Chapter 229: Incompetent, zombie...


Taoist Master Four Eyes stood at the door and stretched himself out. It has been more than ten years since he moved here. During the time when Master Ikkyu was at home, he had never had a good night's sleep.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked forward and happened to meet Master Yixiu and Qingqing who were walking out of the opposite room. Taoist Priest Four Eyes immediately raised his eyebrows proudly and said with a smile: "Good morning, smelly monk."

Master Yixiu was thrown out of the room by Lin Ge last night. He landed on his face and had a large scratch on the left side of his face. He glanced at Taoist Priest Simu and said nothing.

As soon as Master Xiu felt depressed, Taoist Priest Simu felt extremely comfortable.

At this time, Lin Ge walked out of the back room, said "Good morning" to Taoist Master Simu, and then looked across. Master Yixiu saw Lin Ge, his expression froze, and he walked directly into the room with his sleeves fluttered.

However, as soon as the two of them arrived at the door, they heard a loud shout from the distance: "Hurry up."

Several people followed the sound and saw a team walking in the distance. The first few people in the queue were wearing officer uniforms with the word "brave" printed on their chests, each holding a flag.

Behind them, several officers and soldiers were carrying a red sedan without a roof, on which sat a seven or eight-year-old boy wearing red clothes.

Followed by several men in exotic costumes, they kept urging the officers and soldiers to move faster.

At the end of the team, in addition to dozens of officers and soldiers, there was also a Taoist priest wearing a brown robe. Behind him, several people pushed a cart with a coffin on it.

"Hey, isn't that Uncle Qianhe?" Jiale said when he saw the Taoist priest.

The four-eyed Taoist priest clearly saw the Taoist priest's appearance in the distance, frowned slightly, and whispered: "Junior brother Qianhe? Why is he here?"

"Go over and take a look." Lin Ge said.

The three of them walked towards the team of officers and soldiers. Master Ikkyu and Qingqing wanted to go back to the house, but when they saw the coffin accompanying the team, they thought about it and followed them.

When Taoist Master Qianhe saw Taoist Master Four Eyes coming out of the room, his face suddenly lit up, and he greeted with a smile: "Senior Brother!"

"Junior brother." After Taoist Master Simu finished speaking, he introduced Lin Ge to Taoist Master Qianhe and said, "Junior brother, this is Lin Ge, Senior Brother Lin, from the Nanmao Gezu lineage."

Taoist Master Qianhe was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He didn't expect that this "senior brother" was so young, but Taoist Master Simu called him "senior brother" without any reluctance, so he no longer struggled and made a Taoist seal. He smiled and said hello to Lin Ge: "Senior brother, please take care of me."

"Junior brother." Lin Ge formed a seal and bowed in return.

At this time, Master Ikkyu stepped forward to say hello: "Taoist Priest Qianhe, long time no see. Amitabha."

"Master Ikkyu." Taoist Master Qianhe was greeting with a smile, but he noticed the injury on Master Ikkyu's face and asked curiously: "Master Ikkyu, the injury on your face..."

Master Yixiu sighed: "Alas. Last night, my skills were inferior to those of others. I failed to subjugate and eliminate demons. I suffered a slight injury. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter."

Lin Ge: ...heh. Unexpectedly, this smelly monk is quite capable of yin and yang.

"So don't always knock on sutras and recite Buddha's name. Practice your skills more when you have nothing to do. Especially keep your eyes open and don't look at everything as demons and monsters. As the saying goes, appearances come from the heart, the environment changes with the heart, and everything comes from the heart. What is in your heart? , what you see is what you see. There are always demons and ghosts, maybe there is a demon living in your heart?" Lin Ge said lightly, in terms of sophistry, he can deceive Master Yixiu's Buddhist heart.

Master Yixiu was stunned when he heard this, and seemed to be thinking about whether he had been rash last night. After all, Lin Ge and Taoist Master Shimu were both "Taoist priests". How could Taoists not understand the dangers of associating with ghosts?

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing here?" At this time, a sissy man wearing exotic clothes, a headscarf, and a white silk scarf in his hand asked loudly next to the sedan.

Taoist priest Qianhe turned around and said, "Master Wu, I will borrow some glutinous rice from my senior brother."

"Nuomi? Why did you borrow this thing? Did we make you hungry?" The sissy said quite dissatisfied.

Lin Ge's mood was a bit subtle when he saw Sissy. After all, the charterer was still on the set of "Mr. Zombie" next door, playing the role of Mr. Ren lying in the coffin. The main god directly copied the movie to generate the world, and suddenly saw an identical picture here. The face is really strange.

