Taoist Master Simu was sitting in the living room drinking tea when he saw Lin Ge coming in from the outside. Just as he was about to ask casually, "Brother, where have you been during this rainy day?", he saw four disciples of Taoist Master Qianhe "East, West, "Nan, Bei" helped their seriously injured and unconscious master into the house.

"What's going on!" Taoist Priest Four Eyes hurriedly stood up and came to Taoist Priest Qianhe to check his injuries.

One of the disciples replied: "Master, we encountered a heavy rain after entering the forest. The golden coffin was struck by lightning. The zombies turned into flying zombies and massacred the officers and soldiers. Master was seriously injured to protect Brother Seventy-One. If it weren't for Master Lin If you arrive just in time, I'm afraid we will all die at the hands of that Fei Zhan."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked at Lin Ge and said, "Senior brother, no wonder you disappeared just a short time ago, junior brother and the others. Why didn't you ask me to come with you for such a dangerous matter?"

Lin Ge said: "I'm just guessing, and as soon as I entered the forest, I was blocked by those fox monsters, which delayed me for a while. After all, I went late. You are proficient in the 'dead method' and have a lot of research on zombies. Hurry up." Look at Junior Brother Qianhe's injuries, can he suppress his corpse energy?"

"Jia Le, get the soul-calming bell. Come and help him lie down." After the four-eyed Taoist priest ordered Jiale, he looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Senior brother, are the officers and soldiers killed by zombies properly handled?" ?”

Lin Ge nodded. Before leaving, he gathered all the corpses of the dead officers and soldiers together and burned them. He did not want to play a "zombie crisis" before he left.

"What about Feizheng?" Taoist Priest Simu asked again.

Before Lin Ge could answer, he heard the disciples talking about Lin Ge's heroic deeds, as if it was them who were flying stiff with the giant hammer.

Lin Ge didn't expect that during this trip, he would save Taoist priest Qianhe who was supposed to be "killed in the plot", and he would also gain a few more nephews and fans.

On the other side, Jiale ran into the back room and took the soul-suppressing bell from the altar: "Master, soul-suppressing bell."

Taoist Master Four Eyes took the soul-suppressing bell, took out several yellow talismans and pasted them on Taoist Master Qianhe's wound. Then he picked up the soul-suppressing bell, starting from Taoist Master Qianhe's forehead, and slowly shook it toward the wound, while saying something in his mouth. Chant the mantra.

As the soul-suppressing bell swayed, a black smoke as thick as a finger rose up from where the talisman was attached to Taoist Master Qianhe's body, slowly rising and flying into the soul-suppressing bell.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes used the soul-suppressing bell to go through all the wounds scratched by Feizheng on Taoist Priest Qianhe's body. After absorbing all the corpse energy, Taoist Priest Qianhe still showed no sign of waking up.

The four-eyed Taoist priest frowned slightly, made a gesture, and pointed it towards the center of Qianhe Taoist priest's eyebrows. His face suddenly changed: "No, the corpse energy attacks the heart!"

At this time, the opposite room saw the noisy Master Ikkyu and Qingqing and rushed over. They happened to see Taoist Master Four Eyes dispelling the corpse poison for Taoist Qianhe, but he didn't know what happened, so he asked Qianhe in a low voice. An apprentice of Taoist Master He.

After knowing the cause and effect, Master Ikkyu immediately asked Qingqing to go back to the house to get something, while he knelt down on the other side of Taoist Master Qianhe and felt his pulse.

"The corpse energy attacks the heart." Master Yixiu frowned.

Taoist Master Simu said coldly: "Nonsense, I just said it. If you can help, help. If you can't, just stand aside and don't get in the way."

Master Yixiu was not angry. After Qingqing brought his cloth bag, he took out a piece of garlic and stuffed a whole piece into Taoist Master Qianhe's mouth.

"What are you doing!" Taoist Priest Simu asked anxiously.

Master Ikkyu took out his magic weapon and pressed it on Taoist Master Qianhe's chest, while saying: "Garlic can remove corpse poison, which is almost as effective as your glutinous rice."

"Then frying glutinous rice with garlic would be more effective..." Jiale said from the side, but before he could finish his words, Taoist Priest Simu glared at him and shut up quickly.

