Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 231 Open the door, open the door quickly, I am your captain Awei

"Ah, why is there no one there?" Jiale walked at the front of the team, turned around and faced Lin Ge and others and said curiously.

Suddenly, Jiale, who was walking backwards, tripped on a rope, and then a dozen cold arrows flew out from the windows of the houses on the left and right.

Lin Ge raised his hands, and two large iron plates appeared on both sides of the crowd. Then there was a sound of "dang, dang, dang, dang," and all the sharp arrows were blocked by the iron plates.

"Come on!"


"You little pony bandit, you dare to cause trouble in the area under the jurisdiction of my Captain Ah Wei. If you don't even recognize your mother if I don't beat you, come on, come on with me!"

In the alley on the left, security team Ah Wei rushed out with a group of people.

Lin Ge raised his hands and made fists. With two "clicks", the two iron plates shattered like mirrors and turned into blue smoke and disappeared. This miraculous method of transformation stunned several people on the side, especially Taoist Master Qianhe. The four disciples of "East, South, West, and North" saw their eyes straight.

Captain Awei rushed to the street, and what he saw was Lin Ge. He was stunned: "Okay, I've seen something wrong with you for a long time, and you finally showed your weakness. Join the horse bandits, right? Come on, arrest him, and torture him." , I’ll see if he can recruit.”

"I'm curious, how did you live to be so stupid at this age..." Lin Ge sighed, but then thought of how in the movie, after Mr. Ren was killed by the zombie Mrs. Ren, Uncle Ninth just said that he must die. With long nails on his hands, Ah Wei captured Uncle Jiu and tortured him, and he was immediately relieved.

Comedies always have to have this kind of brainless character to drive the plot. bandit?

Lin Ge originally thought that the branch line "Mr. Spiritual Fantasy" might appear in other villages, leading to the second "Nine Uncle", but now it seems that it has been directly merged into the Renjia Village line?

"You dare to call me stupid, do you believe that I will kill you with one shot?" Ah Wei threatened viciously.

Lin Ge replied calmly: "I don't believe it."

"I really shot!" Ah Wei said coldly.

Lin Ge nodded: "Come on, do you need me to teach you how to use the gun? Just calm down first and don't shake the hand holding the gun, otherwise it will be easy to miss. Do you need me to stretch your head over?"

Everyone: ...Big brother, someone else has a gun. You are disrespecting the gun.


I don't know whether he was stunned by Lin Ge's ridicule, or whether he accidentally pulled the trigger because of nervousness, Aweizhen shot Lin Ge.

Because of Ren Tingting's relationship, Ah Wei has never had a good impression of Lin Ge. This time, he also wanted to take the opportunity to capture Lin Ge and torture him. Regardless of whether he was with the horse bandits, he definitely did not dare to take advantage of Ren Tingting again.

However, the moment the gun rang out, a cloud of blood mist condensed in front of Lin Ge, turning into a blood-red mirror. With a "click", the bullet did not penetrate the mirror, but directly hit the blood mirror.

A second later, a pale, slender hand stretched out from the mirror, slowly unclenching its fist, and the bullet slipped from the hand, falling to the ground with a "ding" sound.

"Demon, demon, sorcery!" Ah Wei was so frightened that he stammered.

The security team behind him and the villagers who came to help had never seen such a bullet-blocking technique, and their legs were weak from fear.

Lin Ge said calmly: "I've even been to the underworld. What's weird about knowing how to do sorcery? If you continue to cause trouble, I can register you in the underworld in advance."

Ah Wei suddenly remembered that Master Ren mentioned before that Ren Tingting was able to wake up because Uncle Jiu and Lin Ge went to the underworld to find the soul. He originally thought that Master Ren was exaggerating and wanted to bring Lin Ge and Ren Tingting together...could it be true? What happened? Can anyone really go to the underworld and come back safe and sound?

Ah Wei felt a little scared, but he couldn't lose face in front of his men, so he could only pretend to be calm and said: "You, you, you, you want to resist arrest, right?"

"Get out of here." Lin Ge didn't bother to talk nonsense with Ah Wei and just let him move forward.

