Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 218 “Sing and dance rap” (Maoshan version)

"Quickly?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows: "I'm afraid if you go any slower, you will be completely eroded by that evil thing, and by then you will become a human, a ghost."

Seeing Ren Tingting's reaction, Lin Ge also knew that this girl was thinking wrongly. For a moment, I missed a certain girl who was full of complaints. At this time, she would definitely respond with a few words.

Although Ren Tingting was full of face-based attributes, she was not a stupid person. When she heard Lin Ge's words, she immediately realized that what Lin Ge wanted to express was that she was still entangled by the evil thing, not anything else.

"Lin, Uncle Lin, are you telling the truth?" Ren Tingting asked nervously.

Lin Ge looked serious and upright as he said, "How can we, as monks, joke about this kind of thing? Besides, I never do such dirty things as deceiving little girls."

"Oh..." Ren Tingting was instantly conquered by Lin Ge's righteousness and slowly unbuttoned her little dress.

The little dress just retreated to her shoulders, revealing her white shoulders.

Suddenly, there was a loud "dong" sound. Awei was naked, with one shirt sleeve in his left hand, and the rest was dragged on the ground. His lower body pants were halfway back, and he ran into the door with his clothes disheveled. He threw himself on the ground, pitifully. Xixi raised his head, but when he saw the situation in the room, he was stunned and froze.

"Hahaha! Uncle Master, this guy..."

"Uncle Master, we..."

The joking voices of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai came from outside the door, but when they saw clearly what was going on inside the house, they instantly looked surprised.


Ren Tingting screamed, held down her clothes, hugged her shoulders, hid behind the bed and squatted down.

Qiu Sheng looked at Lin Ge in disbelief, his eyes seeming to say, "Uncle, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person," while Wen Cai was completely gray and felt that his world had collapsed.

After Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai pulled out Ah Wei's hair, they wrapped it in a yellow talisman, and then let Wen Cai eat it. Whatever Wen Cai did, Ah Wei would follow suit.

Qiu Sheng asked Wen Cai to take off his clothes outside the house, and Ah Wei inside the house followed suit, and was then controlled by Wen Cai to tease the maid.

Awei realized that he was "possessed", so he thought there were two "Taoist priests" upstairs. Taking advantage of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai's confusion, he rushed upstairs in one breath.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai hurriedly chased upstairs. As soon as they entered the "connection" range, Ah Wei was controlled by the power of the talisman again. He turned around and rushed into Ren Tingting's study.

Ah Wei has been to this study several times before. Master Ren originally prepared a large and comfortable soft bed in the study so that Ren Tingting could lie down and rest when she was tired of reading.

If Ren Tingting really wants to read a book and sleep in the study, there's nothing wrong with it. Even if she takes off her clothes, it's normal. But... besides Ren Tingting, there is another living person in this room, and he is also a man!

Shock, heartbreak, and collapse of the worldview shocked Awei and Wencai for a moment. Among the three, only Qiu Sheng, who had played with the female ghost last night, accepted it immediately.

There is no shame in losing to Uncle Master.

"What happened?" At this time, Uncle Jiu and Master Ren came to the door after hearing Ren Tingting's "scream" and hurriedly ran out of the study to check the situation.

Seeing Awei lying on the ground in embarrassment, Uncle Jiu and Master Ren thought it was Qiu Shengwencai who was bullying Awei. However, when they saw Ren Tingting squatting beside the bed with her clothes on the other side of the window, they immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. .

"Awei, how unbecoming are you!" Mr. Ren obviously thought wrongly, thinking that Awei wanted to use force on his good daughter, and immediately prepared to call someone to drive Awei out.

Ah Wei lay on the ground and immediately shouted that he was wronged. Wen Cai's listless behavior also aroused Uncle Jiu's suspicion. When Uncle Jiu looked at Ah Wei again, he suddenly realized that his two careless apprentices were playing tricks on Ah Wei. .

