Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 215 There is a kind of differential treatment called

Behind a stone wall covered with strange black spells, a skinny old man sat facing the wall. There was a row of oil lamps placed beside the wall. There were hundreds of oil lamps in a long row.

All the oil lamps in the long row were almost extinguished, except for the one in front of the old man that was still burning. But there was only a very shallow layer of oil left in the oil lamp.

A faint black smoke drifted from the wick of the oil lamp, flew into the wall, and blended into the black spells, making the black spells exude a strange black air like blood vessels.

There is a three-layer mystery formation in the cave outside the wall, and combined with the ghostly mist formation, it will be difficult for even a Feng Shui master or a powerful formation to get out.

The old man thought so a minute ago.

Until the young man outside the wall, completely unaffected by the tracking array, walked to the wall in three or two steps. Not only that, he even took out explosives and tried to blow up the wall!


How can a little kid like you break the Feng Shui scheme I created?

The old man was sneering disdainfully at the young man outside, but suddenly he felt a terrifying breath coming from behind him. Before he could turn around, he felt a cold hand pinch the back of his neck and hit him with a "bang" on the wall!

The old man reached out and grabbed the oil lamp in front of him that had not been extinguished yet, and poured the oil directly on his body. He heard a soft "chi" sound, and a thick black mist surged out of the lamp oil sprinkled on the old man's body. His entire body was instantly enveloped.

The last oil lamp went out, the black spell on the wall dimmed instantly, and the black mist that filled the large hole outside the wall also disappeared.

"Junior brother! Are you okay?" When the black fog disappeared, Uncle Jiu saw Lin Ge standing by the wall not far away and immediately stepped forward to ask if he was injured.

"It's okay. Once the spell on the wall is broken, the evil spirit here will dissipate." Lin Ge said.

As soon as the black fog disappeared, Awei immediately shouted to go out: "Since the fog is gone, let's go out quickly. What are you waiting for here? Cousin, come, cousin will carry you."

Qiu Sheng came to Ren Tingting and said calmly: "Miss Ren, let me carry you. Look at my physical strength..."

"Go aside." Wencai pushed Qiu Sheng away and came to Ren Tingting: "Ren..."

Before the word "Ren" was finished, Ren Tingting's foot injury was "cured" in an instant, and she was seen walking towards Lin Ge by the wall.

"Uncle Lin."

Lin Ge's attention was on the darkened rune wall. He raised his hand, manifested a sledgehammer, and said to Uncle Jiu: "Brother, please step back."

Uncle Jiu was surprised when he saw Lin Ge summoning a giant hammer out of thin air: "Junior brother is really a god, his ability to transform objects is really miraculous."

Lin Ge turned to look at Uncle Jiu and asked seriously: "Want to learn? I'll teach you. Since practicing this 'spiritual training method', my waist and legs no longer hurt, I feel more energetic, and my sleep quality is better." Okay. Apart from frequent brain twitches and out-of-the-box thinking, there are almost no shortcomings.”

Uncle Jiu: ...Junior brother, isn’t this brain twitch the biggest problem?

No wonder when I communicated with my junior brother in the past two days, I always felt that his mental state was up and down. Is it because he went crazy after practicing for a long time?

No, I have to find a way to cure it.

"Let us leave here before we talk about this matter." Uncle Jiu decided to stabilize Lin Ge first and look back to see if there was really something wrong with this "spiritual cultivation method".

Lin Ge nodded, asked Uncle Jiu and Ren Tingting to step away, then picked up the sledgehammer, shouted "eighty", and slammed it against the wall, instantly creating a crack.

Uncle Jiu:......

Junior brother’s problem is urgent.



After three hammer blows, a large hole was made in the talisman wall. Looking through the hole, one could see that the inside was filled with the same thick black mist as the previous hole.

Moreover, the black mist in the cave was much thicker than before, condensing together like a dark wall, blocking everyone.


In the black mist, there was a cold and low laughter.

"Little boy, if you can accidentally break through my three-layer mist formation of ghosts and ghosts, I admit that you have some abilities. But what is displayed in front of you now is the puzzle that I have studied and researched all my life, using the nine-layer puzzle in conjunction with Feng Shui The ghostly and evil mist formation set up by the big formation, even if your ancestor is here today, there is no way you can break through this wonderful formation!"



The old man hid in the thick black mist, laughing wildly and with an aura of "What can you do to me?"