After Master Yixiu stuffed garlic into Taoist Priest Qianhe's mouth, another small stream of black air flew out of his mouth. Upon seeing this, Taoist Master Four Eyes immediately shook the soul-suppressing bell to suck away the corpse air.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes and Master Yixiu worked together to dispel a lot of corpse energy for Taoist Qianhe. Although Taoist Qianhe still didn't wake up, some color had returned to his original pale complexion.

Master Yixiu said solemnly: "I can only temporarily suppress the corpse energy for him and prevent the corpse energy from attacking the heart. In the end, it is up to you to find a way. After all, Taoists are the experts in dealing with zombies."

After saying that, Master Ikkyu prepared to leave.


"Stinky monk."

Lin Ge and Taoist Master Simu shouted to Master Yixiu at the same time, and then said in unison: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, after all, it won't help much. You should find a way to expel the corpse energy from Taoist Master Qianhe's body as soon as possible. I estimate... it can be suppressed for two days at most." Master Yixiu said.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes nodded, then looked at Lin Ge and said, "Senior Brother, Ninth Senior Brother is worse than me in treating corpse poison. Why don't we set off back to Renjia Village immediately and ask Ninth Senior Brother to take action."

"Okay." Lin Ge nodded.

After everyone cleaned up, they immediately set off overnight to return to Renjiacun.

However, at noon on the second day, Master Qianhe's condition had deteriorated a lot. His face was pale, cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

The most troublesome thing is that the nails have a tendency to turn black and become longer. This is a sign that the corpse energy is attacking the heart and transforming into a zombie. If left unchecked, it will turn into a zombie within an hour at most.

"Jia Le, bring the glutinous rice." After inspecting the injuries of Taoist Qianhe, Taoist Master Simu immediately asked Jiale to get the glutinous rice.

Jiale opened the rice bag and found less than a bowl of glutinous rice left in it: "Master, this is the only amount of glutinous rice left."

Along the way, they relied on glutinous rice and garlic to suppress the corpse qi in Taoist Master Qianhe's body. After the glutinous rice absorbs the corpse qi, it will turn black and cannot be used again. When setting off, Taoist Master Four Eyes considered this situation and specially asked Jiale to pretend. There were two big bags of glutinous rice. I didn’t expect that the glutinous rice would be used up only halfway through the journey.

Taoist Priest Simu took the glutinous rice, applied it to the wound for Taoist Qianhe, and said solemnly: "We can't survive Renjia Village like this. I remember there is a small town more than ten miles east of here, but this time I come back It will take a lot of time.”

Lin Ge discovered through observation along the way that each time he used glutinous rice to suppress the corpse energy, it could control it for one to two hours. If Qimei was allowed to lead him on the way, it wouldn't take much time to respond one after another.

"Why don't you take Junior Brother Qianhe and continue towards Renjia Village, and I'll go to the town to buy rice. I have Hongyi to help me on the way, so it won't take too much time to go back and forth." Lin Ge suggested.

Taoist priest Simu originally wanted Jiale to go, but considering Taoist priest Qianhe's situation and time issues, it was undoubtedly the safest for Lin Ge to go there in person.

"Senior brother, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay." After Lin Ge said that, he took out Qimei's blood-red "po" and held it in his hand, quickly moving to the east with the help of the red mirror in the ghost realm.

The town seemed unusually quiet at night, but as soon as Lin Ge stepped into the town, his keen sense of smell detected a strong ghost smell.

However, this is just ordinary ghost energy, not evil energy, which proves that these ghosts have not yet been implicated in human life and have resentment, similar to the family ghosts in Chen You's home.

Lin Ge was busy with something, so he had no intention of investigating. However, the whole town was quiet and quiet as he walked. The shop doors on both sides of the street were closed, and it was not easy to find a rice shop.

There was no other way, so Lin Ge could only go to those "local ghosts" and try to ask about the location of Mipu.

At this time, a mansion in the center of the town was brightly lit, and all the lanterns under the eaves were lit, illuminating the entire yard.

Outside the door, several servants carried a long table covered with yellow cloth and placed with tributes to the center of the yard.

A middle-aged man in luxurious clothes and a thin man with a mustache walked into the yard, followed by a large family.

The middle-aged man complained as he walked: "Oh, although this house was only built a year ago, in this year, our family has not woken up in bed one morning, and has been moved out of bed by ghosts every night."

