When Uncle Jiu saw him mentioning that Senior Brother was definitely coming, Lin Ge had a constipated expression and asked in confusion: "Junior Brother, why do you look like you are not happy?"

Lin Ge showed a stiff smile: "How could it be? It's too late for me to be happy that senior brother is coming. However, senior brother, I think it's just a trivial matter for me, so I won't bother senior brother to take action."

Taoist priest Simu asked curiously: "Senior brother, what happened to you?"

"Oh, it's nothing serious."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes immediately stepped forward and grabbed Lin Ge's neck: "That's not okay. I can't let Brother Ninth know that I don't know. Come on, let's talk."

Lin Ge was forced to tell another touching love story between himself and Qimei. Taoist Priest Simu was deeply moved when he heard this. He patted his chest and promised to find a solution with Uncle Jiu.

After solving the horse bandits, Renjia Village returned to peace again.

Taoist Priest Qianhe was in a coma for three days. With the joint efforts of Uncle Jiu and Taoist Priest Four Eyes, he finally suppressed the corpse energy in his body and his body slowly recovered.

This morning, when Lin Ge, Uncle Jiu, Taoist Four Eyes, and Mao Shanming were drinking tea in the living room and chatting about their cultivation experiences, Mao Shanming, who had been "educated" by Uncle Jiu and Taoist Four Eyes in the past few days, decided not to Instead of cheating and abducting, he should truly be a Taoist priest who "fights against good and evil for life."

While several people were chatting, Taoist Master Qianhe's four disciples helped him out of the room.

Judging from the expression on Taoist Master Qianhe's face, it was obvious that the corpse energy had been exhausted and his body was recovering very well.

"Senior Brother Lin, Senior Brother Ninth, and Senior Brother Four Eyes. The life-saving grace of these three senior brothers will be unforgettable by Junior Brother Qianhe." Taoist Master Qianhe asked his apprentice to help him kneel down and worship.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Four Eyes hurriedly helped him up and said that they were all their own brothers, which was too foreign.

Taoist Master Qianhe was supported by his disciple and sat down at the table. He raised his tea cup and said to Lin Ge: "Senior Brother Lin, I'm using tea instead of wine. Thank you for your help. If you need me in the future, just ask. , even if I go up a mountain of swords and go down into a sea of ​​fire, as long as I, Qianhe, frown, my intestines will be broken, and I will die badly!"

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Chief Priest Chizuru" has increased rapidly. 】

"It's not that, it's not that... As my senior brother said, we are all our own senior brothers. You are too out of touch. I believe that if I encounter trouble one day, you will also take action like this." Lin Ge said.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes grabbed a handful of peanuts and asked while eating them: "Junior brother, according to what your apprentice said, the royal zombie was struck by lightning and turned into a flying zombie. Isn't that pretty awesome? Tell me about the situation at that time. "

Mao Shanming, who has completely become Lin Ge's little fan, immediately became interested: "Flying zombies? I haven't even dealt with a few hairy zombies in my life. Tell me, how powerful is flying zombie?"

Taoist Priest Qianhe then told what happened that night. From his mouth, it was much more detailed. When they heard Lin Ge using the flying hammer, everyone cheered.

Lin Ge: ...Everyone, are you going to the teahouse to listen to a book?

Apart from anything else, after Taoist Master Qianhe's "book" was revealed, Maoshan F4's favorability towards Lin Ge rose to another level.

At noon, Jiale and Wencai cooked a table of dishes together. When everyone was eating, Uncle Jiu suddenly said: "By the way, Junior Brother Lin. In half a month, it will be the Ghost Festival, and the ghost city sent an order, asking me to hurry up and do some meditation." With money and paper money, it is best to set up a stage and sing a play to attract all the ghosts around. When the time comes, people will be sent directly to extradite these ghosts."

Lin Ge was not surprised that the ghost town would take the initiative to "extradit" the lonely ghosts. This was just like the ghosts he sent away from Tan Wanwan's house before. He was eager for more ghosts to come and fill up the ghost town.

Just... singing.

When this senior brother arrives, he will directly enter the plot of "Zombie Supreme", right?