"You bastard, you are causing trouble here!" Uncle Jiu grabbed Wencai, who had taken off his coat and held it in his hands, and punched him twice in the stomach.

Wencai retched and spit out the yellow talisman he had swallowed.

After Awei discovered that he could control his body, he immediately got up and complained to Master Ren: "Cousin, it's not what you think. I was possessed and my body was out of control. And, and, before I came in, they, they were there ...It’s him, it’s this guy, it’s him who wants to offend his cousin!”

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Ge with a strange look on his face, and Master Ren's expression changed from the initial shock to an intriguing one.

Master Ren walked up to Lin Ge, patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Xiao Lin, in this case, don't blame me for saying something to you as an 'elder'. Even if you and my daughter You agree with me, but this kind of thing cannot be rushed. Uncle Jiu happens to be here today, so why not let him choose a good and auspicious day to celebrate the happy event!"

Lin Ge:? ? ?

Lin Ge was about to explain when Master Ren said seriously: "However, if Xiao Lin can consider joining our Ren family, then I will promise you in front of Uncle Jiu that as long as you treat my daughter sincerely, From then on, you will inherit the Ren family’s property. I believe that Uncle Jiu’s junior brother has absolutely no problem with his character!”

Good guy, this master’s brain power is too strong, right? This matter is totally just a cross-server chat, and he can actually bring it up to "bringing in"?

For a moment, Lin Ge wondered if if he didn't explain it, he would have a book titled "Sweeping the Reincarnation from Entering Ren's Family" tomorrow.

"Master Ren, it's really..." Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he suddenly realized that the vague evil aura before had become obvious. He frowned slightly and felt a little bad in his heart.

Suddenly, with a soft "dong" sound, Ren Tingting fell directly to the ground.

"Tingting!" Mr. Ren hurried forward. Awei and Wencai were also worried about Ren Tingting's condition. They wanted to step forward, but Mr. Ren was gone and they could only stand there obediently.

As soon as Mr. Ren picked up Ren Tingting, he noticed something was wrong. Ren Tingting's whole body was as cold as a dead person, without even a breath.

"Uncle Ninth! Uncle Ninth! Come and see Tingting!" Master Ren said anxiously.

Lin Ge immediately said: "Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai, take Ah Wei out. Senior brother, I found that Miss Ren still had the scent of the fog ghost on her body, so I asked her to take me to the room. I wanted to check her out, but I didn't want to be beaten by Ah Wei. Wei and others broke in to disturb her. Check for her to see if she is contaminated with evil spirits!"

When Uncle Jiu heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn. He quickly walked up to Master Ren, pinched his fingertips towards Ren Tingting's eyebrows, and his expression suddenly changed!

Master Ren asked anxiously: "Uncle Jiu, what's wrong with Tingting?"

Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice: "It's strange. This is a symptom of Miss Ren's soul leaving the body. However, when I was trying to drive away the evil spirit of the fog ghost for her, I checked her and found that there was no problem."

"What should we do?" Master Ren suddenly panicked.

Uncle Jiu immediately stood up and shouted to Qiu Shengwencai: "You two immediately prepare the things for opening the altar. Master Ren, please ask the housekeeper to cooperate with them in preparing the things. We need to set up the altar to summon the soul as soon as possible. I don't know where Miss Ren's soul is." The soul is separated from the body at some time, but the longer the soul is separated from the body, the greater the damage to the body. It can range from becoming stupid, to severe, the soul cannot return to the body, and even gods can’t save it!"

Upon hearing this, Master Ren quickly ordered the housekeeper to cooperate with Qiu Shengwencai to prepare things. Then, together with Lin Ge, he helped Ren Tingting to the bed.

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Junior brother, when did you discover that there was still evil energy left in Miss Ren's body? You only found the evil energy. Did you find anything wrong with Miss Ren's soul?"