Mustache shook his head and said: "Anyone who moves someone to the table is an evil person; someone who moves someone out of bed is an evil spirit. You must be afraid of evil people, evil spirits..."

Mustache said, sneered twice, patted his chest and said, "As long as I'm here, you don't have to be afraid!"

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "You are already the tenth Taoist priest who has said this to me. The other nine couldn't do anything about it."

"Nine out of ten Taoist priests don't do anything, and I am the tenth one..." Before the mustache could finish his words, he saw the middle-aged man taking out a large stack of banknotes, and his eyes suddenly widened: "Wow, silver The cinnabar on the ticket is so beautiful!”

The middle-aged man smiled and took out a small red envelope the size of two fingers from the inside of the banknote and handed it to the mustache: "It's a small thing, not a sign of respect."

Mustache took the red envelope and opened it. There was only one silver dollar in it. His face suddenly fell, and he said helplessly: "Everyone, please move away. I'm going to do this."


After the person stepped away, Mustache sighed, took off his outer robe with a snap, turned it over, and found a yellow Taoist robe on the inside.

The mustache put on the Taoist robe and yellow Taoist crown, picked up a handful of white paper money and threw it into the air: "First salute, then attack. Listen carefully!"

"I'm Mao Shanming, and I've been entrusted by Taishan Tan Wanwan to clean up the house!"

After Mao Shanming pinched the magic formula and cast it for a while, he pressed two fingers on the Bagua mirror on the table, and a copper coin flew into the air. He then twisted a needle with two fingers and took it forward. The copper coin fell with precise holes. through the copper needle.

"One pillar of Optimus pierces money, and one talisman shakes the home!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the copper needle with red thread passed through the yellow talisman, and the yellow talisman and the copper coin were threaded together. Mao Shanming picked up the yellow talisman, stood up, jumped onto the altar, and stepped on the table.

Mao Shanming raised his hand and threw it, and the copper needle in his hand took the yellow talisman and the copper coin, flew to the door plaque of the main house "Cuiyaju" in front, and nailed it to the door frame.

Then, Mao Shanming jumped down from the table, picked up the two paper umbrellas with black heads and yellow bodies placed on the corner of the table and threw them into the main room: "The purple river cart, a tonic in the world, and the oil paper cover, a treasure in the underworld, are given to you!" "

However, after the oil-paper umbrella was thrown into the house, there was no reaction.

"Ouch?" Mao Shanming picked up the mahogany sword on the table and walked towards the main room step by step. He said with an unkind expression: "I have scattered the paper money and said good things to you. If you don't admit your mistake, I will beat you and make it difficult for you! "

After several "clangs", the originally wide open doors and windows of Cuiyaju suddenly closed tightly, scaring Tan Wanwan's family into screaming and a group of people huddled together to keep warm.

At this time, the door opened again, and two oil-paper umbrellas were thrown out, hitting Mao Shanming right in the face. He was so angry that he cursed: "Oh, you don't know how to behave!"

"You guys watch outside while I take care of them!" After saying that, Mao Shanming picked up the copper bowl with glutinous rice on the table, picked up the peach wood sword, and rushed into the main room.

As soon as he entered the house, Mao Shanming grabbed a handful of glutinous rice and threw it into the house. With a few "pop" sounds, two ghosts, one large and one small, wearing similar Qing Dynasty official uniforms and shrouds exploded.



The two ghosts looked ferocious, and at the same time they rushed towards Mao Shanming with their teeth and claws bared. They were not very fierce, but they focused on a certain momentum, but if you look closely, it felt like acting.

"Watch the move!" Mao Shanming held the peach wood sword and made a move. The sword body glowed with red light and rushed towards the two ghosts. One person and two ghosts suddenly became a battle!

Outside the house, Tan Wanwan and his family saw Mao Shanming and the two ghosts, one big and one small, fighting fiercely and fiercely. Tables and chairs flew everywhere in the house, making a loud crackling noise. Suddenly, his heart was in his throat, fearing that Mao Shanming would be defeated by the two ghosts, and the two ghosts would blame them again.

After several fights, Mao Shanming was finally pinned to the ground by two ghosts and blasted with hammers. He couldn't help but cursed: "Hey, hey, hey, it's still making trouble! Have you two ghosts made enough trouble?"