Lin Ge was walking in front. The people around him suddenly shivered in fear when they thought of the bloody mirror that appeared out of thin air and the ghost-like hand. No one dared to step forward to stop him.

Just kidding, ghosts are afraid of the sun. This ghost can appear under the scorching sun. He also contacted Lin Ge and said that he had been to the underworld. Who dares to provoke such evil stars!

"Come on, why not, why not!" Ah Wei wanted to encourage his men to take action, but no one dared to move at this time and could only watch Lin Ge leave.

"Uncle Master!"

"Uncle Master!"

At this time, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai ran from a distance. After seeing Lin Ge and Taoist Master Simu, they immediately accelerated their speed and came to a few people.

Taoist Master Four Eyes asked: "What's wrong with your security team here? How can anyone arrest people randomly on the street? How can a person like this still be the captain?"

Qiu Sheng immediately said: "Uncle, you don't know something. The night after you left, Renjia Village was attacked by a group of horse bandits. These are not ordinary horse bandits. They are invulnerable and can eat insects to recover from injuries. Master said that they They were 'warlocks', but fortunately the master took action, injured their leader, and captured two alive, but in order to drive them away, the master also suffered some injuries."

Lin Ge asked: "Is senior brother's injury serious?"

Qiu Sheng replied: "After two days of rest, I have almost recovered, but my legs and feet are a little stiff. I am now lying on the bed to rest. Master concluded that the warlock leader will come back to save his companions, so he asked the security team to pay attention. I didn’t expect that idiot Ah Wei to deal with Uncle Lin.”

Lin Ge asked: "Is the leader of the warlocks a woman dressed like a savage?"

"Eh? Uncle Master, how did you know?" Qiu Sheng asked in surprise.

Lin Ge said: "I heard someone mention it before that there is a group of horse bandits who know magic, and their leader is a woman. Let's go back to Yizhuang first."

The group of people returned to Yizhuang and heard the noise coming from the yard. Uncle Jiu walked out of the back room on crutches: "Junior brother Lin, Simu, have you got the soul-calming bell?"

Uncle Jiu's left leg was wrapped in a bandage and was still soaked in blood. It was obvious that the injury was not completely healed.

"I got it, senior brother, are you okay with your injury?" Taoist Master Four Eyes stepped forward and asked.

Uncle Jiu waved his hand: "It's okay."

Wen Cai snorted from the side: "Awei is not that idiot. In order to save a villager from a horse bandit, the master fought with several horse bandits. Ah Wei hid aside and fired his dirty gun, but in the end he failed to hit the horse bandit. Instead, it hit Master’s thigh. Fortunately, it was only a scratch, otherwise I would have given that Awei a beating.”

Taoist Priest Four Eyes asked: "Since it is a scratch, why is it so serious?"

Qiu Sheng sighed: "The shot was just a scratch. The rescued villagers were so frightened that they pushed the master away and ran away. The master was already shot. He couldn't stand still and was stabbed by the horse bandit next to him."


With such excellent villagers, Lin Ge felt that the bottom line of his rescue rules could be lowered a little more appropriately.

At this time, Uncle Jiu noticed Taoist Master Qianhe on the cart and immediately stepped forward with a cane: "Junior Brother Qianhe, wait, is he infected with corpse poison?"

Uncle Jiu had quite a lot of experience in dealing with zombies, so he could tell at a glance that Master Qianhe had already attacked his heart with corpse energy. He immediately turned around and said to his apprentice: "Qiu Shengwencai, go and prepare the things for the altar. Find a rooster, and it's best to ask for three It has a big red crown and black dog blood. It needs to be an adult black dog, the more ferocious the better."

Taoist Master Simu said: "Senior brother, if you need anything else, ask Jiale to help prepare it."

Uncle Jiu thought for a while and said: "Glutinous rice, Jiale, go and cook a bucket of glutinous rice, keep the rice water and put it in the bathtub. The four of you, carry your master into the house."


Everyone prepared things according to Uncle Jiu's instructions. When it was almost noon, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai had all the things ready and prepared to set up the altar.