Lin Ge shook his head: "From my communication with Miss Ren, there was no problem with her soul. And just before Ah Wei broke in, and when you came, there was nothing abnormal. Until I noticed the evil spirit The smell suddenly became stronger, and Miss Ren fainted."

Uncle Jiu muttered: "That's strange. It's impossible for a person's soul to disappear suddenly, unless it was taken away by a ghost. But... there was no ghost in and out of this house just now."

Lin Ge pondered for a while, and thought of a possibility based on Ou Yongqi's situation: "Brother, if a person is possessed by a ghost, then there are two souls in the same body at the same time, right?"

Although Uncle Jiu didn't understand why Lin Ge asked this, he still answered seriously: "Yes, the souls of ordinary resentful ghosts are stronger than those of ordinary people. The less Yang Qi and the less determined the willpower of people, the weaker they are." Easily controlled by ghosts.”

"Is there a possibility...these fog ghosts are all 'remnant souls', and their souls are incomplete. Therefore, when they possessed Miss Ren, they did not completely replace Miss Ren, but squeezed away part of her soul. As a result, Her physical condition deteriorated, but she was not immediately controlled or unconscious?" Lin Ge asked.

Uncle Jiu thought for a while and shook his head. He was about to say that this theory was not easy to implement, but then he thought of Ou Yongqi's situation and realized that things were not so absolute.

"Having said that...even if the fog ghost squeezed away part of Miss Ren's soul before, why did the remaining soul of Miss Ren suddenly disappear?" Uncle Jiu thought of a key question.

Lin Ge said: "Brother, it is not only Miss Ren's soul that has disappeared, but also the evil spirit of the fog ghost. So I suspect that this should be the fog ghost, or the person behind the fog ghost has tampered with it. Anyway, everything I'm afraid we can only understand this question when you start a forum and try to retrieve Miss Ren's soul."

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard this. Although Mr. Ren didn't understand what Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu were talking about, he was shocked and couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Jiu, you must help Tingting!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ren, I will do my best to help Miss Ren." Uncle Jiu vowed.

After Master Ren thanked him, seeing that Qiu Shengwencai had not come back yet, he anxiously asked the butler to take the other servants to the market to help.

In less than half an hour, Qiu Shengwencai and a large group of servants of the Ren family brought back all the things Uncle Jiu needed one after another.

Uncle Jiu directly asked people to move the long table to Ren Tingting's study and place it in front of the bed. He then took out a yellow cloth and put it on the table, and placed scented wax paper candles and tributes.

Then, pick up a long box one foot long and one finger wide and fill it with glutinous rice. Then he picked up an egg, drew a charm on the egg, and placed it in a long box.

Only after seven eggs with the Huang Shang Talisman were placed in the long box did Uncle Jiu take the next step. He placed the incense cauldron in front of the row of eggs, lit three sticks of incense, and inserted it into the incense cauldron.

Finally, Uncle Jiu turned around and looked at the people behind him: "Mr. Ren, this summoning of spirits is extremely dangerous. Please take everyone to the lobby on the first floor to wait. Don't leave anyone here on the second floor for the time being. In case the person summoned is not Miss Ren. His soul is a lonely ghost, and he might hurt innocent people."

Master Ren quickly agreed and asked the housekeeper to take people down to wait.

"Uncle Jiu, Tingting depends on you." Master Ren said.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "Don't worry, I will do my best."

Master Ren called Ah Wei and walked downstairs. When Uncle Jiu saw Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai standing unmoved at the door, he said, "You two also go down."

"Ah? I want to go down too?" Qiu Sheng pointed at his nose and said in surprise: "We are your disciples after all, master. Even if there are lonely ghosts coming, we can deal with it. Do you still need to avoid it?"

"Go quickly!" Uncle Jiu scolded.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai nodded helplessly: "Oh, okay."

Then, Uncle Jiu looked helplessly at Lin Ge who was standing on the other side: "Junior brother, although I know you are very capable, if possible, you should go down and wait together."