The big ghost was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? You should be more serious!"

"I asked you to be serious, but I didn't ask you to be serious... You two guys are going to tear down my old bones, right?" Mao Shanming said angrily.

The two ghosts nodded helplessly: "Oh. That's okay."

"What are you doing standing there, why don't you go out and swindle money!" Mao Shanming urged.

The two ghosts understood each other, immediately let go of Mao Shanming, and rushed towards Tan Wanwan's family in the yard. They were so frightened that the whole family fled in all directions.

"Help, help!" Tan Baiwan was so frightened by the kid that he fell to the ground. Looking at the ferocious-looking kid approaching step by step, Tan Baiwan could only shout for help.

Mao Shanming rushed out with an oil-paper umbrella and fought with the big ghost "inextricably". While fighting, he shouted: "Put a silver note on its face. There is cinnabar on the silver note!"

Tan Wanwan quickly took out a banknote and stuck it on it.

Mao Shanming asked loudly: "How many taels did you post?"

"Fifty taels." Tan Wanwan replied, his face aching.

"Oh, fifty taels is not enough. The cinnabar on it is not powerful enough and it will still move." As soon as Mao Shanming finished speaking, the kid immediately tore off the banknote from his forehead and approached Tan Wanwan again.

Tan Baiwan was so frightened that he couldn't speak. Mao Shanming urged: "If you post five hundred taels, it will be no problem!"

Tan Wanwan quickly took out a 500-tael banknote and put it on the kid's forehead. Sure enough, as Mao Shanming said, the kid didn't move.

When Mao Shanming saw that he had the money, he accepted it as soon as it was good. He immediately took out the oil-paper umbrella and put the two ghosts he had raised back into the oil-paper umbrella.

Mao Shanming came to Tan Wanwan with two oil-paper umbrellas, stretched himself and said: "After finishing the work, I promise that you will not be moved out of bed by ghosts again."

"Really?" Tan Wanwan asked.

Mao Shanming patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I guarantee you'll be fine."

Tan Baiwan nodded when he heard this and said to several servants: "You guys go in and clean up quickly."

"Yes, sir."

As soon as several servants entered the house, Tan Baiwan suddenly remembered something and said solemnly: "Taoist Master, I don't think something is right. What we saw was a female ghost."

When Mao Shanming heard that there were really ghosts here, he was stunned. Then his expression returned to normal and he said calmly: "Ghosts must be ever-changing..."



"There's a ghost!!!"

Before Mao Shanming finished speaking, he saw the servants who had entered the house crawling out of the main house, ran to Mao Shanming, and dragged him into the house: "Taoist, Taoist! Inside And, there’s more!”

"Wait, wait! Let me take a look first, take a look first!" Mao Shanming said anxiously.

How could Tan Wanwan give him a chance? He winked at several servants, and they worked together to push Maoshan Mingchao's house and immediately closed the door.

As soon as Mao Shanming entered the house, he found that the air in the house seemed to be a few degrees colder. There was lightning and thunder outside, and the wind and rain were blowing, adding a bit of terror.

There was obviously no heavy rain outside the house, but Mao Shanming didn't have time to think about it. When he turned around, he saw that the house was filled with smoke. It was completely opposite to the bright main house before, and it was eerie.

Suddenly, a female ghost in white clothes appeared in the house. Mao Shanming was so frightened that he clung to the door and trembled. He kept saying "I, me, me" for a long time, but he didn't say a complete sentence.

The female ghost in white slowly turned around, only to see that she had a good appearance and a pale complexion. Apart from being a little cold, she was not very scary. When Mao Shanming saw this, he was no longer so afraid.

The female ghost in white said, "You seem to have something to say."

"I, what I want to say, I also say it on behalf of people outside. If what I say is wrong, don't blame me." Mao Shanming said carefully.

The female ghost in white said coldly: "Just tell me."

"As the saying goes... people live in the yang house, and ghosts live in the yin house. You should live in the yin house, so why mess up the yin and yang?" Mao Shanming said.

"Am I messing up Yin and Yang? Why don't you ask Tan Wanwan where he built his house!" The female ghost in white was obviously angry when she said this.

"Jian, where is it built?" Mao Shanming asked tentatively.