So the main god is really just an "AI", and everything can be automatically generated, regardless of whether there will be conflicts, bugs, etc.?

At this time, the little boy on the sedan said: "Master Wu, why don't we just take a rest here."

As soon as the little boy spoke, Wu Shilang immediately changed his acrimonious demeanor and quickly said to the officers and soldiers around him: "Did you hear that? Just rest here, put it down, put it down."

When the officers and soldiers carrying the sedan heard this, they lowered the sedan.

"Jia Le, go get the glutinous rice for Uncle Master." After finishing speaking, Taoist Master Simu looked at the coffin placed on the cart not far away and walked over.

The golden coffin was covered with a red cloth, and the whole thing was wrapped in a mesh with a finger-thick rope. Seeing this, Taoist Priest Four Eyes frowned and said: "The copper-cornered golden coffin and the ink bucket net, could it be that inside is..."

Taoist priest Qianhe nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, there are zombies inside."

"Then why didn't you burn him and still carry him around?" Taoist priest Simu asked puzzledly. It couldn't be the same as the corpse of Mr. Ren. What kind of curse needs to be lifted first before it can be cremated?

Taoist priest Qianhe explained: "This zombie belongs to the royal family on the border and cannot be burned. We have to transport it back to the capital as soon as possible and wait for the emperor's death."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes said: "Junior brother, you'd better take down the tent above so that the coffin can receive more sunlight and reduce some corpse energy."

Taoist priest Qianhe leaned forward and whispered: "Oh. How could I not know that more exposure to sunlight can reduce the corpse's energy? It's just that you don't know, senior brother, that bastard Wu Shilang, who always points fingers at us because he is the prince's confidant. It is said that when the royal family was alive, there were people holding umbrellas wherever they went, and they should not neglect them after they die."

Lin Ge said at the side: "It's simple, you go tell Wu Shilang that according to our Taoist theory, if the royal family absorbs more sunlight after death, there will be visions from the sky and golden light protecting the body when they are reincarnated. If you can kill evil spirits and prevent them from invading, you will achieve great success."

Taoist Master Qianhe was stunned: "We Taoists still have such a saying?"

"No, I made it up." Lin Ge answered honestly.

Taoist priest Qianhe:...

Master Yixiu said from the side: "Taoist Master Lin, how can you lie with words? This poor monk feels that this is inappropriate. After all, lies will eventually be exposed one day..."

"Shut up." Lin Ge glared. He was now annoyed with this stinky monk, and he could immediately understand that the four-eyed Taoist priest in the movie had a bad temper every time he saw Master Yixiu.

Taoist priest Qianhe thought for a while, and then went to communicate with Nawu Shilang in the way Lin Ge said. Unexpectedly, the other party immediately agreed to let them dismantle the tent on the car.

When Taoist Master Qianhe came back, he happened to see Lin Ge stuffing a lucky star made of yellow talismans into the four corners of the coffin. He immediately understood that Lin Ge was setting up a formation for him to prevent the zombies from increasing their corpse energy.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lin." Taoist Master Qianhe thanked Lin Ge respectfully.

Lin Ge said: "It's easy. However, although the sun is shining brightly, the weather is unpredictable. Since the coffin is tied with ink rope, rainproof measures must be taken."

"Junior brother understands."

At this time, Jiale came running from the side: "Uncle, the glutinous rice you want."

Taoist priest Qianhe took the glutinous rice, looked at Taoist Simu and said, "Senior brother, thank you."

"You're welcome, I hope you don't need this bag of glutinous rice." Taoist Master Simu said, "You must pay more attention to safety when taking zombies on the road."

"I see."

The two of them were chatting when Wu Shilang's effeminate voice urged: "Hey, hey, hey, we're still chatting, hurry up, it's time to set off, hurry up, set off!"

As he spoke, he greeted the officers and soldiers to set off.

Taoist Priest Qianhe sighed and said to Taoist Simu and Lin Ge: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother Lin, I will leave first. See you later."

"See you later."

"See you later."

The officers and soldiers set off again. Jiale looked at the golden coffin passing in front of him and couldn't help but sigh: "This coffin is so beautiful, it must be very valuable."

"Of course, it's made of gold." Taoist Master Four Eyes replied.

"If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely make money to buy an identical pair of filial piety to Master." Jiale said seriously.

The four-eyed Taoist priest slapped Jiale on the back of the head and scolded: "You want me to die, don't you?"

"No way, don't I want to honor you?" Jiale said aggrievedly.