In the movie, Uncle Jiu set up a theater to perform for ghosts. As a result, two idiots, Qiu Shengwencai, were bewitched by the female ghost and ran to affix talismans to ghosts.

After the ghosts were controlled, the lonely ghosts watching the theater took the opportunity to escape, causing the surrounding towns to be haunted.

In order to clean up the mess for Qiu Shengwencai, Uncle Jiu not only invited his senior brothers, but also his senior brother Shi Jian.

As a result, Shi Jian was too ruthless in catching ghosts, so he directly used a set of lightning and thunder fists, beating the lonely and wild ghosts to pieces, and he had a conflict with Uncle Jiu.

In addition, Shi Jian's apprentice fell in love with Boss Qian's daughter and wanted to use the soul-leaving technique to kiss Fangze. However, Qiu Shengwencai saw through it and moved his body away, causing it to be picked up by wild dogs.

Shi Jian's apprentice lost his soul. Even though his soul was recovered by Uncle Jiu, his body was bitten to death by wild dogs, so Shi Jian could only use magic to resurrect him as a demon. After being discovered by Uncle Jiu, the two sides fought fiercely. Shi Jian trained his apprentice into a zombie king, tried to take revenge on Uncle Jiu, and eventually fell to the plot killer.

After all, Shi Jian's Lightning Thunder Fist is so superb that it has reached the level of attracting thunder from the sky. With the strength of Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng Wencai, if they were to go head-to-head, they would never be Shi Jian's opponent.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge suddenly murmured in his heart. "Zombie World" is only on "hard" difficulty. It is not easy to create a zombie king, so he always felt that the main plot this time was a bit weird.

Could it be that the "Zombie King" in the main mission refers to Shi Jian's apprentice?

Lin Ge thought to himself, even if there was no plot about Uncle Jiu asking Shi Jian for "help" because of Qimei's incident, judging from the time of the Ghost Festival, it would still be within his sixty-day reincarnation time.

In this way, the plot from "Mr. Zombie" to "Zombie Supreme" is "inevitable" to happen. So this reincarnation is not directly called "Mr. Zombie", but is called "Zombie World", which also explains It worked.

After Lin Ge figured it out, he finally identified the Zombie King who had never known where to look. He finally found his whereabouts. Now he could only wait patiently for Master Shi Jian and his apprentice to come to Renjiacun.

"Okay, if you need me to cooperate when the time comes, just ask, senior brother." Lin Ge wanted the plot to continue, so naturally he would not raise any objections.

"Hey, is there anything I can do to help?" Mao Shanming asked.

Taoist Master Four Eyes also said: "I have nothing to do recently. As long as senior brother doesn't mind adding a pair of chopsticks, I can go back after the Ghost Festival."

Several people expressed their willingness to help. Maoshan F4 also took action to deal with the Ghost Festival. For a while, Lin Ge didn't know if the plot would be triggered.

But it doesn’t matter. After all, failure in the main plot only costs 10,000 reincarnation points. Spending 10,000 reincarnation points to give yourself a bad review and reduce your sense of existence does not seem to be a bad thing.

Lin Ge no longer bothered about the "plot". He listened to a few people chatting about the Ghost Festival and eating, and the scene seemed familiar in a daze.

Mao Shanming raised his glass and said to everyone: "I, Mao Shanming, thank you for meeting you and being influenced by you. I am determined to change my mind and change my past! I would like to toast you all!"

Several people raised their wine glasses, and just as Lin Ge was about to reach out for the wine glass, he saw a cloud of blood mist appear beside him, condensing into a blood mirror, and stretched out a hand from it, taking away the wine glass in front of Lin Ge.

"Shua", again.

A bloody mirror formed above the dining table. Qimei stretched out her hand from inside and took the wine bottle away.

Everyone:? ? ?

Lin Ge: ...The movie you watched yesterday wasn't "Doctor Strange" either. Where did you learn your ability to get things right?

The four-eyed Taoist priest held the wine glass and downed it in astonishment. After swallowing it, he said blankly: "Is this... is my sister-in-law?"



A cloud of blood mist condensed into a bloody mirror as tall as a person next to Taoist Priest Four. Qimei walked out of the mirror, holding a wine bottle, covering Taoist Four-Eye's head with an expressionless face, and then raised her hand to pat him. shoulders and walked back into the mirror.