The female ghost in white said angrily: "He built his house on our family's graveyard. How can you feel comfortable if you are always being pressed down by others?"

Mao Shanming said: "Then if you don't feel comfortable alone, you have to make other people feel uncomfortable. Isn't it... a little too much?"

"I'm not the only one who's feeling uncomfortable, there's also my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my brother..." The female ghost in white announced her names one by one just like the names of dishes, and as she called out each name, the room became filled with excitement. There was one more ghost, and soon the room was filled with ghosts.

"Enough, enough!" Mao Shanming was frightened and waved his hands repeatedly. Unexpectedly, he stepped on a bell on the ground when he retreated. When the bell rang, several ghost heads began to wail in pain.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it!" Mao Shanming picked up the bell and kept waving his hands to apologize, which ended up ringing the bell louder.

The female ghost was completely angry and immediately rushed towards Mao Shanming. Mao Shanming was defeated by the female ghost and opened the oil-paper umbrella to release both the big ghost and the little ghost.

"Come and help me!"

However, with the addition of two ghosts, Mao Shanming only had six hands. He was no match for the ghosts in the room, and he was immediately beaten up and ran around the room.

Hearing the screams coming from the main house, Tan Wanwan and others in the yard were a little unbearable. They were considering whether to open the door and let Mao Shanming out, when they saw a young man walking in at the gate.

"Hey, good evening everyone, have you eaten?"

"Let me ask for directions."

"Where is the nearest rice shop?"

The person who came was Lin Ge, who came all the way smelling the ghost smell. He originally thought that the house was full of ghosts, but he didn't expect that there were a whole yard of people standing there.

The hostess looked at Lin Ge's face, her face turned red, and she kindly advised: "Young man, please leave quickly, our place... our place is haunted."

"It's haunted in the middle of the night? If you tell me this, I won't be sleepy anymore." Lin Ge had long heard the movement in the house, and combined with the altar in the yard, he was wondering which movie's "branch" this was. I saw two ghosts, one big and one small, escaping through the closed wooden door.

"Ah! Ghost!"

Tan Wanwan's family was immediately frightened.

Lin Ge stepped forward directly and used Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to grab the two ghosts with one hand, one on the left and one on the right, and lifted them forward.

Lin Ge originally thought that the two ghosts were going to fight back or beg for mercy, but he saw the two ghosts looking at him in surprise. The big ghost immediately said: "Taoist? Taoist! Taoist! Please save Uncle Ming, he, He was surrounded by a group of ghosts inside!"

Big ghost, little ghost, Uncle Ming?

Isn't it a coincidence that when you go out to buy rice, you can meet the last piece of the puzzle of Maoshan F4, the funny "ghost breeder" Mao Shanming!

And these two ghosts, big and small, are the ghosts "Dabao" and "Xiaobao" raised by Maoshan Ming.

Lin Ge let go of Dabao and Xiaobao, looked back at Tan Baiwan and said, "Hey, if I solve this house of ghosts for you, is it okay to give me a bag of glutinous rice?"

Tan Baiwan hurriedly said: "As long as you can solve it, let alone one bag of glutinous rice, I will give you ten bags of glutinous rice, one hundred kilograms, five hundred kilograms of glutinous rice!"

"Two or three hundred pounds is enough. Remember your words, otherwise I will make your house full of ghosts." After Lin Ge finished speaking, he walked towards the main house.

Standing at the door, Lin Ge raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Listen to the ghosts inside. You have been surrounded by me. Release the Taoist priest immediately and come out to surrender."

All the people and ghosts in the yard were dumbfounded when they heard this...

Is this man crazy?

With a "clang", the door opened to the inside, and the room was gloomy and filled with white smoke. There was no ghost, only Mao Shanming lying motionless in the middle of the room, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Lin Ge walked into the house and heard a "clang" sound, and the door closed automatically.




Suddenly, a ghost whistle sounded in the house, and then one ghost after another appeared one after another, and the room was filled with people in an instant.

"Oh, there are quite a few." Lin Ge raised his hand and materialized a chair behind him. After sitting down, he crossed his legs and looked at the room full of ghosts leisurely.

