Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 228 Sorry, we are notorious for protecting our shortcomings

When Lin Ge was in the world of reincarnation, he usually either practiced at night or only slept lightly for a short period of time.

On the day before yesterday, the Underworld team had consumed a lot of spiritual energy and energy, and had traveled all night with Taoist Master Four Eyes. They were also a little tired, so they set up the TV to play a movie, put on the black umbrella, the little girl and Ou Yongqi to "watch", and then they felt relieved. Lying on the bed and falling asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept when a cockcrow sounded.

Lin Ge frowned slightly, turned over, and went back to sleep.

At this time, I could faintly hear the sound of chanting sutras, like a mosquito flying around my ears. And every time he reads a few sentences, he will knock the wooden fish.

Lin Ge then remembered that in the movie, Master Yixiu would get up to chant sutras and knock fish every time the cock crows. He suddenly sighed in his heart. It was rare that he had no chance to sleep well.

However, before Lin Ge could express his dissatisfaction, he saw a red figure jump onto the bed with a whoosh, jumping on the bed and shouting: "It's so noisy, uncle, can I demolish his house?"

The little girl stepped on Lin Ge's body and jumped up and down, but because it was weightless, Lin Ge didn't feel anything.

But what comforted Lin Ge was that the naughty kid finally listened to what he said. Since she told the little girl not to take action without permission, at least she doesn't have to worry about waking up and killing all the creatures around her.

Before Lin Ge could express his position, he heard a roar coming from the next room: "I'm so annoyed!"

Lin Ge sat up from the bed with a bang, picked up the little girl and walked to the next door. He smiled and said, "Let's go and have some fun with you."

"Hehe. Okay, okay."

The little girl was held in Lin Ge's arms and clapped her hands happily.

next door.

"I can't take it anymore!"

The four-eyed Taoist priest suddenly sat up from the bed, and he angrily pulled off a pair of coconut shell "earmuffs" on his ears: "Coconut shells, useless! Small bowls, useless! Cotton, useless! Even the wick...can't stop you!"

Lin Ge and the little girl standing at the door were instantly amused when they saw Taoist Master Four Eyes taking off the things on his ears one by one.

"Hee hee hee."

"Uncle, how could he put so many things in his ears... Just go over and demolish the monk's house that is making so much noise, wouldn't it be enough?"

Lin Ge:...Girl, when did you fall in love with demolishing a house?

Taoist Priest Simu took out a beautifully crafted box that was one foot long, one and a half palms wide, from under the bed. He walked out of the room with the box in his arms, and happened to bump into Lin Ge who was "watching a show" at the door: "Brother, I was also disturbed to sleep. No, right? Wait, I'll buy the next door and drive away the smelly monk!"

After saying that, Taoist Priest Four Eyes walked towards the opposite room angrily.

Jiale, who was sleeping in the living room, saw Taoist Priest Simu going out. He stood up and asked strangely: "Master, it's not yet dawn, where are you going?"

"buy house!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes went straight to Master Yixiu's house and kicked open the door. Jin Jiang smashed the box on the table and shouted to Master Yixiu: "Monk, come here."

Master Yixiu looked at Taoist Master Four Eyes, stood up with a smile and said, "Good morning, Taoist Brother. It's a sin to come and pay my respects so early."

"Shut your mouth. Tell me how much it will cost. I want to buy your house so that you won't bother me!" Taoist Priest Simu opened the box, which contained a box full of gold bars.

"Wow, so many gold bars!" Master Yixiu's eyes widened when he saw it. He obviously didn't expect Taoist Master Four Eyes to be so rich.

The four-eyed Taoist priest pointed at the gold bars in the box and raised his head: "Tell me, how much."

Master Yixiu chuckled and said: "Brother Dao, we are all good neighbors, and we are finally destined to be destined. How can fate be bought with money?"

"Hey, let me ask you, what do you need to do before you are willing to move?" Taoist priest Shimu asked.

Master Yixiu said: "Amitabha, this poor monk plans to chant sutras here day and night until he passes away."

"Okay! I will keep an eye on you to see when you will die!" Taoist Master Four Eyes angrily picked up the gold box and suddenly noticed a clay doll on the table.

The four-eyed Taoist priest picked up the clay doll and said, "Hey, monk, think what I just said was a fart. This clay doll looks quite like you."

"Oh, it was Qingqing who made it look like me." Master Yixiu replied.

"Oh, can you give it to me?" Taoist Priest Simu asked.

Master Yixiu said generously: "Okay, take it if you like."

Taoist priest Simu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take it as a souvenir. Since you want to commemorate it, you can sign it for me. It will be more commemorative."

Master Yixiu happily took the clay doll and said, "The signature is not sincere enough, how about a fingerprint?"

