Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 220 One-day trip to the underworld: Niutou, Hu Bufan

"Heh. You have some sense."

Lin Ge straightened his chest, took half a step to the side, cleared his throat, and said, "That's right! My senior brother Lin Jiu, the ninety-ninth generation direct disciple of our sect, is a natural-born genius with extraordinary talents. , he is the newly appointed ghost general who came here specially to take up a post and find a soul for me."

Uncle Jiu was stunned. Hearing the exaggerated identity that Lin Ge packaged for himself, he was afraid of being exposed. He stood behind Lin Ge, moved his lips slightly, and whispered: "Junior brother, why are you getting more and more outrageous? When did I become this? How can the ninety-ninth generation direct disciple of our sect be a peerless genius with a natural talent and extraordinary talents?"

"It is now." Lin Ge whispered back.

Uncle Jiu: ...Junior brother, if you pretend to be your direct disciple, you will be punished by thunder. Even if you are not afraid of the thunder punishment of Grandmaster, don’t drag me into trouble.

"Young man has eyes but cannot see Mount Tai. I wonder if he is the new ghost general! I will open the city gate for you now and send a message to the evil soldiers and ghosts in the city!"

Gui Menguan was obviously stunned by Lin Ge's fire lottery. He didn't think about the various loopholes in Lin Ge's words, and he didn't want to delve into whether their identities were true or false. He just wanted to send these two "gods of plague" away. .

Lin Ge clapped his hands with the fire sign, stared at the gate of hell with a careful look, and said calmly: "No need. Let's just go in like this, just to see how many ghosts there are like you who have no eyesight."

Gui Menguan got upset when he saw Lin Ge's winning number and hurriedly said some nice words. Lin Ge took this opportunity to ask Gui Menguan about things in the ghost city.

After all, the last time I came to the ghost town in "2002", I just wandered around outside, and even Huang Yongfa, who helped Lin Ge popularize knowledge about the underworld, had never been to a ghost town. Therefore, in order to avoid exposing his feet after entering, he collected information at this time. Intelligence's best chance.

After Gui Men Guan's narration, Lin Ge learned that the three words "Gui Men Guan" were the "door guards" or "door bells" created by the "city lord" using the technique of ghost painting.

The reason why there are no guards outside the city gate is because of the existence of Guimenguan. Once there is an intruder, Guimenguan will immediately notify the ghost soldiers to come and arrest them.

And after all, Guimen Pass was the product of the city lord's own "ghost painting", and his own strength was not bad. He was just confused by Lin Ge's fire stick, thinking that he was an acquaintance of General Zeng, so he didn't dare to use it seriously.

After Lin Ge understood the situation of the ghost town, he and Uncle Jiu entered the ghost town through the "gap" wide enough for one person to open the ghost gate.

After entering the city, Lin Ge seemed to have the illusion of "traveling back to ancient times". Both sides of the street were full of ancient buildings. The strange thing was that these buildings were not new buildings, or buildings that looked relatively "normal", but rather... With one exception, it was all in tatters, and even half of the wall had collapsed. It looked more like ruins after a war.

The entire city was shrouded in thick, dark fog, making the entire town eerie. In addition, there were no "pedestrians" on the streets, which fully "interpreted" the word ghost town.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Uncle Ninth was a little surprised. After all, this was far from what he imagined, or what the brothers who worked in the underworld told him.

"Junior brother, just this scene... We want to find Miss Ren's soul, but we don't know where to start." For a moment, Uncle Jiu didn't know where to start.

"Then we can only ask an acquaintance first." Lin Ge was about to take out Hu Bufan's name tag when he suddenly heard a burst of chatter and laughter coming from the dark alley in front of him, and there was a flickering firelight.

That hearty laughter seemed extremely abrupt in the silent ghost town.

"Let's go take a look." Lin Ge walked quickly towards the alley.

When the two came to the alley, they saw several people in the alley sitting around a bonfire, roasting some dark, soul-like things.

The man sitting next to the collapsed stone wall of an old house was tall and tall, with his upper body bare, revealing his strong muscles.

Beside him was a brown cow head hood.

When he saw the man's face clearly, Lin Ge was stunned and couldn't help but sigh: "Good guy, you really don't talk about people during the day and don't talk about ghosts at night!"

I just said that I would try to use a famous brand to ask someone out, but I didn't expect this to happen.


The first time Lin Ge met Hu Bufan, he was still a shady guy. In another world, he had become a horse face, but now he has become a bull head again.

Then if we change a few more worlds, will we have to meet Hu Bufan who is the city lord?

"Hu Bufan!" Lin Ge shouted very familiarly.