Everyone:? ? ?

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was holding the wine glass, his hands trembling unconsciously. Seeing this, Uncle Jiu asked puzzledly: "Junior brother, although my brother and sister are red-clothed ghosts and have lost consciousness, they will not hurt their own people. You don't need to Are you afraid? Besides, you, a majestic Maoshan disciple, are still afraid of ghosts?"

Taoist Priest Simu drank the wine in his hand, frowned and said, "I don't know why, but I always feel a little scared when I see my sister-in-law. It's really strange."

At this time, Mao Shanming suddenly said: "That's not right, Taoist Master, the Taoist companion I saw you that day was clearly not this one, but a fairy in white..."


Next to Mao Shanming, a red mirror suddenly condensed, and the hand stretched out from it knocked over the wine glass in Mao Shanming's hand with a slap.


Lin Ge smiled awkwardly, raised his hand and knocked on the blood mirror beside him, and said tentatively: "What, you drank the wine, you have to return the glass to me, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mirror stretched out his hand to return the wine glass and flask, but... they were all empty.

"Haha, my sister-in-law's drinking capacity... seems pretty good. Wen Cai, go get another jar of wine." Uncle Jiu quickly changed the subject and broke the ice.

Qimei didn't appear again after that, and everyone continued to eat and drink. After drinking happily, Taoist Priest Simu looked at the "open space" beside him and muttered: "I always feel like someone's place is missing."

"Senior brother, what did you just say?" Taoist priest Qianhe didn't drink because he was still injured. In addition, he was sitting next to Taoist priest Shimu, so he was the only one who heard this murmur.

"It's okay, come on, eat..."

After finishing the meal, Lin Ge returned to the house. The little girl and Huang Ni were watching TV dramas in front of the computer, with the Five Elements Bagua tray beside them.

When they saw Lin Ge coming back, the two ghosts, one big and one small, didn't even raise their heads.

When Lin Ge sat back on the bed to practice, Huang Ni said: "Oh, by the way, I have studied your "Spiritual Cultivation Method" and it is generally fine. But... this is an opportunistic cultivation method. , speed up the operation of your brain and make you think faster, which has the speed-increasing effect of auxiliary practice."

"So strictly speaking, people who practice this spell will only have a great jump in thinking and become a little neurotic. It's not as exaggerated as 'mental illness'."

"But as far as normal cultivation is concerned, it is safer to take it one step at a time. It's just that your situation is special and you don't have much time to practice. It would be good to have this kind of auxiliary method."

Huang Ni wanted to retake the training. Although based on her experience, she did not need help from others, but she was one of her own after all. Lin Ge told her about the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" and asked her to study it.

"So are you practicing? Since I started practicing this thing, I feel more energetic. Basically, I don't feel sleepy." Lin Ge said.

Huang Ni turned around, looked at Lin Ge and said, "Thank you, I'm already very energetic. Although this technique can indeed increase the speed of cultivation, it doesn't have much effect on me. To become an immortal from a corpse, you must take one step at a time. If something goes wrong, it is very likely that you will fall into the devil's path and become a demon fairy."

"Balala kind?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni sighed: "I take back what I said before."

Two days later, after Uncle Jiu's leg injury healed and he was almost rested, he proposed to prepare to deal with the problem of Old Mrs. Ren turning into a corpse.

What Lin Ge is best at is shooting zombies directly. Obviously, this kind of topic can only revolve around Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Four Eyes and Taoist Master Qianhe.

According to Uncle Jiu, since the soul-suppressing bell was obtained, it was natural to start with the soul-suppressing bell. However, when the soul-suppressing bell was used to treat the corpse poison of Taoist Qianhe a few days ago, the effect was not good.

The three of them had a heated discussion, with Lin Ge and Mao Shanming sitting nearby and listening.

At this time, a cold voice came from the gate.

"There are quite a few people there."

When Uncle Jiu and others heard the sound, they immediately stood up and looked around. They saw an old man wearing black and white robes and a long beard standing outside the door.

Just by standing there, he gave off an air of calmness and authority.