"Okay, that's better." Taoist Master Four Eyes happily took the clay doll that Master Yixiu had placed on the base, thanked him, and walked towards the door.

His face was originally full of smiles, but as soon as he went out, he suddenly became vicious and quickened his pace towards his house.

"You're dead this time."

As soon as Taoist Master Simu returned to the house, he immediately ordered Jiale: "Get up the altar."

Lin Ge looked at the two busy people and deliberately approached him and asked, "You got up before dawn. What are you planning to do?"

"Oh, teach that smelly monk a lesson and let him disturb my dreams!" Taoist Master Four Eyes snorted coldly.

As he spoke, he picked up a palm-sized little man made of straw, then wrote a spell on a thumb-sized yellow charm and pasted it on the scarecrow's head.

When Lin Ge watched a movie before, he was very interested in the magical "substitution technique" used by Taoist Master Four Eyes. He learned the corpse exorcism technique yesterday, and he immediately planned to "steal from it again" today. What's more, learning skills from one's master's previous life is not considered "stealing from one's master".

"What kind of magic is this?" Lin Ge asked.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes looked up at Lin Ge and could see his thoughts at a glance. He asked with a smile on his face: "Hey, do you want to learn?"

"I think so." Lin Ge replied sincerely.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes raised his eyebrows: "It's okay to teach you. This is not a secret of our sect. However, if you teach me, then help me get a better position in the underworld in advance. Is it okay?" You don’t need to have real power. The most important thing is that you are famous and popular enough to be better than your senior brothers. Oh, I’m talking about other senior brothers, not including you.”

"This... it's not a big problem, but I'm curious, why are you always keen to take up your job early?" Lin Ge was full of confusion. After all, according to the master's style, or "mourning", he should not be interested in these, otherwise in 2002 After the "Zombie" in "Zombies" dies in battle, he will not refuse his job and start a band.

Taoist Master Four Eyes said helplessly: "Oh, senior brother, you don't know that among the several disciples of my master in the past, I was the one with the worst qualifications. I can't compare to my senior brother in terms of lightning skills, and I can't compare to my second senior brother in terms of magic skills." , compared to... even comparing the overall ability, it is far inferior to that of Ninth Senior Brother."

"" Lin Ge asked.

Taoist Master Simu raised his head and said proudly: "So when I came down the mountain, I swore that I would accept a smarter disciple who is worse than my senior brothers. From now on, I can say in front of them that I am not as good as you, but My apprentice is better than your apprentices, hahaha!"

Jiale on the side scratched his head in embarrassment, his eyes narrowed with a smile: "Master, I'm not as good as you said."

Taoist Master Simu's face suddenly fell: "In the end, I accepted a guy like Jiale, who was dull and unqualified, and almost made me angry to death. Forget it, the apprentice can't count on him, so he can only count on himself. It just so happens that senior brother You have a lot of face in the underworld, help me get a job in advance, then I can hold my head high in front of my senior brothers in the future."

When Jiale heard this, he suddenly cried and said, "Master."

"Shut up. Why don't you go get the chicken blood?" Taoist priest Four Eyes snorted.


Jiale immediately went to the kitchen to get chicken blood and prepare other things.

Taoist Priest Simu then lowered his voice and said to Lin Ge: "Actually, Jiale is very good, much better than the two incompetent guys like Ninth Senior Brother. However, only by enduring hardship can one become a master. I will let him now It is better to endure some hardship than to endure hardship later when he goes out."

"It makes sense." Lin Ge nodded: "Don't worry, when I see the little King of Hell later, I will try my best to find a job for you, even if it means using my identity as the 'Hei Impermanence Envoy'."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was moved by these words, and he quickly taught Lin Ge the spell seriously: "This spell is called 'Puppet Technique', it is also called 'Substitute Technique' and 'Possession Technique'. Those deceitful Taoist priests use it to 'kill little ones'." Human's spell is a branch of 'Puppetry'. This spell can not only be used to protect oneself, but can also be used to deal with enemies, such as the smelly monk next door."

"However, because the puppetry technique is very powerful, the conditions for its use are extremely strict. First, you need a personal belonging of the target, or something beloved. Secondly, the target must personally sign his name on the item. , or put a seal on it, if someone else signs it on your behalf, the thing will lose its effect."

"Of course, signatures cannot be done on 'personal objects' such as hair and nails, but there is another way, which is to wrap the target's hair and nails with a secret yellow talisman, and then let one person swallow it. The person who swallows the yellow talisman becomes a 'puppet', and no matter what is done to the puppet, the target will suffer the same damage."

"This secret talisman paper is very troublesome to make. Even the Ninth Senior Brother can't do it. So I made some and distributed them to him and his disciples in case of emergencies. Senior Brother, you have just learned this technique. You can prepare some, and I’ll ask Jiale to bring some to you later.”