However, in Lin Ge's eyes, he saw the old man squatting in a corner twenty or thirty meters away, holding an oil lamp that was out of oil, his body hunched over. If there was an iron bowl in front of him, he would at least be a seven-bag disciple.

Uncle Jiu stood in front of the pit with a solemn face and said in a deep voice: "This formation is not only full of obstacles, but also based on evil spirits. If you break in rashly, let alone whether you can get out, you will inhale too much evil spirits. It will have a great impact on the body. I think it is better to stay here first and let Qiu Shengwen go back to pick up the magic weapon and set up the altar to break the formation."

However, Lin Ge silently put away the sledgehammer, spread out his left hand, revealing a palm-sized slingshot like a child's, and then picked up a pebble.

Draw the bow, aim, and shoot!


The pebble hit the old man in the corner between his eyebrows, making him stunned. He raised his head in surprise and looked at the hole in the wall not far away. He was stunned for a moment, and then silently moved to the right.


"You're just a coincidence, I don't believe it..."


"Haha...cough cough cough cough cough."

A pebble flew directly into the old man's mouth, choking him and causing him to cough violently.

Being hit by pebbles twice in a row, although not very harmful, was extremely insulting.


The old man roared angrily, raised his hand to knead the secret, bent his ring and middle fingers, held the oil lamp with the remaining three fingers, clasped it toward his chest, and whispered the incantation.

I saw that the black fog that filled the cave quickly condensed into a large group of human-shaped fog ghosts, flying towards the entrance of the cave with their teeth and claws open!

"Be careful!" Uncle Jiu shouted, protecting Ren Tingting and stepping aside.

Ah Wei, who was standing behind, immediately yelled and ran towards the back when he saw this, while Wen Cai fled behind the master and hid with Ren Tingting. Not only did Qiu Sheng not retreat, but he took out a mahogany sword from the cloth bag hanging on his body and prepared for battle.


Lin Ge clapped his palms together, and when he pulled them apart, his palms were filled with lightning. Then he turned his palms into fists and struck out into the hole!

Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder in the cave inside, and the chain lightning instantly destroyed a large number of fog ghosts, and only a few flew out!

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Ge with surprise on his face, widened his eyes and said, "Junior brother's 'Lightning Thunder Fist' has actually reached the point where the palm of your hand can turn into thunder? I'm afraid that in our generation, we only have the thunder method of senior brother. I can compete with you!"

"Elder brother? Master, who are you talking about?" Wencai couldn't help but ask, hiding behind Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu glared at him angrily: "Nonsense, my senior brother is naturally your senior uncle. Stand back and don't block your senior uncle's performance."

Lin Ge eliminated a large number of them with a lightning bolt. As soon as the remaining ones came out, Uncle Jiu used Luo Geng to shoot them back.

The remaining one pounced directly on Qiu Sheng directly in front.

Qiu Sheng obviously underestimated the strength of the fog ghost. He slashed with his sword, but failed to block the opponent. Instead, he was knocked down by the fog ghost and strangled his neck with both hands.

"Master, uncle, save, save me." Qiu Sheng shouted to Lin Ge with difficulty.

Lin Ge shook his head helplessly, stepped forward and kicked Wu Gui away, and pulled Qiu Sheng up: "Can you do it? When you shouted 'My fate is up to me' before, weren't you quite capable of fighting? Can’t even stand up to a little devil?”

"Cough. Cough."

Qiu Sheng rubbed his neck and stood up, and said awkwardly: "I didn't expect this kid to be so strong despite looking ordinary. But uncle, when did I ever say such arrogant words as 'My fate is up to me'?" "

"In a dream."

As Lin Ge said that, he used Ma's soul-sealing technique and grabbed the flying fog ghost's neck. With a strong force, the fog ghost dissipated with a "bang".

Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward: "Wow, uncle, your move is really powerful. You can catch the evil ghost and disappear. Can you teach me?"

"Go back and teach you."

"Really? Thank you, uncle."

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Qiu Sheng" increases. 】

Lin Ge walked to the wall, climbed through the hole in the wall, and walked into the fog that looked like a black wall under the gaze of everyone.

The old man was still controlling the black mist to turn into mist ghosts and attack everyone, but he didn't notice a young man standing in front of him, looking at him indifferently.

"Old man, have you had enough fun?"

The old man raised his head when he heard the sound, shook his hand, and the oil lamp dropped to the ground in fright. He said in horror: "You, you, you, how did you get in?"