Lin Ge looked at Taoist Priest Qianhe's leaving team thoughtfully. He had just checked the coffin. He didn't know whether it was the coffin or whether the ink pipe line had really worked. He could smell that the corpse aura of the zombies inside was not heavy, at most. The lowest level of hairless zombies is still a long way from flying zombies.

With Taoist Master Qianhe's strength, there is no reason why he can't even deal with zombies of this level.

"Senior brother, what's wrong?" Taoist priest Simu couldn't help but ask when he saw Lin Ge's sad face.

Lin Ge said: "It's okay, go back."

"Senior brother, are you going back to Renjia Village today?" Taoist Priest Shimu asked.

Lin Ge said: "No, let's talk about it after tonight."

When it was getting dark, Taoist Master Qianhe saw the sky was covered with dark clouds. Remembering Lin Ge's words, he suggested to Wu Shilang to camp on the spot and continue on the journey tomorrow.

However, Wu Shilang thought that if he delayed his trip any longer, he would not be able to reach the capital in time as specified by the emperor, so he forced himself to continue on his way.

Unexpectedly, not long after walking, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, strong winds, and suddenly it started to rain heavily.

Wu Shilang was instantly soaked in the rain. He became anxious and shouted to the people around him: "What are you doing standing still? Set up camp quickly. Set up camp."

Taoist priest Qianhe saw that the heavy rain was washing away the coffin and the ink lines had begun to lose ink. He immediately stepped forward and said to Minister Wu: "Master Wu, after the first tent is set up, please let the coffin in first!"

"Why?" Wu Shilang asked.

Taoist priest Qianhe said anxiously: "The ink line has begun to lose its ink. If it continues like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it..."

"Can't suppress it? Then what do I need you to do if I can't suppress it? No, just stay here. It's raining so heavily. I must let Brother No. 71 go first." Wu Shilang ignored Taoist Qianhe and went over Let the officers and soldiers carry the sedan into the camp.

Taoist Master Qianhe was anxious when he saw the increasingly faint ink lines. He regretted not listening to Senior Brother Lin and making preparations for rain in advance.

After waiting for two minutes, the second tent was set up. Seeing this, Taoist Master Qianhe immediately shouted to the people next to him: "Come and help, push the coffin in."

Several officers and soldiers stepped forward to help the four disciples of Taoist Master Qianhe push the cart. As soon as the officers and soldiers started to push the cart, a bolt of lightning struck the coffin, and there was a loud "bang", and all the officers and soldiers were blown away.




Suddenly, with a burst of strange noises, the lid of the coffin was slowly pushed upwards, and the ink lines wrapped around the coffin shone with golden light, but they still could not withstand the power inside, and several of them snapped in succession. .

"Bring the rope, hurry!" Taoist Master Qianhe urged.

Qianhe's disciples immediately ran to get the rope, but at this time, the zombie in the coffin had already lifted the lid a palm high. Seeing this, Taoist priest Qianhe jumped onto the coffin and sat cross-legged.

"Quick, rope!"

Chizuru's disciples threw him arm-thick ropes and cooperated with him to tie the coffin with thick ropes. However, the zombie inside the coffin was originally of royal blood, with dragon vein energy protecting the body. However, after the corpse transformation, the dragon energy turned into zombie energy. At this time, it was struck by lightning and transformed directly into a flying zombie!

There was just a loud "clang" sound, and even though it was tied up with arm-thick hemp rope, the flying zombies inside suddenly burst out and directly knocked off the coffin lid. Taoist priest Qianhe who was sitting on the coffin lid also flew out in response.

At this time, a burst of golden light suddenly lit up from the four corners of the coffin, forming four pillars of light that converged and landed in the sky, forming a cover to cover the coffin.

The spell Lin Ge laid took effect, blocking the coffin lid for Taoist Qianhe and also temporarily suppressing the zombies.

Taoist Master Qianhe took this opportunity to get up, took out his mahogany sword and inserted the yellow talisman into it. He was about to cast a spell, but the yellow talisman was washed away by the heavy rain and could not be ignited at all.

The zombie in the coffin stood up straight with a pop, pushed forward with both hands, and smashed the golden cover to pieces. Then he jumped up and flew towards the officers and soldiers below, grabbed it and gnawed on it.

"What happened? Why is there so much noise outside?" Wu Shilang opened the curtain and saw a zombie sucking blood. He was so frightened that he screamed and ran back to the tent.

Taoist priest Qianhe and the disciples of Death immediately formed a formation to attack the zombies, but he was no match for Fei Zombie. After just a few moves, he was already covered with cuts and bruises.