Hearing this, Lin Ge suddenly realized that the spell Qiu Shengwencai used against Ah Wei at the Ren family's old house was actually the puppet spell.

However, Lin Ge originally thought that this was a spell mastered by Qiu Shengwencai himself, but he did not expect that it was actually written by Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was explaining the "Puppet Technique". Lin Ge had already received the prompt from the Lord God "With the help of Taoist Priest Four Eyes, you have learned a new mastery" just like before when he learned the "Corpse Exorcism Technique".

"It's no use just talking. Just watch. I'll demonstrate it to you once and you'll understand." Taoist Priest Four Eyes said, picking up the wooden blade and the clay doll.

At this time, Jiale came back with the chicken blood. Seeing this, he couldn't help but ask: "Master, are you... planning to play a trick on Master Ikkyu?"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes glanced at him sideways: "Is it good to be with him? Just stay here and study hard."

"Oh." Jiale had no choice but to step aside first.

Taoist Master Four Eyes took a wooden blade and cut off a piece of the clay doll's base covered with handprints, then placed it in the middle of the yellow talisman, kneaded the talisman to cast the spell, then folded the yellow talisman, attached it to his forehead, and recited the incantation.

After reciting the incantation, the four-eyed Taoist priest held the yellow talisman between the index and middle fingers of his right hand. With a "chi" sound, the yellow talisman ignited by itself, burning the earth base inside black.

Then, Taoist Priest Four Eyes raised his hand and threw the burning yellow talisman into the bowl of chicken blood. The whole bowl of blood instantly ignited.

Taoist Master Four Eyes kneaded the technique again, inserting his index and middle fingers into the bowl of burning chicken blood to stir. When he pulled it back, his two fingers were already wrapped in the flames of chicken blood.

The four-eyed Taoist priest endured the pain and wiped the flame from the scarecrow's head to his feet, and the yellow talisman on the scarecrow's forehead also burned.


The four-eyed Taoist priest pointed his finger, and the scarecrow standing flat on the long table suddenly stood up.


The four-eyed Taoist priest pinched his fingers again, and the scarecrow turned around obediently.

"Humph, let's see how long you can keep knocking!" Taoist Priest Simu snorted coldly.

As he spoke, he controlled the scarecrow to move to the corner of the table with some tricks, bent down to pick up the walnuts on the plate, and then threw them out of the table.

As the scarecrow was moved under the control of Taoist Master Four Eyes, Master Ikkyu in the next room lost control of his body. He stood up, picked up the wooden fish on the table, and threw it on the ground.


When Taoist Master Four Eyes heard the noise coming from next door, he was immediately overjoyed and began to play tricks on Master Ikkyu. He would either control Master Ikkyu to hit a pillar, prick the scarecrow's smile point with a needle, pinch his hand with a cupboard door, or Pick up the pliers on the table and pull out the tooth. The torture made Master Yixiu miserable and howling miserably.

"Brother, what do you think? This spell is good, isn't it? It's most suitable for dealing with annoying people like smelly monks." Taoist Priest Four Eyes said proudly.

Lin Ge nodded affirmatively: "It's indeed good."

Taoist priest Four Eyes was having fun when he suddenly saw white smoke rising from the top of the scarecrow's head. Then, the scarecrow fell onto the table. No matter how hard Taoist Four Eyes cast the spell, the scarecrow could not move.

"Strange. Why isn't it moving?"

Lin Ge reminded: "Perhaps it was cracked by Master Yixiu."

"Cracked? Just by that smelly monk?" Taoist Master Simu obviously didn't believe it.

Lin Ge looked towards the door and said, "Here, we're already here."

Taoist priest Simu turned around and saw Master Yixiu and his disciple Qingqing standing at the door. The two stared at him with evil intentions and approached step by step.

Suddenly, Master Ikkyu took out a circular magic weapon with a circle of Buddhist amulets from his back, and looked at the four-eyed Taoist priest. As soon as the four-eyed Taoist priest looked at the mirror image reflected in the middle of the magic weapon, he was surprised to find himself Can't move.

Then, the circle of circular Buddhist amulets surrounding the magic weapon began to rotate, and Taoist Priest Four Eyes suddenly felt as if his soul was being sucked into the magic weapon.

At this time, a yellow talisman flew from the side and was stuck in the center of the magic weapon, blocking the mirror image of the four-eyed Taoist priest. After the mirror image was blocked, Taoist priest Simu suddenly lost all strength and fell to the ground.

"Master. Are you okay?" Jiale quickly stepped forward and helped Taoist Simu up.

The Huang Fu was naturally created by Lin Ge. Although he really wanted to see Taoist Priest Four Eyes being tricked by Master Yixiu, drinking a tank of oil and saying "very oily, very slippery", but the fun can be slow. Take it easy, "one of our own" must not be bullied by outsiders.