Lin Ge focused on being honest and said truthfully: "I just walked in."

The old man grabbed the oil lamp that had fallen to the ground and leaned it towards Lin Ge. Lin Ge lifted it up and a sledgehammer appeared in his hand, slamming the old man into the corner.

Then he hit the old man hard until he was almost dissipated. Then he used the Soul Sealing Technique to capture him and took him out of the cave.

Uncle Jiu saw Lin Ge carrying an old man out of the cave, and stepped forward and asked, "Junior brother, what is this?"

"The person who set up the formation, or... the Feng Shui master who provided one-stop funeral services for Mr. Ren." Lin Ge had obviously guessed the old man's identity.

He threw the old man in front of everyone, and then said: "Tell me, what are you doing?"

The old man roared: "That old guy Ren Weiyong, in order to steal my Feng Shui land, he did not hesitate to threaten my family. I didn't want to sell this land to him, so he asked someone to break my father's legs! He wanted this This piece of land will benefit future generations, but I want his family to fall into ruin and die without a son!"

Ren Tingting heard this and yelled angrily: "You're talking nonsense! My grandpa can't possibly do such a thing."

Lin Ge asked again: "Where is Mr. Ren's body?"

"Burn it." Mr. Feng Shui said coldly.

Lin Ge said calmly: "Hey, everyone knows that you are stupid, but don't think that everyone is as stupid as you. If you really want to let the old man cut off his descendants, why bother to remind them to move the coffin and bury them in twenty years? They continue to be kept in the dark, and at the rate of the Ren family’s decline, they won’t be able to hold on for long.”

"But for the sake of future generations, you have repeatedly warned them to remember to lift up the coffin and bury it after twenty years... I'm afraid it's for yourself, right? You can 'live' in this tomb for twenty years, you must have practiced He has some kind of evil skill, so he can control such amazing evil energy."

"Twenty years from now, the Ren family will raise the coffin and bury it, and you can take the opportunity to escape from here. Do you want to use your evil skills to cause harm to the world, or do you want to find an opportunity to reincarnate?"

Mr. Feng Shui looked at Lin Ge with a surprised look. Needless to say, everyone knew that Lin Ge had seen through everything he planned.

"who are you?"

Lin Ge sneered: "Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy that in order to prevent the world from being destroyed, to protect the peace of the world, to implement love and true evil, the cute and charming righteous character, The 'just man' who is nicknamed Mr. Righteous is none other than me."

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Uncle Jiu and the others felt that this year's winter had come early.

Ren Tingting, on the other hand, laughed out loud in approval.

Lin Ge clasped his fingers and stepped forward and said: "Now I give you two choices. One is to tell the whereabouts of Old Mrs. Ren's body, and I will save you; the second is to save you and then go find Mr. Ren's body."

Qiu Sheng, who was standing behind Lin Ge, was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but ask: "Uncle Master, is there any difference between these two choices for him?"

"Talk too much." Uncle Jiu stepped forward and slapped Qiu Sheng on the back of the head, scolding: "What are you talking about, adults? Children, just stand aside."

"Oh." Qiu Sheng rubbed his head and stood aside.

Uncle Jiu looked at the old man and said: "Old Master Ren robbed your land through coercion and inducement, and you ended up where you are now. You also let the Ren family decline for twenty years. How long will it take for retribution to be repaid? Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about yourself. For the sake of future generations, doing this kind of thing would be detrimental to your moral character. While things are still turning around, tell us where Mr. Ren’s body is. We will move the coffin and bury it, and then let Mr. Ren compensate your descendants. Money, what do you think?"

The old man looked at Uncle Jiu and snorted: "Who are you? Why should I trust you?"

Wen Cai shouted dissatisfied when he heard this: "My master is well-known in Renjia Village. He is the most famous Taoist priest nearby. If you don't believe me, go out and ask. Who in a hundred miles does not know my master!"

Qiu Sheng echoed: "Yes, my master is famous for being a face-to-face... well, he is famous for being 'trustworthy', and what he says is absolutely true.

"Then I don't believe it either..." the old man said with a rather disdainful tone, but just halfway through his words, he saw another giant hammer appearing in Singer Lin, and the next half of the sentence was swallowed back: "Actually... ...It’s not beyond negotiation. In order to break the feng shui of the Ren family and practice evil skills, I buried Ren Weiyong’s body in the center of the triple-layered mystery formation.”

The old man raised his hand and pointed to the center of the cave.