The young man behind this man stood with his hands behind his back, head held high, and a smile on his face, looking around behind the old man.

"Big brother!"

Uncle Jiu, Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Taoist Qianhe came out of the same door as Master Shi Jian. When they saw Shi Jian arriving, they immediately stood up and went to greet Master Shi Jian.

Shi Jian glanced sideways at a few people, said nothing, and walked straight to the lobby. He didn't even look at Lin Ge and Mao Shanming, who were standing on the left and right of the door, and sat directly at the front seat.

Uncle Jiu and others were obviously used to Shi Jian's temper. Only Taoist Priest Si Mu muttered "bad temper" while the other two followed him into the house without saying anything.

After several people sat down, Shi Jian raised his eyes and then said: "Lin Feng..."

"Ahem, senior brother, senior brother... come, drink tea." Uncle Jiu hurriedly stepped forward to pour a cup of tea for Shi Jian, winked and said, "Here, senior brother, just call me Lin Jiu."

Shi Jian didn't try to dispel Lin Jiu's position, and said calmly: "Lin Jiu, you invited me here to dispel the evil spirit of a fierce ghost in red?"

"Yes." Uncle Jiu had already told Ou Yongqi's general situation in the letter, but now that the senior brother asked about it, he briefly mentioned it again.

Hearing this, Shi Jian raised his eyes to look at Lin Ge and said in a calm tone: "Are you Lin Ge from the Nanmao Gezu lineage?"

Although Lin Ge didn't have much favorable impressions of Shi Jian's performance in the movie, he was at least better than the wise Qiu Shengwencai in this movie.

What's more, the other party apparently came to help. Lin Ge didn't want to have a conflict with the big boss at the beginning, so he handed over his hand and said: "I'm Lin Ge, I have met senior brother."

"Where is the evil ghost?" Shi Jian asked.

Lin Ge thought for a while, then took out "Po" and tried to call out Qimei, but just like before, unless Qimei appeared on her own initiative, he could no longer call her out.

In desperation, Lin Ge could only spread his hands, revealing the red "po" in his palms.

Shi Jian stared at Lin Singer's Hong Po, narrowed his eyes, and then reached out to grab the Hong Po. Lin Singer flipped over, took the Hong Po back in his hand, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister is having a tantrum with me. , she doesn’t like her things to be touched by outsiders, senior brother, why don’t you just look at it like this.”

Shi Jian snorted coldly: "You kid, you asked me to help you, but you don't want me to take a closer look. Even if you go to the doctor to see a doctor, you have to let the doctor take a closer look, right?"

Lin Ge: ...I'm even more afraid that you will crush this "red soul" directly.

Seeing Lin Ge's resolute attitude, Shi Jian snorted coldly: "Huh, don't look at it. After your junior sister died, did you use magic to try to resurrect her? As a disciple of Maoshan, you can't get on the stage with this method. What kind of magic have you cultivated?"

Lin Ge: ...Who the hell are you, old man?

What does the preaching tone of this painting mean?

Seeing that Shi Jian was a little angry, Uncle Jiu hurriedly tried to smooth things over and told him everything he had observed before. After Shi Jian finished speaking, he gave him a sidelong glance: "There are heresy, and it doesn't take just a word of 'deep love between husband and wife' to get rid of it. . When you asked me to come today, did you ask me to help you deal with this problem that you can’t solve?"

Uncle Jiu nodded and said: "I have discussed with Junior Brother Simu and Qianhe that we can use the 'Soul-Calming Bell', the magical weapon passed down to Simu by our master, to try to absorb the evil energy first."

Shi Jian snorted coldly: "Since you have already discussed it, why did you invite me to come?"

Uncle Jiu was choked for a moment, but he still didn't dare to say anything back directly. After all, Shi Jian was the eldest brother, and it has always been the tradition of the sect to respect teachers and keep order between elders and younger ones.

"Then... senior brother, what do you have to say?" Uncle Jiu asked tentatively.

Shi Jian muttered: "The Soul-Calming Bell... The Soul-Calming Bell does have the effect of exorcising evil spirits and suppressing evil spirits. In that case, let's try using the Soul-Calming Bell first."

