
A little girl of six or seven years old, wearing a white witch costume, walked into the temple under the leadership of a group of exorcists and walked towards the central hall.

The little girl's black hair reaches her waist. It is black and long. It flutters slightly when she walks, making people want to play with it.

She timidly looked at the rockery, pond, and green plants in the courtyard, as if she was very afraid of coming to this strange place.

When we arrived at the entrance of the main hall, the leading monks stopped and formed two lines at the entrance.

The older witch on the side stepped forward, took the little witch's hand, and led her into the hall.

In the main hall, a group of monks, exorcists and witches formed a large circle. In the center sat a little girl, also only six or seven years old, wearing a black witch costume, kneeling.

The older witch led the little witch in white to the little witch in black and asked them to sit on their knees together, listening intently to the prayers of the monks around them.

When two little witches, one black and one white, knelt together, it was not difficult to find that they seemed to be carved from the same mold and looked exactly the same.

The little witch in black blinked her weird big eyes, nudged the little witch in white with her elbow, and asked in a low voice: "Hey. Do you think we are twins because we look so similar?"

The little witch in white glanced timidly at the little witch in black and said nothing.

"I used to practice under Mount Fuji, what about you?"

"Oh. I thought I could change places after being taken out, but I didn't expect it would be a temple."

"Why don't you speak?"

"Have you been locked up in a temple before?"

"I used to raise a little white bird. I named it Xiaohei. Unfortunately...it flew away later."

"Hmph. I later found out that it was roasted and eaten by the monks in the temple."

"Have you ever raised any animals?"


The little witch in black was chattering. The little witch in white could listen to the prayers calmly at first, and even recited them silently, but later she was completely attracted by the new things the little witch in black said.

The ceremony lasted for almost two hours, and the little witch in black chattered for two hours.

"Where did you live before?"

The little witch in white tilted her head cautiously, fearing that the people around her would notice that she was distracted, so she said timidly: "This is my first time out of the house."

"Ah? Then you are worse off than me. Although I was locked up in the house, I often escaped through the windows. Later they sealed the windows, so I climbed up the skylight on the roof. Or I used an iron spoon to dig through the wooden floor and climbed out from below. Get out. Although you will inevitably be beaten severely if you are taken back, at least you can move around in the yard."

"Oh." The little witch in white nodded.

The little witch in black raised her head, smiled at the little witch in white and said, "Then let's be friends."


In the courtyard.

The girl in white witch costume was sitting cross-legged by the pool, reciting complicated incantations.

A girl who looked exactly like her but had short hair and a black miko uniform was running around in the yard, picking up a bug net to catch butterflies from time to time, or running to fish for fish in the pond.

When she got bored, the girl in black picked up a wooden sword again and started practicing kendo against the potted plants in the yard. There was a lot of commotion, which was in sharp contrast to the girl in white.

"Xiao Bai, look I caught a butterfly."

"Xiao Bai, look I caught a big fish."

"Xiao Bai, look at me splitting this potted plant."


The girl in white has perfected it over the years. Even if the girl in black is playing with firecrackers next to her, she can still recite an exorcism sutra skillfully.

On the other hand, the girl in black is better than the girl in white when it comes to jumping down to catch insects and fish, or climbing trees to dig out bird eggs, but when it comes to exorcising demons...

The exorcism spell, which is less than a hundred words long, is almost finished.

"Xiao Bai, let me show you a swordsmanship..."

The girl in black danced the wooden sword in her hand to a whirring sound, but she was a little close to the edge of the pool. Her foot slipped and she accidentally fell into the pool.


"Xiaobai, help me!"

The girl in white looked at the girl in black splashing in the pool, stunned for a moment, then covered her mouth and started laughing.

"dare you laugh!"

The girl in black swam over angrily and dragged the girl in white into the pool.

Old house.

The girl in black and the girl in white stood in front of the building. Even the usually carefree girl in black looked timid at this time, holding an old-fashioned camera and looking at the gloomy staircase in front.