The altar was raised in front of the bathtub. Taoist priest Qianhe was soaking in the glutinous rice water. He was still in a coma, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood.

The eye sockets have gradually turned black, and the nails have grown to half a finger long and have completely turned black.

Taoist Priest Simu looked at Uncle Jiu who was on crutches, and asked in a worried tone: "Brother, your foot is injured, can you still stand up?"

Uncle Jiu put on the yellow robe and Taoist crown with the help of Qiu Sheng, and said: "Now we are just suppressing the corpse poison for Junior Brother Qianhe, and we are not dealing with zombies, so it won't get in the way."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he walked to the altar, stood with his right hand on the table, and picked up a bowl with his left hand: "Qiu Sheng, half chicken blood and half dog blood."

Qiu Sheng immediately followed the instructions and poured the two kinds of blood into the bowl.

Uncle Jiu put the bowl down, slapped the table, and a copper coin flew into the bowl. Then he squeezed the secret and inserted his fingertips into the bowl to stir, allowing the two bloods to fuse.

Uncle Jiu was casting a spell to suppress the corpse energy in Taoist Priest Qianhe's body, when he heard a "dong" sound coming from the door outside the courtyard, as if someone was pushing hard from the outside.

"Uncle Jiu, it's not good, something happened, something big happened!" A member of the security team stumbled into the yard and shouted into the house.

"Brother, please continue, I'll go take a look." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he turned around and came to the yard. The panting security team member remembered the scene at the village gate in the morning, and suddenly he didn't dare to express his anger.

"What happened?" Lin Ge asked.

The man said: "Captain, the captain has arrested an accomplice of the horse bandit. He is about to lock him up for interrogation, but the horse bandit's accomplice seems to know magic. Now the security team is in chaos. The captain asked me to invite Uncle Jiu." Go help!”

Taoist priest Simu came out after hearing the sound and said to Lin Ge: "Brother, why don't we go and take a look together?"

Lin Ge thought for a while, shook his head and said: "As far as I know, the leader of the horse bandits is very powerful. Senior brother is injured now. It's better for you to stay here. I can just go and take a look."

"Jia Le, you go with my uncle." Taoist Priest Simu called inside, and then said to Lin Ge: "Jia Le is very strong, I will definitely be able to help you carry something, run errands, etc., if that If something goes wrong, ask Jiale to come back and tell us, and be careful."

Lin Ge nodded and followed the security team members to the security team with Jiale.

As soon as he arrived outside the gate of the security team, he heard screams and the sound of banging tables and chairs. When Jiale heard this, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to go in to help, but Lin Ge held him by the collar. Pulled back.

"Uncle, what's wrong?" Jiale asked puzzledly.

Lin Ge said: "According to Senior Brother and the others, the group of horse bandits are extremely ferocious. Let's not talk about how Awei's little ability could have caught the horse bandits' accomplices. Even if they were caught, it wouldn't be like this now. There is movement. If it is really a horse bandit, the body should be collected by the security team now."

Upon hearing this, the security team member thought that Lin Ge was not going to help, and suddenly became anxious: "Master Lin, despite his thin appearance, that man is actually very flexible. He also knows magic. We are clearly targeting him, but who knows? The moment the gun was fired, it was as if someone had turned the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at one of your own, it was very evil."

When Lin Ge heard this, he already had a guess in his mind.

"Go and take a look first."

After Lin Ge entered the door, he did not rush into the three-story office building of the security team. Instead, he walked to the window on the first floor and looked inside.

I saw a flurry of excitement in the lobby. A group of security guards were either performing somersault acrobatics, or some were hugging each other, and some were even pressed under tables, chairs, and benches. The entire hall was like an acrobatic troupe.

When Lin Ge saw Mao Shanming holding his hands and laughing in the corner, he already understood that all this was the work of the two ghosts he raised.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the security team member who was performing somersaults was being dragged around by Xiaobao. The security team members who were hugging themselves into a ball were surrounded by Dabao's hand that stretched more than ten meters. together.

"Why don't you see your Captain Awei?" Lin Ge looked at the security team members and asked.