Lin Ge: ...Senior Brother, do you have to go through a process to show your identity?

However, Lin Ge didn't expect that this time he would get into big trouble because of Uncle Jiu's "enthusiasm" just like he did in "Zombie Taoist Master".

"Senior Brother, Senior Brother, I think my matter can be put on hold for the time being. After all, I have been here for so many years, and it is not less than a day or two. However, the situation of the old man of the Ren family is urgent. If I continue to delay, I am afraid of the curse of the Ren family. There is no way to solve it. It just so happens that the senior brother is here, why not ask the senior brother to help solve this problem for the Ren family."

Lin Ge didn't want to "solve" Ou Yongqi's problem. He was afraid that with Shi Jian's character, he would directly solve the root of the problem, so he tried to shift the problem to Mrs. Ren.

"Curse?" Shi Jian raised his eyebrows and asked.

Uncle Jiu then told everything about the Ren family. Shi Jian stood up and said, "Zombie? Where is it? Take me to see it."

Shi Jian's interest in zombies obviously goes far beyond solving Ou Yongqi's evil spirit.

A group of people came to the place where Mr. Ren's coffin was stored. Since it had been sealed with magic and specially treated, there was no need to worry about corpse transformation or rotten odor.

Shi Jian glanced at the coffin and winked at his apprentice, who immediately understood and bent down to look under the coffin. He saw an ink line and then stood up and nodded to Shi Jian.

"Open the coffin. I want to see how powerful the zombies you have sealed so tightly are." Shi Jian looked at Uncle Jiu and said.

Although opening the coffin would destroy the integrity of the ink pipe line, and he would have to re-stretch the line if he wanted to seal it later, Shi Jian had opened his mouth and Uncle Jiu could not refuse.

"Wen Cai, open the coffin." Uncle Jiu said.

Wencai immediately stepped forward and slowly pushed open the coffin lid.

Old Master Ren's body had gained a lot of weight compared to a few days ago. It looked exactly like two people compared to the previous skinny appearance. The hands folded on the chest had black nails that were already one finger long. It was obvious that the transformation into a corpse was more serious.

"Zombies of this level also require a lot of thought in how to deal with them. Wouldn't it be over if they were burned on fire?" Shi Jian said coldly.

His apprentice laughed at the side and said: "Master, maybe they haven't thought of such a simple method, or maybe they want to take a break from that master Ren."

"Humph." Shi Jian snorted coldly and did not answer.

Lin Ge shook his head helplessly. This guy really has a bad mouth. I have to say that Uncle Jiu was able to fight Shi Jian thanks to the help of you apprentices who cheated the master.

Uncle Jiu stepped forward and said, "Elder brother, you have misunderstood. The tricky thing now is not to deal with the body of Mr. Ren, but how to remove the curse left by Mr. Feng Shui."

"Hmph, it's your turn to worry about the evil you have done, the disaster that will befall future generations, and the retribution of karma? Do you think your life span is too long, or do you want to report it as soon as possible?" Shi Jian snorted coldly.

Uncle Jiu sighed: "Even so, the descendants of the Ren family are always innocent. We, as monks, should help the world, save the people, and eradicate evil. Mr. Feng Shui has caused the Ren family to suffer for twenty years. Since Now that they have found me, I should try my best to help them break the deadlock. Senior brother, you are very capable, do you have any opinions on this matter?"

Shi Jian said solemnly: "The so-called curse is just that Mr. Feng Shui used Mr. Ren's resentment to break his family's lifeline. It is not difficult to solve it. The soul returns to his hometown, and the body is brought back to Ren's house to perform the ritual on the altar, so that Mr. Ren can see it. When the Ren family looks like this, use the soul-suppressing bell to disperse the corpse's energy and burn the corpse with fire."

Uncle Jiu hesitated: "But... Mr. Ren mentioned that Mr. Ren is most afraid of fire. If he is cremated in the end, he will be placed in an unfilial place."

Shi Jian snorted coldly: "Then ask him if he wants to be an unfilial son, or if his family is in decline and his population is withering. I believe he knows what to choose."

Uncle Jiu opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out.