Hu Bufan turned his head to look at the entrance of the alley and shouted angrily: "His grandma, who dares to call me by my name? Is it his grandma who wants to become a kebab?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, his mouth was full of "milk", and he could match the horse-faced Hu Bufan in "The Grudge".


Lin Ge couldn't help but think, could it be that the higher the position, the stronger the temper?

As Hu Bufan said this, he grabbed a cow-head hood and put it on his head. Then he stood up, looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Who is your grandma? Why do you know my name?"

"Junior brother." Uncle Jiu wanted to stop Lin Ge who was about to step forward, because he could clearly feel the yin energy of the people in front of him. Combined with Hu Bufan's bull head hood and shape, it was difficult not to associate him with the bull head. Together.

According to previous reports from the brothers, among the positions in the underworld, the lowest-ranking one is the "Yin Soldier". It is also the coolest, most tiring, and least powerful position in the underworld.

However, most Yin soldiers are selected from dead souls. Whether they are disciples from Maoshan or other sects, they will basically skip the level of Yin soldiers.

Above the Yin soldiers, they are divided into positions such as "Yin Chao" and "Ghost Chai" according to different "jobs". At the same time, Yin Chai Gui Chai also has the right to dispatch a small number of Yin soldiers.

Further up, there is the "captain" who is responsible for the evil and evil, which is also known as the black and white impermanence. In "Zombie", as a sinister Hu Bufan, his status is equivalent to black and white.

The status of the bull-headed horse-faced man in the ghost city is higher than that of the black and white impermanence. He is regarded as a "little commander" under the ghost general, and is responsible for seducing the evil ghosts who have committed serious sins.

In terms of strength, the bull-headed horse-faced warrior is also the most capable of fighting among the ghost generals.

Therefore, there is no problem with Uncle Jiu's keen perception. Hu Bufan's strength is indeed superior to him, so he is worried that his junior brother will suddenly have a brain twitch and conflict with him.

After all, the other party is a high-ranking "niu-tou". Even if the junior brother knows the other party, it would be a bit disrespectful to call him by his name like this.

Judging from Hu Bufan's "reaction", this is indeed the case.

Lin Ge looked behind Hu Bufan. Those people "barbecuing" with Hu Bufan were the brothers, or "colleagues" who had been with him in the previous few worlds.

"Hahaha! Brother Hu, it's great to see you here!" Lin Ge laughed and stepped forward.

Hu Bufan raised his hand and pointed at Lin Ge: "Stop it, don't try to have a relationship here, I don't know you at all. There are so many people who want to have a relationship with me, who are you?"

Lin Ge stopped and slapped his forehead: "Oh, look, I was so excited to see Brother Hu that I forgot that you don't know me in this world."

With that said, Lin Ge took out the name tags of Hu Bufan and the others behind him.

"When I traveled in the Three Thousand Small Worlds, I was fortunate enough to have a good time with Brother Hu in those worlds, and we worked together to eliminate a lot of monsters and monsters lurking in our domain. When I left, Brother Hu, you handed over your name tag to me. Me, let me ask you for help if I encounter trouble in other worlds."

"Didn't I tell you anything else?" Hu Bufan asked.

Look, they are indeed the same soul, even the questions are exactly the same.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Of course, you asked me to burn more paper money in the world of the world, and emphasized that paper money should be used instead of ghost coins, saying that there is inflation below and the ghost coins are devalued."

Hu Bufan nodded seriously: "Yes, it's me."

Then, Hu Bufan turned back to look at the other gangsters: "This must be our brother from other worlds. He still has your name tag in his hand. Come and meet us."

Lin Ge: ...This cheerful personality really hasn’t changed much.

Hu Bufan pulled off the bull head hood, stepped forward and put his arm around Lin Ge's shoulders affectionately, and led him towards the bonfire: "You came just in time. We have got some evil spirits and are about to have sex together. Let's get together!"

Lin Ge: ...The skewers you guys are playing are really high-end.

"Hey, brother over there, don't be stunned. You are my brother's friend, and that is our friend. Come on, come over and play skewers together." Hu Bufan turned around and waved to Uncle Jiu enthusiastically.

Facing She Niu Hu Bufan, Uncle Jiu seemed a little uncomfortable, but after all, it was a warm invitation from Niu Tou, so he still had to give him face.

The two of them were brought to the campfire by Hu Bufan. Looking at the kebabs of souls that exuded black energy and had a face groaning and wailing in pain, Lin Ge couldn't help but ask: "Brother Hu, these are..."

"Oh, I had a drink with Mr. Kui before. I tried the secret roasted soul he taught us. It tastes pretty good and can also increase your cultivation. Do you want to try it?" Hu Bufan handed over a bunch enthusiastically.