"Let's go. Let's go quickly." Taoist Master Qianhe tried his best to block Fei Zheng and let his disciples escape quickly.

"Master, if you don't leave, we won't leave either!" Four of Taoist Master Qianhe's disciples stood in a row with him, facing Fei Zhan without any retreat: "Good versus evil, fight for life!"

"Okay! Let's go together!" Taoist Master Qianhe attacked again with his sword. However, due to the heavy rain, the fire spell, which was most effective against zombies, could not work at all. His strength was greatly reduced as a result, and the four disciples, Not to mention, there was almost no resistance in front of Fei Zheng.

At the critical moment, Taoist Master Qianhe pushed away a disciple who was almost bitten on the neck by Fei Zong, but he raised his hand to block Fei Zong's attack, and was directly stabbed with several bloody holes by Fei Zong's sharp claws.

Taoist priest Qianhe couldn't stop Fei Zhan at all, so he could only retreat while fighting. In less than a stick of incense, most of the people in the camp died tragically in Fei Zhan's hands.

Fei Zhan rushed into the tent and was about to attack Brother Seventy-One when suddenly a black umbrella flew from outside the tent and blocked Brother Seventy-One.

The black umbrella opened and closed, and directly "caught" Brother Seventy-One and took him out of the camp.

Fei Zhan roared angrily and rushed towards the door. As soon as he broke through the door curtain, a sledgehammer hit his face. With a "clang", he was knocked back to the tent.

"Tsk, I said it's so strange. It turns out that you have to be struck by lightning to become flying. I don't know if you are colluding with those naughty foxes..." Lin Ge stood at the door of the tent, throwing a ball behind him. There were six brown foxes strung on string.

Originally, Lin Ge followed Qianhe's team shortly after they set off. I don't know if it was because of "the main god's plot interference" or if it was just a coincidence.

It was clear that the road Qianhe's team had just walked, but as soon as Lin Ge left, a few little demons jumped out to block the road. As soon as they were resolved, there was another heavy fog.

In the mist, another fox demon is causing trouble.

Fortunately, Lin Ge had double-eyed eyes and could see through all obstacles. Otherwise, he would have been blinded all the way. If Qianhe's group was destroyed, he would not be able to save the situation in time.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

Golden light spell, turn on!

Lin Ge instantly opened his golden body, held a two-handed sledgehammer, rushed into the camp, and started a close combat with Fei Zhan as a Taoist.

Of course, Lin Ge was not fighting alone.

With the help of the black umbrella and the protection of Ou Yongqi's ghost realm, and the little girl holding the brown bear Li Gui and clapping and cheering, Lin Ge kept hammering harder and harder, and the more he hammered, the braver he became!

Outside the tent, Taoist Master Qianhe and his four disciples, who came to help, saw Lin Ge chasing the Fei Zong Hammer with a big hammer, and they suddenly didn't know how to describe their mood at this time.

Although the battle was not one-sided, Fei Zheng relied on his invulnerable body to resist Lin Ge's attack. But it was not Lin Ge who was difficult to deal with, but the red mist surrounding him. Wherever Fei Zhong attacked, the red mist would condense into a red mirror to block his attacks.

Lin Ge was like a zombie wearing a red mist armor. He was invulnerable and had purely physical attacks. There was nothing he could do against him, thus creating a situation where he was "seemingly being chased by the whole field."

"Senior brother, let me help you!" Taoist priest Qianhe was already covered in wounds, but seeing Lin Ge dealing with zombies, he couldn't just stand aside and watch.

As soon as Taoist Master Qianhe stepped forward, Lin Ge grabbed him by the collar and threw him back to the four disciples: "You four, keep an eye on your master. How can I help you if you are injured? Just stay there."

Lin Ge hammered his hands so loudly that they whirred, but no matter how powerful the zombies were, they could not break through his double defenses. Both sides were invulnerable, and they were in a deadlock for a while.


Lin Ge slapped his forehead and said suddenly: "I'm sorry, I'm addicted to the ghost hammer recently, and I forgot to deal with invulnerable zombies like you. I'm not good at physics, and I still have magic damage!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant hammers in his hands turned into white light and disappeared. Then, Lin Ge moved his right hand, and with a burst of red light, the magical weapon Fire Lot appeared in his hand.

Lin Ge raised his left hand again, and a black token with "Hei Wu Chang Envoy" written on it appeared: "You have high physical defense, but I don't believe that you also have high legal defense!"