Lin Ge walked towards the location pointed by the old man. The giant hammer in his hand had turned into a shovel. He quickly dug a few times and found a coffin.

Qiu Sheng looked at Lin Singer's ever-changing weapons in surprise, and said blankly: "Uncle Master, I also want to learn this spell!"

"Learn from you." Uncle Jiu slapped Qiu Sheng on the back of the head: "I don't care if you learn anything else. You must not learn this spell."


Lin Ge didn't pay attention to what Uncle Jiu and the others were saying. After digging the coffin, he waved to Qiu Sheng and others: "Qiu Sheng is a talented man, come here and help."

"Okay." Qiu Sheng immediately stepped forward to help.

Wen Cai leaned next to Ren Tingting and was reluctant to leave. Uncle Jiu glared at him. Then he reluctantly walked towards Lin Ge, and together with Qiu Sheng, he pulled the rope Lin Ge showed up and tied to the coffin.

After the three of them worked together to pull up the coffin, Lin Ge pried open the coffin. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai took a look and said in surprise: "Wow, the corpse has not rotted in twenty years, and it has also gained weight!"

Lin Ge and Uncle Jiu stepped forward to take a look. Sure enough, as Qiu Shengwencai said, the corpse was actually fat, and the black nails on the hands on the chest were almost half as long as the fingers.

"Cover it quickly." Uncle Jiu urged.

Lin Ge echoed: "It's already turned into a corpse. Let's cover it first. Don't let the 'contractor' jump up and do a set of Tai Chi in a while. We all have to lie down."

Although Lin Ge expected that Mr. Ren’s body would not end well in the hands of Mr. Feng Shui, he did not expect that the zombification situation would be more serious than in the movie.

If we play for a few more days and find out, maybe a zombie king will pop up.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at Uncle Jiu and asked, "Master, what should we do now?"

"First... wait! Where is Mr. Feng Shui?" Uncle Jiu was about to go out first, but when he looked back, there was no Mr. Feng Shui anywhere.

Lin Ge's keen sense of smell could smell the evil energy on Mr. Feng Shui's body, and found that his distance had not changed, so he did not pay attention to whether he was still there. When he looked back, he saw that Mr. Feng Shui had disappeared.

However, Mr. Feng Shui took advantage of Lin Ge and others' attention to the body of Mr. Ren, and sneaked back into the cave inside and hid in the black mist.

Mr. Feng Shui was afraid of making any noise, so he tiptoed towards the cave in the fog. Lin Ge kneaded the secret and opened his eyes to take a look. When he saw this scene, he immediately heard a sentence.

Isn't this a fool?

"Hey, I'll give you one more chance. Come back obediently. When my senior brother and I dissipate the evil spirit from your body, we will let you go and be reincarnated." Lin Ge looked at the Feng Shui master who was running away with his back bent and shouted.

Mr. Feng Shui sneered and said: "How can the evil magic that I have cultivated by absorbing the power of ghosts and gods for twenty years be easily dissipated? Hahaha, Ren Weiyong has completely transformed into a corpse, and you can no longer change the outcome of the Ren family. I want the Ren family's Everyone died in the hands of their old master, hahaha!"

While he was talking, the black mist filling the cave inside swirled crazily, forming a strong tornado blocking the front of the cave.

"No, he wants to escape! Junior brother, he has practiced evil arts and has killed countless people over the years. We can't let him escape like this, otherwise the Ren family will definitely suffer because of this." Uncle Ninth already knew Lin Ge He could break the evil spirit formation, but he had no choice but to let Lin Ge take action.

Lin Ge nodded, took out a copper coin sword, kneaded the secret and rubbed it on the sword: "The world is infinite, the universe borrows the law, slays the evil and disperses it!"

Immediately after throwing the sword in his hand, the copper coin sword turned into a golden light and passed directly through the black mist tornado, accurately piercing Mr. Feng Shui's heart.

"A true man, I keep my word. If I say I want to save you, I will definitely save you." Lin Ge made a move with his hand and took the copper coin sword back into his hand.


Uncle Jiu sighed helplessly, this junior brother was fine in everything, but mentally a little abnormal.

After dealing with Mr. Feng Shui, now it’s the turn to deal with the body of Mr. Ren. It's okay to let Lin Ge slay demons and kill demons with a hammer, but let him start the altar to dissolve the corpse energy... Sorry, I don't have time to learn it yet.