Lin Ge took the kebab and looked at the ferocious face on it. He was at a loss for words for a moment. He was just about to find an excuse to sneak in, but he heard Hu Bufan ask: "Oh, by the way, good brother, I didn't know your name yet." What’s your name? How did we meet? Are I as awesome as me in other worlds?”

Lin Ge: ...This description seems to be fine when applied to you!

If you want to have a relationship with Hu Bufan in this world, you must have experience of getting along with other worlds. If there is a story of fighting side by side and living and dying together, that will be a bonus.

Lin Ge obviously understood this, so he told a slightly polished story about the first two worlds in which he and Hu Bufan never knew each other until they joined hands to fight each other.

Now, not only Hu Bufan and the other gangsters, but Uncle Ninth also looked at Lin Ge in shock and couldn't help but ask: "Junior brother actually fought against the ancient evil god?"

"Hahaha! That's all thanks to the help of Brother Hu and all the brothers. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to swallow up a snake head on my own." Lin Ge took advantage of the situation and praised Hu Bufan again.

Hu Bufan laughed heartily, scratched the back of his head proudly and said, "I didn't expect that I would be so awesome in other worlds, tsk tsk, I didn't expect that not only would I win the position of bull head, but I would also be a horse face in another world. No. Do you know if there is a ghost general like me in Three Thousand Small Worlds?"

"there must be!"

"With your abilities, Lao Hu, you will have no problem being a ghost!"

"Tsk, it's just that this time you are missing some qualifications. Otherwise, Lao Hu, you would already be a ghost general!"

"I don't know where someone from above parachuted in. Bah, I don't accept anyone except Lao Hu!"


The gangsters seemed a little aggrieved. Apparently, the ghost general's replacement did not satisfy them this time. It didn't sound like people from the ghost town were ascending, but that a ghost general was airborne from above.

Hu Bufan waved his hand, as if he didn't take the matter to heart, and said with a smile: "I also took the promotion assessment of 'Niutou' a few days ago. Thanks to the care of my senior brothers, I was successfully promoted to Niutou. In terms of qualifications, even the next door Brothers Gui Cha are a little behind, so it’s normal that they didn’t get rated.”

"Oh, that's right." Hu Bufan seemed to have thought of something and said to Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu: "Speaking of which, it's up to your ghost brothers from Maoshan to give me face, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance to be promoted to Niutou. Luo Tian, ​​Luo He, And Dagui, Fugui, Fugui... you are all from Maoshan, do you know each other?"

Although Lin Ge is a disciple of Maoshan, strictly speaking, he is only a half-way monk. Except for the characters who appear in a few movies, he has never met a few senior brothers.

Lin Ge was not sure how to answer. After all, he had previously stated in front of Uncle Jiu that he was from the Nanmao Gezu lineage. This would be a little unreasonable if he did not know Luo Tianluohe, who was also from Nanjun.

At this time, Uncle Jiu said with a surprised look on his face: "So you are the one my senior brothers mentioned, who defeated the others and won the first place in the Niutou Promotion Conference by yourself?"

"Hahaha, they actually commented on me like this? I will treat them to a drink later." Upon hearing this, Hu Bufan burst out laughing happily.

"Good wine? I have it." Lin Ge opened his grocery store and took out all the famous wines from various places that had been exchanged through the reincarnation points.

After "A Chinese Ghost Story", Lin Ge experienced the enhancement and redemption that the Lord God can take back in space at will. His reincarnation points were basically only used to buy some consumables. There was really nothing to redeem, so he exchanged some for use. Let’s get some good stuff for plot characters.

For example, fine wine.

There are many big shots in the film and television world who are good at wine, so Lin Ge exchanged a lot of wines from ancient famous wines to various foreign wines. He didn't expect that they would come in handy so quickly.

"As expected of my good brother, he even knows my good wine." Hu Bufan was not polite, picked up a jar of wine and drank it in big gulps.

After taking a few sips, Hu Bufan put down the wine jar, looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Good brother, I heard you said you came to the underworld to find souls. What souls are you looking for? I'll help you find them."

Lin Ge's original intention was to ask Hu Bufan to find the soul for him. Since the other party took the initiative, he was not polite and told Ren Tingting's situation exactly.

Lin Ge originally thought that with Hu Bufan's status, it would not be difficult to find a soul. Unexpectedly, after listening to Lin Ge's story, Hu Bufan said solemnly: "Brother, did you know that a ghost general in the ghost city was assassinated?"

"I heard something." Lin Ge nodded.

Hu Bufan added: "And the one who assassinated the ghost general was the 'fog ghost' you just mentioned!"

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