The security guard looked embarrassed and pointed at the man in the corner who was foaming at the mouth with fear: "That... there."


Lin Ge nodded and decided to go in first to stop this farce. After all, as shown in the movie, the group of horse bandits valued friendship, and the leader would come to rob the prison even if he risked his life.

In order to avoid being caught off guard by the leader of the horse bandits, it is better to stop Mao Shanming first.

Lin Ge walked in from the front door. Mao Shanming immediately noticed Lin Ge at the door and greeted him with a smile: "Fellow Taoist! Fellow Taoist! It's me. Do you remember me? I met you in the town last night. !”

"Why are you here?" Lin Ge asked.

Mao Shanming replied: "Oh. After I came out of the town yesterday, I was trying to find a place to stay, but as soon as I arrived in this village, I was arrested by these security teams. It's okay to arrest you, everyone, let's make it clear. If it proves that I'm not a bad person, then everything will be fine. But their security captain must use his words and deeds to force a confession. I was almost killed by them in order to make them remember it longer, so...hehehehe."

Just as he was talking, Mao Shanming seemed to have thought of something and asked tentatively: "Fellow Taoist, are you also from here? Or are they your friends?"

Lin Ge said calmly: "Oh, I'm not familiar with them, so you can take your time. But enough is enough. A group of horse bandits came here recently to do evil, and they destroyed the security team, and it was the villagers who suffered."

"I understand, I understand." Mao Shanming responded immediately.

He was just about to tell Dabao and Xiaobao to stop when he suddenly heard a strange sneer.

"Hee hee hee--"

"It's fun."

"Would you like to play with my little bear?"

Lin Ge felt a chill on his shoulders. The little girl was already holding the Ghost Brown Bear and riding on his shoulders. She looked at Xiaobao and the security team members who were playing with the windmill in the air and asked with a smile.

The little girl's smile almost sent Mao Shanming away who was standing next to Lin Ge. He was so frightened that he fell to the ground, pointed at the little girl and said tremblingly: "Li Li Li Gui, red clothed Li Gui!"

Lin Ge glanced at him and asked, "You have raised a ghost yourself. Are you afraid of ghosts when you see them?"

Mao Shanming swallowed his saliva and said: "Dabao and Xiaobao are just resentful souls, and fellow Taoist, uh, Master Tao, Master Tao, yours is a fierce ghost or a red-clothed fierce ghost. How can we compare!"

Xiaobao, who was playing with a human windmill in the air, was obviously startled when he saw the little girl. He put down the security team and floated over. He asked awkwardly: "You, how do you want to play?"

The little girl blinked her eyes in horror and asked, "Do you want to play together?"

Xiaobao quickly flew to Dabao, pulled Dabao over, and nodded timidly: "Okay, let's play with you together."

Then, they were taken to the yard by the little girl.

Dabao and Xiaobao were taken away by the little girl. The security team members in the house were finally freed. They fell to the ground in a mess, feeling that they only had half their lives left.

Lin Ge looked at Mao Shanming and suddenly asked: "By the way, how is Dabao Xiaobao's ability to withstand stress?"

Mao Shanming:?

"Master Dao, what do you mean by this? Don't scare me. Dabao and Xiaobao won't be swallowed by your red clothes, right?" Mao Shanming hurriedly chased him out of the house.

However, at this time, the yard was shrouded in thick black fog, and the "crunching" sound of old machinery was heard in the fog, followed by the miserable howls of Dabao and Xiaobao.

Mao Shanming suddenly became anxious and begged Lin Ge for mercy: "Master Dao, Master Dao, please spare them. They are really not evil ghosts and have never harmed anyone. They just helped me vent my anger. If you want to blame, blame me, forgive me." Let’s kill them.”

Lin Ge said: "They are's just...well, maybe my naughty child's 'toy' is a little too exciting. Don't worry, they are cheering with joy."

Mao Shanming: ...I believe you.

At this time, a scream came from the room behind him, and Ah Wei, who was lying in the corner, jumped up from the ground, yelled and rushed out the door. He didn't even see clearly what was going on in the yard and rushed straight in. In the fog.