To achieve salvation, Lin Ge only knows two ways, one is simple and rough, and the other is to perform a spell of "purifying heaven and earth". Whether it can be purified depends on luck.

Uncle Jiu walked around the coffin holding the compass, frowned and said, "It's more serious than I thought. Mr. Feng Shui must have tampered with Master Ren's body, so he can only move it back to Yizhuang first and think of a solution."

Wen Cai asked: "Since they have all turned into corpses, how dangerous is it to take them back? Can't we just burn them here?"

Uncle Jiu shook his head: "If we don't find a way to break Mr. Feng Shui's curse on Mr. Ren's body, the Ren family will always be eroded by this curse. Do you want to see Miss Ren living alone all her life?"

"How is this possible!" Wen Cai turned around and smiled at Ren Tingting: "Isn't it still me? How is it possible that..."

However, Wen Cai discovered that Ren Tingting didn't even look at him. She had been standing quietly behind Lin Ge, silently annotating Lin Ge.

"Oops..." Wen Cai felt something bad in his heart. If this trend continues, he won't have a young master's aunt, right?

Lin Ge created a long ladder that connected directly from the bottom of the cave to the entrance. He and Qiu Sheng climbed up first, and then asked Qiu Sheng to find Mr. Ren and ask someone to rescue the others.

After rescuing the people who fell into the hole one by one, Mr. Ren asked his servants and workers to set up a scaffolding and pulled up Mr. Ren's coffin.

As soon as Mr. Ren heard that Mr. Ren was about to turn into a zombie, his expression suddenly changed: "Uncle Jiu, Master Lin, you must find a way to save the Ren family!"

Uncle Jiu nodded and said: "Mr. Ren, we will do our best to resolve this crisis for the Ren family. You go back first. If there is anything else you need to do, I will let someone inform you."

Uncle Jiu had no better solution for the time being, so he could only respond first and let the Ren family carry Master Ren's coffin back to Yizhuang, and then make plans.

After Master Ren returned with his servants, Uncle Jiu turned around and called Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, and said: "Mr. Feng Shui is practicing evil skills in the tomb. I'm afraid that the villagers who disappeared when visiting the tomb in the past suffered from the mist ghosts. Although you guys Uncle Master has already dealt with the Feng Shui master, but for safety reasons, you can use incense to burn a plum blossom array at the entrance of the cave. Let me know how the incense turns out when you come back."

"Oh." Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai nodded immediately.

Uncle Jiu turned around and glanced around: "Here... each grave is covered with a stick of incense. If you encounter a grave with grass growing on it, please help clean it up to accumulate virtue."

"Oh." The two responded again.

Uncle Jiu walked to Lin Ge and said, "Junior brother, let's go, let's go back first."

Lin Ge glanced at the entire cemetery and said casually: "Senior brother, please go back first. I think the scenery is pretty good, so I plan to take a stroll and come back with Qiu Sheng and the others later."

The scenery is... nice?

Uncle Jiu glanced around. Perhaps because of the rumors that many people had gone missing while visiting the graves, few people had come to visit the graves in recent years, and grass had grown on many of the graves.

Is this also called a nice view?


Uncle Jiu sighed in his heart and made up his mind that if he couldn't cure his junior brother, he would write a letter to his senior brother and ask him to take action.

"Then... okay. Pay attention to safety. I will go back to Yizhuang to make preparations." Uncle Jiu warned.

After Uncle Jiu left, Lin Ge really started "wandering" on the mountain of graves, not because of the "nice scenery" but because of his keen sense of smell, which vaguely captured the smell of fog ghosts still lingering on the mountain.

It stands to reason that fog ghosts are the product of Mr. Feng Shui's practice of evil arts. If Mr. Feng Shui is gone, these fog ghosts should also be gone.

But Lin Ge could still smell the fog ghost's breath, which was obviously a problem.

Lin Ge searched for traces of the fog ghost on the tomb mountain, while Wencai lit a handful of incense and went to the entrance of the tomb to place a plum blossom array with incense according to the master's instructions.

Qiu Sheng moved faster and was responsible for clearing the weeds around the graves, and then burning three sticks of incense on each grave. When he arrived at the top of the grave, he saw the tombstone inscribed with "Tomb of Dong Shi Xiaoyu" and the dead next to it. Looking at the date, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's such a pity to die at the age of twenty. Come to Zhuxiang."