The ghosts in the room were roaring and approaching Lin Ge step by step. Several fierce ghosts on the left and right wearing servants' and maids' clothes took the lead in rushing towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge sat on the chair without making any move, not intending to stop these ghosts from approaching. However, when the ghosts were still two meters away from Lin Ge, several groups of red mist condensed in front of them, forming a blood-red mirror!

Immediately afterwards, pale and slender hands stretched out from the mirror, and slapped them a few times, sending the ghosts flying away.

The ghosts in the room had never seen this kind of "spell" before. They were frozen in place for a moment, neither entering nor not entering.


The female ghost in white roared before, and all the ghosts who had been hesitant to step forward suddenly became ferocious in appearance, and all rushed forward!

With a "clang", Lin Ge raised his hand and threw a dark object in the center of the room.

The female ghost in white who was walking at the front glanced at the sign on the ground, suddenly froze, and shouted: "Wait a minute."

All the ghosts in the room stopped, and the female ghost in white immediately stepped forward and bowed to Lin Ge: "I don't know if the little girl is the 'Black Impermanent Messenger', sir. Please forgive me."

When the surrounding ghosts heard the words "Hei Wu Chang Envoy", their faces suddenly became paler. They changed from their previous hideous and terrifying appearance with teeth and claws, and stood in place in a dignified manner.

What are ghosts most afraid of?

Naturally, it is Yin Bing Gui Cha, and Black and White Wuchang is the immediate boss of Yin Bing Gui Cha. Not to mention seducing people, it is easy to kill a lonely ghost with a slap.

The female ghost in white said timidly: "Master Hei Wichang, we have never done anything harmful to nature, let alone harmed anyone. Please be careful."

Lin Ge raised his finger and pointed at Mao Shanming not far away and said, "Is this harmless?"

The female ghost in white said with an aggrieved look: "This stinky Taoist priest cheated and took money from the gangster outside and wanted to drive us out. We wanted to beat him up, but he fainted from fright first. Sir, we We don’t want to disturb the order of Yin and Yang, but Tan Wanwan’s family built their house on our ancestral grave, which makes us unable to have peace day and night. We had no choice, so we came up with this strategy to scare their family away. "

"Why didn't you go to the underworld to be reincarnated?" Lin Ge asked.

The female ghost in white said: "Our family is huge and has many branches, but because of an accident... Alas. But after all the evil wealth has been dissipated, only a few generations have been sent away. Without the management of the evil wealth, the remaining ghosts of us can only I waited for Yinsha to seduce my soul at the ancestral grave, but I waited for several years and no Yinsha appeared."

Lin Ge: ...Those who are well-organized are fishing for fish, and those who are not well-organized are fighting against the demon clan. It’s really strange that there is a conspiracy to seduce the souls.

"In that case, I will send you to reincarnation." Lin Ge raised his hand to explore, and the "Hei Wuchang Envoy" on the ground flew back to his hand.

He slapped the token and waited for about half a minute. A green crack appeared on the ground, followed by a burst of green smoke, and two ghosts appeared.

According to the Tauren... er, Tauren Hu Bufan, he can use the token of "Black Impermanence" to mobilize Yin soldiers or ghosts to work for him.

For example, he does not need to do anything related to the underworld, such as seducing souls, sending souls away, etc.

Of course, it remains to be verified whether this is only effective in the world of "Zombies". However, judging from the famous names of Hu Bufan and others, even if the world is different, people are still the same group of people. As long as they can cheat, who says they can't "enforce law across borders"?

"Master Hei Wuchang, may I ask what your orders are?" The two ghost servants saluted Lin Ge respectfully.

Lin Ge said: "Please take this house to a ghost town and wait for reincarnation."

"As commanded."

Lin Ge was not "abusing his power". The Impermanence Envoy was the captain of a shady team, and his duties also included seduction. He had been to the ghost town a few days ago.

Due to the battle with the Black Mountain Old Demon in the ghost town, there were not many "residents" left in the ghost town. He sent this house of ghosts down to "perform his duties" and at the same time help the ghost town replenish its population.

The two ghost messengers took out the fire lottery and chanted a spell to open the door to the underworld.

The ghosts in this room did not expect that Lin Ge would give them the opportunity to be reincarnated with just two words. They immediately knelt down and thanked him for his great kindness.