Although Lin Ge didn't like Shi Jian because he had seen the movie first and knew the plot, he had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

After some thought, Uncle Jiu felt that Shi Jian's suggestion was undoubtedly the most appropriate, so he went to Ren's house in person to talk to Mr. Ren about it.

And as Shi Jian said, between "unfilial piety" and "descendants", Mr. Ren did not struggle for too long before choosing the latter.

Uncle Jiu asked Qiu Shengwencai to go to the Ren family to prepare the things for the altar, while Taoist Priest Simu and Jiale re-lined the coffin with ink lines and asked the Ren family to carry it away.

After everything was ready, Mr. Ren sent someone to Yizhuang to invite people. A group of people, including masters and apprentices Lin Ge and Shi Jian, rushed to Ren's house.

Jiale, a talented scholar from Qiu Sheng, and four disciples of Taoist Master Qianhe set up an altar in the courtyard, and Master Ren called the others into the living room to take a rest.

Ren Tingting hadn't seen Lin Ge for a long time, so she immediately came up to him with a smile and called out: "Uncle Lin."

Master Ren knew his daughter's thoughts and said angrily: "Tingting, you're rude. Uncle Jiu and the others are here, why don't you say hello?"

"Oh. Uncle Nine..."

Master Ren introduced them one by one, and Ren Tingting greeted them one by one.

When he arrived as Shi Jian's apprentice, the guy's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Ren Tingting's sweet and sweet appearance. He raised his eyebrows and responded to Ren Tingting in a way that he thought he was handsome.

Unexpectedly, Ren Tingting just responded calmly, smiled politely, and ran to find Lin Ge, chattering about the past few days.

After waiting for a while, the disciples prepared the altar and other things for the ritual, and then the servants came to the living room to invite people. Uncle Jiu and others got up and went to the yard.

Shi Jian's apprentice, Shi Shaojian, deliberately slowed down and walked behind Ren Tingting. He raised his hand towards her hair. Just as he was about to touch Ren Tingting's hair, a hand stretched out from the side held his wrist.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "This kid, are your hands itchy?"


Lin Ge's last effort made Shi Shaojian bend down in pain, his expression contorted and cold sweat dripping from his forehead. He felt Lin Ge's move was like a pair of pliers clamping his hand.

"What are you calling me Uncle Master?" Lin Ge said coldly.

Shi Shaojian gritted his teeth and shouted: "Uncle Master."

"Say, uncle, I was wrong." Lin Ge said again.

"Uncle Master."

At this time, Shi Jian's voice came from behind Lin Ge: "What are you doing?"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Elder brother, your apprentice seems to have some evil intentions. I know that you hate heretics the most, so I am teaching him a lesson for you."

Shi Jian narrowed his eyes: "I can teach my apprentice myself, no need to trouble you. Let go."

Lin Ge let go of his hand, shrugged, and said with a smile: "I believe that as a just person like you, Senior Brother, you will not tolerate your apprentice's sneaky things."

After saying that, he walked out of the living room with a smile.

Shi Jian glared at Shi Shaojian and snorted coldly: "Are you kidding? If you want to mess around, go farther away. Now that you have been caught doing it, don't you want this face? Go back and kneel down for an hour before you can sleep."

Shi Shaojian did not dare to disobey his master, so he could only nod his head, then raised his head and looked at Lin Ge in the yard with cold eyes, taking the blame for this on Lin Ge.

When he came to the courtyard, Uncle Jiu had already changed into his Taoist robes. Taoist Master Four Eyes and Taoist Master Qianhe were standing behind him, one on the left and one on the right. Uncle Jiu was leading the ceremony, and they were considered the "protectors".

Uncle Jiu followed Shi Jian's previous suggestion and first performed a soul-calling ritual to dispel Old Man Ren's resentment, and then used a soul-suppressing bell to disperse the corpse's aura.

With Uncle Jiu's efforts, the curse of the Ren family was finally resolved. However, when he was finally preparing to burn the body on fire, something unexpected happened.

When Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai worked together to move Mrs. Ren's body onto the woodpile, Mrs. Ren suddenly stood up straight with a sudden "snap"!

evil Dead!