Qiu Sheng placed the incense in front of the tombstone, turned around and left. As soon as I turned around, I heard a faint female voice coming from behind: "Thank you."


Qiu Sheng was stunned, and when he looked back, he saw nothing. He thought he was hallucinating, and was about to turn around and leave when he saw a portrait of a girl gradually appearing on the tombstone, followed by another faint sound. A female voice came: "Thank you."

Qiu Sheng immediately realized that he had hit a ghost, and his face turned pale with fear. He turned around and ran towards Lin Ge on the top of the hill, shouting as he ran, "Uncle, help me, I've hit a ghost!"

Qiu Sheng ran to Lin Ge in one breath and said breathlessly: "Master, uncle, I, I hit a ghost."

"Male ghost or female ghost?" Lin Ge asked.

Qiu Sheng said in shock: "Female ghost."

"is it beautiful?"

"Well, it's pretty."

"Then why are you running?" Lin Ge held Luo Geng in his hands, staring at the pointer in the middle of Luo Geng, without raising his head, and said in a calm tone.

Qiu Sheng:? ? ?

"Uncle Master, that's a ghost. Even if it's a female ghost, she's still possessed by a ghost... Isn't it normal to not run away?"

Lin Ge raised his eyes and glanced at Qiu Sheng, then continued to lower his head to study Luo Geng, and said at the same time: "Forget it, even if you are a female ghost, you will treat it as if you don't know. Let's enjoy it in the gentle village first."

Qiu Sheng said: "How could I be such a person! Master has taught me and literary talents before that good and evil are opposites and we will fight for life. How could I be obsessed with ghosts?"

"I hope you remember what I said today."

"of course."

"If I count on my fingers, you will be slapped in the face in three days at most."

Qiu Sheng:......

Qiu Sheng was about to refute Lin Ge, but when he saw Wen Cai shouting "Uncle Master is not good", he reacted as if he had seen a ghost and hurriedly ran up the hill.

"Is the incense burned out?" Lin Ge asked.

Wen Cai quickly took out the incense and said: "I followed Master's instructions to place a plum blossom array with incense at the entrance of the tomb, but the incense in the center of the town ended up like this!"

As he said that, Wen Cai took out three incense sticks, only to find that two of the three incense sticks were missing half, and the other one was broken after only burning a little, leaving two short and one long.

At this time, Luo Geng, one of Lin's singers, also pointed the pointer at a tombstone below. Lin Ge said, "Let's go, take it back and show it to your master."

With that said, he walked down the mountain and walked to the tombstone indicated by the pointer, which was clearly engraved with "Tomb of Dong Shi Xiaoyu".

When Qiu Sheng saw Lin Ge stopping in front of the tombstone, he quickly leaned into Lin Ge's ear and said, "Uncle, there is a female ghost's voice in this tomb."


Suddenly, the three sticks of incense that Qiu Sheng had placed in front of the tombstone were extinguished.

Lin Ge thought for a moment and said, "Go and light the incense again."

"Ah? Do you want some more?" Qiu Sheng felt a little conflicted when he found out that the tomb was haunted. After all, no matter how beautiful he was, he was still a ghost. How could he be bewitched by a ghost like his uncle said?

"Point." Lin Ge said.

Now that his uncle had said so, Qiu Sheng could only step forward, take out the fire sticks and light incense. As a result, the incense that had just been lit went out with another "chi" sound.

"More." Lin Ge said again.

Qiu Sheng lit it several times, only to find that the incense was "blown" out as soon as it burned.

Qiu Sheng turned around and looked at Lin Ge helplessly: "Uncle."

"Let me do it." Lin Ge stepped forward, took the fire stick, put it on the incense, and lit the incense easily, and this time the incense was not extinguished again.

Qiu Sheng had a feeling of being rejected, and said dissatisfiedly: "No, is this okay? Although I'm not as good-looking as my uncle, I'm not bad, right? Wen Cai, come here and let's compare."

Wencai: ...Get out.

Lin Ge stood aside with his hands folded, looking at the tombstone with interest, when he heard a voice coming from the tombstone: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Lin Ge replied casually.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were not as calm as Lin Ge. When they heard the female ghost's voice, they hurried away from the tombstone. However, at this moment, they were surprised to find that a faint black smoke slowly floated out of the yellow cloth bag that Lin Ge hung on his body, condensing into a blood-red mirror at his feet.

Immediately afterwards, a pale, slender female hand stretched out from the blood-red mirror, reached out and grabbed three sticks of incense in front of the tombstone, and threw it away, which had a strong meaning of "you are eating shit".