Looking at Awei disappearing into the mist, Lin Ge sighed: "Oh. You broke in on your own, so you can't blame me."

The little girl was probably having fun, and the ghost zone expanded a lot in an instant, covering the entire security team.

At this time, Mao Shanming finally saw clearly the "grand occasion" in the fog. Dozens of strange machines that he had never heard of were rotating, and the speed of rotation even exceeded his understanding.

Dabao was riding on a carousel, but the wooden horse spun too fast. Dabao seemed to be pulled into a rubber man and wound around the wooden horse machine more than ten times.

Xiaobao was sitting in a coffee cup shivering. Under the cup was the scorching hell magma. The ghost brown bear was about the same size as Xiaobao, standing in the teacup, spinning the teacup crazily, turning the teacup directly into a top.

Ah Wei was locked in the cable car of the Ferris wheel at this time, holding the iron window open, crying with snot and tears: "Open the door, open the door quickly, I am your captain Ah Wei!"

Lin Ge looked at Mao Shanming and asked, "Do you want to go up and play?"

"Uh, thank you, thank you. I can just watch." Seeing that although Dabao and Xiaobao were tortured terribly, at least there was no "life-threatening", Mao Shanming also breathed a sigh of relief.

The little girl seems to have not had such fun for a long time. After all, she is always played with (played by) people. It would be bad if she goes too far and ends up dying. Although Lin Ge had a lot of ghosts in her body, she was okay with doting on her, and she didn't have many people to play with. It was rare to have two ghosts, one big and one small, to play with, so she went crazy.

Lin Ge was about to let the little girl take it easy when he saw a crack slowly opening on the ground three meters in front of him, revealing a "green passage" leading to the underworld.

Looking at the green cracks in the ground, Mao Shanming swallowed his saliva and asked nervously: "Master Dao, what is this?"

"The green passage to the underworld, do you want to go down and have fun?" Lin Ge asked calmly.

Mao Shanming was immediately frightened by these words, hell? Is that a place where you can play casually?

I saw a line of green smoke rising from the seam in the ground. A white-faced boy wearing a judge's uniform appeared in front of Lin Ge. When he saw Lin Ge, he cupped his hands and said to Lin Ge: "I am a confidant of the Little King of Hell. I have seen the black impermanence envoy, Lin Ge." grown ups."

Strictly speaking, the judge is several levels higher than the Black Impermanence Master. However, Lin Ge was not promoted because of his "identity" and "background." However, given his military exploits and his brotherly relationship with the "quasi-ghost general" Hu Bufan, , even the judge had to give some face.

Lin Ge has always respected me a foot, and I respect others a foot. The judge was polite, and he also raised his hands very politely and said: "I have met the judge, but I don't know why you came here."

Little Hell's henchman reached out and grabbed a crack in the green ground, then withdrew a rectangular copper box and opened it towards Lin Ge.

"The magic weapon Trident that Lord Lin asked Guicheng to repair has been repaired. Little Hell King specially asked me to send it to you, Lord Lin. Please check and accept it!" Little Hell's confidant said politely.

Lin Ge held up General Xi's trident with both hands, and suddenly felt as if he was in another world. For him, this was more than just a "gift" from General Xi.

You must know that in previous reincarnations, this magic weapon helped him a lot.

"Thank you, Lord Judge, and please thank the Little King of Hell for me. I, Lin Ge, will definitely remember this kindness in my heart." Lin Ge said seriously.

"Haha! As long as you are satisfied, Mr. Lin. Oh, by the way, Mr. Little King of Hell said, although he said that if the magic weapon cannot be repaired well, he will reward you with other magic weapons, but because of your outstanding military exploits in the battle against the demon city , this time the magic weapon has been repaired, I will still reward you with an extra treasure." As he said that, the judge took out a small blue and white porcelain bottle only the size of a thumb from his sleeve.

Lin Ge was obviously stunned when he took the bottle. It was too small, but considering that it was made by the Little King of Hell, it was obviously not an ordinary thing.

"May I ask, Sir Judge, what is this?"