However, the zombie is just a hairless zombie. Not only are there a lot of Taoist priests present, but also big guys like Senior Brother Shi Jian, it is not difficult even if there are a few flying zombies.

Wencai was so frightened that Old Mrs. Ren suddenly jumped up and fell down from the firewood pile. Upon seeing this, Uncle Jiu, Simu and Qianhe immediately flew forward to stop Old Mrs. Ren from attacking Qiu Sheng.

The three of them joined forces, but Mr. Ren was no match at all. He was knocked to the ground in a few strokes. Uncle Jiu was about to use the yellow talisman to restrain him, but he saw Mr. Ren flying towards Mr. Ren and Ren Tingting.

Master and apprentice Shi Jian stood on the left side of Master Ren and his daughter, while Lin Ge stood on the right side. Seeing the zombies flying towards them, Shi Shaojian silently retreated behind Shi Jian, but Shi Jian did not react at all.

Lin Ge took a step forward, stood in front of Mr. Ren and his daughter, clapped his hands, pulled out a bolt of lightning, and punched out with a lightning thunder punch, blowing the zombies away.

The smoking zombies stood up from the ground again with a "pop". After turning into zombies, Mr. Ren's consciousness was only to kill Mr. Ren and his daughter. According to Uncle Jiu, this was a corpse poison attacking the heart. The love of children turned into hatred under the influence of resentment and corpse energy.

Shi Jian frowned when he saw Lin Ge perform the Lightning Thunder Fist. He also took a step forward, pulled out a more violent lightning with both hands, and raised his hand to strike at the zombies. It felt like he was competing with Lin Ge.

The zombie was almost killed by Lin Ge, but Shi Jian struck down with a lightning fist and set Old Master Ren on fire.

Since Lin Ge had already taken action, there was no reason to kill someone. He raised his hand, took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk, turned the center, and shot out a golden light!


The burning zombies were shrouded in golden light and turned into powder and disappeared!

[Complete the main mission "Kill the Zombie King" and be rewarded with 5,000 reincarnation points. It is detected that the reincarnator "No. 89757" is in the side mission of the reincarnation world. He can choose to return immediately, or return after the maximum mission time limit of 60 days (53 days remaining). 】

Lin Ge:? ? ?

The Lord God's reminder sounded in his mind, but Lin Ge was confused. It was not because he successfully snatched the head from Shi Jian's hand, but because you told me that the hairless zombie who disappeared with this blast was the "Zombie King"?

If a certain zombie king next door hears this, he would like to come over and bite a few green-eyed zombies. How can it be better than this thing!

Only then did Lin Ge realize that he seemed to have entered a "misunderstanding."

After all, the difficulty of this reincarnation is just "difficult". Lin Ge obviously suffered too much abuse when he was marked as a "red door", which subconsciously complicated things.

In other words, after entering the world of reincarnation, he only needs to follow the plot peacefully and he will encounter the big boss "Zombie King", Mrs. Ren.

Moreover, this is a world determined by the strength assessment of "Zhao Dezhu". Zhao Dezhu is a technology enhancer. For him, a zombie, even a hairless zombie, is considered "difficult".

Therefore, the Lord God gave sixty days to turn this world into Uncle Jiu's zombie world, giving the reincarnators more time to prepare and explore.

But Lin Ge is a Taoist priest. Let alone a hairy zombie, just a few flying zombies. For him, the difficulty is not even as dangerous as throwing him into a war movie world.

However, Lin Ge did not think of this at all, and instead complicated things, leading to the "branch plot" of "Uncle Zombie" and "Mr. Zombie", and even now "Zombie Supreme".

He forgot the most important point. In the past, he was "marked" by the Lord God as a red door, and was targeted by the Lord God everywhere. Therefore, if the plot deviated slightly from the track, the Lord God would give him a big surprise. But now he is not reincarnating as "Lin Ge", but as a substitute who died in "A Chinese Ghost Story", "Zhao Dezhu".

Including the current main god's evaluation of "Zhao Dezhu", he also arranges the world based on Zhao Dezhu's strengthening model. Therefore, from the beginning of "2002" to the current "Zombie World", it is not "difficult" for Lin Ge. , a very difficult world for Zhao Dezhu.