Then, the red mirror flew to the tombstone, and with a flick of his finger, there was a "clang" sound, and half of the stone tombstone flew away, leaving only half of it.


Lin Ge did not make any move, and continued to stare at the tombstone with his hands folded. However, until the red mirror disappeared, he did not see any reaction from the female ghost in the tombstone.

"My whole family has been overthrown and I still don't show up. Is there really something wrong with Luo Geng?" Although Lin Ge knew that there must be some fish that slipped through the net, but if the other party doesn't come out, it can't do anything for the time being.

You can't really dig up grave after grave here to look for ghosts, right?

"Let's go." Lin Ge said to Qiu Shengwencai, and then walked down the mountain.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other blankly. Qiu Sheng swallowed and suppressed the fear in his heart. However, he couldn't hold back his curiosity and hurriedly chased after him and asked: "Uncle, what was that just now?"

"Yes, we seemed to... see a hand, a very beautiful hand, stretched out from the mirror." Wen Cai agreed.

"Is there any? You are dazzled."

"Uncle Master!"

"Uncle Master!"

The two of them pestered Lin Ge all the way, but until they returned to Yizhuang, they couldn't get any useful clues from Lin Ge.

It was already evening when we returned to Yizhuang. Although he had been tired for a day, Mr. Ren could turn into a zombie at any time and he could not just leave it alone.

Several people from Yizhuang dragged their tired bodies to the coffin to discuss countermeasures, while Lin Ge leaned against the doorpost full of energy, holding an apple and chewing on it.

Uncle Jiu took the incense brought back by Wen Cai and said solemnly: "People are most afraid of three long and two short, and the most taboo about incense is two short and one long. The fact that it burned like this shows the strength of the curse cast by Mr. Feng Shui."

Wen Cai asked: "Master, what will happen if the incense is burned like this?"

Uncle Jiu said: "If this incense comes out of the house, someone must be mourning."

"Is this Mr. Ren's house?" Wen Cai asked.

Uncle Jiu scolded: "Nonsense, could it be here?"

Wencai looked at Qiu Sheng aside and shrugged: "It's none of my business, so I don't have to worry about it."

Qiu Sheng asked, "Will Master Ren's daughter be affected?"

Before Uncle Jiu could answer, Wencai said first: "Nonsense, Master said it was the Ren family, so everyone named Ren must be in danger...ah! Tingting!"

Wencai was about to step forward to ask his master for help, but Qiu Sheng grabbed him: "Ting, what's Ting? Didn't you say that it's none of your business, so you don't have to worry about it?"

Wen Cai opened Qiu Sheng's book and said, "You can't say that. As the saying goes, a hero saves a beautiful woman. If he pledges himself to save his sweetheart, marriage will not be a problem."

"But have others looked at you?" Qiu Sheng asked.

"So what, I have a sincere heart." Wen Cai said seriously.

Qiu Sheng said disdainfully: "But you don't have the face of my uncle."


"That's enough. Mr. Ren is lying here, and you are plotting against his granddaughter. You are not afraid that Mr. Ren will jump up and take you two down." Uncle Jiu scolded angrily.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai immediately came forward and said, "Yes, Master, we can't just leave the old man to his corpse. Is there any good way?"

"I have been thinking about it for a long time, otherwise why would I bring the coffin back? The reason why the corpse turns into a zombie is because it has one more breath. When you are angry, suffocated, and suffocated before death, this breath will be held in the throat, plus The unwillingness and regret during his lifetime gradually turned this energy into resentment, and even evil spirits."

After a pause, Uncle Jiu continued: "I don't know if Mrs. Ren was unwilling to give in during his lifetime, but after being tortured by Mr. Feng Shui, the qi that was held in his throat has turned into evil energy and spread all over the body. And this evil energy is also just right. This is where Mr. Feng Shui takes action.”

"If we can't resolve the evil spirit, we can't break the curse. If we can't break the curse, we can't change the feng shui of the Ren family."

Wen Cai said anxiously: "Master, you must find a way to help the Ren family, help Tingting, and contribute to your apprentice's lifelong events."

Uncle Jiu glanced at Wencai sideways, as if to say, "If there is a way, why am I still worrying about this?"

Wencai wanted to say something else, but Uncle Jiu glared back.

For a moment, the room fell into silence.

"Brother, is there a solution?" Lin Ge broke the silence.

