Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 219 A day trip to the underworld: Ghost Painting Talisman, Mr. Bian

Lin Ge slapped his forehead and said with a look of annoyance: "Sigh. People say that I, a disciple of Maoshan, have the underworld on my back, and can go up to the heaven. Below is our base camp. I thought that senior brother, you are capable of heaven, and you have the qualifications of our generation. The most outstanding one. No matter how bad the situation is, I will arrange an important position for you, but I didn’t expect you to be so ignorant of promotion."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Ge rolled up his sleeves, as if he was about to fight, and walked towards the seam with green light: "Look, I kicked down the gate of Fengdu to seek justice for you, senior brother. These dogs are watching Those lowly people dare to look down on our Maoshan brand."

Uncle Jiu:? ? ?

Lin Ge's words seemed extremely arrogant, but every word of it was praising Uncle Jiu.

"No! Junior brother's brain is convulsed again! I just said that you can't practice that thing, right?" Uncle Jiu was shocked. Although he was very touched that he had such a high status in junior brother's heart, he really didn't know when the underworld and The relationship with Maoshan is so good that they have turned the place below into their home base.

The most important thing is that the underworld is a place that is about 50% different from the heaven. Where did Junior Brother get the confidence to dare to kick in the gate of Fengdu?

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Lin Jiu" increases. 】

Uncle Jiu quickly stopped Lin Ge: "Junior brother, you can't do it, you can't do it. Although I have many senior brothers in Maoshan working in the underworld, there are also many people from Sanshan Fulu and other sects below. For a position, competing for it It was a bloody blow. Last time the position of Ma Mian was vacant, I heard from a senior brother that there were more than 2,000 people competing for it..."

"Damn it, it's just the human world. Can you also do the underworld?" Lin Ge was a little surprised. It seems that the "underworld" settings in each world are different.

However, what can be confirmed from the movie "Zombie Supreme" is that in the world of zombie movies, Maoshan's status in the underworld is not as high as imagined.

Otherwise, Uncle Jiu would not have had to do such a thing as "opening a promissory note" if he asked Gui Cha for help.

Originally, Uncle Jiu wanted to prepare for a long-term plan for going to the underworld to search for Ren Tingting's soul, but now judging from his junior brother's reaction, it won't be long-term.

Uncle Jiu's face was solemn, and he looked at Lin Ge with a serious look, which made him doubt whether he was pretending too much, but he heard Uncle Jiu ask seriously: "Junior brother, tell me honestly, you and Miss Ren have developed to the point where What step is it now? As a brother, I shouldn't interfere with your personal affairs, but even if you want to be with Miss Ren, shouldn't you send your siblings to the afterlife first, cut off the previous relationship, and then start a new relationship? "

Lin Ge:? ? ?

This time it was Lin Ge's turn to have questions on his face.

In Uncle Jiu's zombie movies, there are basically golden bachelors who are either unrequitedly in love, are in unrequited love, or are being targeted by female ghosts.

In the movie, he acted like a fool, but I didn’t expect that he is quite good at it now?

Lin Ge felt that if he didn't explain, this cheap senior brother would be able to come up with an ethical love horror movie at eight o'clock.

"Senior brother, you really misunderstood. I swear by the personality of Grandmaster, Miss Ren and I really have nothing to do with each other." Lin Ge looked sincere, I can't believe it, Grandmaster, you have to trust me, right?

Uncle Jiu's expression is a little subtle. It is difficult for an upright official to interrupt household affairs. In this case, if you drag the ancestor into trouble, aren't you afraid of being punished by thunder?

Uncle Jiu sighed, feeling like a thousand words were gathered into this sigh. He went to the door to let Mr. Ren and Qiu Shengwen go upstairs. As a result, Ah Wei was the first one to rush up. Perhaps he wanted to show his face in front of his newly awakened cousin, so he hurriedly ran up. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw When he saw the green crack on the ground, he jumped three feet high in fear.

"Wow! There's something evil about it!" Ah Wei jumped back and bumped into Wen Cai, the second person who rushed upstairs.

Qiu Sheng came to the door. After seeing the green seam, he immediately walked around and entered the house. He came to Uncle Jiu and asked, "Master, what is this?"

"Yin Yang Road." Uncle Jiu replied.

Qiu Sheng asked in surprise: "Yin Yang Road? Going to the underworld? How come you are here?"

Before Uncle Jiu had time to answer, Master Ren, the housekeeper and others rushed over. As soon as Uncle Jiu saw him, he asked, "Uncle Jiu, how is Tingting? Is she awake?"