"Xiao Bai, what do you think we just ran away?"

"Why don't those bastards come to exorcise the evil themselves? Let us do it."

"Isn't this asking us to die?"

The girl in white held the girl in black's hand, as if to comfort her not to worry, then took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in her heart, and walked cautiously towards the building.

The girl in black picked up the camera and looked into the stairwell through the camera: "They said this camera can reveal evil things, but I don't know if that's true."



"There is a ghost, there really is a ghost!"

The girl in black put down the camera, pointed at the door of a room in front and shouted.

The girl in white suddenly pushed the girl in black away, raised her hand to form a seal, pushed towards the corridor in front, and recited the exorcism spell at the same time.


A powerful hurricane blew out from the handprints of the girl in white, and it seemed like it was blowing something invisible to the naked eye, making the air tremble.

"Wow! Xiaobai, you are so awesome!"

The girl in white looked helplessly at the girl in black who was making a fuss. Her eyes seemed to be saying, "You don't usually practice hard, do you understand now?"

Seeing that what they usually learned was effective in exorcising evil spirits, the two of them felt confident. The girl in black was responsible for looking for evil spirits with a camera, while the girl in white used magic to get rid of evil spirits.

The two of them cooperated tacitly and "killed" all the way to the depths.

"Hey. Why is this evil ghost so ugly?" The girl in black couldn't help but sigh when she saw the evil ghost hiding deep in the ancient house.

However, this evil spirit was not only ugly, but also much more difficult to deal with than she imagined. Even though the two of them cooperated tacitly, one used spells and the other used exorcism tools, they still did not get a favor from the evil spirit. Instead, they were beaten all over by the evil spirit. A large area of ​​the white witch uniform of the girl in white was stained with blood. red.

"Xiao Bai, are you okay?" Even though her body was covered with bruises, the girl in black still held a rune wooden knife in front of the girl in white.

The girl in white nodded and began to chant the exorcism sutra.

The girl in black knew that the only thing she needed to do at this time was to buy a minute for the girl in white to recite the curse, so she no longer hesitated and charged towards the evil ghost with her knife!

ten minutes later.

The evil ghost was eliminated. The girl in black and the girl in white (red) were lying on the ground. Their spiritual power had been drained. They were so tired that they lay on the ground without even wanting to move a finger.

The girl in black was covered in cuts and bruises. She was grinning in pain, but she still laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Xiaobai, we have a great victory in the first battle to exorcise demons. We must reward ourselves with a good meal when we get back!"

The girl in white was too tired to speak.

"Humph, if they dare not give it to me, I will chop up the kitchen so that they don't have anything to eat."

"Humph. We are locked up, so we can't beat them now. When I can beat them, let's see if I beat them to death."

"Xiao Bai, I will definitely take you out."

Old building.

The girl in black held a rune wooden knife and put it on her shoulder. She glanced at the large group of evil spirits in front of her and hooked her fingers: "Come together, there is no one who can fight."

The girl in white clothes stood behind her, clasping her hands together and chanting exorcism spells.

The two of them have exorcised not one thousand but eight hundred ghosts over the years. For them, getting rid of evil spirits is as simple as eating, so the girl in black is really not bragging.

After the two of them eliminated the evil spirits in the entire old building in one go, they waited for the temple people to come and respond as usual.

At this time, the girl in black pulled the girl in white to the corner, took out a thumb-sized jade pendant from her arms, and said with a smile: "Xiao Bai, what do you think this is?"

The girl in white looked at the jade pendant in the hand of the girl in black in surprise: "When did you steal it?"

"Just last night, when you were sleeping. Hehe, can you escape?" The girl in black asked: "With the curse seal in our hands, we are not afraid of them using the spell to track us, let alone being controlled by the spell. There is only one chance This time, if you miss it, you don’t know when you will get the chance.”