Uncle Jiu thought for a while, shook his head and sighed: "We can only try it first. Qiu Sheng, a literary talent, prepare paper, pen, ink, knife and sword."

Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked at their master in confusion and asked in unison: "What?"

Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes speechlessly and said helplessly: "Yellow paper, red pen, black ink, real sword, wooden sword. Is this your first time doing this kind of thing? Can't you even remember this?"

Wencai muttered: "Master, you didn't know how to speak word for word before."

Qiu Sheng nodded seriously: "That's right."

"Go quickly!" Uncle Jiu scolded.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng quickly prepared what Uncle Jiu needed. Uncle Jiu grabbed the rooster, holding its wings with one hand and holding its head with the other.

Qiu Sheng came forward with a knife and wiped the chicken's neck.

Uncle Jiu put a whole bowl of chicken blood in. After putting the bowl down, he walked to the altar, raised his hands to perform the magic formula, picked up a few grains of rice from a bowl of glutinous rice, and burned it on a red candle. Instantly it burned on my fingertips.

Then, Uncle Jiu flicked the burning rice grains into the bowl of chicken blood, and with a "whoosh" sound, the entire bowl of chicken blood ignited under the influence of the technique.

Uncle Jiu picked up the bamboo tube with ink on the side, poured the ink into the chicken blood bowl, pressed the hand on the mouth of the bowl with his right hand for a few times, and then mixed the chicken blood and ink evenly with his fingers.

Finally, Uncle Jiu took a Bagua mirror and placed it on the chicken blood bowl. He made a seal with both hands and lifted the bowl with an ink fountain placed underneath. He carefully moved the Bagua mirror up to expose a slit, allowing the chicken blood ink to drip into the ink fountain. The white thread in the ink fountain was instantly dyed black and red.

Wencai saw his master's movements flowing smoothly. This was the first time he had seen such an operation in so many years. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Master, what is this?"

Uncle Jiu glanced at Wen Cai sideways and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He picked up the ink fountain and checked whether the white lines inside were stained with chicken blood ink.

At this time, Lin Ge came up and asked, "Senior brother, what do you mean by this cool operation?"

Uncle Jiu evenly smoothed the ink fountain line in his hand and replied patiently: "Chicken blood suppresses evil spirits, and cinnabar red pen ink drives away evil spirits. I want to mix the two, blend them into the ink fountain, and then flick the ink line on the coffin. In order to delay the speed of the zombie transformation of Old Mrs. Ren's body. Alas. The best way now is to burn Old Mrs. Ren's body with fire to prevent him from turning into a zombie. However, I don't know that Mr. Feng Shui has tampered with it and can't find a way to lift the curse. , the Ren family will also suffer."

Lin Ge bit the apple and nodded: "I understand, using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and accepting Master Ren's money, naturally I have to help them get things done."

Uncle Jiu nodded. Although Lin Ge's words sounded a bit philistine, they were rough and unreasonable. Even if Uncle Jiu served the country and the people righteously, he still had to eat.

Uncle Jiu handed the ink fountain to Qiu Sheng: "You two flick the ink on the coffin. Remember, it should be in a net shape. The entire coffin must be on the line. Don't miss anything."

While Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were playing with ink, Lin Ge warned from the side: "Don't forget that the bottom plate under the coffin should also be filled with ink."

The reason why he reminded him was because the two unreliable guys in the movie forgot to shoot under the coffin, which caused Mr. Ren to turn into a zombie and ran out, killing Mr. Ren and causing a series of incidents.

Although Lin Ge could have found a way to turn Mr. Ren into a zombie king and then take the opportunity to complete the main mission, he considered that this reincarnation was in "Zombie World" and not "Mr. Zombie". Thinking of the clues left by his master, he decided to first "Hold it" and let the old lady turn into a corpse until we find a chance to meet the master's past life.

After all, according to the master, every "he" in the world of reincarnation is a spiritual consciousness. Maybe the four-eyed Taoist priest in this world also has a crucial clue.

"Oh." Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai quickly responded.

Just as Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were playing ink, a villager knocked on the door of the courtyard: "Uncle Jiu, something is wrong, Uncle Jiu, Uncle Jiu, something happened, Uncle Jiu!"

Lin Ge:......

Is this "dead memories suddenly started attacking me"? Why is there always "Junior Brother Sha" in the world where Uncle Ying lives?

Brothers, the Volume Assassin is back again...

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