Master Yixiu was obviously unhappy when Lin Ge broke the spell: "Taoist Master Lin, it was your junior brother who teased the poor monk first. Now the poor monk wants justice, is that okay?"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "No problem. Since Master Ikkyu wants to seek justice, let's have a good fight. He is teasing you, but because Master, just after your ugly time, the cock crows and he starts ringing the bell and chanting sutras. In the middle of the night It's three or four o'clock, Yin Shi has not passed yet, you are not going to sleep, we have to sleep. It is a heinous crime to disturb people's dreams. It would not be an exaggeration to throw this into the eighteenth level of hell in a hundred or two hundred years. Don't say he is just teasing you. Even if I beat you up in front of you, I will still give you a hammer..."

Qingqing was furious at Lin Ge's words and said angrily: "You are a nest of snakes and rats!"

"What are you talking about when adults talk? If you keep talking nonsense, I will make this peach of yours unripe for the rest of your life." Lin Ge glared at her, and the ghostly aura on his body instantly made Qingqing tremble and speechless.

Upon seeing this, Master Yixiu's face suddenly turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "So, Taoist Master Lin, are you sure you want to protect your junior brother today?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows: "Is there a problem? We have sent a famous defender, so Master Yixiu, are you going to challenge one of our factions alone today, or are we going to challenge one of our factions to one another? I won't help him deal with you. It's okay. Not bad, you actually dare to come here to show off?"

"Hee hee hee--"

"It's just that, it's so noisy, just forget it I didn't demolish your house."

At this time, the little girl's voice sounded behind Lin Ge.

Master Yixiu looked over when he heard the sound, his face suddenly condensed, and he said angrily: "Scary ghost! You actually raise a kid! Director Lin, the way of raising ghosts is not the right way, don't go astray!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Lin Ge said calmly.

Master Yixiu snorted coldly: "Since you, Taoist Master Lin, are obsessed with enlightenment, then you can cultivate monsters and be ruthless to the poor monk. This brat can no longer stay by your side and let the poor monk chant sutras to save her."

"Mind your own business!" Lin Ge said coldly.

However, Master Yixiu ignored Lin Ge's obstruction at all, clasped his hands together and began to chant scriptures.


The little girl immediately covered her head and ran away, screaming: "Ah, it's so noisy, he's so noisy, uncle, my head is about to explode!"

When Lin Ge heard this, his expression suddenly turned gloomy.

In the movie, Master Ikkyu himself is not a likable character, but the actor's superb acting skills make him very likable.

But in the movie, he repeatedly prevented the four-eyed Taoist priest from killing the guard who had turned into a zombie, which made people itchy with anger. As the saying goes, kill the Holy Mother first in the last days, Master Ikkyu should be the first to die.


Monk, I am the Buddha who is compassionate.

Unfortunately, except for a certain big boss who was really doing practical things, Lin Ge looked down on none of the guys in Western Paradise, and he didn't have much fondness for the monks.

Lin Ge grabbed the bowl of chicken blood on the table and threw it into Master Yixiu's face. Master Yixiu was stunned, and then looked at Lin Ge in shock: "Taoist Master Lin, please don't..."


A thick red mist suddenly surged behind Lin Ge, and then several red mirrors appeared behind Master Yixiu and Qingqing.

A pair of pale hands stretched out from the red mirror, grabbed Master Yixiu and Qingqing's necks from behind, and lifted them up.

Lin Ge was stunned for a moment. He didn't let Ou Yongqi take action at all, but he didn't expect that this person was even more angry than him. But yes, the little girl is a bear. She can beat her by herself behind closed doors, but can others bully her? That definitely won’t work!

Fortunately, the ghost sisters are now unconscious and imprisoned in the Five Elements Bagua Pan, while Huang Shang is trying his best to protect Huang Ni's remaining soul, otherwise the four "sisters" will know that the little girl of the TV five-person group has been bullied. Speaking of Master Yixiu, even if Ran Deng Buddha comes, he still has to take two tricks.

Lin Ge said coldly: "Monk, whenever I hear a verse of scripture while I am here, I will demolish your home and bury you master and disciple."

After speaking, Lin Ge directly asked Ou Yongqi to throw Master Yixiu and Qingqing out of the room.

"Senior brother...thank you." Taoist Priest Simu was deeply moved when he saw Lin Ge standing up for him. Recalling the days in the mountains, every time I made a mistake, my senior brothers protected me.


Our faction is all about protecting shortcomings.

You can just close the door and fight on your own, but if outsiders want to bully the people in Maoshan, they have to think about whether they can fight against each other!

Bosses, Happy Children’s Day! Hey, I took my baby out to play today and took a vacation, so I only have 5k, sorry about that!

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