Uncle Jiu shook his head with a solemn expression, pointed to the green crack on the ground and said: "We found out that Miss Ren's soul has been taken to the underworld. What I mean is... take a safer approach, first set up a soul summoning array, Let’s consider the long term. But my junior brother decided to take the risk and enter the underworld to find Miss Ren’s soul.”

Hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly brightened.

Qiu Sheng was surprised and admired, and silently gave Lin Ge a thumbs up: "Uncle Master is so awesome. In order to retrieve Miss Ren's soul, he even dares to enter the underworld!"

Wen Cai was surprised and relieved. He sighed and said silently: "Uncle Master can do this for Miss Ren. I am convinced."

Master Ren looked at Lin Ge with a moved face and said excitedly: "Xian son-in-law, I never thought you could do this for Tingting. I..."

"Stop it!"

Lin Ge: ...You guys are so smart, why don't you get together to make a zombie movie? Go make a love ethics drama, it's guaranteed to be a hit!


This cheap senior brother, thank you so much!

Didn't I say that I would step in for you to kick down the door of Fengdu? Why did it turn into your mouth that I would go to the underworld for Ren Tingting? I bet you don’t think it’s chaotic enough, right?

"Senior brother, without further ado, we'd better set out quickly. Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai, you are responsible for keeping an eye on this place to prevent monsters and ghosts from causing trouble. Master Ren, you'd better have your servants seal the house and stay by Miss Ren's side personally. Senior brother and I will do our best to find her. Miss Ren’s soul.” After saying that, Lin Ge directly dragged Uncle Jiu and jumped towards Yin Yang Road.

"Junior brother, wait, my Taoist robe..." Only Uncle Jiu's echo remained in the crack.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other blankly, and Wen Cai couldn't help but said: "Qiu Sheng, why do I feel like Master has been kidnapped?"

Qiu Sheng shrugged: "There's nothing we can do if we kidnap him. We can't defeat our uncle."

"It makes sense." Wencai nodded silently.

Ah Wei carefully tried to sneak into the house, but Master Ren grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back. He then said to the housekeeper: "Send someone to take Master Biao home, and at the same time send someone to seal off the house. When Uncle Jiu didn't come back, Don’t let a fly in before now.”

"Yes, sir." The butler replied respectfully.

Ah Wei was carried out of the house by his servants, and couldn't help shouting: "Cousin, don't worry, I will go back to the security team to mobilize people, and promise to stay outside until the day my cousin wakes up. My sincerity, heaven and earth... "

However, Master Ren entered the room without even hearing Ah Wei's words. He came to the bed and sat down, looking at the unconscious Ren Tingting with worry on his face.

On the other side, Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu fell on a green mist-filled underworld path after nearly half a stick of incense.

Lin Ge looked around and couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that the scene where the Great Sage went to the underworld was shot on location, not special effects."

It was also the first time for Uncle Jiu to come to the underworld. He was so focused on observing the environment that he didn't hear clearly what Lin Ge was saying: "Junior brother, what did you just say?"

“I said this is different from the underworld I’ve been to before,” Lin Ge said.

Uncle Jiu was surprised: "Have you ever been to the underworld before?"

"I went there once and made a few friends there." Lin Ge recalled that in "2002" he and Huang Yongfa went to the underworld to fish for people. The underworld there was a modern building. The difference was that it was hanging upside down in the sky and looked like It's a weird reverse world.

"Is there anything different in the underworld?" Uncle Jiu asked again.

Lin Ge didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to educate Uncle Jiu, so he cleared his throat and explained seriously: "The underworld is almost as big as the underworld, divided into many areas, and like the underworld, there are cities, villages, and some ghosts." After coming down, go to the city and reincarnate. Some ghosts are not qualified to be reincarnated, so they can only live as a lonely ghost in the wilderness until their quota is fulfilled."

Uncle Jiu asked in surprise: "Are you talking about qualifications for reincarnation? Are you talking about quotas?"

Lin Ge and "Huang Yongfa" swapped their identities, and suddenly found that this feeling was not bad, so he told Uncle Jiu again according to the "underworld information" that Huang Yongfa had originally taught him.

Uncle Jiu was stunned for a long time, and then said: "So that's it... I always feel that the underworld you mentioned, junior brother, is a little different from the situation described by those senior brothers before."

"It's different areas." Lin Ge said casually.

Uncle Jiu nodded and said: "But I have heard from my senior brothers before that there are many senior brothers in the Nanmao Gezu lineage in the underworld. No wonder, junior brother, you said that coming to the underworld is like 'going home'. There should be many things here." Few acquaintances.”

Lin Ge was stunned.

Damn it, I forgot about this.

How do you say that? Behind one lie, there are countless lies to build it up...

Lin Ge was a little glad that this was not a nightmare and there were no lying debuffs, otherwise he would have had to take a bath in thunder punishment in his situation.