Who would have known that Lin Ge dug deep into the branch plot and eventually dug out the evil god in "2002" and Shi Jian in "Zombie World".

As for "The Grudge", it was because Lin Ge's rating in "2002" was too high, which led to the "promotion mission" and was very unlucky to encounter another red door.

It was just a matter of meeting Chen Qing. Lin Ge still kept him with him. As a result, he had to experience all the Lord God's arrangements for Chen Qing.


Lin Ge let out a long sigh. This was something 996 was used to. When he suddenly had a weekend break, he would always suspect that his boss had some conspiracy, and he had trapped himself into it.

"Hmph, it's just a magic weapon." From the side, Shi Jian snorted coldly.

Apparently, Lin Ge's sigh about overthinking was misunderstood by Shi Jian as he was mocking him for not being able to grab the head.

Lin Ge was speechless. This "arrogant" senior brother was just hairless and stiff. Does he need to be like this?

Shi Jian obviously didn't want to talk to Lin Ge and walked away.

Lin Ge didn't pay attention to Shi Jian's master and apprentice. After all, he never liked dealing with people with Shi Jian's personality. As for the choice given by the Lord God, Lin Ge ultimately chose to stay in the world of reincarnation to complete the branch plot.

Not to mention how many rewards can be mined in the "Zombie Supreme" branch, just the forty-three days of training time are extremely precious to Lin Ge.

Now that Mr. Ren can no longer die, from another perspective, Mr. Feng Shui's "big revenge" will also be avenged, and the curse that enveloped the Ren family will be dispelled.

Uncle Jiu asked Qiu Shengwencai to sort out the powdered body of Mr. Ren and take it back to Yizhuang, and then asked Mr. Ren to wait for him to find an auspicious day for burial.

Taking advantage of Qiu Sheng's opportunity to collect the ashes, Lin Ge stepped forward and took away the anti-party origins belonging to Old Master Ren. This time there were more than the royal family Fei Zhan and the old demon girl, a full 100.

On the other side, Mr. Ren had seen his father's corpse transform with his own eyes, and had seen how Uncle Jiu and the others resolved the situation. How could he dare to have any objection to Uncle Jiu's arrangements?

However, Shi Jian had already left, and Uncle Jiu couldn't let his senior brother and apprentice stay back in Yizhuang, so he declined Master Ren's thank you banquet and everyone packed up and returned to Yizhuang.

However, as soon as they came out of the woods, everyone saw a thick black fog covering the main area in front of them. There was lightning and thunder in the black fog, and lightning fell from time to time.

In the black mist, there was also the sound of "crunching" machinery.

"Oops!" Lin Ge felt bad in his heart. Because the little girl and Huang Ni had been obsessed with watching TV dramas these past two days, they refused to follow him to Master Ren's house, so they stayed in the Yizhuang house to watch TV dramas.

Usually, because of Lin Ge's status, no one else comes in or out of the small courtyard except for him and Si Mu.

But today a pair of "uninvited guests" came. Originally, Lin Ge had considered this, but Shi Jian and his apprentice went to Ren's house with them, so Lin Ge agreed to Huang Ni and the little girl's request.

Besides, with the little girl, the red-clothed fierce ghost who has opened the ghost realm, covering her, even if Huang Ni has no cultivation level now, with her experience, she can cooperate with the little girl to kill the fierce god.

But they didn't expect that Shi Jian and his apprentice would return to Yizhuang before them.

With Shi Jian's ability, how could he not discover the ghostly atmosphere in Lin Ge's house, and the two had just had a conflict, so it was only natural for Shi Jian to use this to give Lin Ge a blow!

However, if Huang Ni loses a hair, I'm afraid Shi Jian will be able to taste the wrath of Wong Tai Sin!

With Huang Shang's temper, he would definitely ignore the Lord God's threat and tear down the world!

When Lin Ge saw the flashing lightning in the black fog, he wished he could grow wings on his back and fly back to Yizhuang. Originally, he had no hope for Qimei, who had been in a mood recently, but he didn't want to wait for him to get out of his soul. The red mist appeared and enveloped him directly.

Qimei directly opened the ghost realm and took him back to Yizhuang as quickly as possible.

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