Lin Ge held two tokens, the Fire Stick, and stepped forward, dodging Fei Zheng's attack, and then slapped Fei Zong on the face with the Fire Stick.


The moment the fire stick touched Feizheng's face, there was a burning sound and white smoke rose, burning the invulnerable body.

Lin Ge then used the token of "Black Impermanent Envoy" to draw Fei Zong away. This scene made Qianhe Taoist Priest and the other five stunned.

Although what this senior brother (junior uncle) said is difficult to understand and he seems to have some mental problems, isn't he too strong? One person can "play" Fei Zombie?

After being struck by lightning, Feizong became a spirit and became conscious. After just a few minutes of fighting, he knew that he was no match for Lin Ge. He jumped up, tore the top of the tent, and flew out.

Taoist priest Qianhe said anxiously: "Brother, he wants to escape!"

"Thank you, I saw it. Flying zombies, it's normal to be able to fly." Lin Ge took the fire stick and knocked on the token. He was a little regretful that the trident hadn't been repaired yet. Otherwise, there would be no need to chase if the trident would just fly. .

However, Feizheng is not so much about flying as it is about jumping high and far. When he jumps with all his strength, he can fly at least ten meters away, so it seems that it is "flying".

However, just a few meters above Fei Zhan's tent, a red mist suddenly appeared around him, and then condensed into a red mirror directly above him.

With a "clang" sound, Feizheng bumped into several mirrors in succession, and was actually "photographed" directly by the red mirror from the air.

Lin Ge had already rushed forward as he landed resolutely. He dual-wielded the Fire Sign Token and beat Fei Zheng hard. The fire sign and token are surprisingly effective against targets with negative attributes. After a random photo was taken, the zombie's face was completely disfigured, as if it had been scorched by a fire.

However, this also highlights from the side how high the defense of Fei Zhan is. Lin Ge was so hard that his hands softened. The stiff "zombie meat" on Fei Zong's body was beaten into paste. This guy can actually fight back "alive and jumping". !

Fei Zhan jumped up again, trying to distance himself from Lin Ge, but this time Lin Ge was already prepared. He stepped on the condensed red mirror next to him with a few clicks, and almost jumped out of the tent together with Fei Zhan. The big hole rushed out, and with the help of Ou Yongqi Hongjing, Lin Ge's speed was even faster!


Lin Ge clapped his palms together, and when he pulled them apart, lightning flashed, and then he smacked his palm towards the frozen Tianling Gai: "Look at my great mercy and great compassion, the thunderous lightning palm!"


Fei Zhan was directly slapped back to the ground by Lin Ge. Lin Ge jumped directly from the air and stepped on Fei Zong. First, he covered his face with the "Lightning Thunder Fist" and pushed Fei Zong back to the ground. , then took out a bronze sword, thrust it into the zombie's mouth, and pressed both palms on the bronze sword at the same time.

The lightning flashed in his hand, followed by the bronze sword and rain, and instantly penetrated into Fei Zhan's mouth, causing his body to crackle and explode!

Finally, Lin Ge held the "Black Impermanence Token" in both hands and thrust it toward Fei Zong's eyebrows, instantly piercing his head!


Lin Ge followed up with another move and directly blew off Fei Zheng's entire head, killing him. Then he reached out and grabbed it, taking away the thumb-sized "origin" inside Fei Zheng.

[Complete the side story "Uncle Zombie" and kill the final boss "Royal Zombie" to be rewarded with 5,000 reincarnation points and equipment exchange coupon (C level) x1. 】

After dealing with the zombies, Lin Ge stood up and walked towards Taoist Master Qianhe. He looked at Junior Brother Cheap, who was being supported by four disciples, and asked, "How are you?"

Taoist priest Qianhe glanced at the wound on his arm and sighed: "I am so incompetent that I was killed by a zombie..."

"Stop, stop, you weren't bitten by a zombie, you were just scratched. Go back to your senior brother Fourth Eyes to have a look. If nothing works, your senior brother Ninth Eyes may be able to save you." Lin Ge thought, since Uncle Ninth Eyes can cure it with glutinous rice in the movie As a literary man who was also scratched by a zombie, he should be able to cure Taoist priest Qianhe.

After all, it is rare to get Maoshan F4 together, so it is a pity that Taoist priest Qianhe is "incompetent and killed by zombies... uh ah".

But whether they can be saved can only depend on Fourth Eyes and Uncle Nine. Thinking of this, Lin Ge asked Taoist Master Qianhe's apprentice to take Brother Seventy-One and the unconscious Sissy back to Taoist Fourth Eyes' residence.

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