The judge replied: "The Little King of Hell thought that Mr. Lin you are good at controlling ghosts, so he gave you this bottle of 'soul-healing liquid' that he treasured. You may think that there is only one drop, but this one drop is considered to be from the gods." A ray of remnant soul can also be repaired with this, it is a rare treasure!"

Lin Ge was overjoyed when he heard this and immediately held up his hands and said, "Please thank Mr. Little King of Hell for me. This is really a big help. I just need this thing."

The judge laughed and said, "As long as you like it, Mr. Lin. Oh, by the way, the souls you sent down last time, Mr. Lin, have been properly placed. The achievements of extraditing the souls have been recorded in your archives and can be consulted at any time."

"Thank you, Lord Judge." Lin Ge didn't pay too much attention to the achievement of extraditing the dead souls. After all, he was just a passerby in this world. No one knew whether this achievement would still be recorded in another world.

The judge nodded and said, "There's nothing else to do. I'll go back to the underworld first."

"Farewell, Your Majesty."

The judge also bowed politely: "Master Lin, please say goodbye."

After saying that, the judge turned into a wisp of smoke again and flew back into the cracks in the ground.

Lin Ge held the trident in his left hand. When he turned his hand, he suddenly felt a burning sensation on the back of his left hand. When he looked again, the mark of the trident that had turned into a "burn scar" was back to its original state.

Lin Ge was in a good mood, and now he could be a happy ghost again.

On the other side, until the judge left, Mao Shanming opened his mouth wide and did not recover from the surprise. Until he heard Dabao Xiaobao's miserable howl, he closed his mouth, swallowed, looked at Lin Ge excitedly and said: "Tao, Master Dao. You are so powerful. Not only did the judge have to call him Lord Lin, but you also know the Lord of Hell?"

Lin Ge nodded. In fact, he didn't pay attention to what Mao Shanming was saying. His attention was entirely on the blue and white porcelain bottle the size of his thumb.

"The spiritual product 'Soul Healing Liquid' can repair even a ray of residual soul." Lin Ge was not lying before, because he really needed this bottle.

To be precise, it's not that he needs it, but the hermit crab in him needs it.

Lin Ge tapped the fire sign mark on the back of his right hand with his left index finger, and said happily: "Hey, wake up, come out and see what treasure your landlord has made."

Huang Ni's remnant soul needs Huang Shang to protect him, so except for the occasional rest, Huang Shang spends most of his time practicing and nourishing Huang Ni with spiritual energy.

However, these days, Huang Shang's cultivation has not only not improved, but has "regressed" due to too much supply. If it weren't for the alien aptitude of her eyes, which made the cultivation twice the result with half the effort, even the normal maintenance of Huang Ni's remnant soul would have been impossible. Can't do it.

Although Lin Ge wanted to help Huang Ni, with his current strength, he couldn't even purify the red-clothed devil's evil spirit, let alone repair the corpse's remaining soul.

Lin Ge tried to seek help from Jiu Shu, Si Mu and others, but unfortunately, Jiu Shu searched through books and could not find a suitable solution.

This bottle of "Soul Healing Liquid" from Little Hell is undoubtedly a timely help, and it comes just in time.

Because Huang Shang had been concentrating on practicing during this period, she did not have any spiritual consciousness to pay attention to the conversation between Lin Ge and the judge. After all, in her opinion, after getting rid of the mark of the Lord God, with Lin Ge’s ability, if she is in a difficult or extremely difficult situation, If the world of this difficulty is overturned... it's better to die as soon as possible, so as not to waste my sister's hard work.

"What baby?" Huang Shang knew that Lin Ge would usually not disturb him when he was fine, so he didn't seem unhappy about being forcibly awakened at this moment, and asked in a calm tone.

Lin Ge twisted the blue and white porcelain vial in his left hand and shook it on the fire mark: "I got the 'soul-healing liquid' from the little king of hell in the underworld. It is said that even a wisp of the remnant soul of an immortal can be repaired with this!"

"Really?" Huang Shang's tone was undoubtedly filled with excitement and excitement.

Lin Ge said: "You will know if you try it."

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