The girl in white seemed a little hesitant. She was worried not only about whether she could escape, but also about how the girl in black would be punished after being captured and charged with stealing the curse seal.

"Xiao Bai, don't you want to see the outside world?"

"Don't you want to leave that courtyard?"


The girl in black kept bewitching the girl in white, telling her about the scenery described in the book.

"Okay! Let's go!" The girl in white nodded firmly.

Thailand, a temple.

The girl in the black dress protected the girl in the white dress behind her, holding a sharp sword and looking at the monks and witches surrounding them with cold eyes.

"Are you a dog?"

"As soon as we changed places, you came right after smelling it!"

"Five years!"

"I've been chasing you for five years! Are you tired of me?"

The monk and the witch swarmed forward. Although the black and white girls were strong, one was practicing swordsmanship and the other was practicing martial arts. They combined physics and magic to defeat the monk.

However, it was difficult for both hands to withstand four punches, and a good tiger could not withstand a pack of wolves. The monk and the witch were forced to separate the two. Without the protection of the girl in the black skirt, the pure mage girl in the white skirt could not block the monk's attack at all, and soon she was Caught.

The monk threatened the girl in the white dress with her life, but the girl in the black dress could only throw down her weapon and surrender.

The original temple.

In the courtyard, a girl in a black skirt and a girl in a white skirt were tied to a wooden frame with lumber placed underneath, with the obvious intention of burning them to death.

The girl in the black dress glanced at the place where she had lived for more than ten years. Returning here again, she felt mixed feelings in her heart.

Born here, died here.


"You stinky monks who always talk about 'my Buddha is compassionate', but what you do is more disgusting than the devil. The fire must be heated up! You must burn my soul clean!"

"Otherwise...hahaha! You and all the people in the temple!"


"Kill them all!"


The girl in the black dress held the girl in the white dress that had been completely dyed red by the blood, and walked slowly out of the temple. She was barefoot, and with every step she took, there was a blood-red footprint on the ground.

Looking towards the temple from the main entrance, the courtyard is full of dismembered corpses, with blood, internal organs, and corpses thrown everywhere.

The girl in the black skirt hugged the girl in the white skirt and staggered down the stairs.

at last.

He fell down between the doorposts of the temple at the intersection.

The girl in the black dress felt that her consciousness was disappearing.

"Xiaobai, I'm here to accompany you."

Cold, shaking.

The girl in the black skirt felt the coldness of the ground. She stood up from the ground with a bang, glanced around with alert eyes, and subconsciously shouted: "Xiao Bai!"


"Yes, you are the most qualified among the people who came this time."

At this time, a cold voice sounded from the other side.

The girl in the black dress felt that her mind was in chaos, as if she had many "strange memories".

...This is a mysterious space called the "Infinite World", and people who travel to this world are called "reincarnators".

They travel through various worlds to complete tasks issued by the "Lord God".

Complete it and you will survive!

Failure, you will be obliterated by the Lord God!

Now, the girl in black dress has also become a "reincarnation".


"People can be resurrected here!"

The girl in black skirt stood up in surprise, as if she saw hope.

Thanks to the book friend "Boy Nemesis" for the reward, and to every boss who voted for the monthly vote... I received the limited exemption notice on April 10th, and I originally wanted to let you know a week in advance... The result is four There were too many things going on at the end of May and the beginning of May, so I forgot about this matter... Many book lovers saw that I was exempting the upper limit, and they were afraid that I would be disappointed. You may not believe it when I tell you, but the effect of my limited exemption was pretty good, and I actually entered the bestseller 200... ...but my book friends said I was short before. My "Xuming" is fierce and strong, and I don't want others to say I am short...so the familiar assassin who you are familiar with is back! There are also extra chapters like this. I don’t know if you like it or not. If you like it, we will often update it for free in the future to complete some character settings as a way to thank the bosses for their continued support! Thank you to every boss who voted. I have nothing else to say but kneel down to everyone first!

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