After the female ghost in white kowtowed, she stood up and said to Lin Ge: "Your Majesty is so kind and kind, and this little girl can't repay you. If you don't mind me, I'm willing to serve you like a willow..."

"Stop it. After you finish saying this, I guarantee you won't be reborn."

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, a cloud of red mist appeared behind him, and the ghost realm opened up, covering the entire room. The terrifying evil aura suddenly made the ghosts in the room tremble.

"My lord, forgive me. My lord, forgive me." The female ghost in white thought she had offended Lin Ge, and was so frightened that she knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Lin Ge waved his hand and asked the ghosts to take away all the female ghosts in white.

Then, he came to Mao Shanming, raised his hand and patted his face, and said: "Hey, Uncle Dong, I won't care about you chasing me all over the building. Don't pretend to be asleep. Get up quickly." Bar!"

Mao Shanming sat up from the ground and looked at Lin Ge with a grateful face: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for helping me. It's a great kindness. I, Mao Shanming, will never forget it. However, fellow Taoist, you just said that you are very satisfied with the pursuit." What does Lou Yi mean? I seem to have never seen Taoist friend before."

"Just teasing you." Lin Ge said, got up and walked outside the house.

When Tan Wanwan saw Lin Ge coming out, he immediately came up to him and asked, "Taoist Priest, has everything been resolved?"

Tan Wanwan invited ten Taoist priests, and Lin Ge was the only one who walked into the room and walked out unscathed. He immediately placed his hope on him.

Lin Ge said: "Boss Tan, you built your house on other people's ancestral graves and suppressed hundreds of souls. It's considered good that they didn't hurt your lives. Although I have sent them to the underworld, I have two suggestions for you. , it’s up to you whether you want to listen or not. First, demolish the house here and move the whole family out of here; second, if you want to continue living here, you need to build an ancestral hall and erect ten nameless tablets to worship."

"I understand, I understand. I will ask someone to arrange the affairs of the ancestral hall tomorrow." Tan Baiwan nodded quickly after hearing this. He spent a lot of money to buy this land and build this house, so naturally he couldn't just give up.

Lin Ge asked again: "Where's the rice I want?"

"Quickly, get the rice for the Taoist priest." Tan Baiwan quickly asked his servants to get the rice. As soon as he finished the order, he noticed Mao Shanming beside him, pointed at Mao Shanming and said anxiously: "You, you liar, then You obviously brought these two ghosts, please pay me back quickly, pay me back!"

Mao Shanming originally wanted to say a few polite words to Lin Ge, but seeing that Tan Wanwan had seen through his trick, he dared to stay here. He quickly picked up the box and ran away. Tan Wanwan and a group of servants chased him out, and the dark streets Above, there is still the shadow of Mao Shanming.

The appearance of Mao Shanming made Lin Ge think of another problem. In the movie "Mr. Spiritual Fantasy", although Uncle Ying also plays the role of Uncle Jiu, he is not the Uncle Jiu of Renjiacun, and his apprentice is not Qiu Shengwencai, but Aqiang, the "cheating apprentice" played by Awei.

This Aqiang has no ability, he is the only one who causes trouble. The plot in the movie is advanced by relying on his various clever operations to cause trouble, which makes people's blood pressure soar.

However, since Mr. Ren Zombie and Mr. Wu, both played by Baozong, appear at the same time, so to speak... there are two "Nine Uncles" in this world?

"Taoist Master, you want the rice." Several servants came to Lin Ge carrying several bags of glutinous rice.

Lin Ge opened the bag and grabbed a handful of rice to check. It was indeed all glutinous rice and not mixed with other rice.

Tan Baiwan came up and asked, "Taoist Master, it's hard to get so much rice. Why don't you put some here first and come back to get it when you have time."

"No need."

Lin Ge picked up two bags of rice in one hand and walked towards the door.

With the help of Qimei, Lin Ge really didn't spend much time coming back and forth. When he caught up with Taoist Master Simu and his party, they had just entered the forest road not long ago.

With the glutinous rice, garlic, and soul-suppressing bell, it can at least ensure that Priest Qianhe will not have any big problems before arriving at Renjiacun.

All the way back to Renjiacun, Lin Ge and his party were surprised to find that there was no one in the originally bustling market at the entrance of the village that morning.

The strangest thing is that there is a pungent smell of blood in the air!

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