Lin Ge had an "I understand" expression on his face and said with a smile: "Don't worry, senior brother, I know what you are going to do. I am also a person who has summoned spirits. I am embarrassed, but I can still sing and dance rap. I promise An Jing I'll stand quietly and won't disturb you."

Uncle Jiu then thought about the situation of his "younger brother and sister" Ou Yongqi. Lin Ge must have tried a lot of soul-calling spells. He was from the same school as him, so he knew how to do this.


Embarrassing is embarrassing, as my junior brother said, this process still has to go through. Since my junior brother has already done it many times, why should I be pretentious?

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu no longer hesitated, walked to the altar, put his hands on the table, lowered his head, and exerted a slight force on his hands, causing the table to shake.

Uncle Jiu suddenly raised his head and stepped on the ground three times as if to ask a god.




Uncle Jiu shouted three times, followed by a "Ah ha" in a playful voice, and landed on the ground with a backflip, pinched his orchid fingers, grabbed the soul-calling flag on the side, and called out in a playful voice:

"Ren Tingting's three souls and seven souls are coming back soon!"

"Back to the old place!"

"A lonely soul at the end of the street, a lonely soul under the bed, a lonely soul in front of and behind the house, a lonely soul!"

"Ren Tingting's three souls and seven souls come back quickly! Come back quickly!"


Lin Ge stood in the corner and silently gave a thumbs up. Watching it on "TV" is completely different from the feeling of being on the scene. If nothing else, these few scenes are full of charm.

However, this is the fundamental reason why Uncle Jiu wants to drive everyone away.

It's not that it will attract lonely ghosts and hurt innocent people, but that Uncle Jiu can't complete the embarrassing Maoshan version of rap singing and dancing in front of others.

As the last line of the play ended, Uncle Jiu threw the soul-calling flag toward the door, and then did another backflip back to the altar.

Pressing the altar with both hands, he once again shook his head slightly as if to invite a god, and chanted a mantra in a low voice.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the study, causing the yellow charms, yellow cloths, and soul-calling flags all over the room to sway and whirr. Then, a crack appeared on the floor in the center of the room, and a green light emerged!

Uncle Jiu looked at the green light and said in surprise: "The underworld? No, how could this happen? How could Miss Ren's soul be in the underworld?"

Lin Ge stared at the green crack and asked in a deep voice: "Brother, do you mean that to recover Ren Tingting's soul, we have to go to the underworld?"

"That's right." Uncle Jiu nodded solemnly.

Lin Ge stepped forward and walked to the green light: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go down and take a look."

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Ge in surprise: "Junior brother, this is the underworld, not a mountain scenic spot. From what you say, it's as casual as going home."

"Ah? Isn't it our base camp in Maoshan down there? Aren't you the chief executive of Tiandi Bank?" Lin Ge asked.

Uncle Jiu was even more surprised than Lin Ge: "Me? Head classman of Tiandi Bank? Junior brother, what are you talking about? How could such an important position be given to me?"

Damn it?

The plot is different?

Lin Ge clearly remembered that Uncle Jiu was the manager of Tiandi Bank appointed by the underworld in the movie "Zombie Supreme", responsible for printing underworld coins.

Since there is a "Big Brother" here, the plot line of "Zombie Supreme" should be included...


Could it be that based on the current plot timeline, Uncle Jiu has not yet managed to get the position of the head clerk of Tiandi Bank?

The elderly man at home is suffering from yang, and the two-year-old baby has had high fever repeatedly since yesterday afternoon. It has not dropped from 39 degrees until midnight. He spent the whole night in the hospital and did not go home until 6 o'clock in the morning. The hospital has 10 emergency cases in the middle of the night. A few children aged 1-3... I feel that Eryang is coming very quickly this time, and many of us here have been affected. I suggest everyone to be vigilant... It has been a bit delayed in coding in the past two days, but we will do it again during the day tomorrow Supplement a chapter

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