"I hope I can meet an acquaintance. I believe it will be easier to find Miss Ren's soul." Lin Ge decided to try the life cards of Hu Bufan and others. Since they can be found with the life cards in "The Grudge", there is no reason to do this. You can't find it in my domain, right?

Of course, the premise is that they also exist here.

Uncle Jiu said: "It would be good to have acquaintances to help,'s very foggy here, and it's not easy for us to find the right path."

"Mist?" Lin Ge pinched the magic formula and opened his double-pupil sky eyes. Although the field of vision was limited, the fog within a few hundred meters had disappeared.

In the distance, an eerie ancient city gate appeared in Lin Ge's field of vision.

"Senior brother, come this way." Lin Ge relied on his eyes to ignore the foggy environment and led Uncle Jiu straight to the city gate.

The red city gate was closed tightly, but there was no trace of the evil soldiers and ghosts around.

There is a red plaque hanging on the city gate, with the words "Ghost Pass" written in black fonts, but strangely, those three words seem to be alive, emitting black smoke, and from time to time the words will move slightly.

Just when Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu raised their heads to observe the words "Ghost Pass", they heard a faint voice coming from above: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a ghost painting? Master Bian, I am a little sick today and cannot move around." What's wrong with moving your body? If you don't accept it, sue me."

It was the door plaque that spoke.


A very temperamental plaque.

Lin Ge was about to make a joke when he saw Uncle Jiu step forward, raised his hands and said respectfully: "Master Bian, we two senior brothers are going to the ghost town, can we make it easier?"

"Convenient? Look at me, I'm squirming like maggots. It's convenient for you. Who can help me?" The words "Guimenguan" were twisted and said.

"This..." Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Ge, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Lin Ge rolled up his sleeves and said, "It's okay. There are maggots on my body. I can cure this disease."

"Can you cure it?" The words "Guimenguan" almost expressed the doubts in Uncle Jiu's heart at the same time.

"Senior brother, let me do it." Lin Ge smiled and asked Uncle Jiu to stand aside. Then he touched his right hand, and with a red light, the fire sign appeared in his hand.

"Wait a minute!" After Guimen Guan saw clearly what Lin Singzhong was holding, he suddenly screamed in shock: "How come you have a way to increase the number of generals..."

However, before he finished speaking, Lin Ge raised the fire lot and drew it, coldly shouting: "It's maggots, just draw them clean!"

The fire sign instantly exploded into a red wave of fire that hit the three characters "Ghost Gate" and instantly burned away the black smoke it emitted.


Another click.

The gate of hell was so painful that he screamed: "Stop! Stop! Do you want to burn me to death? Stop it, stop it, it hurts, it hurts. I'll let you in. Can't I let you in?"

With a "creak" sound, the closed red door of the ghost gate slowly opened a crack.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry in." The ghost gate urged Lin Ge and the two to leave as if they were chasing away the plague.

Lin Ge put down the fire sign, but had no intention of entering. He looked up at the gate of hell and asked with interest: "Hey, Lao Bian, I want to ask you something."

gate of hell:……

Thinking back to the pain of being burned by the fire sign just now, although I don't know why the man in front of me has the magical weapon of General Zeng, he must be a person with a good background. I can only hold back my anger and ask: "What are you asking?"

"We are here to find the soul of a girl..." Lin Ge briefly described Ren Tingting's appearance, and then said, "Have you seen her before?"

"No." Gui Menguan answered decisively.

Lin Ge raised the fire sign: "Oh, that's it, then you are of no use. Before, when I was drinking with the second general, Zhong Kui, and the Bull Head Horse Noodles, they said that the card of "Ghost Gate" has been around for so many years, and there has been no chance to change it. The new one, I happen to be good at calligraphy. In this case, it’s better to choose a different day than to hit the sun, so let’s change it today!”

"Wait a minute! Big brother, big brother, stop, stop!" Gui Menguan was so frightened that he screamed and quickly begged Lin Ge for mercy: "I have never seen the girl's soul you mentioned. And... the ghost town has been in recent days. There is a big event, and all the city gates are closed, and no new soul has entered for several days. I saw you holding a fire sign, and thought you were a friend of the ghost general, so I let you in as a 'convenience'."

"Big deal? How big of a deal can it be? It's not just trivial matters... Since they can't handle it, they can only let us find a way." Lin Ge snorted coldly and said with a arrogant look.

Gui Menguan's face changed when he heard this: "Boss, the assassination of a ghost general is not a big deal? Wait, are you the new ghost general who has come to take over?"

Sorry, I'm still in the hospital... This chapter was originally meant to be a make-up update during the day, but now I can only use it to "fill in my shift"... I'll continue updating it when I go back tomorrow.

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