about it. . Since you are interested, Master Tao, why not use this secret technique in exchange for your magic weapon?"

Lin Ge has long been surprised by Mao Shanming, the "funny person" in "Mr. Fantasy". He can't do anything. Whether it's dealing with the ghosts of Tan Wanwan's family in the front or the horse bandits in the back, he uses magic. It has to be presentable. But to say that he is capable, he gives people a sense of comedy of "accidental collision".

But Lin Ge felt that there was something fishy about Mao Shanming's ability to raise ghosts with two oil-paper umbrellas in the movie, and also used a paper-tying technique similar to Chen's to make new clothes for Dabao and Xiaobao.

Therefore, he deliberately took out the shotgun to show its power in front of Mao Shanming, also to attract his attention and dig deeper into Mao Shanming's "background".

However, what surprised Lin Ge was that the "temptation" of the shotgun on Mao Shanming was completely beyond his imagination. He made the other party obediently come up with the "secret book" without using any clichés.

"Deal." Lin Ge immediately took out the shotgun and fifty rounds of ammunition and handed it over. The gun was a bargain bought from the Lord God's Space. The Heavenly Master Suppressing Talisman on the gun was carved by himself.

However, Lin Ge didn't have much time to engrave bullets, so only a few of the hundred bullets given to Mao Shanming were engraved with charms, and the rest were ordinary bullets.

To deal with ordinary ghosts, the Tianshi Suppression Talisman on the gun body alone is powerful enough. To deal with fierce ghosts, those few bullets are enough for Mao Shanming to save his life.

After Lin Ge explained the situation clearly, Mao Shanming didn't mind and couldn't put it down while holding the shotgun.

[Obtain "Secret Technique Fragments", learning requirements: spiritual power \u003e 50]

Direct learning is a skill. Lin Ge currently has no shortage of spells, so he put away the "Secret Technique Fragment" and studied it when he had time.

After all, "mastery" that can be upgraded through practice is much more useful than "skills" with a fixed level.

When they returned to Yizhuang, it was already dawn. Lin Ge thought that Taoist Master Simu and others must be sleeping, but he didn't expect that he and Uncle Jiu were waiting in the hall.

As soon as Lin Ge came back, Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Simu stood up almost at the same time.

"Junior brother, how is the situation?"

"Brother, are you okay?"

Before Lin Ge could speak, Mao Shanming vividly recounted Lin Ge's heroic deeds in the security team. After hearing this, Uncle Jiu breathed a sigh of relief: "I felt something was wrong when we first fought with those horse bandits. These heretics, if we don't If we deal with it well, there will be endless troubles. But with Junior Brother, you can take action, so I can finally rest assured."

After a pause, Uncle Jiu continued: "Oh, by the way, junior brother, I was busy suppressing the corpse poison for junior brother Qianhe today, and I forgot to tell you some good news."

"What's the good news?" Lin Ge asked.

Uncle Jiu said: "Didn't I tell you before that the situation of my brothers and sisters is more complicated, so I specially wrote a letter to ask the eldest brother to come and help. Yesterday I received a reply from the eldest brother. He happened to be going to the next town to do something. By then I will drop by Renjia Village."

Senior brother?

In Uncle Jiu's zombie world, "I am invincible below the immortals, but I am invincible above the immortals." The Thunder King Shi Jian only died as a plot killer?

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